Top News:

Facebook changes advertising policies for Instant Articles to let publishers include more ads in each article, and sell Facebook-only campaigns to marketers — Facebook Bends to Publishers, Tweaks Instant Articles Advertising — Publishers said restrictions made it too hard for them to generate revenue
MediaNama, The Whip, @jackmarshall and FishbowlNY

Facebook and Fairfax Media team up on Instant Articles — Facebook is partnering with Fairfax Media as the social media giant continues the global rollout of Instant Articles. — The service hosts news articles on Facebook's News Feed so readers don't have to click through to another website.
National Business Review and mUmBRELLA

Dutch pay-per-article startup Blendle plans beta launch in US in early 2016, will announce publishers later, will hire editor in chief and journalist curators — Blendle, the Dutch ‘iTunes for news,’ will launch in the U.S. early next year — Blendle, a Dutch “digital newsstand” …
Nieman Lab,, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, New York Times and Politico

ISIS creates propaganda app with news reader functions to spread its message — Welcome to the Future of War: ISIS Has a Smartphone App — In YouTube videos depicting its rule, in Twitter messages spreading its ideology, and in chat rooms winning new recruits, the Islamic State …
New York Times, @mike_giglio, @michaelssmithii,,, Tech Times, The Times, and

Profile of Martha Nelson, chief of Yahoo media and ex-Time Inc. editor in chief, who faces challenges as Yahoo plans to spin off core assets — As Yahoo roils, Martha Nelson stays focused on media — When Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer hired former Time Inc. bigwig Martha Nelson over the summer …
@moorehn, Business Insider, @dangillmor, The Wrap, New York Times, @mccarthyryanj, @joepompeo, Ad Age and Forbes

Yahoo scraps Alibaba spinoff plan, will spin off core assets including stake in Yahoo Japan; Max Levchin resigns from board
New York Times, Business Insider, Forbes, @scottmaustin, USA Today, Bloomberg Business, ThinkProgress, Computerworld, Wall Street Journal, Telegraph, SFist, Washington Post, Tech Times, Ad Age, SiliconANGLE, Street Fight, Bloomberg View, @mlevchin, TIME, Mercury News, Re/code, 89.3 KPCC, Fortune, CNBC, Reuters, Light Reading, MarketWatch,, @vindugoel, Quartz, Computerworld, Hollywood Reporter, BBC, San Francisco Chronicle, USA Today, US News, CBS Dallas, Asia Stocks to Watch, Slate, Chicago Tribune, Ars Technica, Wired, Poynter, NPR, ZDNet, Guardian, Engadget, Fortune, Forbes, Concurrent Media, Deadline, Business Insider, @scottthurm, @scottthurm, TechCrunch, Business Wire, Re/code, Variety, Los Angeles Times, Fast Company, Gizmodo, The Verge, Associated Press, Talking Biz News, Reuters, Washington Post, Benzinga,, The Next Web, Mashable, Yahoo! Finance, BBC, CNBC, Wall Street Journal and KCCI-TV

Negotiations between Apple and TV programmers stalled over Apple TV because of disagreements on the mix of channels to be included in bundles — Why Apple Walked Away From TV (For Now) — Yes, Apple has walked away from the negotiating table with the TV guys, which means you won't be getting …
Concurrent Media, SiliconANGLE, Forbes, 9to5Mac, @waltmossberg, MacRumors, Mashable, @jessicalessin, @pkafka, Neowin, AppleInsider, TechHive, DSLreports and Fortune

CBS CEO Les Moonves says Apple puts live TV plans on hold; source says media firms want more money for their programming
AppleInsider, Re/code, SlashGear, Daily Mail, App Advice, Forbes, SiliconANGLE, MacRumors, The Verge, Business Insider, Fortune, Tech Insider, DSLreports, International Business Times, Multichannel News, ValueWalkValueWalk, Pocket-lint, Daring Fireball, American Press Institute and Engadget

YouTube's new Trending tab shows you viral videos “as they take off”, on iOS, Android, and desktop — YouTube's new trending tab shows you viral videos ‘as they take off’ — YouTube has long showcased popular videos on its homepage. Now, the company's algorithm …
YouTube Blog, YouTube Trends, Android Police, The Verge and Technology Personalized

Sources: Airbnb in talks with Hearst to launch new travel magazine, after its quarterly magazine Pineapple, launched in November 2014, ended after one issue — Here's What Happened to Pineapple, Airbnb's One-Off Print Magazine — Home-rental company is now in talks with Hearst for a joint venture
WWD and Fast Company

Google to start sending search traffic to AMP pages as early as February 2016, announces new partners including LINE, Viber, and Tango — Continued Momentum For The AMP Project — The AMP effort is building both momentum and speed. There has been significant progress not only since …
Pinterest Engineering Blog, ZDNet, Fortune, The Next Web, WebProNews, Adweek, Search Engine Land, Medium and VentureBeat

One month after the Wall Street Journal's launch of its WSJ City app in London, Editor Phillipa Leighton-Jones talks about lessons learned — ‘A delicate balancing act’: The WSJ City approach to mobile news — WSJ City launched at the beginning of November as a “whole new concept” …

GunTV, a shopping network for firearms, to launch in January on cable and satellite — Selling Guns on a 24-Hour TV Network — Two television entrepreneurs in California think they have just what America needs: a 24-hour shopping channel for guns. — Using the tag line “Live Shopping.
Syracuse Post-Standard, Newser, Examiner, New York Daily News, Newsweek and The Atlantic

News developers from The New York Times and NPR built Elex, an open-source program that works with AP's new elections API — NPR and The New York Times teamed up to make election reporting faster — Although its monopoly on election night race calls has weakened in recent years …

Washington Post staffers and alumni mark last day in old building before they move three blocks to new offices — WashPo legends and a band march out of old headquarters — The Washington Post reporters and editors spent their last day in the building they have called home since 1950 with a mix of nostalgia and humor.

European Commission to examine whether aggregators should have to pay for displaying snippets of news articles — Google faces Brussels move on ‘snippet tax’ for news — Google faces another regulatory confrontation with Brussels after the European Commission said it will examine whether services …
Reuters, Boing Boing and @retiario

Europe to create a digital single market in which digital content can be temporarily viewed throughout the EU regardless of European country of purchase
Advanced Television, Plagiarism Today, Out-Law News, Pocket-lint,, Guardian, @footballlaw, @jamie_love, Out-Law News, DW.COM, The Register, IT PRO, Hollywood Reporter,, Politico, @theresamep, Bookseller News, BBC, Variety, Computer Business Review, International Business Times, VentureBeat, The Irish Times, Broadband TV News,, Total Telecom, Politico,, Channel NewsAsia,, Ars Technica, EU Press Room, TBI Vision, EU Press Room, Telegraph, @kostasrossoglou, CNBC, EU Press Room, Hollywood Reporter, Advanced Television, TorrentFreak, Finextra Research news, Forbes and Reuters