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Sources: casino operator Sheldon Adelson is mystery buyer of The Las Vegas Review-Journal — Yes, Sheldon Adelson Bought The Las Vegas Review-Journal — For nearly a week, the media and political worlds have been wondering who paid $140 million to purchase Nevada's largest daily newspaper, The Las Vegas Review-Journal.
New York Times, Gawker, Wall Street Journal, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Los Angeles Times, @ralstonreports, @ralstonreports, @ralstonreports, Poynter, Techdirt, @sshackford, NPR, Mother Jones, @davidfolkenflik, @thefree_lance, @radiochio, @cjr, The New York Observer, USA Today, @ralstonreports, @ralstonreports, Talking Points Memo, @brianstelter, @chrisgeidner, @mdudas, @glenn_cooknv, The Huffington Post, Washington Post, CBS News, New Republic, KUNR,, SPJ News, @_jrobison, @ralstonreports and @jayrosen_nyu

Sources: Adelson's son-in-law Patrick Dumont arranged $140M purchase of Las Vegas Review-Journal on Adelson's behalf — Adelson son-in-law orchestrated family's purchase of Las Vegas Review-Journal — The son-in-law of billionaire casino owner Sheldon Adelson arranged the $140 million purchase …

Adelson responded Tuesday to speculation he bought LVRJ with a not-quite-definitive “I have no personal interest” — Sheldon Adelson responds to speculation he bought Las Vegas paper — “I have no personal interest” in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, billionaire casino mogul Sheldon Adelson …

Pandora to pay royalty of 17 cents per 100 songs, up from 14 cents, after copyright board decision, with rates rising with inflation through 2020 — Copyright tribunal slaps Pandora with 20 percent rate increase — A little-known panel of judges determines what Internet radio must pay.
Los Angeles Times, The Wrap, Re/code, Washington Post, RAIN News, New York Times, Variety, and Tech Trader Daily

Brazil imposes 48-hour block on WhatsApp for failing to cooperate in criminal investigation; rival app Telegram says it gained 1.5M+ users there in a day — Brazil Just Blocked WhatsApp Despite Almost Everyone In Brazil Using It — A court has blocked the app that 93% of Brazil's internet users depend …
Gizmodo, @telegram, The Next Web, CNET, Re/code, Reuters, Jan Koum, @hayesbrown, @jakelaperruque, VentureBeat, TechCrunch and The Verge

FBI Director James Comey calls media reports that San Bernardino shooters posted publicly on social media about jihad a “garble” — The FBI just blasted reporting on the San Bernardino killings — A whoa moment here: FBI Director James B. Comey today told the media …
Slate, @erikwemple, @marciahofmann, Guardian, @erikwemple, Mother Jones, The Verge, @jayrosen_nyu, @jayrosen_nyu, @getnickwright, @reporterfaith, @tchop_stl, @dangillmor and BuzzFeed

Instant Articles Launches to Everyone on Android, with More Than 350 Publications Globally — We're excited to announce that everyone who uses the Facebook for Android app can now read thousands of Instant Articles every day in News Feed from publishers worldwide.
Fortune, SlashGear, Mashable, SocialTimes, The Verge, Engadget,, The Next Web, BuzzFeed and

Atavist cuts half its staff and searches for a sustainable path as funding dries up — The past couple of years have not been kind to publishing-related startups. Byliner publicly fell apart before being acquired. Social reading platform Readmill was acquired by Dropbox and shut down.
FishbowlNY, @justinnxt, @marklotto, @sarahw, @laurahazardowen and @rafat

Australian court blocks Voltage Pictures' efforts to access details of people it says illegally downloaded Dallas Buyers Club — Court throws out Dallas Buyers Club piracy case — A scene from the Oscar-winning film Dallas Buyers Club Photo Credit: Anne Marie Fox / Focus Features
iTnews, CNET, Plagiarism Today, Crikey, Wall Street Journal, Gizmodo Australia, Lifehacker Australia,, TorrentFreak and Guardian

If Alibaba's Jack Ma is serious about improving perceptions of China, he should give The South China Morning Post the freedom to report on good and bad aspects — Propaganda Won't Pay for Alibaba — Late Friday night, Alibaba's Jack Ma joined Amazon's Jeff Bezos as the latest tech billionaire …
@haidilun, @adamcathcart, @adamminter, Financial Times, Foreign Policy, China Digital Times, @camfreck, @aaronback and @jeremy_maxie

Spotify adds curated party playlists and a “mood tuner”, available now for Android and iOS — Spotify can play DJ at your next party — A new feature called Spotify Party plays a lineup of professionally picked tunes and lets you choose your music based on the mood you're hoping to set.
Discussion:, Mashable, Wired, Engadget, VentureBeat, The Verge and TechCrunch

Charlie Hebdo to give the $4M in donations it has received to victims of January attack — Charlie Hebdo giving all $4 million in donations to victims — 1 photo — PARIS (AP) — Charlie Hebdo, the satirical newspaper whose staff was decimated by Islamic extremist gunmen and then beset …
Washington Post

Evgeny Lebedev sounds out interest in cut-price national the i — Market rumours suggest News UK and Trinity Mirror could be potential buyers of the successful title launched in 2010 — The publisher of the i is understood to have sounded out media groups about a potential sale …

Daily Mirror looks at launching cheaper tabloid newspaper
Press Gazette