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ESPN and Vice News team up to produce sports shows together and exchange content across TV and digital properties — Vice and ESPN Team Up to Produce Sports Shows — Partnership, which also involves swapping content, shows deepening relationship between Walt Disney Co. and Vice
Adweek, Washington Post, Variety, Fortune, Wall Street Journal, International Business Times, Los Angeles Times, ESPN MediaZone, Rapid TV News, Sporting News, Mashable, Salt Lake Tribune, New York Magazine, Awful Announcing, Broadcasting & Cable, Hollywood Reporter, The Wrap, Deadline, TVNewser, Multichannel News, WWD, HYPEBEAST and NetNewsCheck Latest

The New York Times now depends on readers for 57% of its revenue — Behind today's Times numbers: reader revenue — If there were any doubt about the importance of reader revenue to the future of The New York Times - and most of the news publishing business - consider these numbers …
Ad Age, New York Post, Reuters, MarketWatch, Bloomberg, Sonoran Weekly Review, Financialbuzz,, @johngapper, Politico, The Wrap, Business Wire, Adweek, @mathewi, @mathewi, @raju and @mathewi

Tampa Bay Times buys and closes Tampa Tribune, ending a 29-year competitive battle; at least 100 layoffs are expected — Tampa Bay Times buys and folds the Tampa Tribune — The Poynter-owned Tampa Bay Times announced Monday afternoon that it has acquired The Tampa Tribune …
WFLA-TV, USA Today, American Spectator, Tampa Bay Times, Tampa Bay Business Journal, Florida Today, Wall Street Journal, @jbenton, Associated Press, Florida Trend, Creative Loafing, Orlando Weekly, Tampa, FL Patch, Tampa Bay Times, FishbowlNY, The Wrap, Media Life Magazine, @bubbaprog, Talking New Media, @writerkev, @klerner, @mathewi, @timafranklin, @philgrogers, @ortizkicks, @judybattista, @philwillon, @stevebuttry, @daviduberti, @mathewi, Associated Press, @davidfolkenflik and @davidfolkenflik

Former contractors who curated Facebook's “trending” news section describe preferred media outlets, “Twitter” censorship, layoffs, more — Want to Know What Facebook Really Thinks of Journalists? Here's What Happened When It Hired Some.
Daring Fireball, Breitbart, The Inquisitr News, Tech Insider, @nxthompson, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, New York Magazine, Mediaite, @theinsneider, @mikaelthalen, @mikeisaac, Re/code, @ninjaeconomics, @prisonplanet, Fast Company, @cernovich, @iainmanley, @anjiecast, @kifleswing, @nelliebowles, @mat, @zeynep, @zeynep, @jwherrman, @douthatnyt, @libbycwatson, @derektmead, @wfederman, @twittner, @perlberg, @justinjm1, @johnjcook, @chillmage, @jtotheizzoe, @mathewi, @rafat, @carlfranzen, @chanders, @binarybits, @jbenton, @laurahazardowen, @katiedrumm, @tomiogeron, @rjmarvin1, @carlfranzen, @erikmal, @whatthebit, @kimfox, @abeaujon, @anthonyquintano, @kerrymflynn, @ylichterman, @patbits, @justinjm1, @daweiner, @eringriffith and @mathewi

Apple to Revamp Streaming Music Service After Mixed Reviews, Departures — Music service to get new interface at developers conference. — Apple Inc. is planning sweeping changes to its year-old music streaming service after the first iteration of the product was met with tepid reviews …
AppleInsider, ZDNet, BGR, @sterlewine, Fortune, @bmccandless, Ubergizmo, Business Insider, MacRumors, Gizmodo, 9to5Mac and The Verge

Time Warner Q1: revenue up 3% to $7.3B, HBO revenue up 8% to $1.5B, Turner Networks revenue up 7% to $2.9B, Warner Bros. revenue down 3% to $3.1B — HBO, Turner Lift Time Warner Earnings … HBO and Turner Networks boosted earnings at Time Warner during the first quarter of 2016 …
Deadline, Broadcasting & Cable, Hollywood Reporter, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, CNBC and Fortune

Adobe acquires LiveFyre, plans to use user-generated content tech for client apps, sites; Storify, other products to be integrated into Adobe marketing services — Adobe is buying Livefyre so brands can have more free content — Adobe has acquired marketing startup Livefyre for an undisclosed sum …
One Man & His Blog, Adweek, Business Wire, @marissa, @matthewpurdon, @davidjrodriguez, Fortune, MediaPost, Marketing Land, CNET, TechCrunch, VentureBeat and ZDNet

Nepal revokes Canadian citizen Robert Penner's work visa after he wrote about Nepalese politics on social media and seeks “voluntary departure” by Thursday — Nepal Asks Canadian Citizen To Leave The Country For Tweeting About Its Politics — The government has revoked Robert …
CBC News, Committee to Protect …, Agence France-Presse, Wall Street Journal, Associated Press, Globe and Mail, New York Times, New York Times, National Post, BBC, Canadian Press, Globe and Mail, IOL, Asian Correspondent, VICE News, Review Nepal News, and @miriamelder

In internal memo, Boston Globe editor Brian McGrory announces new round of buyouts — Boston Globe announces buyouts, again — Another round of buyouts is coming to The Boston Globe as the newspaper seeks to reinvent its strategy and coverage priorities in advance of a move to new downtown offices.
Media Nation, Boston, MA Patch, @raju, Media Life Magazine and The Wrap

SecureDrop makes leaking to Fairfax Media safe from metadata capture — Australian journalists make a promise to their confidential sources to protect their identity “in all circumstances”. But snooping by the Australian government and security agencies under metadata retention laws have made that promise much more difficult to keep.
@paulwiggins, @leesebkk, @rachdexter64, @scowlishaw, @freedomofpress and Crikey

CBS beats Q1 estimates with profit of $473M, up 20% YoY, on revenue of $3.85B, boosted by NFL, carriage deals, political ads; Simon & Schuster revenue flat — CBS Credits Strong Ad Market And Super Bowl For Help With Q1 Earnings Beat — Wall Street had high expectations for CBS' Q1 numbers …

AP's Race and Ethnicity Editor Sues AP Over Racial Discrimination — Longtime Associated Press journalist Sonya Ross has sued the AP for race, sex and age discrimination and retaliation, alleging that she has worked under a “hostile and abusive” environment in the news service's Washington bureau.
Washington Times, City Desk, Guardian and National Law Journal