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Sources: Fox in eight-figure settlement talks with Gretchen Carlson over Ailes lawsuit; tapes of Ailes in conversation with multiple women could become public — In the subterranean newsroom, fear is everywhere. “Hacking was bad,” says one person familiar with the internal investigation.

Fox News host Andrea Tantaros says she was taken off the air after making sexual harassment claims against Roger Ailes — Fox News' senior executives have said they were unaware of sexual-harassment allegations against Roger Ailes before former anchor Gretchen Carlson filed a lawsuit against him in July.
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Sources: Fox News presenters and producers feared Ailes had tapped their phones and was monitoring their conversations — Until recently, getting Fox News employees to talk could be tough. — Before former host Gretchen Carlson accused her boss, now former-Fox News CEO Roger Ailes …
The Wrap, Mediaite, @kia_mak, @justinjm1, @gideonresnick, @margarita, @igorbobic, @annehelen, @bristei, @elspethreeve, @davidfolkenflik and CNNMoney

Sources: Tantaros's initial allegations of inappropriate behaviour didn't name Ailes, complaints only made after Fox News accused her of breach of contract — Through a lawyer, Tantaros has alleged her removal was retaliation for complaints against Roger Ailes.
The Week, New York Magazine and @kyletblaine

Margaret Sullivan defends John Oliver against NAA broadside, says Chavern should be grateful for a hilarious and poignant celebration of the news industry — John Oliver's 19-minute riff about what's become of local newspapers made me laugh. Parts of it also made me want to cry.
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David Chavern, CEO and president of the Newspaper Association of America, takes John Oliver to task for petty insults and stating the obvious about journalism — Last night John Oliver decided to take on local newspaper journalism. I actually loved how the piece starts.
Polis, Politico, Bloomberg, @rafat, @charliebeckett, @alansmurray, @mtdukes, Maggie Shnayerson, @pmarca, @postbaron, @jayrosen_nyu, The Drum, Techdirt, @dataeditor, @enjus, @espiers, @dan_adams86, @nivo0o0, The Wrap, Wall Street Journal, Fortune, @hadas_gold, Talking New Media, @jbenton and @anthonyha

News Corp. Chief Exec predicts real estate revenue will become biggest driver of company earnings in future, after real estate services grow 32% YoY to $US822M — News Corporation chief executive Robert Thomson has tipped real estate businesses, led by REA, Move and iProperty, to become the biggest driver of earnings in the future.
RELATED: to suspend operations from Aug 31, after First Look Media decides to end relationship; team is considering options, like launching as an independent — to suspend operations August 31 — To friends and supporters of — It is with great regret …
Fortune, Nieman Lab, @alexmleo, @mathewi, @mathewi, @jbenton, @jayrosen_nyu, Current, VentureBeat, @marklittlenews, @nycjim, @emilybell, Media Wire Daily, @mathewi, @mathewi, @broderick, @carlzimmer, @iansanders, @frittaker, @mantzarlis, @ahmed, @raju, @astroehlein, @moneyries, @vivian and @acarvin

How conservative news sites like the Drudge Report have resurfaced photos and videos of Hillary Clinton to stir up false controversy about her health — The first week of August was a rough one for Donald Trump's campaign; by coincidence, it was also a busy one for Trump supporters, who see a media coverup protecting Hillary Clinton.
The American Mirror, CNNMoney, Politicus USA, Media Matters for America, Mediaite, WorldNetDaily, Talking Points Memo, Independent Journal Review, Boing Boing, @abbydphillip, @aaronwiener, @glennkesslerwp, @dylanlscott, @cernovich, @daviduberti, @postpolitics, @daveweigel, @amandamarcotte and @daveweigel

Joshua Topolsky tries to explain The Outline: like The New Yorker, but for younger readers that “eat farm-to-table food” — Don't call Josh Topolsky's just-announced The Outline “a New Yorker for millennials.” Or do. The 38-year-old digital media veteran of Engadget …
FishbowlNY, Poynter, @shaneferro, @gaberivera, @stephmbuck, @charliebeckett, @id_gordon, @caseyjohnston, @johnness, @mattrosoff, @shansquared, @rdmurphy, @marisakabas, @thestalwart and @sammcooney

Tribune Media reports Q2 loss of $161.6M, due to $193M income tax charges related to 2008 Newsday sale to Cablevision — The company, led by CEO Peter Liguori, is hit by income tax charges of $193 million related to a 2008 newspaper deal and reiterates its full-year outlook …
Broadcasting & Cable, Radio & Television …, The Wrap and

Amid US election season, some news organizations rethink traditional standards on profanity — Several major U.S. news organizations have similar standards governing the use of profanity. In general, swear words can run with approval, in quotes and when absolutely essential to the meaning of the story.