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Former Gawker EIC Max Read reflects on who really caused Gawker's demise, pointing to Nick Denton, A.J. Daulerio, Peter Thiel, himself, and others — Or was it Nick Denton? Hulk Hogan? Peter Thiel? Or the internet? — It feels a bit strange to say this now, but in the spring of 2014 …
Vox, NPR, @romromberts, @caityweaver, @morganmpage, @leahfinnegan, @loudmouthjulia, @max_read, @mlcalderone, @tedhartii, @matthaber, @caseynewton, @evelovesluxury, @becket, @annehelen, @bendwilliams and Associated Press

Former Gawker editor A.J. Daulerio condemns Peter Thiel for funding lawyers to chase his “meager assets” — A.J. Daulerio, the ex-Gawker editor who wrote the 2012 story that originally included an excerpt of the Hulk Hogan sex tape he and his employer were successfully sued over, lashed out at Peter Thiel on Thursday.
@benjaminnorton, @dangillmor and @trevortimm

Gawker staffers Pareene, Nolan, Feinberg, and Sargent are moving to Deadspin; Trotter, Galperina, and Hongo go to Gizmodo, while others join Jezebel — If there is a silver lining for writers and editors at Gawker Media's flagship site, which will cease operations next week, it's that, for now, they still have jobs.
Guardian, The Baffler, @davidfolkenflik and Talking Points Memo

In memo, Gawker's Nick Denton says he will not join Univision and is getting out of news and gossip business
Politico, @leojcarey, @jeremymbarr, The Week, Fortune, Business Insider, @ggreenwald, @jeffsharlet, @tomkludt and @thekarami

Univision formally announces Gawker Media acquisition for $135M, will not operate
Digiday, MediaShift, Guardian, Esquire, Digiday, KABE-LP, The Drum, @nicknotned, New York Magazine, Melville House Books, Awful Announcing, @pkafka and Gawker incubated writers who wrote with fearlessness and style, influencing broader web
Slate, @dlboardman, MediaVidea, The Huffington Post, TechCrunch, @jkottke, NPR, @mobute, @thefix, @kdoctor, The Stranger …, @dangillmor, @gaberivera, @longform, @willoremus, @nicknotned, Hot Air, Daring Fireball, @jbenton, @dangillmor, @abeaujon, Popehat, @darkcityfm and Code Words

Two Ailes assistants left Fox News this week, and contract hasn't been renewed for private eye and on-air contributor Bo Dietl — The Fox News housecleaning continues. — Two more executives closely associated with ex-chairman Roger Ailes, Brigette Boyle and Nikole King, left the network this week.
The Daily Beast, TVNewser, CNNMoney, FTVLive, @brianstelter, @brianstelter, New York Daily News and Inside Cable News

HarperCollins still plans to publish Roger Ailes' memoir, depending on how frank he is; it's unclear if an NDA prevents him from discussing his ouster from Fox — Publisher still sees potential for Ailes's book despite his ouster from Fox News—another branch of the Murdoch media empire
@jbflint, @asharma, FTVLive, @brianstelter and @gabrielsherman

Gretchen Carlson is close to settling sexual harassment case against Roger Ailes, but she should go to court to keep issues she exposed in the public eye — For Gretchen Carlson, a big settlement in her sexual harassment lawsuit against Roger Ailes might be the best outcome personally.

Sources: Pandora nears licensing deals with major record companies for on-demand streaming; $10 per month would give subscribers unlimited access to tracks — The internet radio service is aiming to start offering new paid tiers as soon as next month — Pandora Media Inc. is aiming …
Forbes, Fast Company, TechCrunch, AppleInsider, Variety, The Verge, @pkafka, @donal888, @wsj, @toddjolmstead, @hannahjkarp and @melanielisa

Sources: Viacom-Redstone battle ends with CEO Philippe Dauman stepping down with $72M severance package and COO Tom Dooley serving as interim CEO — COO Tom Dooley to take over as interim chief executive officer — Media company's directors have pressed the combatants for deal

Vevo is seeking to raise up to $500M, hired Goldman Sachs for help — Vevo, the online music video service owned by the world's largest record labels, has hired Goldman Sachs to secure up to $500m of capital from new investors, according to three people briefed on the plans.
Tubefilter, Reuters and Variety

Addition of Breitbart's Steve Bannon to Trump's campaign and Roger Ailes' rumored adviser role fuel theory that Trump is laying groundwork for media empire — What better way to mark the news that the head of, the alt-right news site, is now running Donald Trump's campaign than with a conspiracy theory?

Milo Yiannopoulos raised $100K-$250K for college scholarships for white men but has given away nothing; lawyers are now drafting charity paperwork, he says — The alt-right icon promised to give scholarships to white men, but almost a year later he still hasn't filed with the IRS or handed out a penny.
Mediaite, Milo Yiannopoulos, We Hunted The Mammoth, @idlediletante, @davidfutrelle, @idlediletante, @margaretsbelly, Mic, Daily Wire and Joe.My.God.

Beijing tightens control over mainland news sites, says EICs must take full responsibility for any mistakes and all such sites must be monitored 24/7 by staff — Editors-in-chief will be held responsible for direction of content, and the creation, production and dissemination of news