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Study: frequent readers of partisan news sites are more likely to hold misperceptions even if they're aware of evidence — Reading lots of partisan news online makes you more likely to hold inaccurate beliefs even if you are aware of the prevailing evidence, according to a study published …
@edkelley16, @heddingkj, @poynter, @lmoliva_, @wpmediainsights, @samrat, @brikeilarcnn, @_hgz_, Wiley Online Library, @mantzarlis and Cision

MediaFile, a media criticism site to be run by students from George Washington University, launches Monday — In his 2015 obituary for American Journalism Review (published in Columbia Journalism Review), Mike Hoyt mourned the passing of a Washington institution that had the muscle to tackle ambitious stories about the media business.
@bychrisyoung, @scottnover, @nytfridge, @shawncp92, @jackshafer, @timafranklin, @laurenshiplett, @marimanoog, @nikkiusher, @saramerken, @jyuanathan and @petersterne

Vermont publisher Ross Connelly extends essay contest deadline as he struggles to find a successor for The Hardwick Gazette, his weekly community newspaper — HARDWICK, Vt. — Like most people who work for small newspapers, Vanessa Fournier wears many hats.
@eduflack, @marynewsom, @niemanlab, FishbowlNY, @michaelwalkerjr, @jeremymbarr, @ennisnyt, @ronreason, @maryf_macdonald, @jbenton and @davidgrunfeld

Advice to James and Lachlan Murdoch: transform Fox News from a partisan opinion network to one that reports more news to reach younger, non-white viewers — Here's unsolicited advice for the Murdoch brothers. — Now that the monster Roger Ailes has been slain and the palace that he built …

Sources: Condé Nast is considering cost cuts, reducing its roster of 13 or so publishers down to about six, to make way for a digital future — Cuts may be coming to Condé Nast. — Condé Nast headquarters at One World Trade. — More changes may be coming soon to the halls of One World Trade Center.
@lexalexander, Media Wire Daily, @alexsteigrad, @wwd, Fast Company and FishbowlNY

Draft rules for EU would let publishers demand payment from Google and Facebook for article extracts in services like Google News — Measures are part of a series of planned European commission changes designed to strengthen rights of creators and publishers
Financial Times, @jeffjarvis, @mathewi and IT ProPortal

Banker Mark Patricof, hired to manage Gawker Media's bankruptcy, says 5 serious bidders emerged and 10 others expressed casual interest — Mark Patricof just shopped Nick Denton's loved-and-hated media company — and fetched $135 million. … Stop gawking. This outcome wasn't a surprise.
@recode, @pkafka, @recode, @spencerreiss and @recode

Sources: Viacom's Philippe Dauman lost his fight for control by losing backing of board members who concluded his tactics hurt the firm and their reputations — Just a few weeks ago, things seemed to be breaking Philippe A. Dauman's way in his legal bid to maintain his grip on Viacom …

Sports writer says Twitter permanently banned his account with nearly 100K followers after he tweeted three Olympics GIFs — I thought the only people to get permanently banned from Twitter were Leslie Jones' online bully and terrorists. — Apparently those who post a GIF …
Techdirt, TechCrunch, Mashable, Fortune, Awful Announcing, @ethanz, @jimmweber, @davechensky, Gizmodo, @mathewi, @tomgara, @telegramjames, @roybelly, @vid_icarus, @pt, @colvinius, The Big Lead and Vanity Fair

How Breitbart Boosted Nigel Farage And Helped Take Him To The Heart Of The Trump Campaign — Long before Breitbart's chief took over Donald Trump's campaign, the right-wing news outlet backed Farage's party to push its anti-immigrant, nationalist agenda in Britain. — UKIP's Nigel Farage and Donald Trump

Sources: New York Times-CBS news poll may dissolve after the election as veteran Times pollsters take buyouts and telephone polls become more costly — The future of The New York Times-CBS News poll, one of America's oldest and most influential public opinion polls, is up in the air.
@alexweprin, @poynter, @hadas_gold, @micahcohen, @continetti, @geoffreyvs, @davidjoachim, @megtbrenan, @joepompeo and @politico_steve

CNN sets up its first digital bureau in Nigeria led by Stephanie Busari to attract a younger, mobile audience — Nigeria is not only one of Africa's most populous countries, but it also has one of the youngest populations on the continent. That's why CNN International is focusing its efforts there …
@farrahfazal and @niemanlab