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Sources: Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner approached Aryeh Bourkoff, founder of investment bank LionTree, about setting up a Trump TV network post-election — Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner has informally approached one of the media industry's top dealmakers about the prospect …
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Profile of Jared Kushner, real-estate scion, owner of The New York Observer, and Donald Trump's son-in-law, adviser, and surrogate — In New York City, the second week of August 2006 was warm and mostly rainless, hospitable to the sort of al fresco promenades that often accompany film premieres.
The Huffington Post, Fortune, @kvelsey, @tabletmag, @kbsmoke, @marklotto, @thecitywanderer, @tabletmag, @tabletmag and @toddgitlin

Center for Public Integrity: journalists, including The New Yorker's TV critic Emily Nussbaum, have donated $382K to Clinton's campaign, $14K to Trump's — Hillary Clinton speaks with supporters at a campaign rally at Carl Hayden High School in Phoenix, Arizona.
Center for Public Integrity, @cjr, @poniewozik, @katherinemiller, @blakehounshell, @mattgertz, @isaacdovere, @moorehn, Washington Post, @thefix, @jbarro, The Daily Caller, Mashable, @nickconfessore, Mediaite, Hot Air, @gwitkin, @mikemadden, @suellentrop, @jpodhoretz, @mmckinne17, @alexweprin, @mattdpearce, @kaleighrogers and @publici

Interview with UVA dean about school's stance on sexual assault to be allowed in Rolling Stone libel case as the magazine tries to prove it acted without malice — As the defamation suit over Rolling Stone's botched campus rape article goes to trial, the magazine wants to show …
New York Times, @tylerkingkade, @tinasusman, @marisa_carroll, @melbournecoal, @sisario, Hot Air, @tylerkingkade, NPR and The Week

Rolling Stone deleted an article about the NBA and domestic violence on Friday, after the NBA disputed a number of assertions in the piece — Rolling Stone quietly removed an online article about the NBA and domestic violence on Friday, two days after it was published, POLITICO has learned.
@politico, New York Magazine, @traciemorrissey, @poynter, @saba_h, @petersterne and @scatx

Beyond the election, newsrooms need to consider why so many on the right don't trust them — It sure does get exhausting working for the global corporate media conspiracy. — The hours are horrible (my kingdom for a weekend off). You never know what the puppet masters are going to order up next.
@nbj914, @lauraelizdavis, @jswatz, @jimrutenberg, @mediashiftorg, @katierogers, Mediaite, @davidsirota, @davidsirota, @nytimesbusiness, @nytnickc, @cindyolson, @warrenleighttv, @sulliview, @ennisnyt, @jimrutenberg, @brianstelter, @olivianuzzi, @poniewozik, CNNMoney, @sophia_mjones, @jmartnyt and CNNMoney

RT's UK bank accounts blocked, says EIC Margarita Simonyan; Russian Foreign Minister accuses UK of abandoning commitment to protect freedom of speech — The UK bank servicing RT has given notice that it will close the broadcaster's accounts, without explanation.
Mashable, The Daily Caller, Variety, CNBC, Fortune, @djbond6873, New York Times, @oliverkamm, @harikunzru, @guardian, @noahcrothman, @bbckimghattas, @rt_com and Talking Points Memo

Billy Bush's Departure From ‘Today’ Is Now Official — As of Monday, Billy Bush is no longer with NBC's “Today” show, the program's supervising executive said in a note to staffers. — “Billy Bush will be leaving the Today show's 9 a.m. hour, effective today,” said Noah Oppenheim …
New York Times, Mediaite, CNNMoney, TVNewser, Broadcasting & Cable, Rolling Stone, Los Angeles Times, @bristei, @brianstelter and Mashable

Judge rejects riot charges for journalist Amy Goodman after oil pipeline protest — Authorities had issued a warrant for her arrest after Democracy Now! host filmed guards for the Dakota access pipeline using dogs and pepper spray on protesters — A North Dakota judge rejected prosecutors' …

Fox News anchor Shep Smith discusses the network's post-Ailes future and the charges of sexual harassment brought against his former boss — “The long look of history is going to be necessary, and I don't think it will reflect well on this time," Smith says, “or on the voters' ability …
TVNewser, Business Insider, @jayrosen_nyu, Washington Post, @oliverdarcy, @gabrielsherman, Mediaite, Mashable, Talking Points Memo, The Wrap, Joe.My.God. and

If Vice News Tonight's stylized interpretation of the news draws more interest to current events, it will be a worthwhile addition to the media landscape — VICE News Tonight correspondent Arielle Duhaime-Ross reporting from Nunavut, Canada for an upcoming segment on VICE News Tonight on HBO.
@daviduberti, @daviduberti, @cjr, @daviduberti and @bypetevernon

Mashable appoints its first executive editor, former Vocativ Editor-in-Chief and Gawker editor Jessica Coen — Mashable, the 11-year-old publisher of news and entertainment content, has hired Jessica Coen as executive editor, it was announced Monday morning.
@jessicacoen, @rovzar, @adage, @jeremymbarr, FishbowlNY, @jennijenni, Poynter and Politico, Thanks:@steverubel
Obama decries “wild wild west of information flow” in media, calls for reliable curation, but says “the answer is obviously not censorship” — Pittsburgh (AFP) - President Barack Obama on Thursday decried America's “wild, wild west” media environment …
Recode, TechCrunch, The White House, @feardept, @talknerdytome72, GeekWire, @dearenglishmjr, @baekdal, @jweb, @ibdeditorials, @mangunonmarkets and @marklevinshow