Top News:

Bloomberg News Washington bureau chief Megan Murphy named new editor of Bloomberg Businessweek amid plans to relaunch the magazine in Q2 of 2017 — NEW YORK ― Bloomberg News Washington bureau chief Megan Murphy has been named editor of Bloomberg Businessweek, according to a staff memo.

Mark Halperin and John Heilemann's Bloomberg show, With All Due Respect, to end on January 20; they are in discussions to stay on as contributors and columnists — The prominent political journalists will give up day-to-day roles following Donald Trump's inauguration.
Mediaite, TVNewser, Politico, @lehmannchris, @hunterschwarz, @kfile, @anthony and @raju

Q&A with Facebook news hoaxer Paul Horner, who thinks his sites got Donald Trump elected: “there's nothing you can't write about now that people won't believe” — What do the Amish lobby, gay wedding vans and the ban of the national anthem have in common?
The Wrap, Forbes, @zeynep, CNNMoney, Fast Company, BGR, @pdmcleod, Refinery29, SiliconBeat, Mediaite, The Huffington Post, Independent Journal Review, @joyannreid, AOL, Talking Points Memo, Mashable, @katierogers, The Hill, The Gateway Pundit, Business Insider, @torstenbeeck, @chaneyj, @conradhackett, @abbyohlheiser, @b_fung, @allegrakirkland, @max_read and @willystaley

Analysis shows top 20 fake election news stories generated more engagement on Facebook than the top 20 election stories from 19 major news outlets — A BuzzFeed News analysis found that top fake election news stories generated more total engagement on Facebook than top election stories from 19 major news outlets combined.
Columbia Journalism Review, TechCrunch, Poynter, Mark Bunting, New York Magazine, Mediaite,, The Hill, WKRG-TV, Media Matters for America, Vox, Wall Street Journal, @janesports, The Huffington Post, @craigsilverman, @tamarwilner, @blackamazon, The Daily Beast, Fortune, Hit & Run, Business Insider, Vanity Fair, Death and Taxes, Engadget, Quartz, Washington Post, Forbes, Newser, The Daily Caller, The Next Web, MediaFile, Fusion, @emilybell, @ninabernstein1, @dabeard, @jeremymullman, @john_wawrow, Vox, @craigsilverman, Fast Company, @kristenvbrown, Gizmodo, @mathewi, @craigsilverman, @steveolson, @stephengoggin and AOL

President Obama weighs in on fake news, warning it could poison politics so that “we won't know what we're fighting for” — President Barack Obama weighed in on the growing debate over fake news, warning that it could poison politics to the point that “we won't know what we're fighting for.”
Breitbart, USA Today, CNET, The Huffington Post, Engadget, Business Insider and Forbes

AOL to lay off 500 employees, or 5% of its staff, today in its corporate units; CEO says resources will be shifted to mobile, video, and data offerings — There will be more changes next year if the deal to buy Yahoo is completed. — AOL will announce layoffs of 5 percent of its staff today …
Variety, TechCrunch, Business Insider, Deadline, Media Wire Daily, Fast Company, The Wrap, Consumerist, @nbj914, Fortune, Beyond Search and FishbowlNY

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey apologizes for neo-Nazi ad, blaming automated system for error — SAN FRANCISCO — Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey apologized for running an ad sponsored by a white supremacist group in violation of its own policies. — Dorsey blamed Twitter's automated system …
@jack, VentureBeat, Mediaite, @cwarzel, BuzzFeed, @aardvarsk, @aardvarsk, Gizmodo, CNET, Recode, Engadget, Fortune and Motherboard

Twitter suspends several high-profile accounts associated with the alt-right, including those of Richard Spencer and Pax Dickinson
Columbia Journalism Review, Guardian, The Atlantic, Engadget, Recode, Washington Post, Digital Trends, Ars Technica UK, The Huffington Post, Mediaite, Refinery29, The Wrap, ValueWalk, The Daily Beast, @mindyfinn, @jpodhoretz, @davidfrum, @andrewlseidel, Mashable, BetaNews, GeekWire, Peter O'Kelly's Reality Check, Fast Company, SiliconBeat and Occidental Dissent

With funding from Google, UK-based Full Fact is aiming to build two automated fact-checking tools, Trends and Robocheck, by the end of 2017 — The UK fact-checkers are hoping to publish two automatic tools by the end of 2017 — Fake news is on the agenda.
Guardian, Nieman Lab, @mattburgess1 and TechCrunch

Google's Digital News Initiative fund puts $26M into 124 news projects across 25 European countries to promote data journalism, use of AI, fact-checking, more — Google's ongoing effort to fix its reputation in the world of publishing in Europe took another step forward today.
Discussion:, The Keyword, World News Publishing Focus … and Press Gazette

Warner Bros. signs deal to acquire full control of Machinima; sources say the deal values Machinima slightly under $100M — Deal values gamer and fandom digital programmer at slightly under $100 million: sources — Warner Bros. announced that it signed an agreement to acquire full control of Machinima …
The Wrap, Deadline, Broadcasting & Cable, Los Angeles Times, Bloomberg, Hollywood Reporter and Polygon

UK parliament passes Investigatory Powers bill, allowing bulk surveillance, hacking of mobile devices and networks, and more — The House of Lords has passed the Investigatory Powers Bill meaning that is likely to be in force in a matter of weeks. — The Bill has already been passed …

Interview with radio host and Infowars operator Alex Jones, on his recent phone call with Trump, keeping the president-elect accountable to grass-roots voters — When Donald J. Trump emerged from the haze of his surprise victory in the presidential election, one of his first calls was apparently …
@maggienyt, @evanasmith, @clydehaberman, @kfile, @brianstelter, @stevemullis, @johncassidy, @maggienyt, @digiphile and @michaelsderby