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Sony to provide edited versions of 24 movies purchased on iTunes, VUDU, and FandangoNow to fight third-party recuts without violence, sexuality, and profanity — Sony Pictures Home Entertainment will announce today its “Clean Version” initiative, which “allows viewers to screen the broadcast …

Prosecution of a source without weighing the public harm or benefit of a journalistic leak shows the basic flaw in the Espionage Act — The Justice Department released an indictment of twenty five year-old NSA contractor Reality Winner yesterday, just a few hours after the Intercept posted …
Techdirt, RT, CNNMoney, HuffPost, USA Today, @onekade, Common Dreams, Motherboard, @trevortimm, The Guardian, @snowden, @chrisgeidner, @mikaelthalen, @petersterne and Business Insider

It was OK for Intercept to seek to confirm validity of leaked documents but shouldn't have helped government build a case by revealing location, providing copy
Errata Security, Fast Company, @johnjcook, CNNMoney, Washington Post and Mashable

WikiLeaks offers a $10K bounty to get Intercept reporter fired for trying to verify leaked report without removing evidence incriminating leaker

UK project Who Targets Me, with 10K users, reveals the unregulated Facebook “dark ads” that are on the rise in the final days before election — Political Facebook ads tailored specifically to users' locations, gender and views on Brexit have been found in key marginal seats across the UK …
@maevemcc, @raoldroyd, @marklittlenews and @tbij

Ahead of UK and German elections, Facebook's role in political advertising and misinformation falls under scrutiny — Lawrence Dodd lives in one of Britain's most fiercely fought voting districts, and has been peppered almost daily with ads from the country's major political parties on Facebook.
@mcgregormt, @profcarroll and @nytmedia

Journalist Aaron Cantú indicted by federal grand jury on eight felony counts including rioting while covering Inauguration Day protests in Washington DC — Cantú one of two journalists charged while covering rally-turned-riot — Aaron Cantú, a staff writer at the Santa Fe Reporter …
@sunfoundation, HuffPost, @pblest, @samadlerbell, Monitor, @adrianchen, @mollycrabapple, @ayeshaasiddiqi, @hexpositive and BuzzFeed

Planet of the Apps review: Apple's foray into original content is “bland, tepid” and a “barely competent knock-off of Shark Tank” — These days, there's an almost endless array of reasons for TV executives to feel anxiety, and for some time, one of the most ulcer-inducing prospects …
Hollywood Reporter, Refinery29, MacRumors, TechCrunch, Fortune, VentureBeat, The Drum, The Next Web and Refinery29, more at Techmeme »

The first episode of Apple's “Planet of the Apps” reality series is available for free on Apple Music; subsequent episodes coming Tuesdays for subscribers
Business Insider, YouTube, @cheddar, Los Angeles Times, The Verge, @planetoftheapps, Engadget, Hollywood Reporter, 9to5Mac, MacRumors, The Wrap and AppleInsider, more at Techmeme »

Sources: Unilad founder Alex Partridge wins legal battle against current management that could force sale of site — - “Facebook genius” Alex Partridge founded Unilad in 2010. — He gave Liam Harrington and Sam Bentley 66% of the company in 2013, before being ousted out.

Facebook announces support for closed captions on Live broadcasts, says pubs can create their own via Live API or use a third-party captioning firm — Over 38 million people in the US are deaf or hard-of-hearing, and Facebook wants them to be able to watch the 1 in 5 of its videos that are broadcast live.
Adweek, SlashGear, PhoneArena, The Tech Portal, Facebook, Facebook Media, USA Today, Mashable, VentureBeat and Engadget, more at Techmeme »

Alt-right's Jack Posobiec and Chuck Johnson claim Breitbart is caving to the left and losing influence, cite resignation of Milo Yiannopoulos as turning point — On Monday morning, Breitbart News fired staffer Katie McHugh, following a series of incendiary weekend tweets broadcast in the wake of the London Bridge terror attack.
Media Matters for America, Washington Post, The Atlantic, The Ring of Fire Network, Raw Story, Memex 1.1, The Week, @anthony and Wonkette

In letter, Knight First Amendment Institute demands President unblock Twitter accounts of critics, calling @realDonaldTrump a “designated public forum” — NEW YORK — In a letter sent today to President Trump, the Knight First Amendment Institute asked the President to unblock …
Wall Street Journal, Wired, Washington Post, Fortune, The Hill, Slate, The Ring of Fire Network, Mic, Newser, Consumerist, The Daily Caller, Hit & Run, Vanity Fair, NBC News, Miami New Times, ZDNet, Softpedia News, CNN, Poynter, Business Insider, The Verge, Gizmodo, The Intercept, Variety, RT, Engadget, KTLA,, Forbes, Los Angeles Times, CNNMoney, GeekWire, USA Today, Peter O'Kelly's Reality Check, New York Times, @eorden, Observer, @georgetakei, The Week, @fmanjoo, @jaspar, Knight First Amendment …, @latlands, @popehat, @andy_sellars, @jakesherman, @grynbaum, @segalmr, @samadlerbell and @mlcalderone, more at Techmeme »

Polygon launches three sites devoted to specific games: The Rift Herald for League of Legends, The Flying Courier for Data 2, and Heroes Never Die for Overwatch — Heroes Never Die, The Rift Herald and The Flying Courier — I've long been frustrated by the traditional gaming press's inability …
Nieman Lab, The Rift Herald, @ohjefframos, @james_dator, @fletchunleashed, @loudmouthjulia, @mikemcwhertor and @lock

Blogger at neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer gets pledges of $150K to fight SPLC privacy suit claiming he organized a troll storm against a Jewish woman — The Southern Poverty Law Center is suing white supremacist Andrew Anglin of for letting loose an online “terror campaign” against a woman and her family.
CBS News, @mattdpearce, Southern Poverty Law Center, @mattdpearce and Joe.My.God.