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NYT updates social media guidelines, forbidding partisan opinion or offensive comments, discouraging joining private partisan groups, and more — The New York Times has been a dominant force on social media for years. Our newsroom accounts have tens of millions of followers.
Nieman Lab, @cliffordlevy, TechCrunch, @arifleischer, @jessicavalenti, @mikearildbrown, @coreypein, The Daily Caller, @jpodhoretz, @espiers, @espiers, Politico, @hamiltonnolan, The Awl, @jkasperwash, Slate, Fast Company, @nycsouthpaw, @mattdpearce, @jlakely, @dliebelson, @sesmith, @joeperticone, @johnastoehr, @emilyjanelawler, @jwherrman, @neeratanden, @niemanlab, @ashleyfeinberg, @allezlesboulez, @mikedrucker, @jswatz, @mikeisaac and The Wrap

How Charles Harder and Lisa Bloom tried to kill a story alleging sexual misconduct by Amazon Studios head Roy Price through threats of lawsuits — Roy Price (L) and Harvey Weinstein are seen here on June 6, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images for Museum of the Moving Image )
@markberman, @michellemanafy, Vanity Fair, Financial Times, The Ringer, Engadget, @jessicalustig, LawNewz, @mikeisaac, @cjr, @alexburnsnyt, @max_read, Fast Company, The Guardian, NPR, GeekWire,, Mediaite, VideoInk and Axios

Amazon suspends Roy Price, VP of Amazon Studios and global head of Prime Video content, following harassment claim from a company producer — The news follows a harassment claim from one of the retail giant/streamer's top TV producers. — Roy Price, vp Amazon Studios and global head …
The Wrap, BuzzFeed, Fortune, Deadline, Hollywood Reporter, Variety, FierceCable, New York Magazine, Recode, The Verge, The New York Observer, @nytimesbusiness, The Wrap, The Daily Caller, @jetgirl78, Adweek,, @rosemcgowan, Washington Post, CNBC, Deadline, @texastribabby, Ad Age, @bysamro, AOL, The A.V. Club, Vanity Fair, New York Times, Columbia Journalism Review, IndieWire, Mashable, @rosemcgowan, @debramessing, @thr, @benpershing, @cindygallop, Melville House Books, Rolling Stone, Axios, @jodikantor, @rosemcgowan, Recode, @emilysteel, Wall Street Journal, @jbflint, @kimmasters,, CNNMoney, BuzzFeed, CNNMoney, TechCrunch and, more at Techmeme »

Sources: potential buyers circle for parts of The Weinstein Company as its lenders pressure firm to liquidate assets — Harvey Weinstein, who was fired from his company Sunday in the wake of sexual harassment allegations. Police in New York and London are investigating alleged sexual assualt by Weinstein.
Wall Street Journal, CNNMoney, New York Times, Hollywood Reporter, Deadline, Forbes, Deadline, Variety, New York Times, Financial Times, The Wrap, Mediaite, Vanity Fair, Adweek, The A.V. Club, Business Insider, Variety, Fortune, @sisario, @wsj, CNBC, Reuters, Washington Post, Telegraph, Business Insider, AOL, Multichannel News, IndieWire and Publishers Lunch

Twitter users split about whether to join #WomenBoycottTwitter Friday protest triggered by Twitter's temporary suspension of Rose McGowan's account — Activists, celebrities and journalists joined a boycott of Twitter on Friday to protest the social media platform's locking of the account …
@chrissyteigen, @chrissyteigen, The Next Web, Los Angeles Times, New York Magazine, Washington Post, The Wrap, BBC, The Daily Caller, Chicago Tribune, The Independent, Engadget, GeekWire, CNBC, TechCrunch, Mashable, Fast Company, Variety, Vox, @blackamazon, CBS News, ABC News, Fortune, Brit + Co, Chicks On The Right, BetaNews, Sputnik International, Al Jazeera English, CNNMoney, The Verge, Deadline, Mediaite, The Guardian,, Hollywood Reporter, Gizmodo, The Week, The Hill, Boing Boing and CBS Los Angeles, more at Techmeme »

Sources: Twitter deleted tweets and user data potentially valuable for Russia probe in keeping with its privacy policy — Social-media platform's strict privacy policy led to deletions of Russian information of interest to investigators. — Twitter has deleted tweets and other user data …
The Hill, Fortune, Gizmodo, Mashable, Vanity Fair, AOL, @ewstephe, @gbrockell, @andy_heil, The Week and Washington Post, more at Techmeme »

Southcomm CEO says it wants to sell Washington City Paper, will keep Nashville Scene and focus on b2b focused outlets; hopes to find buyer by end of year — Its current owner would like to find a buyer by the end of the year. — Washington City Paper is for sale.
@lydiadepillis, @amandakhurley and @washingtonian

Gustavo Arellano, editor in chief of OC Weekly, says he quit instead of laying off staffers — OC Weekly editor-in-chief Gustavo Arellano has quit the newspaper. — Arellano explained his decision as a guest on the live-streaming “Tom Leykis Show” on Friday, Oct. 13 …
Los Angeles Times, Eater LA, @gustavoarellano and LAist

Fandango to acquire for an undisclosed amount, gaining access to UK, Canada, and significantly expanding in Latin America — Todd's Most Recent Stories — Jake Paul, Juanpa Zurita Battle Zombies in YouTube Red's ‘Fight of the Living Dead: Paradise Calls’
PR Newswire, Deadline, Engadget, TechCrunch and The Wrap

USA Today launches ad-free subscriptions for $2.99/month through its iOS and Android apps — USA TODAY has launched an ad-free subscription option where in-app mobile readers can experience the organization's compelling storytelling and journalism without ads for $2.99 per month.

WAN-IFRA World Press Trends: reader revenue now is 30% of digital revenue, 56% of newspaper revenue comes from circulation, and more — So what “moved the needle” for our industry during the last 12-plus months? As analysts, journalists, or researchers, we love to identify that one defining development or trend.
Nieman Lab

Sources: Amazon sought $2.8M for ad packages for NFL games on Prime and other inventory, but some advertisers paid less; second game drew 391K avg. audience — Some advertisers paid around $1 million less than what Amazon was asking for one of its season-long ad packages

Facebook statements on political ad reviewing lack clarity in some areas: review guidelines, which topics are “debatable social issues”, what varies by region — Nearly a year after Election Day, Facebook's role in our modern political infrastructure is finally coming into focus.
Global Editors Network

In an interview, Sheryl Sandberg says Facebook is committed to helping Congressional investigators publicly release Russia-linked ads and info on user targeting
Nieman Lab, Vanity Fair, Wired, Motherboard, Business Insider,, Fortune, Axios, @mollymckew, The Outline, Morning Consult, GeekWire, Slate and Business Insider, more at Techmeme »