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President Trump uses tweets on Russian ad spending from Facebook ads VP Rob Goldman to call reporters covering election interference the “Fake News Media” — President Trump approvingly passed along comments from Facebook ads VP Rob Goldman on Saturday, using Goldman's remarks …
@robjective, @robjective, @realdonaldtrump, @robjective, @realdonaldtrump, @robjective, @realdonaldtrump, @jbenton, Recode, @robjective, @robjective, CNN, Business Insider, U.S. Department of Justice, @wikileaks, Gizmodo, @jason_kint, @evan_mcmullin, @jacobwe, @jayrosen_nyu, @jtemple, @rcohen, @philippereines, AOL, @joshhendler, @pkafka, @emilybell, @maxboot, @chronic, @bakari_sellers, Mother Jones, @davidfrum, @jayrosen_nyu, @samswey, @bmorrissey, The Hill, @flyosity, Splinter, @joshtpm, @page88, @mat, @pkafka, @juddlegum, @govhowarddean, @mollymckew, @tvietor08, @justinhendrix, @alexburnsnyt, Mediaite, John Tuteur and New York Magazine, more at Techmeme »

US indicts 13 Russian nationals and 3 Russian entities, including Internet Research Agency, in Mueller's probe into Russian interference in the 2016 elections — - Special counsel Robert Mueller said a grand jury had indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities for alleged interference in the 2016 presidential election.
New York Times, Om Malik, New York Times, Washington Post, Mediaite, The New York Observer, Washington Post, HuffPost, Forbes, Mother Jones, The Verge, Recode, @adrianchen, Nieman Lab, Slate, @senatortomudall, Rolling Stone, Forbes, ZDNet, @niemanlab, The Guardian, Engadget and @themattorr, more at Techmeme »

Facebook says it will mail postcards to would-be buyers of election-related ads mentioning federal candidates, will have codes to verify identity and location — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Facebook Inc will start using postcards sent by U.S. mail later this year to verify the identities …
New York Times, @husca, The Verge, The Hill and Engadget, more at Techmeme »

How 4chan trolls organized to spread misinformation about Florida shooter's ties to a white supremacist group; ADL, ABC, AP, and others spread the false story — ABC, AP and others ran with false information on shooter's ties to extremist groups. — Following misrepresentations …

Covering Parkland shooting means balancing informing the audience with interviewing traumatized teenagers who may not be able to give informed consent — The morning after the school massacre in Parkland, Fla., NBC's “Today Show” aired a dramatic live interview Thursday.
Fort Worth Star-Telegram, New York Times, @jbenton, @mack_oxenden, @jennamargaretta and @sulliview

Twitter says it needs a scalable policy on authenticity of content after journalist suffers harassment due to viral screenshots of fake tweets from her account — In the wake of the Florida high school shooting Wednesday, Twitter users began spreading doctored tweets targeting Miami Herald reporter Alex Harris.
@pistachio, @d1gi, @davidclinchnews, @jack, Business Insider, @janelytv, @mat and @david_dobbs, more at Techmeme »

Since 2016, American Media has made Karen McDougal professional promises and paid $150K in a catch-and-kill arrangement for her story of her affair with Trump — One woman's account of clandestine meetings, financial transactions, and legal pacts designed to hide an extramarital affair.
CNN, New York Times, The Week, The Daily Beast, Washington Post, New York Magazine, NPR, AOL, Variety, The Wrap, KTLA, Business Insider, Los Angeles Times, Mother Jones, Rolling Stone, Mediaite, Coffee House, The New York Observer, The Guardian, Vanity Fair, Fortune, Fast Company, thecut, The Daily Caller, Splinter, IndieWire, @isaacdovere, @maggienyt, @eisingerj,, @anthony, Slate, Hollywood Reporter, Columbia Journalism Review, TV Tattle, Axios, @jimwaterson and Bloomberg

An overview of digital media archives, like the Wayback Machine, and their responsibilities in the face of authoritarian regimes and the “billionaire problem” — When an online news outlet goes out of business, its archives can disappear as well. The new battle over journalism's digital legacy.
@gabrielsnyder and @cjr

Weinstein Company fires president and COO David Glasser “for cause” after NY AG accused Glasser of failing to respond to complaints about Harvey Weinstein — Weinstein Co.'s president and chief operating officer, David Glasser, has been fired “for cause,” the New York entertainment …
CNNMoney, Variety, Associated Press, New York Times and IndieWire

Google says 42% of sites notified made preemptive changes ahead of Chrome ad blocker launch; fewer than 1% of most popular sites violate suggested ad guidelines — YOU MIGHT SEE fewer ads on the web from now on. But you probably won't. — On Thursday, Google Chrome …
@jason_kint, Wall Street Journal, @jyarow, Washington Post and Peter O'Kelly's Reality Check, more at Techmeme »

Overtime, a startup that wants to turn high school jocks into social media stars, raises $9.5M Series A from investors including a16z and Kevin Durant — Low-cost content that's built for social sharing = $9.5 million in new funding from Andreeseen Horowitz and Kevin Durant.
SportsBusiness Daily, @cwarzel, @pkafka, Hollywood Reporter, Variety and Business Insider

After signing a licensing deal with Getty, Google Image Search removes View Image button; Search by Image button also removed but still works through search bar — Google has removed the View Image button and the Search by Image feature when viewing an individual image within Google Image Search.