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The White House Correspondents Dinner: celebrity guests, scholarships and awards, the president's absence, and Michelle Wolf's cringeworthy jokes — Welcome to our coverage of the 2018 White House Correspondents' Association dinner. — The president may not be attending this year's event …
@peterbakernyt, @seanspicer, @joanwalsh, @michelleisawolf, Politico, MediaFile, The Guardian, @ddiamond, The Daily Beast, YouTube, The Wrap, Fast Company, @michelleisawolf, @kumailn, @margarettalev, @michelleisawolf, @jayrosen_nyu, @jeffzeleny, Deadline, @govmikehuckabee, @jonfavs, @colmorrisdavis, @danpfeiffer, @desusnice, @hinterlandg, @brianstelter, @ashleyfeinberg, @brianefallon, @tomarnold, @timodc, @pareene, @maggienyt, @bfriedmandc, @phil_lewis_, @cillizzacnn, @wajahatali, @andyrichter, @thr, @aholdenj, @robinrespaut, @cnni, @jonlovett, @wccubbison, @sharonjayson, @anildash, @grantstern, @brianstelter, @waltshaub, @bryandawsonusa, @juddapatow, @marlownyc, @dvorakoelling, @justinebateman, @politicussarah, @weinsteinlaw, @yesnicksearcy, @ashleyfeinberg, @cmclymer, @brianefallon, @tvmojoe, @robertwolf32, @paigelav, @edhenry, @johngcole, @ericboehlert, @kfile, @w7voa, @marlownyc, @amys_bus_ticket, @brithume, @kathygriffin, @sorayamcdonald, @juliusgoat, Mediaite, Hollywood Reporter, Hollywood Reporter, The Daily Beast, Washington Post and Variety

Annotated transcript of Michelle Wolf's caustic roasting of the Trump administration and the media at the White House Correspondents Dinner — Comedian Michelle Wolf roasted members of the Trump administration and the media at the annual White House correspondents' dinner on Saturday.
@joannag, @nbcnewspr, @farhip, @kathygriffin, @jacklgoldsmith, @jamesgleick, @olivianuzzi, @johnrobinson, @aodespair, @lisahopeking, @ira, @everywhereist, @mathewi, @jpbrammer, @vulture, @karaswisher, @jayrosen_nyu, @sarahkendzior, Mediaite, @adamsteinbaugh, @olivianuzzi, @jayrosen_nyu, NBC News, @mlcalderone, @erin_goodier, Louise Marley, @pfossil, Hit & Run, Slate, @wolfereports, @angryblacklady, theGrio and The Guardian

Journalists should stop the White House Correspondents Dinner because it has become downright counterproductive to the goals of good journalism — The 2018 White House Correspondents' Association Dinner should be the last. — It never has been a particularly good idea for journalists …
@whca, @bgrueskin, The Wrap, @joshuagreen, @bgrueskin, @cmclymer, @emilybell, CNN, @bgrueskin, 89.3 KPCC, NPR, Splinter, @joshuagreen, @meridak, @jeffjarvis, Amy Siskind, Slate and Washington Free Beacon

Examining the puzzling pearl-clutching of people who said Michelle Wolf criticized Sarah Sanders' appearance, which Wolf didn't do — As soon as Michelle Wolf finished delivering her blistering White House Correspondents Dinner roast of the Trump administration and the members of the press that cover it …
@morningmika, Washington Post, Fortune, The Guardian, Wall Street Journal, ABC News, Mashable, @maggienyt, @scott_tobias, @davidjollyfl, @davidegreenwald, @emilynussbaum, @jasonhoppin, @kumailn, @kevinjohnrogers, @swanksalot, @rgay, @caitieclaire, @sdkstl, @sarahlerner, @brianstelter, @montoyaste, @mspointy, @jasonszep, @ezwrites and New York Magazine

IAB report advises media buyers to spend on digital video ahead of next week's NewFronts, as audiences are younger and more diverse — Online advertising trade organization touts video viewership ahead of NewFronts next week — As publishers prepare to woo the advertising industry next week …

Tech firms and governments can't be trusted to preserve digital history, which adds import to the role of new archives like the Egyptian 858 and Syrian Archive — We create almost everything on the internet, but we control almost none of it. — Recently, a 7-year-old photo of mine appeared at the top of my Facebook feed.
@mazmhussain, @shapingyouth and @digiphile

Starting in Q4 2018, YouTube TV ad inventory will be available through Google Preferred, the premium ad program for the top 5% most popular YouTube channels — Video giant to let marketers pitch spots to cord-cutters, buy inventory in YouTube TV — YouTube wants to siphon off …
Wall Street Journal, Engadget, Adweek, Ad Age, YouTube Blog and Deadline

Profile of Brent Bozell and his Media Research Center, which has chipped away at media credibility in the minds of conservatives for 30 years — Long before cries of ‘fake news,’ there was Brent Bozell and his Media Research Center. — You couldn't miss it.

Quinnipiac University poll finds nearly 40% of Americans, 80% of Republicans agree with Trump's tweet that “fake news media is the enemy of the American people” — It has faded into the background noise by now, as does anything in politics these days that's older than about 12 hours.
Outside the Beltway, NBC News and @pbump

Mic posts half as much on Facebook as it did a year ago and has stopped partner swaps, focusing instead on Apple News and Twitter to reach audiences — The millennial-aimed Mic has represented just about every digital media trend since it started seven years ago, distributing as far and wide …

In Q&A after receiving the Axel Springer award for 2018, Bezos says he would never interfere in The Washington Post's coverage because it would feel “gross” — Mathias Döpfner, the CEO of Business Insider's parent company, Axel Springer, recently sat down with Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos …
GeekWire, more at Techmeme »

Religion News Service EIC Jerome Socolovsky fired, staffers say publisher Tom Gallagher has attempted to influence editorial, two staffers resigned in protest — Early in the morning on Monday, April 23, members and followers of the “God beat” awoke to upsetting news.

Joy Reid pivots from hacking claims during monologue, says she doesn't believe she wrote the blog posts and apologizes for her past comments about LGBTQ people — MSNBC anchor Joy Reid on Saturday morning offered a lengthy apology for a series of homophobic blog posts attributed to her …
New York Magazine, HuffPost, @jaspar, @harrymccracken and @bariweiss

What The New York Times got right and wrong about AIDS and gay issues in the 1980s and 1990s, through the eyes of six LGBTQ staffers — The New York Times had a spotty record of covering the AIDS epidemic in the early 1980s — and gay culture in general. Times staffers reflect on the paper's past …