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Profile of Jonathan Swan, who has risen on the tricky White House beat but faced recent accusations of being a “bootlicker”, as the “Axios on HBO” series debuts — WASHINGTON — Jonathan Swan could not sleep. — It was 4 a.m. last Wednesday, and Mr. Swan …
Washington Post, CityLab, @karenkho, @davidsirota, @sophiekleeman, @noahcrothman, @ericboehlert, @ericboehlert, @kate_mcclymont, @tonyajoriley, @hamishnews, @mikeisaac, @mattdpearce, @johngcole, @bevanshields, @kenvogel, @dylanbyers, @katherinemiller, @libbycwatson, @emptywheel, @brianstelter, @yannschreiber, @maggienyt, @ddayen, @dangillmor, @jacksonwbarnett, @lrozen and @ggreeneva

NBC airs an anti-immigration ad, approved by Trump, that CNN publicly declared to be racist and unfit for its network — In the middle of a highly anticipated “Sunday Night Football” broadcast, NBC aired an immigration-themed advertisement, approved by President Trump …
Hollywood Reporter, @malinowski, @lynnv378, @lookatmeimdanny, @neeratanden, @brianstelter,, The Gateway Pundit, Hill Reporter and TV Tattle

The Washington Examiner says its Twitter feed was hacked this morning, after tweets disparaging Trump and the publication appeared — The Washington Examiner says they were the victim of a hacking Monday morning, after a tweet was issued from their official account saying their paper was “garbage.”

Guardian US journalists respond to a Guardian editorial, say it advanced transphobic views, including gender assertions being used to eliminate trans rights — A recent editorial on the Gender Recognition Act in the UK was met with dismay by Guardian US journalists who believe …
@transmediawatch, @mercurialblonde, @travisalabanza, @bethanyrutter, @ri_mcd, @misselliemae, @shonfaye and @owenjones84

NYMag columnist Cristian Farias joins NYT Editorial Board as interim member while Jesse Wegman is on book leave, Alex Kingsbury joins as senior editor — Cristian Farias, who has been a columnist at New York magazine, will help fill Jesse Wegman's role while he's on book leave …

A look at various efforts by Nordic publisher Schibsted Media, which says it is losing 9% of its digital subscribers every month, to improve retention — Fifteen years since launching its first paywall, Nordic publishing giant Schibsted Media has over a million print and digital subscribers …

Jamal Khashoggi's sons make emotional plea to Turkish and Saudi authorities to return his body, say they're relying on media for information about the case — Washington (CNN)The sons of murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi issued an emotional appeal for the return of their father's body …
The Guardian, @mck_beth, @karenattiah, KRTV-TV and The Week

Study: negative ads for federal elections on broadcast TV and national cable channels have increased by 61% since the last midterms — As we reach the final week of the 2018 midterm election, an analysis by the Wesleyan Media Project finds that television advertising in federal races …
New York Times, @mattgrossmann, @wesmediaproject, @mattgrossmann and @wesmediaproject

Q&A: professor John Edwin Mason on National Geographic's depictions of POC, the culture of white supremacy at its founding, and a recent racist clichéd cover — The white cowboy versus the “savage native”: 8 months after its “racial reckoning,” the magazine takes two steps backward.

How newsrooms are covering midterms: NPR's data use, AP's VoteCast survey, Nevada Independent's explainers, and crowdsourcing at Electionland, Politico, and NYT — To meet the challenges of the midterms, news outlets are taking a more collaborative approach, changing how they report on polls …
@mariaramirezny, @mariaramirezny, @mimapamundi, @mariaramirezny and @niemanfdn

Gannett to point print readers in its 109 markets to its digital sites for fresh election results, reduce midterm news in print, and drop paywalls for 48 hours — In cities across America, you won't be able to find even the most cursory election results in your Wednesday morning newspaper next week.

Why an experienced journalist of color chose to resign from The Globe and Mail in Vancouver, troubled by the lack of diversity in Canadian journalism — I've thought about this piece, involving the experiences of journalists of colour, a lot the last few months.
@medium, @desmondcole and @medium