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Source: the New York Yankees are planning to buy back the YES Network from Fox as Fox works to sell off its regional sports networks — The New York Yankees are in talks to buy back YES Network as Disney and Twenty-First Century Fox look to clear their $71.3 billion merger, The Post has learned.
Bloomberg, Multichannel News and Awful Announcing

Despite speculation, neither Fox Sports nor NBC Sports bid on Fox's 22 regional sports networks last week by the deadline; it's now unclear who did submit bids — Fox Sports and NBC Sports stay on sideline for the sale, leaving the media industry to wonder who's in.
Awful Announcing

New York Media, parent company to New York magazine, will launch a paywall for its sites in the last week of November with $5/month or $50/year subscriptions — Information may want to be free, as an aphorism had it in the early days of digital media. But these days, increasingly, journalism wants to be paid for.
Folio, @karaswisher, @poniewozik, @rafat, @kevin_reiss, @elongreen, @caro, MediaPost, @jeffjarvis and The Guardian

A look at how the San Francisco Chronicle and the LA Times newsrooms are responding to the fires on the heels of the election and the Thousand Oaks shooting — The Poynter Institute's Morning Mediawire breaks down and delivers the most important stories you need to start your day.
@audreycoopersf, CNN, CBS Los Angeles and Los Angeles Times

Snap VP of Content Nick Bell, who joined the company in 2014 to lead Discover, says he's leaving amid a planned reorg under Chief Strategy Officer Jared Grusd — Another longtime Snap executive is jumping ship. — This time it's Nick Bell, Snap's VP of Content, who told employees that he's leaving on Monday.
Recode, @kurtwagner8, Variety, @carnage4life, @mat, Tubefilter, Adweek and The Wrap, more at Techmeme »

Police report of protest at Tucker Carlson's house contradicts his account as it concerns spray-painting of his driveway without mention of damage to his door — The people who shouted threatening chants at the residence of Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Wednesday night did more than just unsettle a family.
@drrjkavanagh, ThinkProgress, Variety and @brianbeutler

Smart speakers' effect on audio: NPR's listening hours from speaker owners up 15% YoY, podcast listeners skip ads less, Spotify users likelier to listen daily — Until we invent something that wouldn't be possible without voice, we're just repurposing online content for our ears.

YouTube CEO warns of unintended consequences of EU's Article 13 and says YouTube may have to block videos in the EU to avoid liability under the new directive — This op-ed originally appeared in the Financial Times. — Creativity has long been a guiding force in my life …
The Verge, @susanwojcicki, Deadline, MediaPost, Business Insider and Boing Boing, more at Techmeme »

BBC study in India, Kenya, and Nigeria: people are overly confident about spotting fake news and don't tend to question the source of the original message — A rising tide of nationalism in India is driving ordinary citizens to spread fake news, according to BBC research.
@divyaspandana and Quartz

Sources: the owner of the Daily Mail is drawing up plans to make an offer for the i, a newspaper currently owned by Johnston Press — The owner of the Daily Mail is plotting to buy the i in a move that would expand its share of the national newspaper market during a period of turbulence for the UK's biggest publishers .
HoldtheFrontPage, The Drum, BBC, The Times & The Sunday Times, Sky News, MorningstarUK, Author stories, Press Gazette, The Guardian, City A.M. and Reuters

After Trump denied Jim Acosta a press pass, networks and WH reporters were left with a choice to protest the move or do nothing, and both options have drawbacks — The CNN chief Jeff Zucker gave his troops unexpected orders the day after President Trump snatched the press credential away from Jim Acosta …
Poynter, MediaFile, @peterbakernyt, @ashleyfeinberg, @schafer42, @jayrosen_nyu, @erinjonesin2016, @jimrutenberg, @postscottwilson, @benmullin and New Yorker

Netflix executives say they want to experiment with lower-priced subscriptions in countries with lower per-capita income in pursuit of growth in Asia — - Streaming service wants to experiment with prices, CEO says — Service has announced 17 new shows from five Asian countries
Reuters, FierceVideo, Engadget, Variety, Observer, The Verge and Fast Company