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District court judge rules in BuzzFeed's favor in lawsuit from tech exec Aleksej Gubarev after publication of Steele dossier, citing the fair report privilege — The outlet can't evade a defamation claim from Aleksej Gubarev by arguing he must show actual malice.
Ben Smith / @buzzfeedben: My statement:
Zoe Tillman / BuzzFeed News: BuzzFeed News Has Won A Lawsuit Over Its Decision To Publish The Trump Dossier
Jaclyn Peiser / New York Times: BuzzFeed Wins Defamation Lawsuit Filed by Executive Named in Trump Dossier
Eriq Gardner / @eriqgardner: District court judge rules in favor of BuzzFeed in defamation suit brought by tech exec Aleksej Gubarev after BuzzFeed's publication of Steele dossier
Dawn C. Chmielewski / Deadline: BuzzFeed Wins Defamation Lawsuit Over Publication Of Steele Dossier
Rachel Maddow / @maddow: Tonight's court order in Buzzfeed's favor about their publication of the Steele dossier is fascinating reading. Buzzfeed's article about it here: ... The ruling here: ... And here's the part where we say Hi Congressman Kinzinger! :
Brian Beutler / @brianbeutler: Added vindication coming the same week Comey dragged BuzzFeed for doing this in closed testimony. Pretty clear whose decisions from that era have worn better with time.
Miriam Elder / @miriamelder: Proud to work at an outlet that puts its readers first, and thrilled that this decision aligns with that mission. Support the great journalism @BuzzFeedNews here:
Tom Gara / @tomgara: Can you even imagine what it would have been like if the dossier remained secret all this time - all that news coverage just talking about it but nobody knowing what's in it?
@shani_o: Never wavered in the belief we did the right thing. Time has shown it, over and over again.
Ashley Feinberg / @ashleyfeinberg: shout out to all the Respectable Journalists who shit on buzzfeed for publishing what they didn't have the guts to do
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: Florida federal judge has granted BuzzFeed's motion for summary judgment in defamation lawsuit of Russian businessman Aleksej Gubarev stemming from publication of dossier: ...
Dan Lavoie / @djlavoie: BuzzFeed publishing the Steele Dossier remains one of the most brave — and risky — acts of American political journalism of my lifetime. @BuzzFeedBen put his name & his organization on the line with that call...and changed history for the better. Congrats on the win.
Jesse Eisinger / @eisingerj: It was the right decision to publish and took courage by @buzzfeedben and my old editor @SchoofsFeed. I'm sorry my colleagues attacked them.
Jason Leopold / @jasonleopold: Historic victory BuzzFeed News Has Won A Lawsuit Over Its Decision To Publish The Trump Dossier The judge found BuzzFeed was protected by a “fair report privilege” because the article involved an official proceeding. ... via @zoetillman

Facebook says it shared data with integration partners only when users signed in with their Facebook accounts, to access features on other platforms, devices — Today, we're facing questions about whether Facebook gave large tech companies access to people's information and, if so, why we did this.
New York Times, @netflix, BuzzFeed News, Fortune, Slate, @mattburgess1, @tomjadams, @davewiner, @iainthomson, Business Insider, @blackamazon, @tculpan, @ruskin147, The Next Web, The Wrap, @cwarzel, CBS San Francisco, Marketing Land, Engadget, @alexstamos, The Daily Caller, @davewiner, Adweek, @jasonhirschhorn, @ryanbeckwith, @zackwhittaker, USA Today, @sarahfrier, Vox, The Guardian, @mattnavarra, @rmac18, @rmac18, @alexstamos, @alexstamos, @alexstamos, @kurtwagner8, TechCrunch, Fast Company and, more at Techmeme »
Brian X. Chen / New York Times: How to Delete Facebook — Lost faith in Facebook after data leakages …
Netflix US / @netflix: @nytimes Netflix never asked for, or accessed, anyone's private messages. We're not the type to slide into your DMs.
Nicole Nguyen / BuzzFeed News: Here's Why “Opting Out” Of Data Collection Is An Illusion
Matt Burgess / @mattburgess1: aThe NYT investigation is shocking. But Facebook's blog post responding to it is also worth a read. Facebook's response feels very jumbled, hard to understand and doesn't really clear anything up
Tom Adams / @tomjadams: We fucked up and we're pissed you're calling us on it
@davewiner: Somewhat of a shocking piece for the NYT. Can you imagine them running it five years ago? How about quitting Google? Amazon? Quitting the NYT?
Iain Thomson / @iainthomson: This thread by Facebook's former head of security is well worth a read. Especially if you're in PR.
Rob Price / Business Insider: Washington DC is taking legal action against Facebook over the Cambridge Analytica scandal
@blackamazon: Because they never get called on it. And media still thinks the story is them and not the people that are affected by it.
Tim Culpan / @tculpan: Tone deaf. This reads a lot like: “P*** off and quit whinging, you let us do this to you.” “Our integration partners had to get authorization from people. You would have had to sign in with your Facebook account to use the integration ..” So, sign-in w/ FB = authorization
Rory Cellan-Jones / @ruskin147: Facebook response to NYT story- says none of these “partner” deals did anything without user permission - but “most of these features are now gone”
Rachel Kaser / The Next Web: Facebook's latest privacy stumble gave big tech access to your messages
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: seems increasingly clear that these companies can be defensive bc it is an industry standard practice to have big sloppy partner agreements. there's a structural issue here. and what is truly scandalous is that this is the way we built the modern internet.
Edgar Alvarez / Engadget: Didn't think Facebook could get any worse? Think again.
Alex Stamos / @alexstamos: This isn't a good response from Facebook to the NY Times story, because it makes the same mistake of blending all kinds of different integrations and models into a bunch of prose and it is very hard to match up the responses to the Times' claims.
Joe Simonson / The Daily Caller: The New York Times Had Special Access To Facebook Data Without Users' Knowledge
@davewiner: This thread asks the questions the NYT would have asked if they were interested in educating instead of enflaming.
Ronan Shields / Adweek: Facebook Expands Partnership With DoubleVerify for Viewability and Fraud Measurement on Stories' Video Ads
Jason Hirschhorn / @jasonhirschhorn: What a fucking cowardly cop-out “user permission” is. At Facebook, that is the less than the equivalent of the fine print on an opioid commercial. What they are really saying is that they think the exchange was worth it, that the users sort of knew it and they're covered legally.
Ryan Teague Beckwith / @ryanbeckwith: 7. Change your name 8. Fake your own death 9. Use VPN to mask your IP 10. Travel from town to town doing odd jobs for cash and reluctantly helping the powerless but always staying one step ahead of the law
Zack Whittaker / @zackwhittaker: Now isn't the time to be funny, @netflix. Read the room. Everyone's pissed off.
Eli Blumenthal / USA Today: Facebook's latest privacy scandal: What we know about the company's handling of user data
Sarah Frier / @sarahfrier: Ok Facebook, but what does this mean? There's a big difference between something that narrowly allows me to send a song and something that allows Spotify to read everything I've ever sent/received on Facebook messenger.
Matt Navarra / @mattnavarra: Facebook's PR fire-fighting response title oozes “We're getting pissed off having to explain ourselves every goddamn minute”
Ryan Mac / @rmac18: Ctrl+F: Yandex Results: 0
Ryan Mac / @rmac18: Interesting that FB isn't even trying to dance around this point (which is what most readers seemed to be pissed about). I don't think “Well, users clicked thru a privacy agreement and gave permission” is going to cut it here.
Alex Stamos / @alexstamos: There very well could be serious privacy problems in the Times' story, but it is hard to tell what is really problematic because they intentionally blur the lines between FB allowing 3rd party clients/OS integrations (like Apple) with data actually going to other companies.
Alex Stamos / @alexstamos: But integrations that are sneaky or send secret data to servers controlled by others really is wrong. Since the Times is apparently sitting on a huge list of historical integrations, it would be better for FB to document them than to allow the Times' to add their framing.
Alex Stamos / @alexstamos: What they really need is a table that gets updated over the next several days that lists the company, the kind of integration, what data was accessible, what steps a user took to activate the integration, and when/whether it was shut down.
Kurt Wagner / @kurtwagner8: And here's FB's response to that story: “To be clear: none of these partnerships or features gave companies access to information without people's permission, nor did they violate our 2012 settlement with the FTC.” ¯\_()_/¯
Ingrid Lunden / TechCrunch: UK's DCMS calls in Facebook again over user data access, asks competition authorities to investigate

Facebook confirms Spotify, Netflix, Dropbox, and RBC had read/write/delete access for messaging integrations, says it was experimental and ended three years ago — In the past day, we've been accused of disclosing people's private messages to partners without their knowledge.
TechCrunch, @kurtwagner8, Fast Company, Business Insider, Engadget, @iansherr, @joshconstine, @facebook, @karissabe, @ajpeebles, @karissabe, Slate and The Wrap, more at Techmeme »
Taylor Hatmaker / TechCrunch: Facebook defends allowing third parties access to user messages
Kurt Wagner / @kurtwagner8: Here's another response from Facebook to the NYT data story. This one explains why some companies, like Netflix and Spotify, could “read Facebook users' private messages.”
Cale Guthrie Weissman / Fast Company: Facebook doesn't care about you — Last week, during an interview …
Matt Weinberger / Business Insider: Facebook says there's an innocent explanation for why it allowed Spotify and Netflix to access your private messages
Richard Lawler / Engadget: Facebook tries to explain Netflix and Spotify's messaging access
Ian Sherr / @iansherr: “We've been accused of disclosing people's private messages to partners without their knowledge. That's not true” Disagree. Facebook may have asked for permission when you connected Spotify, Netflix, Dropbox and RBC but that doesn't mean people UNDERSTOOD what was going on.
Josh Constine / @joshconstine: Facebook needs to cough up the privacy permissions users agreed to. Better if it explicitly asked for messaging access, bad if it only got some blanket “connect your account” consent
@facebook: In the past day, we've been accused of disclosing people's private messages to partners without their knowledge. That's not true - and we wanted to provide more facts about our messaging partnerships
Karissa Bell / @karissabe: The lack of understanding of how app permissions work was and is a huge issue. But I also wonder if there should be some way to be more granular about this... like give Spotify read/write access to specific messages initiated within its app without giving it everything
Andrew Peebles / @ajpeebles: For everybody in @facebook freakout mode after those headlines, here's what you need to know - the ACTUAL facts. Thanks @nytimes for your awesome journalism.

Documents show Facebook gave ~150 companies, including NYT, Yahoo, and other media access to more user data than disclosed; FB says it didn't violate FTC decree — Internal documents show that the social network gave Microsoft, Amazon, Spotify and others far greater access to people's data than it has disclosed.
Washington Post, Gizmodo,, TechCrunch, The Wrap, Politico, Bloomberg, The Ringer, CNBC, @ashleyfeinberg, @kashhill, @robinberjon, @hshaban, @superwuster, BuzzFeed News, Motherboard, Slate, Free Press, The Hill, @waltmossberg, @mikeisaac, @bcappelbaum, Los Angeles Times, @jamesfallows, @zachdcarter, Vanity Fair, @senmarkey, GeekWire, Recode, @bomani_jones, @sifill_ldf, The Daily Caller, Gizmodo, The A.V. Club, @nickconfessore, Ad Age, DCist, Techdirt, Tubefilter, Fortune, Forbes, Broadcasting & Cable, The Guardian, Mashable, The Outline, The Daily Beast, Engadget, Mobile Marketer, Business Insider, Adweek, Vox, @philippereines, Marketing Land, MediaPost, @amyklobuchar, @zkahn, Fast Company, Variety, @mikeisaac, The Week, hypebot, CNN, TVNewser, @boringstein, @selenalarson, @karaswisher, @heerjeet, @ashleyfeinberg, @_mades, @_mades, @_mades, @_mades, @nickconfessore, @reckless, @zeynep, @nickconfessore, @jason_kint, @manish_vij, @riegerreport, @anguslivingston, @bethanyshondark, @mollymckew, @moonalice, @inklesspw, @caseyexplosion, @warondumb, @pierre, @djrothkopf, @aaschapiro, @ashleyfeinberg, @clarajeffery, @hshaban, @anthonymobile, @jeffjohnroberts, @hshaban and @jamestitcomb, more at Techmeme »
Washington Post: 'It's about time': Facebook faces first lawsuit from U.S. regulators after Cambridge Analytica scandal
Kashmir Hill / Gizmodo: Amazon and Facebook Reportedly Had a Secret Data-Sharing Agreement, and It Explains So Much
Taylor Hatmaker / TechCrunch: Using Facebook's latest privacy stumble, lawmakers push for strong FTC oversight
Sean Burch / The Wrap: Facebook's Faceplant Year: Is This the Beginning of the End for Social Media Giant?
Steven Overly / Politico: Democrats unload on Facebook's ‘chutzpah’
Matt Levine / Bloomberg: Insider Trading Is Not a Romantic Surprise
Brian Phillips / The Ringer: The Cost of Living in Mark Zuckerberg's Internet Empire
Ashley Feinberg / @ashleyfeinberg: disgusted that Netflix and Spotify were able to read my most intimate moments
Kashmir Hill / @kashhill: In the summer of 2017, I asked Facebook if it used signals from “third parties such as data brokers” for friend recommendations. Kicking myself for not recognizing the evasion in their answer. 1. FB's answer via email 2 What the NYT found out about PYMK in internal FB docs
Robin Berjon / @robinberjon: @nickconfessore I would contend that's actually selling (under the CCPA it is). Providing in exchange for an advantage is selling even if the advantage is not monetary. Same as it would be for instance for bribery.
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: After revealing details of undisclosed, intrusive data-sharing agreements with tech giants, the NYT Facebook investigation discusses the Federal Trade Commission's role in policing facebook and protecting consumers. Critics say the FTC has failed
Tim Wu / @superwuster: I hesitated for far too long (I have kids after all) but that's it — I'm deleting my Facebook account.
Charlie Warzel / BuzzFeed News: Apps Are Revealing Your Private Information To Facebook And You Probably Don't Know It
Jason Koebler / Motherboard: Facebook and Silicon Valley Are Colluding to Profit From Your Personal Data
Aaron Mak / Slate: What It Means to Delete Facebook
Amy Kroin / Free Press: Facebook Violates Its Users' Privacy Yet Again Amy Kroin Wed, 12/19/2018 - 14:33
Tal Axelrod / The Hill: Dem lawmaker calls on Facebook to fire Zuckerberg
Walt Mossberg / @waltmossberg: This is an in credible and worrisome scoop. One key piece: “Facebook also allowed Spotify, Netflix and the Royal Bank of Canada to read, write and delete users' private messages, and to see all participants on a thread”
Rat King / @mikeisaac: another excellent story by @gabrieldance @laforgia_ @nickconfessore about FB and user dataFacebook has played fast and loose with user data for a very long time. these are the developers we know accessed the API and were given deeper permissions
Binyamin Appelbaum / @bcappelbaum: The list of companies with which Facebook shared your private information includes China's Huawei and Russia's Yandex — which is to say, companies regarded as partners of Chinese and Russian intelligence. ...
Sam Dean / Los Angeles Times: The data-sharing at the heart of Facebook's latest scandal isn't an anomaly — it's how Facebook does business
James Fallows / @jamesfallows: I've done the same. Never active on Facebook, always wary of it. Recent accumulation of news leads me to same conclusion as @waltmossberg .
Zach Carter / @zachdcarter: For folks keeping track at home, there is a federal regulator, the FTC, which currently has the power to effectively shut Facebook down over this.
Ed Markey / @senmarkey: Opening someone else's mail is a federal crime. Why is @Facebook allowed to let Netflix and Spotify open your private messages? Mark Zuckerberg might think of this as just “data”, but this is people's private lives. We need a law to protect Americans' sensitive information.
Nat Levy / GeekWire: Facebook data-sharing partnerships with Amazon, Microsoft and other tech giants at the center of latest privacy scandal
Kurt Wagner / Recode: Facebook doesn't need to sell your data. It has been giving it away free for years.
Bomani Jones / @bomani_jones: one thing i find interesting: ppl (including me) are talking about canceling their fb accounts but not netflix or spotify. they're complicit, too.
Sherrilyn Ifill / @sifill_ldf: A new revelation every day.
Chris White / The Daily Caller: Report: Facebook Gave AI Control Of A Crucial Personal Data Collection Tool
Nick Confessore / @nickconfessore: If @kashhill's hunch here is correct, Amazon's use of the Facebook data would be *profoundly* at odds with the “we're just providing Facebook-like experiences!” defense Facebook and partners have offered.
Mike Masnick / Techdirt: Facebook's Latest Privacy Screwup Shows How Facebook's Worst Enemy Is Still Facebook
James Loke Hale / Tubefilter: Netflix Denies Exploiting Its Alleged Ability To Read, Write, And Delete Facebook Users' Private Messages
Kalev Leetaru / Forbes: Is It Time For Facebook To Finally Come Clean About Our Data?
Rachel Kraus / Mashable: Facebook's bad news from the last 24 hours, ranked
Thomas Lewton / The Outline: People still think their Facebook profiles are worth keeping
Kevin Poulsen / The Daily Beast: Facebook Put User Data Within Kremlin's Grasp Last Year
Mallory Locklear / Engadget: Facebook collects user data from apps like Tinder, OKCupid and others
Peter Adams / Mobile Marketer: NYT report suggests Facebook overstepped bounds of FTC consent decree
Jonathan Garber / Business Insider: Facebook sheds $22 billion of market value as bad news piles up
Emily Stewart / Vox: Mark Zuckerberg is essentially untouchable at Facebook
Philippe Reines / @philippereines: We've become desensitized by the sheer volume & frequency of Facebook revelations. But this latest is Top 3 All-Time Worst. It's the trifecta of intentional, sleazy, concealed. Whether Zuckerberg perjured himself to Congress doesn't matter. In every way it matters, he lied.
Ginny Marvin / Marketing Land: NYT report on Facebook's data deals won't sway advertisers, say media buyers
Gavin O'Malley / MediaPost: Facebook Slamed For Sharing User Data With Business Partners
Amy Klobuchar / @amyklobuchar: BREAKING: Investigation uncovered that Facebook gave companies access to private personal data - including messages & phone numbers - for hundreds of millions of users without their knowledge. Unacceptable. Congress should pass my bipartisan privacy bill with @SenJohnKennedy.
Zach Kahn / @zkahn: march 2015: facebook is gonna kill the NYT and its journalism december 2018: the NYT and its journalism are gonna kill facebook
Steven Melendez / Fast Company: 5 reasons why the D.C. attorney general is suing Facebook
Todd Spangler / Variety: Netflix Says It Never Accessed Facebook Users' Private Messages
Rat King / @mikeisaac: something i hope sinks in: facebook platform has been around since 2-0-0-7. FB has literally held annual F8 conferences to entice developers to the Facebook API. that is more than a decade of guessing how many developers improperly used graph data, and what they did with it
Brendan Morrow / The Week: DC attorney general sues Facebook over Cambridge Analytica scandal
Bruce Houghton / hypebot: Facebook Confirms Spotify Used Access To Private Messages, Other User Data
Kegelian Dialectic / @boringstein: The worst mistake we could make here would be thinking Facebook are the only ones doing this
Selena / @selenalarson: This is obviously a problem that extends far beyond Facebook; it's an interconnected web of non-consensual data grabbing on a foundation built by Facebook.
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: What stands out most here is the amazingly sloppy management of user data: As Facebook Raised a Privacy Wall, It Carved an Opening for Tech Giants - The New York Times
Jeet Heer / @heerjeet: The Facebook story is also a story of regulatory capture, made all the easier because the FTC outsources oversight duties to private firms.
Ashley Feinberg / @ashleyfeinberg: i can't wait to find out what other horrible evil shit facebook has been hiding when it casually drops a blog on christmas eve
J.M. / @_mades: 1) A little history lesson on $FB and their data practices. They first opened up the Social Graph in 2007 to app makers which invented growth marketing as we know it.
J.M. / @_mades: 11) In order to get access to these API's you had to give very detailed documentation on how you would use the API, what data you would pull, what you wouldn't pull and your code would be audited by $FB
J.M. / @_mades: 3) Fun plot twist: $ZNGA literally built their entire multi-billion dollar gaming business off of this access and using a ton of ethically dubious tricks to get people to play their games: ...
J.M. / @_mades: 14) So while it's sensational to say that $NFLX was reading texts to your girlfriend on $FB it is quite disingenuous to the people that put a ton of thought into protecting your data and providing a great experience </rant end>
Nick Confessore / @nickconfessore: #4: Facebook was sloppy. At our prodding, Facebook found data partners it forgot it was giving your information to. And some of the partners we called said they didn't even know they were getting the data.
Nilay Patel / @reckless: Facebook's extremely shady data-sharing deals leaking because Facebook couldn't even prevent its own deals database from leaking is an object lesson in why you can't trust the company to protect any information
Zeynep Tufekci / @zeynep: Kudos to @kashhill for the “people you may know” investigation, by the way, and also note Facebook's answer to her when she asked about it. In light of what we now know, it's clear they purposefully evaded her.
Nick Confessore / @nickconfessore: Yo I heard you like aggregation, so here are some takeaways from our latest Facebook investigation. #1: Facebook deals in your data. They don't sell it — but they found strategically superior ways to monetize your data w/partners.
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: New York Times data governance expert debating and discussing with New York Times investigative reporter whether Facebook actually did “sell” data is certainly good late-night Twitter.
Manish Vij / @manish_vij: “Yandex had access in 2017 to Facebook's unique user IDs... was accused last year by Ukraine's security service of funneling its user data to the Kremlin”
JM Rieger / @riegerreport: Most data-sharing partners contacted by NYT declined to say whether FB had audited their use of FB data. Two former partners said FB never audited them: BlackBerry and Yandex. Facebook told NYT while it audited partners rarely, it managed them closely.
Angus Livingston / @anguslivingston: Facebook, one of Australia's two largest publishers but breaks Australian law every single day, let big companies read, write and delete users' private messages
Bethany S. Mandel / @bethanyshondark: This line made my eyes bug out
Roger McNamee / @moonalice: Attention parents: remember two things ... (1) FB owns Instagram and shares data between the platforms and (2) there is no reason to believe they safeguarded the data of kids any better than that of adults.
Paul Wells / @inklesspw: Considering a new life in which I communicate only with an acoustic modem from 1983
Mistle-toed Sloth / @caseyexplosion: This is beyond messed up. Zuckerberg and all of the higher ups need to be held accountable.
Pierre Omidyar / @pierre: “Facebook also allowed Spotify, Netflix and the Royal Bank of Canada to read, write and delete users' private messages.” Private messages. This seems very bad. Evidence?
David Rothkopf / @djrothkopf: If we as a society had developed the means to properly value our data assets & had a sensible discussion about the ownership of those assets & the rights pertaining to them, we wouldn't be seeing these problems. Their theft of that property is one of the great scams of all time.
Avi Asher-Schapiro / @aaschapiro: The subtext for all these stories continues to be the apparent embarrassing failure of the FTC to do...anything? FB was & continues to be under a privacy consent decree from the agency.
Ashley Feinberg / @ashleyfeinberg: it also doesn't seem unlikely that we're gonna find out that facebook is using our cameras to create a facial recognition database that they've been sharing with the fed
Clara Jeffery / @clarajeffery: “Facebook also allowed Spotify, Netflix and the Royal Bank of Canada to read, write and delete users' private messages, and to see all participants on a thread...”
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: Facebook bypassed privacy controls & granted more intrusive access to user data to Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix, Spotify, Yahoo & more, according to 270 pgs of internal docs obtained by the NYT. In some cases companies could read/edit users' private messages
Anthony Townsend / @anthonymobile: HAHA ‘MURICA U BEEN BOOKFACED! Bookface “gave Netflix and Spotify the ability to read Facebook users’ private messages”. There's the secret behind those killer recommendations you fools.
Jeff Roberts / @jeffjohnroberts: FB let Spotify and Netflix read users' private messages. If this doesn't violate the consent decree, @FTC might as well close up shop
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: Facebook will...? A) Not address the specific claims in the investigation B) Dispute claims that where not made in the investigation C) Have Sheryl or Mark say the company needs to do better D) Somehow make this worse in their response E) All of the above

Eliza Dushku says Michael Weatherly bragged about ties with Les Moonves and says her manager was told Dushku would be “out of the business” if she sued CBS — The narrative propagated by CBS, actor Michael Weatherly, and writer-producer Glenn Gordon Caron is deceptive …
@globeopinion, The Wrap, Vanity Fair, Slate, Variety, @leung, @elizadushku, @helenkaydimon, @audreyalison, @rachelabramsny, Decider, @ckrewson, @kateaurthur, @koblin, @emilynussbaum, @edmundlee, @koblin, Hollywood Life, The A.V. Club, @michaelbodey, Deadline, UPROXX, @sarahlerner, @linda_pizzuti, IndieWire and Jezebel
@globeopinion: .@elizadushku responds to what happened at CBS: “I took a job and because I did not want to be harassed, I was fired.”
Aja Hoggatt / Slate: Stephen Colbert Knows What to Do With the $120 Million Les Moonves Isn't Getting
Cynthia Littleton / Variety: Eliza Dushku Slams CBS, Michael Weatherly for Alleged Harassment and Retaliation on ‘Bull’
Shirley Leung / @leung: Thank you @elizadushku for sharing your story of harassment and bullying at @CBS. Not easy and you didn't have to. Let's hope this ushers in a true culture change at the network — and in Hollywood.
Eliza Dushku / @elizadushku: Thank you for giving me my voice back @GlobeOpinion @BostonGlobe
HelenKay Dimon / @helenkaydimon: “This is not a ‘he-said/she-said’ case. Weatherly's behavior was captured on CBS's own videotape recordings.”
Audrey Wauchope Lieberstein / @audreyalison: The actual idea that people didn't think this was harassment is really really disheartening. What the fuck do we do (besides more of this) to change the industry? This woman deserves 9 million more dollars for being dragged through this publicly.
Rachel C. Abrams / @rachelabramsny: @elizadushku 's first comments on her firing from “Bull” speak to why so many people are too afraid to report sexual harassment: “Caron said to my manager, ‘If Eliza wants to be out of the business by suing CBS, she can be out of the business’” ...
Kayla Cobb / Decider: Eliza Dushku Speaks out About Michael Weatherly: “Because I Did Not Want to Be Harassed, I Was Fired”
Chris Krewson / @ckrewson: But let's all be thankful that a white shoe law firm found no widespread culture issues at CBS. Where a settlement is still being paid to a woman wronged by Don Hewitt, who is dead. And Jeff Fager, his successor at 60 Minutes. And Charlie Rose.
Kate Aurthur / @kateaurthur: I love that @elizadushku wrote this. It's so well done, and horribly damning. I also wonder if it will shame Steven Spielberg into meeting with her. (And I also love that it's in the @BostonGlobe, her hometown paper!)
John Koblin / @koblin: Eliza Dushku speaks: “I took a job and, because I did not want to be harassed, I was fired.”
Emily Nussbaum / @emilynussbaum: Powerful testimony from Eliza Dushku on Bull, making it crystal clear just how rotten CBS's response to the harassment was (up to and including the behavior of Glenn Caron.)
Edmund Lee / @edmundlee: Eliza Dushku speaks about her experience on set of CBS show BULL. Co-star Weatherly harassed her repeatedly; cited his close friendship w/(now ousted) CEO Les Moonves, what she saw as intimidation. She also calls out Spielberg (co-producer on the show) ...
John Koblin / @koblin: “Weatherly harassed me from early on. The tapes show his offer to take me to his ‘rape van, filled with all sorts of lubricants and long phallic things.’”
Beth Shilliday / Hollywood Life: Eliza Dushku Slams ‘Bull’ Costar Michael Weatherly Over $9.5M Harassment Case: He ‘Bullied’ Me
Sam Barsanti / The A.V. Club: Eliza Dushku has now released her own account of harassment on the Bull set
Michael Bodey / @michaelbodey: wow, this is quite the takedown. And only out there cos the men stupidly tried to fight their way out of it. A side issue in this #metoo reckoning is how poor & complicit the crisis management/legal biz has been. People paid '000s have made things worse ...
Dominic Patten / Deadline: Eliza Dushku Says 'Bull's Michael Weatherly “Bragged” …
Kimberly Ricci / UPROXX: Eliza Dushku Blasts CBS And Michael Weatherly For Alleged Retaliation Over Her Sexual Harassment Claims
Sarah Lerner / @sarahlerner: So much solidarity to Eliza Dushku for speaking out. The harassment she experienced was blatant, cruel, and indicative of much larger issues at CBS/Hollywood.
Linda Pizzuti Henry / @linda_pizzuti: The remarkably strong, experienced and professional actress handled a demeaning and bullying on-set culture at CBS with grace and clarity. She was fired for it. Free from her confidentiality agreement, for the first time @elizadushku shares what happened on the set of Bull.

Ad boycotts of Tucker Carlson Tonight were inevitable after people publicly objected to racist messages and Fox News abdicated its role of supervising a host — In October, Tucker Carlson boasted about how he could say anything he wants to say on his prime-time Fox News program …
Politico, The Wrap, The Hill, @michaelsocolow, @erikwemple, @erikwemple, @erikwemple, Contemptor and The Week
Jack Shafer / Politico: Stop the Stupid Tucker Carlson Boycott
Justin Wise / The Hill: Fox News says it won't let Tucker Carlson be ‘censored’
Michael Socolow / @michaelsocolow: @mathewi @ErikWemple @jackshafer Isn't a boycott an attempt to force a corporation into enforcing an editorial judgment? One it would prefer not to be involved in? I'm not trolling, I just see these issues (ownership/advertising) as linked at the nexus of the concept of editorial independence.
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: Tucker Carlson appears determined to feed the advertiser-pressure campaign against him:
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: @jackshafer @mathewi As I argued today, Fox News has given Carlson carte blanche editorial discretion — no editing whatsoever, to hear him tell it. This failure has left a vacuum that others are now filling. ...
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: Again and again, Fox News has declined to edit the hateful rhetoric of Tucker Carlson. So others are stepping into the vacuum: ...
Justin Baragona / Contemptor: Amid Advertiser Boycott, Tucker Carlson Finishes Last In Demo On Tuesday Night
Harold Maass / The Week: The daily business briefing: December 19, 2018

At least 20 advertisers have now pulled their ads from Tucker Carlson's Fox News show over his comments on immigrants
Mediaite, @gaywonk, Variety,, @gaywonk, @michaelsocolow, @erikwemple, @mathewi, @markarkleiman, @erikwemple, @jeremymbarr, @roncoleman and @mollyjongfast
Josh Feldman / Mediaite: Alan Dershowitz to Tucker Carlson: I Hate Boycotts, But 'I Wish You Hadn't Used That Language' About Immigration
Carlos Maza / @gaywonk: People like @jackshafer know damn well that these strategies don't work. Fox News doesn't give a shit as long as they keep making ad money. Boycotting is the only meaningful response to a propaganda network that lives off ad revenue..
Brian Steinberg / Variety: Advertisers Continue to Cut Ties With Fox News' Tucker Carlson
Chuck Ross / More Advertisers Cut Ties With Fox News Host
Carlos Maza / @gaywonk: Media watchdog groups have spent years trying to draw attention to Fox News' racism. And yet Fox News keeps getting worse. Public education campaigns don't work unless they're tied to a strategy of pressuring advertisers/targeting pocketbooks. It's not that hard.
Michael Socolow / @michaelsocolow: @mathewi @ErikWemple @jackshafer General Electric decided it didn't like Phil Donahue's critique of the Iraq War in 2003 so MSNBC cancelled his show. It was the highest-rated one on the network. I think Jack's point is we shouldn't have commercial corporations making news judgments. ...
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: @MichaelSocolow @mathewi @jackshafer Well, we're really screwed, then, considering the current ownership of major TV news outlets.
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: @ErikWemple @jackshafer As I said in my Galley post, I think Jack's concerns are overstated. Yes, the anti-communist blacklists were bad, but I think forcing advertisers to pull their content from a racist's talk show is a totally appropriate use of the only real commercial power viewers have.
Mark A.R. Kleiman / @markarkleiman: Waitwut? The sponsor of a show has no responsibility for the content of the show? On what planet?
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: @jackshafer While I've never been a cheerleader of these particular advertiser pressure campaigns, I have concluded that it doesn't matter what I or @jackshafer or @mathewi thinks about them. They happen because an institution — Fox News — refuses to acknowledge norms of decency.
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: NEW - ROBITUSSIN (@Robitussin) is no longer advertising on Tucker Carlson's show. Pfizer spokesperson: “We are no longer advertising on the program.”

Der Spiegel says editor and reporter Claas Relotius partially or wholly fabricated at least 14 articles, including some that were nominated for or won awards — In recent years, DER SPIEGEL published just under 60 articles by reporter and editor Claas Relotius.
@craigsilverman, The Wrap, @macloo, The Daily Caller, @mathewi, @oliverdarcy, @hunterw, Medium, @newsycombinator, @jamesrbuk and @craigsilverman
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: Two residents of a small town in the US did an absolutely fantastic job of cataloging the fabrications that an award-winning (and now disgraced) Der Spiegel journalist spun when he visited for a story. What the hell happened to Spiegel's fact checkers?
Mindy McAdams / @macloo: Outrageous. Der Spiegel needs to fact-check this and possibly fire some people. Journalism has enough challenges without idiots posing as journalists writing gross fabrications.
Mike Brest / The Daily Caller: CNN's 2014 Journalist Of The Year Resigns After Admitting To Falsifying Stories
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: A journalist for Der Spiegel has admitted that he fabricated quotes and manufactured characters to “interview” for more than a dozen stories, including some features that won awards:
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: “In recent years, DER SPIEGEL published just under 60 articles by reporter and editor Claas Relotius. He has now admitted that, in several instances, he either invented stories or distorted facts.”
Hunter Walker / @hunterw: Shout out to Juan Moreno, the @DerSPIEGEL journalist whose strong instincts and diligent work exposed the fraud perpetrated by his colleague Claas Relotius
@newsycombinator: DER SPIEGEL published around 60 stories from a fraudster
James Ball / @jamesrbuk: Remind me never to fabricate material for @SPIEGELONLINE: they take no prisoners. This might seem harsh, but a public accounting and explanation for readers is a good and important step in restoring trust, and commendable of them.
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: Holy shitballs, Der Spiegel says one of its reporters committed fabrication in at least 14 articles. Spiegel is famous for its fact checking ("dokumentation") department, which is the biggest of any magazine in the world:

Bloomberg is expanding TicToc beyond Twitter, adding the general news video service to airport screens in the US and Canada and planning its own platform for Q1 — Bloomberg Media thinks its one-year-old TicToc news brand has cracked the code on delivering bite-size chunks of news and analysis …
Alexis Benveniste / @apbenven: A look at @tictoc's first year - 515k+ followers - 2.2 million avg daily video views - 1.5 million avg daily views on Twitter - over 100,000 tweets + 4,000 live-streaming video sessions - headed to 500+ screens in airports in the U.S. and Canada

A look at how The Fresno Bee newspaper and its reporters are coping as Rep. Devin Nunes wages a public campaign against them — Local newspapers like The Fresno Bee have long been an endangered institution in America, and that was before California Rep. Devin Nunes began waging a public campaign against his hometown paper.
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: This story on the @FresnoBee is worth your time. It shows how Trump's war on the press has trickled down to local news. The story woven in of Ray Appleton (Fresno's top conservative radio host) and his son, a Fresno Bee journalist, is also fascinating.
Fresno Bee / @fresnobee: “Local newspapers like @FresnoBee have long been an endangered institution in America, and that was before Rep. Devin Nunes began waging a public campaign against his hometown paper.” @GQMagazine talked to us, the “reporters fighting to keep news alive.”
Lauren Gustus / @laurengustus: GQ spent significant time in an undecidedly GQ place. And discovered that passion for community and democracy runs stronger and deeper than the pockets of those who fund political campaigns: (1 of 5)
Amanda K. Dobbins / @akdobbins: “Seems like men in power are the first to use the phrase “witch hunt” when reporters are doing their jobs to hold them accountable. But we know witches are women...PS this email can be on the record if you want it.” Read @zachbaron on the Fresno Bee:
Stu VanAirsdale / @stvanairsdale: I can't wait to teach @zachbaron's extraordinary new GQ story on The @FresnoBee. This has it all. @MackenzieMays, @RoryDoesPhonics, @josephkieta and their colleagues are national goddamn heroes. #ReadLocal, you guys.
Zach Baron / @zachbaron: What do you do when your local rep has gone to war with the newspaper that employs you, your industry's ailing, and your work has become something that requires active shooter training? If you work for the Fresno Bee, you just keep reporting:
Joseph Kieta / @josephkieta: The journalists of @FresnoBee are my heroes. @zachbaron of @GQMagazine explains why in this piece. It's worth your time. @MackenzieMays @RoryDoesPhonics @fb_LewGriswold
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: Ray Appleton, a conservative radio host in Fresno, is friendly w/Devin Nunes. Appleton's son works at @FresnoBee covering politics. GQ asked if it bothered Appleton that Nunes no longer returns calls from his son or the Bee. His response is something. ...
Joshua Tehee / @joshuatehee: Not at all my experience as a journalist @FresnoBee but a fairly accurate representation of what happened around here the last few years. Really worth the read. @GQMagazine @zachbaron
Bruce Arthur / @bruce_arthur: Please read this.
Mike Oz / @mikeoz: This is a great story, worth your time whether you care about Fresno, journalism, politics or just the way human beings interact with each other. Keep fighting the good fight @RoryDoesPhonics @MackenzieMays @fb_LewGriswold @aleksappleton @josephkieta
Caitlyn Jones / @cjonesdrc: This piece nails what it's like to work at a daily newspaper in 2018. S/O to everyone at the @FresnoBee and special S/O to @MackenzieMays, a relentless scribe of truth
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: The @FresnoBee has been doing its job amid vicious attacks from local power brokers including Rep. Devin Nunes, who's channeling Trump's hatred of journalism in his district. A nuanced look from GQ:
Julie Moos / @juliemmoos: >@GQMagazine's @zachbaron captured the beating heart of @FresnoBee, and what I'll miss most about @mcclatchy: @josephkieta @MackenzieMays @RoryDoesPhonics and all our journalists who sacrifice so much to give their communities independent information.
Sopan Deb / @sopandeb: This @GQMagazine profile of the Fresno Bee's battle to survive (and what it says about Devin Nunes) is a must read by @zachbaron.
Dave Helling / @dhellingkc: “It's not that local newspapers like The Fresno Bee are perfect—far from it. It's just that they...contain news. Lose them and you lose the basic building blocks of any political or social conversation, which are facts. Information. Knowledge.”

Sources: Pinterest is planning an IPO that could come as soon as April 2019, expecting a $12B+ valuation, and is on track for $700M+ revenue in 2018, up 50% YoY — Social-media company could choose bankers for the offering as early as January — Pinterest Inc. is actively preparing …
Connie Loizos / TechCrunch: Did unicorns like Lyft and Uber wait too long?
Tanya Dua / Business Insider: Pinterest is talking to bankers and has hired a key exec as it readies itself for a 2019 IPO
Emily Gillespie / Fortune: Pinterest Getting Ready for an Early 2019 IPO, Report Says

Following its failed token sale, Civil founder Matthew Iles says it will launch in February 2019 with a suite of tools for its network of newsrooms — Lessons learned, and turning the page — Civil sits at the intersection of two major trends: 1) decentralized economies powered by blockchain …
Maria Bustillos / @mariabustillos: Hello, @popula archived the full text of a story straight to the #ethereum blockchain today I'm just barely recovering, AMA
@popula: SIRENS: @popula MAKES HISTORY not even kidding We've archived our first piece onto the Ethereum blockchain.
@civil: Yesterday marked a significant day for #journalism, in that it was the first known time a story by a U.S. publication was archived to the Ethereum blockchain. @mariabustillos at @popula tells more.
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: .@Civil is rolling out its new game-plan: ...
Vivian Schiller / @vivian: Some news from @civil today: we're (finally)( launching early February. Thanks to everyone for sticking with us while we reset. Here's more from @matthewiles.
Thomas Baekdal / @baekdal: What a load of BS...

The number of journalists murdered in retaliation for their reporting nearly doubled YoY in 2018 to 34 — Journalists from Saudi Arabia to Afghanistan to the U.S. were targeted for murder in 2018 in reprisal for their work, bringing the total of journalists killed on duty to its highest in three years.
Rick Gladstone / New York Times: Not Just Khashoggi: Reprisal Killings of Journalists Surged This Year
Grace Carr / The Daily Caller: Journalists Murdered For Their Trade Nearly Doubles In 2018, Report Says
Jason Rezaian / @jrezaian: Sad and disturbing end of the year report from CPJ @pressfreedom on the rising number of journalists being murdered around the world. #Khashoggi #DaphneCaruanaGalizia #jankuciak
@pressfreedom: “Political leaders must stand up, speak out, and deliver justice on behalf of the journalists who gave their lives to bring us the news.” @Joelcpj Read the full report:
John Eggerton / Multichannel News: Times Square New Year's Eve Will Celebrate Journalists
Senator Bob Menendez / @senatormenendez: Harrowing @PressFreedom report shows that targeted journalist deaths doubled this year. If we want to be a leader in #HumanRights, we need to fight to protect journalists around the globe. Check out the report below
Christopher Miller / @christopherjm: The total number of journalists killed on duty in 2018 was the highest in three years. And the number of them murdered in reprisal for their work nearly doubled from 2017. Read @pressfreedom's annual report:
@pressfreedom: The White House, traditionally a strong defender of global #pressfreedom, has equivocated on blame for Jamal #Khashoggi's murder despite CIA conclusions that only the crown prince could have ordered it.
Jennifer Mendelsohn / @clevertitletk: But remember when one of the MAGA talking points was scoffing about journalism being dangerous?
@pressfreedom: CPJ just released its annual report on killed journalists. 2018 is the worst year since 2015 with 53 journalists killed in relation to their work. 34 of those were singled out for murder.