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Facebook says it will invest $300M over the next three years to support local news in the US, and expand the Local News Subscriptions Accelerator globally — Last year, we worked to better understand what kind of news people want to see on Facebook. We've also asked our partners …
Columbia Journalism Review, Digiday, CNN, The Wrap, TechCrunch, AdExchanger, Adweek, Fortune, RT, @briannawu, Engadget, Business Insider, @jason_kint, @joeruggeri, @mathewi, @knightfdn, Variety, Mashable, @brianstelter, @codybrown, @jeffjarvis, @justinhendrix, Axios, USA Today and Local Media Association, more at Techmeme »

A breakdown of Facebook's $300M contribution to journalism: $16M to orgs including the Pulitzer Center, $20M to expand subscription pilot globally, more — The internet giants make billions from ads. They want news publishers to sell subscriptions instead.
Nieman Lab, @mathewi, @niemanlab and @howelloneill

In confirmation hearing, US AG nominee William Barr says he could “conceive of situations where, as a last resort”, reporters may be jailed for doing their jobs — When Sen. Amy Klobuchar asked about it, he didn't shut down the option outright.
The Daily Beast, Mediaite, @markusjrussell, @edwardthardy, @mskellymhayes, Fortune, @melaniesill, CNN, Business Insider, @kylegriffin1, Amy Klobuchar and The Week

After 15 years, Adam Moss will step down as editor of New York Magazine in March; his successor is expected to be named in the next few days — Adam Moss, whose visual savvy and ear for the zeitgeist made him one of the leading magazine editors of his generation, said on Tuesday that he would step …
New York Times, Folio, @jimwindolf, Adweek, Quartz, @jpressler, CNN, Vanity Fair, @nymag, @jswatz, @grynbaum, @jerrysaltz, @davidcho, @grynbaum, @heykmenz, @jerrysaltz, @jessicalustig, @jakesilverstein, @heybonanos, @fierman, @kimseverson, @rachel_handler, @nymagpr, @evanasmith, @rtraister, @carlstwitt, @jenseniorny, @sternbergh, @jodikantor, @matthewschneier, @zinoman, @jodyrosen, @glennthrush, @profspiker, @abrahamjoseph, @kevinroose, @jackshafer, @juliaturner, @emilynussbaum, @hhavrilesky, @gabrielsnyder, @kurtsoller, @kbandersen, @joecoscarelli, @markharrisnyc, @kathrynschulz, @claremalone, @jheil, @reportermike, @_alex_mar, @jyarow, @samdolnick, @lindsayzoladz, @jngann and @arielkaminer

Memo: Grindr lays off the editorial and social teams of Into, its online LGBTQ magazine launched in August 2017, because the company wants to refocus on video — Into, Grindr's online LGBTQ publication, laid off its entire editorial staff and its corresponding social media team on Tuesday …

Inside the Washington Post, Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos' divorce is the first test case for the paper regarding how they cover their owner — The Post journalists I spoke with, perhaps high-mindedly, acknowledged that tabloid-style extramarital affairs aren't typically in their wheelhouse.
@realdonaldtrump, @joshmankiewicz, Mediaite, Variety and GeekWire

NBCU CEO Steve Burke defends NBC News Chief Andy Lack, says it was his decision to hire Megyn Kelly and says Lauer was a “grenade we didn't know was a grenade” — The Megyn Kelly debacle at NBC News has raised the question of whether NBC News chief Andy Lack will face repercussions for the costly experiment.
Hollywood Reporter, @sherman4949, The Verge, MediaPost, Mediaite, @sherman4949, @loudmouthjulia, @mlcalderone, Mashable, CNN, Variety, CNBC, TVNewser and TV Tattle

NBC News standards department initially told staff to avoid calling Rep. Steve King's comments about white supremacy “racist”, then revised standards — “It is ok to attribute to others as in ‘what many are calling racist,’” an email from the standards department reads in part.

Sources: Gannett is one of a few bidders left in Gizmodo Media auction; others who expressed interest include Bustle's Bryan Goldberg and a private equity firm — Gannett suitor MNG Enterprises urged USA Today owner to pause digital acquisitions — Gannett Inc. has been pursuing a purchase …
@asharma, @petersterne and @daviduberti

A look at the decline of Gannett over the past decade, its duty to maximize shareholder value, and possible paths forward as it considers MNG Enterprises' offer
Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, @jonchesto, @kodacohen, @darrendcarroll, The NewsGuild - CWA, Washington Post, @palewire, @jbenton, @larryryckman, @brettkelman, @chadlivengood, @niemanlab, @moorehn, @martinbarrow, @jcstearns, @robertmentzer, @dkiesow, @mgiannotto, @brianstelter, @dkiesow, @niemanlab, @jbenton, @jbenton, @jbenton, USA Today, @ylichterman, @usatoday, @aeikens, @mylittlebloggie, @jamesebriggs, @biancorobert, @joeconchatv, @bmarimow65, @ngeidner, Los Angeles Times and Associated Press

Netflix raises prices for US subscribers by 13%-18%, its biggest hike ever, immediately affecting new subscribers, over next three months for existing customers — SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Netflix is raising its U.S. prices by 13 percent to 18 percent, its biggest increase since the company launched its streaming service 12 years ago.

Dueling Netflix and Hulu documentaries on the failed Fyre Festival prompt ethics questions, including about paying the fest founder for an interview and footage — Netflix and Hulu are rolling out competing docs on the same scammer festival, and millennials have a ‘Deep Impact’ vs. ‘Armageddon’ to call their own.
The Wrap, Decider, Business Insider, @lily_buttons, @tomgara, @ahhensel, The Playlist, @scott_tobias, PAPER, Gothamist, The A.V. Club and TV Tattle

Former Ohio governor and GOP presidential candidate John Kasich joins CNN as a senior political commentator — (CNN)John Kasich's time as Ohio governor just came to an end. And his time as a CNN commentator just began. — On Tuesday morning CNN announced that Kasich is the newest addition to the network's stable of commentators.
Deadline, Media Matters for America, Fortune, @kurtbardella, CNBC, Mediaite, @johnkasich, USA Today, @davidklion, @byronyork, Variety, @mattgertz, @mattyglesias, The Wrap, @daveweigel, Contemptor, The Daily Caller and Vanity Fair

Errors in Jill Abramson's new book, flagged by its subjects like Vice correspondents, happened because book publishers typically do not fact-check authors' work — In book publishing, the onus for fact-checking is on the author. That creates problems. — Book publishing has a fact-checking problem …
@adrs, @govhowarddean, @lewispants, @constancegrady, @nick_hanover, @voxdotcom, @hels and @annamerlan