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Bustle Digital Group, which owns Mic and Gawker, is buying The Outline, founded in 2016 by Josh Topolsky, who says he will continue to run the site — More digital media mergers: Josh Topolsky is going to work for Bryan Goldberg. — In the past year, Bustle Digital Group bought Gawker …
The Daily Beast, Adweek, @gaberivera, @pkafka, @alexrkonrad, @ashleyfeinberg, @cd_hooks, @markreadings, @adrjeffries, @raju, @erik_hayden, @pkafka, @bmorrissey, @joshuatopolsky, @rafat, @jbenton, @jeremymbarr, @agolis, @jackmarshall, Variety and Business Insider

De Correspondent EIC Rob Wijnberg talks about messaging after the outlet said it would not open a US newsroom following its fundraiser for a version in English — “Keep in mind that, especially in a campaign like this, tons of people talk about what we're trying to do.
@dansinker, @mathewi, @tomgara, @binarybits, @gabrielsnyder, @jamesrbuk, @dicktofel, @niemanlab, @jbenton, MediaPost, @elongreen, @jamesrbuk, @ylichterman, @dansinker, Fast Company, @jbenton, @dansinker, @ylichterman, @mattbors, @nbj914, @robwijnberg, @ejpfauth, @ejpfauth, @chaykak and @ejpfauth

Patrick Soon-Shiong details his long term plans for The LA Times including fixing editorial and updating the business model, at a short term cost of ~$50M — It's a few years behind its East Coast brethren in New York and Washington. But tens of millions in new investment and ambitious digital plans …
Poynter, @ckrewson, @byrosenberg, @mattdpearce, @mattdpearce, @nbj914 and @johnbranchnyt

US Census Bureau has asked Google, Facebook, and Twitter for help protecting upcoming 2020 count from disinformation campaigns designed to dissuade participants — NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. Census Bureau has asked tech giants Google, Facebook and Twitter to help it fend off “fake news” …
9to5Google, @nickpbrown, CNET, Fortune and The Hill

Leaked emails show The Intercept shut down the Snowden Archive without consulting board members or others, including Barrett Brown and Laura Poitras — A tale in five leaked documents … Document Two: Poorly-composed corporate email from First Look Media CEO Michael Bloom, 3/13

Research shows that as local newspapers disappear and people rely more on national, conflict-focused sources of political news, split-ticket voting goes down — Study finds newspaper closures are linked to partisanship — Last month, staffers at The Daily Camera in Boulder, Colorado …
@manshipschool, @dkiesow, @bgrueskin and @joshuadarr

ABC News' chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl becomes the latest journalist to write a book about Trump, coming 2020 — Jonathan Karl, ABC News' chief White House correspondent, is packing a quarter of a century with Trump into his first book, “Front Row at the Trump Show,” to be published by Dutton in 2020.

BBC says it plans to expand its Sounds app, which had 1.7M downloads since its launch over four months ago, with third party podcasts and live radio shows — Earlier this week, the BBC pulled its podcasts from Google's Podcast app and Assistant platform after determining that it wasn't getting enough …

MRC releases its draft version of cross-media audience measurement standards for video, opens a 60-day public comment period, expects final version by Q3 2019 — Ratings for individual commercials and duration-adjusted views part of MRC draft — The Media Rating Council has issued …
Media Rating Council

Spotify says it will begin to personalize some of its human-curated playlists — Spotify is starting to algorithmically personalize some of its curated playlists, making a major change to how people discover music on the streaming service. — Spotify is already known for having …
Spotify, @jprmercado, @jacobschulman, @askmikewarner, @cjkmerriman, @lucyblairpet, CNET and RAIN News, more at Techmeme »

Video Advertising Bureau report says addressable TV spending in the US is expected to rise 33% to $3.37B in 2020, as the audience has grown 27% to 162.2M — U.S. addressable TV spending is expected to rise 33% next year to $3.37 billion from $2.54 billion in 2019, according to the Video Advertising Bureau.

BBC has apologized and agreed to pay damages to Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko over story claiming $400K was paid to Michael Cohen to extend meeting — The BBC has apologised and agreed to pay damages to Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko. — The apology relates to an incorrect report claiming …