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The publishing platform war between Vox Media's Chorus and The Washington Post's Arc is heating up, as both companies invest heavily in fight for market share — In the spring of 2019, shortly after joining This Old House as chief operating officer, Evan Silverman set out to find a new digital publishing platform.
@ftrain and @seangriffey

Brexit funder Arron Banks issues legal threats against Netflix and journalist Carole Cadwalladr over The Great Hack documentary, which comes out this week — Legal threat comes as campaigners warn UK government that courts are being used to intimidate journalists
The Guardian, @carolecadwalla, @carolecadwalla, @stilldelvingh and Digital TV Europe

Observer editor, press freedom nonprofits, and others pen open letter concerning rising use of SLAPP litigation in the UK to silence journalists — In an open letter to Jeremy Hunt, the foreign secretary, and Jeremy Wright, the culture secretary, the Observer's editor …
Press Gazette, @carolecadwalla, @caoilfhionnanna, @carolecadwalla, @justinbbarthet, @pcaruanagalizia, @peterjukes and @scottishpen

Knight Foundation invests $50M at 11 American universities and research institutions to better understand how technology is transforming democracy — Cross-disciplinary research centers and projects will fill knowledge gaps on how society is informed in the digital age
@unc, @zephoria, @taliastroud, @rcalo, @stanford_cyber, @ivonotes, @franksesno, @zeynep, @sarafischer, @jevinwest, @smalljones, @karlrohe, @prowag and Editor & Publisher

ESPN reasserts policy to avoid politics after radio talk show host Dan Le Batard criticized Trump and his recent racist comments, and ESPN itself, on air — NEW YORK (AP) — ESPN is making sure that its employees know there is not change in the network's policy to avoid talking about politics unless …
New York Post, Poynter, CNN, New York Post, Talking Points Memo, @andrewmarchand, @jayrosen_nyu, @leslieannewade, Deadspin and Politico

After Epstein got out of jail, Forbes, HuffPost, and National Review ran puff pieces about him, not mentioning his conviction, largely via outside contributors — After Jeffrey Epstein got out of the Palm Beach County jail in 2009, having served 13 months of an 18-month sentence resulting …
Nieman Lab, American Press Institute, @gadyepstein, @cleucl, @cleucl, @cleucl, @nytimes, @jonswaine and @cleucl

Nearly every Democratic presidential candidate has pledged to bring back daily press briefings at the White House and the Pentagon in 2021 — Joe Biden said in a speech that he would bring back the televised sessions, and 21 Democratic campaigns said in response to a survey by POLITICO that they would do the same.

Trump's departures from the White House, open to all press, become the best way for reporters to access the president, as daily press briefings have disappeared — Home Depot stocks dozens of different step ladders. The White House press corps isn't far behind.
@brianstelter, @beccaclemons and @editorpublisher

After taking AG Barr's characterization of the Mueller report at face value, the media has another chance to get it right when Mueller testifies before Congress — In political media, as in love, there aren't many chances to correct a serious wrong. — But the news media …
The Week, @jayrosen_nyu and @ericschultz

Kristian Rouz, an on-air reporter for the Trump-endorsed One America News Network, has been writing simultaneously for Russian propaganda outlet Sputnik — Kristian Rouz appears on segments for One America News Network—ironic given he is working for a Russian outlet fingered in the 2016 election attack.

Steven Edginton, a Brexit party staffer who describes himself as a freelance journalist, says he was the middleman who passed the Darroch cables to the Mail — Lying awake at 2am last Wednesday and unable to sleep for the third night in a row, I listened as footsteps crunched up and down the gravel outside my ground-floor flat.

Following Cairncross Review, UK establishes a £2M pilot fund for publishers to explore new ways of providing sustainable public interest journalism — The UK Government will establish a £2m innovation fund to support public interest journalism, with a focus on local and regional news providers.