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In a revolt at Deadspin after the firing of top editor Barry Petchesky, at least 8 journalists resigned Wednesday; 6 of 10 staff writers quit in the past week — On Monday, the journalists at the freewheeling website Deadspin were instructed by its owners to stick to sports.
New Republic, @maxwelltani, @drewmagary, @toley88, @maxwelltani, The Ringer, @laurawags, @gmgunion, @barry, The Outline, @jillian_schulz, @mckinneykelsey, @david_j_roth, HuffPost, @madbastardsall, Ad Age, @timmarchman, @dellcam, @kylenw, @wesleylowery, @sopandeb, @arayyay, @adrianchen, @dianamoskovitz, Bloomberg, @banikarim, @pablotorre, @stefanfatsis, @bypatrickgeorge, @edzitron, @bwags, @kathbarbadoro, @redford, @patrickklepek, @maxwelltani, Fox News, New York Post, @albertburneko, The Daily Beast, Deadline, @ositanwanevu, @yc, The Nation, Sports Illustrated, @alyssabereznak, @jbenton, @mikelikessports, @onionincunion, Poynter, @yc, @ositanwanevu, @espiers, @megreenwell, @jasongay, @bubbaprog, @johnmoe, @kerrymflynn, The Wrap, @jbenton, @alanamassey, @donttrythis, @genepark, @emmabaccellieri, @sstirling, @markmaxwelltv, @k_trendacosta, @lalpert1, @nytmedia, @slasher, @amandamull, @stacycowley, @kashhill, @blakeaued, @steven_hyden, @gideonresnick, @anthony, @kerrymflynn, @samfbiddle, @scottwamplerbmd, @cliomiso, @itsa_talia, @thedailybeast, @megreenwell, @jasongay, @jay_jaffe, @jonbernhardt, @theisen95, @patrick_wyman, @lindseyadler, @hayesbrown, @caseyjohnston, @dcwoodruff, @emorwee, @andytarnoff, @theisen95, @rumorsandrants, @mikefromwoburn, @jamilahlemieux, @megreenwell, @outline, @ashleyfeinberg, @hamiltonnolan and @ashleyfeinberg
Alex Shephard / New Republic: After Deadspin — With the media industry in decline …
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: Yikes G/O Media just released a statement criticizing the traffic on non-sports Deadspin stories: “While amusing, our readers haven't actually come to Deadspin for stories like ‘Classic Rock, Ranked,’ or 'You're Goddamn Right It's Layering Season,' or 'It's OK to Logoff.' ”
Drew Magary / @drewmagary: I resigned from Deadspin this morning. That was a fun time you and me had there all those years, wasn't it? Let's do it again sometime.
Malik Beasley Szn / @toley88: .@barry no longer works at Deadspin and that means I no longer work at Deadspin. Bye!
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: G/O spokesperson on Deadspin resignations: “They resigned and we're sorry that they couldn't work within this incredibly broad coverage mandate. We're excited about Deadspin's future and we'll have some important updates in the coming days.”
Laura Wagner / @laurawags: I quit today too
Barry Petchesky / @barry: @maxwelltani FYI this is demonstrably false. According to our analytics department, since the start of the year, non-sports posts have on average double the traffic of sports posts.
Jeremy Gordon / The Outline: What's happening at Deadspin is a travesty
Jill Schulz / @jillian_schulz: aside from giz, deadspin was always one of the easiest sites to pitch and sell. we rarely sold campaigns because the advertiser wanted to align with “sports”. they wanted the audience and the lifestyle sections (foodspin, adequate man, the concourse)
Kelsey Mckinney / @mckinneykelsey: Just now I resigned my position at Deadspin today along with many of my colleagues. I have been here only five months but they have been some of the best of my career and I will miss it deeply.
David Roth / @david_j_roth: I'm putting up some last stories that I edited at Deadspin, all submitted and edited before today. I want to get these writers paid and read. All these stories are good and I feel lucky to have worked on them. Here is one, by @OAlmasri:
Andy Campbell / HuffPost: Deadspin's Public Execution Reveals A Media Industry Dying From The Inside
Prince Perspiro / @madbastardsall: i have quit my job at Deadspin.
Simon Dumenco / Ad Age: The Walking Deadspin: Why the site's meltdown was inevitable
Tim Marchman / @timmarchman: This is completely untrue. Honestly, if the editors went just by the data, Deadspin would have been a lifestyle and politics site with a sports subsite mostly dedicated to football.
Dell Cameron / @dellcam: Welp, the comments on all of my articles (and every other @Gizmodo reporter) have been disabled, too. Believe it or not, we receive a lot of tips there. A story I wrote last month that hit a million eyeballs began w/ a reader comment. This directly fucks with my job.
Kyle Wagner / @kylenw: Of all the stupid ways Deadspin could meet its inevitably stupid end, “sabotaged by the dumbest man alive because he sucked at selling cut-rate insurance ads” is a travesty. Deadspin deserved the chance to sabotage itself on its own terms.
Wesley / @wesleylowery: first thing my high school journalism teacher advised about working in this industry was to keep a “go to hell” fund for the day your bosses clash with your principles. Thought about using mine more than once, haven't yet. All respect to the Deadspin folks for their bravery today
Ashes-To-Ashes Ray / @arayyay: just a reminder, G/O Media owns: Deadspin Gizmodo The Root Jezebel Gizmodo Kotaku The Onion The A.V. Club Clickhole The Takeout Jalopnik Lifehacker a lot of properties we all love are at risk of going the Deadspin route, so pay attention to how Jim Spanfeller handles this
Adrian Chen / @adrianchen: Respect to @deadspin's writers and editors for resisting the profit-driven blandification of online media ✊
Diana Moskovitz / @dianamoskovitz: I kept thinking there would be a “good time” to announce this, but that “good time” never came. So here goes: Last week, I gave my two-weeks notice at Deadspin.
Killer Roy / @banikarim: just totally hypothetically, if i ran some websites & tanked their traffic by over 30% in six short months doing shady dumb things, i wouldn't issue false statements abt traffic which can be fact checked & would only encourage reporters to look closely at traffic. that's just me!
Pablo S. Torre / @pablotorre: I've read @Deadspin for a long time, not least b/c it has always transcended sports. Our largely hellish media ecosystem/nation badly needs journalism like this, for example: . And the employees there deserve better than whatever the hell's happening now
Stefan Fatsis / @stefanfatsis: Deadspin was great and @david_j_roth on his way out the door publishing these pieces that writers poured their brains into shows how the people were even better
Patrick George / @bypatrickgeorge: Editors, take note: this is how you take care of your people.
Ed Zitron / @edzitron: My Deadspin piece on Gamer got 165,000 page views, it did not mention sports once. Of my sports articles, I got 103,000 for my NBA Finals piece, 50k for my 49ers piece and 59k for my latest finals piece My person of interest piece got 144,000 ...
Bobby Wagner / @bwags: stupid companies will lie about literally anything and i guess...expect people not to call them out???
Kath Barbadoro / @kathbarbadoro: The weirdest thing about this whole deadspin saga is that the site actually WAS profitable doing what it did. These VC goblins like being right and being in charge even more than they like making money, which is mind boggling
Patrick / @redford: I will also be leaving Deadspin. It was the best four years of my life, and I will miss my pack of wild dogs dearly.
Patrick Klepek / @patrickklepek: A mass exodus is happening at Deadspin in real-time right now, and it's breaking my heart, even if these people—a group of reporters, commentators, and critics I have profound respect for—are doing something brave and noble.
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: According to internal stats I've seen, on average, posts on The Concourse earn 108% more than Deadspin posts. As of earlier this year, the average PVs per post for The Concourse was 129k vs 62k for Deadspin's main page.
Brian Flood / Fox News: Barstool Sports boss Dave Portnoy gloats as rival Deadspin suffers mass exodus, offers fired editor ‘butler’ position
Dracubert Nosferatko / @albertburneko: I've resigned from Deadspin.
Maxwell Tani / The Daily Beast: Deadspin Staff Resigns En Masse Amid Revolt Over ‘Sports Only’ Policy
Dade Hayes / Deadline: Deadspin Loses Veteran Writer Drew Magary As Website's News Flow Runs Dry - Update
Osita Nwanevu / @ositanwanevu: All across the culture, the things that make life worth living are being flattened and homogenized. This isn't the Internet age we were promised, but here we are. The only way out of sameness is to protect and stand with those who create - at Deadspin and everywhere else.
Dave Zirin / The Nation: The Journalists of ‘Deadspin’ Refused to Bow Down
Kalyn Kahler / Sports Illustrated: Can the Bears Overcome Disappointing First Half to Compete in the NFC North?
Alyssa Bereznak / @alyssabereznak: much love to deadspin, the soulless dummies who managed you will never be able to fill your shoes
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: And the recently fired editor, who knows these stats, agrees with me. Just dumb dumb dumb.
Mike Piellucci / @mikelikessports: If you're fortunate enough to know David, then you know this is him in a nutshell. The village is burning around him and he's still making sure to take care of people around him, particularly freelancers hungry for a chance to prove themselves.
@onionincunion: We stand in solidarity with our GMG Union colleagues who have resigned from jobs they loved because of conditions they didn't.
Tom Jones / Poynter: Twitter says it won't accept political ads | Is Deadspin dying? | To curse or not to curse
@yc: Nobody said the Deadspin crew was curing cancer but even if they just made made a blog a lot of us loved (they did much more) their show of solidarity is really great to see. Most of us never even been put in their position, so the hate on them looks real funny in the light
Osita Nwanevu / @ositanwanevu: One irony of the Deadspin thing is that Deadspin is literally the only place I ever read about sports - the site pulls me in with other content. I don't think there are many other places in sports media that accessible to folks who typically wouldn't follow sports at all.
Elizabeth Spiders / @espiers: As my former boss, Senior White House Advisor Vice President Executive Son in Law, has now learned the hard way, no editorial property is bigger than the sum of its standards and staff and the work produced. Your valuation tanks to value of the domain and search equity otherwise.
Megan Greenwell / @megreenwell: Diana is among the very best investigative reporters and editors out there, and an A+ human too. It was an absolute honor to work with her and learn from her, and I cannot wait to see what she does next.
Jason Gay / @jasongay: Santa Claus just resigned the North Pole. What a disgrace, what's happened to Deadspin.
Timothy Burke / @bubbaprog: Diana is the Deadspin reporter and editor whose work was so good it forced ESPN to abandon its rule against featuring Deadspin writers on-air; she eventually was a guest on ESPN four different times. Read this whole thread, and consider how irreplaceable she will be.
John Moe / @johnmoe: Thing is, I'll read David wherever he goes. It was nice to have it at Deadspin where there was an aesthetic that complemented his style but they blew that up. So now I'll just see where my fave writers go and give those sites my clicks/$.
Kerry Flynn / @kerrymflynn: INBOX: G/O Media statement from GMG Union tweet about Deadspin resignations and “stick to sports” mandate
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Deadspin in Tailspin: Sports Site Stops Publishing, Misses World Series Final After Staff Mass Exodus
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: .@Deadspin publishes pageviews on all its stories so it's actually quite easy to see how individual posts do. Just to take a gander, I compiled the stats for 10 NFL Deadspin stories and 10 stories from The Concourse, its home for non-sports stuff.
Alana Massey / @alanamassey: I am awe-struck at what Deadspin staffers did today, and just want to add that my best contribution to DS was leaking the dial-in # for a Buzzfeed all-hands call to a comrade there that resulted in the cancellation of the call during the great Denton/Peretti Wars of 2015.
Adam Savage / @donttrythis: I'm so sorry it's come to this. What a dumb tragedy. For the record I don't follow much sports, but i came to read deadspin every day, specifically because of your writing and that of your colleagues and how far and wide and hilariously it ranged. I stand with all of you!
Gene Park / @genepark: Deadspin turned off comments. That tells us a few things: - Management are cowards - They're scared of reader backlash - Reader solidarity over what's happened to the site speaks to how well G/O properties built community, loyal readership, otherwise no need to turn them off
Emma Baccellieri / @emmabaccellieri: Deadspin forever. The site—and its writers, and especially its readers—deserved so much better.
Stephen Stirling / @sstirling: Sure, what happened at Deadspin this week is another sad chapter for the journalism industry. But it's also the latest example of the 1st generation of digital-native journalists standing their ground against archaic management, and backing each other up. That's pretty awesome
Mark Maxwell / @markmaxwelltv: Pretty incredible what's happening at @Deadspin right now. Readers trust reporters far more than they ever will hedge fund managers. And for how much hedge fund managers make, they should really be smart enough to know that.
Katharine Trendaghosta / @k_trendacosta: I want to think I'd have had the strength to resign, but the boneshaking fear that no one would ever hire me has never ever left. These are brave, brilliant people and I stand with them.
Lukas I. Alpert / @lalpert1: It always amazes me how many journalists are in total denial that the places where we work are actually in the advertising business.
@nytmedia: It's not easy to quit a journalism job in this environment, but on Wednesday at least eight Deadspin writers and editors have resigned on principle.
Rod Breslau / @slasher: you don't have to read, like, or even be a fan of Deadspin or Kotaku to know its longtime journalists, editors are the heart & soul of these sites, and that Jim Spanfeller, G/O executives are clowns who have no idea how to properly manage a media website everyone already enjoys
Amanda Mull / @amandamull: idk what to say about the Deadspin staff that hasn't been said but, like, let their integrity and solidarity in this situation be a guide for us all
Stacy Cowley / @stacycowley: What happening to Deadspin is horrific and infuriating. I'm NOT A SPORTS PERSON and I read it all the time for their amazing reporting on politics, culture, the toxic effects of wealth run amok and twee holiday merchandise.
Kashmir Hill / @kashhill: A lot of incredible reporters are resigning from Deadspin en masse, after their acting EIC was fired yesterday. Some great people to have on staff at a functioning company: @barry @mckinneykelsey @laurawags @ToLey88 @theisen95 @redford
Blade Aaaaawoooood / @blakeaued: Most journalists can't keep a “go to hell fund” because they make $25,000 a year.
Steven Hyden / @steven_hyden: Coincidentally, Grantland was shut down four years ago today. Oct. 30 is a cursed media day.
Gideon Resnick / @gideonresnick: just an unbelievable wealth of talent at deadspin that anyone with half a brain would be thrilled to work with. to view them as so replaceable as this statement does shows a lack of understanding of what makes the site special
Anthony DeRosa / @anthony: Or Barstool buys Deadspin, Bryan Goldberg style OR better yet Bryan Goldberg buys Deadspin
Kerry Flynn / @kerrymflynn: Here's my piece on Deadspin staffers resigning today which can also serve as a list of talented people to hire
Sam Biddle / @samfbiddle: the fantastic and talented people quitting Deadspin en masse today to protest their shit-for-brains private equity owners' breathtaking incompetence, in this job market, in this industry, are braver than I will ever be
@scottwamplerbmd: Deadspin staff throwing both middle fingers to the sky and walking out the door is the most metal shit I have seen recently and I salute every one of them.
Clio / @cliomiso: deadspin held power to account every day, but it can often be underestimated how much joy writers with freedom to write brought to the internet, and how the systemic destruction of that joy is an unsparing and effective tactic of bosses
@itsa_talia: loving the energy of deadspin workers quitting en masse in protest against their capitalist overlords. it's peak deadspin. i hope all of them find better jobs because they're all brilliant and deserve to create freely.
@thedailybeast: NEW: Deadspin staff resigned en masse following a public clash with top leaders at the site's new parent company G/O Media. Staff editors and writers announced their departure from the sports and culture website a day after the firing of a top editor.
Megan Greenwell / @megreenwell: Chris is somehow an expert on every sport in the universe, a phenomenal writer, and absurdly funny and kind too. He covered much of Deadspin's biggest news solo and will excel anywhere he goes.
Jason Gay / @jasongay: This is a big thing. The internet is increasingly more beholden and less weird. Weird, prankish, impish — is good and singular and why people liked it in the first place.
Jay Jaffe / @jay_jaffe: “'Stick to sports' is and always has been a thinly veiled euphemism for 'don't speak truth to power.'”
Nathan Bernhardt / @jonbernhardt: it feels like hanlon's razor has broken our collective brains tbh. these guys are very stupid, but first and foremost, they are malicious. and you should start assuming malice from hedge fund guys. 1. Buy a website people like 2. Extract all remaining profit 3. Kill it 4. Repeat
Lauren Theisen / @theisen95: oh my god they took the comments off of deadspin
Patrick Wyman / @patrick_wyman: These Very Important Business Guys are bad at making money, the thing they're ostensibly good at, without destroying the thing that's already profitable. That's the truly striking thing about all this.
Lindsey Adler / @lindseyadler: So let me get this straight: Ownership only cares about money generated by ads via clicks, so they alienated the existing staff and hope to generate revenue by hiring a scab staff that nobody has any reason to read? 😂😂😂
Hayes Brown / @hayesbrown: “we will soon be providing the banal sports memes that we think our core audience want until the staggering weight of what we've done comes crashing down around us yet again”
Casey Johnston / @caseyjohnston: the entirety of media wouldn't break ranks on working for New Gawker; i doubt they'll do it for deadspin either
Chase Woodruff / @dcwoodruff: Deadspin was one of the like four good websites on the internet, all the incredibly talented people leaving out of principle like this are fucking heroes, and endless contempt and derision is the absolute least the paste-eating private equity dipshits who destroyed it deserve.
Emily Atkin / @emorwee: It is a long-held tradition in journalism to walk out when bosses unjustly fire a respected colleague, and as much as I wish they didn't have to, I respect the hell of out of Deadspin's staff for keeping that tradition alive.
Andy Tarnoff / @andytarnoff: It's extremely honorable, especially when it's not exactly the NYT. And yet, they have pride in what they do, enough to not sit idly by while the work gets marginalized.
Lauren Theisen / @theisen95: my last day was supposed to be friday, so I could do one last hockey blog, but apparently all my accounts are deactivated and I had to give up my building key today! (there's a deadcast going up tomorrow at least lol)
Ryan Phillips / @rumorsandrants: Whether you liked or loathed Deadspin, to see what's happening to it now is depressing. The site has been a HUGE part of the sports world for more than a decade. Seeing it destroyed from the inside out and watching so many talented people leaving is awful.
@mikefromwoburn: This is like the end of the Godfather. All the internet hall monitors are getting whacked.
Jamilah Lemieux / @jamilahlemieux: I admire this but every time it happens, I can't help but to wonder how these writers have quit-a-job money. Integrity is expensive.
Megan Greenwell / @megreenwell: Laura's reporting skill is legendary, but her deep sense of ethics and justice is just as notable. She is going to do so many more huge things and I cannot wait.
@outline: Firing a highly productive, widely beloved, well-tenured employee as petty revenge sounds stupid, because it is.
Ashley Feinberg / @ashleyfeinberg: apparenlty g/o just shut off comments on the entirety of deadspin because they are cowards, unlike my friends, the legends
Hamilton Nolan / @hamiltonnolan: Uncharacteristically proud of everyone at Deadspin today

Drew Magary, “cheerfully profane sports blogger at-large”, resigns from Deadspin
@tvoti, @barry, @ianfroeb, @clairelizzie, @adamweinstein, @david_j_roth, @bobbybigwheel, @drewmagary, @kerrymflynn, @hayleighcolombo and @megreenwell
@tvoti: There are larger implications to this lovely Drew Magary post on leaving Deadspin, and I love his writing so much. But it's also so accurate to my leaving The A.V. Club back in the day, and I'm sharing it for that reason! ...
Barry Petchesky / @barry: A decade of getting to work at a great place with great colleagues and great readers far outweighs the shittiness of how it ended.
Transylvanian Froeb / @ianfroeb: I get teary-eyed just thinking about the piece Drew wrote about his son almost dying. I hope everyone who is rightfully, courageously walking away from Deadspin's garbage fire receives the staff-writer job/editorship/book deal they all deserve.
Claire Lower / @clairelizzie: Drew was wrong about mayo but right about nearly everything else
Adam Weinstein / @adamweinstein: Anyway if you're not the sort of self-loathing industry professional who reflexively prostrates himself before The Boss because The Boss gives The Money, read Drew on how hard it is to actually walk away from what you helped build ...
David Roth / @david_j_roth: The best there is.
@bobbybigwheel: There are friendships, marriages and children that exist because of Deadspin ...
Drew Magary / @drewmagary: Well now I can't just leave without saying goodbye. ...
Kerry Flynn / @kerrymflynn: @barry “Nothing stopping me from taking those toys elsewhere.” - @drewmagary in a post now on Kinja ...
Hayleigh Colombo / @hayleighcolombo: I am vacillating b/w being very sad that Drew no longer has a job at Deadspin and being very confident that a good new home will be found, preferably before the holidays so I can read the Haters Guide to the Williams Sonoma Catalog without worrying about his livelihood.

Twitter's political ad ban will run into enforcement issues on defining issue ads and possibly disadvantage lesser-known or nontraditional candidates — If you've ever wondered about the value of having multiple social networks competing to develop the best products and policies, Wednesday offered us a clear example.
First Draft, @ryangrim, @kreissdaniel, @donie, @jalter, CNBC, @heerjeet, @juliacarriew, @davmicrot, @kreissdaniel, @jalter, @kreissdaniel, @muckrakery, @davegillis, Whither news?, @tpcarney, @robleathern, @anildash and @rasmus_kleis, more at Techmeme »
Ryan Grim / @ryangrim: It might be a nice troll of FB, but @jack's decision to ban political advertising is a huge blow to progressives, and a boon to big-money candidates. Twitter and FB are where candidates build and organize lists of supporters, that they then turn into donors and volunteers /1
Daniel Kreiss / @kreissdaniel: One other observation about the Twitter ads debate. The critics of digital ads have a simultaneously dim and unrealistically idealistic view of the electorate. These two views are incompatible.
Donie O'Sullivan / @donie: NEW: Facebook saying tonight they will NOT allow @adrielhampton run false ads on their platform. Hampton tells me he is now considering legal action against Facebook.
Jessica Alter / @jalter: PSA: This is a bad decision and it won't have the impacts than anyone is talking about... Thread 👇
Salvador Rodriguez / CNBC: Instagram head Adam Mosseri says he's worried about Facebook in the 2020 election
Jeet Heer / @heerjeet: Here's the logic: Facebook: Politicians can lie in ads they pay us to run. Hampton: Ok, I'm running for governor, here's my $$ & lying ad. Facebook: We can't let you run an ad you admit is a lie Hampton: But you let politicians lie in ads. Facebook: Only if they don't admit it.
Julia Carrie Wong / @juliacarriew: Facebook's PR strategy this week is starting to feel like a DDOS attack but with bad faith arguments
David Rothschild / @davmicrot: Facebook's head of their new News thing cites article that says Breitbart (right-wing, White Supremacist news) is balanced out by CNN (leaders in false equivalency and soap box for Trump-loyalists)
Daniel Kreiss / @kreissdaniel: Meanwhile, without campaigns to mobilize them, people do not participate in democratic processes, and many do not seek out information on their own.
Jessica Alter / @jalter: 3/ This favors people who 1. can pay for these less cost effective forms of media and 2. those who have spent time building a twitter following. As an example of someone like this see Donald J. Trump
Daniel Kreiss / @kreissdaniel: At best, tech companies can moderate a bit of political discourse. But the political, social, racial/ethnic, and cultural divisions in American political life run much deeper than campaign ads, or even questions of epistemology.
Brandon Smith / @muckrakery: A thread on Twitter's political ad decision from the person who might know the most about how it will affect electoral politics. I—and a lot of others—might have been very wrong about how this will play out.
David Gillis / @davegillis: I work at FB on integrity problems including misinfo and would like to see us evolve our policy and product stance on political ads. Twitter's move today is interesting and perhaps leads the way. OTOH, blunt responses like this may (alleviate pressure but) have disparate impact.
Jeff Jarvis / Whither news?: Unpopular decisions
Tim Carney / @tpcarney: Yup. Facebook is cutting off the most accessible, cheapest way to target voters. Good for the establishment of both parties. Bad for upstarts and challengers.
@robleathern: Useful take. Treating ads from a predefined set of accounts one way is a simple engineering problem compared to finding “issues” content across all advertisers, which is a requirement for banning such ads from previously unknown actors
@anildash: This is the second genuinely surprising but of tech news today that shows that effective journalism, broad public critique & worker activism is having huge impact.
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: His observations on Facebook/Twitter approaches to political speech and political advertising are powerful reminders why people interested in intersection btw politics, journalism, media, & technology should follow @kreissdaniel for clear interventions with solid research backing

Campbell Brown's defense of Facebook not fact-checking political ads: “It should be the role of the press to dissect the truth or lies found in political ads” — - Campbell Brown, Facebook's Head of News Partnership, said she was “astonished” by the media's response …
Richard Tofel / @dicktofel: at what journalism organization did @campbell_brown learn that knowingly publishing false advertising was a good idea?
Oliver Darcy / CNN: Facebook executive responds after inclusion of Breitbart, a site known for misinformation, in news tab sparks uproar
Campbell Brown / @campbell_brown: Dick, as I am sure you know the FCC requires broadcasters like my former network NBC to run ads by politicians true or false. We have the same standard.
Tom Gara / @tomgara: Facebook's head of news: I'm shocked at criticism of our policies by journalists who apparently don't understand basic concepts of fairness and impartiality, check out this great piece by the Wall Street Journal editorial board for more on this
Pat Muldowney / @muldowney: There is SO MUCH happening here, but to state “I strongly believe it should be the role of the press to dissect the truth...” presents a blatant disregard for the reality that FB has directly removed the role of “the press” in this form of direct to consumer advertising.
Charles P. Pierce / @charlesppierce: Apparently, wrecking public education didn't work out as a long term plan.
Nate Jones / @jonesonthenba: Please don't act like they are the same forms of advertising. The issue people have is with micro targeted ads that don't see the light of day beyond the relatively small group they target. Political ads on National TV have to withstand the scrutiny of the entire nation.
@slpng_giants: An incredibly strategic and dishonest take from @campbell_brown and @facebook to pin this on journalists. It's the rest of us that are pissed about the fact that this company only selectively cares about free speech. They've already decided that one candidate cannot run ads!
Alex Howard / @digiphile: The head of news partnerships at @Facebook says all “content” on FB News has met “integrity standards” for misinformation: Where are Facebook's integrity standards for misinformation? Where is the list of the 200+ outlets, paid & unpaid, who met them?
Gavin Sheridan / @gavinsblog: Via @donie. At best, this is disingenuous, at worst it's entirely misrepresenting what's happening. Please explain how “the press” can counter lies in realtime, that may have thousands or tens of thousands of variables, targeted at distinct, secret audiences?
Rat King / @mikeisaac: some salience here but the thing it misses is any product discussion whatsoever for *years*, the entire point for ad-supported networks was to make paid ads indistinguishable from organic content (fwiw i am not for or against either “side")
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: It's funny. Having spent of her career as a journalist, she should also understand when she's operating in bad faith and intentionally missing the point.
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: With respect Campbell, @jack just owned your company. His points are spot on - including the reach and velocity coupled with microtargeting being toxic to democracy (and very different from TV). Time to speak up internally. Your bosses are wrong on this. Again.
Glenn Fleishman / @glennf: Brown is entirely disingenuous. Policing speech is the effort to suppress the free political expression of ideas. Facebook operates a commercial marketplace; it's being paid to “air” this speech, and all advertising operations have guidelines about accuracy.
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Oh stop. She's no different than Google's Gingras - approved by corporate Comms. The reality is they want to make this about free speech. It's not. Read the Facebook employee letter, their biz model & ability to microtarget the disinfo (given cover as political ads) matters here.

It was heartening to see Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey cut out a part of his business that he realizes he can't control — It's always hazardous to ascribe motivations of altruism to a tech titan. — They are driven by many things — mostly money, power and avoiding regulation …
The Wrap, @mollyjongfast, @chanders, @anandwrites, @bandylaube, Fast Company, Business Insider and New York Times
Sean Burch / The Wrap: Why Twitter Can Afford to Ditch All Political Ads
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: Always always always read @Sulliview on everything but especially on this Facebook vs twitter political advertising drama. ...
@chanders: “Free speech is protected, yes, but that shouldn't make straight-up lies and slander about political opponents acceptable fare on media outlets — which these platforms certainly have become.” ...
Anand Giridharadas / @anandwrites: Here's why @jack's decision matters. Most business titans today engage in virtue as a side hustle. Jack is attempting it in his day job.
Bruce Laube / @bandylaube: Jack deserves our respect for taking this position. We need legislation against ‘blatant lying’ by politicians and media personalities. It will be difficult to write legislation that is constitutional. The internet and airwaves change the ability to influence and divide.
Michael Grothaus / Fast Company: After Twitter bans political ads, Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg says they're ‘not worth the controversy’

[Thread] Twitter will stop accepting all political advertising on its platform globally starting November 22
@jack, @jack, New York Times, New York Times, Adweek, @nxthompson, @jack, Axios, @jack, @jack, @aoc, Variety, Slate, CBS News, Bloomberg, Business Insider, The Outline, Breitbart, Tubefilter, Washington Post, BBC, @jack, Bloomberg, The Wrap, Reason, Associated Press, NBC News, @alexstamos, VICE, CNET, MIT Technology Review, Vanity Fair, Facebook, @pardesoteric, @esaagar, The Independent, @maggieseverns, Econsultancy, The Daily Caller, MediaNama, @ryangrim, Hyperallergic, Engadget, @tanyaocarroll, @aaronhuertas, Fast Company, @chrismessina, @nickgillespie, The Verge, @rosenbergerlm, @nomikikonst, Talking Biz News, BetaNews, Inquirer, Shelly Palmer, @kristenclarkejd, @chrizap, @dobbln, @hillaryclinton, The Week, AdExchanger, Inc42 Media, @tbskyen, @jack, @internetryan, @athertonkd, @armandondk, @manvsgame, @derekwillis, @derekwillis, @logandobson, @nickconfessore, @andyrockcandy, @chillmage, @kellymakena, @mathewi, @shiraovide, @carolecadwalla, @oneunderscore__, @jimwaterson, @brianstelter, @thegarance, @truefactsstated, @angryblacklady, @priaribi, @kurtwagner8, @mathewi, @mathewi, @donie and @govhowarddean, more at Techmeme »
@jack: For instance, it's not credible for us to say: “We're working hard to stop people from gaming our systems to spread misleading info, buuut if someone pays us to target and force people to see their political ad...well...they can say whatever they want! 😉”
@jack: A final note. This isn't about free expression. This is about paying for reach. And paying to increase the reach of political speech has significant ramifications that today's democratic infrastructure may not be prepared to handle. It's worth stepping back in order to address.
Aaron Sorkin / New York Times: An Open Letter to Mark Zuckerberg
Kara Swisher / New York Times: Was That the Best Subtweet Ever?
David Cohen / Adweek: Mark Zuckerberg Spoke Extensively About Political Ads During Facebook's Earnings Call
Nicholas Thompson / @nxthompson: Can I raise my hand and suggest that both Twitter and FB are wrong and that the best solution is to allow political ads but to stop manifestly false ones? 🤷♂️🤷 ♂️
@jack: Internet political ads present entirely new challenges to civic discourse: machine learning-based optimization of messaging and micro-targeting, unchecked misleading information, and deep fakes. All at increasing velocity, sophistication, and overwhelming scale.
@jack: A political message earns reach when people decide to follow an account or retweet. Paying for reach removes that decision, forcing highly optimized and targeted political messages on people. We believe this decision should not be compromised by money.
@jack: In addition, we need more forward-looking political ad regulation (very difficult to do). Ad transparency requirements are progress, but not enough. The internet provides entirely new capabilities, and regulators need to think past the present day to ensure a level playing field.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez / @aoc: This is a good call. Technology - and social media especially - has a powerful responsibility in preserving the integrity of our elections. Not allowing for paid disinformation is one of the most basic, ethical decisions a company can make. /1
Todd Spangler / Variety: Aaron Sorkin to Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook Is ‘Assaulting Truth’ With Political Ads Policy
Irina Ivanova / CBS News: Twitter announces ban on all political ads
Shona Ghosh / Business Insider: Sheryl Sandberg says political ads are worth less than 1% of Facebook's revenue and the money …
Joshua Caplan / Breitbart: Aaron Sorkin Fears Facebook Political Ad Policy May Have ‘Dangerous Effect On Our Elections’
James Loke Hale / Tubefilter: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Announces New Ban On Political Ads, Takes Shot At Facebook
Cat Zakrzewski / Washington Post: The Technology 202: Twitter placed the political ad ball in Facebook's court
@jack: While internet advertising is incredibly powerful and very effective for commercial advertisers, that power brings significant risks to politics, where it can be used to influence votes to affect the lives of millions.
Scott Shackford / Reason: Twitter's Ban on Political Ads Will Help Incumbent Politicians Maintain Power
Jason Abbruzzese / NBC News: Jack Dorsey vs. Mark Zuckerberg: Why the clash of the tech titans matters
Alex Stamos / @alexstamos: The challenge with banning “issue ads” is that you catch every well-meaning NGO as well. Ever since FB started requiring account verification to run issue ads the press has been full of stories along the lines of “We didn't mean verify the people we agree with!”
David Uberti / VICE: Why Twitter's Political Ad Ban Won't Make a Damn Difference
Tanya Basu / MIT Technology Review: Facebook is under fire for political ads. Twitter just banned them completely.
Laura Bradley / Vanity Fair: The Social Network Writer Aaron Sorkin Blasts Mark Zuckerberg in Scathing Open Letter
Arielle Pardes / @pardesoteric: Today, Twitter announced a new policy to ban political advertisements on the platform. Great! Except, it's not quite so simple. My latest for @WIRED:
Saagar Enjeti / @esaagar: Great take by @ryangrim that Twitter's decision de-facto benefits moneyed interests. Social media is the one avenue those on the populist left and right have to bypass traditional gatekeepers
Anthony Cuthbertson / The Independent: Pressure mounts on Facebook to ban political ads ahead of UK general election
Maggie Severns / @maggieseverns: This is very difficult to do, but *especially* difficult when the already-dysfunctional Federal Election Commission is without the quorum it needs to update the dated rules for political ad disclosure.
Patricio Robles / Econsultancy: Twitter bans political ads. Could its ban on issues ads also affect brands?
Chris White / The Daily Caller: Zuckerberg Takes A Free Speech Approach To Content While Twitter's Jack Dorsey Drops The Hammer
Aditi Agrawal / MediaNama: Twitter bans all political ads on the platform
Ryan Grim / @ryangrim: Also there's really no such thing as “organic” reach on an unaccountable monopoly's platform. They dictate your reach, whether organic or paid, as FB has done in crushing organic reach.
Sarah Rose Sharp / Hyperallergic: Twitter Will Ban Political Ads
Tanya OCarroll / @tanyaocarroll: Twitter banning political ads is a powerful precedent. But the mechanics @jack describes in how paid-for-targeting can be weaponized and abused don't just apply to political ads. We need an overhaul of regulation for the whole adtech sector...
Aaron Huertas / @aaronhuertas: Good points here. Also there are some things ads can do that are arguably good for democracy, e.g.: - reminders to register - reminders to vote - grassroots donations - signing up for events to help other people vote Very curious to see how Twitter draws the lines.
Chris Messina / @chrismessina: FWIW, this was the only decision Twitter could make given that it's more open than Facebook (platform) and more of its users are concentrated in the US. Twitter encourages bots whereas Facebook is more about real identity. The risk to the health of the service was existential.
Nick Gillespie / @nickgillespie: I'm impressed by @jack's decision to ban paid political ads (harder to implement than it might seem), but he's missing the liberating function of a no-name candidate buying exposure, a great way to level playing field with incumbents & better-known candidates/orgs.
Casey Newton / The Verge: It's harder to ban political ads on Twitter than it sounds
Laura Rosenberger / @rosenbergerlm: A really important move by @Twitter. Other platforms should follow suit. Until we have a real legal framework to address these challenges, private companies should not be making calls about issues this important.
Nomiki Konst / @nomikikonst: You don't want to influence an election? Don't work with dishonest Cambridge Analytica -like companies. But social media has been an equalizer for grassroots candidates who need to get their ideas out & receive donations. Many traditional barriers of entry have been eliminated.
Irina Slav / Talking Biz News: Twitter bans political ads
Mark Wyciślik-Wilson / BetaNews: Twitter bans all political ads, and the world waits to see if Facebook will follow suit
Chris Merriman / Inquirer: Twitter curses the horrors of political ads into Satan's fiery pit of doom
Kristen Clarke / @kristenclarkejd: This is a good step to improve the manipulative status quo, but we hope @Twitter will continue to develop ways to raise up the voices of the disenfranchised.
Chris Zappone / @chrizap: Twitter said political ads brought in less than $US3 million during the 2018 midterm elections. By contrast, Trump's campaign spent $US5 million advertising on Facebook in the four weeks leading up to October 19
Hillary Clinton / @hillaryclinton: This is the right thing to do for democracy in America and all over the world. What say you, @Facebook?
Alison Weissbrot / AdExchanger: Twitter To Ban Political Advertising
Shanthi S / Inc42 Media: Twitter Bans Political Ads Amid Growing Pressure To Stop Fake News, Misinformation
TiredBSkyen / @tbskyen: So basically, corporations can take out ads to advertise their business, but activists and NGOs and charities can't take out ads about how their business hurts the world.
@jack: We're well aware we're a small part of a much larger political advertising ecosystem. Some might argue our actions today could favor incumbents. But we have witnessed many social movements reach massive scale without any political advertising. I trust this will only grow.
@internetryan: I think that's an easier determination to make than “what is true”
Kelsey D. Nuclear Aftermatherton / @athertonkd: Excited to see how Jack, a dude who follows some truly noxious folk on this website he owns, defines “political”
Armando / @armandondk: I think we who rip Dorsey all the time should applaud this decision.
@manvsgame: Good on Twitter for banning all political advertisements starting this November. On that note, I'd like to see @Twitch stop putting political streams in the “Recommended Channels” section.
Derek Willis / @derekwillis: Does Twitter lose revenue by giving up political ads? Absolutely. Is it anywhere near what campaigns spend on Facebook? Almost certainly not.
Derek Willis / @derekwillis: Direct spending only, by cycle. This understates the total by a lot by excluding spending done via a consultant cycle | Twitter| Facebook — 2020 | 934,011 | 17,655,363 2018 | 299,371 | 16,543,733 * 2020 figures through Sept. 30, 2019. Source: FEC
Logan Dobson / @logandobson: though as many have pointed out, political ads on Facebook are also an inconsequential portion of their revenue.
Nick Confessore / @nickconfessore: Zuckerberg philosophy on paid political advertising (people can pay for whatever speech they want and we won't interfere) vs. Dorsey philosophy (we don't think political speech should be tainted by money) sounds a lot like the basic poles of right-left campaign finance debates.
Andy Rock Candy Corny / @andyrockcandy: Considering the bulk of paid political insidiousness on the platform is coming from bots and tweetdecking and twitter's native ad platform is what it is...this is like a misdirection framed as an empty gesture.
@chillmage: Trump reached scale and influence on twitter without spending a dime. This seems like a clean & reasonable decision to make, but it's not going to stop the spread of reactionary content on Twitter.
Makena Kelly / @kellymakena: i have been banned from saying “you love to see it” and “yeet” in the office by my editor after writing this
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: This 👇 Algorithmic amplification and micro-targeting are game changers when it comes to political messaging — something @alexstamos and I talked about just the other day re: Facebook
Shira Ovide / @shiraovide: 1) Yes, good. 2) Twitter's political ad revenue is dinky. 3) This is obviously designed to knife Facebook when it's down. And the minute it releases earnings.
Carole Cadwalladr / @carolecadwalla: This whole thread is absolutely brilliant. Destroys Facebook's arguments. And demonstrates actual moral leadership. Who even knew that was possible in Silicon Valley?
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: Finally, someone who runs a social network realizes that limiting the ability for a rich person to saturate a space with one ideology is not “censorship.” The true censorship comes when important messages can't be heard on social media amidst a deluge of cash.
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: It's worth reading the whole of Jack Dorsey's thread on banning political ads (and lets be honest they had a tiny share of the political advertising marketplace) but basically: Can Facebook come up with a good response for why this conclusion doesn't also apply to them?
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: >> @Jack's list of the challenges posed by online political ads: “Machine learning-based optimization of messaging and micro-targeting, unchecked misleading information, and deep fakes. All at increasing velocity, sophistication, and overwhelming scale.”
Garance Franke-Ruta / @thegarance: Iconic subtweet
Priyanka Aribindi / @priaribi: Damn @jack drag himmmmmm
Kurt Wagner / @kurtwagner8: Also, basically no financial downside for Twitter on this. On their earnings call last week CFO Ned Segal said ad revenue from political ads around the 2018 midterms was “ less than $3 million for us.” so yeah, this won't really impact their business at all
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: One potentially large problem: How do you define “issue” ads? Seems like a pretty broad category — FB has had problems here. Everything involving an important topic gets defined as a “political ad”
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: This feels like one giant subtweet of a large social network whose name starts with F and rhymes with Placebook
Donie O'Sullivan / @donie: This is very different to what Facebook is arguing.

Lead Stories, a Facebook fact-checking partner, to propose that political ads be fact-checked by Facebook partners, with a nonpartisan panel reviewing results
Donie O'Sullivan / @donie: “There is an urgent need for a fair method to identify egregiously false political ads in 2020,” fact-checker @AlanDukeNews told CNN. “Our experience as fact checkers shows me that too many people are too fast to fall for disinformation.”
David Carroll / @profcarroll: Peel away freedom of expression and arbitrating truth and it the microtargeting that Facebook doesn't want to talk about.
Donie O'Sullivan / @donie: The proposal involves the establishment of a nonpartisan blue-ribbon panel that would review fact-checks of ads run by politicians.
Aditi Agrawal / MediaNama: Facebook's continuing woes with regulating political ads

In an earnings call, Mark Zuckerberg defends Facebook's political ads policy, estimates ads from politicians will be less than 0.5% of company's revenue in 2020
MediaPost, @brendannyhan, Breitbart, The Drum, AdExchanger, @alexstamos, @fabiochiusi, @jbenton, @mikeisaac, @mollywood, Axios, @lanctot, New York Times and @joshconstine, more at Techmeme »
Barry Lowenthal / MediaPost: Twitter Has Demonstrated Leadership
Brendan Nyhan / @brendannyhan: Read this thread; very relevant to the debate over Facebook ads. Notes: 1. Banning political ads would cut off a lot of candidates who can't afford TV. 2. Facebook would have especially great leverage over down-ballot candidates who can't afford TV if it starts banning ads.
John McCarthy / The Drum: ‘It opens a new front that regulators can attack’: can Twitter's political ad ban force Facebook's hand?
Allison Schiff / AdExchanger: Facebook Stock Is Up On Killer Q3 Earnings, Because Advertisers Just Won't Stop Spending
Alex Stamos / @alexstamos: I'm also not sure that the potential final outcome of issue ads being blocked online but allowed on TV will be progressive. Limiting advertising on climate change to people to can afford TV ads, like Chevron and Shell, is not conducive to a healthy debate.
Fabio Chiusi / @fabiochiusi: “Still, Zuckerberg failed to delineate between freedom of expression, and freedom of paid amplification of that expression which inherently favors the rich”
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: I strongly suspect that there is *no* TV advertising, even by incumbents, in most of these races. I've never seen a TV ad for state senate, state house, even most sub-gov/ltgov statewide elex
Molly Wood / @mollywood: Reading Zuckerberg's speech to investors today and I still think this is important: “Ads can be an important part of voice — especially for candidates and advocacy groups the media might not otherwise cover so they can get their message into debates.”
Jeff Lanctot / @lanctot: This is the right move, and pretty smart strategically (given the stark contrast with Facebook). Yes, Twitter has many more issues to fix, but they made a good decision here. @jack's tweets provide a useful explanation on their thinking.
David Leonhardt / New York Times: Facebook Fiddles ... ... while Twitter acts.
Josh Constine / @joshconstine: Zuckerberg's counter to Twitter dropping political ads: -Not greed: they're 0.5% of revenue -Not catering to conservatives: everyone's mad -Fb favors transparency over “censorship” —But he still won't distinguish between free expression & paid expression

Gannett and New Media announce members of a board for the combined company after their proposed merger, led by New Media CEO and chairman Michael Reed — Gannett and New Media Investment Group Inc. announced on Tuesday who is expected to sit on the combined company's board of directors following …

Catherine Herridge is leaving Fox News, where she's worked since 1996, for CBS News: “I feel privileged to join a team where facts ... will always matter” — Catherine Herridge, a Fox News Channel veteran who has been with that network since it was founded in 1996, is moving to rival CBS News.
@hadas_gold, CNN,, Politico, @cbsnewspress, Mediaite, Breitbart, @amy_siskind, @davidfolkenflik, @jmhaigh, Mediaite and @greta
Hadas Gold / @hadas_gold: JUST IN - Fox News' Catherine Herridge is joining CBS news as senior investigative correspondent. Herridge is a highly-respected reporter from the hard news side of Fox. She just won an award from the Congressional media of honor society.
Chuck Ross / CBS Adds Veteran Journalist From Fox News Channel
@cbsnewspress: Veteran journalist Catherine Herridge joins @CBSNews as a Senior Investigative Correspondent based in D.C. In her new role, she will report original investigations and cover national security and intelligence matters that impact the country.
Joshua Caplan / Breitbart: Fox News Reporter Catherine Herridge Joins CBS News
@amy_siskind: It does seem noteworthy that 2 of what was a only a handful of news journalists have left Fox News in recent weeks.
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: Continuing fallout of the Trump era at Fox
Jim Haigh / @jmhaigh: Wow. And double wow: no non-compete like Shep?!

AMC Networks beats Q3 expectations with net income of $117M, up from $111M in Q3 2018, on revenue of $718.6M, up 3.1% YoY; ad revenue fell $2.6% to $194M — Aided by income tax cuts, AMC Networks reported better-than-expected Q3 earnings on Thursday, but the company whiffed on revenue estimates as domestic ad sales declined.
Jon Lafayette / Broadcasting & Cable: AMC Networks Reports Higher Third-Quarter Net
Fern Siegel / The Streamable: AMC Holds Back Streaming Rights to New ‘Walking Dead’ Series to Boost Subscribers
Cynthia Littleton / Variety: AMC Networks Turns to ‘Hyper-Focused’ Streaming Strategy as Linear Growth Prospects Dim
Wayne Friedman / MediaPost: AMC Networks Sees Lower 3Q Ad, Affiliate Fee Revenue

Amazon is rolling out its Onsite Associates Program in Europe, starting in the UK; publishers add their product reviews on Amazon for a cut of the purchase — Amazon has been rolling out its invite-only Onsite Associates Program in Europe. The program consists of product-buying guides created by affiliate publishers on the platform.

Netflix will lease more space in Amsterdam for its Europe, Middle East, and Africa headquarters, adding room that can accommodate about 800 employees — The streaming giant is leasing more than 95,000 square feet of additional office space for its Europe, Mid-East and African operations …

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Thomson Reuters beats Q3 expectations with profit of $262M, up 51% YoY, on revenue of $1.41B, up 10% YoY, thanks to revenue paid by Refinitiv to Reuters News — NEW YORK (Reuters) - Thomson Reuters Corp (TRI.N) (TRI.TO), parent of the Reuters News agency, reported higher …

The Weather Channel, which has recorded about one mixed-reality segment a month, wants to use immersive mixed reality in 80% of on-air programming by next year — “Turn around, don't drown!” Standing in a street with rapidly rising waters, The Weather Channel meteorologist Chris Warren …