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Northwestern's journalism school dean says The Daily Northwestern's protest coverage was responsible and fair, and student journalists faced “vicious bullying” — “Journalists have a heady responsibility performing our role as the authors of the first rough draft of history …
Washington Post, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Fox News, @juliarebeccaj, @clairlemon, @ecohen_umn, @brianstelter, @peteralexander, @wesyang, @daniellemcohen, @sulliview, @nickfoxnyt, The Stranger, @dorothytv2, @johnrobertsfox, @radleybalko, @marissa_jae, @amlwhere, @mlcalderone, @lizzywol, iMediaEthics, @priyakkumar, @aegallagher, @jbarro, @maggienyt, @helenkennedy, @bazzinyu, @williams_paige, @carolineylchen, @ec_schneider, @kcjohnson9, @guypbenson, @sarahellison, Nick LaFave WZZM, @nickconfessore, @allahpundit, @swintersmith, @amy_hollyfield, @deborahblum, @bariweiss, Mediaite, The Wrap and The Hill
Margaret Sullivan / Washington Post: Northwestern's student journalists shouldn't apologize for reporting. But don't pillory them.
Dawn Rhodes / Chicago Tribune: Daily Northwestern staffers apologized for recent coverage of Jeff Sessions visit.
Joseph Wulfsohn / Fox News: Northwestern journalism dean reacts to ‘heartfelt, though not well-considered’ newspaper apology for reporting
Julia Jacobs / @juliarebeccaj: Get yourself a dean who lifts his students up while teaching them journalistic truths in forceful prose ...
Claire Lehmann / @clairlemon: A tremendous defence of journalism, & liberal principles in general, from the Dean of the college where students apologised for...doing journalism. Gives a bit more context too — the students apologised because they were being physically threatened ...
Dr. Elisia Cohen / @ecohen_umn: I encourage student journalists and journalism educators to read @MedillSchool Dean Whitaker's defense of journalism, student journalists, public protest and civic responsibility at Northwestern. It identifies the contours of the teachable moment: ...
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: “give the young people a break.” ...
Peter Alexander / @peteralexander: Proudly support this statement by Dean Whitaker @MedillSchool @NorthwesternU. ...
Wesley Yang / @wesyang: The statement from the Dean of Medill about the Daily Northwestern is about as good as you can expect for such things. ...
Danielle Cohen / @daniellemcohen: i cannot stop thinking about how deeply proud i am to have @CharlesWhitak16 leading @MedillSchool. there is simply no one better suited for the job ...
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: Northwestern's student journalists shouldn't apologize for reporting. But don't pillory them. ... My column: ...
Nick Fox / @nickfoxnyt: A great defense of journalism by the dean of the journalism school at Northwestern University, where it has come under attack by students. ...
Katie Herzog / The Stranger: Anatomy of Online Outrage: Northwestern Edition
Dorothy Tucker / @dorothytv2: Thank you Dean @CharlesWhitak16 for a powerful statement that both journalists and the public need to read. @NUBlackAlumni ...
John Roberts / @johnrobertsfox: Glad to see someone standing up for the reporters of The Daily Northwestern: Statement from Dean Charles Whitaker on The Daily Northwestern's coverage of campus events - Medill - Northwestern University ...
Radley Balko / @radleybalko: Pitch perfect. ...
Marissa J. Lang / @marissa_jae: To the @thedailynu journos at the center of this: We all screw up. It takes guts to own it & strength to learn from it. Keep striving to be better. My DMs are open. To everyone else: If you're worried about “the future of journalism” — teach, mentor, take an intern to lunch. (5/
Ann Marie Lipinski / @amlwhere: Strong message from @MedillSchool dean Charles Whitaker about journalism @NorthwesternU. “I patently reject the notion that our students have no right to report on communities other than those from which they hail.” ...
Michael Calderone / @mlcalderone: Good @Sulliview piece on Northwestern controversy: student journalists shouldn't have apologized for reporting, but they also shouldn't be pilloried ...
Liz Wolfe / @lizzywol: “I patently reject the notion that our students have no right to report on communities other than those from which they hail...” As 99.9% of my feed has noted, @MedillSchool dean's statement is excellent: ...
Priya Krishnakumar / @priyakkumar: Medill is very lucky it has Charles Whitaker ...
Aileen Gallagher / @aegallagher: .@MedillSchool @ @CharlesWhitak16 writes a passionate, eloquent defense of journalism and the students learning to do it. ...
Josh Barro / @jbarro: The Medill dean statement hits most of the right notes, but it still buys into the harm/safety ideology — only now with the student journalists being the ones who are unsafe from activists. ...
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: “I understand why The Daily editors felt the need to issue their mea culpa. They were beat into submission by the vitriol and relentless public shaming they have been subjected to since the Sessions stories appeared.” ...
Helen Kennedy / @helenkennedy: Excellent statement from the Medill dean ...
Mohamad Bazzi / @bazzinyu: “The journalists at the Daily Northwestern seem interested in learning something from all of what happened, including their mistakes. Which is, after all, what being a student is all about” — important piece by @Sulliview on Northwestern controversy ...
Paige Williams / @williams_paige: “their well-intentioned gesture sends a chilling message about journalism and its role in society. It suggests that we are not independent authors of the community narrative, but are prone to bowing to the loudest and most influential voices in our orbit.” ...
Caroline Chen / @carolineylchen: Medill dean is compassionate but clear: “Their well-intentioned gesture sends a chilling message...It suggests that we are not independent authors of the community narrative, but are prone to bowing to the loudest & most influential voices” Worth a read: ...
Elena Schneider / @ec_schneider: “... Don't make judgments about them or their mettle until you've walked in their shoes. What they need at this moment is our support and the encouragement to stay the course.” Thoughtful, thorough stmt: ...
KC Johnson / @kcjohnson9: This section from Medill dean—editors “were beat into submission by the vitriol and relentless public shaming they have been subjected to since the Sessions stories appeared”—sounds v. much like the atmosphere at Harvard on the ICE story. V. troubling. ...
Guy Benson / @guypbenson: The @MedillSchool Dean weighs in. Pretty strong. ...
Sarah Ellison / @sarahellison: And of course @Sulliview has exactly the right take on The Daily and its mistakes. “Don't pillory them.” ...
Nick Confessore / @nickconfessore: Like everyone else, I'm impressed with this strong and compassionate statement of journalistic values from @MedillSchool's dean, Charles Whitaker. ...
@allahpundit: The key point in this piece is how much duress the student paper is under from activists. It's not merely that the editorial board consists of campus snowflakes. It's that they were borderline physically coerced into groveling. ...
Saraya Wintersmith / @swintersmith: This statement from from Dean Charles Whitaker on The Daily Northwestern's coverage of campus events makes the situation seem more prickly & confusing to me than before. ...
Amy Hollyfield / @amy_hollyfield: I find this to be an incredibly thoughtful, spot-on statement from @MedillSchool dean ...
Deborah Blum / @deborahblum: “I understand why The Daily editors felt the need to issue their mea culpa. They were beat into submission by the vitriol and relentless public shaming”. Solid and smart support of journalism from the dean of Medill. ...
Bari Weiss / @bariweiss: “As the dean of Medill, where many of these young journalists are trained, I am deeply troubled by the vicious bullying and badgering that the students responsible for that coverage have endured for the ‘sin’ of doing journalism.” ...
Josh Feldman / Mediaite: Dean of Northwestern's J-School Defends Student Reporters Amid Backlash from Protesters: Coverage Was Fair, Responsible
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Northwestern Student Paper Faces Backlash After Unpublishing ‘Retraumatizing’ Photos of Students Protesting

Northwestern University's student newspaper The Daily Northwestern sparks backlash for editorial apologizing for its news reporting that offended some students — The Daily Northwestern is the student newspaper of Northwestern University, which is home to the Medill School of Journalism …
@troy_closson, @royalpratt, @amyjbrittain, Washington Post, New York Times, @troy_closson, Chicago Sun Times, Chicago Tribune, @mattdpearce, @jbenton, @karenkho, Breitbart, @mattdpearce, National Review, @eramshaw, @charwalsh_, @walldo, @macloo, New York Post, @popehat, @katierosman, @anildash, @sopandeb, @dankennedy_nu, @troy_closson, @genepark, @pamelacolloff, @anildash, The Hill, @anildash, @noupside, @claytravis, @robbysoave, @maggienyt, @eisingerj, @davidmcswane, @michaelshermer, @seungminkim, @jamesbmeigs, @cleonardnews, @maragay, @kbandersen, @weyoung8, @rishikadugyala, @susancandiotti, @danbalz, @allymauch, Poynter, @robbysoave, @jbflint, @chrisvannini, @hannahmeisel, @jetjocko, @rachanadixit, @alexandermccoy4 and @treywallace_
Troy Closson / @troy_closson: /1 Yesterday, @thedailynu published a statement on our coverage of the Jeff Sessions event and protests on campus last week and I wanted to address the concerns that everyone has shared on Twitter.
Gregory Pratt / @royalpratt: There's a lot to comment on in this Daily Northwestern editorial, but apologizing for contacting people to ask if they're willing to be interviewed? Regretting that you photographed protesters protesting in public? ...
Amy Brittain / @amyjbrittain: This is called reporting. Why are you apologizing for it? Mind-boggling to read this editorial from student journalists who attend one of the top schools for journalism in the country. ...
Katie Shepherd / Washington Post: Student journalists at Northwestern apologized for photographing protesters. Then, the backlash began.
Jacey Fortin / New York Times: The Daily Northwestern Apologizes to Student Protesters for Reporting
Troy Closson / @troy_closson: /9 The last thing I want to say is that I hope in providing critiques and feedback of our statement, you can direct that toward me. The other staff members whose names are on it don't have the final say, I do. I can live with the consequences of that, but they shouldn't have to.
Neil Steinberg / Chicago Sun Times: The Daily Northwestern falls on face with apology shame
Heidi Stevens / Chicago Tribune: Column: Backlash against The Daily Northwestern's apology editorial is a better lesson than anything …
Matt Pearce / @mattdpearce: I don't doubt the sincerity of these student journalists. But I worry that if journalists keep ceding ground on when it is acceptable to do basic reporting, we eventually play into the hands of powerful interests who would love to criminalize journalism. ...
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: There's a lot wrong with this, but this graf just stunned me. Asking someone if they want to be interviewed is “an invasion of privacy”? ...
@karenkho: a number of journalists are mad about the Northwestern note in a way I have never really seen with several other issues, such the lack of diversity in their newsrooms, declines in public trust, or how reporting can further hurt underrepresented communities
Tom Ciccotta / Breitbart: Northwestern U. Student Newspaper Apologizes for Reporting on Jeff Sessions Lecture
Katherine Timpf / National Review: Northwestern's Newspaper Doesn't Get Journalism
Emily Ramshaw / @eramshaw: This is brave. It speaks to lived experiences almost none of the people tweeting about this share, & growing up in a climate almost none of the people tweeting about this did. I'm proud of this young man, who was a terrific Trib fellow. Higher ed is about learning, and he is.
Charlotte Walsh / @charwalsh_: (1/3) The only comment I'll say on this. As a former editor and current reporter at The Daily, we're a student newspaper and have a duty to protect students. Many people tweeting do not understand the University's amnesty policy, which could have targeted our sources.
Brandon Wall / @walldo: A thoughtful thread from the Daily Northwestern's EIC. I ran my college paper and I can't imagine what it's like to go through the trials and tribulations of j-school in this extremely online, shoot-from-the-hip dogpiling era. Kudos
Mindy McAdams / @macloo: I struggle almost daily to balance being nurturing and warm toward #journalism students and being tough and cold like a mean old newspaper editor. Students need both if they are to grow into the journalists we need them to become.
TantalizingHat / @popehat: I think college journalists are adult enough that it's condescending to say they've just made a “mistake” when what they've done is officially and with deliberation announce a position antithetical to the concept of journalism.
Katie Rosman / @katierosman: Just arrived in Ann Arbor to spend two evenings working with student journalists at @michigandaily. There will be much to discuss!!
Anil Dash / @anildash: I know I didn't go to college, let alone j-school, so feel free to dismiss me. But I would think big-name journalists, when seeing a behavior they don't understand from students who went to the same schools as their peers, would ask “Why?” and assume they need to investigate.
Sopan Deb / @sopandeb: The news industry is brutal. But it needs more people like Troy. Not less.
Dan Kennedy / @dankennedy_nu: There's something about @thedailynu editorial/apology that feels like we're not hearing the full story. It sounds terrible — “We're sorry we did our jobs as journalists.” But I want to know more, as I assume we will soon. ...
Troy Closson / @troy_closson: /6 I appreciate the concerns raised w/ our statement and understand how different parts can prompt worry re: the values we have as a student newspaper. We aren't unclear about our rights as a newspaper to cover student protest, but also understand the need to do so with empathy.
Gene-Parkemon / @genepark: this thread from the Daily Northwestern's editor is more honest and transparent than most of what we see from the nation's top editors. If anything, he's teaching us something important about the challenge of building trust within the communities we cover
Pamela Colloff / @pamelacolloff: .@troy_closson did great work when he was a @TexasTribune fellow and he'll go on to do more great work. I can vividly remember the hard, painful lessons I learned as a college reporter *before* the glare of Twitter. I learned from them & they made me the reporter I am today.
Anil Dash / @anildash: Many people also seem unaware that the same extreme right forces that advance the lies about speech on campuses also target vulnerable students (including the undocumented, or those for whom visibility can be dangerous) when covering protests, and source images from social media.
John Bowden / The Hill: Medill dean ‘deeply troubled by the vicious bullying and badgering’ of student journalists
Anil Dash / @anildash: I wonder if people who make statements like this know that organized right-wing extremist groups are making databases of vulnerable students based on imagery found on social media so that they can be targeted? And whether that would, you know, matter.
Renee DiResta / @noupside: What a mess. One reason we're here is that the cost of public speech/counterspeech now often includes having to deal w/an online mob. As a result, simply being photographed on a public street or named in a news article -reporting- is being recast as a “hostile” or “traumatic” act
Clay Travis / @claytravis: So Northwestern's student newspaper apologized for the trauma brought on by its coverage of a Jeff Sessions speech on campus?! When I read articles like these I feel like the country has gone insane. ...
Robby Soave / @robbysoave: Students at the most prestigious journalism program in the country, to activists: So sorry for covering news that offended you, we promise to do better.
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: One of the biggest problems US journalists face in this day and age is how few people understand what standard news-gathering process looks like. A student newspaper saying normal process is somehow a bad thing is incredibly troubling.
Jesse Eisinger / @eisingerj: -Harvard would like the Crimson to stop reaching out to objectionable entities for comment. -Northwestern would like reporters not to reach people at all. Too invasive.
J. David McSwane / @davidmcswane: Joking aside, these are kids navigating what feels like tremendous pressure - from faculty, students and administrators. Toughness in the face of that is something we all have to learn - usually at a campus newspaper, where we probably all had a few screw ups (lord knows I did)
Michael Shermer / @michaelshermer: “While our goal is to document history and spread information, nothing is more important than ensuring that our fellow students feel safe” —The Daily Northwestern newspaper apologizes that it's coverage of Jeff Sessions event hurt students' feelings. Wow.
Jim Meigs / @jamesbmeigs: The editors of the Daily Northwestern have apparently decided that when your reporters experience any kind of criticism, you must throw them under the bus as promptly as possible.
Christopher Leonard / @cleonardnews: Honestly: this is super disturbing. The public relations industry is already working hard to hem in the boundaries of journalism. Journalism teachers should not be helping them.
Mara Gay / @maragay: To my fellow professionals trolling student journalists, save it. Did your college paper get it right every time? Ours didn't. So close the app and make yourself available for friendly advice offline. Be an adult. ...
Kurt Andersen / @kbandersen: Wow. It's as much like an over-the-top caricature of triggered snowflake campus idiocy as Trump is like an over-the-top caricature of grotesque stupid right-wingers. Real life = bad satire.
Will E. Young / @weyoung8: As someone who had to constantly apologize to administration for the @LUChampionNews covering basic campus events and contacting professors for interviews, I can tell you how damaging it is for a young reporter to be shamed for..... reporting
Rishika Dugyala / @rishikadugyala: Were The Daily reporters just doing their jobs? Yes. But also: Are they real people + student journalists who are navigating outreach to marginalized communities at a privileged institution? Absolutely. Wherever you fall on this, don't crucify them.
Susan Candiotti / @susancandiotti: Hope this is discussed in journalism programs nationwide.
Dan Balz / @danbalz: College journalists are under new pressures. Witness what the Harvard Crimson just went through. Rather than jumping on the Northwestern student journalists, we all need to help explain to other students the basic practices and values of good journalism and why it matters.
Ally Mauch / @allymauch: Don't the big J Journalists have more important things to do right now that don't include shaming students trying to learn?
Tom Jones / Poynter: PBS to critics: It's not 1973 | Don Cherry is out | The Atlantic gets a major facelift
Robby Soave / @robbysoave: @jessesingal @ByronTau @ryanjreilly Don't name or shame any individuals, but this is 100% part of a trend in college journalism facing ridiculous constraints by activists and I think it's fine and even necessary to point out how contrary to actual journalistic principle this is.
Joe Flint / @jbflint: Reminds me of when an entertainment flack chided me and @writerchica for going to the homes of staffers during our reporting of a sensitive story. I was like, didn't you see “All the President's Men”
Chris Vannini / @chrisvannini: Exactly. What precedent are you setting by letting people making a public display determine if you can photograph them? And finding a phone number is literally day one stuff. It's not journalism if subjects set all the rules.
Hannah Meisel / @hannahmeisel: This Daily Northwestern editorial is super bizarre. But the flap-up makes me grateful for all my peers who were willing to play ball and do interviews with me while I learned to be a reporter at @TheDailyIllini (and in high school too).
Adam Rogers / @jetjocko: The job, fundamentally, requires bending some social norms. We ask impertinent questions. All the time. Inconveniently.
Rachana D. Pradhan / @rachanadixit: What?! This is happening at one of the most reputable j-schools in the country?
Alexander McCoy / @alexandermccoy4: So, besides the journalism aspect here, this attitude is also bizarre from a grassroots organizing perspective. The whole POINT of holding a protest is to draw attention, typically by earning press coverage. So why the freak out when the protest achieves its basic function?

Emails from 2015-2016 to Katie McHugh, then at Breitbart, show how WH adviser Stephen Miller helped shape stories to mirror or amplify white nationalist ideas — In the run-up to the 2016 election, White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller promoted white nationalist literature …
@michaelehayden, Washington Examiner, Axios, @rvawonk, @letsgomathias, @sifill_ldf, New York Magazine, Washington Post, CNN, @samthielman, @zacharybasu, Talking Points Memo, Katie Couric, @jaredlholt, @samthielman, @farhip, @jonfavs, Slate, Mediaite, @michaelehayden, The Wrap, Mother Jones, The Daily Dot and The Guardian
Michael Edison Hayden / @michaelehayden: .@Hatewatch reviewed over 900 previously private emails Stephen Miller sent to Breitbart during the run-up to the 2016 election. Miller shared white nationalist material. He pushed racist stories. Read part 1 of our investigation here:
Rashaan Ayesh / Axios: Group says Stephen Miller shared story ideas on race, immigration with Breitbart
Caroline Orr / @rvawonk: Breitbart editor Julia Hahn wrote this in Sept 2015. It references the very violent/racist book “The Camp of the Saints,” which is based on the white genocide conspiracy theory. The article ran 18 days after Stephen Miller emailed Hahn about the book. Hahn is now a Trump aide.
Christopher Mathias / @letsgomathias: I swear to God if everyone doesn't make this the biggest news story today... You're just gonna let this guy stay in the White House aren't you
Sherrilyn Ifill / @sifill_ldf: Do not move past this story. This is a senior advisor to the President. These emails are odious. And “Hatewatch was unable to find any examples of Miller writing sympathetically or even in neutral tones about any person who is nonwhite or foreign-born.”
Kim Bellware / Washington Post: Leaked Stephen Miller emails suggest Trump's point man on immigration promoted white nationalism
Oliver Darcy / CNN: Stephen Miller privately promoted stories from white nationalist and fringe media organizations
Ham Thankman / @samthielman: Mike, who wrote the @TowCenter guide to OSINT at @CJR, has a monster scoop about the white nationalist far-right's direct influence on Trump's immigration policy. It's amazing. Read the story and his guide to reporting on hostile online communities here:
Zach Basu / @zacharybasu: A White House official also provided us with this response on background: “This is clearly a form of anti-Semitism to levy these attacks against a Jewish staffer.”
Cristina Cabrera / Talking Points Memo: Leaked Emails Highlight How Stephen Miller Boosted White Nationalist Propaganda
Jared Holt / @jaredlholt: I want to hear from the White House why Stephen Miller should not be immediately fired from his position. I want to hear them say it.
Ham Thankman / @samthielman: great scoop, I can see why you granted anonymity to this person
Paul Farhi / @farhip: Heckuva disclosure paragraph in this @splcenter takedown of Trump immigration advisor Stephen Miller's emails to @BreitbartNews:
Jon Favreau / @jonfavs: Documented evidence that the President's top policy aide and speechwriter shares content from white nationalist websites.
Mark Joseph Stern / Slate: The Supreme Court Seems Ready to Let Trump Kill DACA
Josh Feldman / Mediaite: Leaked Emails Show Stephen Miller Promoted White Nationalist Websites, ‘Extremist, Anti-Immigrant Ideology’
Michael Edison Hayden / @michaelehayden: The liberal press has mostly talked around the origin of Miller's views, sometimes even romanticizing him. There were details that were there for the taking. Like the fact that his byline appears on American Renaissance as an author. Why has no one asked him about it?
J. Clara Chan / The Wrap: Stephen Miller Shared Racist Views With Breitbart Editors, Leaked Emails Show (Report)
David Covucci / The Daily Dot: Stephen Miller's racist emails leak

Sources: former HBO chairman and CEO Richard Plepler is in talks with Apple for an exclusive deal for his new production company — Former HBO chairman and CEO Richard Plepler is back with a new venture, a production company based at Apple. — Plepler, who exited HBO at the end of February …
Joe Flint / Wall Street Journal: Apple TV+ in Talks to Add Ex-HBO Boss Richard Plepler to Producer Lineup
Tim Baysinger / The Wrap: HBO Ex-CEO Richard Plepler Close to Apple Production Deal
Juli Clover / MacRumors: Former HBO CEO Richard Plepler in Talks With Apple About Apple TV+ Production Deal
Travis Clark / Business Insider: The former HBO CEO is in talks to join Apple TV Plus
M.G. Siegler / @mgsiegler: Makes sense since Apple is trying to turn Apple TV+ into HBO with the content high ground ceded by AT&T in order to try to turn HBO into Netflix.
Darrell Etherington / TechCrunch: HBO's former CEO said to be in talks with Apple TV+ for an exclusive production deal
Julia Alexander / The Verge: Apple in final talks with former HBO visionary who championed Game of Thrones
Chance Miller / 9to5Mac: Former HBO CEO in ‘advanced talks’ with Apple TV+ for an exclusive production deal
Cynthia Littleton / Variety: Former HBO Chief Richard Plepler Close to Signing Apple TV Plus Production Pact
Alexandra Steigrad / New York Post: Ex-HBO chief Richard Plepler, Apple TV+ near production deal

Politico owner Robert Allbritton is officially announcing his new tech site, Protocol, to launch in early 2020 with several dozen journalists and business staff — With talent poached from Wired, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, etc., and coverage written for “C-suite kinds of folks …
@katenocera, @protocol_media, @pierce, @pierce, @timgrieve, @nickschulz, @stephennellis, @nbj914, @ealshafei, @protocol_media, @protocol_media, @sarahnemerson, @brianstelter, @rafat, @joepompeo, @protocol_media, @jme_c, @protocol_media, @adamjanofsky, @bendreyfuss, @protocol_media and @alexeheath
Kate Nocera / @katenocera: As an aside, it's really gross and weird to describe someone as accomplished as @EmilyDreyfuss as “the daughter of Richard” when that has absolutely no bearing on the story at all???? (also congrats on the new gig Emily!)
Protocol / @protocol_media: Oh, hey Twitter. We're excited to announce Protocol, a new tech publication from the publisher of @politico
David Pierce / @pierce: I am Protocol's editor-at-large, which means... something. My email is, and please send me all your story ideas and feelings about the world.
David Pierce / @pierce: We're going to have newsletters and podcasts and a website and also I'm pitching a thing where I just come to your house and read you the newspaper. It's going to be great and our team is so awesome and I can't wait to show you all everything we're working on!
Tim Grieve / @timgrieve: Unbelievably excited to be working with this crew @protocol_media (plus the Twitter-free Vivyan Tran): @emilydreyfuss @jopearl @pierce @jme_c @mariojoze @k__mcallister @lindakintsler @mattdrange @adamjanofsky @emma_jmeier @issielapowsky @levinsonc
Nick Schulz / @nickschulz: Congrats to Tammy Wincup. This is much needed. Tech reporting, despite its abundance, is generally weak and thin. There's ample opportunity here.
Stephen Nellis / @stephennellis: Well of course! Why didn't I think of any of that? I mean, it's so easy and obvious.
Nicholas Jackson / @nbj914: “I'd love for this to be the ESPN of technology.” — I see some folks dismissing this because tech journalism is “crowded,” but it only looks that way because the whole media landscape has been decimated. The Protocol team will pull off something great:
Esra'a / @ealshafei: Too many of these are almost exclusively U.S centric - important to diversify information with solid international coverage considering the increasing power and influence of foreign governments on the tech industry at large.
Protocol / @protocol_media: Our leadership team includes President @tmwincup, Executive Editor @timgrieve, VP/GM @bennettrich, Editorial Director @emilydreyfuss, Managing Editor @jopearl, Head of Digital Vivyan Tran, and Editor-at-Large @pierce
Protocol / @protocol_media: We've hired more than a dozen journalists including: Editorial Director @EmilyDreyfuss and Managing Editor @jopearl (both from WIRED), Editor-at-Large @pierce (WSJ), and Head of Digital Vivyan Tran (WSJ & POLITICO) ... 1/4
Sarah Emerson / @sarahnemerson: how you gonna be the executive editor of a tech site and not know that tons of reporters are already covering these issues
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: A big bet by Robert Allbritton, officially announced today:
Rafat Ali / @rafat: “Does the media really need yet another publication going balls to the wall on tech?” No. Also, you should never count out Robert Allbritton on anything. Both can simultaneously be true.
Joe Pompeo / @joepompeo: Robert Allbritton wants to replicate Politico's playbook, as it were, with Protocol, which will lift off early next year with several dozen journos/biz people and $10m under the hood:
Protocol / @protocol_media: Protocol's mission? To treat technology as the formidable force it's become, by reporting on the people, power and politics of the industry
Jamie Condliffe / @jme_c: Some news! I'm leaving the @nytimes at Thanksgiving to join @protocol_media, a new tech publication from the publisher of @politico. Read about it:
Protocol / @protocol_media: Reporters @mattdrange (The Information), @AdamJanofsky (The Wall Street Journal), @emma_jmeier (former editor of The Fountain Hopper at Stanford), @issielapowsky (WIRED), and @levinsonc (Reuters). 3/4
Adam Janofsky / @adamjanofsky: Oh hey here's the project I'm joining (!)
Ben Dreyfuss / @bendreyfuss: My sister is way amazing and this thing that involves other people but will be referred by me for forever as “Emily's publication” seems super cool and good

The Atlantic revamps its iOS app, which now opens to a human-curated Today screen, with the rest of the content paywalled for $4.99/month or $49.99/year — Along with a redesign, The Atlantic launched a revamped iOS app Tuesday. — The iOS-only app starts off with a “Today” screen …
Jeffrey Goldberg / The Atlantic: Introducing a New Look for The Atlantic
Bob Cohn / @1bobcohn: Congrats to Peter Mendelsund, @JeffreyGoldberg and all my @TheAtlantic friends for this once-in-a-generation redesign of print and digital. ...
Andrew Phelps / @andrewphelps: What a day for @TheAtlantic: a new identity, a new magazine, a new website, a new app. And we're just getting started. ...

Disney+ spokesperson acknowledges service issues on launch day, saying consumer demand exceeded “high expectations”, as users complain that they can't connect — New York (CNN Business)Disney+ launched to much fanfare on Tuesday, and then immediately hit some bumps.
Business Insider, Variety, TechCrunch, Ad Age, Variety, DTCI Media, @xpangler, NBC News, The Atlantic, @downdetector, The Streamable, @karlbode, /Film, Washington Post, The Ringer, TechCrunch and Mediaite, more at Techmeme »
Travis Clark / Business Insider: Disney Plus' ‘The Mandalorian’ crushed Apple's launch shows in audience anticipation
Sarah Perez / TechCrunch: Disney+ says it's working to ‘quickly resolve’ its launch-day streaming issues
Todd Spangler / Variety: Disney Plus Launch Snafus: What Went Wrong?
Todd Spangler / @xpangler: For Disney, @disneyplus snafus are “a black eye coming out of the gate,” said Wedbush's Dan Ives. “Disney needs to execute flawlessly and this is a step back. Right now, it's Netflix's world and everyone else is paying rent.”
Claire Atkinson / NBC News: Did overly aggressive marketing turn Disney Plus into Disney Minus?
@downdetector: Disney+ is having issues since 6:08 AM EST. RT if it's down for you as well #disney+down
Karl Bode / @karlbode: I wouldn't read too much into these initial hiccups. Streaming at scale is hard, and people like space wizards. They'll figure it out.
Chris Evangelista / /Film: New Episodes of Original Disney+ Shows, Including ‘The Mandalorian’, Coming Friday
Miles Surrey / The Ringer: Let's Talk About That Baby in ‘The Mandalorian’

The Financial Times names Roula Khalaf as its editor, succeeding Lionel Barber, who will step down at the beginning of 2020 — 12 November 2019: The Financial Times today announces the appointment of Roula Khalaf as editor. She succeeds Lionel Barber, who has held the position since 2005 and will step down at the beginning of 2020.
Roula Khalaf / @khalafroula: Some personal news: am thrilled to be appointed the next FT editor. What a privilege to follow the great @lionelbarber
Lionel Barber / @lionelbarber: Some personal news. After 14 years, I am stepping down as editor in the New Year. It has been a rare privilege and a great pleasure to hold the best job in journalism. Full statement to follow @FinancialTimes
Lionel Barber / @lionelbarber: Congratulations @khalafroula on being the next editor @FinancialTimes A great journalist and leader of the next FT chapter #Leave
Jon Allsop / Columbia Journalism Review: Lionel Barber to step down as editor of the Financial Times
Jane Singer / @janebsinger: Well done to Roula Khalaf, who becomes first female editor of the FT after three years as deputy. Khalaf, chosen over three male colleagues, was lauded for her foreign reporting, work to increase newsroom diversity and success in attracting female readers. ...
Katharine Viner / @kathviner: Bravo to @lionelbarber, who's been a brilliant FT editor, and many congratulations to @khalafroula — an inspired appointment, and hurrah to FT having its first woman editor! ...
Gareth Harding / @garethharding: So that means Britain's three most reliably excellent print outlets - @guardian @FT and @TheEconomist - are all edited by women. Progress.
Liz Sly / @lizsly: Huge news from @FT. Their first woman editor ever! Congratulations to the great @khalafroula
Jeremy Bowen / @bowenbbc: Congratulations to my friend @khalafroula. She is a first class journalist and she'll be a brilliant editor of the FT. Also, for me, it's a fascinating career progression - from Middle East Editor to big boss.
Alan Rusbridger / @arusbridger: Congratulations! And good luck. The world needs the FT as a sane, brave and honest voice
Joseph Willits / @josephwillits: Roula Khalaf is a fantastic appointment as Financial Times editor. First Arab editor of a major British newspaper? Worth reading her essay in Our Women on the Ground on being a Lebanese woman in the industry & how it has changed ...
Anjali Ramachandran / @anjali28: Very pleased to hear @khalafroula will succeed @lionelbarber as Editor @FT - you just know they're a future-thinking, open, talent-driven place. Congratulations! First female editor since its founding in 1884.
Edmund Lee / @edmundlee: Wow, @khalafroula named next editor of the @FT, the first woman editor in the paper's 131-yr history @lionelbarber to step down next year after more than a decade as top editor
Peter Thal Larsen / @peter_tl: It's no exaggeration to say the FT has been completely transformed since Lionel took charge in 2004. He has steered the newspaper through some of the biggest challenges it has faced. He fully deserves the plaudits that will follow.
Ian Birrell / @ianbirrell: .@lionelbarber can take great pride in steering the @FT through such such stormy waters for the media these past 14 years. The FT has emerged very strong, which is not something that can be said for all newspaper/media outfits in these challenging times

Journalists are anonymously sharing their salaries and other relevant information like their gender identity, location, and work history in a public Google doc — When journalists want to talk among themselves about something difficult, the anonymous Google Doc seems to have become the mechanism.
@schwindter, @skobos, @cnqmdi, @mathewi, @janelytv, @somospostpc, @thomdunn, @mathewi, @rachelmetz, @dlberes, @jbenton, @timweideman, @schwindter, @mathewi and @andreagonram, Thanks:@mathewi
Oriana Schwindt / @schwindter: this line is really telling on people's perception of how much money you need to live—this would be really comfortable for me
Sarah Kobos / @skobos: Hey we made this happen and @CJR wrote about it! Thank you to everyone who has shared so far - knowledge is power!!
Rahel / @cnqmdi: i can't even imagine making “just” 50k or “only” 62k truly WATTBA
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: Highest salary so far in the crowdsourced Google Doc on media salaries is $145,000 for a deputy editor at the NYT with 15 years of experience. Lowest so far is $35,500 for a digital co-ordinator at BH Media in Virginia
@janelytv: The few Canadian salaries disclosed in the spreadsheet are minuscule
Alex Barredo / @somospostpc: > A web producer for Wirecutter, the consumer review site now owned by the New York Times, makes just $45,000, according to the list. Yikes. 🆕 Today on @Wirecutter 🆕 📦Top 10 Cardboard Boxes 🎧The Best Headphones for Running Away From Your Job
Turkey Doom / @thomdunn: I mean, even that fact alone is eye-opening, and probably why such pay transparency is important
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: New low: A staff reporter with 3 years experience at Ogden Newspapers in Utah makes $14.91 per hour, according to this crowdsourced Google Doc:
Rachel Metz / @rachelmetz: good! and this isn't the only google doc about this stuff that's out there.
Damon Beres / @dlberes: “Journalists doing anonymous journalism about journalism, in the shape of Google docs, is a new development in form.”
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: The Shitty Media Salaries List
Tim Weideman / @timweideman: Would genuinely be interested in more small town newspaper employees sharing info. My first reporter job out of college (2012) - $10.25/hour. Second job at a slightly larger paper in the area was a couple dollars more. Then I took a break from journalism.
Oriana Schwindt / @schwindter: I remember at TV Guide I told someone who had worked there forever and easily made in the 6 figures that I was making $45,000 a year and they were horrified and yeah it wasn't great but also they were used to, like, having a 2nd house in the Hamptons
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: There's a Google Doc circulating with anonymous details of the salaries for various journalism jobs, and it makes for interesting — if awkward — reading. Share yours and circulate!
Andrea Gonzlez-Ramrez / @andreagonram: yes i would like to have some worker solidarity with my wine, thank you

Automattic partners with Stripe to debut Recurring Payments for and Jetpack-powered sites, to let content creators collect repeat contributions — It's hard to be creative when you're worried about money. Running ads on your site helps, but for many creators, ad revenue isn't enough.
@wordpressdotcom, TechCrunch, Deadline, @hankchizljaw, @markarms, @alpennec, @artpi and @bluechoochoo, more at Techmeme »
@wordpressdotcom: We are introducing a new way to earn on and @Jetpack powered sites. With Recurring Payments, your supporters become your sustainers, and a reliable income stream frees you to push your creative boundaries. ...
Sarah Perez / TechCrunch: sites can now accept subscriptions with new ‘Recurring Payments’ feature
Andy Bell / @hankchizljaw: Ghost: we have enabled you to have paid members for your site WordPress: git clone ghost ...
Mark Armstrong / @markarms: This is a great new feature, created by @artpi, for indie publishers to offer subscriptions and memberships on their own sites. @Longreads served as the testing ground for it.
Axel Le Pennec / @alpennec: Wordpress enters the creator/passion economy with “Recurring payments”: publishers & creators can sustain their businesses by building reliable income streams through ongoing contributions. @SubstackInc/@revue, beware. Thoughts @ljin18 @briannekimmel? ...
Artur Piszek / @artpi: Thank you @automattic for the opportunity to work on unlocking the economic potential of artists, small businesses and content creators. Open Web truly is an amazing place that fosters and nurtures creativity.

Ad tech company Sharethrough, which had specialized in native ads, is shutting EU operations, cutting 11 jobs in London; CEO says GDPR hit operations severely — Sharethrough is shutting its European operations. The San Francisco-based company said it is centralizing support for its U.K …

John Oliver calls attention to SLAPP suits after one brought by a coal mogul was dropped but still cost his show $200K and tripled its libel insurance premium — Remember back in 2017 when John Oliver did a Last Week Tonight segment about coal company CEO and “geriatric Dr. Evil” Bob Murray …
@iamjohnoliver, @karlenegoller, @conor_w_ryan, @nik_venture, @racheltobac, @lhfang, @whytebarry, @slate, @davidakaye and IndieWire
John Oliver / @iamjohnoliver: Here's our piece from last night on SLAPP Suits, with an important message at the end... ...
Karlene Goller / @karlenegoller: Truly brilliant. I will be using this to teach my Media Law class. This piece is a libel lawyer's dream! Excellent work @iamjohnoliver @LastWeekTonight @HBO I love you even more.
Conor Ryan / @conor_w_ryan: Brilliant - especially the end. Speaks for an awful lot of journalists who might not have the platform, backing or the barber shop quartet of squirrels to say it right. This brutally exposes the tactic of suing not to suceed but to silence.
Nik Venture / @nik_venture: John Oliver continues to have the best political satire on TV and nobody can touch him. Period. And eat shit Coal Baron Bob Murray.
Rachel Tobac / @racheltobac: If you haven't watched this week's @LastWeekTonight you are missing out on a brilliant, hilarious, and informative tear down of all things SLAPP lawsuits. V relevant to the hacking community.
Lee Fang / @lhfang: Incredibly important piece for press freedom and in particular for any journalist who has ever written about coal executive Bob Murray
Barry J Whyte / @whytebarry: For anyone who's ever tried to publish almost anything under Ireland's *absurd* libel laws, the latest episode of John Oliver's HBO show is an utter joy ... Feel free to replace Bob Murray's name with the unnamable Irish news figure of your choice ...
@slate: Last Week Tonight celebrated its legal victory by insulting Bob Murray yet again—this time in song.

CNBC has decided to cease production of Nightly Business Report, which began in 1979 and is now TV's longest-running business-news show, at the end of the year — “Nightly Business Report,” the PBS program that started in 1979 and became TV's longest-running business-news broadcast, is set to cease production by the end of the year.