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Q&A with Jonah Peretti on BuzzFeed in the 2010s: how microtargeting enables polarization, turning points like the Boston Marathon, Steele dossier, unionization — As the decade began, there were reasons to be optimistic: America had elected its first black president …
Columbia Journalism Review, @jyarow, Nieman Lab, @jeremymbarr, @megclark_txt, @lanesainty, @joshuagreen, @jeremymbarr, @owillis, @niemanlab, @shiraovide, @jimwaterson, @sethdmichaels, @rob_flaherty, @max_read, @ryanlcooper, @grahamstarr, @eugene_scott, @jmcunning, @nymag, @laurenstarke, @nymag, @jessbrammar, @cdirusso and @emilyrpeck

Facebook bans white nationalist outlets Red Ice TV and Affirmative Right, says VDare's page is still under review, after recent report — Platform bars Red Ice TV and Affirmative Right, as VDare continues to operate — Facebook will no longer allow Red Ice TV and Affirmative Right to use its platform …
@juliacarriew, @digiphile, @shannoncoulter, @redicetv, @brandyzadrozny, @mollymckew and Business Insider

US teen says TikTok blocked her from posting after she accused China of putting Muslims into concentration camps; TikTok blames other reasons for the suspension — A US teenager's TikTok video clip accusing China of putting Muslims into “concentration camps” has gone viral on the Chinese-owned social network.

Jimmy Wales says he is planning to a hire a small number of journalists early next year for his news-focused social network WT:Social — Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales plans to a hire a small number of journalists for a “news-focused social network” in the hopes of finding an audience …

A subscriber strike for Alden Global Capital newspapers may be in order, to nudge Alden to sell its papers to owners who covet both good journalism and profits — It's not a popular thing to say, but journalism may be approaching the point where dedicated news consumers might take a hard look …
@maghielse, @mattwelch, @dplymyer, @mattdpearce, @tonybiasotti, @mattdpearce, @maghielse, @elizabethcrisp, @daviduberti, @samhoisington, @byjonharris, @reporterclaudia, @bosbizdon, @sarphanuzunoglu, @jeffweineros, @josh_good_, @jamesgibney, @danvock, @thenewsan, @mattdpearce, @dplymyer, @maghielse, @mjenkins, @michaelsocolow, @harrysiegel, @mathewi and @jackshafer

YouGov survey of five European countries finds Brits are most concerned about fake news and 63% think they're frequently exposed to fake news vs. 28% of Germans — Brits are more worried than their European neighbours about “fake news”, but are the least likely to pay for verified journalism, according to a new Yougov poll.
@markmackinnon, @daveclark_afp and @paulrapacioli

Sources: theSkimm is profitable and projects $30M in revenue this year as it looks for an investor or buyer amid slowing subscriber growth — - Buzzy media darling TheSkimm has been looking for an investor or buyer to accelerate its growth, people familiar with the talks told Business Insider.
@jyarow, @rafat, @niemanlab and @ashkan

CBS settles gender bias lawsuit with Michele Gillen, an Emmy-winning investigative reporter based in Miami, ahead of a trial scheduled to start on December 9 — Resolution of Michele Gillen's lawsuit comes on the eve of trial. — CBS Broadcasting has come to a settlement agreement with Michele Gillen …

Mozilla says it will block the IAB's DigiTrust universal ID, after updating its policies to reject products that let other services track users — Mozilla intends to block the DigiTrust consortium from tracking users in its Firefox browser, a blow for the IAB-led effort to create …
@robinberjon, @simonjharris, @jason_kint, @jarroddicker, @wolfiechristl and @larakiara

The online newspaper, which had been Facebook's only factchecking partner in the Netherlands, quits over political ad exemption — ‘Final straw’ was refusal to allow partner to mark dubious claims by far-right parties — Facebook's only Dutch factchecker has quit over the social network's refusal …

Dayton Daily News and two other Ohio daily newspapers to be cut to three days a week, as part of FCC approval for Apollo to acquire Cox TV/radio stations — The 121-year old Dayton Daily News and two other Ohio newspapers will shrink to three days a week from daily publication to appease regulators …
@johnerickson58 and @mattsauer

Republican congressional leaders are avoiding TV interviews and appearances except for Fox News, while Democratic leaders have stayed off Fox in recent months — New York (CNN Business)In the months ahead, the Republican leaders of the Senate will likely determine the fate of the Trump presidency.
@brianstelter and @brianstelter

Podcasting network Headgum launches Gumball, an advertising marketplace that lets creators circumvent sales reps and address advertisers directly — Plus: Google debuts an automated, aggregated, atomized audio experience. Should publishers buy in? — Welcome to Hot Pod, a newsletter about podcasts.
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