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Sports Illustrated owner Maven has fired longtime soccer journalist Grant Wahl, following Wahl's public criticism of company plans for a permanent staff pay cut — Grant Wahl is far from the only person to criticize Maven's operation of Sports Illustrated, but he may be the first to lose his job after offering those criticisms.
@byianthomas, @si_union, @grantwahl, The Ringer, @awfulannouncing, @grantwahl, @dave_schilling, @bobbyburton247, @thesagerbomb, @adamzagoria, @woodywhitehurst, @mark_j_boyle, @joebanner13, @rwilliams1947, @dannyoneil, @awfulannouncing, @griffinporter97, @dmccomasob, @nytimesguild, @maggiegray, @liam_twomey, @citizen_kay, @alex_kirshner, @grantwahl, @grantwahl, @rohannadkarni, @conororr, @jessica_smetana, @jennyvrentas, @chrischavez, @lmechegaray, @jmkliegman, @grantwahl, @dave_schilling, @lfcny, @jduffyrice, @ollieholt22, @nickcarboniwcnc, @rohannadkarni, @seidelumbc, @larsanderson71, @davisjsn, @c_stillitano, @annkillion, @nwbaird, @dylanbyers, @jasongay, @itsmeglinehan, @timmarchman, @kami, @nicoleauerbach, @luisomartapia, @dyoungrivals, @lacrimes, @jasonschreier, @slmandel, @lizroscher, @pacificpdx, @gabepirlo, @bydavidgardner, @jeremymbarr, @enswelljones, @kylecoche, @bykevinclark, @molly_knight, @maxwelltani, @jasonschwartz, @richarddeitsch and The Big Lead
Ian Thomas / @byianthomas: New: Internal memo sent from Maven Founder and CEO James Heckman following the termination of @GrantWahl @SInow:
@si_union: Our statement on today's events and those of the last few months:
@awfulannouncing: Maven fired Grant Wahl from SI and trashed him in an internal email, days after he publicly criticized the company on social media ...
Grant Wahl / @grantwahl: 1) I told Maven I was fine taking a 30% pay cut during the pandemic. But it was shameful to try to push through a permanent 30% cut beyond the pandemic. 2) My base salary was far below that, but I got a bonus because my bosses said my work was very good. 3) I write frequently.
Dave Schilling / @dave_schilling: The mistake these people make is thinking writers are worthless and don't deserve to be paid well.
Bobby Burton / @bobbyburton247: As someone who once worked for Jim 20 years ago, I am completely unsurprised that he would allegedly misrepresent facts either publicly or privately in an attempt to sway public opinion. A leopard never changes its spots. @GrantWahl sorry you're going through this.
Woody Whitehurst / @woodywhitehurst: I've never even heard of a statement like this after parting ways with an employee
Mark Joseph Boyle / @mark_j_boyle: Not that it makes a difference, but I cancelled my subscription. Businesses can fire whomever they see fit, so whether I think the guy should be fired or not was not a factor for me. However, the staff wide memo is beyond unprofessional and offensive.
Joe Banner / @joebanner13: If it's true that he refused to take a temporary pay cut to help keep more people employed, I don't know how anyone stands with that in these times.
Richard Williams / @rwilliams1947: This is horrible. All best wishes, Grant. And how low the once admirable SI has sunk.
Danny O'Neil / @dannyoneil: That @JamesCHeckman — a guy who was dissociated with University of Washington after the investigation that put the #Huskies on probation — is now making decisions over a publication I loved so much is truly galling. I support @si_union.
@awfulannouncing: Maven fired Grant Wahl from Sports Illustrated on Friday, and incredibly made the situation worse by releasing a much-criticized, potentially defamatory memo ...
Griffin Porter / @griffinporter97: Every day I'm glad I unsubscribed from @SInow & put that money into @TheAthletic instead. It breaks my heart to see Maven destroy 1 of the most important institutions in sports journalism. I wish I didn't have to drop SI, but I'm not going to give them my $ and encourage this
Dustin McComas / @dmccomasob: How Heckman continues to get into positions of power like this I'll never know. Walking dumpster fire who destroys everything he touches.
@nytimesguild: We stand in solidarity with @si_union and call on James Heckman and Maven management to 1)show some decency to the human beings they hired 2) recognize them now!
Maggie Gray / @maggiegray: It is impossible to fully express what a class act and gentleman @GrantWahl is. He's the kind of writer, reporter, and person we should all aspire to be in this business.
Liam Twomey / @liam_twomey: Sad to see a proud, prestigious publication hollowed out the way SI has been by Maven over the past couple of years. The only positive is I'm sure Grant won't be unemployed for long and their loss will be someone else's gain
Stanley Kay / @citizen_kay: As an intern at SI, I was practically starstruck when I met Grant. In the six years since, I've learned that he isn't just a great writer and reporter - he's a wonderful colleague and person.
Alex Kirshner / @alex_kirshner: If Maven recognized SI's union (i.e. respected its employees enough to negotiate with them), they'd have to bargain for severance when they fired people. Blowing off the union and *then* firing a beloved writer without severance is even more evil than most people probably realize
Grant Wahl / @grantwahl: From a pure business perspective, if James Heckman thought I wasn't worth my salary, why did he offer a 2-year guaranteed contract in December that increased it? (I held off and asked to go at-will because none of us ever trusted him or Maven.)
Grant Wahl / @grantwahl: James Heckman's statement is full of literal lies. I accepted a 30% pay cut during the pandemic and told Ross Levinsohn I was fine with that. (But Maven wanted a permanent post-pandemic pay cut.) My work has always been quality and extremely prolific. This is defamatory.
Rohan Nadkarni / @rohannadkarni: The employees of Sports Illustrated—those of us left—deserve a voice in deciding the magazine's future.
Jessica Smetana / @jessica_smetana: Grant was a tremendous coworker and always helped everyone when he could - whether it was securing interviews with USWNT players or generously inviting coworkers over for dinner. It's impossible to imagine Sports Illustrated without him.
Jenny Vrentas / @jennyvrentas: We stand in solidarity with @GrantWahl, a beloved colleague and the best soccer writer in the country. ✊
Chris Chavez / @chrischavez: Truly saddened by today's news with @GrantWahl. One of my favorite memories w/ him is a from a get together a few years back when @citizen_kay & I just listened to World Cup and Olympics stories from his 20+ years at SI - as well as the “Chosen One” LeBron cover story from 2002.
Luis Miguel Echegaray / @lmechegaray: .@GrantWahl did more for my career than you'll ever know. A friend, colleague, mentor & partner in crime. If it seemed as if we never disagreed on ⚽️ via the pod or pftv, it's cause that was the case. I'll miss my buddy & despite social distancing, I'm virtually hugging him rn.
Julie Kliegman / @jmkliegman: I stand with @GrantWahl and with all of my colleagues as we fight for our union to be recognized by Maven.
Grant Wahl / @grantwahl: @tmcfar @GRap323 @karl_inc Heckman's statement is literally full of lies. I told them all along I had zero problem taking that pay cut during the pandemic.
Dave Schilling / @dave_schilling: It goes without saying that this is bullshit. Sports media is a hot mess filled with vulture capitalists that don't understand what the hell they're doing.
@lfcny: As a Supporters club, we don't really ‘stan’ journalists. It's not our role in this ecosystem. That said, Grant Wahl has done tons to grow the game in the US and has our support.
Josie Duffy Rice / @jduffyrice: This is so shameful
Oliver Holt / @ollieholt22: Dreadful shame what has happened to Sports Illustrated. Used to be my favourite magazine anywhere. It's a shell of that now. It's lost too many fine journalists like @GrantWahl
Nick Carboni / @nickcarboniwcnc: What a trash heap of a company to send a memo like that
Rohan Nadkarni / @rohannadkarni: Grant Wahl was a titan at a place that practically has none left. Those of us lucky enough to know him personally found out he was an even better person than writer. His value to SI and this profession is immeasurable. Also, he can rock a leather jacket better than you'd think.
Zach Seidel / @seidelumbc: Two things: 1. This is shameful of Maven to leak his salary like this and definitely could bring legal action against them 2. What Maven has done to Sports Illustrated in less than a calendar year is an absolute disgrace
Lars Anderson / @larsanderson71: The @SInow that I loved as a kid and eventually spent 20 years at as a reporter and writer died a long time ago. All Maven just did was can one of the best writers—in any genre—in America.
Jason Davis / @davisjsn: This statement is trash. Maven just dumped a great sports writer then issued this idiotic attempt at spin. SI is being willfully destroyed by imcompents and it's a travesty.
Charlie Stillitano / @c_stillitano: Hard to believe that one of the greatest soccer writers in the world was let go so unceremoniously. Grant's work has been invaluable to the growth of soccer in this country.
Nathan Baird / @nwbaird: It should tell you everything you need to know about Maven that it disclosed these details — even in an internal memo.
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: As @ballmatthew recently noted, economic crises accelerate and exaggerate all trends.
Tim Marchman / @timmarchman: It takes so much to stand out among the absolute worst people in media, but this guy had really put in the work
Kami Mattioli / @kami: Wow imagine thinking that an internal memo that reeks of retaliation is the way to conduct business. Sounds familiar...
Nicole Auerbach / @nicoleauerbach: I'm sure this will go over suuuuuuper well!
Luis Omar Tapia / @luisomartapia: Wow. Can't believe it. Something better will come to you.
Derek Young / @dyoungrivals: It's the same person that burned Scout to the ground
Richard Winton / @lacrimes: Sports Illustrated heading towards extinction decides to fire its main writer on the world's most popular sport. @GrantWahl is one of the top football/soccer writers around.
Jason Schreier / @jasonschreier: How many more media outlets is this going to happen to? It doesn't matter who actually built something — rich people can simply buy it, tear out everything that made it special, and walk away with massive profits, ruining lives along the way. Capitalism: It's great
Stewart Mandel / @slmandel: Imagine a sports media company deciding it's better off without the most prominent soccer writer in the country. Maven is burning SI to the ground even quicker than most of us feared.
Liz Roscher / @lizroscher: The point of Sports Illustrated now is not sportswriting or reporting, but for the few people at the very top to make as much money as possible. What a waste of a once-great publication.
Mike / @pacificpdx: Firing one of the country's most popular soccer journos because he called out that you were shitty. SI's circling the drain at an exponential rate.
Gabriel Quarantino / @gabepirlo: Maven fired Grant Wahl without severance from Sports Illustrated after he strongly criticized corporate paycuts. I'm not a fan of Grant's, but don't wish unemployment on anyone & am thinking of all the uncelebrated writers & reporters struggling right now. ...
David Gardner / @bydavidgardner: The people who run Maven are monsters intent on ruining Sports Ilustrated
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: Highly unprofessional and highly defamatory. What a joke of a company
Chris Jones / @enswelljones: Serious tweet for a moment: What happened at SI is an absolute tragedy, and how they're treating employees, including the likes of Grant, is total bullshit that shouldn't be even remotely legal.
Kyle Carr / @kylecoche: I'm not expert but firing one of the best soccer writers (and sports writers in general) in the country is a bad business idea.
Kevin Clark / @bykevinclark: Grant Wahl's writing and reporting has helped a generation of American readers better understand soccer in our country. He rules. He certainly didn't deserve this.
Molly Knight / @molly_knight: SI used to be the best sports magazine in the world. Now it is over.
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: The media companies that were behaving ghoulishly before this crisis have not missed the opportunity to proportionally escalate their embarrassing behavior
Jason Schwartz / @jasonschwartz: This sucks. Nobody in the country covers soccer better than Grant.
Richard Deitsch / @richarddeitsch: Just a disgraceful company.

An estimated 28,000 workers at US news companies have been laid off, furloughed, or had their pay reduced since the COVID-19 crisis began — Roughly 28,000 workers at news companies nationwide have been laid off, furloughed or had their pay reduced. Some publications that rely on ads have shut down.
@bgrueskin,, @vwpickard, @ashkan, @katrinanation, @picardonhealth, @adamjkucharski, @jeffjarvis, @kimmasters, @leszaitz, @ruthbenghiat, @ericuman, @charlesornstein, @racheldissell, @racheldissell, @scenesallard, @racheldissell, @lesliembcle, @brentbeshore, @reptimryan, @saragregory, @michellelegro, @goldiestandard, @mollyjongfast, @matthewstoller, @editorialiste, @gchristcle, @attorneynora, @badams, @aprilaser, @karlbode, @carlzimmer, @slpng_giants, @schadjoe, @justinhendrix, @carlmacgowan, @tony_ganzer, @isiahmagsino, @gaufre, @gaufre, @menendezrand, @gaufre, @maxwelltani, @yashar, @marcatracy and @maxwelltani
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: RIP The Bolivar Commercial, a twice-weekly newspaper serving a county in Mississippi with a 25% poverty rate. The paper closed this week, after 104 years. And the owner, Lee Walls, jas left a blistering epitaph for his paper, and the industry. ...
Monica Potts / Transparency — Coronavirus has me thinking a lot about transparency in our institutions.
Victor Pickard / @vwpickard: There is no market solution to this crisis. We need permanent public investments.
Ashkan Karbasfrooshan / @ashkan: When you consider the 16M who have been unemployed due to Covid in US alone, the job loss tally in tech (17K) & media (28K) is rather tame & reiterates how Covid will dramatically expand delta between have's & have nots.
Katrina vandenHeuvel / @katrinanation: Deeply sobering — News Media Outlets Have Been Ravaged by the Pandemic - The New York Times
Andr Picard / @picardonhealth: News Media Outlets Have Been Ravaged by the Pandemic. Traffic is way up but ads have disappeared and everyone thinks news should be free via @nytimes #journalism 🗞
Adam Kucharski / @adamjkucharski: If there are news outlets providing coverage that you're finding helpful, now would be a good time to take out a subscription to support them.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: All this is the short-term impact of the crisis. The long-term impact on the health and sustainability of these businesses is untold. News Media Outlets Have Been Ravaged by the Pandemic
Kim Masters / @kimmasters: More to come.
Les Zaitz / @leszaitz: Some question @MalheurNews and @SalemReporter for seeking public support to keep access to local news flowing. I make no apologies - people need information and I'll tap every means possible to see they get it. @LocalMediaAssoc @report4america @soljourno
Ruth Ben-Ghiat / @ruthbenghiat: Depressing. With a corrupt authoritarian as President, we need the press more than ever.
Eric Umansky / @ericuman: “Facebook, and social media in general, have done more to harm community newspapers than the Internet as a whole.”
Charles Ornstein / @charlesornstein: So sad to watch the gutting of the news industry.
Rachel Dissell / @racheldissell: Not all stories end the way we want them to. Sometimes there are unintended consequences that can't be anticipated. I'm heartbroken & regretful that the owners of my newspaper, in the end, didn't value me as much as I valued the opportunity they gave me serve my own community
Rachel Dissell / @racheldissell: To people who have given me the unsolicited advice over the years that in order to “make it” I should leave the city for a bigger, coastal paper. My response is still the same: Fuck off, Cleveland deserves good journalism, too.
Sam Allard / @scenesallard: Rachel is a Cleveland hero, a treasure, the undisputed champ and soul of the local press corps, and she deserved a royal fucking sendoff. Absolutely sickened that she got did so dirty.
Rachel Dissell / @racheldissell: I started at The Plain Dealer as an intern before I was old enough to legally buy a beer and have been a full time reporter with my hometown paper since 2002.
Leslie Mb Cle / @lesliembcle: Thread. I'm sobbing. I've known Rachel since high school. We both fell in love with journalism working at our school paper. She carried that love to far greater heights than I was capable of. I've always both admired her & been a little jealous. Seeing this happen is devastating.
Brent Beshore / @brentbeshore: I'd love to see my great friend @johnpgarrett interviewed for stories like this. He has 2.7 million monthly distribution and is fighting tooth and nail for local news. Has laid off zero of 220 full time employees. Definition of American entrepreneurship.
Congressman Tim Ryan / @reptimryan: This is why I've been working on legislation to help media outlets hurt by #COVID19. We can't let local journalism go by the wayside. Cc: @nabtweets, @tfranko, @CWAUnion, @newsmedia
Sara Gregory / @saragregory: Virginia local news reporters: If you're one of these 28,000, we're still raising money to help folks pay bills. Apply for assistance here: Donate here:
Michelle Legro / @michellelegro: In December 2019, @mekosoff wrote for @GENmag about an unprecedented year for media layoffs, in which more than 3,000 people lost their jobs. Three months later: More than 28,000 media workers have had their jobs furloughed, cut, or pay reduced.
Goldie Blumenstyk / @goldiestandard: Not just horrible for all these people but also a tragedy for our democracy.
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: Why not bailout the media instead of the cruse ships?
Matt Stoller / @matthewstoller: 1. 28,000 news media workers gone since the pandemic. There is a crisis of the free press, and it is directly a result of the monopoly of advertising by Google and Facebook. Today, we are re-launching our coalition, Freedom from Facebook and Google. https://www.freedomfromfacebookandgoogl
Ginger Christ / @gchristcle: Today is my last day at @ThePlainDealer, a paper I grew up reading. To all of the people who trusted me to tell your stories over the past four years, thank you. I owe these incredible years to you, and I hope to find ways to still tell your stories in Northeast Ohio. ✊📰
Nora Benavidez / @attorneynora: This is part of why @PENamerica is calling on Congress, with over 50 other media & civil rights orgs like @freepress @CommonCause @ONA @publicknowledge @NAHJ @article19org @mediajustice @LIONPubs @CenDemTech, to include funding for local news outlets in the next stimulus round.
Barry Adams / @badams: A lot of news sites are seeing record traffic numbers but advertisers have cut budgets to bare minimums so it's traffic that costs rather than earns. This'll hurt journalism for a long time to come.
April Glaser / @aprilaser: solidarity with all furloughed and laid off media workers ✊🗞
@karlbode: Fortunately there's no important shit going on that needs covering.
Carl Zimmer / @carlzimmer: Attention to anyone who relies on the news to know what's happening in the middle of a pandemic...
Stay At Home Giants / @slpng_giants: In a time when we need fact-based local media the most, newspapers are going out of business. The system that @google and @Facebook built did this.
Joe Schad / @schadjoe: At a time when reporters are really needed. Not that they aren't always really needed.
Carl MacGowan / @carlmacgowan: @Newsday is persevering (thanks for asking), but count the number of ads in any paper this week and the problem is apparent. We need our readers/subscribers more than ever. And we're grateful for your support. Thank you.
Tony Ganzer / @tony_ganzer: The Plain Dealer cuts are not related to coronavirus. The date was pushed a little, but Advance has been squeezing the print side for a long time. It's tragic, and shouldn't be lumped in with other cuts. #journalism
Isiah Magsino / @isiahmagsino: “new listings for jobs in the media and communications sector had fallen 35 percent in the 60 days before April 3”
Jon Schleuss / @gaufre: Terrifying. News publications are cutting staff and reporting in the middle of a pandemic. News is critical to public health in communities across America. #SaveTheNews
Jon Schleuss / @gaufre: Ten days ago, @newsguild called for the news industry to be included in the next stimulus package.
Robert Rand / @menendezrand: 'Hunger for news in a time of crisis has sent droves of readers to many publications. But with businesses paused or closed — and no longer willing or able to pay for advertisements — a crucial part of the industry's support system has cracked.'
Jon Schleuss / @gaufre: And yesterday I wrote Congress, “Failing to protect our local news literally puts lives at risk.”

The Miami Herald says FL governor's aide pressured its law firm into not filing a public records lawsuit to disclose COVID-19 data; Herald to file with new firm — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' general counsel called a representative of the Miami Herald's law firm seeking to quash …
Julie K. Brown / @jkbjournalist: BREAKING: Florida Gov DeSantis, seeking to hide Covid infections & deaths, pressures Miami Herald law firm to squelch records suit | Miami Herald ...
@bruno_j_navarro: The law firm, Holland & Knight, told Sanford Bohrer, a senior partner with decades of representing the Miami Herald, to stand down and abandon the lawsuit. ...
Shawn Boburg / @shawnboburg: The Miami Herald was ready to file a lawsuit for records identifying nursing homes with Covid-19. Then the governor's office made a call to an influential partner in the law firm representing the Herald. Suit dropped. ...
David Corn / @davidcorndc: Amazing story. DeSantis acting so Trumpian and one of the nation's biggest law firms caving to pressure.
John Panzer / @jpanzer: DeSantis: Siri, how can I be an even more disgusting piece of crap?
Andrew Weinstein / @weinsteinlaw: It's time for Florida newspapers to call for @GovRonDeSantis to resign. He has betrayed the public trust.
Julie K. Brown / @jkbjournalist: I hope everyone understands that what @MiamiHerald is fighting for is not just a Florida problem. Do you know what is happening in your loved one's nursing home? Do you know if your mother/grandmother/brother/husband is ok?? If you can't visit, how do you know?
Billy Baldwin / @billybaldwin: DeSantis is trying to cover up how many lives were lost as a result of him not closing the Florida beaches over Spring Break cuz he knows the death toll will cost him his reelection... or worse.
Marty Johnson / The Hill: FL governor's counsel allegedly pressured Miami Herald law firm to drop public records law suit: report
Socially Distant Bro / @joparkerbear: This is abominable and horrific. It directly affects my father, my family, ME. @RonDeSantisFL pressured a law firm hired by Miami Herald to not go through with filing a records suit to find out which elder care facilities have Coronavirus cases. ...
Jason Leopold / @jasonleopold: Whoa Gov. Ron DeSantis' general counsel called a rep of the Miami Herald's law firm seeking to quash a public records lawsuit that would force the state to divulge the names of all elder-care facilities that have had a positive test for the #coronavirus. ...
Radley Balko / @radleybalko: The story is infuriating, but the headline made me laugh. ...

Netflix's Tiger King is a product of a changing film industry in which the lines between documentary and reality TV are blurring — Critics say the popular Netflix series and its directors lost sight of the conservation and animal welfare problems at the heart of the story of Joe Exotic.
Tampa Bay Times, @markkatches, @laurenbeukes, @nytimes, @nytscience, @nytimes, @nytimes, NME and Tiffany's Newsletter
Tracey McManus / Tampa Bay Times: Carole and Howard Baskin say ‘Tiger King’ makers betrayed their trust
Mark Katches / @markkatches: In their first media interview since #TigerKing became a viral phenomenon, #CaroleBaskin and her husband tell @TroMcManus they are not happy with how it all turned out ...
Lauren Beukes / @laurenbeukes: On Tiger King: paid interviews, not showing you the full picture, false equivalences and why Carole Baskin is not the villain.
@nytimes: News Analysis: Major figures in “Tiger King” say they were paid by the directors, who have denied paying anyone for an interview. In the show's on- and off-screen drama, critics say, the animal welfare concerns at the heart of the story are lost entirely.
@nytscience: Some interviewed for “Tiger King” said the series was pitched to them as being like “Blackfish” for big cats. But critics say the issues affecting tigers and other species in captivity are completely lost in the show's “soap opera-esque drama.”
@nytimes: Critics also say footage was edited to imply the animals Carole Baskin cares for are kept in small, squalid cages. In fact, the smallest enclosures on her property are 1,200 sq. ft., a size considered humane by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries.
@nytimes: Experts fear the folk heroism being assigned to Joe Exotic on social media could hurt efforts to end the abuse of big cats. “We're going to start seeing more selfies with cubs,” said one exotic wildlife specialist who declined to appear in “Tiger King.”
Charlotte Krol / NME: ‘Tiger King’ star Carole Baskin claims she's had death threats since Netflix show aired
Tiffany Judge / Tiffany's Newsletter: Tiger King week 4/11

Voice of America EIC defends its coverage of China after WH newsletter accuses it of speaking for “America's adversaries” by calling Wuhan lockdown a success — VOA chief fires back after official White House newsletter declares: “VOA too often speaks for America's adversaries—not its citizens.”
Paul Farhi / Washington Post: White House attacks Voice of America, claiming it promoted Chinese propaganda
Sam Dorman / Fox News: White House says federally funded news service ‘spends your money to promote foreign propaganda’
Mark Seibel / @markseibel: Another Trump target. Who benefits from this attack? The primary opponent of VOA is authoritarian governments worldwide. That's always been the case. ...
Diane Ravitch / @dianeravitch: White House attacks Voice of America, claiming it promoted Chinese propaganda - The Washington Post unpredented attack ...
Kevin Gray / @drkevingray: in other news, Beijing denounces the Global Times for its pro-US views
Marc Polymeropoulos / @mpolymer: Pretty sad that WH attacks VOA publicly. Handle in private. For anyone serving overseas, VOA always a symbol of America. Not a propaganda tool. A symbol of the reach of US ideals. A tie to home. My mother talked about listening to John Glenn's moonwalk from our roof in Athens.
Edward Wong / @ewong: Trump White House launches extraordinary attack on @VOANews w/ false claims that it amplifies China's propaganda. In fact, China has criticized VOA & its independent reporting. White House absurdly says “much of the U.S. media takes its lead from China.” ...
Isaac Stone Fish / @isaacstonefish: I think @VOANews does excellent work, and has a wonderful staff of really talented reporters.
Paul Farhi / @farhip: White House is upset at @voa's reporting on China's response to coronavirus. Note the accusatory headline: “Voice of America spends your money to speak for authoritarian regimes”....
Paul Farhi / @farhip: In response, @voa director Amanda Bennett issued statement defending its reporting. In part: “One of the big differences between publicly-funded independent media, like the Voice of America, and state-controlled media is that we are free to show all sides of an issue...
Paul Farhi / @farhip: I dunno if there's a precedent for this—the executive branch publicly criticizing an agency set up to “tell America's story” to the world, particularly those in authoritarian and totalitarian societies...
Amanda Bennett / @abennett: @Scavino45 @WhiteHouse @VOANews 3/5 Our team works hard to fact-check and hold authorities and leaders accountable for what they say. We have a whole department dedicated to this effort @PolygraphInfo.
Amanda Bennett / @abennett: @Scavino45 @WhiteHouse @VOANews @PolygraphInfo 4/5 And we call out China for hiding and obfuscating some facts and their lack of transparency in articles like this: @PolygraphInfo #FreePress #afreepressmatters
Amanda Bennett / @abennett: @Scavino45 @WhiteHouse 1/5 We believe a healthy democracy means having an #Independent and #FreePress, so we love a good dialogue. Please read more about how we are totally independent here:
Paula Chertok / @paulachertok: Oh. Trump's authoritarian Orwellian regime is now attacking “Voice of America,” literally America's voice in the world against authoritarian societies. This is the latest GOP strategic propaganda, attempting to shift blame for Trump's catastrophic #coronavirus failure to China.
Elizabeth Williamson / New York Times: White House Mounts Heated Attack on a U.S. Government Media Voice
Caitlin Oprysko / Politico: White House rips U.S.-funded outlet Voice of America in daily newsletter

In response to the pandemic, fashion magazines adjust to reduced ads, no photoshoots, and walking the line between selling fantasy and reflecting the crisis — Glossy magazines sell fantasy. Now they have to reckon with reality. It's complicated. — Last week, Vanity Fair Italy's cover star …
@kerrymflynn: “mainstream fashion newsstands look the same as ever: a lot of celebrities posing with half smiles, not a face mask in sight. Many editions on sale now were finished before the outbreak was declared a pandemic...”
Laura Snapes / @laurasnapes: “For its September issue, the magazine has considered sending a camera to the husband of the cover star and asking him to photograph her.” this is so good on fashion mags' quick scramble to adapt to working in lockdown + pandemic concerns
Maximillian Potter / @maxapotter: “What's the Point of a Fashion Magazine Now?” “It's that magazines were already a fraught business. It's that many people have been re-evaluating their moral relationship with consumption.”
Steve Salter / @steve_salter: “Like music or art, fashion that also acknowledges its outside context can also produce a sense of connectedness and belonging — something that becomes increasingly important as people start thinking about identity while cooped up in their homes,” @wblau:

How 15+ news orgs adjusted their membership programs to respond to the pandemic by making membership appeals, recreating in-person events online, and more — The world has changed dramatically since we published our case study on Zetland's successful member ambassador campaign in mid-March.

Source: Valence Media plans staffing cuts of up to $10M at The Hollywood Reporter and Billboard next week, as the media company's losses are ~$18M-$19M a year — The Hollywood Reporter and Billboard are set for deep staffing cuts next week by parent Valence Media in an effort to reduce personnel …
Ashley Spencer / @ashleyyspencer: Thinking of everyone at THR and Billboard who will now spend the weekend wondering if they're out of a job. (This article draft was originally published by mistake saying the mass layoffs had already happened... before anyone on staff knew.)

CNBC Digital unique visitors in March doubled since Feb., CNBC site reached 1B monthly page views for the first time, while CNBC Pro subs were up 189% since Jan — CNBC Digital hit a record number of unique visitors in March, more than doubling its February record.
Christina Wilkie / @christinawilkie: Thrilled to be part of this team, and a huge thanks to our readers. We'll keep working night and day to bring you all the news we can in these tumultuous times.
Lauren Thomas / @laurenthomas: Proud to be on this team. 💪
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: Huh maybe @jyarow knows what he's doing after all
Chris Roush / Talking Biz News: CNBC topped 1 billion page views in March

SXSW filmmakers voice concerns over SXSW's Amazon Prime Video free streaming offer, saying it may hurt their film's distribution chances and future sales — “Showing things for free isn't going to make a dent,” says one producer of a project that has opted out of the tech giant's festival collection.
@thr, @sarahmegant, @thr, @kimmasters, @thr, @filmcollab, @tatianasiegel27 and The Playlist
@thr: Filmmakers worry that screening their features online with #SXSW's Amazon offer, even for a short window, could impact the future sales prospects of their titles: “Showing things for free isn't going to make a dent” ...
Sarah Megan Thomas / @sarahmegant: Tough call. What do you think?We have opted not to do various upcoming online film festivals for @acalltospy but definitely “NO Easy Solution.” How can we better support #indiefilm in this new world? #@THR #ThursdayThoughts ...
@thr: A glimpse into what filmmakers are thinking about #SXSW's Amazon offer ...
Kim Masters / @kimmasters: This Amazon “solution” after the cancellation of #SXSW sounds like it isn't one. ...
@thr: As cancellations and postponements of film festivals keep up amid the novel #coronavirus pandemic, Hollywood is trying to find solutions for stranded filmmakers and their projects ...
@filmcollab: “THR spoke to two sales agents with former SXSW titles, and both immediately advised their clients against signing up for the collection.” ...

Memo: Washington Post local government and politics reporter Darran Simon was found dead in his apartment Thursday; Simon joined WaPo last month from CNN — No cause of death has been announced. — Washington Post reporter Darran Simon was found dead in his apartment on Thursday …
@mitrakalita, Washington Post, @dcexaminer, @kyle_feldscher, @bcgoyette, @cnnpaul, @drea__diaz, @emilymichot, @valeriereports, @marbinmiller, @ziptron, @paullarocco, @abbydphillip, @elwynlopez, @fenitn, @casswriter44, @laura_figueroa, @ejleven, @bmccarthynews, @jkbjournalist, @pxwhittle, @dianneg, @maxblau, @maxblau, @fenitn, @justingeorge, @councilofdc, @dataeditor, @timothys, @chmnmendelson, @amanduhgomez, @dorothy4nabj, @brodskyrobert, @lblasey and New York Daily News
S. Mitra Kalita / @mitrakalita: .@darransimon was a beloved CNN colleague. My last conversation with him was, of course, about doing journalism better. We will miss him so. A pic of him early in his stint here and an excerpt from @cstraight note to staff moments ago.
Adam Bernstein / Washington Post: Darran Simon, Washington Post journalist, dies at 43
@dcexaminer: .@WaPo's Darran Simon was found dead in his home Thursday, though the cause of death remains unknown. “Darran proved himself to be dogged ... and deeply humane.” ...
@kyle_feldscher: My god, what terrible news. Darran was a great guy and a great reporter, what an awful loss. Thoughts to his family and friends on this awful day.
Braden Goyette / @bcgoyette: I can't believe it, and I can't stop crying. Darran had such a big heart and cared so much about telling the stories of people who've experienced trauma and loss, always with kindness and compassion. He was one of the best people.
Paul LeBlanc / @cnnpaul: This is beyond heartbreaking. Darran always went out of his way to mentor me as an intern and couldn't have been a better person. He'll be so missed.
Andrea Diaz / @drea__diaz: Absolutely heartbroken to hear of @darransimon's passing — a great friend & journalist. He was one of the kindest and funniest people you could ever hope to meet. Your loss is already felt by so many!! Rest easy my friend 💔
Emily Michot / @emilymichot: Darran Simon was the kindest man and such a wonderful journalist. He reached out back in July with some really kind words that meant so much to me then and still do today. With @jkbjournalist and @WalterMichot
Valerie Bauman / @valeriereports: I can't believe this. Darran Simon is gone. He was a great reporter, not least because of his disarming ability to really see people - beyond the surface. He was a force to be reckoned with, a talented and highly ethical journalist. (Thread)
Carol Marbin Miller / @marbinmiller: Darran had been a talented young reporter, and all-around good guy, at the Herald some years back. Please, please, if you need help coping, seek help. We may be at home, but we are not alone. ...
Andrew Smith / @ziptron: Terrible news. Darran was a sweet man and a ferocious reporter and a terrific colleague.
Paul LaRocco / @paullarocco: Shaken by this news. As sweet and gracious a colleague you could have. Of course, a gifted writer and reporter, too. Sending love and condolences to his family.
Abby D. Phillip / @abbydphillip: This is incredibly sad news. WaPo reporter Darran Simon, who was recently a part of the CNN family in Atlanta, has died. My prayers go out to his family.
Elwyn Lopez / @elwynlopez: My heart is broken. I just found out my former colleague .@darransimon is no longer with us. He wrote this to me nearly two years ago. I told him our paths would cross again soon. Unfortunately, they never did. He was always smiling. Just a wonderful, talented, kind person.
Fenit Nirappil / @fenitn: In just five weeks as my beat partner covering D.C. politics, Darran Simon proved himself to be a compassionate, dogged and humble journalist. His death is devastating. I wrote more about our time together:
Bobby Cassidy / @casswriter44: This is devastating news ... will always remember his smile, RIP @darransimon
Laura Figueroa Hernandez / @laura_figueroa: Sad to hear of the passing of @darransimon — a bright light gone too soon. We both worked at @MiamiHerald but in separate bureaus, really got to know him as a kind hearted colleague at @Newsday , and was proud to see him do great work at @cnn and @washingtonpost. Rest in Power 🙏
Eric Levenson / @ejleven: Horrible news. Darran was thoughtful and compassionate , always with a friendly smile and an open ear. I think about his story on the Louisiana church fires as a model of journalism. He will be missed.
Brendan McCarthy / @bmccarthynews: Darran Simon was an enormously thoughtful and kind man. A talented reporter, he cared immensely about the people he covered and believed in the good of journalism. Love and prayers to his family. ...
Julie K. Brown / @jkbjournalist: My heart is broken. One of the finest journalists and human beings I have ever known. So blessed I was part of your career. RIP Darran. ...
Patrick Whittle / @pxwhittle: This is so horrible. Darran was an absolutely tenacious reporter, and possessed the kind of grace and humanity I only wish I did. Rest in peace, my friend.
Dianne Gallagher / @dianneg: I am crushed @darransimon was an amazing, passionate, sensitive journalist He always made the effort to highlight the people & angles often overlooked We worked together a lot on “human stories” He did so much in the community- volunteering with kids, mentoring Incredible loss
Max Blau / @maxblau: I can't believe @darransimon is gone. As a journalist, he was a natural storyteller. As a friend, he listened and laughed over beers and burgers. As a mentor, he invited students to CNN, hoping to expose them to the newsroom. As a human, he was kind, caring, thoughtful.
Max Blau / @maxblau: Darran was at his best writing about people being resilient in the face of tragedy, whether it was a mass shooting, fires, or the opioid epidemic. He pushed for these stories in a newsroom that moved a breakneck speed. Read some of his stories today:
Fenit Nirappil / @fenitn: Heartbroken by the sudden death of my colleague Darran Simon. We are devastated to lose such a kind co-worker and the city lost a wonderful storyteller. I'll share his obituary when it's published.
Justin George / @justingeorge: I'm fairly new at the Post but Darran, newer, introduced himself to me. It's a large newsroom that can be intimidating. Immediately struck by his warmth, & we made plans to grab lunch - pre-pandemic. He lead coverage right off the bat. Just saddened by this.
@councilofdc: We are deeply saddened by this news. While local elected officials & members of the media can sometimes be at odds, we're really just one big family united in a common pursuit of the public good. We will miss this newest member of our Wilson Building family, & we mourn his loss.
Steven Rich / @dataeditor: One of the kindest people you could ever hope to meet has left this world. Those who were lucky enough to know him were enriched by him daily. RIP @darransimon. We already miss you so much. ...
@timothys: A metro reporter at the Washington Post and did stories on Covid-19 victims was found dead yesterday. Statements here from his employer and his union. RIP.
Phil Mendelson / @chmnmendelson: I am shocked and saddened to hear this news. I only just met Darran, but my heart goes out to his family, friends and coworkers in this very difficult time
@amanduhgomez: This is devastating. Darran Simon was a great reporter whose work and questions during daily pressers I relied on. His story on how homeless shelters responding to COVID-19 comes to mind. My heart goes out to his family, friends and colleagues. ...
Dorothy Tucker / @dorothy4nabj: Our deepest condolences to the family, friends and @washingtonpost colleagues of Darran Simon. Our arms are around our @NABJ @nabjregion1 colleagues as well. 🕯️
Robert Brodsky / @brodskyrobert: I am absolutely heartbroken. Darran was a fine reporter and even better colleague at Newsday. Always a bright smile with the most impeccable wardrobe you'll ever see. Was destined for great things in this business. He will be terribly missed. Condolences to the Simon family

GeekWire is laying off or furloughing 5 staffers, or about 30% of its 16-person team, primarily in business and sales, and reducing salaries for remaining staff — For the past few weeks, GeekWire has been chronicling the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the Seattle tech community and the world …
Geoff Entress / @geoffentress: Geekwire is a critical component of our Seattle tech ecosystem. I encourage anyone who is not already a member of Geekwire to sign up for a membership.
@jseattle: Nobody has this sorted out better than GW so this is tough blow. Looking forward to seeing them work it out
Frank Catalano / @frankcatalano: Oh no: Seattle-based #tech news site @GeekWire is laying off or furloughing 5 of its 16 staff—about 30% of its team—due to the COVID-19 economic downturn. It was my regular writing home for its first 8 years. I am deeply sad for all of them. #journalism