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An unreleased version of Justice League, the cut by original director Zach Snyder, will be released on HBO Max in 2021, after a sustained fan campaign — ‘John Henry’ Producers on Their Netflix Ratings Smash, Dwayne Johnson Controversy and Potential Sequel
Hollywood Reporter, CNN, The Ringer, Observer, TechCrunch, Mediaite, New York Post, Forbes, Always Be Watching, The Wrap, Tubefilter, The Streamable, @dylanbyers, @xpangler, @reillybjohnson, Collider, @pkafka, @poniewozik, @ser_jon_arryn, @ashleyesqueda, @ringer, @aaroncouch, @pkafka, @pkafka, @seanfennessey, @lord0fthunder, @_thesmartalec, The Mary Sue, @thr, @benkendrick, @harvilla and Fortune

Inside the mad dash to launch HBO Max during the pandemic and the twists and turns at WarnerMedia over the last year — Creating a rival to Netflix is more urgent than ever for WarnerMedia. Will the HBO Max moonshot succeed? — On the biggest day of his career, John Stankey arrived …
@annaknicolaou, @ftlifearts, @alexweprin, @financialtimes, @mattgarrahan, @lucas_shaw, @annaknicolaou, @edmundlee and @loudmouthjulia

Pew study shows divide between those who rely on White House for pandemic news and those using other sources; White House group broadly says media hypes risk — People in this group are most likely to say the outbreak has been made too big of a deal, journalists have been exaggerating the risks
Nieman Lab, MediaPost, Mediaite and Multichannel News

Twitter is testing a feature that lets a tweet's author limit who can reply, giving the options of Everyone, People You Follow, and Only People You Mention — Twitter today acknowledged that it's begun testing a new setting that let users limit who can reply to tweets.
Twitter, Ad Age, @petersterne, Adweek, CNET, @rvawonk, The Next Web, @thhamilton, The Verge, @walkermarcus, @mattnavarra, @eriqgardner, @taylorlorenz, @bluechoochoo, @twittersupport, @gadinbc, 9to5Mac, @chrisgeidner, @bluechoochoo, @kateconger, @mattsingh_, @bluechoochoo, @carlquintanilla, @willystaley, @neerajka, @mattsingh_ and @willoremus, more at Techmeme »

Publishers like Time and Gannett are highlighting packages of stories of civic, economic, and public recovery to lure back coronavirus-weary advertisers — In trying to sell ads against their coronavirus coverage, news publishers have gone through a Kubler Ross-esque progression.
Poynter, The Media Nut and NewsLab

ClickHole returns and starts publishing as a new, employee-owned website, about four months after being acquired by Cards Against Humanity — It's been almost four months since the satire site ClickHole was purchased by Cards Against Humanity and published their last article, titled …
ClickHole, Gothamist, @niemanlab, @grahamstarr, @vulture, @grahamstarr and The Wrap

BBC says it faces an estimated £125M in lost income this year and has had record viewing figures during the lockdown, including among 16- to 34-year-olds — The BBC will be forced to find further savings as it faces an estimated £125m in lost income this financial year as a result …

A look at the shoddily produced news channel OAN, whose viewership remains a mystery even as Trump keeps boosting it when he has a lover's spat with Fox News — O, ne America News, or OAN, or OANN—whichever you like, it's all the same thing—is Donald Trump's favorite cable-news channel.
@paulszoldra, @theatlantic, @sykescharlie, @devingordonx, @jeffreygoldberg, @fimoculous, @willsommer and @ethanz

Court docs: William Lewis, who quit as Dow Jones' CEO this month and is on shortlist to become BBC's next DG, has been accused in News Group phone hacking case — Exclusive: Former newspaper executive Will Lewis alleged to have played part in email deletions

A new nonprofit publication called BridgeDetroit launches with $5M in donations and foundation funding, including from Knight Foundation and Center for Michigan — - Ccommunity engagement mission will drive new media platform — Main supporters include Knight Foundation and Center for Michigan
Talking Biz News, @sbagen and @nickrmanes

Poynter launches Locally, a site to help local journalists with information about layoffs, closures, job listings, funding opportunities, remote training, more — The coronavirus is a story unlike any in a generation. It's a global issue playing out differently in every community on the planet.
@kristenhare, @poynter, @poynter and @poynter

A feud between Barstool Sports and the hosts of its popular podcast Call Her Daddy exposes the issues media companies face when their stars become influencers — The podcast built a loyal audience. So did its hosts. — In just two years, “Call Her Daddy,” a raunchy podcast about sex …

Matt Lauer, fired by NBC in late 2017, accuses Ronan Farrow of “flawed reporting” for his book, Catch and Kill, which includes a rape accusation against Lauer — Matt Lauer, the former “Today” show host who was fired after several women accused him of sexual harassment and assault …
@ronanfarrow, Mediaite, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, @yashar, The Daily Beast, @junkscience, Poynter, Mediaite, Columbia Journalism Review, @karaswisher, @lexialex, @sulliview, @kemc, @zigmanfreud, @jkbjournalist, @seanlavery, @sulliview, @kemc, @bendreyfuss, @jeremymbarr, @yashar,, @blprnt, @maxkennerly, @jeremymbarr, @jeremymbarr, @whitneycummings, New York Daily News, Page Six and Mediaite

Though Ben Smith says issues with Farrow's reporting stem from demands of “resistance journalism”, it's the cult of journalistic celebrity that hinders scrutiny
American Press Institute, Vanity Fair, @jon_allsop, @michaelluo, Decider, Fox News, CNN, @ronanfarrow, @rogerlynch, @traceyspicer, @emilybell, @soutikbbc, @whstancil, @lpolgreen, @reporterandrew, @brittanys, Variety and Deadline