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In a staff meeting, James Bennet admits NYT did “invite” Cotton's op-ed as executives take turns apologizing to staff about the senator's column — In a tense staff meeting, the paper admitted to inviting Sen. Cotton to write the “Send in the Troops” column …
Laura Wagner / VICE: ‘New York Times’ Staffers Grill Leadership Over Tom Cotton Op-Ed During All-Hands
John F. Harris / @harrispolitico: Those who condemn @JBennet over the Cotton op-ed should consider at least tempering their judgments with knowledge that—at both @TheAtlantic and @nytimes—he's been instrumental in leading teams preserving and modernizing two essential institutions of American journalism.
Barbara Ehrenreich / @b_ehrenreich: This week the NYT printed Tom Cotton's fascist screed and turned down my op ed about photo-journalist Linda Tirado's loss of vision in her left eye to a rubber bullet in Mpls. Just a coincidence, I'm sure .
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: First q at all-hands NYT mtg today was “How does our leadership reconcile the Times' official statement that the op-ed did not meet our standards with James' defense of its publication on Wednesday with A.G.'s implicit defense in his note to staff on Thursday?” /1
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: According to @vicenews: Sulzberger said that his memo functioned as a placeholder communication while they dug into “what had happened.” He turned the question over to Bennet, who offered an abject apology. /2
Jane Martinson / @janemartinson: While we've been fixating on the BBC the palaver still the NYt is quite something
Nina Bernstein / @ninabernstein1: “Bennet confirmed that Cotton's column will not run in the newspaper's Sunday print edition.”
Jamison Foser / @jamisonfoser: I can't emphasize that last part enough. If it was just people like me making noise, Sulzberger, Bennet & co would've dug in their heels. NYT employees, particularly black & POC, forced this apology — and should keep pushing for more, or NYT will revert
Sam Thielman / @samthielman: So: Many miles away from @JBennet's ridiculous argument that Cotton's militant racism was an fascinating, underrepresented provocation, the truth turns out to be that his team had seen it publicly articulated, solicited an essay codifying it, and then ran that essay unread
@luxalptraum: I, too, have gotten a NY Times op-ed because an editor liked some tweets I did
Quarantine Toddler Task Force / @patrickcoffee: More: “Bennet admitted that the opinion page had seen Cotton's tweets on the subject and 'we did ask if he could stand up that argument. I'm not sure we suggested that topic to him but we did invite the piece.'” ...
@sivavaid: @B_Ehrenreich @lpolgreen You MUST be mistaken, Barbara. I was led to believe by the esteemed editor @JBennet that the op-ed page embraces ALL perspectives and ideas without exception. NOTHING is out-of-bounds for that brave editor. I'm sure it's just in a cue.
Dion Nissenbaum / @dionnissenbaum: This is from one of journalism's most esteemed combat correspondents and a one-time Marine Corps infantry officer.
@petersterne: I think people are critical of Bennet precisely because they're familiar with his tenure at The Atlantic and the NYT opinion page.
Annie Ma / @anniema15: If you're going to hire journalists of color, good. But are you going to listen to what they have to say? Because what's the point of having people in the room if their voices aren't heard at the table?
Annie Ma / @anniema15: I'm not going to knock the good-faith efforts so many newsrooms have taken to bring on journalists of color, but the past few days have made it clear that whatever we've done as an industry is not enough.
Annie Ma / @anniema15: It's been 50 years since the Kerner report on race/unrest in the '60s. This line has always stuck with me, particularly now: “The press has too long basked in a white world looking out of it, if at all, with white men's eyes and white perspective. That is no longer good enough.”
After staff objections and debate, NYT says Sen. Cotton's op-ed fell short of standards; sources: James Bennet said he didn't read the essay before publication — After a staff uproar, The Times says the editing process was “rushed.” Senator Tom Cotton's “Send In the Troops” essay is now under review.
Slate, @donmoyn, @donmoyn, @jbendery, @donmoyn, @dancow, @donmoyn, @donmoyn, @donmoyn, @bgrueskin, National Review, @sarahw, @brooksbarnesnyt, Techdirt, Adweek, @alxthomp, @rachelbitecofer, @tomcottonar, The Nation, @beautybind, @hood_biologist, @jessecharleslee, @hbendaas, @amandamarcotte, @davidklion, New Republic, @skdh, @tedcruz, @sdkstl, @cwarzel, Matt's Newsletter, @joycecaroloates, @dancow, @karaswisher, @hwise29, @jayrosen_nyu, @elongreen, @ashleyschapitl, @armscontrolwonk, @srajagopalan, @dancow, Newser, Washington Post, @davidklion, @fritschner, @wilkieii, @emilygorcenski, @lauradurnell, @ositanwanevu, @mcoatney, @libbycwatson, @hbendaas, @espiers, @sulliview, Columbia Journalism Review, @mattdpearce, @jonlovett, @derektmead, @tomcottonar, @benyt, @stuartemmrich, @tcberman, @tigerbeat, @clarajeffery, @emilybell,, @trish_regan, @moorehn, @karenattiah, @profcarroll, @rachelabramsny, @sulliview, Vanity Fair, @sulliview, @nhannahjones, @juliemmoos, @tomcottonar, @marcatracy, @karenmcgrane, @parkermolloy, @timalberta, @timalberta, @mousterpiece, @moryan, @mattgoldberg, @deanvannguyen, @flyosity, @inthehands, @morganjerkins, @mattbelloni, @jeremylittau, @abcflowe, @protanope, @parabasis, @dancow, @dancow, @ronhogan, @meredithshiner, @laurenstarke, @lauritaisabelle and @lindseyadler
Ashley Feinberg / Slate: Newsroom Breaks Into Open Revolt After New York Times Publishes Call for Military Crackdown
Don Moynihan / @donmoyn: Three more, including a contributing op-ed writer who has a bit more freedom to speak up. To date, I've found 13 NYT staff who said Weiss is misrepresenting what happened, and zero who support her account.
Don Moynihan / @donmoyn: Three other NYT staffers contradict Weiss. (If you see others, please reply and I will repost). As one points out, opinion writers are not subject to potential discipline for criticizing co-workers that other NYT employees are, meaning some are taking risks by disagreeing w Weiss
Jennifer Bendery / @jbendery: “James Bennet, the editor in charge of the opinion section, said in a meeting with staff members that he had not read the essay before it was published.”
Don Moynihan / @donmoyn: Anther NYT staffer contradicts Weiss. No doubt some people will take it as proof of how intolerant the organization is - but perhaps some will question the reliability and goals of her reporting given how other journalists are responding.
Dan Nguyen / @dancow: LMAO - the two senior people most responsible for this shitshow are going to let the buck stop with a 25-year-old editor:
Don Moynihan / @donmoyn: I have not found a single NYT staffer who agrees w Weiss. Here are two more who say she misrepresents internal NYT conversations in basic ways. How can people trust the judgment of a journalist whose colleagues would risk being punished to point out she is untrustworthy?
Don Moynihan / @donmoyn: Another NYT staffer contradicts Weiss (notice how careful they are to not name names). As with others, disputes Weiss's central claim about a big generational divide. You also get a sense that these were emotional conversations that people did not expect to be reposted.
Don Moynihan / @donmoyn: Bari Weiss wrote a thread about conflict in the NY Times. Other NY staff are pulling it apart. Whats the lesson? It's easier to do stories based on simplistic free speech stereotypes when there are not a bunch of reporters in the room to immediately fact-check you
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: “Mr. Sulzberger and Mr. Bennet declined requests for interviews.” Those requests came from reporters at ... The New York Times.
Andrew C. McCarthy / National Review: What Is Fact-Checking without Facts?
Sarah Weinman / @sarahw: “Near the end of the day, James Bennet, the editor in charge of the opinion section, said in a meeting with staff members that he had not read the essay before it was published.” I just....cannot get over this.
Brooks Barnes / @brooksbarnesnyt: The editor in charge of the Opinion section, James Bennet, didn't even read it prior to publication!?!?!
Mike Masnick / Techdirt: If The NY Times Doesn't Publish My OpEd On Why James Bennet Is An Incompetent Dweeb, It Must Hate Free Speech
Mary Emily O'Hara / Adweek: Why Journalists Are Walking Out of Newsrooms in Protest
Alex Thompson / @alxthomp: Opinion editor James Bennet published a response: “I worry we'd be misleading our readers if we concluded that by ignoring Cotton's argument we would diminish is impossible to feel righteous about any of this. I know that my own view may be wrong”
@rachelbitecofer: This piece penned by @michelleinbklyn really captures the crisis news outlets face as 1 of America's 2 major political parties falls into authoritarianism & I argue, fascism. Giving it sunlight exposes it, but it also normalizes it. It is NOT normal & we must make that clear!
Tom Cotton / @tomcottonar: Attention @nytimes—I'd like to report an editorial that violates your new policy against publishing editorials that are “contemptuous in tone”.
Jeet Heer / The Nation: Tom Cotton Is Preparing to Be Trump 2.0
@beautybind: Seems like something you should figure out BEFORE you gave a racist, fascist a national platform.
Shay-Akil McLean, Ph.D. / @hood_biologist: but you published
Jesse Lee / @jessecharleslee: Exactly. I'm fairly sure even President Obama was turned down at times. Cotton is not in Senate Leadership, there was nothing insightful here—just saying “this is crap, pass” like they do 100 times a day isn't censorship.
Hamid Bendaas / @hbendaas: @DavidKlion There's an expanded part of this story I'd like to see about how a 25 years old was given the responsibility to decide which op-eds run, seemingly unchecked.
Amanda Marcotte / @amandamarcotte: Good job by @michelleinbklyn on the mistake of the NY Times to publish Tom Cotton's fascist op-ed, while still understanding the problem faced by newspapers who want to represent the realities of conservative opinion on their pages.
David Klion / @davidklion: @mcbyrne @HBendaas Yes, although in this case I believe a certain white woman who is under 40 may partly account for the answer
Sabine Hossenfelder / @skdh: The media has been slow to learn that spreading information has consequences beyond merely informing people. It encourages certain types of behavior. If you publish information, you have to consider if that behavior is what you want to encourage.
Ted Cruz / @tedcruz: Beyond satire. Yesterday: “It would undermine integrity & independence of NYT if we only published views that editors agreed with” Today: “We're sorry we thought integrity was more important than insulating our staff from scary ideas. Won't happen again”
Staci D Kramer / @sdkstl: This is why we don't cancel our NYT subscription over the flaws of the top opinion editor or certain columnists: solid, necessary, painstaking journalism.
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: videos like this and the untold other outrageous police escalations tonight in my feed illustrate the stakes of language like “One thing above all else will restore order to our streets: an overwhelming show of force.” it's not a college seminar debate. lives are at stake.
Joyce Carol Oates / @joycecaroloates: if the very editor of the Op-Ed page doesn't read the columns, why should anyone else read them?
Dan Nguyen / @dancow: People are going to be tempted to dunk on Rubenstein, who was hired from the Weekly Standard. But the onus should be on Bennet, who set the editorial process, and who churned out a 1,100-word defense this morning without mentioning he hadn't read the op-ed before publishing
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: Read @michelleinbklyn people.
Hannah Wise / @hwise29: “The culture at The Times frowns on intramural criticism. The journalism industry is in free-fall, and working here often feels like being on the last boat out of a burning harbor. It is not a small thing to risk one's seat on it,” @michelleinbklyn writes for @nytopinion.
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: The first two paragraphs of this column by @michelleinbklyn explain well how editors at the Times op-ed page got themselves into this jam. I recommend them to you.
Elon Green / @elongreen: @DavidKlion Like, on the one hand it's appalling that they're scapegoating the noob. But on the other, lololololol.
Ashley Schapitl / @ashleyschapitl: @Fritschner @jonlovett @nycsouthpaw In addition, anyone who's had an op-ed published in NYT knows the editing process is very rigorous. They make pieces much better and fact check, which just made it more inexplicable that something that's been determined to be misinformation was allowed through.
Jeffrey Lewis / @armscontrolwonk: Boy, you gotta give him credit for deciding to die on the hill of an essay he didn't read.
Shruti Rajagopalan / @srajagopalan: People seem a lot more concerned that Cotton's ideas were published in the NYT than the fact that someone with Cotton's dangerous views was elected to represent Arkansas in the Senate! Can someone help the woke people of America point their outrage at the right target?
Dan Nguyen / @dancow: (I don't know anything else about Rubenstein's tenure at the NYT, but his Wikipedia entry is about him dunking on two people I very much dislike, so...)
Evann Gastaldo / Newser: ‘Stunning Reversal’ From NYT on Op-Ed That Sparked Outrage
David Klion / @davidklion: Just gonna let the screenshots tell the story here
Aaron Fritschner / @fritschner: @jonlovett @nycsouthpaw And they could have just said “no!” and declined to publish, they do it many times a day including to Members of Congress and their press people including me not that I am bitter about it or anything ok maybe somewhat bitter
Wilkie / @wilkieii: If a New York Times editor openly admits they didn't even read the piece they spent a whole day defending... does that imply the government had free rein to publish anything it wants in a newspaper of record?
@emilygorcenski: Literally the people at the Times are not doing the bare minimum at their job, this newspaper is a disgrace
@lauradurnell: The solution is not to limit op-eds. It's to f—ing read them before they go to press.
Osita Nwanevu / @ositanwanevu: One of the things underpinning reaction to this is that Cotton was writing about the United States. The Times has run pieces defending or whitewashing abuses and violence abroad many, many times with a fraction of the controversy.
Mark Coatney / @mcoatney: This detail, from the @nytimes piece on that Tom Cotton oped, is kind of amazing: A employee of the Times referred request for comment from the Times, to a spokeswoman:
Libby Watson / @libbycwatson: tom cotton does not give a shit about the new york times or james bennet or the 25 year old editor who edited the piece or bari weiss. he thinks they're idiots and he played them, and he's right. imagine getting owned by that goose necked freak
Hamid Bendaas / @hbendaas: @DavidKlion @mcbyrne That's definitely it, but also it seems like these wunderkinds who get rapidly promoted by their bosses are also never more than center-right politically. NYT wouldn't give a white male self-ID'd progressive that kind of authority
Elizabeth Spiers / @espiers: @Sulliview I also just don't buy the section editor didn't approve it/know it had been assigned, given the prominence of the author and the week's events. And if he knew it was in the pipeline, why on earth didn't he look at it?
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: @espiers I can't explain it. Unless he's just very removed from oped, and more involved with, say, editorials.
@mattdpearce: learned while reading this that Cotton had previously literally called for the imprisonment of three New York Times journalists
Jon Lovett / @jonlovett: Tom Cotton got exactly what he wanted out of this entirely predictable mess. A bad faith screed, a good faith backlash, a bad faith defense of free speech, ending in a victory lap by him and mea culpa by The Times. What a dumb dangerous unforced error. What a waste of time.
@derektmead: No editor can read every story but it's hard to imagine how a lead editor doesn't read an op-ed asking the military to curtail the 1st Amendment. “Flag anything spicy to me” is not hard to ask!
Tom Cotton / @tomcottonar: How is everyone at the @nytimes doing tonight?
Ben Smith / @benyt: Only one winner here
Stuart Emmrich / @stuartemmrich: Perhaps the most amazing detail in this @nytimes story about the Tom Cotton Op-Ed? Not that James Bennet didn't read it before it was published, but that it was a photo editor who flagged it as ‘inappropriate.’ Oh, he was ignored, of course.
Taylor Berman / @tcberman: “A false equivalence, but historical images are there now,” he wrote to Mr. Rubenstein on Slack, the internal messaging software used by Times employees “Yeah, there are a few in there,” Mr. Rubenstein responded, adding an emoji of a frowning face.
Steve Rhodes / @tigerbeat: The Op-Ed was handled by @RubensteinAdam [who is 25 & formerly @weeklystandard] During the editing process, he asked a photo editor, Jeffrey Henson Scales.. raised an objection.." Bennet didn't read it
Clara Jeffery / @clarajeffery: Christ they still think the newsroom/opinion confusion is the issue
Emily Bell / @emilybell: @Sulliview @espiers ..the modern big news organisation is a total beast of scale and output, but I just cannot understand how in an electric, tense and historic week *in New York City* - all the top opinion editors were not reading everything except the cookery column before pressing send Philadelphia Inquirer journalists call in “sick and tired”; Lauren Michele Jackson on the anti-racist reading list
Trish Regan / @trish_regan: The liberal mob strikes again! Establishment media refusing to hear ALL sides. only ONE point of view in their minds is tolerable. When you shut down diversity of thought, you shut down our ability as a society to progress.
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: @Sulliview The most dangerous people in any newsroom are the ones who think “I can handle this myself.” And the Times seems to have a lot of those.
Karen Attiah / @karenattiah: NYT admitted that senior leadership didn't read the op-Ed before publishing. Tom Cotton is also insulting NYT on Fox and Twitter. I hate being right.
David Carroll / @profcarroll: Bennet didn't even read the goddamn martial law piece riddled with falsities because it was “rushed” and so it's an even more painful negligence to fascism and it's white privilege he still has a job.
Rachel C. Abrams / @rachelabramsny: We updated our story on Tom Cotton's op-ed with internal objections - including before publication - from within the newsroom @marcatracy @edmundlee
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: “Because it's got Trouble written all over it, and because you told me, boss, that you want to see stuff like that. Every single time.”
Christopher Rosen / Vanity Fair: Seth Meyers Denounces New York Times for Publishing “Sinister” Tom Cotton Op-Ed
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: There are many things to say about the Tom Cotton oped, and I said some, and might say some more. ... But here's a useful and common norm in a newsroom: “Hey, boss, you might want to take a look at this one before it runs.”
Ida Bae Wells / @nhannahjones: I am loving all the takes on here that declare free speech is a journalism organization allowing a sitting senator to threaten to use the US military to suppress the free speech rights of Americans exercising their democracy.
Tom Cotton / @tomcottonar: Suggest @nytimes staff bring some popcorn to this town-hall meeting. The woke mob is VERY ANGRY—be prepared to repent!
Marc Tracy / @marcatracy: Hours after the publisher and the top section editor defended the op-Ed — and after the editor said he hadn't read it before publication — the New York Times issued an extraordinary mea culpa. Our early story.
Karen McGrane / @karenmcgrane: James Bennet @JBennet didn't even read the Tom Cotton op-ed? What exactly are you doing that's more important than inciting fascist violence against citizens in the @nytimes ?
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: @TimAlberta @Olivianuzzi It. Had. Factual. Errors. In. It. Why can't you understand that?
Tim Alberta / @timalberta: @ParkerMolloy @Olivianuzzi I can. But since when it that disqualifying? Op-ed pages are notorious for playing fast and loose. Sarah Palin sued the Times ed board for an egregious factual error! Nobody demanded they take it down.
Tim Alberta / @timalberta: btw the irony is 1) no way Cotton's proposal receives this sort of scrutiny and debate had it been published anywhere else; 2) the NYT dissenters have reminded us that op-ed pages are garbage and big ideas belong in stories or preferably in long, kick-up-your-feet mag pieces
Josh Spiegel / @mousterpiece: “James Bennet, the editor in charge of the opinion section, said in a meeting with staff members that he had not read the essay before it was published.” So then, what exactly is it that you DO in this job?
Mo Ryan / @moryan: Absolutely stunning incompetence and mismanagement from Bennet — at the worst possible time. How many apocalyptic screwups before NYT takes action? Bennet has to go.
Matt Goldberg / @mattgoldberg: See you again in 3-6 months when we do all this over again.
Dean Van Nguyen / @deanvannguyen: The editor who has spent two days caping for this piece didn't even read it before publication? Raaaaaaa
Paul Cantrell / @inthehands: Incredible. Many will rush to condemn “editing by mob,” and while yes that is a concern, it's a _good_ thing when the alternative is apparently _no editing at all_:
Morgan Jerkins / @morganjerkins: I am thankful that this information is all out in the open but I just cannot believe that James Bennet did not read the op-ed before it was published. How? How in the world did this happen?
Matthew Belloni / @mattbelloni: Yikes. Even if you defend publishing this, how is it not something that the section leader needs to read, consider, debate and approve in advance?
Jeremy Littau / @jeremylittau: @ABCFlowe It's a good question. Opinion content is cheap and gets clicks, but there's a lot of it out there and I doubt it is a plus for NYT's bottom line (likely a loss leader). So I would guess it's prestige given they are the nation's paper of record.
Andy Flowe / @abcflowe: @JeremyLittau Genuine question - what's the point of an OpEd section in 2020 anyways? Why isn't it just a completely separate publication? Seems antiquated.
Sean Smith / @protanope: @JeremyLittau Again, the big issue here is that the editor, Bennet, didn't read the thing before putting it out! “Mr. Bennet said in a meeting that was attended by Mr. Sulzberger late on Thursday that he had not read Mr. Cotton's essay before it was published”
Isaac Butler / @parabasis: Bennet doesn't disclose that he hadn't read the piece prior to publication in this explanation to the Times readers. How can readers continue to trust him?
Dan Nguyen / @dancow: @marcatracy Ok thanks for answering my question. So my second question is: did *anyone* read the op-ed before publishing? Did either Bennet or Sulzberger read it before writing long defenses about its value?
Dan Nguyen / @dancow: @bariweiss Bari, before you joined your commander's side in the civil war, did you know he hadn't actually read the op-ed yet?
Ron Hogan / @ronhogan: Fire @JBennet. Fire @bariweiss. It's the only way to restore the reputation of the @nytopinion section—and, by extension, the @nytimes—which their sloppy, unprofessional conduct has heavily tarnished.
Meredith Shiner / @meredithshiner: so, wait, @JBennet was out on this website defending a piece he now says he didn't read before publishing? So either he's lying, and he should be fired for lying, or he's telling the truth and he should be fired for negligence.
Lauren Starke / @laurenstarke: This seems insane?
@lauritaisabelle: This is what happens when the editing process is rushed or eliminated. Stop. Laying. Off. Editors. Slow Down. Use JUDGMENT. Think about what you're sacrificing for a hot take.
Lindsey Adler / @lindseyadler: NYT is reporting that its opinion section editor didn't read Tom Cotton's essay before it ran. How do you ostensibly hear “a sitting senator wants to write a piece in support of sending the US military to fight US citizens” and just say “sounds good!”
Marc Tracy / @marcatracy:
NYT spokeswoman: a review made clear that a rushed process led to publishing an op-ed that didn't meet standards; NYT will examine long- and short-term changes — NEW: Times spokeswoman sends mea culpa
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: New York Times Pitched Sen. Tom Cotton on ‘Send in the Troops’ Op-Ed Topic
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: The New York Times has stopped defending its Tom Cotton op-ed. Here's a statement from a company spox:
Thomas Joscelyn / Vital Interests: What the New York Times Never Told Readers About Sirajuddin Haqqani
@thedailybeast: NEW: Executives at NYT are taking turns apologizing for running Sen. Tom Cotton's op-ed to quell a staff revolt. The paper's top editors strongly suggested they will overhaul the oft-controversial and scrutinized opinion page. ...
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Baquet reaffirmed the paper's editorial positioning, referencing his previous declaration that the Times should not be “the opposition party,” adding: “I think some news organizations have gone a little bit far—not about Trump—but to please an audience.” ...
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: You also don't want the person poised to become the next CEO of your company — in this case, Meredith Kopit Levien — to say that your latest screwup is a “leadership problem, and we will treat it as such.” ...
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: This is quite a story. .... New York Times Executives Take Turns Apologizing to Quell Staff Revolt Over Tom Cotton's ‘Send in the Troops’ ...
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: Our initial readout on the long NYT meeting today about the Cotton op-ed. The meeting touched on all the much-discussed NYT issues: James Bennet, executive editor succession, social media policy, Bari Weiss lol. ...
Mark Hemingway / Real Clear Politics: NYT Reporters-Turned-Censors Pick a Perilous Path
Zachary Evans / National Review: NYT Issues ‘Mea Culpa’ for Running Cotton Op-Ed after Internal Revolt
@kt_so_it_goes: the real reason you don't publish tom cotton is not because his authoritarian wet dream is any more shocking than what you can find in any corner of groyper twitter but because he is an outrage merchant a la alex jones who will hijack your ship to promote his own victim brand
Multiple staffers protested a NYT op-ed by Sen. Tom Cotton calling for the US military to be used against protesters; many said it endangered black NYT staffers
James Bennet / @jbennet: We understand that many readers find Senator Cotton's argument painful, even dangerous. We believe that is one reason it requires public scrutiny and debate.
Yael Halon / Fox News: Ben Shapiro mocks NY Times' ‘fully insane’ apology over Cotton op-ed: 'Don't yell at us! We're woke!'
Davey Alba / @daveyalba: Our own newspaper has reported that this is misinformation
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: this lazily characterizes both the experience i've had having tough, honest, deeply important conversations w/ dozens of colleagues the last 18 hrs as well as the important, good faith conversation we were having as opinion staff when this was tweeted.
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: The emerging divide in journalism is not between “let all relevant arguments be heard” and “don't publish opinions we find repulsive.” It's between those who ask, “is this something we should be amplifying?” and those who don't see the importance of putting the question that way.
Olivia Nuzzi / @olivianuzzi: The best way to shut down a bad opinion is not to suppress it but to share a better opinion.
Paul Krugman / New York Times: Donald Trump Is No Richard Nixon
Tobias Hoonhout / National Review: NYT Publisher Calls Cotton Op-ed ‘Contemptuous’ …
Damon Linker / The Week: When journalists stop believing in debate
Libby Cathey / ABC News: Backlash after Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton pushes Trump to invoke Insurrection Act in NYT op-ed: ‘Send in the Troops’
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Read @michelleinbklyn on a “subsidiary of the crisis that has the country on fire.”
Tom Jones / Poynter: An op-ed controversy led to a New York Times revolt. Here's what happened and why the Times was wrong.
Gabriel Snyder / Columbia Journalism Review:
The core problem with NYT publishing Tom Cotton's op-ed isn't that the arguments are painful or dangerous, but rather that the column was built on lies
The core problem with NYT publishing Tom Cotton's op-ed isn't that the arguments are painful or dangerous, but rather that the column was built on lies
@bariweiss, @katzonearth, @bariweiss, @bariweiss, @bariweiss, @bariweiss, @parkermolloy, PRESS RUN and Roy Edroso Breaks It Down
Bari Weiss / @bariweiss: The civil war inside The New York Times between the (mostly young) wokes the (mostly 40+) liberals is the same one raging inside other publications and companies across the country. The dynamic is always the same. (Thread.)
Jonathan Myerson Katz / @katzonearth: !!!! Someone just said in the Slack that James Bennet claimed he never read the Cotton op-Ed before it was published. And that no one in senior management did either.
Bari Weiss / @bariweiss: I've been mocked by many people over the past few years for writing about the campus culture wars. They told me it was a sideshow. But this was always why it mattered: The people who graduated from those campuses would rise to power inside key institutions and transform them.
Bari Weiss / @bariweiss: Here's one way to think about what's at stake: The New York Times motto is “all the news that's fit to print.” One group emphasizes the word “all.” The other, the word “fit.”
Bari Weiss / @bariweiss: W/r/t Tom Cotton's oped and the choice to run it: I agree with our critics that it's a dodge to say “we want a totally open marketplace of ideas!” There are limits. Obviously. The question is: does his view fall outside those limits? Maybe the answer is yes.
Bari Weiss / @bariweiss: I'm in no way surprised by what has now exploded into public view. In a way, it's oddly comforting: I feel less alone and less crazy trying to explain the dynamic to people. What I am shocked by is the speed. I thought it would take a few years, not a few weeks.
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: Bari, remember when you praised an op-ed demanding that @elivalley be uninvited from speaking at Stanford? ...
Eric Boehlert / PRESS RUN: Why New York Times and Facebook employees are rebelling
Ken Meyer / Mediaite:
Memo: NYT Publisher A.G. Sulzberger says the Tom Cotton op-ed was printed in the spirit of openness to a range of opinions, notes staffers' pain, vows to listen
Memo: NYT Publisher A.G. Sulzberger says the Tom Cotton op-ed was printed in the spirit of openness to a range of opinions, notes staffers' pain, vows to listen
Jennifer Valentino-DeVries / @jenvalentino: The truth is hard. The truth is hard to find. The truth is hard to know. The truth is more important now than ever. A Thread.
Jennifer Valentino-DeVries / @jenvalentino: For example, the truth is that Senator Tom Cotton, in an opinion piece, misquoted Article IV Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution, which never says the federal government has a duty to the states to “protect each of them from domestic violence” but refers to state requests for aid.
Jeff Yang / @originalspin: Bennet himself went how many tweets deep talking about how important it was to publish the piece, and even wrote his own op-ed recapping his thread. Turns out he hadn't even read it before publication. And now here we are.
Southpaw / @nycsouthpaw: Bennet wrote an op-ed of his own earlier in the day that made much of the op-ed page's “interrogation” of Cotton's argument and subjecting it to the discipline of essay writing, but did not disclose he hadn't read Cotton's piece himself prepublication.
BBC names Tim Davie, one of its most senior executives, as the broadcaster's new director general — Tim Davie, one of the BBC's most senior executives, has been named the broadcaster's new director general. — Davie has been promoted from chief executive of BBC Studios …
Reuters Institute …, Press Gazette, The Guardian, @dcbmep, @stevepersonally, BBC, The Guardian, @mathie_dan, @lester_hickling, @emmako, @ellie_mcdowall, Forbes, @dcms, @mrichardsonlaw, @garylineker, @amolrajan, @bbccarrie, @willblackwriter, @brianstelter, @hughbon, @radiomikehill and CNN
Professor Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / Reuters Institute …: The world has changed much faster than the BBC. The new DG needs to confront that
Freddy Mayhew / Press Gazette: BBC insider Tim Davie appointed new director-general
Jane Martinson / The Guardian: Is the BBC's new director general anything more than a safe pair of hands?
David C Bannerman / @dcbmep: New Director General of BBC is insider - but is commercially minded, which is good
Stephen Page / @stevepersonally: The left has gone mad because he has connections with Conservatives. It still needs a root a branch revamp though. Only then will I believe.
Mark Sweney / The Guardian: BBC appoints insider Tim Davie as director general
@mathie_dan: Fun facts about Mr Tim Davie. •Cambridge educated. •Former Tory Councillor. •Former Tory Party Chairman of Hammersmith. •Was acting Director General during the Savile investigation which led to fuck all. Ticks all the fucking boxes eh?
Lester Hickling / @lester_hickling: I'm only saying ! Tim Davie to replace Tony Hall as BBC director general Davie stood as a councillor for the Conservative Party in Hammersmith in 1993 and 1994[9] and was deputy chairman of the Hammersmith and Fulham Conservative party in the 1990s.
Emma Ko / @emmako: @mrjamesob and so the cycle continues! I know you see it now but this is where change could have started immediately. Literally anyone other than another middle aged white dude running the BBC would have had impact in these troubled times. I despair (@IainDale too)
Eleanor McDowall / @ellie_mcdowall: This makes 17 out of 17 BBC Director Generals who have been white men - a depressing commitment to this unbroken record.
Josh Wilson / Forbes: BBC Appoints Tim Davie As New Director-General
@dcms: Culture Secretary @OliverDowden welcomes today's appointment of new BBC director General Tim Davie. @bbcpress
Matthew Richardson / @mrichardsonlaw: What a time to be announcing that you're hiring yet another white man to continue the line of exclusively white male directors since the position was created nearly 100 years ago
Gary Lineker / @garylineker: Wish Tim well in what is an extremely demanding and largely thankless task. He's a good, intelligent man (thought I'd get my crawling in early) who I'm sure will do an excellent job.
Amol Rajan / @amolrajan: Tim Davie has landed one of the most privileged jobs in Britain and global media, leading thousands of creative people at a remarkable moment in history. Aside from that, it's hell. My bit for @BBCNews. More to follow through the day:
Carrie Gracie / @bbccarrie: #BBC next DG. It's a shame we couldn't have a great woman. I think even Tim Davie might have backed Sharon White if she'd been available. But at least he's sat down with staff angry on gender, race + other challenges. Looked as if he was listening. Let's see what he does:
Will Black / @willblackwriter: To tackle “the irreversible flight of younger audiences to other platforms” and “create a BBC that truly represents Britain” the @BBC has taken the bold step of appointing rich, white, privately educated, 50-something man, Tim Davie, as Director General
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Analysis by @amolrajan: “Tim Davie has landed one of the most privileged jobs in Britain & global media, leading thousands of creative people at a remarkable moment in history. Aside from that, it's hell.” Here's why 👇🏼
Hugh Bonneville / @hughbon: Yes no sure there were other candidates but the main positive is we have a new forward and indeed thinking DG who has taken a cut not only in pay but also in surname. #W1A #DavieNotDavies @DrSarahParish @Jason__Watkins @rufusjones1
Variety EIC Claudia Eller takes a two-month leave after a tense exchange with a former employee over a post on diversity; Cynthia Littleton to be interim editor — BREAKING: Claudia Eller, editor-in-chief of our sister publication Variety, will take a two month administrative leave after making …
Variety, American Press Institute, @kerrymflynn, Breitbart, @anoushasakoui, @tnwhiskeywoman, @maxwelltani, @piyasroy and @variety_claudia
@kerrymflynn: Claudia Eller's memo is up on Variety: “I am so ashamed, humiliated and regretful for my actions and the pain it has caused both internally and externally. I sent a direct message to Piya to apologize profusely for my insensitive and ignorant remarks...”
John Nolte / Breitbart: The Left's Eating Itself. Let them Fight.
Anousha / @anoushasakoui: “ I can say with certainty that her response was reflective of her intensity toward a journalist who had been at a competitive publication. This has been an incredibly stressful, painful year for everyone”
Nichole / @tnwhiskeywoman: A leave of absence is a nice way to avoid having to do the work.
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: Variety EIC Claudia Eller is taking a leave of absence following widely-criticized comments on Twitter, and staff complaints today. Here's her memo apologizing and announcing her leave:
Piya Sinha-Roy / @piyasroy: @Variety_Claudia You're an EIC and you just called me bitter for calling you out for having not done enough in the past, when you could have. You could have created a beautifully diverse newsroom years ago. And you wonder why journalists on your team might not want to raise these issues with you.
US Press Freedom Tracker: 280+ press freedom incidents in the last week and 45 arrests; of 180 assaults, 149 by police; of 67 physical attacks, 42 by police — We are witnessing a truly unprecedented attack on press freedom in the United States, with journalists are being systematically targeted …
Alex Shephard / New Republic: Rethinking the Press's Relationship with Police
Our Revolution / @ourrevolution: “If police departments are not held QUICKLY accountable by state governments, it will only get worse.” #CriminalJusticeReform #OrganizeToWin
Trevor Timm / @trevortimm: If there's a misconception that police & protesters are attacking journalists at roughly the same rates, I hope this puts it to rest. I wrote about how the *overwhelming* number of assaults on reporters have come the cops. And we have data to back it up.
Scott Nover / @scottnover: Yep. My data shows this too. The vast majority of incidents are from the police.
[Thread] Alexis Ohanian resigns from the Reddit board, urges company to fill his seat with a black candidate, pledges $1M to Kaepernick's Know Your Rights Camp — I've resigned as a member of the reddit board, I have urged them to fill my seat with a black candidate, + I will use future gains on my Reddit stock to serve the black community, chiefly to curb racial hate, and I'm starting with a pledge of $1M to @kaepernick7's @yourrightscamp
New York Times, @ekp, The Verge, TechCrunch, Axios, Variety, ZDNet, Fortune, The Daily Dot, Glamour, The Week, Rolling Stone, @slpng_giants, @jolieodell, @catvalente, @amandamgoetz, @steven_mckie, Alexis Ohanian Sr., Business Insider, @alexisohanian, @alexisohanian, @tonyromm, @hragv, @merv, @oneunderscore__, @dylanbyers and Mashable, more at Techmeme »
Nellie Bowles / New York Times: The Complex Debate Over Silicon Valley's Embrace of Content Moderation
Ellen K. Pao / @ekp: I am obligated to call you out: You should have shut down the_donald instead of amplifying it and its hate, racism, and violence. So much of what is happening now lies at your feet. You don't get to say BLM when reddit nurtures and monetizes white supremacy and hate all day long
Bijan Stephen / The Verge: Alexis Ohanian asks to be replaced by a black candidate as he resigns from Reddit's board
TechCrunch: Alexis Ohanian steps down from Reddit board, asks for his seat to go to a black board member
Meredith Woerner / Variety: Reddit Co-Founder Alexis Ohanian Sr. Resigns, Urges Board to Fill His Seat With Black Candidate
Stephanie Condon / ZDNet: Alexis Ohanian steps down from Reddit board to make room for a black candidate
Mikael Thalen / The Daily Dot: Reddit co-founder resigns, urges board to fill seat with Black candidate
Glamour: Serena Williams Says Their Daughter Will Be ‘Proud’ of Alexis Ohanian for Stepping Down from the Reddit Board
Brendan Morrow / The Week: Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian resigns from board and calls for a black candidate to replace him
Claire Shaffer / Rolling Stone: Alexis Ohanian Resigns From Reddit, Asks to Be Replaced by Black Candidate
@slpng_giants: Former @reddit CEO, who was way ahead of her time in banning subreddits that were encouraging harassment off of the platform, on current CEO's stunningly hypocritical BLM post:
Jolie O'Dell / @jolieodell: Reddit is a cesspool
Quarynnetine Valente / @catvalente: Reddit is literally synonymous with the worst racists and sexists of the Internet only SLIGHTLY less than 4chan. I don't know who they think they're fooling. TD is still there, only quarantined. Worse has taken its place. Reddit doesn't care at all.
Amanda Goetz / @amandamgoetz: This is called using your privilege as an ally. Wow. Amazing.
Steven D. McKie / @steven_mckie: Hello @reddit board members, hit my line. ;D
Bani Sapra / Business Insider: Reddit cofounder Alexis Ohanian just quit the company's board in a ‘long overdue’ …
@alexisohanian: I'm saying this as a father who needs to be able to answer his black daughter when she asks: “What did you do?”
@alexisohanian: I believe resignation can actually be an act of leadership from people in power right now. To everyone fighting to fix our broken nation: do not stop.
Tony Romm / @tonyromm: alexis resigning from reddit is interesting because it does not address the years in which he had a leadership role and reddit was even more of a cess pool.
Hrag / @hragv: Resigning from a board and asking your place be filled by a black candidate. 👏 Are museum board members listening? 👂🏻TY @alexisohanian for doing the right thing.
Merv Adrian / @merv: Read this thread. It's inspiring. Alexis, godspeed and hope you accomplish all that you hope for.
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: This is a huge, commendable deal for a website that desperately needs it.
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian resigns from board, urges seat be filled by black candidate and says he will use future Reddit stock gains to serve black community....
Sensor Tower and Apptopia say Twitter broke download records this week with 40M US DAUs on Thursday, as users turned to it for unfiltered, breaking news — Civil unrest due to the nationwide George Floyd protests drove Twitter to see a record number of new installs this week …
Alex Perry / Mashable: Twitter saw record app downloads this week in the wake of Black Lives Matter protests
Andrew Jennings / Reshare: Anti-racism and social media
Stephen Hunton at / @stephenhunton: Dear marketing peers: They're not coming here for brand content.
Memo: The Athletic is laying off nearly 8% of staff, or 46 people, and cutting pay with most people being asked to take a 10% cut for the rest of 2020 — The Athletic is laying off nearly 8% of staff, 46 people, according to an internal memo obtained by Axios.
The Hill, @bpmoritz, Folio, @sarafischer, @adamlevitan, @2tallmountains, @kt_so_it_goes, @soccerwriter, Outkick the Coverage, @rick_bonnell, @dustindopirak, @saba_h, @jake_burns18, @bobbybelttx, @dalter, @nickdelatorregc, @bizballmaury, @lawrencedonegan, @dshoalts, @brendanrmarks, @rl_bynum, @rl_bynum, @rl_bynum, @rl_bynum, @rl_bynum, @rl_bynum, @clevezirm, @jerryhinnen, @joegoodberry, @chadmoriyama, @joefav, @gregstohr, @sarafischer and @jeff_gluck
Brian Moritz / @bpmoritz: Important note: The Athletic, more than any other media company I've ever seen, took care of the employees it laid off (health insurance paid through 2020, get to keep laptops, etc.). Credit where credit is due.
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: NEWS: @TheAthletic lays off 8% of staff (46 people), implements staff-wide pay cut -Most pay cuts are 10%, per memo obtained by @Axios -CEO Alex Mather: New sub growth down 20-30%, podcast ad revenue severely impacted -"This is a dark day for the company"
Adam Levitan / @adamlevitan: Have no vested interest in The Athletic. But really rooting for them to succeed for the sake of the sports journalism industry. Sad to read this.
@2tallmountains: i am extremely sorry for everyone who has lost their jobs today but i am not sorry for the dipshit who created a VC-backed company and said he wanted to destroy newspapers
@kt_so_it_goes: this is awful. the athletic is the best sports media hub in existence & I hope as sports returns they can hire back
Michael Lewis / @soccerwriter: Wow. Even the supposedly “unsinkable” Titanic of sports coverage is taking on water. No one, I repeat, no one is immune to this toxic economy
Ryan Glasspiegel / Outkick the Coverage: Layoffs Hit The Athletic
Rick Bonnell / @rick_bonnell: Rod is a good guy and a good journalist. He is also, by the way, one of the best dads I know. So sorry to hear this.
Dustin Dopirak / @dustindopirak: Hey yinz guys. Just wanted to let you all know that I'm on that list of 46 layoffs at The Athletic. Was an honor to get back on the college basketball beat and be a part of an absolutely incredible team. All thanks to @KellenbergerCBB and @MarkGodich for the opportunity ...
Saba Hamedy / @saba_h: “The Athletic joins The Atlantic,The Hollywood Reporter, Fortune, Billboard, The Economist Group, Group Nine Media, BuzzFeed News, Vox Media, Bustle Digital Group, Cheddar, Maven Media, G/O Media, Protocol+ others who have resorted to layoffs and furloughs in the past few months”
Jake Burns / @jake_burns18: Eventually the sports journalism profession is going to just go away.
Bobby Belt / @bobbybelttx: Dang it. Thinking of my friends at The Athletic today.
@dalter: These are difficult times, indeed. My deepest sympathies to those affected.
Nick de la Torre / @nickdelatorregc: Awful news.
Maury Brown / @bizballmaury: Sad day, not only for those at The Athletic but SB Nation that are being laid off. To all of you, remember that you are outstanding in your field. Don't lose your voice in-between gigs.
@lawrencedonegan: Feel terrible for the journalists affected by this. But I'm old enough to the remember when @theathletic launched and the co-founder said his aim was to bury local newspapers. Hopefully, that guy is a bit more humble these days.
David Shoalts / @dshoalts: I was not a big fan of The Athletic's founder because of what one of them said about newspapers. But props to them for not couching the bad news the bullshit way too many print bosses have, i.e., we're cutting back to serve you better.
Brendan Marks / @brendanrmarks: Today is not fun. At all. An incredibly tough day for everyone @TheAthletic — we lost 46 incredibly talented, creative people. Our teammates. Our friends.
R.L. Bynum / @rl_bynum: @axios Spurs writer
Jordan Zirm / @clevezirm: I know the pandemic has played into a lot of these recent layoffs, but it so depressing to watch this continue to happen to seemingly every single sports media outlet
Jerry Hinnen / @jerryhinnen: The Athletic hired a bunch of the best beat writers around, damaging the papers they used to work for, only to now turn around and fire many of them. Now we don't get their coverage from anywhere. Thanks guys
Goodberry / @joegoodberry: Sad to see. Especially when it was out of their control.
Chad Moriyama / @chadmoriyama: Comments under tweets like these are always useful to find people you never want to interact with on this site at least.
Joe Favorito / @joefav: stark reminder that #sportsbiz nowhere out of the woods yet; Layoffs hit 8% of The Athletic staff, with others taking pay cuts
Greg Stohr / @gregstohr: Another reminder how important it is to support quality journalism by subscribing. It may just be sports, but @TheAthletic does outstanding work, which I fervently hope will continue in spite of this news.
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: More details: - Those making $150,000+ USD will take progressively higher cut, including continued reductions for execs and founders - Goes into place in June - Those laid off will get full acceleration of all unvested options & extended exercise window for a year
Jeff Gluck / @jeff_gluck: Extremely tough and sad day at The Athletic as the impact of the pandemic and the pause in sports has hit us. Thankful to have survived this layoff and hope to keep doing work that makes our subscribers proud. I so appreciate all of you who support our racing coverage. 🙏🏻
Disney to launch Disney Hulu XP, which will allow advertisers to make one buy across its entire digital portfolio and curb how often users see the same ads — The Mouse House's upfront pitch includes products that streamline digital ad buying — This will be the first upfront selling season …
Adam Jacobson / Radio & Television Business Report: Nielsen's Addressable TV Lights Up With ‘Luminate’
Brian Steinberg / Variety: Disney Wants Advertisers to Buy Hulu, TV Networks Together
Media Matters is considering sending a letter urging advertisers to rethink spending on Facebook after Mark Zuckerberg's choice to leave up a Trump post — Media Matters for America, the liberal media watchdog best known for getting advertisers to pull their spots from Fox News, has its eye on a new target: Facebook.
Tribune Publishing Company:
Tribune Q1: $216.5 in revenue, down 11.5% YoY; ad revenue down 20.6% YoY, or $20M; circulation rev fell 3.1% YoY, or $2.9M; digital subs rose 30.7% YoY to 370K — Digital content revenues and subscribers increase more than 30% year-over-year — Tribune Publishing Company (NASDAQ: TPCO) …