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Not only is “objective neutral” journalism predicated on a white perspective, it deprives readers of plainly stated facts for fear of accusations of partiality — What's different, in this moment, is that the editors of our country's most esteemed outlets no longer hold a monopoly on publishing power.
@jeffjarvis, @sarahparvini, @miriamelder, @harrylylesjr, @jordanchariton, @drallirich, @natematias, @sarahw, @jaycaspiankang, @jbillinson, @katzonearth, @ericmgarcia, @armandondk, @oliviakrauth, @tylerrickytynes, @anastasiakeeley, @vladduthierscbs, @jeffjarvis, @benspielberg, @kat__stafford, @benyt, @soledadobrien, @allisonlcarter, @jeffjarvis, @benyt, @michaelluo, @mr_berman, @wesleylowery, @hshaban, @maiasz and @harrysiegel

While NYT's move online enabled increased op-ed page output, opinion and news stories look similar on the site and many casual readers can't tell the difference — The New York Times opinion editor James Bennet resigned recently after the paper published a controversial opinion essay by U.S …

NYT names Mary Suh acting Op-Ed Editor until the fall and The Intercept's Charlotte Greensit as Opinion's managing editor and associate Editorial Page editor
@cduhigg, @claudia_sahm, @susanmcp1, @sjgrunewald, @taffyakner, @chezpim, @drewholden360, @groovesdc and Talking Biz News

LAT union's Black caucus demands management commit to hiring at least 18 Black journalists over 3 years, fix pay gap, engage with communities of color, and more — As a union, it is our responsibility to be a force for progress, and we cannot build the future we want for the Los Angeles Times until we clearly see its past.
@mattdpearce, The Wrap, @tomas_mier, @gerrickkennedy, @ladyviii, @liledit, @augustbrown, @sherlyholmes, @billplaschke, @adriana_lacy, @alenetchek, @jaylclendenin, @mattdpearce, @vanessamartinez, @byfernandas, @ryangirdusky, @davidfolkenflik, @thomas06037, @stacyfernandezb, @aaja, @josie_huang, @klcpegher, @jamilsmith, @sonali_kohli, @makedaeaster, @marissaaevans, @gerryfsmith, @mitrakalita, @angeljennings and @thecindycarcamo

A group of reporting networks and media outlets partner to amplify Rappler's work and offer its journalists access to resources like databases and reporters — Investigative reporting is getting harder and harder as autocratic governments crack down on media and government-friendly oligarchs use …
@fbdnstories, @gijn and @icijorg

WHCA cancels its White House Correspondents' Dinner planned for Aug. 29 but is working on a virtual presentation to salute award-winning journalism — Unfortunately, we must cancel the 2020 White House Correspondents' Dinner. We still hope to have a virtual event later this summer. But an in-person dinner simply is not possible. Here is my note to @whca members

Source: Trump's younger brother is seeking a temporary restraining order to block publication of a book due out July 28 by the president's niece, Mary L. Trump — President Trump has said Mary L. Trump signed a nondisclosure agreement in connection with a 2001 court case related to the estate …
Deadline, @maggienyt, @jonathanalter, @samjcharles, @robertswartwood, @brianstelter, @joepompeo, The Guardian, The Daily Beast, The Hill, The Independent and New York Post

A pseudonymous blogger behind Slate Star Codex is deleting the blog after an NYT reporter said he knew his name and planned to publish it due to NYT policy — So, I kind of deleted the blog. Sorry. Here's my explanation. — Last week I talked to a New York Times technology reporter …
@ericnewcomer, @fishertyson, @conor64, @jacksonkernion, @exactly_3, @benlandautaylor, @sapinker, @bioliberalism, @omarmkhateeb, @mindbound, @redsteeze, @benthompson and @marcgunther

The Tennessean and parent company Gannett have fired an ad manager after the paper ran an anti-Muslim ad and will donate ad proceeds to a Muslim advocacy group — The Tennessean and its parent company Gannett announced on Monday that an advertising manager was fired after the news organization published an anti-Muslim advertisement.
@kahin, @abcarianlat, Poynter, @uwjournethics, @martyduren, @jasonashville, @sdkstl, @balinkali, @remziya, New York Times, New York Times, New York Post and Newser

BBC cut 60, 40, and 60 jobs in Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales, respectively; NUJ: Nations and Regions divisions told to cut ~£24M in 2021, ~£28M in 2022 — MPs have urged the BBC not to cut its local political and current affairs programming, saying its “regional strength” …
@martinsfp, @pressgazette and Guido Fawkes

Reporters and newsrooms are figuring out how to safely cover a presidential race and a historic civil rights movement during a global pandemic — Journalists descended on Tulsa for Trump's MAGA rally—and to a different world than three months ago. Newsrooms are now figuring …
@tomkludt, @ericschultz, @oliverdarcy and @ericschultz

Press Freedom Defense Fund launches $200K emergency financial assistance program of up to $1,500 per person for journalists dealing with COVID-19 fallout — $200,000 To Be Distributed in Amounts Up to $1,500 Each — Volunteer Selection Committee to Include Nationally Recognized Journalists …

After staff complained about the lack of diversity on The Ringer's dozens of podcasts, Bill Simmons says “It's a business. This isn't Open Mic Night.” — A podcast episode on the recent protests increased staff complaints concerning the lack of diversity at his digital outlet, The Ringer.

CBSN, CBS News' digital streaming news service, is expanding its OTT app to 89 new countries via partnerships with smart TV manufacturers and software platforms — CBSN, the 24/7 digital streaming news service for CBS News, is expanding internationally to pull in more digital TV ad dollars, while also expanding its audience.