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Ben Shapiro's The Daily Wire has massive engagement on Facebook, helped by a network of pages that simultaneously post at least 10 Daily Wire links per day — Founder of The Daily Wire, Ben Shapiro. (MARK RALSTON/AFP via Getty Images) — The success of The Daily Wire …
@juddlegum, @juddlegum, @tyadkisson, @phidippides26, @beccalew, @tyadkisson, @ehananoki, @nickconfessore, @kimmasters, @jenmercieca, @juddlegum, @chronotope, @jjohnsonlaw, @nickconfessore, @jason_kint, @jkarsh, @juddlegum, @seanthekelly, @dkiesow, @slpng_giants, @caseynewton, @wyntermitchell, @profcarroll, @nkulw, @juddlegum, @chronotope, @wyntermitchell, @journalistslike and The Media Nut
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: 1. There's a dirty secret behind the extraordinary success of @benshapiro on Facebook The Daily Wire has an undisclosed relationship with Facebook pages owned by Mad World News — a notorious site that exploits Facebook's algorithm w/racism & violence
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: 7. The undisclosed relationship between @benshapiro and Mad World News appears to violate Facebook's rules. You are required to disclose when you are posting content for money. Facebook also bans “artificially boost[ing] the popularity of content.”
Tyler Adkisson / @tyadkisson: This is an interesting move, but I do wonder if you could get around this just by re-publishing an old, incdendiary article with a different dateline. That's been one source of misinformation spreads, especially with conservative blogs like Mad World News,
John McAndrew / @phidippides26: “Popular Information has discovered a network of large Facebook pages — each built by exploiting racial bias, religious bigotry, and violence — that systematically promote content from The Daily Wire [and @benshapiro].” @JuddLegum digs deep again.
Becca Lewis / @beccalew: FASCINATING and horrific thread (and story) about how the daily wire has become so incredibly successful on Facebook
Tyler Adkisson / @tyadkisson: This article explains that recylcing phenomenon pretty well:
Eric Hananoki / @ehananoki: 😐 “Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has a relationship with Shapiro, who Zuckerberg has hosted at his home. According to a source who has spoken with Shapiro, Zuckerberg and Shapiro remain in direct communication.”
Nick Confessore / @nickconfessore: If Daily Wire had an undisclosed corporate relationship with the Facebook pages, that would seem to violate Facebook's rules. Facebook tells @JuddLegum it has no evidence of a violation.
Jennifer Mercieca / @jenmercieca: Outrage, attention, and engagement are terrible metrics for controlling our public sphere. Rich media, poor democracy.
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: 5. Mad World News has built these pages by exploiting racial bias, religious bigotry, and violence. They take old stories on incendiary topics, rewrite them, give them a new date, and let Facebook's algorithm do the rest.
Aram Zucker-Scharff / @chronotope: The strategy that is identified in Popular Info is exacerbated by hate-mongering, making it more effective at amplification, but is also a standard strategy employed by content fraud pretty frequently (just to lesser impact).
Janet Johnson / @jjohnsonlaw: It's all so gross.
Nick Confessore / @nickconfessore: A network of Facebook pages that built huge audiences with inflammatory & racist content is systematically promoting Ben Shapiro's Daily Wire, giving Shapiro's site massive FB engagement, reports @JuddLegum DW won't say if it is paying for the promotion.
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: And this entire ecosystem, the algorithms tuned and the accounts not properly policed, is subsidized by 👆🏽👆🏽 👆🏽advertising.
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: @benshapiro 4. @benshapiro has partnered w/Mad World News to game Facebook. Each day five large pages controlled by Mad World News, some with 2M+ followers, posts at least 10 articles from The Daily Wire These pages post the EXACT SAME CONTENT at the EXACT SAME TIME
Sean Kelly / @seanthekelly: @davegillis Will this apply to re-written articles like “Mad World News” does? (detailed here)
Damon Kiesow / @dkiesow: It is almost as if legitimate journalism can't compete for online attention because they aren't willing to cheat. They are bringing ethics to a knife fight.
@slpng_giants: This is wild. Daily Wire has been able to game Facebook's algorithm year after year and the company will not enforce their Terms of Service on them. Another reason why advertisers should take July off the platform and #StopHateForProfit
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: Today Facebook is adding a pop-up to warn you if you try to share a story >90 days old. But as @JuddLegum points out in this excellent piece, the larger issue maybe old racist content repackaged with fresh timestamps. It's driving huge numbers
@wyntermitchell: The true gag is most people will never see alt right content. U have to wade in that pool deep & align w key influencer pages by LIKING. Also FB is a living breathing thing—it knows you, and tracks what and how it gets served, their algorithm is completely possessive & demonic.
David Carroll / @profcarroll: “Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has a relationship with Shapiro, who Zuckerberg has hosted at his home. According to a source who has spoken with Shapiro, Zuckerberg and Shapiro remain in direct communication.”
Noah Kulwin / @nkulw: This actually answers something that I've wondered for a long time! Good reporting
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: 8. Facebook says it investigated & found no violation of its rules. This isn't the first time Facebook gave @benshapiro a pass It raises questions about his relationship with Zuckerberg. According to a source that has spoken w/Shapiro, he speaks w/Zuck
Aram Zucker-Scharff / @chronotope: This has been a long-standing content fraud strategy, one I even tested myself by setting up some tests to see how easy it was to create massively parallel posting using basic tools like RSS and IFTTT. The answer is: it is very easy.
@wyntermitchell: this is not new information or a new tactic or some secret plot. It's openly done in alt-right publishing circles and FB does nothing about it. FB flagged it when influencers were doing it (likely bc of the amount of $ exchanging hands thru them) but not these sites
@journalistslike: “While the @nytimes published 15,587 articles in May, and the @washingtonpost published 8,048, @realDailyWire published just 1,141. On a per article basis, The Daily Wire receives more distribution than any other major publisher. And it's not close.”
Josh Sternberg / The Media Nut: You no longer need a Facebook account to run Instagram ads

The LA Times says it has reached a settlement of a lawsuit filed by a group of newsroom employees claiming the paper has discriminatory pay practices — In the latest action by employees critical of the Los Angeles Times' fraught newsroom history of race and gender, the paper has been hit …
Los Angeles Times, New York Post, @gregmoran, @jljacobson, @gerrickkennedy, @davidfolkenflik, @davidfolkenflik, @davidfolkenflik, @lindseywasson, @rebekahlsanders, @cristymsilva, @mitrakalita, @angeljennings, @wesleylowery, @thecindycarcamo, @angeljennings, @kainazamaria, @loisbeckett, @adamelmahrek and @angeljennings
Keith J. Kelly / New York Post: Los Angeles Times facing backlash over company's handling of race issues
Greg Moran / @gregmoran: This @LAT story about newsroom diversity & coverage of nonwhite communities is important & painful to read. It gives some data on newsroom diversity there. I thought I would share similar @sdut info. So here's where we are. /1
@jljacobson: L.A. Times painful reckoning over race What is this, fucking Mad Men? “She stepped into the elevator and a white male business executive smiled and asked: “So are you the new cafeteria worker?” She replied: “No, I'm a news editor on the Business desk.”
Gerrick D. Kennedy / @gerrickkennedy: Again, the problems at @latimes are decades old and far too many have suffered. Until the culture is dealt with every few years we will be having this conversation > L.A. Times Editor Makes His Case As Journalists File Bias Complaint : NPR
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: Tuesday, Black journalists at LA Times took to social media: #BlackatLAT Yesterday, Exec Editor Norm Pearlstine addressed newsroom for 4.5 hours promising change. Now: NPR obtained civil complaint from 6 LAT journalists alleging pay bias. My NPR story:
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: At the LA Times, executives act to settle lawsuit alleging bias on racial and gender grounds, as top editor holds marathon meeting with newsroom on race. My updated story:
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: Update: LAT spokeswoman emails to say that it has settled the lawsuit filed by the six LATimes journalists alleging pay bias against black, Latino and female news staffers.
@lindseywasson: I feel like this tweet could be about pretty much any major newspaper
Rebekah Sanders / @rebekahlsanders: “The court filing alleges a pattern from newsroom leaders: telling reporters that corporate executives wouldn't allow significant raises; claiming possible sales of the company would delay pay increases; and that raises under new ownership were unlikely.”
Cristina Silva / @cristymsilva: “We all saw the river of white people coming into your office,” staff writer Esmeralda Bermudez said in a voice sometimes breaking with emotion, while directing one of the strongest critiques at Pearlstine and his hiring practices.
S. Mitra Kalita / @mitrakalita: These stories from the newsroom about the newsroom are hard; this one's good...
Angel Jennings / @angeljennings: .@WesleyLowery shared his story earlier this week about what it was like to be #BlackatLAT. Here's mine:👇🏽
Wesley / @wesleylowery: .@AngelJennings' coverage in the last year was remarkable - but that's unsurprising, because her coverage has always been top notch. Needlessly delaying a raise for her is insulting. Asking her to be the lone black reporter covering all of LA is immoral
Cindy Carcamo / @thecindycarcamo: There is also this! I hope real change comes quickly to my hometown newspaper. I love the @LATimes and want to to succeed. It can only do so if inequities are rectified.
Angel Jennings / @angeljennings: Years of turmoil created a tiered newsroom, where veteran, largely white editors & reporters have relied on a secondary class of younger, less-experienced Latino, Asian & Black reporters who are paid significantly less to do some of the most dangerous work
Kainaz Amaria / @kainazamaria: y'all The LA Times newsroom employs 502 journalists, but it is 61% white, even though LA County's population is 26% white, according to 2018 census information.
Lois Beckett / @loisbeckett: This is such a powerful statement/public messaging campaign from the @latguild's Black Caucus, on what it would mean to truly reckon with the ways that newsrooms have failed Black reporters for decades:

Google announces a licensing program to pay publishers for content for a new news product, launching later this year, as part of the Google News Initiative — In a major departure from its long-standing practice of not paying publishers directly to distribute their work …
The Keyword, Nieman Lab, Digiday, Crikey, Bloomberg, American Press Institute, Press Gazette, @sarafischer, CNN, Variety, Business Insider, Politico, Wall Street Journal, The Information, @dkiesow, @jeffjarvis, @mathewi, @pilhofer, @dicktofel, @vladsavov, @niemanlab, New York Daily News, @dangillmor, @juddlegum, @davidclinchnews, Gizmodo, @tonyromm, @cg_williams, @kent_walker, @bradbender1, The Wrap, @sundarpichai, Talking Biz News, Search Engine Land, CNET, TechCrunch, MediaPost, Mashable, 9to5Google,, Neowin, CNBC, International Business …, Forbes, Australian Financial Review, Engadget, New York Post, The Verge, VentureBeat and Financial Times, more at Techmeme »
Brad Bender / The Keyword: A new licensing program to support the news industry
Joshua Benton / Nieman Lab: “Google paying publishers” is more about PR than the needs of the news industry
Lucinda Southern / Digiday: ‘Stay ahead of regulations’: Publishers question Google's motives in paying for news
Christopher Warren / Crikey: Google pays publishers, including Crikey, for using news. Will audiences follow?
Charlotte Tobitt / Press Gazette: Google to pay ‘high-quality’ publishers for journalism in major shift for the media giant
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: Regulators globally have been threatening Google with broad-based policies that would force it to pay publishers on policymakers' terms. Now, Google's getting ahead of that threat by introducing its own payout terms, while strengthening its relationship with embattled publishers.
Hadas Gold / CNN: Google will start paying publishers for news
Isobel Asher Hamilton / Business Insider: Google is launching an Apple News rival and has struck deals with publishers to pay for articles
Benjamin Mullin / Wall Street Journal: Google Strikes Deals to Pay Some Publishers for News
Damon Kiesow / @dkiesow: Just the right level of well-earned skepticism from @jbenton re: Google “paying for news”
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Publishers cashed in their political capital to wish for this. It won't rescue them. My earlier post on this: Google will start paying publishers to license content
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: I don't think this is as big as it sounds. It will likely be a small group of the usual suspects, most of whom don't need it
Aron Pilhofer / @pilhofer: Pretty good piece here from @jbenton, kinda stating the obvious, but in a very succinct way. And although we will disagree obviously on the extent to which Google and FB are at fault and “owe” publishers, he is 100 percent right: This is nothing but PR.
Richard Tofel / @dicktofel: This seems to me exactly right, and is a very auspicious return to a writing job by @jbenton
Vlad Savov / @vladsavov: Google, whose business and practices are in the news often, is about to start paying news orgs directly and — 1% of me thinks it's about time they recompensed news outlets, 99% of me is screaming this is a gigantic conflict of interest.
@niemanlab: Google and Facebook are happy to pay for news . . . as long as it's on their terms. @jbenton on those “Google will start paying publishers” headlines.
Muri Assunção / New York Daily News: Google will start paying some news publishers for ‘high-quality’ content
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: Google will pay some publishers to “license” their content. Sounds like Google will pick the winners. Is that really what you wanted, journalists?
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: 6. Here's an example. On June 19, 2020, Mad World News wrote an article about a guy waiving a confederate flag on the side of the road who was threatened by a man with a gun. NOT MENTIONED: This incident happened in 2015
David Clinch / @davidclinchnews: @bradbender1 @Google Excellent step.
Tony Romm / @tonyromm: Google dangles money in front of publishers as the feds dangle a lawsuit in front of Google
Chris Williams / @cg_williams: NB the CMA's final report on the monopolisation of the digital advertising market is due to be published next week
Kent Walker / @kent_walker: Today we're announcing we'll be paying publishers for high-quality content for a new news experience launching later this year. Quality information matters, and we're building on the efforts of @GoogleNewsInit to help journalism thrive in the digital era.
Brad Bender / @bradbender1: At Google we deeply care about supporting a vibrant news industry. Today, we're announcing a new licensing program for high-quality content — a significant step toward that goal: @Google
Sean Burch / The Wrap: Google Will Pay for ‘High-Quality’ Publishers as Part of ‘New News Experience’
Sundar Pichai / @sundarpichai: For decades we have worked with publishers to grow audiences and build value. We continue that progress today with the introduction of a licensing program to pay publishers for high-quality content.
Greg Sterling / Search Engine Land: Google agrees to start paying for news content
Alexandra Garrett / CNET: Google will pay publishers for some news content
Anthony Ha / TechCrunch: Google will start paying publishers to provide content for a ‘new news experience’
Melynda Fuller / MediaPost: Google To Pay Publishers In Some Markets
Stan Schroeder / Mashable: Google to start paying some publishers for content later this year
Abner Li / 9to5Google: Google licensing content from publishers for new Google News, Discover experience
Jay Bonggolto / Neowin: Google will launch a new licensing program later this year to pay publishers
Ryan Browne / CNBC: Google says it will pay some news publishers to license content, bowing to regulatory pressure
Emma Woollacott / Forbes: Google Agrees To Pay Publishers For Content

An overview of 3 studies on the relationship between consuming rightwing media and believing in pandemic conspiracy theories or failing to try to avoid COVID-19 — The three studies paint a picture of a media ecosystem that entertains conspiracy theories and discourages audiences from taking steps to protect themselves and others
TVNewser, @susankentmn, @mehrsabaradaran, NBER, Raw Story, @bruce_arthur, @whitlockjason, @billprady, @michaelgrantbks, @joshtpm, @uconnmhealth, @maxkriegervg, @perkovichg, @oliverdarcy, @kimmasters, @rachelbitecofer, @rezaaslan, @icecube, @morganloewcbs5, @ms_riley_guprz, @walshfreedom, @dnbornstein, @inactionnever, @peterschorschfl, @soldier_cynic, @dangillmor, @geneweingarten, @samseder, @mvmarinello, @davidjoachim, @infantry0300, @johnjharwood, @jojofromjerz, @_cingraham, @connieschultz and Fast Company
A.J. Katz / TVNewser: Report: Studies Show Conservative Media Consumers' Behavior May Be Worsening the Covid-19 Pandemic
Sen. Susan Kent / @susankentmn: Confirming what many of us have observed...
Mehrsa Baradaran / @mehrsabaradaran: Especially because one of their die hard viewers is the POTUS
NBER: The Persuasive Effect of Fox News: Non-Compliance with Social Distancing During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Alex Henderson / Raw Story: Experts reveal how right-wing media misled viewers about the coronavirus
Bruce Arthur / @bruce_arthur: Propaganda works
Jason Whitlock / @whitlockjason: This is an INCREDIBLE piece of propaganda. We've had hundreds of thousands of people across the country protesting, rioting and looting for WEEKS but TV talk shows intensified the corona pandemic. “The bigger the lie, the more they believe” — Detective Bunk Moreland
Bill Prady / @billprady: One of the leading causes of death in America is Sean Hannity.
Michael Grant / @michaelgrantbks: New research explores how conservative media misinformation may have intensified the severity of the pandemic #FoxNews, #Hannity, #TuckerCarlson lies about Covid have resulted in dead Americans. Killing their own fans. ...
Josh Marshall / @joshtpm: Studies show highest infections and mortality in areas where Sean Hannity has his biggest audiences ...
@uconnmhealth: Exposure to conservative media, regardless of political affiliation, is associated with belief in conspiracy theories. This finding and others are revealing links between media exposure and attitudes about #COVID19. ...
@maxkriegervg: it's not “difference of opinion” anymore. it's not “everyone is entitled to their point of view” anymore. it's literally life or death, and that's gonna continue. pick one.
George Perkovich / @perkovichg: This may not be merely a correlation
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: “Taken together, they paint a picture of a media ecosystem that amplifies misinformation, entertains conspiracy theories and discourages audiences from taking concrete steps to protect themselves and others.” ...
@rachelbitecofer: Getting their news from Fox News proved deadly for some viewers, many of them elderly, in the early days of the pandemic- as the network joined Trump in downplaying the severity of the pandemic. But it was even more deadly for @seanhannity viewers
Reza Aslan / @rezaaslan: A 10 percent increase in Fox News viewership within a Zip code reduced its residents' propensity to stay home, in compliance with public health guidelines, by about 1.3 percentage points. ...
Morgan Loew / @morganloewcbs5: The opinions from people I interviewed at the Trump rally echoed this study. Conspiracy theories led the day. Masks and protecting fellow citizens from COVID fell by the wayside. ...
@ms_riley_guprz: I mean... The number of people who die each year falling out of fishing boats is highly correlated (r=0.952) with the marriage rate of Kentucky.
Joe Walsh / @walshfreedom: In other words, listening to @seanhannity can get you killed.
David Bornstein / @dnbornstein: Studies show that Covid infection & death rates are higher in places where @foxnewstalk Sean Hannity reaches the largest audiences. His contempt for his own audience is far worse than his contempt for the left. ...
FierceWarriorNStilettos / @inactionnever: Now do how the media's hatred of @hillaryclinton led to Trump winning the presidency in 2016. They all but ignored his extended history of racism, misogyny and sexual assault/harassment, etc.
Peter Schorsch / @peterschorschfl: I can think of a couple of FL sites that contribute to this — “New research explores how conservative media misinformation may have intensified the severity of the pandemic” via @_cingraham ... #FlaPol
Gen-X Cynic / @soldier_cynic: @Ms_Riley_Guprz In this case I am reminded of XKCD's comment that correlation does not imply causation but it does sometimes wiggle its finger suggestively and say look over here.
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: How the word “conservative” has morphed, to where it is now routinely used to describe an extremist cult that lies routinely and poisons our culture... These “conservatives” have blood on their hands, and they're proud of it.
Gene Weingarten / @geneweingarten: Does this study prove that Fox News is literally killing people? That's probably too extreme and conspiratorial, but as a tribute to Fox News, I'll just go with it. ...
Michael V. Marinello / @mvmarinello: “The end result, according to one of the studies, is that infection and mortality rates are higher in places where one pundit who initially downplayed the severity of the pandemic — Fox News' Sean Hannity — reaches the largest audiences.” ...
David S. Joachim / @davidjoachim: Three studies of conservative news outlets “paint a picture of a media ecosystem that amplifies misinformation, entertains conspiracy theories and discourages audiences from taking concrete steps to protect themselves and others” ... @_cingraham
Private Joker / @infantry0300: Holy sh*t. @seanhannity is an accessory to @realdonaldtrump's mass murders.
John Harwood / @johnjharwood: “authors used anonymous location data from millions of cellphones to explore how the popularity of Fox News in a zip code related to social distancing. a 10% increase in Fox viewership reduced residents' propensity to stay home by 1.3 percentage points” ...
Christopher Ingraham / @_cingraham: Three extraordinary new papers quantify how conservative media outlets like Fox News misled their viewers in the early days of the pandemic, showing how that misinformation may have discouraged protective behavior and worsened the severity of the outbreak ...
Connie Schultz / @connieschultz: “The end result, according to one of the studies, is that infection and mortality rates are higher in places where one pundit who initially downplayed the severity of the pandemic — Fox News's Sean Hannity — reaches the largest audiences.” ...

Freelancers and contractors are rarely counted in the tabulations of journalism jobs lost amid the pandemic, and they face higher risks, often without insurance — While nearly every industry is facing layoffs due to the coronavirus epidemic, journalism is bearing a particular brunt.
Nieman Lab, @karrieurbanist, @monicaprelle, @theturkishlife, @lebassett, @jennerowell, @justin_ling, @spj_tweets, @niemanstory, @poynter, @aylajean, @cafwu, @ericfish85 and The Intercept
Sarah Scire / Nieman Lab: The Los Angeles Times newsroom is roiling over race, representation, and missing “a golden opportunity” to diversify
Karrie Jacobs / @karrieurbanist: A piece that points out what most freelancers know: there are endless stories to be told right now, but few places to tell them. This is much darker than the 2008-09 recession.
Monica Prelle / @monicaprelle: “These figures fail to provide a complete picture of the devastation to the industry, because they fail to account for freelance journalists, many of whom have seen their livelihoods vanish overnight & who do not have unemployment and other protections.”
Jennifer Hattam / @theturkishlife: Dire stats on #journalism cuts don't count the 80% of freelancers who've lost work to #Covid_19, nor the “articles not assigned, pitches not responded to, work that never materialized, fellowships & grants canceled” - in short, the stories never told.
Laura Bassett / @lebassett: Most estimates of COVID's impact on journalism have left out freelancers & contractors, many of whose livelihoods have dried up overnight. We could use a fuller picture of the damage to our industry. @savethenews
Jenn Rowell / @jennerowell: That feeling when @MollyEMcCluskey links you in her @Poynter article.
Justin Ling Autonomous Zone / @justin_ling: For years, I've really enjoyed being a freelancer. Over the past few months, outlets have been coming to me to say that the coffers are dry. It's not clear to me that I can keep doing this for another year.
@spj_tweets: “But, as their work dries up and their safety nets fail, they have neither quit nor been fired; and so, when it comes to the toll of the coronavirus on our profession, they are simply...not counted.”
Nieman Storyboard / @niemanstory: Freelancers suffer disproportionately in the #Covid economy — and are seldom counted in the official toll.
@poynter: When the crisis has passed, and our profession begins to dust itself off and rebuild, the real toll of the damage will never fully be counted.
Ayla Jean Yackley / @aylajean: When reporting on impact of #coronavirus on journalism, few outlets are looking at how hard freelancers have been hit 'Freelance journalists are still reporting albeit w/o protective gear & crew that staff journalists have ... for pennies on the word"
California Freelance / @cafwu: It's embarrassing how many politicians, established newsrooms and news unions treat freelancers like an afterthought. It's absurd to treat us like a small minority.

Laura Hazard Owen named editor of Nieman Lab, replacing Joshua Benton, who will return to reporting as a senior writer — Two journalists at Nieman Lab, the Nieman Foundation's publication covering digital innovation and change in journalism, are moving into new roles beginning on July 1, 2020.
@jbenton, @niemanlab, @shansquared, @rasmus_kleis, @jeffjarvis, @mathewi, @clockwerks, @dskok, @loisbeckett, @emilybell and @craigsilverman
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: Big news! After 12 years — and editing 8,000+ stories by 700+ writers — I am stepping aside from the top job at @NiemanLab to return to reporting and writing. Nieman Lab's new editor is @laurahazardowen!
@niemanlab: Coming soon @NiemanLab: More writing and reporting by @jbenton. More editing by @laurahazardowen. Stay tuned!
Shan Wang / @shansquared: ! congratulations to @laurahazardowen, a most conscientious and incisive editor who's improved my writing more than she'll ever admit ! excited to continue to be influenced by the @jbenton-school-of-digital-innovation- thought (maybe NL pod will return?!)
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: Thanks @jbenton for all your work as editor, looking forward to reading your reporting. Thanks @laurahazardowen for all your work reporting, looking forward to your editing!
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Big news for news. @laurahazardowen is spectacular and will be a great chief. And I"m delighted @jbenton will keep writing about our dear field; we need him.
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: Big news at Nieman Lab — congrats to my former Gigaom colleague @laurahazardowen and to @jbenton welcome back to the fold! Eager to see you go head-to-head with @benyt :-)
Trei Brundrett / @clockwerks: Wow, hell of a 12 year run for @jbenton with the @NiemanLab. Feel like Vox Media grew up right alongside them. Congrats to @laurahazardowen for her new role and congrats to @jbenton. Will be good to have him reporting & writing again.
David Skok / @dskok: What @jbenton built with @NiemanLab is nothing short of remarkable. We're all going to benefit greatly now that he can devote his brilliant mind to thinking and writing about media. I also deeply value his friendship and counsel. Congrats @jbenton!

Facebook says it is globally rolling out a notification screen warning users if they try to share content that's more than 90 days old — Facebook announced Thursday that it would introduce a notification screen warning users if they try to share content that's more than 90 days old.
About Facebook, Adweek, @allisonlcarter, @luca, @ninzucchi, @ninzucchi, @janelytv, @ninzucchi, The Hill, @ninzucchi, @jamestitcomb, @trushar, @ninzucchi, Neowin and Fortune, more at Techmeme »
Allison Carter / @allisonlcarter: Facebook makes a ... good decision to fight fake/misleading news?
Luca Hammer / @luca: Facebook will show people how old an article is, if it's older than 90 days, when they try to share it. I would like to know if they parse a date from the website (bad because can be faked) or if they calculate it by first time shared (bad because urls can be changed).
Nick Inzucchi / @ninzucchi: 2/ Friction can easily become paternalistic, but this product retains a user-centered approach. It is extremely concise, provides relevant information, and allows people to retain their basic agency.
Nick Inzucchi / @ninzucchi: One small step toward a safer, more civil platform today. Some things making me optimistic about this work: 🧵
@janelytv: Wanted to get clarity on the new FB pop-up because of the wording on the release. A Facebook rep told me that the pop-up “will only appear on links that reference news content and are reshared by profiles and pages.” So this doesn't include ppl posting a link, only sharing one.
Nick Inzucchi / @ninzucchi: 3/ Article age is an objective signal that avoids many pitfalls of AI-powered interventions. It is less likely to exhibit bias, less prone to to false positives, and more easily scaled to the entire world.
Rebecca Klar / The Hill: Facebook to begin warning people when they share old news
Nick Inzucchi / @ninzucchi: 1/ Friction acknowledges that engagement is not an unmitigated good. Shifting the organization to stand behind thoughtful, intentional sharing is real progress.
James Titcomb / @jamestitcomb: Facebook letting you know if you share an article over 90 days old - friction!
Trushar Barot / @trushar: I am so glad to see this new feature on FB - will help counter the spread of a common form of misinformation: sharing old stories out of context as new
Nick Inzucchi / @ninzucchi: 4/ This first use case, while narrow, points toward a broader solution space for friction-based interventions. Where else might we insert it? How else might we trigger it? This strategy is generative and deep.

Disney+ will be the exclusive home of all Disney Channel, Disney XD, and Disney Junior content in the UK, after a failure to come to terms with Sky and Virgin — Disney is closing its kids channels in the UK after launching Disney+ and failing to agree on new carriage deals with pay-TV platforms Sky and Virgin Media.
Matthew Ball / @ballmatthew: Wow. That's a pivot. Disney now shutting down its linear channel in the UK so that the ONLY homes for its kids/YA content is Disney+
Julia Alexander / The Verge: Disney is eliminating Disney Channel in the UK, moving titles to Disney Plus

Condé Nast suspended Bon Appétit video editor Matt Hunziker; employees suggest Hunziker's social posts critical of Condé Nast and Bon Appétit led to suspension — - Condé Nast has suspended a Bon Appétit video editor, Matt Hunziker, “pending investigation” by the company.
@rrpre, @rrpre, @carriecourogen, @marianbull, @marianbull, @gabebergado, @gabebergado, @stefthepef, @bropiates and @gabebergado
Rachel Premack / @rrpre: NEW: Condé Nast has suspended the Bon Appétit video editor behind It's Alive by Brad Leone. Condé says there were “many concerns” internally about Matt Hunziker. Employees claim Hunziker's social media posts criticizing Condé likely got him suspended. ...
Rachel Premack / @rrpre: Condé Nast Entertainment president Oren Katzeff, whose past tweets of racist and sexist jokes has raised internal ire, has not been suspended or internally investigated.
Carrie Courogen / @carriecourogen: *looks directly into the camera* *long, exhausted sigh* i #standwithhunzi, obviously. ...
Xena Worrier Princess / @marianbull: so wild that corporations simply cannot imagine a world where their employees being critical of them could actually lead to positive change? oh boo hoo someone made fun of you
Xena Worrier Princess / @marianbull: let me get this straight condé fired a video editor who tweeted about condé being racist but they didnt fire the guy who made the confederate flag cake and said “f*****” in a public video so gleefully he looked like a small child eating his first ring pop ...
@gabebergado: the editors that i've worked with there have been nothing but lovely & supportive. they're working hard to make change happen. but it didn't feel right that an essay of mine about being *queer and brown* would live on a site overseen by execs perpetuating this racist toxicity
@gabebergado: debated sharing this publicly, but I pulled a freelance piece from bon appetit due to the reports of systemic racism & exploitation of BIPOC. with today's news about hunziker being suspended, I stand by my decision even more and feel compelled to speak up ...
Stef Schrader / @stefthepef: This sounds like the exact opposite of the way they should be responding to very deserved criticism, but okay! Yikes. ...
@bropiates: Hunzi is the reason BA skyrocketed into household youtube culture because of his nonstop dunks on Brad. He spoke out about his racist ass company and now they're going to make the whole thing burn because he told the truth. ...
@gabebergado: instead of looking for ways to solve the structural issues at the brand and overall company, it appears that they're investigating people supporting those speaking out against the racism. the cherry on top is that a man who tweeted this is the one making these announcements

Judge tosses a suit to block Mary Trump's book on the Trumps, saying court lacked jurisdiction; lawyer Charles Harder says he'll refile in state supreme court — A Queens County Surrogate Court Judge cited “several improprieties” in Robert Trump's attempt to block niece Mary's tell-all, slated to be published this fall.
Asawin Suebsaeng / @swin24: It's so far been a ride being one of @LachCartwright's copilots as he absolutely owns the Mary Trump saga beat more so than anyone else, hands down. Follow him now, the Aussie has way too few followers for the sheer amount of news he breaks on this and other subjects...
Sal Rizzo / @rizzotk: Looks like Trump's brother filed in the wrong court (surrogate not civil) and the Daily Beast was told they are refiling
Stephen Rex Brown / New York Daily News: Queens judge tosses lawsuit over Mary Trump tell-all book
Martin Pengelly / The Guardian: Trump's brother fails in bid to block niece's tell-all book

Jennifer Brandel steps down as CEO of Hearken, which helps newsrooms connect with audiences, as Hearken merges with Switchboard, which helps manage communities — Hi reader. Thanks for seeing this headline and being curious enough to click. — The TL;DR: I'm moving out of the CEO role …
@jenniferbrandel, @mattderienzo, @loganjaffe, @coreyhaines, @ainekerr, @richgor, @marazepeda, @mjenkins, @coralproject, @sandhya__k, @jnelz and @juliewestfall
Jennifer Brandel / @jenniferbrandel: So ... I have some news. Been in the works for 10 months. Relieved to share, excited for what's to come.
Matt DeRienzo / @mattderienzo: Few people have had a bigger impact on journalism (local, in particular) in recent years than Jenn Brandel. Beyond Hearken's success as a company, “Hearken” has become a word that newsrooms far beyond its client base understand to mean authentic audience-first engagement.
Logan Jaffe / @loganjaffe: “To help them see the ways in which the culture of journalism is complicit in perpetuating processes and narratives that consolidate power, uphold white supremacy and limit the democratic imagination.” Congrats on this next step, @JenniferBrandel. To future transformations! 🥂
Corey Haines / @coreyhaines: Excited to see the next stage of @wearehearken as, 5 years in, it moves farther along into the “standing up” stage. Very promising moves forward.
Aine Kerr / @ainekerr: You @JenniferBrandel are an inspiration. So heartening and uplifting to see the team of incredible women you've built as the leadership team @wearehearken. Onwards 👊
Rich Gordon / @richgor: Big news for all of us who care about the future of journalism — and for one of my favorite changemakers in journalism, @JenniferBrandel, not to mention her extraordinarily impactful company @wearehearken.
Mara Zepeda / @marazepeda: Oh happy day! Read all about the thrilling news of the Hearken/Switchboard merger, what's in store for my next chapter, the heroic journey of my muse, collaborator and inspiration, @JenniferBrandel & the company's new leadership under the extraordinary @ChelseaHaring
Mandy Jenkins / @mjenkins: So proud of @JenniferBrandel for all she's built, but more importantly for breaking out of the expected career path for founders. May her journey be an inspiration for ideamakers everywhere.
Coral by / @coralproject: Huge congratulations to @JenniferBrandel and team for the new iteration of @wearehearken + @switchboardHQ. Onwards, friends.
Sandhya Kambhampati / @sandhya__k: Congratulations @kavyaSukumar, very excited for you & @wearehearken!

UNC report finds that ~25% of the 9K newspapers published in 2004 have failed and 1,800 communities that had papers in 2004 are now news deserts — The relentless spread of news deserts was speeding up even before the coronavirus incapacitated local economies, and since then the rate has accelerated some more.
@poynter, @chrisburkeshay, @brettdl, @newsguild, @kurtschlichter, @abrahamjoseph, @borzou, @kreissdaniel, @penamerica, @rubinojc, @mirakamdar, @susanchira, @poynter, @politicswolf, @kemc, @annieisi, @mjrochester, @spytalker, @egavactip, @mirinfader, @michaellycklama, The Rural Blog and Columbia Journalism Review
@poynter: At least 1,800 communities that had a local news outlet in 2004 were without one at the beginning of 2020 according to research from @UNCHussman #USNewsDesert
Christopher Shay / @chrisburkeshay: We need to the save the news. Local democracy dies in darkness too:
Brett Levy / @brettdl: About 25% of all U.S. #newspapers have died out over 15 years, according to a new UNC study. The more than 300 that failed since 2018 bring the total loss of newspapers to 2,100 since 2005. Online is not making up the difference. #LocalNews #journalism
NewsGuild-CWA / @newsguild: Must-read from Penny Abernathy (@businessofnews): Since late 2018, 300 newspapers have closed. “We are at a moment of reckoning. The local news ecosystem is in peril.” This is a watershed year & the choices we make will determine the future of local news
Kurt Schlichter / @kurtschlichter: We can do better than that! Come on America, destroy the garbage mainstream media!
@abrahamjoseph: As someone currently poring through old articles from local newspapers for crucial information about corruption and power that national outlets never bothered with, I can firmly say that the death of local journalism is fucking horrible for society in myriad ways
Borzou Daragahi / @borzou: ‘Since the fall of 2018, 300 more newspapers have failed, bringing the death toll to 2,100, almost 25% of the 9,000 newspapers that were being published 15 years ago.’
Daniel Kreiss / @kreissdaniel: Critical work from @businessofnews @CISLMUNC @UNCHussman that should inform all our research.
PEN America / @penamerica: A new study from UNC finds that a quarter of all US newspapers have died in the past 15 years. “The coronavirus pandemic,” the report says, “has reminded us, yet again, of the vital importance of local news.” Yet local news face economic threats again.
Joe / @rubinojc: A timeline that coincides with America becoming more fractured and misinformed.
Mira Kamdar / @mirakamdar: This is just terrible news for a democracy that is already struggling.
Susan Chira / @susanchira: Read it and weep.
@poynter: The relentless spread of news deserts was speeding up even before the coronavirus incapacitated local economies, and since then the rate has accelerated some more. Read about @UNCHussman's research:
Stephen Wolf / @politicswolf: The demise of local & regional newspapers is a catastrophe for democracy that makes government less accountable, exacerbates corruption, & enables Facebook to increase its toxic reach, which further undermines local & regional newspapers
Kathleen McLaughlin / @kemc: A staggering loss of information and civic connection, something that can be difficult to understand if you don't live in one of these vacuums.
Anne Godlasky / @annieisi: 1,800 communities without a watchdog — without politicians, businesses & others in power being held to account
Jeff Stein / @spytalker: Who ya gonna call when you want to find out about your tax bill, school board meeting or new zoning laws?
Mark Pitcavage / @egavactip: As a historian and a researcher, I am all too painfully aware of what an incredible disaster and tragedy this is.
Mirin Fader / @mirinfader: “Will our actions lead to an extinction of local newspapers? Or will they lead to a reset: an acknowledgment of what's at stake if we lose local news, as well as a recommitment to the civic mission of journalism and a determination to support its renewal?”
Michael Lycklama / @michaellycklama: This includes 14 in Idaho. (And a 15th was added when Payette's Independent-Enterprise closed last week).
Al Cross / The Rural Blog: U.S. lost 1/4 of its newspapers in last 15 years, 1/3 of them non-metro, says updated study by UNC journalism professor
Lauren Harris / Columbia Journalism Review: The journalism crisis is gaining momentum.