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Trump announced on Twitter on Friday that the Defense Department “will NOT be cutting funding to @starsandstripes magazine” — The Pentagon has ordered the shut down of the military's independent newspaper, Stars and Stripes, despite objections by Congress, per the AP.
@stevenbeynon, Associated Press, East Bay Times, Newser, @paulrieckhoff, @maggienyt, @jeremymbarr, @vivian and SPJ News
Steve Beynon / @stevenbeynon: I read Stars and Stripes on a mountain in Afghanistan when I was a 19 year old aspiring journalist. Now I work there. This doesn't stop the journalism. I'm juggling 3 future news stories today.
Lolita C. Baldor / Associated Press: Trump says he won't let Pentagon close Stars and Stripes newspaper
Lolita C. Baldor / East Bay Times: Pentagon orders Stars and Stripes newspaper to shut down
Bob Cronin / Newser: Stars and Stripes Newspaper Is Ordered to Shut Down
Paul Rieckhoff / @paulrieckhoff: This. Yet again, #Yesper does Trump's political bidding, at the expense of our troops, only to be hung out to dry by Trump later.
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: White House officials are calling this an Esper prerogative, say Trump wasn't aware. He was shown/told of the media coverage and reacted.
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: The Department of Defense is referring press inquires to the White House about the president's tweet, which seemingly overrides their order to close Stars and Stripes.
Vivian Schiller / @vivian: .@TheAtlantic saved @starsandstripes

Leaked memo orders dissolution of military news outlet Stars and Stripes with final issue on Sept. 30, though Congress hasn't approved proposal to cut subsidy — Trump wants to pull funding from Stars and Stripes, a newspaper for American troops that began in the Civil War and has been serving our soldiers.
@realdonaldtrump, Associated Press, New York Times, Nieman Lab, Stars & Stripes, Washington Post, @vivian, The Atlantic, Stars & Stripes,, New York Times, @mollymckew, @cherijacobus, @niemanlab, @mollyjongfast, @andyorin, @paulrieckhoff, @jimsciutto, Deadline, NPR, @vivian, @justinhendrix, @mrbromwich, @freedomofpress, @adamserwer, @vivian, @repswalwell, Gizmodo, @guerrillascribe, @valerieinsinna, @secupp, @glennkesslerwp, @jeremymbarr, @repvaldemings, @giacomonyt, @tedlieu, @armyofnaveed, @vmjaggard99, @ktumulty, @maddow, @farhip, @steveliewer, @vivian, @paulsonne, @niemanlab, @raju, The Guardian, @rabrowne75, Washington Examiner, @aghamilton29, @rosental, CNN, @senatorhassan, @raju, @maggienyt, @clairecmc, @howardfineman, Task & Purpose, @doctrine_man, @raju, New York Post, @dyllyp, The Hill, Axios, Task & Purpose, Politico, The Week, The Wrap, Boing Boing and Slate
Donald J. Trump / @realdonaldtrump: The United States of America will NOT be cutting funding to @starsandstripes magazine under my watch. It will continue to be a wonderful source of information to our Great Military!
Lolita C. Baldor / Associated Press: Pentagon orders shutdown of Stars and Stripes newspaper
Laura Hazard Owen / Nieman Lab: The Pentagon orders the military newspaper Stars and Stripes to shut down by the end of the month
Corey Dickstein / Stars & Stripes: Bipartisan group of senators urges Esper to keep funding Stars and Stripes
Washington Post: Stars and Stripes closure ordered by Pentagon as Trump, lawmakers signal push to save legendary military newspaper
Vivian Schiller / @vivian: Unpopular opinion, but yet again i'm reminded that government funding in journalism is toxic. Just to be clear, the defunding of @starsandstripes and the dismantling at @USAGMgov are an abomination and should be fought, but...
Jeffrey Goldberg / The Atlantic: Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’
Helene Cooper / New York Times: Trump Says He Will Reverse Pentagon Plan to Close Newspaper That Informs and Speaks for Troops
Molly McKew / @mollymckew: Hey @starsandstripes — set up a fundraising site now. Take it independent. There are a lot of people who will help.
Cheri Jacobus / @cherijacobus: At 2:54 I tweeted that a group of vets had informed Congress they wanted to buy Stars and Stripes. I'm sure GOP Cong also informed Trump of the letter. Shortly thereafter, @realDonaldTrump tweeted this:
@niemanlab: The $15.5 million annual subsidy for Stars and Stripes is 0.002% of the Pentagon's proposed $740 billion budget for 2021. ...
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: What if trump doesn't actually love the troops at all?
Andy Orin / @andyorin: A single F35 costs about 8x Stars and Stripes annual budget
Paul Rieckhoff / @paulrieckhoff: Another @starsandstripes reporter. And a combat vet himself. Trump is attacking the media, the military—and will be driving up vet unemployment. At least by a few.
Greg Evans / Deadline: Donald Trump Pledges Continued Funding For ‘Stars And Stripes’ After Reports Of The Publication's Forced Closure - Update
Vivian Schiller / @vivian: ...fundamentally, political pressure is inevitable. That has been true for years in public media as @CPBmedia uses its federal funding to reward those who take no risk and brook no controversy.
Justin Hendrix / @justinhendrix: @raju @vivian The issue isn't the source it's governance. We can define ways to make government funded media accountable and nonpartisan, just as we've done with science, health, etc...
Michael R. Bromwich / @mrbromwich: The arsonist sets the fire, sneaks away, then returns to the scene to douse the flames, expecting to be greeted as the conquering hero. We've seen this movie before. It's been in reruns for years.
@freedomofpress: A bipartisan group of 15 senators have warned the Defense Secretary that ceasing publication of Stars and Stripes, the military's independent newspaper, would be illegal
@adamserwer: Referring to Stars and Stripes as a “magazine” just further evidence of Trump's deep connection with, and reverence for, The Troops.
Vivian Schiller / @vivian: We need to solve for these existing organization which do critical work, but the best path in the long run is remove government from journalism entirely.
Rep. Eric Swalwell / @repswalwell: Now do Russian bounties.
Dell Cameron / Gizmodo: ‘Stars and Stripes’ Ordered to Stop Printing
Not That Matt Moore / @guerrillascribe: Grew up reading @starsandstripes. When posted in Germany for AP, I subscribed to the paper at home & work. Anytime I was at a U.S. military post, it was read voraciously. It's important. Not just for U.S. military personnel abroad, but their families, too.
Valerie Insinna / @valerieinsinna: Some of my most beloved colleagues—@TaraCopp , @LeoShane , @JournoGeoffZ and @JeffSchogol —cut their teeth at @starsandstripes and now produce some of the best military journalism out there. Stripes is not only a great publication, its a vital training ground for young journos
S.E. Cupp / @secupp: I don't know if Trump called dead American soldiers “losers,” but I do know he has no visible understanding of their service. He's decided his disdain for journalists is more important than a vital publication that's served our men and women in uniform for more than a century.
Glenn Kessler / @glennkesslerwp: Hmmm, it looks like the fallout from @TheAtlantic article helped save a venerable news organization. Quite a shift in administration policy in a few hours.
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: Ombudsman Ernie Gates on Trump's tweet: “I've been saying that Secretary Esper should rescind the shutdown order and commit to funding Stars and Stripes. So I'm glad to see the president making that commitment first. I hope to see details beyond the tweet, from the Pentagon ...”
Rep. Val Demings / @repvaldemings: Stars and Stripes is a voice for our service members. It informs them, it advocates for them. Shutting it down is an attack on them.
Carol Giacomo / @giacomonyt: None. And it's not like it costs much to run the paper, especially given the huge Pentagon budget.
Ted Lieu / @tedlieu: I read Stars and Stripes extensively when I served on active duty in Guam, as did many military members and their families. Why are @EsperDoD and @realDonaldTrump hurting our military again? Also, when is @POTUS going to condemn Putin for paying the Taliban to kill US troops?
@armyofnaveed: I read @starsandstripes on a mountain in Korea when I was a 19 year old soldier. Reporters like Steve and @eslavin_stripes told the stories of soldiers like me, and gave us a lifeline home. #SaveStarsandStripes
Victoria Jaggard / @vmjaggard99: As a military kid who spent two posts overseas in the pre-internet days - and who now works as a career journalist - I am infuriated by this news.
Karen Tumulty / @ktumulty: @GlennKesslerWP @TheAtlantic Also, Stars and Stripes is a newspaper. But I quibble. Great news.
Rachel Maddow / @maddow: If the White House wants damage control on these multiple reports about the president disparaging the military, maybe today would be a good day to hit pause on his inexplicable order to kill the beloved, storied military newspaper Stars and Stripes.
Paul Farhi / @farhip: Update: Trump says funding for @STARSANDSTRIPES won't be cut, reversing long-standing Pentagon plan to do so:
Steve Liewer / @steveliewer: Just to be clear, shutting down #StarsandStripes isn't a red/blue issue. Both parties support it. It's governing documents require it to be non-partisan.
Vivian Schiller / @vivian: @raju There are a definitely examples of publicly funded news media other countries that work. But I don't think it does/can here in the US.
Paul Sonne / @paulsonne: Note: The slashing of Stars and Stripes funding was proposed earlier this year in *Trump's own budget request to Congress*
@niemanlab: News about forced shutdown of @starsandstripes came as @TheAtlantic reported that Trump called American soldiers who died in war “losers” and tried to prevent veterans with amputated limbs from joining a military parade because “nobody wants to see that.”
Raju Narisetti / @raju: @vivian Prime example, despite annual appropriations which should make it very vulnerable/susceptible to those in power at any given time: the @FulbrightPrgrm. The question is: can we come up with smart, enduring guardrails than dismiss a clearly needed new source of journalism funding.
Martin Pengelly / The Guardian: Trump says he will not cut funding to Stars and Stripes newspaper
Ryan Browne / @rabrowne75: Defense Secretary @EsperDoD publicly defended cutting funding for @starsandstripes in February so this would constitute a reversal of Administration policy
Mike Brest / Washington Examiner: Pentagon orders military newspaper to shut down by end of the month
@aghamilton29: A bad move. Plenty of places to cut costs in the Pentagon budget. Stars and Stripes does good stories on important military issues that aren't really covered anywhere else.
@rosental: The Pentagon orders the military newspaper Stars and Stripes to shut down this month. “Trump has taken over VOA, Radio Free Europe, etc...planting loyalists, firing critical journalists. He can't do that with Stripes so he's just...zeroing out the budget.”
Oliver Darcy / CNN: Future of Stars and Stripes unclear as Defense Dept. orders it to shutter while Congress debates budget
Sen. Maggie Hassan / @senatorhassan: Service members and their families rely on @starsandstripes for the latest military news. But the Defense Department inexplicably wants to defund it. I'm working with a bipartisan group of senators to save Stars and Stripes.
Raju Narisetti / @raju: @vivian Past shouldn't be prologue.
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: Flip flop
Claire McCaskill / @clairecmc: Can you believe this guy? Lindsey? Ernst? Anybody? Trump and Stars and Stripes: attacking an American icon
@howardfineman: .@starsandstripes is more than a newspaper. It is a symbol of our believe in free speech and a free press, even, with some limits, in the military and even in wartime. It's needed for the morale of soldiers who fight for—and believe in—freedom. That's why #Trump wants it gone.
Ryan Pickrell / Task & Purpose: Trump has vowed to save Stars and Stripes after the Pentagon moved to cut its funding
Doctrine Man / @doctrine_man: $15.5M is pocket change. If you're serving overseas, it's worth every penny.
Raju Narisetti / @raju: @vivian Meanwhile, govts in some countries are now simply trying to legislate their way for select companies to pay for journalism, which is equally problematic public policy. There are lots of examples of govt funded programs both withstanding politics over decades and doing good
Lia Eustachewich / New York Post: Pentagon to shut down military newspaper Stars and Stripes
Dylan / @dyllyp: Yup. I read Stars and Stripes in a hole in Iraq because we didn't have the internet. I have an entire chapter about it in my new book and one of the characters in a show I'm developing is a Stars and Stripes reporter. It's been a mainstay for troops for centuries.
Morgan Chalfant / The Hill: Trump says he won't cut funding for Stars and Stripes
Laurin-Whitney Gottbrath / Axios: Trump says Pentagon won't cut funding to 159-year-old newspaper, Stars and Stripes
Jeff Schogol / Task & Purpose: Stars and Stripes could cease publication on Sept. 30 without DoD funding, lawmakers warn
Matthew Choi / Politico: Trump says Stars and Stripes will stay funded, after reports the Pentagon was shutting it down
Brendan Morrow / The Week: Trump administration reportedly orders military newspaper Stars and Stripes to shut down
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Pentagon Orders Military News Outlet Stars and Stripes to Shut Down

Facebook's pre-election ban on political ads will likely suppress key speech and is a de facto ban on campaigns responding on Facebook to late-breaking news — On Thursday, Facebook announced a set of U.S. election season changes to political advertising and content moderation.
ProPublica, @kreissdaniel, Gizmodo, @kreissdaniel, @kreissdaniel, @tatendacheryl, @unc_citap, @epolitics, @tatendacheryl, New York Times, @unchussman, @deaneckles, @kreissdaniel, @civic_signals, @giladedelman, @digiphile, @tatendacheryl, @s_m_i, The Verge, AdExchanger and Al Jazeera, more at Techmeme »
Jeremy B. Merrill / ProPublica: Facebook's Political Ad Ban Also Threatens Ability to Spread Accurate Information on How to Vote
Daniel Kreiss / @kreissdaniel: Holy shit: “Included in the ban are ads purchased by election officials — secretaries of state and boards of elections — who use Facebook to inform voters about how voting will work.”
Daniel Kreiss / @kreissdaniel: @MattPerault @Facebook @Slate “While we appreciate that Mark Zuckerberg is attentive to his company's role in democracy, two months before the most consequential election of our lifetimes isn't the right time to experiment.”
Daniel Kreiss / @kreissdaniel: @MattPerault @Facebook @Slate In the end: “In the end, decisions about electoral speech should be made by governments, not private companies.”
Tatenda Musapatike / @tatendacheryl: The changes they purport are to protect elections and reduce misinformation are really an admission 1) they will shut down all paid political comms to protect candidate's right to lie 2) they are incapable of accurately enforcing their own policies
@unc_citap: “ we pointed out when Twitter announced its policy, bans are likely to muzzle important political speech and disproportionately burden challenger campaigns while benefiting more powerful incumbents with large organic reach on social media platforms.”
Colin Delany / @epolitics: Excellent points from @kreissdaniel & @MattPerault, partice on rapid response. I noted yesterday on @epolitics that campaigns should prepare their followers to help with organic rapid response in the last week b4 election day, when they can't run new ads.
Tatenda Musapatike / @tatendacheryl: It is a best practice for GOTV to alert people about deadlines. There are indications from research that creative that says “today” or “tomorrow” has higher impact on people's behavior to vote or register to vote. The urgency spurs action... FB DNGAF
@unchussman: “Facebook's pre-Election Day ban on political ads will likely suppress important speech,” argue @UNC Hussman's @kreissdaniel and @DukeU's @MattPerault in @Slate today. #politicalads #digitalads #ncpol #facebook
Dean Eckles / @deaneckles: Great summary of what we know and what we don't know about the consequences of Facebook's ban on new political ads immediately prior to the election from @kreissdaniel @MattPerault
Daniel Kreiss / @kreissdaniel: @MattPerault @Facebook @Slate But also a strong caution for those who assume that these changes will be good for democracy or good for Democrats/the left. And since Facebook is Facebook - who knows what enforcement will look like and if these will be the same policies a few days from now.
@civic_signals: “A blackout period may have little impact on whether people see misinformation, but might have a significant detrimental effect on efforts to get more people to vote.”
Gilad Edelman / @giladedelman: “The reality is that we don't have the data we need to evaluate Facebook's decision-making, so it is simply not clear whether any of these changes in policy or enforcement were the right ones.” One of many good points by @MattPerault and @kreissdaniel here
Alex Howard / @digiphile: Dear @Facebook, Please exempt Secretaries of State & boards of elections like @Vote4DC from your new “quiet period” before Election Day. Upholding election integrity means amplifying trustworthy sources of info & connecting voters, not blocking officials:
Tatenda Musapatike / @tatendacheryl: Love the kind of morning where you settle in to re-review your GOTV plan and realize FB's back at it. As someone who used to *deliver* the news of FB changes due to security or election protection or improved functionality, can confirm the feelings of anxiety are pretty similar.
Stacy-Marie Ishmael / @s_m_i: “Included in the ban are ads purchased by election officials — secretaries of state and boards of elections — who use Facebook to inform voters about how voting will work.”
Casey Newton / The Verge: How Facebook's new election rules sidestep the real problem
AdExchanger: Facebook (Finally) Takes Some Action On Political Ads; Brands Demand Flexibility On Their TV Spend
Inside Story / Al Jazeera: Can Facebook stop US election misinformation?

California's Gov. Gavin Newsom signs a bill allowing exemptions from the AB5 labor law for freelance writers, some workers in the music industry, and others — More California industries can hire independent contractors instead of employees with benefits under a bill Gov. Gavin Newsom signed …

BuzzFeed will refer to QAnon as a “collective delusion” from now as it better describes the phenomenon of debunked ideas guiding the beliefs of a group — What is QAnon? — It's not easy to describe, but one thing we know to be true: It's not a conspiracy theory — it's bigger.
@andrewcouts, @sroit, @justinhendrix, @brooklynmarie, @egavactip, @thegarance, Gizmodo, @debramessing, @annehelen, @thomdunn, @rmac18, @umairh, @thomdunn, @iiwrites, Lead Stories and New York Times
Andrew Couts / @andrewcouts: The Gizmodo Copy Desk is making the decision to call QAnon “the future of the GOP.”
Justin Hendrix / @justinhendrix: Isn't “cult” a better term?
Brooke Binkowski / @brooklynmarie: I disagree strongly with this descriptor. It is not a delusion. It is a classic example of a weaponized, anti-Semitic conspiracy theory of the types circulated by Stalin and Hitler to offer themselves and others permission to act on hideous impulses ...
Mark Pitcavage / @egavactip: @n8coombs It's not an objective term; it's a negative label. An objective alternative to “conspiracy theory” would be simply “the QAnon movement.”
Garance Franke-Ruta / @thegarance: Good call
Tom McKay / Gizmodo: In response to BuzzFeed News's statement that it will now primarily refer to QAnon as a …
Anne Helen Petersen / @annehelen: “The copydesk has to stay on top of language and note when terms become stale and reductive; QAnon has shifted, and so should how we write about it. QAnon is a collective delusion, and that's what BuzzFeed News will be calling it from now on.”
@thomdunn: This is a really interesting linguistic decision — and probably, ultimately a crucial one. “Conspiracy Theories” can be benign, like thinking Andrew WK was replaced by an actor working for the Illuminati. QAnon is something far, far more frightening.
Ryan Mac / @rmac18: Get yourself a copy desk (@styleguide) that can tell it like it is. ...
@umairh: I'd say that all racism is a form of delusion, one which we're socialized into, but has no basis in reality whatsoever.
@thomdunn: (Conspiracies can also absolutely be real, which is why “conspiracy” is an actual kind of crime. People in power conspire all the time. The CIA pushes drugs in communities. Tom Delonge releases boring videos of actual experimental aircraft, etc. QAnon is decidedly not real.)
Imaeyen Ibanga / @iiwrites: .@BuzzFeedNews' copy desk out here doing the Lord's work ...
Victoria Eavis / Lead Stories: Fact Check: ‘Med Beds’ And ‘Tesla Chambers’ Are NOT Rapid-Healing Devices Created By Extra-Terrestrials That Have Been Hidden From The Public
Spencer Bokat-Lindell / New York Times: We Are Not Going to Fact-Check Our Way Out of QAnon

Sources: Warner Bros. has suspended The Batman filming in UK after Robert Pattinson tested positive for the coronavirus — Vanity Fair has learned the star came down with the virus just days after shooting resumed. — Robert Pattinson has tested positive for the coronavirus …
Deadline, Deadline, The Wrap, Variety, @mattbors, UPROXX, The Daily Beast,, Variety, The Playlist, Ad Age, @gramatik, @markbspiegel, @mikeryan, @jamesrbuk, @loudmouthjulia, New York Times, Deadline, The Guardian, MTV, NME, Breitbart, Mediaite, Marin Independent Journal, Mercury News, Gizmodo, The Week, /Film, The A.V. Club, IndieWire, Fortune, Polygon, The Verge,, PAPER, CNET, New York Post and Hollywood Reporter
Anthony D'Alessandro / Deadline: ‘The Batman’ COVID-19 Shutdown: WarnerMedia Studios & Networks Boss Ann Sarnoff Hoping To Return To Production “Very Soon”
Anthony D'Alessandro / Deadline: ‘The Batman’ UK Production Halted After Robert Pattinson Tests Positive For Coronavirus - Update
Rebecca Rubin / Variety: ‘The Batman’ Halts Filming After Crew Member Tests Positive for Coronavirus
Matt Bors / @mattbors: A Contagion montage tracing coronavirus from a bat in china all the way to robert pattinson on the set of The Batman.
Kimberly Ricci / UPROXX: Tyler Perry's Production Bubble Is Working: He Wrapped A TV Season This Week And Started Filming Another One
Charles Barfield / The Playlist: WB CEO Talks 'The Batman's' Latest Production Halt: “We Never Expected Things To Go Completely Smoothly”
I-Hsien Sherwood / Ad Age: McDonald's menu gets a celebrity update, and Google faces imminent antitrust charges: Friday Wake-Up Call
Mark B. Spiegel / @markbspiegel: This is how you know he's just an actor... If he were a REAL Batman, he'd be like “I *give* coronavirus, I don't GET it!”
Mike Ryan / @mikeryan: “Go see Tenet. We can't keep our own star safe but yes we promise *you'll* be fine.”
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: The same studio that has shut down production on one of its biggest films because the movie's star contracted the virus despite extreme safety precautions in place is also asking people to go out and spend $15 to watch Tenet tomorrow. Not great.
Tom Tapp / Deadline: Los Angeles County Coronavirus Update: Chief Medical Officer Says, “There Certainly Have Been Cases” On Film And TV Sets In L.A.
Jessica Murray / The Guardian: Batman star Robert Pattinson ‘tests positive for Covid-19’
Patrick Hosken / MTV: Robert Pattinson Reportedly Tested Positive For Coronavirus
Tobi Akingbade / NME: Robert Pattinson ‘tests positive for coronavirus’ forcing ‘The Batman’ to stop filming
Jerome Hudson / Breitbart: Report: ‘The Batman’ Star Robert Pattinson Tests Positive for COVID-19, Forcing Filming to Halt
Leia Idliby / Mediaite: The Batman Halts Production After Robert Pattison, the Caped Crusader Himself, Tests Positive For Coronavirus
Martha Ross / Marin Independent Journal: COVID-19 pandemic shuts down ‘The Batman’ production a 2nd time
Martha Ross / Mercury News: Robert Pattinson has reportedly tested positive for COVID-19, halting ‘The Batman’ production
Germain Lussier / Gizmodo: The Batman Pauses Production as Robert Pattinson Contracts Covid-19
Brendan Morrow / The Week: The Batman halts filming after Robert Pattinson reportedly tests positive for COVID-19
Ethan Anderton / /Film: UPDATED: ‘The Batman’ Production Halted Temporarily After Robert Pattinson Tests Positive for COVID-19
Sam Barsanti / The A.V. Club: Production on The Batman shuts down after Robert Pattinson reportedly tests positive for COVID-19
Ryan Lattanzio / IndieWire: Robert Pattinson Tests Positive for COVID-19, ‘The Batman’ Production Is Suspended Immediately
Nicole Carpenter / Polygon: The Batman pauses filming after Robert Pattinson tests positive for COVID-19
Kim Lyons / The Verge: Robert Pattinson reportedly has COVID-19, and The Batman has halted production
Sandra Song / PAPER: Robert Pattinson Reportedly Tests Positive For COVID-19
Ry Crist / CNET: Robert Pattinson diagnosed with COVID, pausing production on The Batman, report says
Johnny Oleksinski / New York Post: ‘Batman’ star Robert Pattinson tests positive for COVID-19: report

TikTok launches a marketing partner program to connect advertisers with companies specializing in ad campaign creation, measurement, and management — Here's some TikTok news that doesn't have to do with ByteDance being forced to sell the app's US operations.
TikTok, Ad Age, MediaPost, @collmerica, CNET, TechCrunch and Tubefilter, more at Techmeme »
Laurie Sullivan / MediaPost: Kantar Becomes Only Measurement Partner In TikTok's Newly Launched Marketing Program
Alex Collmer / @collmerica: Great to see the amazing @stephgarofoli quoted in this article. She was @vidmob's first employee. And now she's one of the best in the industry. ... @AdExchanger @theratchetdoris
Carrie Mihalcik / CNET: China confirms it'll play a role in the sale of TikTok, report says
Ingrid Lunden / TechCrunch: As it awaits its US fate, TikTok rolls out new marketing tools and Stitch to let users sample other videos

Reuters announces it is partnering with Facebook to give users live US election results, including vote tabulation, exit polls, and winner projections — Reuters announced today a partnership with Facebook to provide social media users with live U.S. election night results.
American Press Institute, @blackamazon, @jmgrygiel, @ericdanetz, @niemanlab and Talking Biz News
@blackamazon: But I thought we were avoiding horse race projections .. I just
@jmgrygiel: Facebook should be partnering w you re the coronavirus too instead of just directing US-based users to the CDC which is under political influence. We need an intervention here in the interest of public healthy and safety. Please help if you can.
Eric Danetz / @ericdanetz: Glad to announce that the @Reuters team will be partnering with @Facebook to deliver live #USElection night results. This partnership is a push to provide users with authoritative information in real time, while ensuring the accuracy of the news.

Facebook says it will stop accepting new political ads a week before the US presidential election, as part of steps to protect against election interference
@zeynep, New York Times, Mark Zuckerberg, @ewarren, @sentedcruz, @maziehirono, The Nation, @anandwrites, @dabeard, Business Insider, Protocol, CNN, @karaswisher, @kenroth, @ekp, @repspeier, @rashadrobinson, @naral, @marietjeschaake, @dccc, @moonalice, @alexstamos, @donie, @phil_mattingly, @public_citizen, @mlmillerphd, @prof_mirya, @sarahksilverman, @antoniogm, @joshelman, @sarahfrier, @josh_lawson, @bjrich_, @mollywood, @sifill_ldf, @benyt, @carolecadwalla, @scontorno, @issielapowsky, @davemcclure, @mattyglesias, @alexandriajwitt, @joshgerstein, @meganclasen, @kreissdaniel, @climatepower, @jbouie, @taraemcg, @timcast, @profgalloway, @ruskin147, CBS News, @pkafka, Rob Leathern, TheStreet, East Bay Times, NBC New York, Reuters and NBC10 Philadelphia, more at Techmeme »
Zeynep Tufekci / @zeynep: There are the details. And there is this: Mark Zuckerberg, alone, gets to set key rules—with significant consequences—for one of the most important elections in recent history. That should not be lost in the dust of who these changes will hurt or benefit.
Mark Zuckerberg: The US elections are just two months away, and with Covid-19 affecting communities across the country …
Elizabeth Warren / @ewarren: Not enough. Facebook has repeatedly fumbled its responsibility to protect our democracy. Now the stakes are higher than ever—and they need to do more than make small, performative tweaks.
Senator Ted Cruz / @sentedcruz: Facebook's decision to ban new political ads in the week leading up to Election Day threaten the integrity of our elections & the future of our democracy. These actions are the latest example of #BigTech's repeated attempts to manipulate Americans' votes.
Senator Mazie Hirono / @maziehirono: Color me not impressed.
Jeet Heer / The Nation: Mark Zuckerberg Has Set Our Democracy On Fire
Anand Giridharadas / @anandwrites: If your ads are too dangerous a week before the election, your ads are also too dangerous now.
David Beard / @dabeard: Facebook's change to its political ad rules will make it harder for officials to get out accurate information about the election in the week before the vote. via @propublica
Oma Seddiq / Business Insider: Mark Zuckerberg says he personally told President Trump that some of his ‘rhetoric was problematic’
David Pierce / Protocol: The new new rules of online politics
Donie O'Sullivan / CNN: Facebook will limit some advertising in the week before the US election — but it will let politicians run ads with lies
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: Horse meet open barn door you just ran out of via @NYTimes
Kenneth Roth / @kenroth: Better late than never: Facebook moves to prevent late “October surprise” electoral misinformation, to stop voter suppression efforts, and to minimize false claims of victory.
Ellen K. Pao / @ekp: Facebook is making superficial changes instead of addressing the core problem: an engagement engine that amplifies misinformation and hate for profit 1/
Jackie Speier / @repspeier: A step forward, but what about political ad campaigns already pumping out false info; algorithms that amplify lies, violence & misogyny; the refusal to fact check ads or take down distorted videos; & Facebook groups that become echo chambers for false info? Facebook MUST do more!
Rashad Robinson / @rashadrobinson: Facebook's new election policy is a step in the right direction. But political ads are not the only problem. Facebook AND Congress must address misinformation shared in posts (including the president's), fire policy chief Joel Kaplan & limit Zuckerberg's power over our democracy.
@naral: Well that's a swing and a miss from Facebook today. This is nothing more than a PR stunt that won't stop the spread of disinformation. Try again, FB.
Marietje Schaake / @marietjeschaake: Do we trust the butcher to test their own meat....? Exactly ↘️
@dccc: DCCC Chairwoman @CheriBustos and DSCC Chairwoman @CatherineForNV issued the following statement on Facebook's announcement it will ban new political ads in the final week before the election:
Roger McNamee / @moonalice: .@ewarren is correct. FB moves today on election security are too little, way too late. They are not actually a solution, but a dodge or responsibility.
Alex Stamos / @alexstamos: I see we are once again in a cycle of snarky one-liners replacing any thoughtful nuance on how we should regulate political speech in a democracy, even from professional pundits and journalists. @zeynep, as usual, is right on the meta-issue of power:
Donie O'Sullivan / @donie: NEW: Facebook to limit some advertising week before election 🚨 🚨 🚨 BUT will still let politicians run ads with lies through Election Day
Phil Mattingly / @phil_mattingly: pretty important caveat!
@public_citizen: Facebook, which refuses to restrict dishonest political ads, is expected to make $787,000,000 on political ads this election cycle.
Mike Miller, PhD / @mlmillerphd: This is like smoking reds the whole year and then switching to lights the week before a marathon.
Mirya R. Holman / @prof_mirya: I'm going to NOT DRINK (port wine) the week before the election I will, however, be drinking whiskey every day
Sarah Silverman / @sarahksilverman: “Mr. President you only have 7 more weeks of paying me to post your tens-of-thousands of micro- targeted lies and then that's IT 'cause I'm ETHICAL!”
Antonio Garca Martnez / @antoniogm: “I'm also worried that with our nation so divided and election results potentially taking days or even weeks to be finalized, there could be an increased risk of civil unrest across the country.” Zuck post on FB's plan toward a contested election.
Josh Elman / @joshelman: This is a scary post from Zuckerberg and Facebook on what they are doing to try to preserve a fair election. It shows how much fear there is that there is a loss of central trust in the information we get from others and “official” sources.
Sarah Frier / @sarahfrier: Facebook preparing for November's election to be messy. among top concerns: politicians declaring victory before results are tallied, which may not be done on election night.
Josh Lawson / @josh_lawson: New and significant work announced this morning (thread). #Election2020
@bjrich_: Not sure how many times it needs to be said, but since FB continues to fail in taking substantive action to address systemic issues with their platforms, it appears it needs to be said again: THE ADs ARE NOT THE PROBLEM This is window dressing in an attempt to take the heat off
Molly Wood / @mollywood: And really glad this is yesterday's #MakeMeSmart because ... yup. ...
Sherrilyn Ifill / @sifill_ldf: Headlines on the Facebook announcement this morning focused solely on ads, when there's more to explore here.We need probing of what the “informational labels” will look like for voter fraud posts & for posts declaring victory before “final results.”
Ben Smith / @benyt: In the absence of regulation, Facebook is trying to kind of invent a government framework. Next comes the parliament:
Carole Cadwalladr / @carolecadwalla: It is a huge relief that Facebook is doing *something*. But it still needs to do so much more
Steve Contorno / @scontorno: The ads are not the problem. Facebook groups, pages and events are created by bad actors and are amplified without a single penny spent on ads.
Issie Lapowsky / @issielapowsky: As a reporter, Facebook's ad policy is interesting. But as an American, Mark's whole post is terrifying. FB's a global company that's worked through elections in countries with no peaceful transfer of power. That feels like what they're preparing for here.
Dave McClure / @davemcclure: this should be re-titled “Facebook will NOT stop accepting $$$ for political advertising, except for 7 days out of the last 4 years.”
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: I wrote and deleted so many takes on this Facebook decision, and this one is a lot better than anything I could come up with —>
Alex Witt / @alexandriajwitt: Last week a post by Donald Trump claiming Democrats removed “under God” from the pledge during the #DemConvention got more than 500k interactions on Facebook—organically. If Facebook wants to limit misinformation, it should start with organic content.
Josh Gerstein / @joshgerstein: Speech controls are complicated!
Megan Clasen / @meganclasen: 1. Conservative pages including Trump's are organically the top reaching pages every single day, so banning ads is imposing far more limitations on Dems 2. Even if we thought this was an effective way to stop misinformation, a historic # of people will vote EV & VBM before week 1
Daniel Kreiss / @kreissdaniel: And yeah - this. Not to mention we rely on the charitable giving of tech moguls to fund essential election infrastructure. American democray is rotting.
Climate Power / @climatepower: If @Facebook were serious about stopping misinformation on everything from climate to mail-in voting, they'd make their @OversightBoard operational ASAP.
B-Boy Bouiebaisse / @jbouie: seriously: no one man should have all that power
Tara McGowan / @taraemcg: If Facebook does this + continues to classify conservative media as verified news publishers-which gives them MORE access to Facebook's proprietary audiences without spending $1 on ads on the platform than other pages- they will have unapologetically handed this election to Trump
Tim Pool / @timcast: I, like many Americans, have been begging for a Technocratic corporate quasi-government to rule over us and decide what people are allowed to see and hear
Scott Galloway / @profgalloway: Many weeks too late, an attempt at a thought of a half-measure
Rory Cellan-Jones / @ruskin147: Correction - it's only new ads that will be halted. Ones that have been approved previously can continue to run
CBS News: Mark Zuckerberg: Flagging misinformation about mail-in voting “will apply to the president”
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: Facebook says it won't take *new* political ads a week before the election - a move it has been mulling for months and months.
Rob Lenihan / TheStreet: Facebook Ramps Up November Election Safeguards

Facebook's new policies on the US election are so narrow, and come into effect so late, that they won't have any real effect on election misinformation
Chandra Steele / PCMag Australia: How to Find Out If You Can Vote by Mail
Alex Howard / @digiphile: Fact-check: @facebook is NOT doing “everything” it can, from outsourcing factchecking to not ending microtargeting to taking down social media updates by Trump that violate its policies to (most of all?) changing a newsfeed algorithm that amplifies outrage
Dan Sweeney / @daniel_sweeney: It's a start, but Facebook's real problem is kinda like the punchline in that old horror story — the call is coming from inside the house! The problem is not chiefly the ads, the problem is hundreds of thousands of members in thousands of groups spreading poison and lies.
Nina Schick / @ninadschick: Facebook throws out a few crumbs to give the impression that it takes the disinformation spreading on its platform, that is corroding the fabric of our society, seriously. ...
Rob Leathern / @robleathern: c) Advertisers will still be able to change their bid, budget and targeting on already-running ads. So elections campaigns and social issues advertisers should make sure to get their ads in before October 27th (5/5)
Jeff Richards / @jrichlive: Amazing. Basically “we acknowledge this is a massive honey pot used to manipulate elections, but there's not much we can do about it.” Frustrating.
Elizabeth Dwoskin / Washington Post: Facebook will block new political advertising the week before Election Day
Molly Wood / @mollywood: I'm gonna go ahead and say we're all kind of over the mini-measures. “The announcement wasn't just a poorly executed PR stunt from Facebook, it's a doubling down of the policies that have allowed a poisoning of the platform for years.”
Nancy Scola / @nancyscola: This line from Zuckerberg's post today = remarkable snapshot of where U.S. is two months out: “We've already strengthened our enforcement against militias, conspiracy networks...and other groups that could be used to organize violence or civil unrest...”
Steve Kovach / @stevekovach: I see one potential good thing: Claims that you'll catch Covid-19 by voting will be removed. Other than that, this is Facebook doubling down on its existing policies that have already poisoned the platform.
Matt Rosoff / @mattrosoff: “Thursday's announcement isn't just a poorly executed PR stunt from Facebook, it's a doubling down of the controversial policies that have allowed a poisoning of the platform for years.” @stevekovach brings the 🔥🔥🔥
Nu Wexler / @wexler: Slightly more ad revenue for TV, radio, newspapers, Google/YT, and other platforms that still let campaigns change traffic in the last week of the election
Shannon Connellan / Mashable: Citing risk of ‘civil unrest,’ Facebook won't accept new political ads in week before election

A 2018 Atlantic story about transgender teenagers misgendered its cover model and, experts say, crossed ethical boundaries; the magazine says it “missed a step” — Mina Brewer was going to work on a summer day in New York City when something caught his eye in a Manhattan subway station.
Melissa Gira Grant / @melissagira: “...accompanying Brewer's photo was a headline that read, 'Your Child Says She's Trans. She Wants Hormones and Surgery. She's 13.' Brewer was 22 at the time, used they/them pronouns, and had no idea he was even being considered for the cover.”
Cowsey Explosion / @caseyexplosion: Fuck everything about that god damn Atlantic piece, from the transphobic shitheel they got to write it, to the fact he laundered the opinions of a fucking anti-trans hate group and didn't disclose it, to this monstrously unethical shitshow.
Erik Hinton / @erikhinton: Wow, this piece about the bad Atlantic trans piece is another great example of the prevailing standards and norms in journalism being completely fucked up.
L Saunders / @_lsaunders_: Totally unacceptable & such a breach of trust. If you don't trust the editorial control of the image as a photographer: 1) Ask why you're still willing to publish 2) Protect the editorial control of the image These conversations need to be happening routinely.
Lucas Grindley / @lucasgrindley: The Atlantic's cover and article were mistake after mistake. Thanks to @femme_thoughts for not letting it go. Preventing this kind of harm is one of the reasons I donate to support @TransJournalist Association.
@saint_vagrant: wow, so very immediately deceptive and dangerous? now that bad faith helicopter parent screed, interrogating the ~sudden plague~ of young trans boys, has fueled non-stop harassment and been cited at least once by lawmakers re: reducing rights of trans people/youth especially.
Jack Crosbie / @jscros: this is an absurd breach of ethics both by the atlantic editors responsible and by the photographer, for creating images of subjects who were completely unaware of the context their likenesses would be used in.
Sydney Erin / @femme_thoughts: Another thing, we still do not know if @TheAtlantic ever had any trans voices in the room to look at this article or cover. That's why orgs like @TransJournalist are so important. We're everywhere in media! This could have been avoided!
Maura Ewing / @mauraewing: “journalists should make a habit of asking sources for their pronouns, so they don't misgender someone in their coverage. This guidance applies to all coverage and beats, as trans people exist throughout different communities and industries.”
Sydney Erin / @femme_thoughts: In a statement The Atlantic says it “missed a step” in not notifying the cover model, and “would have made a different decision” in hindsight about the cover. Read my full report about the picture, its implications, and ethical quandaries:
Tuck Woodstock / @tuckwoodstock: “Accompanying Brewer's photo was a headline that read, “Your Child Says She's Trans. She Wants Hormones and Surgery. She's 13.” Brewer was 22 at the time, used they/them pronouns (but goes by he/him pronouns now), and had no idea he was even being considered for the cover.”
Britni de la Cretaz / @britnidlc: I've heard broad strokes about the backstory regarding The Atlantic's cover for the transphobic story they ran in 2018. Reading the actual details makes me feel sick. Grateful to @femme_thoughts for reporting this story out with such care.

Six of Peace Data's writers, the site linked to Russia's IRA, say they were reached on social media, paid $100-$250/story, sometimes told to add political spin — LONDON (Reuters) - When freelance journalist Laura Walters submitted a 1,000 word article about Chinese political influence …
@jc_stubbs, The Guardian, @cjcmichel, @emilybell, The Guardian, New York Times, @juliacarriew, @amyklobuchar, @jennromolini, @grudkev, @drradchenko, @grudkev, @adamgoldmannyt, @cjcmichel, @kashhill, @kimseverson, @freelance_beat, @markmazzettinyt, @sifill_ldf, @sheeraf, @ilvestoomas, @tressiemcphd, @jean_leroux, @andreachalupa, @xu_xiuzhong, @jean_leroux, @rob_rubsam, @rvawonk, @sameralatrush, @rob_rubsam, @ckozalbrennan, @rvawonk and Beet.TV
Jack Stubbs / @jc_stubbs: We spoke to six of the freelance journalists hired by Peace Data, a website Facebook and Twitter say was at the centre of a Russian political influence operation targeting left-wing voters in the US, UK and elsewhere
Julia Carrie Wong / The Guardian: Russian agency created fake leftwing news outlet with fictional editors, Facebook says
Casey Michel / @cjcmichel: ‘"I actually referenced the Russian 2016 interference in the article I wrote," UK-based Walters, who was paid $250 to write the story for Peace Data in June, told Reuters. “I appreciate the irony right now.”’
Emily Bell / @emilybell: A ‘yikes’ thread - must read for journalism students, and those who are approached to do this kind of work early in their careers
Sheera Frenkel / New York Times: A Freelance Writer Learns He Was Working for the Russians
Julia Carrie Wong / @juliacarriew: I chatted with four journalists who were duped by the Russian influence operation website. “I'm a freelance writer - I'm used to getting taken advantage of.” ...
Amy Klobuchar / @amyklobuchar: This is brazen. Russia is actively targeting our election to help Donald Trump. Response from Trump? Cut out the security briefings. Response from Trump? Undermine vote by mail. Response from the rest of us? VOTE @JoeBiden
Jennifer Romolini / @jennromolini: f*cked how i perked up at $200/post
Gennady Rudkevich / @grudkev: @DrRadchenko I like the idea of this being a cheap influencer campaign intended to boost an oligarch's popularity in Russian elite circles.
Sergey Radchenko / @drradchenko: @grudkev You gotta agree though that Prigozhin got a lot of publicity for little investment in his, ehem “peacedata.” NYT is all over it. Almost makes you feel like it's worth opening a little outlet, call it “Who? Yo, we,” and interfere in US elections. 😂
Gennady Rudkevich / @grudkev: I actually think the main goal of these interventions isn't to affect the 2020 election results, but to bring in more Americans into the “anti-imperialist” echo system that can be used to promote Russian foreign policy interests by creating a supply of English-speaking writers.
Adam Goldman / @adamgoldmannyt: The 1st article Wood wrote, focused on the top 1 percent of American wealth, was his pitch and idea. But when he submitted the story, he said, he was asked to cut significant portions, including one section tying Trump to the economic elite. @sheeraf
@cjcmichel: 'When his editor made it clear he didn't want him to criticize President Trump or support Joseph R. Biden Jr., the Democratic presidential nominee, he started to figure out “they had a different kind of agenda."'
Kashmir Hill / @kashhill: “A Freelance Writer Learns He Was Working for the Russians” or “How @sheeraf Let A Guy Know Why His Editor Seemed So Weird”
@freelance_beat: I'm mad Russians paid better and faster than U.S. publications. America is so raggedy.
Mark Mazzetti / @markmazzettinyt: “When his editor made it clear he didn't want him to criticize President Trump or support Joseph R. Biden Jr., the Democratic presidential nominee, he started to figure out “they had a different kind of agenda.” @sheeraf
Sherrilyn Ifill / @sifill_ldf: Heads-up freelance writers. Pay attention.
Sheera Frenkel / @sheeraf: I spoke to one of the writers who was lured into a scheme by the IRA to try and influence Americans ahead of the vote. Here's what it feels like to suddenly find yourself in the middle of a Russian influence operation:
Toomas Hendrik Ilves / @ilvestoomas: I noticed an odd thing in this great piece. When the Russians are caught out with bad English, the excuse is “the editor is Romanian”. The GRU did the same with Guccifer2, another fake “Romanian”. Are Romanians the go to scapegoat for bad Russian English?
Tressie McMillan Cottom / @tressiemcphd: Over the years, I have had some pretty odd invitations to write or be on some internet based show that I swear made me think they were CIA operations. I'm not even kidding.
Ad Homonym / @jean_leroux: As I say “new” I remember: “What has been will be again, what has been done will again be done; there is nothing new under the sun.”
Andrea Chalupa / @andreachalupa: “Russia's use of fake organizations to ensnare unwitting agents and activists as part of its propaganda efforts dates back to the Soviet Union, said Thomas Rid, a professor at John Hopkins and author of Active Measures, a book about political warfare.”
Vicky Xiuzhong Xu / @xu_xiuzhong: Oh look this would never happen at a mainstream newsroom
Ad Homonym / @jean_leroux: This is a bonkers new tactic. Earlier this week, Facebook took down a Russia-linked network operating as a legit-seeming online publication. It recruited and paid real, freelance journalists to submit articles, which it then slanted towards politically divisive topics.
Robert Rubsam / @rob_rubsam: Proud to have achieved a “Russian stooge” level of clout:
Caroline Orr Bueno / @rvawonk: Getting established journalists to write for publications funded by foreign influence operations would not only make the publications appear more credible — it would also undermine trust in our free press and further blur the line between propaganda and journalism.
Samer Al-Atrush / @sameralatrush: In which we learn a fake leftist Russian outfit pays freelancers better and more promptly than many Western outlets.. Duped by Russia, freelancers ensnared in disinformation campaign by promise of easy money | Article [AMP] | Reuters
Robert Rubsam / @rob_rubsam: FWIW, I didn't write their pitch because I didn't feel qualified, but this site's editorial rigor didn't feel that off from an IndyMedia and other “autonomous” news orgs, which is to say: there wasn't much of it.
Christopher Kozal Brennan / @ckozalbrennan: Stop disinformation by recreating the New Deal's Federal Writers' Project so we can employ all the unemployed journalists, chronicle the human stories of the pandemic, and get them all off Twitter
Caroline Orr Bueno / @rvawonk: This is something I've been concerned about as more and more journalists lose their jobs in a struggling industry. A bunch of unemployed and underemployed journalists desperate for work make a perfect target for foreign influence operations that have the money to pay them.

VidAngel, the streaming service that skips “distasteful content”, agrees to settle its copyright dispute with Disney, Lucasfilm, Warner Bros., and Fox for $9.9M — VidAngel, the Utah-based streaming service that filters out offensive content for faith-and-family audiences …

Local outlets, lacking resources, struggle to address QAnon as they cover political candidates who believe in it, choosing to omit the affiliation wholly — The 16 candidates who sought the Republican nomination in the open race for Tennessee's 1st Congressional District this year included …
Susan Benkelman / @sbenkelman: This piece by @ElaheIzadi nicely captures the challenges facing journalists covering QAnon. How to avoid amplifying them? It's easy to dismiss as a fringe group, but if you've got a Qanon believer headed for Congress, you cannot ignore it. 1/5 ...
Dan Zak / @mrdanzak: Twenty-one believers in an insane cult will be on the ballot in November. How should journalists cover them? “It's a real danger. People have to recognize what a threat to the system a group like this can be.” ...
Elahe Izadi / @elaheizadi: The fact that some candidates who once praised QAnon later deny any connection presents another layer of complication for journalists. ...

New National Enquirer and US Weekly owner Accelerate 360 announces new round of furloughs in a memo that blamed the ongoing pandemic — The company that now owns gossip tabloids the National Enquirer and US Weekly has announced a new round of furloughs starting immediately.