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KPCC public radio reporter Josie Huang was arrested while covering the ambush shooting of two deputies in LA, on charges of “interfering with a lawful arrest” — Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies arrested KPCC/LAist Correspondent Josie Huang Saturday night while she was covering …
@thechalkoutline, Los Angeles Times, @josie_huang, The Hill, @jamesqueallylat, @stoltzefrankly, Breitbart, @krismul, @myhlee, @pressfreedom, @aaschapiro, @josie_huang, @josie_huang, @josie_huang, The Wrap, @josie_huang, @josie_huang, @josie_huang, @josie_huang, @josie_huang, @josie_huang, @josie_huang, @giffordscourage, @aaschapiro, @coreypein, @josie_huang, @garveymcvg, @latguild, @mhewlettwsj, @lourdesgnavarro, Slate, @stoltzefrankly, @mridleythomas, Variety, NPR, @nprextra, @davidfolkenflik, Law & Crime, @garveymcvg, @lataco, @sblackmoore, abc7NY, @a_mendelson, @sandentotten, @kyoshino, @seanmiura, @melaniesill, Deadline, New York Post and Mediaite
Scott Schwebke / @thechalkoutline: ABC7 showing video of radio reporter being taken down to the pavement by officers, handcuffed and led to a patrol car outside of hospital where two #LA County deputies shot in ambush are being treated @LASDHQ #crime #SoCal
Los Angeles Times: Two L.A. County sheriff's deputies shot, critically wounded in attack captured on video
Josie Huang / @josie_huang: Somehow I was able to start a new video right away. You see my phone clatter to the ground and I start shouting “I'm a reporter...I'm with KPCC.” I scream for help from the TV reporters I know are around the corner doing their 11 p.m. live hits
John Bowden / The Hill: Video shows police pinning journalist covering LA protest to ground during arrest
James Queally / @jamesqueallylat: This shouldn't need to be explained but: You're allowed to be absolutely disgusted by the attack on @LASDHQ deputies AND highly critical of their treatment of @josie_huang covering that shooting outside the hospital. These things are not mutually exclusive.
Frank Stoltze / @stoltzefrankly: BREAKING: My colleague @josie_huang has been detained in Compton by #LASD deputies. We don't know why. I know her to be an extremely competent and responsible journalist. This video of five deputies on top of her is highly disturbing.
@krismul: This is beyond distressing. Esp since the dept rep I spoke to in the middle of the night INSISTED that she had not id'd herself as a reporter. The presence of mind she shows here is remarkable.
Michelle Ye Hee Lee / @myhlee: Statement from @AAJAla and @AAJA on the arrest of journalist and AAJA member @josie_huang:
@pressfreedom: We condemn @lasdhq's arrest of @kpcc's @josie_huang while she was working in Los Angeles & are disturbed by video of many officers pinning her to the ground.
Avi Asher-Schapiro / @aaschapiro: Well, here it is. Video evidence that the LA Sheriff lied today about the arrest of a journalist. They tweeted that NPR reporter Josie Huang “did not identify herself as press.” (See: You can hear her say she's a reporter & name her outlet in this clip.
Josie Huang / @josie_huang: I'm grateful to the crew at @ABC7 @abc7leanne for filming what happened to me last night, and for Leanne and @OSV227Hex getting my phone back to me which let me share my videos. I know it is important to document what happened. Said phone is somehow alive!
Josie Huang / @josie_huang: Thank you all for the support and to the loveliest colleagues at @KPCC and @LAist. Our newsroom works really hard to cover our community and is proud to exercise our 1st Amendment rights, along with all the rest of you.
Josie Huang / @josie_huang: I was put in the back of a patrol car — the start of some 5 hours in LASD custody that began with the deputy refusing to uncuff me so I could put my face covering back on, telling me I just had a “scrape” when I was bleeding from my foot and not giving me back a shoe
Rosemary Rossi / The Wrap: KPCC Reporter Josie Huang Forced to Ground, Arrested While Covering Protester Arrest (Video)
Josie Huang / @josie_huang: After my phone drops, it keeps recording and it captures two deputies damaging my phone by kicking and stepping on it. I can hear myself in the background shouting: “You guys are hurting me” and “Stop it.” It feels very out-of-body to play this back.
Josie Huang / @josie_huang: After the press conference, I went to my car in the hospital garage and was tying things up on the phone with 1 of my editors. It was almost 11 pm. Then I heard loud shouting outside the garage, so I went to check things out. I had on a lanyard around my neck with a press ID.
Josie Huang / @josie_huang: Here's more of the video, the zoom is still on. I saw a commotion ahead of me. Deputies rushed one man and chased another. I was filming an arrest when suddenly deputies shout “back up.” Within seconds, I was getting shoved around. There was nowhere to back up.
Josie Huang / @josie_huang: A handful of men were on the sidewalk. A couple were carrying large flags. Others were filming deputies and taunting them. One deputy pointed a weapon at the protesters. I started filming on my phone, standing off to the side. No one took issue with me being there.
Josie Huang / @josie_huang: Last night I was arrested and charged with obstructing a peace officer by @LASDHQ after videotaping their interactions with protesters in Lynwood. This is what I remember and what I have on video and audio.
Josie Huang / @josie_huang: I was at St. Francis Medical Center in Lynwood last night covering a press conference led by Sheriff Villanueva about the shooting of two deputies. One of the deputies is a mom of a 6 year-old. I felt my chest tighten thinking about the little boy.
Josie Huang / @josie_huang: I texted video to editors. When I looked up from my phone, the small group of men had dispersed & deputies were following at least 1 man down the street. I walked behind, using the zoom on my camera so I could keep physical distance. A couple deputies looked at me as I filmed.
Giffords / @giffordscourage: Our hearts are with the two deputies severely injured in Los Angeles. As they fight for their lives, we must fight for a country that is safer from gun violence.
Avi Asher-Schapiro / @aaschapiro: If what's being reported about the recording of this incident is true—that NPR journalist @josie_huang repeatedly identified herself as press, & had a press pass around her neck—than, here we have the LA County Sheriff lying about the circumstances of its arrest of a journalist.
Josie Huang / @josie_huang: Hi, all. I'm out of county jail and am headed home. Thank you for caring. I have seen @LASDHQ tweets and have thoughts and videos to share soon after a little rest
Megan Garvey / @garveymcvg: This is the video @josie_huang sent right before she was tackled and arrested. Some reporters have told me sheriff's officials claimed she rushed the ER. Not true and totally out of character
@latguild: We condemn the arrest of @KPCC/@LAist reporter Josie Huang, who was doing a job protected under the First Amendment. Journalists have the right to inform the public. That includes coverage of every aspect of a protest in public spaces, including police interaction with citizens.
Michael Hewlett / @mhewlettwsj: #JournalismIsNotCrime
Lulu / @lourdesgnavarro: Despite her badge (clearly visible) and her shouting her affiliation (according to reporters on the scene and why wouldn't she?! ) this is what @LAPDHQ put out
Daniel Politi / Slate: Two California Deputies in Critical Condition After Being Shot in Apparent Ambush
Frank Stoltze / @stoltzefrankly: UPDATE: #LASD claims my colleague @josie_huang violated 148PC - that's obstruction of justice. They are not giving any details. They're taking her to the Century Regional Detention Center now. This kind of treatment of a respected LA journalist is disturbing. @SPJLA
Mark Ridley-Thomas / @mridleythomas: We must continue pray for the two ambushed sheriff deputies and their families.🙏🏾 We must also require that the Inspector General launch an immediate investigation into the arrest of @josie_huang. The Citizens Oversight Commission must convene a special meeting on this matter.
Matthew S. Schwartz / NPR: KPCC Journalist Tackled, Arrested While Trying To Cover L.A. Protest
@nprextra: NPR is appalled by the arrest of Josie Huang, a KPCC public radio reporter, who was performing her job last night—gathering facts to inform the American public. The rights of journalists are protected by the First Amendment, and essential to an informed public and our Democracy.
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: NPR's news chief, SVP Nancy Barnes @nancycbarnes, issuer statement against sheriff department's arrest
Alberto Luperon / Law & Crime: ‘Cowardly’: Man Ambushed 2 Deputies Sitting in Their Patrol Vehicle, Authorities Say (VIDEO)
Megan Garvey / @garveymcvg: This is our terrific reporter @josie_huang who has been covering this story for hours. @LACoSheriff @LASDHQ where is Josie? Why are reporters being arrested? Where can I go get her?
@lataco: This is a fear all editors have as they send especially POC journalists to cover very important but tense news situations. @MayorOfLA @LACoSheriff @LAPDChiefMoore @HildaSolis what are we doing to heal this city and protect everyone from violence? And uphold the 1st amendment?
Stephen Blackmoore / @sblackmoore: Five deputies to take down one NPR reporter. Good job guys. And you wonder why everybody thinks you're a bunch of fucking thugs.
Aaron Mendelson / @a_mendelson: We have a story up @LAist about the arrest of correspondent @josie_huang while she was covering a protest earlier tonight: “Huang, an award-winning journalist, allegedly obstructed justice. The department has refused to provide details of what happened.”
Sanden Totten / @sandentotten: This is a disgrace. This is what it looks like when the first amendment is under attack. This is the second time police have wounded a @KPCC journalist. @MayorOfLA what are you doing about this?
Kimi Yoshino / @kyoshino: This is disturbing — @josie_huang is identifying herself as a radio reporter and her press ID is hanging around her neck. @LASDHQ
Sean Typos Miura / @seanmiura: If you don't know @josie_huang's work, she's been covering underreported Los Angeles Asian American stories for years and reporting from all sides of the protests throughout the summer She's an incredibly valuable journalist who was wearing her credentials and doing her job
Melanie Sill / @melaniesill: This could be any of us, journalist or protester or passerby; you could be arrested by law enforcement officers who then put out a narrative spinning events in their favor and forcing you to prove your innocence; an illustration of police abuses under protest in 2020
Bruce Haring / Deadline: LAist Reporter Josie Huang Released After Arrest For Obstructing Justice In Confrontation Outside Hospital

Warner Bros. delayed sharing daily box office grosses for Tenet over worries they could be misinterpreted, breaking industry norms and angering rival studios — People who closely follow box office earnings have noticed a surprising lack of transparency surrounding ticket sales for “Tenet …
Jeremy Fuster / The Wrap: ‘Mulan’ Struggles in China as ‘Tenet’ Crosses $200 Million at Global Box Office
Dan Barrett / Always Be Watching: Netflix pays $30 million for new Zendaya film
Rich Greenfield / @richlightshed: 😱😱😱 $6.7 million domestic box office for Tenet this weekend with NO competition Even if NY/LA/SF were open and that number was $10 million — there is simply no consumer demand to return to movie theaters Every studio needs to push their major films into 2021 #endofstory
Jeremy Fuster / The Wrap: ‘Tenet’ Slows to $6.7 Million at U.S. Box Office as Theater Reopenings Taper Off
Tom Brueggemann / IndieWire: ‘Tenet’ Earns $6.7 Million, Total Box Office Is Under $15 Million: Theaters Are in a World of Hurt
Sonaiya Kelley / Los Angeles Times: Box office: ‘Tenet’ is still hiding key details, as ‘Mulan’ disappoints in China
Spiral Curse Demarco / @clarknova1: And you can thank Netflix, who normalized not reporting results. Why should any of these companies do it, since one of their biggest competitors does and no one seems to mind?
Matt Jarbo / @mjarbo: This.... Is not good. #TENET is the canary in the coal mine and its what we all feared Warner Bros. Won't Share ‘Tenet’ Box Office Data, Angering Rival Studios
@variety: Warner Bros. decision to tightly control #Tenet's box office reporting may no longer be the exception to the rule. It could signal a new precedent for media companies always eager to avoid scrutiny
Zak / @zakkondratenko: I mean....their decision two days ago to push Wonder Woman to Christmas says as much as any data right now
Jesse Crap / @jessecarp: The Saturday 1pm at my local is empty. 0 tickets sold.
Madhu Menon / @madmanweb: Warner Bros. Won't Share ‘Tenet’ Box Office Data, Angering Rival Studios Looks like the box office take is terrible thanks to Nolan's ego needing the movie to be released in the middle of a pandemic.
@davidpoland: S.O.B. Standard Operating Bullshit We are in a freak show. Remember when U dropped its Trolls VOD number by whispering it to WSJ? People still quote that as fact. Warner Bros. Won't Share ‘Tenet’ Box Office Data, Angering Rival Studios via @variety
Anthony D'Alessandro / Deadline: Warner Bros & Sony Hiding Box Office Numbers From Rival Studios On ‘Tenet’ & ‘Broken Hearts Gallery’: Here's Why
Aditya Sood / @adityasood: Stanley Kubrick — who invented modern box office data reporting by forcing Warner Bros. to be transparent about it in the 1970's! — is turning over in his grave.
Rafael Motamayor / The Playlist: ‘Tenet’: Warner Bros. Is Refusing To Share Box Office Data, Actual Opening Weekend Gross At Around $12M
Jordan Hoffman / Vanity Fair: The Only Mystery Bigger Than Tenet's Plot: Its Box Office

Profile of Ben Smith, NYT's Media Equation columnist, who is deeply devoted to scoops, intrigued by raw power, and is unafraid of making people uncomfortable — Puckish chaos agent" is how Charlie Warzel describes his former BuzzFeed News boss and current New York Times colleague Ben Smith. "
@mikiebarb, @elanazak, @alexandrazayas, @mcwm, @mccollumashley, @amir, @profjeffjarviss, @lordravenscraft, @kantrowitz, @dbernstein, @doliver8, @the5tooljourno, @claremalone, @ryangrim, @jmartnyt, @s_m_i, @katienotopoulos, @micahcohen, @jesshopp, @sopandeb, @mattyglesias, @noah__goldberg, @dominicholden, @meslackman, @annehelen, @bernstein, @dylanmatt, @scottmstedman, @byjasonfoster, @jessicahuseman, @b_resnick, @sammy_roth, @amandakhurley, @adriana_lacy, @gabydvj, @danieldrepper, @blakehounshell, @tanvim, @rachelysanders, @kannoyoungs, @delia_cai, @matthewkassel, @papscun, @lissandravilla, @mj_coren, @shareenpathak, @matthewkassel, @dylanmatt, @jayshams, @yashar, @wexler, @maxwelltani, @jeremymbarr, @tnwhiskeywoman, @hshaban, @katie_rayford, @anandwrites and @taylorlorenz
Michael Barbaro / @mikiebarb: Journalists to be—take this advice. “If you're not breaking news, you don't have any credibility,” Smith said. Get sourced. Dig deep. Break stories.
Elana Zak / @elanazak: Why is this behavior considered OK in any setting?
Alexandra Zayas / @alexandrazayas: This mostly made me realize there are at least 10 female journalists at the NYT I'd read profiles on, a good number of them, editors.
Mike Murphy / @mcwm: guess I should resign then
Ashley McCollum / @mccollumashley: Fearless, shit stirring and “lives for the drama.” NYMag only scratched the surface of the nuance of @benyt but I'm glad his walking away if he's bored by your conversation made it in.
@profjeffjarviss: [Comment about this article that makes clear we are in same orbit]
Eric Ravenscraft / @lordravenscraft: In my own little corner of the service journalism world, some of the smartest, most hardworking, most overlooked people spend all their time and energy on translating information and expertise into actionable info for the average person. But it's not juicy scoops, so fuck em
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: Enjoyed @NYMag's story on @benyt, especially its CNN Reliable Sources mystery. A+ salty response from CNN comms.
David S. Bernstein / @dbernstein: I have never considered breaking news to be among my most important goals or the source of my credibility as a journalist. (Whether I have any credibility is another question.)
David Oliver / @doliver8: oh my god this WRITING is so good via @ClareMalone “Smith's column isn't the deeply philosophical, dignified sort that evokes a quiet room and brooding thoughts over cups of tea; it has hot thumbs, sweaty armpits, and AirPods that keep dying.”
Matt Dangelantonio / @the5tooljourno: THREAD: 1/ I think I get what the quote is trying to say — that if you're not reporting original stories you're just reporting what others scooped you on — but I worry this advice is dangerous and could give journos-to-be the wrong idea of what makes you “good” or “credible.”
Clare Malone / @claremalone: I wrote about @benyt and how he's brought his shit-stirring internet values—and scoops!—to the New York Times.
Ryan Grim / @ryangrim: The “you” here obviously is a first-person you. In any event, I agree with him. If you (by which I mean you) want to be in journalism and don't want to break news, I say good, more scoops for me (not you)
Jonathan Martin / @jmartnyt: Well-deserved love for @benyt, stirrer of strife
Stacy-Marie Ishmael / @s_m_i: If would-be journalists would like advice about the many, many other ways to be both excellent and credible, there's many of us who'd be happy to help.
Katie Notopoulos / @katienotopoulos: Ben has been living rent free in my head for 8 years now, and I'll never feel any closer to understanding his weirdness. Now add one more mystery: where the heck is the light source in this photo coming from
Micah Cohen / @micahcohen: The sad thing is if this mentality was less prevalent, “breaking news” would actually be somewhat meaningful — and then the mentality would have at least a little value. It's a viscous cycle!
Jessica Hopper / @jesshopp: To “get sourced/break stories” you need some things that are hard to come by these days, namely: An editor and publication looking to assign this sort of work, stand behind it, pay decent for it. Easier if yr staff, not freelance. Does this advice even apply outside NYT newsroom?
Sopan Deb / @sopandeb: With respect to my colleague @benyt, some of the best journalists in the industry don't break news and have the most credibility in the business.
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: Nobody breaks less news than me, so I think I have the credibility to say that the scoop skeptics criticizing @benyt are mostly misreading this quote.
Noah Goldberg / @noah__goldberg: We need a new brand of reporter: media reporter reporters. These reporters will exclusively report on reporters who report on reporters okay?
Dominic Holden / @dominicholden: Ben Smith helped union-busting at his own BuzzFeed newsroom. He and his team no-showed at a key meeting & blew up negotiations, then stood by his staff when they lied about us in the press. Shocked to now read he dislikes “ethical judgments” about media!
Michael Slackman / @meslackman: In a short time, @benyt has returned the “Media Equation” column — made legendary by David Carr, the straight-talking ex-addict journalism folk hero who died in 2015 — to the position of power it had attained during Carr's time in the chair.
Anne Helen Petersen / @annehelen: I think I broke news one time during my tenure at BuzzFeed and somehow Ben still thought I was doing good work; he's talking about a specific sort of reporting work here (aka his own)
Joe Bernstein / @bernstein: This story is funny and well done but it makes Ben sound like a sociopathic boss. In my experience he was humane, realistic, helpful, encouraging, and approachable—but I guess that's not a story he would want to write
Dylan Matthews / @dylanmatt: This is an incredibly stupid, reductive, and limiting vision of what journalism is and should be. Scoop obsession leads to a media that's insular, obsessed with minutiae, and incapable of imparting a holistic sense of what's happening to its readers.
Scott Stedman / @scottmstedman: This is the worst advice I've ever heard and its why the New York Times is going in the wrong direction. Don't hunt scoops. Tell stories that speak truth to power and further the public's understanding of the world around them.
Jason Foster / @byjasonfoster: Breaking news is always good, but this sentiment just isn't true. That's like telling a baseball player, “If you're not hitting homers, you don't have any value.”
Jessica Huseman / @jessicahuseman: I respectfully disagree. There are far more important things than being the first to tell a story. Telling it well and telling a full story is, in my view, far more critical to this profession.
Sammy Roth / @sammy_roth: Strong agree. Scoops are cool, but so much of the most important journalism is finding new and innovative ways to tell the same stories again and again. And yes I am thinking about climate change.
Amanda Kolson Hurley / @amandakhurley: Hard pass.
G A B Y / @gabydvj: no offense but i just published an 8300 word story that didnt break any new information but did explain an incredibly arcane system in a humanizing way and i think that gives me credibility lol
Daniel Drepper / @danieldrepper: I joined BuzzFeed News in 2017 because I loved my interview with Ben. Then, for the next three years, every time we talked I was afraid of boring him and he'd just end the conversation. This seems like a pretty good profile of @benyt.
@blakehounshell: This is a fun read, but it kind of makes @benyt out to be some kind of arsonist. But he's pretty fair and thoughtful, I find.
@tanvim: This is important (I certainly try to do this!) but not the only thing good journalists do. You can also explain esoteric policies, connect the dots on how they came to be, and tell complicated, nuanced stories and unpack new ideas.
@rachelysanders: one of the things I've always appreciated most about @benyt, as someone who like to yell at people, is how much he likes being yelled at. excellent portraiture by @ClareMalone
Zolan Kanno-Youngs / @kannoyoungs: I would just add that breaking news comes in many forms. Go sort though data and provide readers context. Travel and get to the truth on the ground. FOIA documents and unearth new details. I love a good SCOOP — any piece that shines light and pushes the story forward
Delia Cai / @delia_cai: “Smith has dictated texts and emails to his son while driving for years” < — um lol i didn't know you could do that but now I have new standards for my non-existent children
Matthew Kassel / @matthewkassel: “I like asking weird, awkward questions that don't necessarily make me seem like a good person.”
Dan Papscun / @papscun: Come for the subject, stay for an iconic @theferocity quote. “Ben is a messy bitch who lives for the drama.”
Lissandra Villa / @lissandravilla: This profile really captures @benyt. He is a mad scientist, and newsrooms are his laboratories.
Michael J. Coren / @mj_coren: “Every beat is basically just power,” says Ben Smith, NYT media columnist and ex-BuzzFeed editor in chief. It's “the question of who's winning and who's losing,” said a former BuzzFeed editor.
Shareen Pathak / @shareenpathak: Why do I like this sentence so much “Smith's column isn't the deeply philosophical, dignified sort that evokes a quiet room and brooding thoughts over cups of tea; it has hot thumbs, sweaty armpits, and AirPods that keep dying.”
Matthew Kassel / @matthewkassel: “I don't really think about myself politically,” he said. “My ideology, to some degree, is really very much about journalism.”
Dylan Matthews / @dylanmatt: Literally 100 percent of the times an editor has walked by my desk in the Vox offices, I am playing Dominion Online
Jacob Shamsian / @jayshams: “Afterward, I was told, the story circulated that Hanks was heard muttering “Fuck BuzzFeed” in the elevator.”
Yashar Ali / @yashar: Ben Smith is a pain in the this very good profile by @ClareMalone
Nu Wexler / @wexler: “It also may be that, for the bosses, there's something oddly flattering about being targeted by Smith: His scrutiny is further confirmation of your power.”
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: learning that part of ben smith's success in journalism appears to be that he likes scoops
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: Having a tough time with the sentence “On nights when his stories drop, blue-check-mark tweeters weigh in on Smith's latest.”
Nichole / @tnwhiskeywoman: I try to take note of the people who don't get quoted, who don't have cute stories of grudging respect and camaraderie.
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: This section contrasting Ben Smith's politics with that of the NYT, which the author describes as increasingly adversarial to Trump, seems off. The criticism of the news media is it is accommodating to Trump, and that it doesn't call out lies or racism.
Katie Rayford / @katie_rayford: Very happy the cheeseburger incident is now on the record. Also describing Ben “like a cast member of The Sandlot all grown up” is...perfect Great profile of @benyt, the only person I know who has pissed off Tom Hanks & likes fighting with Tucker Carlson

Amazon has added Twitch inventory to Amazon Advertising, making it easier for media buyers to include Twitch audiences in their programmatic ad campaigns — The streaming network is now part of Amazon Advertising — Twitch inventory has been opened up to Amazon Advertising customers. Source: twitch

Congressional report finds USA Today's Susan Page, who is to moderate a VP debate, hosted an event at her home honoring Medicare boss Seema Verma in Nov. 2018 — An online backlash following reports of Verma's PR spending. But it didn't underwrite Page's party, which USA today says was …
Washington Post, @bgrueskin, Los Angeles Times, @fmanjoo, @sulliview, @hiltzikm, @joshsternberg, @crampell, @hshaban, @froomkin, @parkermolloy, @joncoopertweets, @gregpinelo, @chrisdjackson, @moorehn, @tinaissa, @ericboehlert, @ggreeneva, @jljacobson, @benyt, @moorehn, @soledadobrien, @bgrueskin, @hshaban, @awmccall, @dangillmor, @murshedz, @mattyglesias, New York Magazine and New York Times
Jeremy Barr / Washington Post: Susan Page of USA Today criticized for hosting off-the-record event honoring Trump appointees
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: USAToday's Susan Page wrote a piece based on an interview w/ Seema Verma in 2017 — 18 months before hosting that party for the Medicare chief — and let's just say, this was not what you might call “a hard-hitting piece.” More like open mic night.
Michael Hiltzik / Los Angeles Times: Column: Seema Verma, our awful Medicare boss, spent lavishly to burnish her public image
Farhad Manjoo / @fmanjoo: I just don't get why she would be allowed to moderate a debate after this disclosure. At the very least it's the appearance of impropriety if not the thing itself
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: If you missed this @jeremymbarr story, read to the list of highest profile women journos in the US, and tell me why any of them would host expensive, off-the-record parties for people they may end up covering. ...
Michael Hiltzik / @hiltzikm: Question: what would be the percentage decline in op-Ed submissions if editors insisted on proof that the bylined author actually wrote the piece?
Josh Sternberg / @joshsternberg: @moorehn @Sulliview @jeremymbarr this is also the trade media model, to a certain extent. you ask the people you cover to pay for entry into awards/lists/honors/etc, then have them pay to attend the event that gives out the awards, then have your sales team get ‘congrats’ ads from source's companies, etc etc
Catherine Rampell / @crampell: Think about all the low-income people who could have gotten healthcare using the millions in taxpayer dollars Verma spent on her personal PR
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: This defense of a journalist hosting a party for powerful people in government doesn't make sense. Not being paid back $4,000 is part of the reason it *is* a problem. It's like when politicians/ corporations say campaign contributions carry no influence ...
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: Similarly: Why do elite journos quote people who they know are lying or being moronically stupid but not call what they say lies and stupidities? Why do they engage in split-the-difference false equivalence that leaves readers uninformed? Cocktail parties. ...
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: How has Susan Page not recused herself from moderating the VP debate yet??
Jon Cooper / @joncoopertweets: Susan Page of USA Today has been widely criticized for hosting an off-the-record event honoring Trump appointees. She was recently picked to host the vice-presidential debate. ...
Greg Pinelo / @gregpinelo: Moderating a Presidential debate is a huge privilege. I had no problem with Page previously, but surely there's someone else without this kind of entanglement: Susan Page of USA Today criticized for hosting off-the-record event honoring Trump appointees ...
Chris D. Jackson / @chrisdjackson: Had not read this before...
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: @benyt @Sulliview @jeremymbarr That's also a violation of federal law as well as almost every major newspaper's ethics rules so we're better off staying with “no winners” here IMO. 😬
Tina Issa / @tinaissa: Here's what I want to know: WHY does she still have a job when she has spent 3.5 M of Taxpayer money on her personal Consultants? I'll tell you what, the next Administration has its work cut out for it b/c they have to go after this massive corruption
Eric Boehlert / @ericboehlert: Page spent $4k to host off-the-record party for Trump appointee Page is moderating one of the Trump/Biden debates
Greg Greene / @ggreeneva: Yup. 🎯@debates can proceed without finding a new host — but only while making a mockery of past bleats about civility or impartiality, such as those described below.
@jljacobson: Perhaps the single greatest through line of this administration and @GOP is massive corruption. @SusanPage has actually ENGAGED in that corruption. She must recuse from the debates. @USATODAY
Ben Smith / @benyt: @moorehn @Sulliview @jeremymbarr Not to defend this one but ... better that you are bribing a source than that a source is bribing you?
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: @Sulliview @jeremymbarr This is so clearly unethical, such an obvious conflict of interest, such a clear indication of why Washington reporting is a mess. I am amazed any news outlet would allow or defend this.
Soledad O'Brien / @soledadobrien: Yep this. Also interesting that Politico neglected to name the host—who is also a reporter—for USA Today. Seems like a big miss. Keep all of this in mind when people from the @nytimes tell you that journalistic credibility comes only from “breaking news”. 1.
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: @Sulliview @jeremymbarr Also curious: The story says Page “paid $4,025 for catering” plus a few hundred dollars in other costs. Did she expense it, and did Gannett/USAToday wind up footing the bill? At some news orgs, this would be considered a sourcing expense.
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: Journalists were worried they'd face punishment at work for saying “Black Lives Matter” or donating to bail funds or attending protests. Meanwhile, “objective” journalists host secretive parties for Trump administration officials and it's totally chill ...
Alexander W. McCall / @awmccall: I don't understand how journalists like Susan Page don't see the problem with hosting parties for politicians who are part of an administration they're supposed to cover? 🧐 ...
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: The more well-known or wealthy the “writer”, the more likely someone else wrote it.
Murshed Zaheed / @murshedz: Doesn't matter whether @SusanPage herself paid 4 the party hosting one of the shadiest Trump officials: Seema Verma. What matters is that she hosted a party 4 someone who used 2 work w Pence & now Paige is gonna “moderate” Pence's debate v Harris. Not ok. ...
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: The taxpayer-funded party in Verma's honor was held at the home of @SusanPage, who is scheduled to moderate the VP debate this fall but will hopefully be removed.
Ed Kilgore / New York Magazine: Veep Debate Moderator Page Hosted Party Honoring Pence Protégé Verma
Elizabeth Williamson / New York Times: Investigation of Medicare Chief Exposes Underside of Washington

How work on an indie film set has changed after new COVID-19 protocols, including talent isolation, single-serve craft services, and a COVID compliance officer — As Hollywood crawls toward some version of normalcy amid the coronavirus pandemic, we at Variety have been curious …
Matt Donnelly / @mattdonnelly: I recently spent the day on a film set to observe stringent new COVID-19 safety protocols in action. Here's what I learned. 🧵
@variety: How will the day-to-day work of film and TV production resume? After an invitation from two indie film producers — Maurice Fadida & Eric B. Fleischman — to visit the set of “The Knocking,” @MattDonnelly was able to observe the new protocols in action
Leo Sheng / @ileosheng: I can't share what I've filmed, but between the two sets I've been on since July: - temperature checks upon arrival - masks on until cameras roll (for actors/talent) - one prod: testing 2x/week - instructions on mic'ing myself - after plane, quarantine 2 weeks before shooting
Adam B. Vary / @adambvary: As productions slowly begin to start up again, @MattDonnelly has this fascinating and fabulous look at how one independent production is making filmmaking in the age of COVID-19 work:
Erin Napier / @erinrnapier: For those curious—this is a little what our work life is like now making Home Town. A COVID compliance officer and his temp check gun, checking everyone in at arrival. Missing our crew lunches every day, but thankful I get to share it with @scotsmanco.
Ash / @ashcart: i hope that whatever happens, viewers give their favorite shows some extra grace this year—these people are creating entertainment FOR YOU under incredibly difficultly circumstances just so (most of) us can watch—safely—from the comfort of our homes. a little grace. that's all.

How book publishers are trying to turn the age-old library system into a “reading as a service” operation through their lawsuit against the Internet Archive — In a lawsuit against the Internet Archive, the largest corporations in publishing want to change what it means to own a book.
@thenation: In a lawsuit against the Internet Archive, the largest corporations in publishing want to change what it means to own a book.
Arthur Chu / @arthur_affect: Yeah okay people are still on this so what the hell, let's do this No, this article doesn't make me “rethink” anything because it doesn't reveal anything I didn't already know, nothing in it is new information, nothing has changed since this started months ago (or 9 years ago)
Claire Connelly / @_claireconnelly: “What libraries do, is they buy, preserve, and lend. What this lawsuit is about—they're saying the libraries cannot buy, they cannot preserve, and they cannot lend.”
H.K / @hkesvani: Constantly thinking about that Current Affairs piece about the political consequences of paywalls and high premiums for factual information. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the Humanities and Social Sciences being untenable because some YA authors kept getting mad online
Burkely Hermann / Burkely's “History …: Pop culture reviews, archives, libraries, records, COVID, genealogy, and so on
Dante / @videodante: this is the fault of all those YA darlings who were like “ummmm you shouldn't be allowed to put Books in an online library :/” just as a reminder
Shuja Haider / @shujaxhaider: Should books be like netflix, where you are on chapter two and then they change the rights all of a sudden and you can't access it anymore. According to publishers the answer is yes
Adam Conover / @adamconover: The corporations that run the publishing industry are using a lawsuit against the Internet Archive to change what it means to own a book and cripple the ability of libraries to lend. What a self-destructive act - libraries provide 20% of publisher revenue.
Heather Alexandra / @transgamerthink: Chuck Wendig still unironically has a “no, I'm not trying to destroy the Internet Archive UWU” pinned post but this lawsuit would and irrevocably damage libraries and other organizations for no other reason other than greed. Corporations can't be trusted with preservation.
Rebecca Hedreen / @bioscilibrarian: We see this regularly at the library: ebooks we cannot license as a library; ebooks that vanish from our collections when the publisher decides to remove them. We don't own these books, we only rent them and have no rights to keep them.
Maria Bustillos / @mariabustillos: Ah thank you, good to know, a lot of news reports at the time mentioned your opposition to the National Emergency Library ...
@samdavisboyhero: @neilhimself Ah then I presume that you are not in favor of this lawsuit, as the story suggests?

Study: in 2019-2020, 42% of streaming shows had a female protagonist vs. 27% on cable; 32% of streaming shows had female directors, up from 15% the year before — Shows made for streaming services are much more likely to employ women in front of and behind the cameras than programs …
Melissa Luck / @melissakxly4: Still only 36% of TV news directors are women. I'm so lucky to have worked for several amazing women in leadership and to know so many news directors who are women!

Interview with FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel, on reforming Section 230 and whether the process around Trump's social media EO has become corrupt — Jessica Rosenworcel won't talk about what everyone really wants her to talk about. She can't. But what she says about everything else speaks volumes …
@protocol: Jessica Rosenworcel can't talk about taking the position of FCC chair. But right now, she's very focused on Trump's Section 230 executive order and the state of the U.S. digital divide.
Issie Lapowsky / @issielapowsky: “That executive order is ultimately an invitation from the president for the FCC to organize speech online in his favor. The FCC shouldn't take that bait.” - @JRosenworcel discussing Trump's Section 230 order w/@birnbaum_e
Mike Murphy / @mcwm: “Turning the FCC into the president's speech police isn't the answer.” - @JRosenworcel
Emily Birnbaum / @birnbaum_e: .@JRosenworcel worries there's deep political corruption surrounding the White House's social media executive order. She says “we should be concerned” that the president is retaliating against those who speak out, including Commissioner Michael O'Rielly.

Rachel Maddow's show, which had its two biggest audiences ever with Mary Trump and Michael Cohen, offers authors a concentrated audience of book buyers — NEW YORK (AP) — It's high season for books that pick apart Donald Trump's presidency, and Rachel Maddow is a big beneficiary.
Charles Adler / @charlesadler: Apparently some shows offer the literate stimulating content while some others are like certain political organizations that are perfectly happy to bamboozle the less literate.
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: “There isn't any show on television that sells more books than Maddow,” says Keith Urbahn of the Javelin literacy agency. “... The most engaged, book buying audience bar none. Every time one of our authors has been on, she has shot the book to number one.”

Goodreads has held on to its dominant spot online despite being nearly unusable, but its reign is now being challenged by competitors, including The StoryGraph — On a typical day, a long-time user of Goodreads, the world's largest community for reviewing and recommending books, will feel like they're losing their mind.
@sachinrekhi, @aardrian, @martinsfp, @sarahmanavis, Matt's Newsletter, Boing Boing and Bookninja, more at Techmeme »
Sachin Rekhi / @sachinrekhi: Goodreads joins Craigslist, LinkedIn, and many others as decades old products that are hard to disrupt. Network efforts win again. ...
Adrian Roselli / @aardrian: Amazon owns Goodreads and has little incentive to improve it. That is a space asking for competition while also very much in need of it. ... I started using The StoryGraph about a month ago, did not use Goodreads previously.
Martin Sfp Bryant / @martinsfp: It's crazy that Amazon has let Goodreads sit looking, as Sarah puts it, “like a teenager's 2005 Myspace page” for so long. To be honest, I only use it because it's integrated with my Kindle.
Sarah Manavis / @sarahmanavis: Also it's worth adding that it's NUTS how many people just don't know (including me until less than a year ago!) that Amazon owns Goodreads ...
Rob Beschizza / Boing Boing: Goodreads must be destroyed

The NFL season kickoff game Thursday averaged 19.3M viewers, about a 13% drop from 2019's kickoff — The NFL season kicked off on Thursday night, dominating the television ratings for the evening while still seeing a decline from the opening game in 2019. — Defending Super Bowl champions …
NPR, @nbcsportspr, NBC Sports Pressbox, @zigmanfreud, Ad Age, @statsonfire, @_dustincox, @damonbruce, @nickcradio, @sonnybunch, @sedano, CNBC and New York Post
Tamara Keith / NPR: Settling In For The NFL's Return? Get Ready For Campaign Ads, Too
@nbcsportspr: Top local markets for @HoustonTexans-@Chiefs 2020 @NFL Kickoff game on NBC: ...
John Ziegler / @zigmanfreud: This should be a MASSIVE sports story (but won't be). The ratings for NFL opener in this environment should be BIG. Instead...collapse. Why? Clearly not enough spectators & too much wokeness. NFL Season Kickoff Ratings Down Double Digits From 2019 Opener
Rob Guerrera / @statsonfire: The NFL got 20 million viewers during a night when playoff games from two other sports were on and you're trying to paint it as a LOSS for the NFL?!
Dustin Cox / @_dustincox: I'm sure it had nothing to do with multiple other sports (including NBA playoffs) going on yesterday. If those people really are tuning out though like they've been threatening to for several years now then good! Leave football for folks who see athletes as human beings.
Damon Bruce / @damonbruce: It's the biggest audience for network TV since the Super Bowl. Put that in your massive story.
Nick Cattles / @nickcradio: Another theory, @willcain - How about it has nothing to do with the “dishonest lecturing” & more w/ the fact that, for the first time ever, the NFL opener was going up against the three other major sports, including a LeBron game. (Prior Lakers game had 5M+ viewers).
Sonny Bunch / @sonnybunch: Apparently the NFL opener's ratings were very bad. As someone who literally didn't realize until yesterday afternoon that the season was starting, this is not surprising.
Jorge Sedano / @sedano: Again, tv viewership ACROSS THE BOARD - NOT JUST SPORTS is down 36% year over year in coveted 18-49 demo. The only thing up big is Cable News. You know, it's as if there were a once in a generation event that we are currently living thru or something. I mean? Maybe?
Jabari Young / CNBC: NFL's Chiefs-Texans 2020 season-opener averaged 19.3 million viewers, down 12% from last year
Howie Kussoy / New York Post: NFL ratings plummet in Chiefs-Texans season opener