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Behind the reporting and editing process that led to NYT's Caliphate, which was almost canned after it was publicly announced due to uncorroborated stories — A top editor is now reviewing Rukmini Callimachi's reporting on terrorism, which turned distant conflicts into accessible stories but drew criticism from colleagues.
@benyt, Poynter, @esaagar, @snarwani, @benyt, @wajahatali, @maryamsaleh, @sulliview, @flitteronfraud, @alxthomp, @aliabunimah, @mrwaltershapiro, @lisang, @eliotwb, @ragipsoylu, @film_girl, @bruce_arthur, @nprkelly, @tanvim, @ralstonreports, @weinbergersa, @sportsrapport, @thegrugq, @marcambinder, @felixsalmon, @nprinskeep, @profcarroll, @alexberenson, @maxwelltani, @ron_fournier, @spignal, @harmancipants, @sulliview, @rmc031, @kimmasters, @karaswisher and @nytimes
Ben Smith / @benyt: An Arrest in Canada Casts a Shadow on a New York Times Star, and The Times
Saagar Enjeti / @esaagar: Two observations 1) Many people screwed up big time on NYT's Caliphate 2) Some of the people gunning for @rcallimachi are mad she portrayed ISIS terrorists exactly as the bloodthirsty murderers they are and didn't paint a sympathetic portrait of them
Sharmine Narwani / @snarwani: Blocked ages ago by Rukmini Callimachi for questioning her coverage of the Mideast, Syria, terrorism. Every regional reporter knew what a hack & sensationalist she was. We'd be rich if we collected a buck for every line the @NYT gets wrong on this region.
Ben Smith / @benyt: Someone else active in the Times Union tells me that a leader of the chapter, who runs the account, tweeted about the Stephens column without any internal discussion, causing a furor in Slack and drawing heated objections from others in the Guild, and leading to this:
@maryamsaleh: “The narrative her work perpetuates sensationalizes violence committed by Arabs or Muslims by focusing almost exclusively on — even pathologizing — their culture and religion,” said @AliaMalek.
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: 2/2 Accuracy is paramount, of course. No excuses. But I've felt for a long time that *some* of the criticism of @rcallimachi came from resentment/jealousy, and that there's schadenfreude involved here, not without a hint of sexism.
Emily Flitter / @flitteronfraud: I'm grateful for @benyt's cleat-eyed take on this: “Reporters looking for a terrifying yarn will find terrorist sources eager to help terrify,” he writes
Alex Thompson / @alxthomp: NYT's CJ Chivers warned editors of what he saw as Rukmini Callimachi's sensationalism and inaccuracy, and told Slackman that turning a blind eye to problems with her work would “burn this place down.”
Ali Abunimah / @aliabunimah: What does it say that @nytimes keeps getting huge stories wrong? What has been learned since Judith Miller? Since Russiagate and the Mueller report? Perhaps the whole mission of NYT is really to “credibly” launder US state propaganda as “news” without getting caught.
Walter Shapiro / @mrwaltershapiro: Bret Stephens critiquing the 1619 project. @benyt raising questions about the reporting of Rukmini Callimachi. Suddenly, the NY Times has more intramural disputes than the Village Voice in the 1970s. Mostly I see this as healthy.
Lisa Goldman / @lisang: ""If you scrutinized anyone's record on reporting at Syria, everyone made grave, grave errors," said Theo Padnos, a freelance journalist held hostage for two years... “Rukmini is on the hot seat at the moment, but the sins were so general.""
Eliot Brown / @eliotwb: stepping back, it's pretty impressive that the nyt's own columnist is presenting some rather damning info on his own institution
@ragipsoylu: What Rukmini has done is nothing less than fake news. And she can get away with it because she has brought traffic. Sad state of journalism
Christina Warren / @film_girl: Really like the latest @benyt column. Love that he's not afraid to report on the institution he works for.
Bruce Arthur / @bruce_arthur: This piece by @benyt about questionable terrorism reporting (with a Canadian link) includes the most baller final two paragraphs of any piece of media criticism I have ever read
Mary Louise Kelly / @nprkelly: “While some of the coverage has portrayed her as a kind of rogue reporting suggests she was delivering what the senior-most leaders of the news org asked for, with their support.” Cannot have been easy for @benyt to report or write this. Kudos to @NYT for running it.
Tanvi / @tanvim: A number of things in this story but two I wanna point out: 1) media “star culture” is damaging and super annoying. 2) western foreign journalism is long overdue for a serious reexamination.
Jon Ralston / @ralstonreports: Anyhow, gotta hand it to @benyt: He is not shying away from controversial topics, including those inside his own new org. Consistently provocative and interesting. Ben, got some Vegas journalism stories for ya... Here is today's column: 3/3
Sharon Weinberger / @weinbergersa: “If you get something wrong, you probably won't get a call from the ISIS press office seeking a correction.”
Ryan Glasspiegel / @sportsrapport: “And journalists often find themselves relying on murderous and untrustworthy sources in situations where the facts are ambiguous. If you get something wrong, you probably won't get a call from the ISIS press office seeking a correction.”
Thaddeus E. Grugq / @thegrugq: Kinda funny that it took this long to come out. A Pulitzer is an awesome shield
Marc Ambinder / @marcambinder: The Times against the Times is an interesting subplot for the weekend.
Felix Salmon / @felixsalmon: “the terror beat lends itself particularly well to the seductions of narrative journalism. Reporters looking for a terrifying yarn will find terrorist sources eager to help terrify.” @benyt on @rcallimachi
Steve Inskeep / @nprinskeep: This amazing story examines a reporter who's often been on NPR. Her work is questioned by some of the finest Mideast reporters I've known. @benyt weighs in on his own paper, even though the story involves “my boss's boss's boss and my boss's boss.”
David Carroll / @profcarroll: It's so important for an institution to be self-critical. The arrogance of the NYT, as great as it is, is something it needs to deal with. This is a start.
Alex Berenson / @alexberenson: Wow. Terrible day for @nytimes. @benyt with a devastating piece on Rukmini Callimachi, a reporter I've always liked. So war and even race reporting are open to question... but their #covid sensationalism is still a sacred cow. Until November 4, anyway.
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: 🤔
Ron Fournier / @ron_fournier: “Mr. Baquet and Mr. Kahn, I should note here, are my boss's boss's boss and my boss's boss, respectively, and my writing about The Times while on its payroll brings with it all sorts of potential conflicts of interest and is generally a bit of a nightmare”
Stanley Pignal / @spignal: NYT wonders whether some of its reporting on terrorism stands up to scrutiny. The underlying theme: journalism has gone from being about facts to being about “stories”. And facts have an annoying way of getting in the way of good stories.
Reyhan Harmanci / @harmancipants: Sincere question (my apologies) about @benyt's great column. Is it really true that *now* is when NYT went for narrative stars as opposed to the past? I mean, after Watergate, who didn't want their reporters to be brands?
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: 1/2 Since it's under discussion, here's a NYT public editor column I wrote in 2015 in which journalists inside and outside The Times question Rukmini's reporting and in which Dean Baquet and Joe Kahn express their support of her
Rachel Cohen / @rmc031: This is an important article from @benyt capturing something I think a lot of us have noticed about the changing style of NYT reports, which more freely mix in a reporter's narrative + analysis. It's not “fake news” but it can certainly be more subjective
Kim Masters / @kimmasters: My god, is this a hot mess.
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: Tough column for @benyt to do, but he did it and fairly.

NYT's Caliphate, under internal review, included an odd storytelling sequence and possible exploitation of a Yazidi girl put on the phone with an alleged rapist
@erikwemple, @mlcalderone, @brianstelter, @adamwren, @biancajoanie, @lailaalarian, @mclendaniel, @williams_paige, @peterbale, @bgrueskin, @joshsternberg, @rbkhoury and @ggreenwald
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: The New York Times has its hands full with its investigation of the 2018 podcast series “Caliphate.” ...
Michael Calderone / @mlcalderone: NYT isn't just reviewing reporting and editing of “Caliphate,” but some of @rcallimachi's other stories, reports @benyt.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: The NYT's media columnist is out with a detailed, unflinching column about an NYT controversy, with an apt disclosure: “Mr. Baquet and Mr. Kahn, I should note here, are my boss's boss's boss and my boss's boss, respectively...”
Adam Wren / @adamwren: I hope to God I never get a call about my reporting from @ErikWemple. ...
Bianca Padr Ocasio / @biancajoanie: If this all turns out to be accurate, this is such a scandal at the @nytimes, from bypassing local reporting without crediting to how a rape victim was put on the spot with her alleged abuser on the phone, all through a translator. Don't do this. ...
Laila Al-Arian / @lailaalarian: “While it's scrubbing down ‘Caliphate’ for factual problems, the New York Times review team might consider the sensibility that drove the entire enterprise: sensationalism.” Such reporting from the ME doesn't receive enough scrutiny bc it confirms biases ...
Morgan Clendaniel / @mclendaniel: I'm glad it's getting caught with Caliphate but basically every major narrative podcast hit of the last five years has the same structure, which is to admit in the last episode that the entire thing might be made up and you'll come to no real conclusions (Serial, S-Town, etc).
@williams_paige: Strong suggestion of the drive for multimedia star power over the primacy of fact.
@peterbale: @BGrueskin @ErikWemple I feared it was “too good” at the time as well as respecting her courage and questioning her wisdom in some cases such as taking large quantities of documents.
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: The NY Times has launched an internal investigation into its popular ‘Caliphate’ podcast, and as @ErikWemple's column shows, there are a lot of troubling questions about how this series was reported and presented. ...
Josh Sternberg / @joshsternberg: “Turning a talent like Callimachi into a multimedia star is a fine strategy, so long as the eye-catching discoveries pan out. If they do not, the entire enterprise will have more distance to fall.” ...

Twitter announces changes to clamp down on US election misinfo, like blocking retweets of misleading content from candidates and accounts with 100K+ followers — Move is latest escalation of anti-misinformation measures in run-up to presidential vote — Twitter has announced …
Twitter, @ananny, New York Times, @twittersupport, Search Engine Land, @leftoblique, @samberger_dc, @spikebrehm, @davidakaye, @stavvers, @emilybell, @hakan_geijer, Hollywood Reporter, @kenroth, @kateconger, @newsmary, @wired, @edronco, @green_footballs, @aelkus, Washington Post, @holden, @wongmjane, @cernovich, @shannoncoulter, @katestarbird, @kreissdaniel, @grace_panetta, @propornot, @necolas, @katestarbird, @rosenbergerlm, @hankgreen, @mozilla, @scalzi, @repspeier, @vijaya, @jgreenblattadl, TechCrunch, @polotek, @twittercomms, @yashalevine, @mcfaul, @jerrydunleavy, @nickochsnerwbtv, @kevinroose, @tocradio, @karissabe, @karissabe, @brendannyhan, @aljwhite, @blackamazon, @stevenbjohnson, @nickpickles, @yoyoel, @bgrassbluecrab, @joycewhitevance, @mathewi, @jayrosen_nyu, @harrymccracken, @neeratanden, @cwarzel, Reuters, Wall Street Journal, 9to5Mac, Politico, NPR and Axios
Mike Ananny / @ananny: What if Twitter paused Trump? New in @WIRED from me & @kreissdaniel: delay social media “of those who seek to manipulate the public—like the president.” It'd be “a sea change in platform content moderation. But it is exactly the pause we urgently need.”
@twittersupport: We'll temporarily ask people to add their own commentary before amplifying content by prompting Quote Tweets instead of Retweets. We hope this encourages everyone to consider why they are amplifying a Tweet, and brings more thoughts, reactions & perspectives to the conversation.
Ginny Marvin / Search Engine Land: 20201012 SEL Brief — Twitter outlined a number of measures ahead of the U.S. election on Friday.
Dana Fried / @leftoblique: Here's the thing: it's clear they've looked at their internal metrics and made choices based on the data they have. I think they're doing the best they can to be responsible citizens in this regard, but with these kings of things you don't know until you try them.
Sam Berger / @samberger_dc: Twitter to limit false claims of victory before the votes are counted and calls for voter interference or intimidation. Every social media platform should be taking these kinds of steps. ...
Spike Brehm / @spikebrehm: Very happy to see @jack put his money where his mouth is. Thank you.
David Kaye / @davidakaye: will it work and will it last? great thread highlighting new twitter policies to address disinformation.
Cursd Pumpkin Spice Latte / @stavvers: The fun thing about these proposals is it's sort of returning twitter to its early 2010s roots when it wasn't a mess of algorithm recommendations and RTing was a bit fiddly so you often added a “this” to your RT @
Emily Bell / @emilybell: Define ‘work’
Hkan Geijer / @hakan_geijer: Cue a 10,000 fold increase in QTs saying “this”
Ryan Parker / Hollywood Reporter: Twitter Again Tags Trump Tweet for Spreading “Potentially Harmful” Virus Information
Kenneth Roth / @kenroth: Twitter will add a warning label to any claim about who won the US election until it has been officially determined. Western democracies should do the same thing, refusing to endorse any premature claim of “victory.” America's democracy may depend on it.
O...K / @kateconger: These are some of the biggest product changes I've seen from a social media company in response to election misinformation. Now the big question: Will it work?
Maz Hamilton / @newsmary: Research has shown that repeated exposure to a falsehood makes people more likely to believe it. Amplifying something false, even to fact check or refute it, can paradoxically make it more widely believed - especially if the original context is preserved. ...
@wired: Opinion: If Twitter is serious about its stated goal of “protecting the integrity of the election conversation,” it should consider putting a time delay on the tweets of Donald Trump and other political elites
Ed Ronco / @edronco: I read the thread, clicked “retweet” to see what would happen, and got this. I love it for so many reasons. (And yes, I read the story!) Really interesting changes. Will be eager to know if they make a difference.
Charles Johnson / @green_footballs: They should leave the recommendations off. Algorithmic recommendations are one of the main reasons why social media has been so destructive; they help spread conspiracy theories and extremism way beyond their normal reach.
@aelkus: i have a better idea: just ban politicians from social media services entirely
Washington Post: With Election Day looming, Twitter imposes new limits on U.S. politicians — and ordinary users, too
Mike Caulfield / @holden: The one thing Twitter could do that would actually maybe save our democracy is to force people sharing video / photos of events to make *specific* assertions about where and when that video is from. If @TwitterSafety is listening I can explain why failure to do that is dangerous.
Jane Manchun Wong / @wongmjane: the fascinating thing about twitter is that a mere product change as small as this one can cause people to lose their mind
@cernovich: Twitter sees the real data. They know it's going to be close. Real close, and they don't want you talking about *that* on election night.
Shannon Coultergeist / @shannoncoulter: Is it just me or is it a bit awkward that Twitter just said, basically, hey, we're going to press the pause button on that whole mass dissemination of misinformation thing for a couple weeks, but we'll start up again soon...?
Kate Starbird / @katestarbird: I've been recommending this same thing. Once they hit the platform, his tweets are RTed 1000s of times in the first few minutes. Many folks seeing that content won't see (or accept) the labels that get added. Only way to stop the cascades of disinfo is before the tweets post.
Daniel Kreiss / @kreissdaniel: New piece by @ananny and I. @Twitter made a bunch of great changes today, but we think even more friction is necessary:
Grace Panetta / @grace_panetta: Just got some clarification from a Twitter spox on the new announcement today - the policy barring premature race calls/declarations of victory only applies to presidential/congressional elections and not state-level, state leg, and other downballot races
PropOrNot ID / @propornot: Thank you @Twitter/@Policy for trying these major reforms on your platform to counter disinformation/propaganda! These changes to how Twitter works are long overdue, but much better late than never. Bravo!
Nicolas / @necolas: Twitter is temporarily disabling algorithmic recommendations to combat misinformation 👍 Indicates these systems are fundamentally broken (on all platforms) and shouldn't be used. If it's not election meddling it's conspiracy theories, anti-vax, climate denial, etc. But $$$
Kate Starbird / @katestarbird: Definitely steps in the right direction. Helping users slow down before retweeting. Reducing the trending functionality (it seems). And curbing specific types of election-related disinfo. All things that researchers have been recommending. Good to see Twitter take these actions.
Laura Rosenberger / @rosenbergerlm: 👏👏👏 Yet another step by Twitter recognizing that platform architecture matters, and that rethinking the way information moves can create a healthier ecosystem. This more systemic approach - vs just content moderation - is where we need more thinking. ...
Hank Green / @hankgreen: This all strikes me as intelligent and good....which
@mozilla: This is important news from @twitter, but falls short of the biggest action that could help stop the spread of misinformation leading up to the US election. Join our call to #UnTrendTwitter: ...
John Scalzi / @scalzi: I just checked to see if it would ask me to add my own views before I RT'd on Tweetdeck. Seems not!
Jackie Speier / @repspeier: A step in the right direction by Twitter for halting the spread of misinfo & disinfo. However, there's still more to do. Social media platforms, incl. Facebook, must take responsibility for enforcing their content policies, incl. those for threats of violence & hate speech.
Vijaya Gadde / @vijaya: Twitter has a critical role to play in protecting the integrity of the election conversation, and we encourage candidates, campaigns, news outlets & voters to use Twitter respectfully and to recognize our collective responsibility to the electorate... ...
Jonathan Greenblatt / @jgreenblattadl: Good to see @Twitter taking steps to combat political misinformation, incl. lies, premature declarations of victory & calls for violence at both the policy & product levels. Social media companies have an important role to play in protecting our democracy. ...
Taylor Hatmaker / TechCrunch: Changing how retweets work, Twitter seeks to slow down election misinformation
Marco Rogers / @polotek: OH: Only 4 years of trump needed for twitter to make it to “maybe literally calling for violence and murder isn't always ok” ...
@twittercomms: You may have heard, we're very into Quote Tweets and context, so here's a Quote Tweet about our news today with a ton of context.
Yasha Levine / @yashalevine: Hahaha. Oligarch Nanny State. No healthcare, no jobs, toxic pollution — but nudging for more thoughtful and wholesome engagement on behalf of advertiser revenue.
Michael McFaul / @mcfaul: Have to admire @twitter for their innovation and leadership in helping the U.S. conduct a free and fair election. Bravo @nickpickles @jack .
Jerry Dunleavy / @jerrydunleavy: Twitter will soon be openly prompting us all to dunk on people.
Nick Ochsner / @nickochsnerwbtv: Now @Sharrison_WFAE asks a fourth time. “I've said what I'm going to say about it. I've answered the question” related to his extramarital relations. Dodged question four times #ncpol
Kevin Roose / @kevinroose: These are big, substantive changes that seem thoughtfully designed. Turning off algorithmic recommendations, in particular, is a step no other platform has taken.
Christian Datoc / @tocradio: temporary changes... if twitter actually cared and wasn't just ass covering why wouldn't these changes be made permanent?
Karissa Bell / @karissabe: They're also cleaning up trends (a little) by changing “for you” trends to only include topics with “context” and (finally!) taking the “recommendations” out of your timeline that showed tweets from people you don't follow
Karissa Bell / @karissabe: Twitter is also adding new labels when a tweet is “disputed” and making it harder for tweets to go viral. Retweets will automatically direct people to quote tweet instead to “encourage conversation”
Brendan Nyhan / @brendannyhan: Great changes. Why not keep them after Election Day?
@blackamazon: That nobody at all is even analyzing how information flows for non “standard populations” or has any analysis for abuse is so on par with the shit show that this field is
Steven Johnson / @stevenbjohnson: Wow. The rise of assisted/algorithmic ways of spreading info in the social media age is probably just as significant as the shift from open to closed standards. It was harder to make something viral in Web 1.0. Twitter seems to be implying that friction was a feature not a bug.
Nick Pickles / @nickpickles: Additional steps we're taking ahead of the 2020 US Election and on election night - New prompts and more warnings on misleading Tweets; encouraging greater consideration before amplifying Tweets; adding context to Trends and reducing recommendations.
Yoel Roth / @yoyoel: In the lead-up to #Election2020 in the US, we're introducing additional measures to protect the integrity of the conversation, including more overt warning messages on Tweets which violate our Civic Integrity Policy. Learn more:
Dr. Amy Freitag / @bgrassbluecrab: This is fantastic, but probably insufficient to help. I've been thinking about the role of social media in global society lately. Permit me a brain dump... (1/n)
Joyce Alene / @joycewhitevance: Blocking premature victory announcements is an important step. Many more of us are voting by mail & exit polls are based on how folks in person vote, so there could be a “red mirage” on election night. All votes should be counted before races are called. ...
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: Definitely very little and very late, but still worthwhile, and should arguably continue even when there isn't an election
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Twitter, the company, said it will disable the system that suggests posts on the basis of someone's interests and the activity of accounts they follow. A recognition that algorithmic systems can create misinformation cascades.
Harry McCracken / @harrymccracken: In retrospect, the whole concept of virality may have been a mistake.
Neera -Vote Early- Tanden / @neeratanden: These are important steps. Thank you @jack and @Twitter
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: this is the kind of friction these platforms should all be adding into the design. (like i wrote y'day with's an admission that the current platform design, the one they've been using for over a decade, is broken)
Elizabeth Culliford / Reuters: Twitter imposes restrictions, more warning labels ahead of U.S. election
Georgia Wells / Wall Street Journal: Twitter Slows Down Retweets Ahead of U.S. Election

Interview with James Murdoch on why he “pulled the rip cord” by resigning from News Corp board, declining a role at Disney, not watching Succession, and more — Increasingly uncomfortable with News Corp's politics and profit motives, Rupert's younger son chose chickens and sheep over Fox …
@benyt, @matthewjdavies, @deniseshrivell, @comfortablysmug, @kirovkate, @plesbilongmi, @peter_tl, @rgcooke, @sharkfu, @tonywalker1, @film_girl, @joparkerbear, @benitakolovos, @kenvogel, @sicarswell, @cernovich, @brianstelter, @georgetakei, @johncleese, @raju, @shawnmccreesh, @halsparks, @nytimes, @johnlevenstein, @jkbjournalist, @abigaildisney, @jimrutenberg, Variety, The Wrap and Deadline
Ben Smith / @benyt: A scoop from @maureendowd here: Current Fox management seems likely to lose control when Rupert Murdoch passes from the scene, based on the balance of family power
Matthew Davies / @matthewjdavies: Turns out James Murdoch is a lovely bloke, is not at all complicit in covering up the hacking scandal and is not in fact responsible for any terrible things.
Denise Shrivell / @deniseshrivell: Save us James! Sadly I'm not sure Australia is on his radar #auspol
Comfortably Smug / @comfortablysmug: The cuck son James tried and failed at turning Fox News left. Now, the trust fund baby sits down with Maureen Dowd and trashes his family's legacy that has defended free market and free speech for decades
Kate Emery / @kirovkate: Season three of Succession dropping unexpectedly over here. (I rarely RT non-West media but this is essential reading for anyone with an interest in the news, which I hope is kinda everyone)
Max Uechtritz / @plesbilongmi: “Mr. Murdoch rebuked Mr. Trump and wrote: “I can't even believe I have to write this: standing up to Nazis is essential; there are no good Nazis. Or Klansmen, or terrorists.” The email stood in sharp relief, given Fox's fetid racism-by-night routine.”
Peter Thal Larsen / @peter_tl: A very perceptive comment by Kathryn Murdoch about her father-in-law's company.
Richard Cooke / @rgcooke: James Murdoch left News Corp in large part due to its promotion of disinformation
Pamela Merritt / @sharkfu: James stayed loyal after the cell phones of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler and London bombings victims were hacked & thru the scandal that followed. He gets a fluff piece to kick off his rebranding. The NYT published the “no angel” piece about Mike Brown before his funeral.
Antony / @tonywalker1: Here's original thoughts James Murdoch in which he criticizes Fox-News business model that ‘legitimizes disinformation’ quote unquote on issues like climate...NYT
Christina Warren / @film_girl: I love this but there is no way James doesn't watch Succession. All the Murdoch children do. The Redstone's watch too, you know they do.
Brosephine Wires / @joparkerbear: I resisted as long as I could. If you're obsessed with Succession (ME) or Murdoch drama, this is for you. James Murdoch, Rebellious Scion
Benita Kolovos / @benitakolovos: “I reached the conclusion that you can venerate a contest of ideas, if you will, and we all do and that's important. But it shouldn't be in a way that hides agendas. A contest of ideas shouldn't be used to legitimize disinformation.” via @nytimes
Kenneth P. Vogel / @kenvogel: JAMES MURDOCH — who left @newscorp's board & has started donating to super PACs supporting BIDEN/opposing TRUMP — suggests News Corp's conservative outlets (including @foxnews) have been used “to sow doubt, to obscure fact” & “legitimize disinformation.”
Simon Carswell / @sicarswell: James Murdoch, Rebellious Scion - fascinating @maureendowd interview with Rupert's son MD: ‘With Trump & Fox, who is the dog and who is the tail?’ JM: 'I don't think you're going to get one pristine, consistent analysis of that phenomenon'
@cernovich: James Murdoch wants to be loved by the left now? How about you give daddy his billions back?
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: James went *on the record* with Dowd for multiple interviews...but isn't quoted talking about this takeover theory. He says he still watches Fox News sometimes, “if there's an important thing, like an important interview or something like that, sometimes.”
John Cleese / @johncleese: A ray of hope ?
Raju Narisetti / @raju: “I decided that I could be much more effective outside.” A fascinating profile of James Murdoch with @KathrynAMurdoch, by @maureendowd in @nytimes. Rebellious Scion
Shawn McCreesh / @shawnmccreesh: Q: “Wendi Deng dated Vladimir Putin.” A: “You can't ask me those questions.”
Hal Sparks / @halsparks: I'll take “Awkward Thanksgivings” for 3 Billion, Alex
@nytimes: “I think at great news organizations, the mission really should be to introduce fact to disperse doubt — not to sow doubt, to obscure fact, if you will,” James Murdoch tells Maureen Dowd about his decision to leave News Corp.
John Levenstein / @johnlevenstein: Asked if he would keep the money, he erupted in laughter.
Julie K. Brown / @jkbjournalist: This is quite a story. James Murdoch, Rebellious Scion
Abigail Disney / @abigaildisney: If this is true, why are they tipping their hand so publicly before Rupert has left the stage?
@jimrutenberg: MURDOCH WORLD NEWS: James Murdoch confides in @maureendowd about why he “pulled the rip cord” and left the family business, says Murdoch news properties “legitimize disinformation”, “sow doubt” & “obscure fact” in his most candid interview to date (1/3)
Ellise Shafer / Variety: James Murdoch Talks Family Politics and His Exit From News Corp

Google halts plans to launch News Showcase in Australia, says it isn't clear if the product will be viable under the country's draft News Media Bargaining code — Google has halted plans to launch its ‘News Showcase’ product in Australia as the tech company isn't clear if it will be viable under …
Mel Silva / The Keyword: Australian code's unreasonable payment rules

Sources: Katzenberg pitched Apple, WarnerMedia, and Facebook about buying Quibi, but so far had no takers; Quibi has between 400K and 500K subscribers now — Six months after launching his revolutionary video-streaming service, Quibi, Hollywood mogul Jeffrey Katzenberg is looking for a buyer.
MediaPost, @psythor, AppleInsider, @trengriffin, @edzitron, Gizmodo Australia, @ashkan, @beijingpalmer, @azeem, @kantrowitz, @jbillinson, @jimwaterson, @mccrackenagain, @jessesachs, @edsbs, @cityofthetown, @readdanwrite and MacRumors
Karlene Lukovitz / MediaPost: Quibi Still Searching For Buyer: Report
James O'Malley / @psythor: This doesn't seem so surprising given that according to an interview I heard with Katzenberg, Quibi's deal with creators meant that the company doesn't own any of the IP it paid for (!). So all buyers would get is... an app that not many people use.
Tren Griffin / @trengriffin: CAC and churn are stone cold killers of value. Distribution and retention are vastly harder than most people imagine. Quibi has between 400,000 to 500,000 paying subscribers (including those who have it free through T-Mobile). ...
Ed Zitron / @edzitron: Imagine the pitch. “So it's shows that are not good, that are also short, also you can't watch them on a tv. What do you think. We're thinking 2 billion dollars”
Caitlin McGarry / Gizmodo Australia: Apple, Like the Rest of Us, Does Not Want to Pay for Quibi
Ashkan Karbasfrooshan / @ashkan: If this is true then @quibi should use $800M to acquire assets with pertinent audiences. Seems like a no brainer vs approaching Apple/Warner/Facebook. It could spend $250-500M on smart distribution bets instead, esp if much of their catalog/IP is evergreen
Azeem Azhar / @azeem: This one was CA Technologies and KMart written all over it
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: The FTC should force big tech to acquire Quibi to even the playing field
Josh Billinson / @jbillinson: My offer of $10 stands. Jeffrey Katzenberg must come to the table and hear what I have to offer
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: It's very sad that no one in the UK knows what Quibi is. Because I would love to spend my time writing about the slow-motion downfall of Quibi.
@mccrackenagain: Quibi failure news is the only thing providing serotonin lately
Tom Dotan / @cityofthetown: Quibi sale update: no dice. Katzenberg approached Apple, Warnermedia and Facebook. All passed quickly. It still has around $800million in the bank, so it's not dire. But with fewer than 500,000 paying subs, where do you go? w/ @jtoonkel ...

Study: Facebook likes, comments, and shares from news outlets that routinely publish misinformation roughly tripled from Q3 2016 to Q3 2020 to 1.8B interactions — During the 2016 presidential election, Russian operatives used Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media platforms …

Two Daily Caller reporters say they were beaten with nightsticks by police as they reported on an anti-police protest Thursday night in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin — ‘It was excessive force for sure,’ Shelby Talcott said — Fox News Flash top headlines for October 9
@gpingersoll, @espiers, @richiemcginniss, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Breitbart and Mediaite
Geoffrey Ingersoll / @gpingersoll: We have video and audio evidence of your guys beating the shit out of our reporters. What the fuck is this? Who are the officers responsible?
Elizabeth Spiers / @espiers: A) the police should not be beating up reporters. B) it's sad and pathetic that the police have to beat up some reporters from the Daily Caller for right wing media to wake up to the fact that this kind of thing happens routinely.
@richiemcginniss: Video of @ShelbyTalcott and my detainment. As I was recording arrests, one officer told me to (quickly) clear the area. Upon arriving to the car, I was forcibly detained (with press cred in hand) and as you can hear in the video, I tried my best to comply with police orders.

Philadelphia Inquirer says it will close its Montgomery County printing plant, putting as many as 500 out of work, and shift to a NJ contractor to save costs — The Philadelphia Inquirer will close its sprawling Montgomery County printing plant and shift production of its newspapers to a New Jersey contractor.

Live sports streaming service fuboTV raised $183M in its IPO on Thursday, valuing the company at $620.2M — The initial public offering raised $183 million and valued the company at $620.2 million. — The stock of streaming service fuboTV rose in its market debut on Thursday.

As deepfakes make their way into broadcast-quality productions, filmmakers and artists are facing new questions like how to cast the right actors for a deepfake — In 2019, two multimedia artists, Francesca Panetta and Halsey Burgund, set about to pursue a provocative idea.
@craigmod, @rossdawson, @martinwaxman, @samgregory, @_karenhao and @chengela, more at Techmeme »
Craig Mod / @craigmod: The continued fascinating / horrifying march of the deep fake: ...
Ross Dawson / @rossdawson: The rise of deepfake videos is creating a new job with very specific skills: the deepfake actor, controlling the face, movements and voice of the person the AI has generated @techreview ...
Martin Waxman / @martinwaxman: Here's a new job: deepfake actor. Although the voice or image comes from AI, having people say words or provide their body or face make the videos more real. Great for entertainment. But a risk if ‘bad actors’ are involved by @_KarenHao ... cc @alexsevigny
Sam Gregory / @samgregory: Great @_KarenHao article exploring casting/acting process for #deepfake actors: @welcomechechnya @deepfakemoon + work of @stephlepp, Bill Posters. We've featured these creators in our #Deepfakery video series: you can watch more at ...
Karen Hao / @_karenhao: Now that deepfakes are being used in professional productions, directors and actors are facing new questions: how do you cast the right actor to deepfake? And how do you *act* when your face will never be seen?? I had loads of fun reporting this one. ...

Despite critiques of horse race journalism, news outlets should make poll-based election forecasts as part of their duty to keep readers informed — There's good evidence that some people find predictive models like FiveThirtyEight's confusing, and an argument that they might keep people from voting.
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: This sort of reaction to a Biden +11 poll in FL is a good example of what I'm talking about in the story A poll that good *might* discourage some from voting. Biden people want that not to happen! But that doesn't mean news orgs shouldn't report the poll
Aron Pilhofer / @pilhofer: Good piece here from @jbenton (he's on a roll!) tackling the sticky business of applying polling-based predictive modeling to elections. Not sure where I land on this, but I def think there's a conversation to be had about how media interpreted it.

New England Journal of Medicine condemns Trump in its first-ever political editorial, following Scientific American's first-ever presidential endorsement — Editors at the world's leading medical journal said the Trump administration “took a crisis and turned it into a tragedy.”
Cary Littlejohn / Critical Linking: Skyfall — Two different things that happened this week had me looking up.
Dr. Cynthia Greenlee / @cynthiagreenlee: The @NEJM urges a reckoning at the polls for “leaders” who've mishandled the pandemic — without naming anyone. Medical journals have to be brave enough to name names. The dead (and the living) deserve specificity — and accountability.
Nicholas Connors / @nicholasconnors: The New England Journal of Medicine, for the first time in its 208 years of existence, has taken a position in politics — urging Americans to defeat Donald Trump.
David Hill / @maddog1066: @0lSarge @sladesr I'll let the New England Journal of Medicine speak for me. It's more effective that a tweet.
Sandra Kim MD / @sckimchp: Powerful words. More than ever, our vote can save lives.
@billyhoward423: Listen to Science. Listen to Medicine. Listen to fact. Donald Trump is a con job. Don't vote for him.
Brderin Judith / @youdidinvienna: »Anyone else who recklessly squandered lives and money in this way would be suffering legal consequences. Our leaders have largely claimed immunity for their actions. But this election gives us the power to render judgment. Q: Dying in a Leadership Vacuum
Senator Tony Vargas / @tonyvargas: For the first time in history, The New England Journal of Medicine has rightly taken a stand politically by calling out the Trump administration for responding so poorly to #COVID19. #Vote
Richard Dawkins / @richarddawkins: To those who say a high prestige scientific journal should not enter politics: Indeed. And that is exactly why this is the first time in 200 years that they have done so. Doesn't that tell you something?
David Gergen / @david_gergen: For first time in its 208 years, the New England Journal of Medicine has endorsed a presidential candidate. It's accompanying editorial is the best, most succinct examination I have read of the country's leadership failure in the pandemic.
Dr. Courtney Radsch / @courtneyr: Dying in a Leadership Vacuum | a rare editorial from @NEJM: Reasonable people will certainly disagree about the many political positions taken by candidates. But truth is neither liberal nor conservative.
Sarah Riggs Amico / @sarahriggsamico: 🚨@NEJM: “#Covid_19 has created a crisis throughout the world. This crisis has produced a test of leadership....Here in the United States, our leaders have failed that test. They have taken a crisis & turned it into a tragedy. The magnitude of this failure is astonishing.” 1/x 👇
Andr Picard / @picardonhealth: In a First, New England Journal of Medicine @NEJM Joins Never-Trumpers. Editors at the world's leading medical journal said the Trump administration “took a crisis and turned it into a tragedy,” by @ginakolata via @nytimes #Covid19
Eve Sneider / Wired: A Super-Spreading Presidency, Experimental Treatments, and More Coronavirus News