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NBC News says it couldn't be prouder of journalist Brandy Zadrozny and says Fox News chose to smear her, encouraging harassment “and worse” — Statement from NBC News:
Mediaite, Variety, @tressiemcphd, @slpng_giants, @alivelshi, @w7voa, @nikkimcr, @thetonymorrison, @hshaban, @kasie, @nikkimcr, @maddow, @maurabarrettnbc, @jolingkent, @nbcnewsguild and @ashleyfeinberg
Charlie Nash / Mediaite: NBC News Condemns Fox News After Tucker Carlson Attacks Reporter: ‘Shamefully Encouraged Harassment and Worse’
Brian Steinberg / Variety: NBC News Says Tucker Carlson ‘Dangerously and Dishonestly Targeted’ Its Reporter
Tressie McMillan Cottom / @tressiemcphd: A model for Deans and University Presidents
@slpng_giants: Glad to see @NBCNews back @BrandyZadrozny after Tucker Carlson targeted her last night. The media breathlessly defended Carlson with protestors showed up to his home (which shouldn't happen IMHO), but never talk about Carlson's dangerous targeting of others including reporters.
Ali Velshi / @alivelshi: My colleague @BrandyZadrozny is one of the finest journalists out there. Attacking her groundbreaking work on disinformation and misinformation puts you on the wrong side of history
Steve Herman / @w7voa: Response from @NBCNews after the attack on @BrandyZadrozny by @TuckerCarlson during his @FoxNews program. #media
@nikkimcr: In July, Carlson erroneously accused two reporters of attempting to doxx his home address, within hours of the segment airing, the addresses of the reporters had been posted online and one of the reporters had someone attempt to break into their home ...
@thetonymorrison: Here for a network that defends their journalists and their integrity 🔥
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: Two years ago, the Verge wrote this. Today, NBC News responds to Fox for targeting one of its stellar journalists. Are other newsrooms prepared for more?
@nikkimcr: Tucker Carlson spends every night railing about free speech and censorship while at the same time turning his show into a space where reactionaries can direct waves of violent intimidation against journalists doing vital, honest reporting. It's a pattern and it's unacceptable.
Rachel Maddow / @maddow: 100% concur. @BrandyZadrozny is as good as it gets in this business.
Maura Barrett / @maurabarrettnbc: We always stand with @BrandyZadrozny (+ she's always a must read). @NBCNews
Jo Ling Kent / @jolingkent: I fully support @BrandyZadrozny.
@nbcnewsguild: We are extremely proud to work with @BrandyZadrozny, who is uncovering disinformation and deception at a critical time in our history. We will always be in her corner. We're also happy to see @NBCNews stand up for one of its reporters against this bad faith attack.

Tucker Carlson hosted a former WH speech writer on his Fox News show for a segment attacking NBC News reporter Brandy Zadrozny for basic reporting techniques — Zadrozny is just really good at her job — During the October 21 edition of his Fox News show, Tucker Carlson hosted Darren Beattie …
@oneunderscore__, @mattbinder, @oneunderscore__, Deadline, @craigsilverman, @tracyconnor, TVNewser, The Wrap, @oneunderscore__, @oneunderscore__, @chrislhayes, @swin24, @oneunderscore__, @joefryer, @penamerica, @oliverdarcy, @goangelo, @howelloneill, @howelloneill, @donmoyn, @dlberes, @michaelehayden, @cradnofsky, @wiczipedia, @amandacarpenter, @willsommer, @slpng_giants, @slpng_giants, @justinbaragona, @dabeard, @dangillmor, @annehelen, @byjacobward, @cedickson, @agoldmund, @popehat, @3r1ng, @noupside, @marishagsherry, @olivianuzzi, @winter, @justinbaragona, @nikkimcr, @existentialfish, @tracyconnor, @tracyconnor, @jaredlholt, @dellcam, @justinbaragona, @upstatefederlst, @mollyjongfast, @jamespmanley, @aprilaser and @craigsilverman
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: Tucker Carlson is devoting an entire segment to attacking my colleague, Brandy Zadrozny, for doing actual reporting, like using public records to confirm identities of people who create harassment campaigns. It's disgraceful. She's the best reporter I know. I'm with her 1000%.
Matt Binder / @mattbinder: here's one of those poor people that Tucker Carlson is standing up for, who @BrandyZadrozny wrote about
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: Had Tucker looked into this, his guest was emailed by Brandy the day before about a story she's doing about his website. He spent the day tweeting retributively at her. That wasn't mentioned. Seems pretty important to include. And the guest is this guy.
Ted Johnson / Deadline: NBC News Says Fox News “Has Chosen To Smear” Reporter Brandy Zadrozny With Tucker Carlson Segment
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: Tucker Carlson is devoting a segment to attacking @BrandyZadrozny, one of the best investigative reporters. She wrote a chapter for the new Verification Handbook about researching people and social media accounts. Now that's being used to attack her with disgusting lies.
Tracy Connor / @tracyconnor: This is fantastic. Tucker Carlson is devoting an entire segment to how good @BrandyZadrozny is at doing her job. I can also vouch for how good Brandy is!
A.J. Katz / TVNewser: NBC News Slams Tucker Carlson for ‘Dangerously and Dishonestly’ Targeting One of Its Reporters
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: I am so proud every day to work with @BrandyZadrozny, the best reporter I know. She's also an exceedingly decent human and I'm lucky to know her.
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: In conclusion, the guy who Tucker had on his show to rail against Brandy for being a reporter had this incredibly normal image of her made for his site today. I think it's pretty badass, personally. Making it is not normal, but I think she should frame it.
Chris Hayes / @chrislhayes: One of the finest reporters we have, bar none, and this is bullying garbage.
Asawin Suebsaeng / @swin24: Follow @BrandyZadrozny. Not only a great reporter, but one of the absolute kindest, most ethical people I've ever had the pleasure to work with. I know folks sometimes gag at reporters “circling the wagons” and shit, but w/ Brandy, it must be said.
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: Anyways, that was a hideously unethical segment by Tucker Carlson, framing using basic reporting tools like public records searches as some sort of evil act. To do it to a mom, and one of the best people I know, is disgusting. I won't forget it.
Joe Fryer / @joefryer: Brandy impresses me with each and every story she does. Her reporting skills have never been more important. So incredibly grateful to have her on our team.
PEN America / @penamerica: Conservative commentator Tucker Carlson went after an NBC reporter for her use of public records in her reporting on online harassment. ...
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: New: NBC News calls out @TuckerCarlson for having “dangerously and dishonestly targeted” @BrandyZadrozny in a segment Wednesday night. “Fox News has chosen to smear Brandy. In so doing they have shamefully encouraged harassment and worse.”
Angelo Carusone / @goangelo: Of all right-wingers that have attacked me (Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Trump and Tucker), the absolute worst aftermath was when Tucker attacked me. His people were by far most fervent, vicious and straight up threatening. Brandy is great reporter; Tucker knows what he's doing.
Patrick Howell O'Neill / @howelloneill: Brandy is a great reporter doing top notch work on an absolutely crucial beat.
Patrick Howell O'Neill / @howelloneill: Here is a recent and important breakdown of Beattie's role mainstreaming this bizarre conspiracy theory: ... Which has led to harassment of people like Nina and Brandy who are doing incredibly important work on disinformation. It's complete bullshit.
Don Moynihan / @donmoyn: Tucker Carlson is attacking reporters again, so re-upping this thread. Carlson's show is not journalism (as his lawyers remind us); it is a 4-chan message board intended to trigger intimidation of people who disagree with him. ...
Michael Edison Hayden / @michaelehayden: One thing about Tucker Carlson and sad sack Darren Beattie going after @BrandyZadrozny in such a high profile setting — you can tell that reporting on the racist right is really getting to them. It's just not 2016 anymore.
Caroline Radnofsky / @cradnofsky: Taking this opportunity to share a story by @BrandyZadrozny that I admire. She observes and reports some of the darkest things on the web with high standards. Brandy's sources trust her, her colleagues trust her, and so do viewers & readers of @NBCNews.
Nina Jankowicz / @wiczipedia: Before coming for Brandy for *doing her job*, Darren Beattie and his followers spent the past month harassing me for calling out his unfounded allegations that a “color revolution” is happening in the US. It's the worst harassment I've ever experienced, and Darren won't disown it
Amanda Carpenter / @amandacarpenter: Thread here on how Tucker Carlson is smearing a terrific, smart, insightful, and dedicated reporter. I am a @BrandyZadrozny stan and you should be, too!
Will Sommer / @willsommer: Couldn't agree with Ben more here. @BrandyZadrozny is a great reporter, and I can't wait to read the story she's working on that has Tucker Carlson so afraid that he has to smear her.
@slpng_giants: Having once been on the other side of this tactic by Carlson, resulting in death threats sent to my children, this is stochastic terrorism. Carlson knows well what he's doing to @BrandyZadrozny, who has a family and will likely experience the same thing. It's sick. He's sick.
@slpng_giants: When protestors visited Carlson's home (which I vehemently disagreed with, by the way) the press fell in line behind him and defended him. Seriously hope they defend @BrandyZadrozny equally this time around.
Justin Baragona / @justinbaragona: Go and follow @BrandyZadrozny right now. She is not only one of the best investigative journalists in the business, but a fantastic and caring person who does not deserve to be the target of harassment by someone with no concept of journalistic ethics.
David Beard / @dabeard: @oneunderscore__ Here's @BrandyZadrozny before she was famous—and unfairly reviled—and both journalists AND librarians have her back. @oneunderscore__
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: Tucker Carlson pours poison into our public sphere on behalf of the Trump regime and the Murdoch family. @BrandyZadrozny does superb journalism, and has earned wide respect.
Anne Helen Petersen / @annehelen: A tweet of mine was featured on Fox News once, very briefly. I received hundreds of hate emails, death threats, & had to deal with an attempt to dox my entire extended family and friends. @BrandyZadrozny is likely dealing with that times 10,000 right now.
Jacob Ward / @byjacobward: Outrageous for so many reasons, not least because @BrandyZadrozny is an incredible reporter, who already slogs through so much online horror to do her job.
Caitlin Dickson / @cedickson: Anyone who would take a minute, let alone an entire prime time TV segment, to attack @BrandyZadrozny's credibility has clearly never met her... or worked with her... or read any of her consistently stellar and impactful reporting
Weltschmerz / @agoldmund: Just to point out to people harassing @BrandyZadrozny: the “doxing” she allegedly participated in is totally standard and how information is found uncovered almost every piece of worthwhile reporting. But you know that, you just want to harass someone.
UntuckedHat / @popehat: With very few exceptions, if Tucker Carlson condemns you you should probably be proud and if he praises you you're probably a piece of shit.
Erin Gallagher / @3r1ng: Tucker Carlson launched an intimidation campaign against one of the best and most ethical journalists covering disinformation. Solidarity with @BrandyZadrozny.
Renee DiResta / @noupside: @oneunderscore__ @BrandyZadrozny As a black cat owner myself, this is pretty amazing. He should make a template.
Marisha Goldhamer / @marishagsherry: The Verification Handbook is an incredible free tool for journalists and none of its contributors — particularly @BrandyZadrozny — deserve to be harassed for helping to better equip newsrooms to tackle disinformation
Olivia Nuzzi / @olivianuzzi: One of the best reporters and sweetest people I've ever been lucky enough to work with and learn from and call a friend is @BrandyZadrozny. An attack on her credibility and her methods is an act of bad faith and cowardice.
Justin Baragona / @justinbaragona: On one hand, you have Tucker Carlson, who Fox News lawyers have successfully argued in court that no one should take him seriously. On the other, you have a universally respected reporter whose colleagues and workplace stand behind 100%. Take your pick. ...
Nikki Mccann Ramrez / @nikkimcr: Brandy Zadrozny is just really good at her job. ...
John Whitehouse / @existentialfish: I think Tucker Carlson didn't disclose that his guest went to a white nationalist conference because he just assumed his audience saw him there already ...
Tracy Connor / @tracyconnor: If you missed Tucker's segment, you can read some of @BrandyZadrozny's story and see for yourself just how good she is.
Tracy Connor / @tracyconnor: It gets better: They are revealing that Brandy is so good at her job that she teaches other journalists how to be good at their jobs!
Jared Holt / @jaredlholt: Absolutely shameful for Fox News to give a White House wash-up canned for being too unabashedly chummy with white nationalists a national platform to kick and scream about @BrandyZadrozny, who has more integrity and empathy in her pinky finger than that guy has had in his life.
Dell Cameron / @dellcam: it goes w/o saying, @BrandyZadrozny is doing some of the most pivotal reporting of our time. Ben is fine, too.
Justin Baragona / @justinbaragona: Seriously, fuck off with this shit, Tucker. Giving voice to this alt-right cretin with ties to white nationalists in order to whip up your audience to target and harass a great reporter who is just doing her job is perhaps a new low, even for you.
Upstate Federalist / @upstatefederlst: *Laughs in Slate Star Codex* With all due respect, go fuck yourself, April.
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: If Tucker Carlson is attacking you, you're doing something right. Bravo @BrandyZadrozny
April Glaser / @aprilaser: I don't think many understand what reporters go through when we interrogate power. @BrandyZadrozny is among the most brave, thorough, principled and empathetic journalists I know. Being harassed like this on national TV is terrifying and we should all rally to support her
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: It's all because she reached out to this guy about a story she's working on. His response was to smear her and her work, and it was then taken up by others. This is a clear attempt to intimidate a top journalist who behaved ethically and did her job.

Trump posted a 37-minute clip of his 60 Minutes interview on Facebook, violating an agreement that WH was taping the interview “for archival purposes only” — President Trump followed through on his threat, or promise, to release video of his interview with CBS News journalist Lesley Stahl …
New York Times, @cbsnews, Variety, Newser, New Republic, Mediaite, Daily Herald, The Guardian, @palafo, @jill_jorgensen, @maggienyt, The Wrap, CNN, Talking Points Memo, The Hill, Los Angeles Times, The Daily Beast, Politico, Associated Press, WHDH-TV, @davidfolkenflik, @mdornic, Mashable, @jimsciutto, @bandyxlee1, @sulliview, @yronlyhope, Poynter, @martyschladen, @brianstelter, @johnjharwood, @charlottealter, TVLine, @johnrobinson, @paulwaldman1, @tedlieu, @ddale8, @jeremymbarr, Fox News, TVNewser, @darickr, @maggienyt, @sulliview, @drewholden360, Deadline, New York Post, The Week, WAVY-TV, Hollywood Reporter, CNET and CBS Los Angeles
New York Times: 2020 Election Live Updates: Trump Posts ‘60 Minutes’ Interview He Cut Short After Bristling at Questions
Brian Steinberg / Variety: ‘60 Minutes’ Will Run Trump Interview Sunday, Despite President's Release of Footage
Timothy Noah / New Republic: Lesley Stahl Blew Her Chance to Eviscerate Trump
Patrick LaForge / @palafo: “Excuse me, Lesley, you started with me, your first statement was ‘Are you ready for tough questions?’” the president interjects. “That's no way to talk. No way to talk.”
Jillian Jorgensen / @jill_jorgensen: Lots of complaining about a journalist being rude/ too tough from a president whose supporters have railed against political correctness and often wear shirts with the slogan “[expletive] you feelings.”
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: The president sat down, was asked if he was ready for tough questions, and complained from there. More on a CBS interview with a president who for years has lied about reporters, personally denigrated them, and then complained he isn't getting a hug
Margeaux Sippell / The Wrap: Watch the Exact Moment Trump Walks Out of ‘60 Minutes’ Interview With Lesley Stahl (Video)
Oliver Darcy / CNN: CBS News calls out White House for breaking agreement and posting Trump's ‘60 Minutes’ interview online
Summer Concepcion / Talking Points Memo: CBS Fires Back At Trump After He Whines About ‘60 Minutes’ Interview
Brett Samuels / The Hill: Stahl tells Pence he and Trump ‘insulted 60 Minutes’ by giving ‘campaign speeches’
Stephen Battaglio / Los Angeles Times: President Trump posts unedited ‘60 Minutes’ interview on Facebook
Matt Wilstein / The Daily Beast: Trump Exposes Himself as Whiner-in-Chief in Leaked ‘60 Minutes’ Interview
Caitlin Oprysko / Politico: Lesley Stahl says Trump and Pence insulted her and ‘60 Minutes’
Frank O'Laughlin / WHDH-TV: Trump posts unedited ‘60 Minutes’ interview before it airs
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: “Can I say something? This is 60 Minutes... We can't put things on we can't verify.” - CBS's Lesley Stahl, in interview with President Trump
Matt Dornic / @mdornic: Welcome to my world, CBS.
Nicole Gallucci / Mashable: Trump drops full ‘60 Minutes’ interview early in puzzling attempt to control the narrative
Jim Sciutto / @jimsciutto: As Trump attacks Lesley Stahl now, remember his comments to her in 2016 on why he attacks the media: “He said, ‘You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so when you write negative stories about me, no one will believe you.’”
@bandyxlee1: His expression, and the fact that he is taping his own version, shows him full of anger, fear, suspicion, and paranoia. The “interview” consists of rigid, insistent talking points intended to “double down” on his fixed beliefs detached from reality: ...
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: Re: Trump's releasing the @60Minutes interview, let's not lose sight of what's actually going on here, which is his constant need for attention and reality-show-style drama. Don't try to apply common sense or old rules of engagement to this.
@yronlyhope: Why would any media company ever agree to interview this clown again?
Marty Schladen / @martyschladen: Watched this clip. Put me in mind of the first debate. Trump rarely let Stahl finish a question. Wonder what that means for tonight? ...
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Quick reminder for what it's worth, which is evidently very little: CBS says the WH “agreed to record the interview only for its archives.” In other words, for archival purposes only — not for political weaponization
John Harwood / @johnjharwood: “Trump urged viewers to ‘look at the bias, hatred and rudeness on behalf of 60 Minutes and CBS.’ But the footage shows Stahl calmly and firmly asking the president questions on the coronavirus and other topics — and Trump growing increasingly irritated.”
Charlotte Alter / @charlottealter: This Leslie Stahl thing once again proves that Trump isn't really running against Biden— he's running against the media and the very idea of scrutiny (and women journalists usually bear the brunt of this)
Dave Nemetz / TVLine: President Trump Leaks 60 Minutes Interview Footage — Including the Moment He Walked Out
John Robinson / @johnrobinson: He violates rules in the debate he agreed to. He doesn't pay his bills and breaks contracts. He lies daily. Why anyone would take him at his word is a mystery. ...
Paul Waldman / @paulwaldman1: Trump releasing the White House recording of his 60 Minutes interview because he thinks it will make him look great is just like him releasing the transcript of his call with the president of Ukraine because he thought it would exonerate him. ...
Ted Lieu / @tedlieu: Thank you @realDonaldTrump for drawing a huge amount of attention to your 60 Minutes interview. I hope a lot of people in America watch it. Also, in the next 12 days, can you please make sure you are the main story every day? Very helpful to Dems. #ThursdayThoughts
Daniel Dale / @ddale8: The best thing about Stahl's performance here is that she was willing to just spend minutes going round and round with Trump on one point he was lying about, rather than trying to move on to a checklist of pre-planned topics.
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: CBS NEWS says: “The White House's unprecedented decision to disregard their agreement with CBS News and release their footage will not deter 60 MINUTES from providing its full, fair and contextual reporting which presidents have participated in for decades ...
Brian Flood / Fox News: Trump teases release of unedited ‘60 Minutes’ footage to expose ‘vicious attempted takeout’ by Lesley Stahl
@darickr: What an insecure little baby. Rules and agreements are for suckers in Trump's world... ...
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: “As a tactical matter, Mr. Trump's decision to release the video just hours before the last debate with Mr. Biden was curious.. (meaning) that Democrats would have some insight into how the president might answer certain policy questions.”
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: Also, a little ref-working for tonight?
@drewholden360: It is very funny to me that people are upset that Trump - who got elected to the highest office in the land by telling people that their stupid rules are, in fact, stupid - has now told another entity that their stupid rules are, in fact, stupid.
Ted Johnson / Deadline: Donald Trump Posts Raw Footage Of ‘60 Minutes’ Interview; CBS News Says White House Broke Agreement
Brendan Morrow / The Week: Trump tells Lesley Stahl he doesn't want ‘tough questions’ in 60 Minutes interview he leaked
Stephen Shankland / CNET: Trump uses Facebook, Twitter to publish 60 Minutes interview days before air date

Shorenstein Center's Media Manipulation Casebook aims to help journalists know how and when to respond to misinformation by breaking down misinfo campaigns — For journalists in 2020, some of the biggest hurdles in getting factual, corroborated information to news consumers are getting …
Tyler Dukes / @mtdukes: Very cool resource for #ncpol: The Media Manipulation Casebook is a tool to help journalists, researchers, and policymakers know how and when to respond to misinformation in all its forms (cc @AndySpecht, @BillAdairDuke)
@bostonjoan: “If I sound jumpy, it's because I spent a couple of hours recently chatting with Joan Donovan...” Best compliment I have ever received. It was an honor to be interviewed by @fmanjoo

The Murdochs' NY Post ignored facts provided by NBC News to paint tonight's debate moderator as a liberal partisan; right-wing outlets like Fox amplified claims — ‘SHEER DESPERATION’ — A New York Post story ignored basic facts in an attempt to paint tonight's debate moderator as a liberal partisan.
Jeremy Barr / Washington Post: The first debate was a horror. The second was scrapped. Now it's up to Kristen Welker.
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: Before he published his hit piece on Kristen Welker, Jon Levine was told by NBC that she attended the Trump media Christmas party as well. Weirdly that fact didn't make it into his story! ...
Bill McCarthy / Poynter: Fact-checking false claims about debate moderator Kristen Welker of NBC News
Charlie Nash / Mediaite: Fox's Bill Hemmer Shuts Down Mercedes Schlapp Calling Debate Moderator Kristen Welker an ‘Activist’: 'Sorry, She's a Reporter'
Summer Concepcion / Talking Points Memo: WH Says Trump Will ‘Frankly Answer The Questions He Wants To’ At Final Debate
Emily C. Singer / @cahnemily: Jon Levine is dishonest?
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: No other way to say it: the Murdochs pay for the production and dissemination of disinformation.
David Mack / @davidmackau: smart look at the human centipede that is the trump right-wing media propaganda machine, including the nypost reporter who will happily gorge on whatever shit he is fed ...
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: No credible news organization would do this. ...
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Case study in how the corporate right creates a hate object, based on a single hit job of a story:
Mike Masnick / @mmasnick: Once again, Rupert Murdoch is the single largest vector of disinformation.
Matt Mittenthal / @mattmittenthal: “As the Nov. 3 election rapidly approaches, the Post has become a clearing house for Trumpworld's breathless opposition research dumps”-@TheLloydGrove @maxwelltani ...
Hunter Walker / @hunterw: DC reporters traditionally brought guests to the White House media holiday party and participated in a photo line with the president. I never went under Obama but I was at this event in . Trump ended the photo line tradition and eventually scrapped the party entirely.
Tom Kludt / @tomkludt: Tricking the audience is the linchpin of the right-wing media model
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: A New York Post story ignored basic facts in an attempt to paint tonight's debate moderator as a liberal partisan. Nevertheless, the smear made its way through the Trumpist bubble. ...

ESPN to put about 10% of its overall written output on ESPN+, making it available only to subscribers, though breaking news will remain free — As of Nov. 9, five daily ESPN radio shows' telecasts will be exclusively available on the platform for both live and on-demand viewers.
New York Post, @jon_greenberg, @bizballmaury, @adamrubinmedia, @scotbertram, @slmandel, @davidubben, @kantrowitz, @marc_damico, @adamrubinmedia, @damanr and Awful Announcing
Andrew Marchand / New York Post: ESPN moving high-profile features and analysis behind ESPN+ paywall
Jon Greenberg / @jon_greenberg: Good scoop. You have to figure we had something to do with this. (I guess you don't have to, but I think so.)
Maury Brown / @bizballmaury: We will all be overwhelmed by subscription services by (checks notes) yesterday. But it's where everything is headed. Ad model is dead.
Adam Rubin / @adamrubinmedia: I'm not bullish on this model. At least in a market like New York, there's too much info available for free. And people don't differentiate between independent and team-produced content. It will just further drive the eyeballs to the party-line copy.
Scot Bertram / @scotbertram: ESPN+ is not going to make the list of sports writing for which I'm willing to pay.
Stewart Mandel / @slmandel: Eventually all good sports content will be a paid product. Just like movies. And TV shows. And music. And ...
David Ubben / @davidubben: This will never work. No one's ever going to pay for sports news.
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: Prediction: This drives far more subscriptions to @TheAthletic. ESPN is a good free alternative, but Athletic is the one worth paying for.
Marc D'Amico / @marc_damico: I have still yet to pay for content on a sports media site, and not sure I ever will (unless a lot changes). There's just too many other places with quality content where I can get my fix and information. I'm a sports fanatic and I just haven't found a subscription that I “need.”
Adam Rubin / @adamrubinmedia: Basically, they're trying to entice people to subscribe to their direct-to-consumer TV products because the cable route is failing too.
Daman Rangoola / @damanr: This is really interesting. It's a more sustainable way for ESPN to fund a lot of their journalistic work, makes ESPN+ more valuable (it's becoming a sports bundle on its own). News breaking has a short shelf life and doesn't hold value, keeping that open is a good balance

Sony says its PS5 will have Apple TV+, Disney+, Netflix, Spotify, Twitch, and YouTube at launch on Nov. 12, with Prime Video, Hulu, and Peacock coming later — No Prime Video, HBO Max, or Hulu on day one, though — If you are planning to use your PlayStation 5 for more than just gaming …
PlayStation.Blog, Variety, @spotifynews, ScreenRant, NME, The Streamable, @taynixster, @playstation, @richlightshed, GamesRadar, @aureylian, Game Rant and Gematsu
Phil Rosenberg / PlayStation.Blog: New media experience and top entertainment streaming apps coming to PS5
Todd Spangler / Variety: Sony PlayStation 5 Will Include a Remote, Apps for Netflix, Disney Plus, Hulu, Apple TV and More
@spotifynews: Listen while you game. 🎮 @PlayStation just announced that Spotify will be one of the entertainment apps on the new PS5 Console. Choose from more than 60 million songs to stream while battling bosses or roaming through worlds. Learn more: ...
Martin Patino / ScreenRant: Sony Announces Streaming Apps Launching With PS5 | Screen Rant
Daniel Hollis / NME: Here's all the entertainment apps coming to the PS5 at launch
Stephanie Sengwe / The Streamable: Sony Reveals PS5 to Launch With Apple TV Plus, Disney Plus and Netflix Integrated on Console
Taylor Lyles / @taynixster: Update: A Crunchyroll spokesperson told me today that the Crunchyroll app will also be on PS5 at launch.
@playstation: ✔️ Apple TV ✔️ Disney+ ✔️ Netflix ✔️ Spotify ✔️ Twitch ✔️ YouTube Details on the entertainment apps shipping day one on #PS5: ...
Rich Greenfield / @richlightshed: LOOK 👀 at #PS5 remote no surprise with buttons for top two streamers: @netflix & @youtube very surprised to see @spotify — but big #covid19 trend has been using gaming consoles for spotify not shocked to see @disneyplus, but might look odd to gamers ...
Connor Sheridan / GamesRadar: PS5 will support Netflix and Disney Plus at launch, here's what else
@aureylian: From having to explain “What is a Twitch TV?” at PAX 7 years ago to prime billing next to Disney and Netflix today Successkid.jpg
Dylan McDonald / Game Rant: PS5 Missing Major Streaming Apps at Launch | Game Rant

WHO grants Wikipedia free use of its published data, allowing it to be reposted widely in almost 200 languages and starting with COVID-19 information — The health agency will license much of its material to the online encyclopedia, allowing the information to be reposted widely into almost 200 languages.
NewsGuard / @newsguardrating: Read how the @WHO uses NewsGuard alerts to warn social media companies about healthcare hoaxes on their platforms.
Creative Commons / @creativecommons: 🚨 BIG NEWS: The @WHO is granting @Wikipedia free use 🔓 of its published information, graphics, and videos—making its work openly available for reuse, resharing, and importantly, for translations. #openaccess
Creative Commons / @creativecommons: We're thrilled that CC licenses are once again being used to unlock important knowledge and information for everyone, everywhere. 👏🥳 #openaccess #openscience #openeducation
Ryan Merkley / @ryanmerkley: With 5,000+ articles in over 175 languages, @Wikipedia volunteers are making #COVID19 information available for people everywhere. Today we announced a new @Wikimedia / @WHO collaboration to give them (and the world) new WHO resources for their efforts.
Winston Mwale / AfricaBrief: WHO,Wikimedia Foundation expand access to trusted COVID-19 information on Wikipedia
James Heilman / @wikidocjames: We have had a few other collaborations with @WHO and other health care organizations but this is definitely a big step forwards.
Kat Walsh / @mindspillage: This is great news and I would only nitpick it to say that WHO is granting *everyone* free use under a CC license! (The IGO “jurisdiction” port of BY-SA 3.0, since you asked.)
Senator Stan Kutcher / @stankutcher: Good. But more is needed. Including directed best evidence based messages, effective communication applications, including marginalized and vulnerable groups and direct debunking. @MoriartyLab @heysciencesam @ImogenRCoePhD @MarianneMader @joeschwarcz @NaheedD @BogochIsaac
Clint Lalonde / @edtechfactotum: Openly released as it should be for almost all information gathered & created by a publicly funded organization. “The agreement puts much of the W.H.O.'s material into the Wikimedia “commons,” meaning it can be reproduced or retranslated anywhere”

Hulu to drop Fox regional sports networks from tomorrow, joining YouTube TV, Sling TV, and fuboTV — The ability to stream Sinclair-owned Fox Sports RSNs including YES Network and Marquee Sports Network has become a major challenge for streamers. Starting tomorrow, October 23 …
Ad Age, The Verge, FierceVideo, Variety, Awful Announcing, The Desk, Engadget and CNET
Todd Spangler / Variety: Hulu Is Dropping Sinclair-Owned Fox Regional Sports Networks From Live TV Plans
Ian Casselberry / Awful Announcing: Hulu dropping Sinclair's Fox Sports regional networks from live-sports packages
Matthew Keys / The Desk: Hulu drops Sinclair sports networks from live TV service
Carrie Mihalcik / CNET: Hulu With Live TV is about to lose a bunch of Fox regional sports networks

AT&T Q3: HBO Max subscribers reach 28.7M and top 57M worldwide with HBO; HBO hits revenue of $1.8B, down 2.1% YoY; Warner Bros. revenue is $2.4B, down 27.7% YoY — All told, 28.7 million customers were eligible to get HBO Max at the end of Q3. — As of the end of September …
/Film, TechCrunch, The Wrap, MediaPost, The Wrap, AT&T, Ad Age, @xpangler, @xpangler, @tvgrimreaper, ScreenRant, Adweek, @donthatebehated, The Streamable, @xpangler, The Verge, Game Rant, The Streamable, The Streamable, Hollywood Reporter and Cord Cutters News
Tony Maglio / The Wrap: AT&T Q3 Earnings: HBO Max Hits 38 Million US Subs, Warner Bros Revenue Falls 28%
Wayne Friedman / MediaPost: WarnerMedia Takes Q3 Revenue Hit, HBO, HBO Max Inch Up To 38 Million Subscribers
Todd Spangler / @xpangler: AT&T “premium TV” subscribers (including DirecTV and the AT&T TV broadband service) were 17.1M in Q3, down 590,000 sequentially and a loss of 3.3M over the past 12 months
Todd Spangler / @xpangler: AT&T's numbers for HBO Max/HBO show that around 9.3M legacy HBO subs are not eligible for HBO Max at this point. That includes customers who subscribe to HBO through Amazon and Roku (with whom WarnerMedia still does not have HBO Max distribution deals)
TV Grim Reaper / @tvgrimreaper: 3Q HBO Max adds ~2.1m subs HBO loses ~0.4m subs Net add ~1.7m subs to ~38m total 2Q Net add was ~3.25m subs Trade media touting HBO exceeding 36m end of year sub goal for 2020, forgetting it had been exceeded by 6/30.
Kelsey Sutton / Adweek: AT&T's Ad Revenues Stabilize in Third Quarter
J. Williams / @donthatebehated: more than half of HBO's existing subscribers who have access to HBO Max for no extra charge still have not signed in to use the super-size streaming service
Stephanie Sengwe / The Streamable: AT&T CEO Says Robust HBO Max Library Has Managed to Grip Subscribers
Todd Spangler / @xpangler: Stankey says WarnerMedia is not going to be aggressive in bidding for sports media rights: “Our goal is not to become known as ‘the sports company.’ I don't see going deeper into sports as the right move for WarnerMedia.”
Kim Lyons / The Verge: HBO Max has 28.7 million subscribers, but not all of them are actually watching yet
Jared Bruett / Game Rant: HBO Max Is Growing, but Not Quite Fast Enough | Game Rant
Stephanie Sengwe / The Streamable: HBO Adds 1.7 Million Subscribers to Reach 38 Million, Including 8.6 Million on HBO Max
Stephanie Sengwe / The Streamable: AT&T TV NOW Loses Another 37K Subscribers, Dropping 60%+ of Customers in 2 Years
Georg Szalai / Hollywood Reporter: HBO Max Reaches 28.7 Million Subscribers
Jess Barnes / Cord Cutters News: HBO Max Reaches 8.6 Million Subscribers

Fashion site Repeller, renamed from Man Repeller, is shutting down after its founder stepped back in June following staff accusations of racist behavior — The company, which rebranded as Repeller earlier this year, faced criticism over the summer for its content and internal culture.
@bof: Just in, fashion website Repeller, until recently known as Man Repeller, is winding down operations and plans to shut down, according to two people with direct knowledge of the situation. ...
@shefinds: At this rate SheFinds is going to be the last independent OG fashion blog standing!
@realgirlproject: Years ago before I got paid to write about fashion I emailed Leandra complaining that I felt her blog excluded people who were not thin and rich. She wrote back thoughtfully & encouraged me to start my own blog. It, and I, have come a long way since. Goodbye (Man) Repeller!!!
Jessica DeFino / @jessicadefino_: Kind of love that my face will forever be associated with the end of the era of Man Repeller?
Pusha Bi / @biancaenrogue: I would love to read about the rise & fall of Man Repeller and Leandra Medine from someone knowledgeable, because it's been a wild ride 😂
Emily Singer / @emily_singer: i just hope that @repeller keeps its archive accessible. published some gr8 essays over the years and served as a launchpad for really talented thinkers. ...
Lola Mndez / @lolaannamendez: FYI writer friends. @repeller is folding. Check-in with your editors about outstanding payments and pending publications. My heart goes out to the editors who have lost their jobs this week. My DMs are open if I can provide any advice about freelancing. ...
Safy / @safyhallanfarah: I read the founder's Substack newsletter. I didn't expect this to happen because she made it seem like it was going to live on w/o her.
@mollytaft: media is a hot mess and reading the tea leaves of shit like this is always pointless buuuuut does seem *sus* that Man Repeller folded after its v popular founder was called out for racism/classism ...
@erinecunningham: As legacy publications lost their identities in the digital era, Man Repeller redefined fashion coverage, with some of the most fun story ideas (coats on boats!), inventive styling, and headlines that didn't feel like boring SEO clickbait. This hurts my heart.
Celia Fernandez / INSIDER: Man Repeller is shutting down months after its founder took a ‘step back’ following criticism over lack of diversity
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Oh wow
Daniela Candela / @daniela_candela: Wow, end of an era. Man Repeller was one of my go-to fashion bloggers before the influencer craze. Buttttt.....the content changed up and didn't hit the same.
Alexandra Mondalek / @amondalek: SCOOP: Employees at (Man) Repeller learned on Monday the publication would wind down operations soon. ...

Political strategists say they are struggling to find enough space on YouTube for ads as campaigns flood the service, with particular shortages in swing states — - In some swing states, YouTube is entirely sold out of ad space — Political advertisers see ‘crunch’ in final month of election
Stephen Nellis / @stephennellis: This @mhbergen story is fascinating because if you're old enough to remember legacy media like print or TV, the point of digital was that the inventory was supposed to never run out, keeping prices lower than legacy.
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: @mhbergen My kids have learned a *lot* about @MaxRose4NY and Nicole Malliotakis while waiting for their Among Us/Fortnite/Minecraft videos to play.
Mark Bergen / @mhbergen: @pkafka @MaxRose4NY gotta get 'em young.

Meg Whitman and Jeffrey Katzenberg confirm Quibi is shutting down: “Our failure was not for lack of trying; we've considered and exhausted every option” — We started with the idea to create the next generation of storytelling and because of you, we were able to create and deliver …
@benmullin, Business Insider, The Information, Bloomberg, @jtoonkel, CNET, CBS News, @barry, The Verge, @tonyromm, TechCrunch, Adweek, The Drum, @raineyovalle, @rmac18, Best Evidence, Observer, @reckless, Poynter, @hshaban, @campster, Digital TV Europe, @annehelen, NME, Variety, Ad Age, Forbes, @thequartering, @nash076, @jeremymbarr, @chrismessina, @jessicalessin, @jank0, @pinboard, @ryankadro, @jayrosen_nyu, @michaelbyrnes, @ashkan, @bristei, @yoda, @kimmasters, @yoda, @pierce, @emilydreyfuss, @mattrosoff, @yoda, @yoda, @yoda, @loudmouthjulia, @pkafka, @pkafka, @nicoleperlroth, @scalzi, @travistefft, @greg_jenner, @thrasherxy, @mekosoff, @jcrutchmer, @ashkan, @ericmgarcia, @lessin, @kateclarktweets, @jessicalessin, @hshaban, @jbenton, @emilybell, Beyond Search, The Week, CNBC, TechCrunch, Vanity Fair and Animation Magazine, more at Techmeme »
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: During a video call with employees Wednesday, an emotional Mr. Katzenberg suggested Quibi staffers listen to the song “Get Back Up Again,” sung by actress Anna Kendrick in the animated film “Trolls,” to buoy their spirits:
Evan Sully / Business Insider: Quibi's star-studded shows cost the startup up to $100,000 per minute to make
Jessica Toonkel / @jtoonkel: Quibi investor call has started. Katzenberg wearing a suit, while Whitman is going through slides of the history of the company
Joan E. Solsman / CNET: Quibi: What is it? Why did it fail? And what comes next?
Barry Petchesky / @barry: Here's a really great requiem for Quibi, by @AlbertBurneko
Julia Alexander / The Verge: Quibi will shut down ‘on or around’ December 1st
Tony Romm / @tonyromm: RIP Quibi, 2020-2020 A company committed to keeping things short, in a quite literal sense.
Danny Crichton / TechCrunch: Respect the hustle, not the stupidity
Moshe Isaacian / Adweek: Quibi's Many Faults. Let Us Count the Ways
Tom Jarvis / The Drum: Why Quibi did in fact fail from ‘lack of trying’
@raineyovalle: Everyone in the replies like “of COURSE Quibi didn't work, it was NEVER gonna work,” you buggin. Quibi should have 100% worked. It was the perfect platform for bite-sized content, specifically for commuters in metropolitan areas. I believe COVID stranded their main viewer base.
Brandon Katz / Observer: The 10 Most-Watched Original TV Shows on Apple TV+
Nilay Patel / @reckless: Quibi was born at 85 on the go90 Scale of Doomed Streaming Services. And now, it has gone 90.
Tom Jones / Poynter: The third person on tonight's debate stage might be the most important. So who is Kristen Welker?
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: Striking that the two people in charge of Quibi, two veteran CEOs, fail to mention any of their mistakes, their lack of relevant experience, their failure to understand their audience, but instead pin their failure — in part and only possibly — on “timing” ...
Chris Franklin / @campster: I mean, what else did you expect the guy who bet the farm that everyone wants Expensively Produced Content By Industry Professionals Over That Other Online Crap to say
Jonathan Easton / Digital TV Europe: Quibi shuts down after seven months
Anne Helen Petersen / @annehelen: This is genuinely funny but shaded with the dark reality of dozens of staffers (probably permalancers on shitty contracts) who are going to try and look for work now; should've set some of that Monopoly money aside for severance packages for people who aren't already millionaires
I-Hsien Sherwood / Ad Age: Quibi calls it quits, and a final presidential debate looms: Thursday Wake-Up Call
@thequartering: I don't think I have ever seen a startup burn through so much cash so quickly and just completely fail.
@nash076: Katzenberg keeps trying to blame the pandemic for Quibi's failure, and not the fact it was a ridiculous fucking idea no one was ever going to pay money for. The headline shows were a sex doll on a road trip and Dollar Store Bojack Horseman., you idiot. ...
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: My friend Ben has done an excellent job owning this story, right until the very end of Quibi
Chris Messina / @chrismessina: Sheesh, the official #RIPQuibi post only has 254 claps. ...
Jessica Lessin / @jessicalessin: This is a very good letter. ...
Janko Roettgers / @jank0: Quibi's wind-down news release starts with the words “Quibi Holdings, LLC, the mobile-first media technology platform” ... Which I guess makes sense if you are trying to sell assets, but don't actually own any long-term content rights.
@pinboard: I want to amplify this because as an independent developer, this stuff makes me really angry. The volume of venture capital that pours through the industry makes it almost impossible to compete the way a free market is supposed to work—on the strength of your product or service
Ryan Kadro / @ryankadro: Big thanks to Jeffrey & Meg, everyone @Quibi, & all of our amazing partners for a terrific 18 months. I'm grateful for the opportunity and would do it all again tomorrow. Thanks for all the support from family, friends and colleagues. #grateful ...
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: App raises $1.75 billion. Six months after launch... it shuts down.
Michael Byrnes / @michaelbyrnes: Can't wait for the inevitable book on this. Quibi will become the byword for corporate hubris...and it was never “high flying”. It was a total dud from the start.
Ashkan Karbasfrooshan / @ashkan: While it's easy to critique and ridicule: ... I am reminded of this: Always have respect for entrepreneurs who try.
Brian Steinberg / @bristei: Quibi's Katzenberg and Whitman on company's demise: ‘All that is left now is to offer a profound apology for disappointing you and, ultimately, for letting you down. We cannot thank you enough for being there with us, and for us, every step of the way’ ...
Drew Olanoff / @yoda: if quibi was a good idea, well executed and had decent content, it would have exploded BECAUSE of the pandemic ...
Kim Masters / @kimmasters: “Quibi is not succeeding. Likely for one of two reasons: because the idea itself wasn't strong enough to justify a standalone streaming service or because of our timing.” I can help with this one. ...
Drew Olanoff / @yoda: delusional up until the very end ... CONSUMERS refused to “buy” quibi content, so why would anyone else
David Pierce / @pierce: This is ... an incredibly sad letter. So many things like this are like “failure is the great teacher” and “remember when Michael Jordan got cut from the team” but this just says, we failed and it sucks. Kinda gutting to read
Emily Dreyfuss / @emilydreyfuss: Quibi never made sense to me personally because I dont like short videos. (I like Korean dramas bc there are always 100 episodes and they are all 1.5 hours long.) But that said! My husband loves short videos. Quibi was perfect for him and yet he hadn't ever heard of it.
Matt Rosoff / @mattrosoff: Found it refreshingly honest. But yeah, not uplifting.
Drew Olanoff / @yoda: some of why quibi failed: - the execs were arrogant - the execs didn't know what they were doing - instead of just letting the talent build, they couldn't help but talk - the execs took any and all press opportunity to “tease” which overhyped what was really poor execution
Drew Olanoff / @yoda: - content is king is a real thing, not a suggestion - execs spent way too much time overhyping this “new” way of viewing content when all we want is good content - investors pumped WAY too much money too soon into something that should have been playing the long long game
Drew Olanoff / @yoda: that's *SOME* of why quibi failed. now go read this: ... lol
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: “Quibi is not succeeding. Likely for one of two reasons: because the idea itself wasn't strong enough to justify a standalone streaming service or because of our timing. Unfortunately, we will never know...” Katz and Whitman open letter re: Quibi. ...
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: For the record, Katzenberg still thinks launching during a pandemic was bad for Quibi. But also allows that maybe “the idea itself wasn't strong enough to justify a standalone streaming service.”
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: Official Quibi RIP ...
Nicole Perlroth / @nicoleperlroth: My neutral non-pile-on q re Quibi is what happens to the patents on the technology that enabled viewers to watch a film vertically/horizontally?
John Scalzi / @scalzi: They've put the Quibosh on it
Greg Jenner / @greg_jenner: Wow. A £1.5b streaming platform dead within 6 months of launch 🤨
Dr. Steven W. Thrasher / @thrasherxy: Is Meg Whitman shuttering it so she can join the Biden administration as Secretary of Labor or nah
Maya Kosoff / @mekosoff: the truest proof of quibi's dedication to shortform content? its corporate lifespan
Josh Crutchmer / @jcrutchmer: nobody tell quibi
Ashkan Karbasfrooshan / @ashkan: Quibi's biggest assets/strengths were: 1) Jeffrey Katzenberg himself 2) Its owners: Disney, NBCUniversal, Time Warner, Viacom, and Sony Pictures Huge missed opportunity to have those rights holders aligned enough with JK and not hatch the right plan! Shame
Eric Michael Garcia / @ericmgarcia: The last time Meg Whitman dumped this much money into something unsuccessful was when she ran for governor of California.
Sam Lessin / @lessin: I really (truly) applaud Katzenberg's crazy / bold shot on goal with Quibi AND his super fast move to shut it down when it clearly wasn't working (vs slowly bleeding out)
Kate Clark / @kateclarktweets: Jeffrey Katzenberg personally invested $5.5 million in Quibi's Series A, while Meg Whitman put in $10.5 million. They will lose millions. Later investors will lose even more: ...
Jessica Lessin / @jessicalessin: It's over. Latest from @cityofthetown and @jtoonkel ...
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: On Wednesday, Quibi founder Jeffrey Katzenberg called investors to tell them he is shutting the service down, the WSJ reports
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: R.I.P. @Quibi, whose life lasted only a few quick bites ...
Emily Bell / @emilybell: All money diverted toward journalism so far by Facebook /Google < $600 m. Money media execs spent in 1 year on Quibi (RIP) $2 billion ... ( ie the media industry's priorities suck too)
Stephen E. Arnold / Beyond Search: Quibi and Its Open Letter: An Idea Probably Not Considered
Brendan Morrow / The Week: Quibi founder reportedly told newly-unemployed staffers to listen to a song from Trolls to cheer themselves up
TechCrunch: Quibi is dead — The startup raised nearly $2 billion in financing from backers including Alibaba, Goldman Sachs and Disney
Mercedes Milligan / Animation Magazine: Mobile-First Streamer Quibi Shutting Down, Leaving Toons in the Lurch

Sources: Jeffrey Katzenberg tried to sell Quibi's catalog to NBCUniversal and Facebook, but both passed
@benmullin, @mattdpearce, @casey, @esaagar, @mims, @emilybest, @andysignore, @kevinroose, @frankrichny, @jessicalessin, @emmavigeland, @jeffdlowe, @jeffjarvis and @tomgara
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: It's official: Jeffrey Katzenberg is calling investors to tell them he's shutting the company down, sources tell @JBFlint and I:
Matt Pearce / @mattdpearce: Had fun with the Quibi jokes up til now, but I'm bummed for all the people who will lose their jobs.
Casey Neistat / @casey: this is wild. $1.75 Billion dollars raised. shutting down after 6 months
Saagar Enjeti / @esaagar: This is a genuinely sad end to Katzenberg's career He was a genius in his time who literally shaped every millennials childhood from Disney animation to Dreamworks
Christopher Mims / @mims: Possibly the only not-surprising news of 2020
Emily Best / @emilybest: I'll be honest. This makes my blood boil. The capital that went into Quibi was chasing big personalities who were neither subject matter, audience or creator experts. This could have funded 1000 companies that knew how to survive and thrive
Andy Signore / @andysignore: File this under “Duh.” Just don't let Katzenberg blame the pandemic for the @Quibi failure.This idea was dumb from the start. He raised $1.75 BILLION Off Millennial BuzzWords & gave the bulk of it to Celebrity Influencers. Brands, Wise up. Such a waste
Frank Rich / @frankrichny: This should end any Biden camp talk of putting Meg Whitman in the cabinet. $1.75 billion down the toilet overnight.
Jessica Lessin / @jessicalessin: Sorry, but this is not an exclusive WSJ :) ...
Emma Vigeland / @emmavigeland: Lmao Biden is considering the Republican Quibi CEO for his cabinet... and somehow the “Republican” part of that statement isn't even the most egregious. Quibi. QUIBI. He wants the CEO of the most obviously terrible idea ever?!
Jeff D MandaLowerian / @jeffdlowe: “[COVID] forced would-be subscribers away from the kinds of on-the-go situations Quibi executives envisioned for its users.” Give me a break. Over $1 billion in capital. Tons of media minds behind it. No excuse, pandemic hit a solid month (or more$ before launch.

Sources: Quibi decided to shut down and return $350M to investors rather than try and prolong the life of the company through another big investment
The Verge, Defector, CNBC, Variety, The Information, Ad Age, The Wrap, Axios, The A.V. Club, Boiler Room, FierceVideo, NBC News, UPROXX, CNET, Bloomberg, Business Insider, Gizmodo, @primediscussion, The Ringer, Fortune, @dennishegstad, @rafat, The Week, A Wealth of Common Sense, Adweek, @matthewbetley, @ibrahimsaninet, @levelsio, Protocol, TechCrunch, The Daily Beast, Forbes and Rolling Stone, more at Techmeme »
Julia Alexander / The Verge: 11 reasons why Quibi crashed and burned in less than a year
Albert Burneko / Defector: Please Spend Ten Minutes Or Less Reading About The Death Of Quibi
Jessica Bursztynsky / CNBC: Quibi's founder and CEO explain what went wrong
Todd Spangler / Variety: After Quibi Announces Shutdown, Eko Says It Will Continue to Pursue Legal Action
Sean Burch / The Wrap: Jeffrey Katzenberg Says It's ‘Not Fair’ to Blame Quibi's Downfall on COVID-19
Sara Fischer / Axios: Quibi says it's shutting down
William Hughes / The A.V. Club: Jeffrey Katzenberg admits Quibi's failure wasn't entirely COVID's fault
Chris Schulz / Boiler Room: Quibi is dead, but at least we got this batshit insane TV show out of it
Ben Munson / FierceVideo: The end may be near for Quibi
Ahiza García-Hodges / NBC News: A look at why Quibi failed so soon after launching
Jessica Toomer / UPROXX: An Ode To Anna Kendrick's Sex-Doll Comedy, ‘Dummy,’ The Quibi Show That Could Have Kept Going
Joan E. Solsman / CNET: Quibi is shutting down, a flameout less than 7 months after launch
Kelly Gilblom / Bloomberg: Quibi Will Close Down in One of Hollywood's Biggest Flops
Taylor Borden / Business Insider: Meet Jeffrey Katzenberg, the Hollywood veteran who went from dropping out of college to founding DreamWorks and the shuttering streaming service Quibi
John Biggs / Gizmodo: Don't Cry for Quibi — A former boss of mine, someone who worked at a legacy cable TV channel …
Was That A Nerve / @primediscussion: I continue to be blown away at how much dumb money chases after dumb money in the startup space while everyone chases their unicorn, and countless viable business plans struggle for access to even fractional funding.
Katie Baker / The Ringer: Ultimately, Quibi Was the Quickest Bite of All
Dennis Hegstad / @dennishegstad: or $2billion into 20,000 startups at $100,000 investment each 👀
@rafat: Congrats to @theinformation edit team that has owned this story through the whole time Quibi existed. ...
Brendan Morrow / The Week: The daily gossip: Kanye and North West are father-daughter dance champions, Tom Holland reveals Uncharted photo, and more
Ben Carlson / A Wealth of Common Sense: Every Time Out It's a Guess
Matthew Betley / @matthewbetley: Never doubted this would be the ultimate result, but I didn't think it would happen this quickly.
Ibrahim Sani / @ibrahimsaninet: This is unbelievable. $1.75 bil raised. $350 mil to be returned to investors following closure. That means $1.4 bil spent to build and then to shut down after 6 months?! Capitalism in its craziest moment: large amounts can be raised and spent in such a wasteful manner?
@levelsio: Imagine burning $2 billion dollars of VC funding in 6 months That's $10 million per day $455,000 per hour $7,589 per minute $126 per second
David Pierce / Protocol: What Quibi got wrong
Laura Bradley / The Daily Beast: Quibi Was an Incredible Display of Billionaire Hubris
John Koetsier / Forbes: Quibi Spent $63 Million On Ads In Short Six-Month Life
Althea Legaspi / Rolling Stone: Quibi Shuts Down After Six Months