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Two NY Post sources say top editors told some staffers this week to be tougher in their coverage of Trump; Col Allan, the paper's adviser, is retiring next year — Rupert Murdoch's tabloid has turned critical as the president seems headed to defeat. Col Allan, a wizard there, says he plans to retire next year.
Washington Post, New York Post, @richazzopardi, KDFX-TV, @nytmedia, @chrismegerian, @mffisher, @hollymwchris, @jackshafer, @nikkimcr, @hotlinejosh, @simon_cullen, @dceiver, @harrysiegel, @orrchris, @andrewsolender, @theintercept, @tomerazarly, @edmundlee, @isaacdovere, @ewong, @nicktagliaferro, @richomalley, @kateaurthur, @benyt, Raw Story, New Republic, The Week and Talking Points Memo

With Trump's apparent defeat in sight, the Fox News network and the Murdoch family face far more critical scrutiny than they ever have in the US — A behind-the-scenes struggle that could determine the extent of post-election violence in America is breaking into the open, but it's not at the White House or inside the GOP.
Wall Street Journal, New York Magazine, @kathrynamurdoch, Politico, @joannelipman, @robertjpeters, @maassp, @mfwitches, @rohan_connolly, NPR, Raw Story, @oliverdarcy, @caramia200, @kvox, @maassp, @ashman06, @raf_epstein, @gjmorley, @afp and @chrislhayes

Fox News memos direct talent not to call Biden “President-elect” when the race is called and instead say he “has enough electoral votes to win the presidency” — New York (CNN Business)Fox News is instructing its anchors not to call Joe Biden the “President-elect” …
@oliverdarcy, The Atlantic, New York Times, Axios, Mother Jones, Vanity Fair, @willsommer, @oliverdarcy, @woodhouseb, @mrkrudd, @annecw, @ketanj0, @eosnos, @renato_mariotti, @brianstelter, @davidfolkenflik, @oliverdarcy, @mikiebarb, @oliverdarcy, @timalberta, @jonathanvswan, Media Matters for America, Variety, Mediaite, The Week and Business Insider

ABC, CBS, NBC, and MSNBC cut away from Trump's news conference on Thursday to correct his many false claims, while CNN and Fox News carried it live — Fox News and CNN stuck with the White House news conference, but reported afterward that the president offered no evidence for his accusations of vote fraud.
@chanders, @oliverdarcy, @ralphnader, USA Today, USA Today, @elonjames, @radiochio, @notaprovidermd, @lazebnic, @usatoday, @emilybell, @maustermuhle, @palsule, Washington Post, @maxblumenthal, @joshuayjackson, @davidpsamson, @katyturnbc, CNN, Vanity Fair, Mediaite, Business Insider,, Associated Press and Fox News

Fox News, WSJ, and New York Post shifted their tone on Friday, appealing to Trump to preserve his “legacy” by showing grace in defeat — Multiple Rupert Murdoch-owned conservative media outlets in the United States have shifted their messaging in a seeming effort to warn readers …
Mediaite, New York Post, Notes from the Void, @davelevitan, @emilybell, The Hill, Business Insider and The Intercept

How California's Prop 24, which passed on Tues. and will replace its current data privacy law, affects publishers, like limiting “sharing” of consumers' data — California voters on Tuesday night voted to pass Proposition 24, otherwise known as the California Privacy Rights and Enforcement Act …
Business Insider, @ronan_shields, Adweek, VentureBeat, @bradat, @chaddybomb, Axios, @insidepages, The Hill, Ad Age, Fortune, The Verge and Los Angeles Times

Twitter permanently bans Steve Bannon's @WarRoomPandemic and YouTube pulls episode of his show after he called for execution of FBI director Wray and Dr. Fauci — Former Presidential advisor and right-wing pundit Steve Bannon had his show suspended from Twitter and an episode removed …
The Atlantic, @rmac18, New York Times, Vanity Fair, Variety, CNN, The Guardian, @kylegriffin1, Forbes, @donwinslow, @karascannell, @fpwellman, @maxblumenthal, @peterjukes, @simonpease1, @soledadobrien, NBC News, Tubefilter, Vox, KDFX-TV, @donie, The Week, Forbes, Free Press, @bwjones, @ldy_shay, @jbenton, @brian_bessinger, @yoda, @missesdread, @rycady, MediaPost, CNET, Newser, The Sun, Newsweek, The Wrap and Talking Points Memo, more at Techmeme »

Parents looking for fact-based reporting on hard-to-explain news are turning to podcast services and podcasts, like Pinna and Vox Explained for Kids — Remember the 90s? Big time for educational content targeted at young people. PBS Kids premiered in 1994, Time for Kids launched in 1995 …

Netflix is testing Direct, its linear channel with real-time, scheduled programming from its library, which is accessible on its site to subscribers, in France — Netflix has chosen France to test its first channel offering. — Named Direct, the linear channel — which is only available to subscribers …
Digital TV Europe, @sarthakgh, @beebalthazar, @film_girl, @lanceulanoff, The Verge, @dfriend, @dfriend, @whatthebit, io9, Tubefilter, @dfriend, TechCrunch, /Film, @jonathanex, @scottygb, @manori_r, UPROXX, The Playlist, The Streamable, IndieWire, Broadband TV News, Cord Cutters News and Realscreen

The latest round of ESPN layoffs, focused on production, highlight how TV networks have adapted to producing sports remotely, with fewer staff and lower costs — The pandemic forced the move, but cost savings have networks planning to stay with the approach.
@ourand_sbj and @ballgirl8

ViacomCBS to sunset smaller streaming services, among them MTV Hits; NickHits, Comedy Central Now, and Noggin will likely be absorbed into Paramount+ — Amid some skepticism from Wall Street, ViacomCBS executives spent most of its third-quarter earnings call hawking its streaming capabilities …
The Streamable, Appleosophy, The Verge and Cord Cutters News

Profile of Decision Desk HQ, the first outlet to call the 2020 and 2016 presidential elections, which makes money by providing data to other media companies — The company was founded in 2012 by a former truck dispatcher — The US presidential election is taking a long time to wrap up.
Business Insider, Washington Post, INSIDER, Poynter, @scottnover and Poynter

As smart TVs become more popular, advertisers want the advantages of better targeting while avoiding the privacy mistakes made by the online ad industry — Marketers hope to avoid the mistakes made by the broader online ad industry — Advertisers entering the burgeoning medium of streaming TV …