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Vox cofounder Matthew Yglesias is leaving the outlet after more than six years and launching a Substack newsletter, Slow Boring — Hey folks, some personal news. Co-founding @voxdotcom with @ezraklein & @MelissaBell has been one of the great adventures of my life but after 6+ years on the job I've decided it's time for me to move on to something new that I'm really excited about.
Slow Boring, @yascha_mounk, @mattyglesias, @benyt, @drvox, @alexkotch, @nikhil_palsingh, @athertonkd, @daveweigel, @mikeisaac, @benthompson, @andrewfeinberg, @zaidjilani, @mattyglesias, @mikeisaac, @a_centrism, @annamerlan, @stevebenen, @neontaster, @ashleyfeinberg, @ezraklein, @moustacheclubus, @bfishbfish, @coreyhutchins, @pkafka, @germanrlopez, @chrislhayes, @cardiffgarcia, @aryehcw, @stevekrak, @mkstnr, @paulg, @carnage4life, @_tamarawinter, @douthatnyt, @mattyglesias, @antoniogm, @jeffspross, @davidklion, @kerrymflynn, @jbenton, Fox News, Table For One, One Man & His Blog and MediaPost
Matthew Yglesias / Slow Boring: Welcome to Slow Boring
Yascha Mounk / @yascha_mounk: It is depressing that life for folks like @mattYglesias is increasingly untenable at left-of-center publications like Vox. It's all the more exciting that we are, collectively, creating new spaces for interesting thinkers to be themselves. Please support Matt!
@mattyglesias: I've been wanting for some time to reclaim what I had in my blog days as an independent voice, and a great opportunity has arisen for me to do that on Substack where today I'm launching a new site that you can find and read all about here:
Ben Smith / @benyt: Among other trends, it feels like all the old bloggers are going back to their roots. And now it pays! Wild.
David Roberts / @drvox: Excited to read some old-school Matt blogging. (Reading Matt blogging in the early 2000s was basically my introduction to the whole world of blogging & political commentary.) And I gotta give it up: “Slow Boring” is a genius name. Genius.
Alex Kotch / @alexkotch: @sullydish You could read Matt's first post and discover that the main reason he left is bc Vox is a click-driven (ad-based) model that didn't allow him to write as much about wonky state politics as he'd like, but that wouldn't fit your free speech martyr narrative.
Nikhil Pal Singh / @nikhil_palsingh: Imagine repeatedly turning the noble principle of freedom of expression into an occasion for narcissistic self-promotion.
Kelsey D. Atherton / @athertonkd: [at the Substack water cooler] ME: so, why'd you join? SULLIVAN: My coworkers didn't like my phrenology GREENWALD: I was edited once, hated it YGLESIAS: I missed blogging. You? ME: After a furlough became a layoff, my part-time gig took 60+ days to pay & I needed groceries
Dave Weigel / @daveweigel: Bring 👏back 👏blogging 👏
Rat King / @mikeisaac: the best grift in media today is telling your hundreds of thousands of followers that you're suppressed with nowhere to take your voice, and that they should pay a lot of money annually to support you
Ben Thompson / @benthompson: Matt Yglesias always made me regret not keeping up my blog after college. I thought it was too late ☺️. It's very cool to see things come full circle.
Andrew Feinberg / @andrewfeinberg: A guy who has had an unbroken chain of steady media gigs since 2003 is leaving the large, profitable organization he founded to cash in on his 485k followers with a subscription mailing list is a victim whose “life” has been made “untenable?” Give me a fucking break, Yascha.
Zaid Jilani / @zaidjilani: Why was Matt's title at Vox senior correspondent? I don't think he did any reporting... With that out of the way, he's one of the best bloggers out there, really gets the format. So he should have a fun time on substack
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: I'm hoping to spend less time on here and more doign genuinely *social* media in a comments section. But for now a taste!
Rat King / @mikeisaac: this rhetoric serves this person's personal platform, which will earn him and the others parroting this absurd argument future book deals and more supporters who already believe them conveniently ignores the fact that people w/ large followings are making bank by jumping ship
@a_centrism: Remember when Yglesias tweeted that he had “gone down an Unz Review rabbit hole” and then he and Ezra ("genes have nothing to do with intelligence") Klein got into a tiff on Twitter? Remember how we all tweeted that it was only a matter of time before he would leave Vox?
Anna Merlan / @annamerlan: An editor would ask you to back this statement up with examples and proof, as well as anything the subject himself has said about his departure, which is why being edited is generally a good thing
Steve Benen / @stevebenen: When it comes to aughts-era blogging, I'm a bit like the guy who kept wearing old clothes, waiting for trends to circle back.
Noam Blum / @neontaster: Yglesias going to substack and if you tell me this has nothing to do with him signing the Harper's Letter and the subsequent controversy with Emily VanDerWerff I will laugh in your face.
Ashley Feinberg / @ashleyfeinberg: Dude quits his job for what'll likely be more money? Driven out by the woke left. Guy fired for showing co-workers his dick on camera? Driven out by the woke left. Yascha Mounk steps on an elaborate series of rakes, repeatedly whacking himself in the balls? That's right—woke left
Ezra Klein / @ezraklein: I've read @mattyglesias since we were bloggers in college and there's no one I've learned more from. I'll miss working with him daily, but am eagerly subscribing to this, and you should, too!
@moustacheclubus: become a bit of a contrarian pivot to the substack after researching likely audience size the work
Rebecca Fishbein / @bfishbfish: Folks are free to do what they want etc. and Matt has a big platform, but I think people are overestimating Substack's reach.
Corey Hutchins / @coreyhutchins: Another writer with a cultivated national audience leaves a major publication (this one he co-founded) to go it alone on Substack
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: And, it turns out this convo was kind of an audio draft of @mattyglesias' Substack debut.
German Lopez / @germanrlopez: Matt was one of the smartest people I've worked with, and he'll be missed at Vox! Everyone should subscribe to his blog.
Cardiff Garcia / @cardiffgarcia: Happy for Matt, one of the OG econ bloggers (he sometimes blogged about fake topics too like “politics” and “culture"). This'll be a great match
Aryeh Cohen-Wade / @aryehcw: I definitely did not expect the 2008-era blogosphere to be recreated a dozen years later by a single company.
Steve Krakauer / @stevekrak: Since Yglesias signed the Harper's Letter and was essentially labeled a transphobic apologist, this has been inevitable. Vox will soon be thoroughly uniform in thought - precisely the opposite mission it once sought to achieve.
Mark Kastner / @mkstnr: Take his salary and pay sbnation bloggers more @voxdotcom
Paul Graham / @paulg: One by one, all the most interesting writers are moving to Substack.
Dare Obasanjo / @carnage4life: Substack leapfrogging Medium after a 5 year head start is a startup story for the ages. This is what happens when your business model isn't aligned with providing the best user experience. Even veteran entrepreneurs make mistakes.
Tamara Winter / @_tamarawinter: “I love Vox, but there was an inherent tension between my status as a co-founder of the site and my desire to be a fiercely independent and at times contentious voice.” can't keep up with the recent Substack wins, wild
Ross Douthat / @douthatnyt: All Substack needs is Coates to make the time machine complete.
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: But I'm looking forward to hitting the ground running at Substack. Today's my last day at Vox, and my first post is already up. Check it out and enjoy! (And subscribe, subscribing is important)
Antonio Garca Martnez / @antoniogm: Can the last person to leave the East Coast media establishment please turn off the lights on the way out?
David Klion / @davidklion: Digital media is at the very beginning of what should be a fascinating experiment in whether having editors makes any difference to readers. FWIW, @JewishCurrents is intensively edited, and even my weekly newsletter receives an editorial pass (sign up:
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: The Substackization of brand-name political commentary continues apace
Joseph Wulfsohn / Fox News: Vox co-founder Matthew Yglesias quits, cites ‘inherent tension’ and desire to be ‘independent’ voice
Alex Reimer / Table For One: I'm a non-famous journalist on Substack. There's nothing romantic about this.
Adam Tinworth / One Man & His Blog: Matt Yglesias leaves Vox for Substack: is he doing a Newton or a Sullivan?
Sara Guaglione / MediaPost: ‘Vox’ Cofounder Matthew Yglesias Headed To Substack

Matthew Yglesias on why he left Vox: the “damaging trend” of increased sensitivity about language, and pushing back against media's dominant sensibility — The journalist Matthew Yglesias, a co-founder of Vox, announced today that he is leaving that publication …
@c_kavanagh, @glcarlstrom, @scottgreenfield, @derektmead, @billdifilippo, @conor64, @theatlantic, @nachristakis, @guptar, @swright230, @smarick, @timmarchman, @therealhoarse, @conor64, @thesarahkelly, @raysawhill, @carlosbravoreg, @bymikebaker, @brad_glasgow, @britnidlc, @jamiljivani, @bungdan, @cshea4, @wesyang, @bro_pair, @conor64, @jessesingal, @wfkars, @sullydish, @carloslozadawp, @mattlech, @originalspin, @richardhanania, @richardgrenell, @adwooldridge, @radiofreetom, @samthielman, @carlypreilly, @conor64, @page88, @russbengtson and @razibkhan
Chris Kavanagh / @c_kavanagh: Am not a fan of Yglesias (he deletes his tweets for a good reason) but his departure from Vox feels notable. Sub stack seems to becoming a pretty significant platform.
Gregg Carlstrom / @glcarlstrom: It's surreal that this debate over editorial diversity in journalism is largely taking place amongst a group of people whose professional experience is limited to sitting behind computers in a handful of major American cities and opining about things. ...
Scott Greenfield / @scottgreenfield: “The people making the media are young college graduates in big cities, and that kind of politics makes a lot of sense to them,” he said. “And we keep seeing that older people, and working-class people of all races and ethnicities, just don't share that entire worldview.”
@derektmead: mainstream media should think about the many many people who leave, ignored by, or are run out of the industry without the luxury or time to build a launch plan for their subscription airing of grievances blogs
Bill DiFilippo / @billdifilippo: viewing everything as the latest chapter in the culture wars must be exhausting
Conor Friedersdorf / @conor64: One thing @mattyglesias told me while speaking about the media industry generally that I very much agree with: “If you treat disagreement as a source of harm or personal safety,” he said, “then it's very challenging to do good work.” ...
@theatlantic: “I fear that in the short term, Americans will encounter less rigorous and more polarizing journalism. In the long term, a dearth of ideological diversity risks consequences we cannot fully anticipate,” @conor64 writes:
Nicholas A. Christakis / @nachristakis: Depressing development: @mattyglesias leaves @voxdotcom As he rightly observes, “If you treat disagreement as a source of harm, then it's very challenging to do good work.” These young adults and their colleges have failed. | @conor64 ...
Ruchi Gupta / @guptar: Important observations on the increasingly homogeneous “woke” media space which is shutting down meaningful deliberation on the liberal side. We see it in India not in media (obviously) but in the liberal activist space, esp online ...
@swright230: One trend that exacerbated that challenge: colleagues in media treating the expression of allegedly problematic ideas as if they were a human-resources issue. ...
Andy Smarick / @smarick: I so wish I could get into the heads of these progressive-publication leaders who keep losing writers who won't reflexively embrace every aspect of progressive scripture. Do these leaders realize they've created laughably, dangerously homogenous cultures? ...
Tim Marchman / @timmarchman: Maybe Vox staffers were not threatened by bold ideological heterodoxy but were just irritated by having a notorious moron who doesn't report or have any idea what he's talking about, ever atop the masthead?
@therealhoarse: Shorter: a young white male pundit was pressed to operate within a system where their thoughts and opinions weren't the only thing that mattered. They didn't like that so they quit to make more elsewhere. Hardly a tragedy. ...
Conor Friedersdorf / @conor64: I talked to @mattyglesias about his move to Substack. ... I expect he'll thrive in blogger mode, as he has before—and I fear that Vox, like the NY Times, Slate, New York, The Intercept, and others, will be ill-served by declining ideological diversity
Sarah Kelly / @thesarahkelly: Ok and if you treat sources of harm or personal safety as mere differences of opinion, then that's fine???
Ray Sawhill / @raysawhill: Wokism pressures make another old-timer pack up and leave. ...
Carlos Bravo Regidor / @carlosbravoreg: “It's a damaging trend in the media in particular because it is an industry that's about ideas, and if you treat disagreement as a source of harm or personal safety, then it's very challenging to do good work” (@mattyglesias). ...
Mike Baker / @bymikebaker: Vox, which was founded 6 years ago, gets labeled as “traditional media” here ...
Brad Glasgow / @brad_glasgow: Matthew Yglesias left Vox, huh? That's to be expected. Can't have someone disagreeing with the Social Justice Left at Vox. I disagree with him that it's an age issue, though. Young people tend to be more likely SocJus, sure, but look at academia. ...
Britni de la Cretaz / @britnidlc: there it is, folks: “Yglesias felt that he could no longer speak his mind without riling his colleagues.” ...
Jamil Jivani / @jamiljivani: A must-read from @conor64 News outlets are “today less ideologically diverse in their staff and less tolerant of contentious challenges to the dominant viewpoint of college-educated progressives than they have been in the recent past” ...
Dan Murphy / @bungdan: I don't have strong opinions about the guy and haven't finished the article. But I laughed aloud. “He felt it was important to challenge the “dominant sensibility” in the “young-college-graduate bubble” that sets the tone at many digital-media orgs.” ...
Chris Shea / @cshea4: I loved working at Vox for 2 years, and sitting next to Matt. If anyone told him to rein in his views and adopt a “statesmanlike” tone, I think that was a mistake. Looking forward to reading both his Substack and the remaining excellent Vox writers. ...
Wesley Yang / @wesyang: The usurpation of a culture of reasoned argument by one of policing contrary views out of existence through appeals grounded in claims of emotional harm happened first in colleges — and then everywhere those graduates went ...
Dan O'Sullivan / @bro_pair: I note this article doesn't contain any interviews with anyone at the publication the subject is leaving.
Conor Friedersdorf / @conor64: Mainstream media organizations should work to maintain ideological diversity, even if that causes tensions among the staff members who are least tolerant of ideas that they don't share. ...
Jesse Singal / @jessesingal: I did not anticipate that Matt Yglesias would be this forthright about his departure, but this is useful. One thing he mentions is being reported to his bosses by a colleague for signing the Harper's letter, which made the colleague in question feel unsafe ...
Daniel Summers / @wfkars: @khneori Matt Yglesias, who is leaving Vox for Substack for unspecified reasons that may have nothing to do with ideology at all.
Andrew Sullivan / @sullydish: Short answer: no ideological diversity allowed at Vox Media. Ahem. It makes the woke feel “unsafe”. ...
Carlos Lozada / @carloslozadawp: “If you treat disagreement as a source of harm or personal safety, then it's very challenging to do good work.” @mattyglesias explains why he left @voxdotcom: ...
Matt Lech / @mattlech: Do you think your promotion of Jordan Peterson should be read as indicative of the sorts of “ideological diversity” you think should be prioritized? How should his arc reflect on your credibility? And who else have you tried to bring to the table?
Jeff Yang / @originalspin: @conor64 Serious question: How do you conclude that a platform consisting of writers publishing solely for a small set of paying individuals who are prefiltered as fans of the voices in question will be a corrective against growing intolerance of heterodoxy, as opposed accelerating it?
Richard Hanania / @richardhanania: This misses the point. Portrays the issue as these institutions going “left.” None of his coworkers cared about the Yglesias position on taxes or foreign policy. It's identity politics, not as an abstract issue, but a certain class of professional loons. ...
Richard Grenell / @richardgrenell: Vox is about diversity of opinion? Josh, please.....
Adrian Wooldridge / @adwooldridge: A depressing read, particularly the sentence about the growing trend for media people to treat the expression of allegedly problematic ideas as if they are human-resources issue ...
Tom Nichols / @radiofreetom: This piece about why Yglesias left Vox is pretty interesting. But I think blog culture and working without editors helped to create a lot of the problems of modern media and I'm not sure that returning to a collection of blogs is the answer.
Sam Thielman / @samthielman: the act of publication, indeed of speech, limits the possibilities for discourse. that's what makes it “discourse” and not “monologue.” people disagree on where the limits ought to be. this has been said so often that it's no longer interesting or clever to pretend you don't hear
@carlypreilly: Let me be the 20-something in your feed saying: l don't want to live in a world where our media content is controlled by 20-somethings who think that a colleague signing a letter in support of free speech makes them unsafe ...
Conor Friedersdorf / @conor64: Ideological bubbles make us more confident that we know everything, more set and extreme in our views, more prone to groupthink, more vulnerable to fallacies, and less circumspect. ... (I cite some interesting Cass Sunstein research to back up these claims.)
Virginia Heffernan / @page88: A word about intellectual diversity and dissent. ...

NBC News/MSNBC have had to part ways with four contributors due to ties to the Biden team, highlighting again the cozy relationship between politics and pundits — MSNBC announced on Monday that, “per network policy,” presidential historian Jon Meacham would no longer be serving as a MSNBC contributor.
@postopinions: Crosscutting allegiances and dalliances have long skewed on-air commentary, @ErikWemple writes ...
Evan DeSimone / @media_evan: I don't want to fully whatabout this, but I'm not sure how we can see this as an enormous scandal after four years of Fox News running the executive branch. ...
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: You'll be shocked to learn many of MSNBC's “analysts” and “commentators” were, all along, clandestine Democratic Party operatives. Having @jmeacham on air to praise the Biden speech that he wrote — without disclosing this — is just the funniest example: ...
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: Quite the kicker: “One alternative to all the contributor madness would be to turn over the airwaves to people hired to report facts and scoops and required to avoid affiliations with outside organizations. Those folks are known as journalists.” ...
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: Wemple: “Hey MSNBC: You're supposed to be challenging Fox News in viewer ratings, not in the number of folks that you feed into the White House! It still has quite a ways to go, in fairness, to rival the corruption of the Fox News-White House relationship” ...

A look at Abby Phillip's career in journalism, from Politico to CNN, as her star rises following her anchoring of CNN's election week coverage — In an election dominated by fast-talking policy dudes, her deliberate commentary and context stood out. — “Black women did that,” said Abby Phillip, a CNN political correspondent.
@abbydphillip, @nickkristof, @nytimes, @tiffanydcross, @choo_ek, @drtsion, @olivianuzzi, @secupp, @katierosman, @vashtie, @donlemon, @ryanstruyk, @adamgoldmannyt, @valeriejarrett, @davidaxelrod, @aliciamenendez, @weijia, @millie, @jmhansler, @itsmelissabrown, @katesullivandc, @mollymotoole, @djrothkopf, @yamiche, @biannagolodryga and The Media Nut
Abby D. Phillip / @abbydphillip: I don't even know what to say. Grateful for this moment. Thank you @katierosman
Nicholas Kristof / @nickkristof: Great profile of @cnn's @abbydphillip and what she has brought to political coverage:
@nytimes: “Black women did that,” said Abby Phillip, a CNN correspondent, on Nov. 6, the day before victory would be declared for Joe Biden. In an election dominated by fast-talking policy dudes, her deliberate commentary and context stood out, writes @katierosman.
@tiffanydcross: “The ways that I contribute to the conversation come from both the years I have worked as a reporter but also what happens to be my own lived experience,” she said. Yassss @abbydphillip 🙌🏽🙏🏽 ♥️
Esther Choo / @choo_ek: Get her a show
@drtsion: I do barely watch TV but during the election week, I realized cable news was STILL dominated by white males. It was so refreshing to see people like @abbydphillip, and we need more representation of #BlackGirlMagic in media. You are an inspiration to many around the world, Abby.
Olivia Nuzzi / @olivianuzzi: A beautiful description of what sets @abbydphillip apart, stylistically, from so many others on TV. When she says something, it's because she has something to say—not because she's filling time or trying to create a moment. Her moments create themselves.
S.E. Cupp / @secupp: This woman. Just...this woman. To say I'm proud to be a colleague is an understatement. I heard from so many friends asking who she was. Now they know. 🔥🔥🔥
Va$htie / @vashtie: I loved watching her during the election 🥰! I was frazzled and stressed, but her graceful calm and cool kept me from ripping my hair out. @abbydphillip
Don Lemon / @donlemon: Great profile on our @abbydphillip. She was great during #CNNElection coverage. Check it out.
Ryan Struyk / @ryanstruyk: I've gotten to work with @abbydphillip since 2014 when I interned at @ABC - incredibly smart, so kind (even when all my pitches were awful), so thoughtful, always willing to take time to give advice. So proud of her well-deserved stardom and proud to work with her at @CNN. 🎉😍
Adam Goldman / @adamgoldmannyt: In a field crowded with fast-talking bros, @abbydphillip stands out for her reserve.
Valerie Jarrett / @valeriejarrett: Outstanding profile on superstar @abbydphillip! Every journalist should be able to say this👇🏼. “Mostly I feel like I did what I wanted to do, which was to be honest and straightforward and knowledgeable and present and to tell the truth.”
David Axelrod / @davidaxelrod: .@abbydphillip is proving that you can be thoughtful, deliberate and impactful on TV. And she's just getting started! I've watched her emerge during this campaign season as a star at @CNN. I am proud to call her a colleague.
Alicia Menendez / @aliciamenendez: Among my favorite parts of this profile of @abbydphillip is the peak into her friendship with fellow superstar @Yamiche.
Weijia Jiang / @weijia: “The ways that I contribute to the conversation come from both the years I have worked as a reporter but also what happens to be my own lived experience.” Precisely why her contributions to the conversation are so brilliant. Cheers to @abbydphillip!
Millie Tran / @millie: Let this be the last year we stop correlating ambition with being “very quiet”
Jennifer Hansler / @jmhansler: “The ways that I contribute to the conversation come from both the years I have worked as a reporter but also what happens to be my own lived experience,” she said. Great profile of all-star colleague @abbydphillip
Melissa Brown / @itsmelissabrown: I love this profile of @abbydphillip. It's always a good reminder in journalism today that you don't have to be the loudest person in the room to be the most effective.
Kate Sullivan / @katesullivandc: Abby is not only incredibly smart and impressive, she is also a very kind and generous colleague. Love this fantastic profile of the wonderful @abbydphillip in the @nytimes today.
Molly O'Toole / @mollymotoole: For days on end, she was simply brilliant. Thank you @abbydphillip!
David Rothkopf / @djrothkopf: Great to see this recognition for @abbydphillip. She has emerged as one of the real superstars of television political coverage, insightful, thoughtful, just great day-in and day-out. One of the handful of the very best. Phillip Is Next-Gen CNN
Yamiche Alcindor / @yamiche: .@abbydphillip is brilliant, kind, and deserves all this shine and more. Read about her. 👇🏾

Publishers of local news are tightening up paywalls and increasing promotion of subscription offers, sometimes offering shorter, more affordable deals — Publishers have gotten a lot pushier about marketing their news subscriptions lately. — With many of their ad businesses still shaky …
@niemanlab: One example from @maxwillens: In the last six months (during the pandemic!), @dallasnews has been experimenting with more short-term, affordable subscription options:

New York magazine has hired Sukjong Hong as the editor of the recently relaunched Curbed — New York editor-in-chief David Haskell, Strategist editor Alexis Swerdloff, and Vulture editor Neil Janowitz today announced new hires at the magazine as well as its real-estate and urbanism site Curbed …
Chris Roush / Talking Biz News: New York magazine hires Hong to run Curbed
Jerry Saltz / @jerrysaltz: New York Magazine Announces New Hires Across Its Network — New York Media Press Room

UK press regulator IPSO publishes guidelines on the reporting of Muslims and Islam; guidance is non-binding and supplementary to the Editors' Code of Practice — Daily Express editor Gary Jones has said he is “comfortable” with standards set out in new guidelines on the reporting of Muslims …
Charlotte Dewar / @cdewar: Proud of this work, outcome of many difficult & important conversations. Thanks to Fiyaz Mughal of @TellMamaUK and Gary Jones, editor of @Daily_Express for their support for the finished product, and to all of those who gave input, ideas, and constructive criticism along the way.

Kayleigh McEnany is serving both as White House press secretary and as a Trump campaign adviser, raising questions about whether she's violating the Hatch Act — WASHINGTON (AP) — A White House press secretary who refers questions to the White House? — Kayleigh McEnany is wearing two hats …
@therecount, @kayleighmcenany, @davidgura, @kegill, @therealpbarry, @boutrousted, @bradmossesq, @sollenbergerrc, @bradmossesq, @svdate, @peterelkind, @tpm, @dmitrimehlhorn, @atrupar, @mollyjongfast, @sollenbergerrc, @sollenbergerrc, @acosta, @yamiche, @chrisfralic, @briankarem, @richardafowler, @jayrosen_nyu, Associated Press, Salon, Boing Boing and Mediaite
@therecount: WAIT. When asked about whether Joe Biden will receive access to intelligence briefings, Kayleigh McEnany says, “That would be a question more for the White House.” Kayleigh McEnany IS the WH Press Secretary, though she is appearing on FOX as a Trump 2020 adviser.
Kayleigh McEnany / @kayleighmcenany: When you enter government, you do not lose First Amendment rights. Hatch Act says to separate govt & political activity, which I diligently work to do. Reporters (who ironically have freedom of press embedded in the 1st Amendment), are complaining about my 1A right to speech!
David Gura / @davidgura: The White House press secretary's salary is $183,000, paid by you and me.
@kegill: WTH? How can she be a campaign advisor AND on the public payroll? Everyone in this White House seems corrupt. HATCH ATC?
Ted Boutrous / @boutrousted: Kayleigh McEnany has never remotely understood, let alone fulfilled, the responsibilities of the White House @PressSec, instead serving as purveyor of lies and disinformation to the American people on behalf of @realDonaldTrump.
Bradley P. Moss / @bradmossesq: I humbly request you make public the “Outside Activities” documentation the White House presumably had you fill out and get approved prior to your recent personal sabbatical from your taxpayer funded position.
Roger Sollenberger / @sollenbergerrc: Here's what the Harvard Law grad said in her defense. But journalists like me aren't standing in the way of this mode of expression — the Hatch Act is, and it has survived First Amendment cases against it. Twice.
Bradley P. Moss / @bradmossesq: Can I presume you've been taking paid or unpaid leave and not collecting a government salary this whole time you have been doing this non-government work?
S.V. Dte / @svdate: This is a lie. She has repeatedly campaigned for Trump from the briefing room podium.
@tpm: Kayleigh McEnany Trips Over Dual Roles As She Tiptoes Around Hatch Act In Fox Appearance ...
Dmitri Mehlhorn / @dmitrimehlhorn: White House Press Secretary @kayleighmcenany cannot answer a question, defers instead to @PressSec. Note to history — they are the same person, except for the conflict of interest and perhaps the Hatch Act violation.
Aaron Rupar / @atrupar: “You do not lose your first amendment rights when you come into government” — Kayleigh McEnany defends serving as a Trump campaign official while she works as White House press secretary, an arrangement that seems to violate the Hatch Act
@mollyjongfast: We're paying @PressSec to lie on television and undermine our democracy
Roger Sollenberger / @sollenbergerrc: @kayleighmcenany It's not reporters. It's the Hatch Act, which has been upheld specifically in the face of 1A challenges — twice.
Roger Sollenberger / @sollenbergerrc: In a Fox News appearance as a campaign adviser, Kayleigh McEnany referred a question about the transition back to the White House, to dodge the Hatch Act. In the next breath she answered the question — from the perspective of the White House. Me, @Salon
Yamiche Alcindor / @yamiche: Here's Kayleigh McEnany, the White House press secretary appearing on Fox News as a Trump campaign advisor, referring a question to the White House.
Chris Fralic / @chrisfralic: True - and my new words for the day are metonymy and apotheosis - thanks Jay.
Brian J. Karem / @briankarem: She makes a six figure salary working for and representing the WH. @PressSec did you quit?
Richard A. Fowler / @richardafowler: Isn't she the White House's representative to the press? This ish is wild!🤔🤔
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: For a couple years I've been saying there is no White House, really. Just Trump— and people who work in the building. The metonymy broke, as I often put it. The White House press secretary saying, “Dunno, you'd have to ask the White House” is the apotheosis of that view.
Zoë Richards / Associated Press: Kayleigh McEnany Trips Over Dual Roles As She Tiptoes Around Hatch Act In Fox Appearance
Roger Sollenberger / Salon: Kayleigh McEnany refers questions to White House in Fox News appearance as Trump campaign adviser

About 500 Gannett employees, at least 200 of them journalists, are taking buyout offers; the company employs about 5,000 journalists — The offer was first put out in October — In October, Gannett offered a round of voluntary buyouts to all its employees.
@brian4ny, @poynter, @raju, @markolalde, American Press Institute, @cd_hooks, @claythinks, @nppa, @chrisstrub, @dianenynpa, @ehernandez, @nataliaecg, @melissalyttle, @ajfriedenberger, @melissalyttle, @rickedmonds, @broylesa, @broylesa, @broylesa, @emilybell, @poynter, @leahbecerra, @tatecurtis, @sdkstl, @cityscenekc, Kansas City Business Journal and Kansas City Star
Brian Thompson / @brian4ny: To my fellow journos on the print side, I am so sorry, especially considering the sacrifices you have made during this pandemic. Peace and Health
@poynter: Poynter's @kristenhare reports that in October, Gannett offered a round of voluntary buyouts to all its employees. Roughly 600 people opted in and about 500 buyouts were accepted.
Raju Narisetti / @raju: Over @Gannett 10% of ~5,000 journalists, including at least 60 editors, 19 photojournalists, 7 managing editors, 7 executive editors and 124 reporters. The question is whether this is enough of a voluntary reduction.
Mark Olalde / @markolalde: Apparently, we just lost another ~5% of our editorial staff.
Christopher Hooks / @cd_hooks: Gannett is an evil company.
@nppa: If you're one of those taking a buyout, please reach out to your regional NPPA rep if we can help you with any resources or info about freelancing or building your business.
Diane Kennedy / @dianenynpa: Please support your local newspaper, which is likely struggling to survive, as are so many other local businesses. Your community needs its journalists.
Elizabeth Hernandez / @ehernandez: It is so damn crushing to be young and passionate about a career that continuously dares you to quit
Natalia Contreras / @nataliaecg: I hate when I hear that “there's no money” or “because of the coronavirus” when executives are taking millions.
Melissa Lyttle / @melissalyttle: If you're still at a Gannett paper, my hats off to you. Please keep doing good work for as long as you can. But also please be realistic and understand that most newspaper CEOs aren't thinking about their employees, they're thinking about the bottom line.
Amy Friedenberger / @ajfriedenberger: This is very bad for our democracy.
Melissa Lyttle / @melissalyttle: Apparently the @nppa isn't allowed to have opinions about the demise of local papers at the hands of greedy CEOs. So my apologies for sharing it there. Instead I'll post it here: 19 photojournalists?! I can't believe Gannett even has that many left.
Rick Edmonds / @rickedmonds: At Gannett 500 employees, at least 200 of them journalists, are leaving the company December 1 after accepting a buyout offer.
Addie Broyles / @broylesa: We're losing three talented staffers to the recent Gannett buyout. Seven others were laid off in May, so we're down 10 people this year, and all but one (I think) were content producers (ie writers/photographers).
Addie Broyles / @broylesa: I *think* they are going to hire for six openings, but there are only three listed on the Gannett job site:
Addie Broyles / @broylesa: 🤷♀️ 🤷♂️ 🤷 The good news is that the 52(ish) of us left in the newsroom are committed to putting out a paper that reflects and serves the community. We'll keep doing that as long as we can. #supportlocalnews
Emily Bell / @emilybell: Many Gannett staff were deciding on whether to take buy-outs whilst reporting the election locally - another 120 reporting jobs going now, and 500 jobs overall
@poynter: Poynter obtained a copy of a 15-page PDF listing of the job titles of those selected for buyouts.
Leah Becerra / @leahbecerra: Digital is the future of journalism. I've spent my career focused on that fact. But the print newspaper is what made me fall in love with journalism. And my time in The Star's newsroom was foundational to my understanding of this industry. This news hurts.
Curtis Pumpkin Spicy Tate / @tatecurtis: The @KCStar, a @mcclatchy paper, will soon be printed by @Gannett in Des Moines. But where will the Wichita Eagle, Topeka Capital Journal and Lawrence Journal World be printed, as The Star currently does?
Staci D Kramer / @sdkstl: The KC Star will be printed in Iowa starting in 2021, dozens of workers to be laid off. Editor Mike Fannin: “Although our news deadlines will be earlier, our production schedule will remain materially the same and our readers will receive their newspapers as usual.”<<
Kevin Collison / @cityscenekc: Didn't take long for the new hedge fund ownership to wield the axe, 124 jobs gone, a huge, custom building with a challenging future reuse to be vacated. Sad day for KC. The Kansas City Star to move from downtown building, shift printing operations

YouTube defends choice to leave up election misinformation videos, saying such videos are “not being surfaced or recommended in any prominent way” — The company says its most popular videos are from ‘authoritative’ sources — YouTube is pushing back against claims its platform …
@mhbergen, NBC News, Media Matters for America, @mhbergen, @kevinroose, @youtubeinsider, @caseynewton, @jesselehrich, @npr and @mhbergen
Mark Bergen / @mhbergen: A new morning ritual: open up the latest OAN ‘Trump won’ YouTube video. See ad. Ask Google about it. Hear from Google later in day that they are removing ads from that video. Rinse, repeat.
David Ingram / NBC News: YouTube says it wants ‘discussion’ of election results, even when it's been debunked
Alex Kaplan / Media Matters for America: YouTube has allowed conspiracy theories about interference with voting machines to go viral
Mark Bergen / @mhbergen: New stat here from YouTube.
Kevin Roose / @kevinroose: @mhbergen Welcome to the “critically important data about opaque social media metrics disclosed through corporate Twitter replies” club!
@youtubeinsider: @mhbergen The most popular videos about the election are from authoritative news organizations. On average, 88% of the videos in top-10 results in the U.S. come from high-auth sources when people search for election-related content.
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: There's a good chance YouTube's handling of this goes in the first sentence of every story about how social networks handled the 2020 election for the next several years.
Jesse Lehrich / @jesselehrich: the reality with @YouTube - even more so than @Facebook - is they literally *can't* moderate their platform. something like 1000 hours of video are uploaded to YT every minute. and video moderation is hard. being totally opaque & pretending it's going smoothly isn't a solution.

Sony acquires faith-based subscription video service Pure Flix, which charges viewers $13 a month to stream evangelical-friendly movies and TV shows — In a move to expand its reach with Christian audiences, Sony Pictures is buying a streaming service launched by the makers of the “God's Not Dead” film franchise.
Billy Hallowell / Pure Flix Insider: 4 Facts About Pure Flix's Exciting Sony Pictures Deal

Disney says Disney+ had 73M+ paid subscribers at the end of September, up from 57.5M at end of June and 60.5M in early August — Disney+ reported today that they have now reached 73.7 million subscribers at the end of September. This is a 16.2 million climb from last quarter …
The Economist, @theeconomist, Axios, @jchatterleycnn, CNN, @theeconomist, TechCrunch, Forbes, Adweek,, CNBC, @decider, @brooksbarnesnyt, MediaNama, @jank0, @megjameslat, MediaPost, Awful Announcing, New York Times, Variety and Observer
@theeconomist: The rich library of Disney+ is popular with children. But it may lose subscribers unless it regularly offers new content for grown-ups
Sara Fischer / Axios: Streaming becomes lifeline for struggling entertainment giants
Julia Chatterley / @jchatterleycnn: House of mouse gets a boost! Shares in $DIS rise as streaming success outweighs financial loss. “Disney+ is no longer the future of this company. It is the present of this company,” says @frankpallotta as #Disney reports more than 73 million subscribers.
Frank Pallotta / CNN: Disney+ was the future. Now it's Disney's present
@theeconomist: Disney+ has hit its five-year subscriber target—between 60m and 90m—in just eight months
Anthony Ha / TechCrunch: Disney+ has more than 73M subscribers
Abigail Freeman / Forbes: The State Of The Streaming Wars As Disney+ Soars To 73 Million Subscribers
Kelsey Sutton / Adweek: As Disney+ Turns 1, Streamer Clears 73 Million Subscribers
Jon Lafayette / Disney Reports 4Q Loss Despite Streaming Gains
Jessica Bursztynsky / CNBC: Disney Plus blows out expectations in its first year with 73.7 million subscribers
@decider: Disney+ has plenty of reason to celebrate on its one-year anniversary today: #Plusiversary
Brooks Barnes / @brooksbarnesnyt: Interesting tidbit: Disney World reopened at 25% capacity but recently revised that to 35%
Aroon Deep / MediaNama: Subscription video a bright spot for Disney as physical business verticals struggle
Janko Roettgers / @jank0: Disney CEO Bob Chapek says that the company will shift its investments from linear networks to streaming: “You will see it heavily tilt.”
Meg James / @megjameslat: Wow! Huge numbers. Now the challenge for $DIS is to convert those who had a free 1-year subscription (i.e. Verizon customers) into paying subscribers.
Wayne Friedman / MediaPost: Disney Sees First Net Loss In Decades, Revenues Down 23%, Disney+ Subscribers Soar
Andrew Bucholtz / Awful Announcing: ESPN+ now has 10.3 million subscribers, and was part of better-than-expected Q4 results for Disney
Brooks Barnes / New York Times: Disney+ Passes 73 Million Subscribers as Streaming Takes Center Stage
Cynthia Littleton / Variety: Disney Chief Talks Studio Reorganization and Disney Plus Movie Premiere Strategy

Disney reports a loss of $710M on $14.71B in revenue, slightly beating revenue estimates of $14.2B; stock up 5%+ after hours
@lucas_shaw, The Motley Fool, Business Insider, The Streamable, @nealaappaloosa, @cedfunches, @seekingalpha, Axios, Winvesta Crisps, @markwillard85, @alexweprin, @loudmouthjulia, @loudmouthjulia, @loudmouthjulia, @richlightshed, @loudmouthjulia, @loudmouthjulia, @stevekovach, @lucas_shaw, @lucas_shaw, @loudmouthjulia, The Walt Disney Company, Yahoo Finance and The Verge
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: Disney+ added 16.2 million customers in a quarter where it released almost nothing of note. Just insane.
Travis Clark / Business Insider: Disney Plus now has over 73 million subscribers
Jason Gurwin / The Streamable: Disney CEO Says This is Why “Mulan” Went Premier Access, While “Soul” Did Not
@nealaappaloosa: Ah, so you DIDN'T have to fire 28,000 of us furloughed cast members, you just wanted to use us as a bargaining chip to convince Newsom to reopen Disneyland in the midst of a pandemic to make even MORE money. Right? :)
@cedfunches: 73 million paid Disney+ subscribers after just a year. Pricing, pricing, pricing matters
@seekingalpha: $DIS - The Walt Disney Company (DIS) CEO Bob Chapek on Q4 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript. #stockmarket #economy #finance
Winvesta Crisps: 🚅 The Unstoppable Roku! — Hey Global Investor, here's what you need to know before the US markets open.
Mark Willard / @markwillard85: Iger isn't even mentioned at the top of the $DIS Q4 earnings call. Seven months later, we're a far cry from what this NY Times article seemed to be insinuating:
Alex Weprin / @alexweprin: Disney will forgo its next dividend, which had been set for Jan. 2021. Will invest in streaming instead.
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Aaaaand Dan Loeb got his wish.
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Wow, Disney CFO Christine McCarthy says that Disney+ subscribers through Hotstar make up “over a quarter of our global subscriber base.” That's just under 20 million subscribers. Wrote a little bit about Disney's smart moves -> ...
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: A reminder that Disney wants to fight the state of California over Disneyland. Disney is wrong. ...
Rich Greenfield / @richlightshed: Disney CEO Bob Chapek annihilating California govt, specifically @GavinNewsom for not letting Disneyland open given what they have been allowed to do in Florida, just after mentioning Disneyland Paris was now closed too $DIS dont think we have ever seen such venom from Disney
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: “The real bright spot amidst the pandemic has been our direct to consumer division.” CEO Bob Chapek says. They're launching Disney+ in Latin America next week. Prepare for massive Disney+ subs additions in Q1 2021.
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Chapek also says end of first year subscriber numbers will come on December 10th — that's when Disney is hosting its big streaming-focused investors day. I'm still very curious about Disney's plan for its Star streaming platform.
Steve Kovach / @stevekovach: 73 million paid Disney+ subscribers after just a year.
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: Hulu's SVOD service grew by just 400,000 customers last quarter. Its live TV service added 700,000. ESPN+ grew by another 1.8M and is now north of 10M. ESPN+ is a top 10 SVOD service.
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: Some quick takeaways from Disney earnings: > Theme parks swung from a $1.4B profit to $1.1B loss due to Covid. > The studio shrank by more than 50% > TV networks a wash > 73M customers in 11 months is insane, and ergo the company's stock is up.
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: Disney+ has more than 73 million paid subscribers. That's way more than what analysts were expecting. Disney continues to be the company that undersells and over performs.

Maria Ressa will be replaced as Rappler's executive editor by Glenda M. Gloria as she goes on sabbatical to play a more active role in fighting disinformation — As it turns a decade old next year, Rappler is setting the stage for its next-generation managers who will steer the company through …
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: Rappler further strengthened as @glendamgloria named Executive Editor with @mariaressa continuing as CEO and President while on sabbatical, @chayhofilena as Managing Editor, @bethfrondoso as Head of Multimedia Strategy and Growth, and new leaders named
Caloy Conde / @carloshconde: Rappler's @mariaressa goes on sabbatical, names @glendamgloria executive editor. Sad that Maria is taking the backseat but this, I think, is a wise move.
Ann Marie Lipinski / @amlwhere: A new executive editor for @rapplerdotcom— our courageous Nieman Fellow @glendamgloria. @mariaressa remains CEO of the embattled Phillippines' news site that has fought to “solve existential problems for journalism and democracy.”