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Apple lowering its subscription revenue cut for those making under $1M/year in App Store will boost some news publishers' revenue; more details coming in Dec. — Instead of taking 30% of new subscribers' payments, it'll take 15%. The money's welcome, but it's also a reminder …
Apple, The Verge, Kotaku, @amlwhere, @sdw, Light Reading, @lucasgovatos, @rakeshlobster, @dhh, @philiprosedale, @glennf, @eckoxsoldier, @baratunde, @scobleizer, @tha_rami, @dhh, @jbenton, @anildash, @jbenton and @benedictevans, more at Techmeme »

Media coverage of COVID-19 hasn't fallen despite a drop in reader interest, which sociologists ascribe to the coverage becoming too redundant and often alarmist — Ahead of Thanksgiving travel, new coronavirus cases in the U.S. have never been higher, and online interest in the pandemic …
Columbia Journalism Review, CNN, Poynter, American Press Institute, @kyleorl, @bryanrwalsh, @jaaavis, @schmalie and @brianstelter

Should Trump decide to write a memoir, publishers would have to weigh huge sales against possible revolts by staff and authors and concerns about veracity — Some publishing executives worry their authors and staff might rebel, but they say their bigger concern would be ensuring the book's accuracy.
@andrewlavallee, @theferocity, @alxthomp, @liz_franczak, @elongreen, @glennkesslerwp, @scarylawyerguy, @irishlittimes, @tinajordannyt, @johnmanuelarias, @bradfordpearson, @hemantmehta, @carolynryan, @tara_atrandom, @typesandspells, @kimzetter, @azalben, @maiadunphy, The Media Nut, @xanalter, @silvermanjacob, @jbenton, @mariskreizman, @pronounced_ing, @raju, @sarahw, @rschooley, @smh, @naomiaklein, @dreamoforgonon, @haymarketbooks, @alexweprin, @nytimes and Personanondata

YouTube rolls out ads on some videos from channels outside its revenue sharing program; updated TOS says such channels might not receive a cut of the revenue — YouTube, in an expansion of its advertising business, will begin serving up ads on channels that will not receive a cut of the revenue.
Adweek, @caseynewton and @petersontee

YouTube is introducing audio-only ads for users who listen to music or podcasts in the background and letting advertisers buy ads targeted by mood
The Drum, Adweek, @susanwojcicki, Think with Google, The Keyword,, Engadget, @rkyncl, @lucas_shaw, @glenngabe, @codepo8, AdExchanger, Music Business Worldwide, MediaPost, TechCrunch and Ad Age

Last week, Washington Post ran 1,421-words of climate denialism as a full-page ad, which the author says cost $25K — Should newspapers profit from spreading factual inaccuracies about deadly threats? — 5 hr ago — Happy hump day, hot stuff. Some shameless self- and friend-promotion before today's edition.
@johnfocook, @climatebrad, @emorwee, @emorwee, @gernotwagner, @sammy_roth, @emorwee and @emorwee

The latest congressional hearing was another parade of bad-faith arguments about Section 230, best illustrated by Senate Republicans mischaracterizing the law — The latest congressional hearing with Facebook's and Twitter's CEOs was another parade of bad-faith arguments.
Electronic Frontier Foundation, The Information, Roll Call, ABC News and Variety

The Salt Lake Tribune appoints Sacramento Bee executive Lauren Gustus as its top editor, the third woman to hold the post in the newspaper's 150-year history — The Salt Lake Tribune has hired a seasoned journalist, media executive and pioneer in community-supported news as its top editor.
@laurengustus, @sltribbyu, Poynter, @niemanlab and @em_means13

Comcast launches Watchwith, an interactive live-streaming app for Xfinity X1 and Flex customers that lets viewers engage with programs using their remotes — Comcast is getting Twitch-y, starting with tonight's episode of Bravo's “The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City.”
Light Reading, The Streamable and Cord Cutters News

Right-wing news appears legitimate to partisans because it looks and feels like journalism with appeals to expertise and slick, professional news production — Republican media is peddling lies with reason and professionalism — and GOP partisans are never coming back to mainstream news
@nikkiusher, @jayrosen_nyu, @nikkiusher, Press Watch, Salon, @froomkin, @nikkiusher, @nikkiusher, @oliverdarcy, @nikkiusher, @drvox and @jayrosen_nyu

UK Music, which represents the commercial music industry, says the sector's economic contribution could halve in 2020 due to events shutdowns — The UK music industry is set to halve in size this year as issues including an effective shutdown of concerts, gigs and festivals strip £3bn from its contribution to the economy.
@alessioilgreco, @matt_w_walsh, @helenbarrett, @ism_music, @musicvenuetrust, UK Music and NME

Xandr says it now reaches 90% of the US population, having added A+E Networks and Crown Media; CEO says video comprises almost 40% of all spend through Xandr — Ad-tech unit's chief eyes publisher and telco tie-ups to boost international expansion — Following months of departures and shakeups …
MediaPost, Xandr, Ad Age, and Beet.TV

Verizon Media Group, which includes Yahoo, HuffPost, TechCrunch, and Engadget, says its commerce revenues are up more than 250% YoY through November — Last year, Verizon Media Group CEO Guru Gowrappan told Digiday that commerce could account for one third of Verizon Media Group's revenues …