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Sources: Ezra Klein, co-founder and editor-at-large of, and Lauren Williams, editor-in-chief and senior vice president, are leaving the company — Ezra Klein, co-founder and editor-at-large of, the political news website owned by Vox Media, and Lauren Williams …
The Daily Beast, @ezraklein, @aryehcw, Yashar's Newsletter, @tomhbunting, @laurenwilliams, @kantrowitz, Washington Post, Vox, New York Post, MediaPost, @antoniogm, @sarafischer, @ezraklein, @makosloff, @rasmussen_poll, @karlbode, @karlbode, @karlbode, @karlbode, Forbes, @jessicalessin, @nickkristof, @germanrlopez, @laurenwilliams, @pwthornton, @jessicalessin, @jessicalessin, @byjoelanderson, @marisakabas, @hctrudo, The Media Nut, @laurenwilliams, @ezraklein, @notnathan, @anthony, @emarvelous, @katedailey, @bernybelvedere, @brokeymcpoverty, @ezraklein, @geedee215, @conorsen, @ezraklein, @econliberties, @chaykak, @genepark, @cleoabram, @ryrivard, @imnotowned, @stevekrak, @sarafischer, @ezraklein, @laurenwilliams, @hamandcheese, @ezraklein, @laurenwilliams, @juliareinstein, @kurtschlichter, @ivanthek, @tressiemcphd, @sanasaeed, @hayskali, @ezraklein, @jonathanchait, @clarajeffery, @ezraklein, @laurenwilliams, @donmoyn, @davidsirota, @sarafischer, @jgrantaddison, @alexsalvinews, @zachheltzel, @jakedavewebster, @davecoion, @natemcdermott, @heerjeet and @ezraklein
Maxwell Tani / The Daily Beast: Ezra Klein Leaving Vox for The New York Times
Ezra Klein / @ezraklein: After nearly eight amazing years building, editing, and working at @voxdotcom, I am leaving to join @nytopinion, writing a reported column on policy and the policymaking process, and hosting an interview podcast.
Aryeh Cohen-Wade / @aryehcw: The best way to get a job as an NYT Op-Ed columnist is to be a @bloggingheads regular a decade ago.
Yashar Ali / Yashar's Newsletter: Scoop: Ezra Klein Is Leaving Vox
Tom Bunting / @tomhbunting: Per @maxwelltani, The New York Times now employs the former EICs of Vox, Buzzfeed News, Gizmodo, Fusion, The Awl, and Gawker. ...
Lauren Williams / @laurenwilliams: Some personal *and* professional news: I'm leaving my position as @voxdotcom's editor-in-chief in February.
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: So the Times takes Ben Smith, EIC of BuzzFeed; Ezra Klein, co-founder of Vox; and, in part, Kara Swisher of Recode. NYT Co. has absolutely raided digital media startup. ...
Washington Post: Ezra Klein leaves Vox, the website he founded, for New York Times, in a digital media A-list exodus
Melissa Bell / Vox: A new era for Vox — What's next for us. (We're hiring!) — SHARE All sharing options
Keith J. Kelly / New York Post: Vox co-founder Ezra Klein and the site's top editor are leaving
Sara Guaglione / MediaPost: ‘Vox’ Cofounder Ezra Klein, EIC Lauren Williams Exiting
Antonio Garca Martnez / @antoniogm: In the future, every journalist will either have a Substack, work at the NYT, work at the WSJ/BBG/FT continuum, or be unemployed.
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: 🚨Exclusive: Ezra Klein and Lauren Williams are leaving Vox — His Vox podcast, “The Ezra Klein Show,” will go away, but Vox plans to launch a new interview show next year. — Company has begun a search for two new leaders to fill Williams' role
Ezra Klein / @ezraklein: I've always believed it's important for founders to know when to let new generations take the reins. One of the great privileges in starting Vox was we got to build without anyone looking over our shoulder. We got to pursue our vision, make our mistakes, imagine our future.
Marshall Kosloff / @makosloff: @jgrantaddison Seems like they already are:
@rasmussen_poll: Let's Voxsplain. Digital media startups bleed-out & fail at alarming rates. Clever founders live well for a period on investor capital & then jump ship before the end. Time will tell if that's the tale here.
Karl Bode / @karlbode: there's an absolute ocean of terrified journalists and editors who can't pay rent right now and could not give any less of a fuck about your successful transition to a six figure newsletter career, my man
Karl Bode / @karlbode: for every column on Ezra Klein, Glenn Greenwald, and Matt Yglesias cushy new gigs there should be ten columns digging into the tens of thousands of journalists and freelancers whose lives and careers have been utterly demolished, often permanently
Karl Bode / @karlbode: how do you think it feels for the 37K+ fired and furloughed journalists to see their own industry give more of a shit about six figure careerist jostling than the fact they haven't been able to pay their bills since April?
Karl Bode / @karlbode: I love how we underfund journalism for decades, shitcan 36K+ journalists, editors, and freelancers the second the economy gets rocky, then FORGET COMPLETELY ABOUT THOSE PEOPLE to instead fixate on the occupational jockeying of six-figure opinion columnists
Rob Salkowitz / Forbes: Big Changes At Vox As Co-Founder Ezra Klein, EiC Lauren Williams Depart News Site
Jessica Lessin / @jessicalessin: @ezraklein @peretti @BuzzFeed @huffpo Do all of you saying things in my DMs but not publicly, yeah, maybe BuzzFeed/Huffpo is more like Motorola/Nokia... time will tell.
Nicholas Kristof / @nickkristof: We're delighted to welcome @ezraklein, whom I've learned from for many years, to @nytopinion! He delves more deeply than almost anyone in journalism into serious issues of policy, and we're thrilled to have him at The Times as a colleague in columny.
German Lopez / @germanrlopez: I will miss @ezraklein and @laurenwilliams so much at Vox. I learned so much from them, and wouldn't be where I am without them. But Vox is still great. I'm excited for all the stuff we have planned for the next year, and we'll keep explaining the news.
Lauren Williams / @laurenwilliams: The 6+ years I've spent helping to build Vox into what it is today have been the most rewarding of my career. I love Vox, and I love my team. There's only one thing that could compel me to leave: the opportunity to create something I've dreamed about for a decade.
Patrick Thornton / @pwthornton: @samhaselby @matthewstoller The Times is only snapping up the people who wrote thoughtful technocratic takes. The woke takes aren't being snapped up. But I do think upper-middle class people want to read technocratic stuff about police.
Jessica Lessin / @jessicalessin: Fun times in media. NYT is the iPhone. (I think you have to them of them as a platform, confirmed by getting @ezraklein.) @peretti and @buzzfeed (with @huffpo) want to be Android. Game on!
Jessica Lessin / @jessicalessin: @ezraklein @peretti @BuzzFeed @huffpo I just remember when everyone was dismissing the iPhone as niche. (I was covering RIM at the time who was leading that charge.) People shouldn't underestimate the potential scale of premium too, in today's day and age.
Joel D. Anderson / @byjoelanderson: Lauren and Akoto are excellent and I'd be willing to put good money on them doing their part to fill a void that has existed in media since forever.
Marisa Kabas / @marisakabas: so courageous of NYT to take a chance on a privileged white man <3
Hanna Trudo / @hctrudo: Per @maxwelltani (who is breaking news while he has COVID), @ezraklein is joining the New York Times ...
Josh Sternberg / The Media Nut: The problem with media isn't a filter bubble. It's deeper than that.
Lauren Williams / @laurenwilliams: Capital B will provide high-quality civic journalism tailored to Black communities across the country, aimed at serving audiences the essential information needed to live their lives.
Ezra Klein / @ezraklein: Helping to build @voxdotcom has been the great privilege of my journalistic life. It is so much more than I ever could have imagined, and that's because of the insanely creative, committed people who work there. I love them more than I can say. I will cheer them on forever.
Nathan Young / @notnathan: Struggling to understand what Vox is without @ezraklein & @mattyglesias. Hoping this is a consequence of Vox just growing much larger than the founders anticipated and not some stupid drama with their Board. When founders leave, the organization tends to collapse on itself.
East Atlanta Errin / @emarvelous: “.@laurenwilliams is launching a new nonprofit startup called “Capital B,” focused on creating a news outlet for civic journalism tailored to Black communities.” Thrilled to see where this goes:
Kate Dailey / @katedailey: It is extremely telling about what a boss she is that as @laurenwilliams leaves Vox to start “Capital B, focused on creating a news outlet for civic journalism tailored to Black communities”, Vox needs to hire TWO people to replace her.
Berny Belvedere / @bernybelvedere: Cannot believe this @ArcDigi erasure.
Tracy S. Turkeys / @brokeymcpoverty: i absolutely cannot overstate the importance of what @laurenwilliams and @KO_616 have reorganized their lives to do. when newsrooms fell short of what black ppl need, they said “we'll do it ourselves.” (!!) i am inspired and cant WAIT to see where this goes! thank you both!!!!!
Ezra Klein / @ezraklein: For me, I've been managing and building now for more than a decade, going back to Wonkblog. But I've been feeling the pull this year to go back to reporting, writing, and podcasting, full-time.
G.D. / @geedee215: The NYT has basically subsumed all the leaders of the new media ventures that aimed to challenge it.
Conor Sen / @conorsen: So the future is really just NYT/Bloomberg/WSJ/WaPo/FT and substack I guess: ...
Ezra Klein / @ezraklein: We could only do that because we were supported by a great company that believed in us. The single best decision we ever made was joining @JimBankoff and @Clockwerks at @VoxMedia. It's a truly special place, with unusually great leadership and culture.
@econliberties: It's not an accident that @nytimes is one of the only media outlets thriving right now. @Facebook and @Google's advertising duopoly makes it nearly impossible for even innovative media companies to turn a profit.
Kyle Chayka / @chaykak: are we done with the media company cycle that started in 2014
Gene Park / @genepark: James Bennett was also the former EIC of the Atlantic. What a wild career path lol
Cleo Constantine Abram / @cleoabram: I've looked up to and learned from @laurenwilliams and @ezraklein for years. they shaped Vox into a place people can grow as journalists and as human beings, and I'm deeply grateful. so excited for them in their new projects (and for us to get to watch!)
Drew / @imnotowned: Throws a wrench in the “cancel culture is destroying news organizations” narrative
Steve Krakauer / @stevekrak: The people who started Vox are leaving Vox because Vox is not Vox anymore, it's just the same as everything else.
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: Memo from Vox Media Publisher Melissa Bell is out to staff
Ezra Klein / @ezraklein: .@LaurenWilliams and I have led the newsroom since year one. For our own reasons, the election felt like the right time for us to step aside, and open space for others to get to do what we did: lead in new directions, and create things we couldn't imagine.
Lauren Williams / @laurenwilliams: Visit us at to sign up for email updates and become a founding member.
Samuel Hammond / @hamandcheese: At this point, Vox and the Times should just merge. Explain all the news that's fit to print.
Ezra Klein / @ezraklein: A note on @LaurenWilliams: Working with her has been such a joy. I was her boss, then she was mine, and that last was the right order. Her next project is so important and so needed. Be sure to follow her.
Lauren Williams / @laurenwilliams: So I'm thrilled to share that my friend @ko_616 and I are launching Capital B, a local and national nonprofit news organization serving Black audiences, in mid-2021.
Julia Reinstein / @juliareinstein: shoutout to Max who is still getting media scoops even while rona'd
Kurt Schlichter / @kurtschlichter: Finally a left-wing voice at the NYT.
Tressie McMillan Cottom / @tressiemcphd: THIS IS A FASCINATING DATA POINT
Sana Saeed / @sanasaeed: Great news for digital news workers everywhere as the founder of one of the biggest and most successful digital project goes back to print🥰
Kali Hays / @hayskali: @tomhbunting @maxwelltani has to be an adjustment going from eic to working for the times behemoth
Ezra Klein / @ezraklein: That I'll get to do so at @nytopinion, which I've read since I was a kid, is truly a dream. I'll be joining in January, and can't wait.
Jonathan Chait / @jonathanchait: This comment stuck out to me! et voila: ...
Clara Jeffery / @clarajeffery: Very excited to see what @laurenwilliams does here! “Williams is launching a new nonprofit startup called “Capital B,” focused on creating a news outlet for civic journalism tailored to Black communities.”
Ezra Klein / @ezraklein: We can do this because Vox has so many remarkable voices and thinkers and creators in it. I know some of what's coming, and it's really, really exciting. I don't know much of what's coming, and that's even more exciting. Watching Vox continue to evolve will be a thrill.
Lauren Williams / @laurenwilliams: I'm so lucky to be doing this with @ko_616 — a wonderful friend and brilliant journalist — thankful to @JournalismProj for the incubator grant that's made it all possible, and excited to work with the local nonprofit orgs that are already doing so much in this space.
@donmoyn: The people who insisted that Ezra Klein drove Matt Yglesias out of Vox at the behest of the wokes will now be theorizing that the wokes also drove Ezra Klein out
David Sirota / @davidsirota: rich liberals need more centrist talking points for socially distanced brunch
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: 🚨Also noted here, Vox aims to partner with Williams. It's doing an HBO show. None of Ezra's podcast staff are leaving.
Grant Addison / @jgrantaddison: If they really want to be consistent, the media should start covering the New York Times the same way they cover Facebook and other Big Tech corporations that just buy up all their smaller competitors
Alex Salvi / @alexsalvinews: Vox co-founder Ezra Klein is leaving the digital-news organization to join The New York Times. @maxwelltani ...
Zach Heltzel / @zachheltzel: Matt and Ezra leaving at almost the exact same time makes me think *something* happened over at Vox that we don't know enough about.
Jake Webster / @jakedavewebster: Waiting for the article on this: “Why everyone is leaving Vox, explained”
Good Idea Dave / @davecoion: Collection will never be complete without an editor from Brokelyn in there
Nathan McDermott / @natemcdermott: The Voxit continues

Ezra Klein is joining NYT Opinion in January as a columnist and podcast host — Ezra, in his columns and on his podcast, will be able to help our readers and listeners navigate the political future as Washington moves into a new era. Read more in this note from Kathleen Kingsbury and Paula Szuchman.
Edmund Lee / New York Times: Ezra Klein Leaves Vox for The New York Times
Celine Castronuovo / The Hill: Vox's Ezra Klein to join New York Times as columnist, podcast host
Teddy Schleifer / @teddyschleifer: One boss of mine, @ezraklein, to another former boss of mine, @edmundlee: “The idea that these digital-native publication were somehow going to destroy what came before them was always ridiculous.”
Tony Haile / @arctictony: “I think that analysis was pretty mistaken,” Mr. Klein said. Digital publishing.. doesn't abide by zero-sum rules: Readers of one publication may also read hundreds of others." Says man leaving for co. capturing lion's share of new subs in zero-sum fight
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: Good to see that NYT is giving a voice to the always underrepresented ... [checks notes] ... center/center-left worldview.
Oliver Willis / @owillis: honestly it would be nice if the times could think outside of the box. klein is to my right and im a pretty mainstream lib.
@nytimespr: We're thrilled to announce that will @ezraklein will become @nytopinion's newest columnist and podcast host. We can't wait for him to get started in January.
@rachelbitecofer: Thank God! I was concerned we weren't going to have enough perspectives from white guys coming out of NYT. Klein is talented, sure he is. But every single major show/platform on politics is hosted by Ezra Klein. Also, that's the story of 2020, IMHO
Sam Sharpe / @sharpesam: I like that the death star of american journalism which eventually pulls everyone into its orbit ended up being the old gray lady and not buzzfeed news or something.
Andrew Feinberg / @andrewfeinberg: Lovely. From cushy full time gig to cushy full time gig, the closed game of post-election media musical chairs continues.
Chris Cillizza / @cillizzacnn: Very smart move by @nytimes. @ezraklein is digital-first, adaptive and has a giant brain. I think the Times' hires over the past 18 months have signaled just how much they understand the digital journalism landscape and are moving to dominate it.
Matthew Garrahan / @mattgarrahan: The NYT has really cornered the market in liberal male columnists and podcast hosts
@casmudde: R.I.P. @voxdotcom 🙄 Anyway, happy to see that a white man is finally getting a chance at the @nytopinion — is this a first? #TrailBlazer
Edmund Lee / @edmundlee: Welcome @ezraklein
Todd Spangler / Variety: Vox Co-Founder Ezra Klein Exiting for NY Times, Top Editor Lauren Williams Leaving to Launch Non-Profit
Timothy B. Lee / @binarybits: Congrats to @ezraklein on fulfilling his destiny and joining the NYT. He's had a positive impact on a lot of reporters' careers, including mine.
Brandon Carter / @brandonetc: full speed ahead on the path to this industry having 3 total employers

Sources: DOJ is investigating Penske Media's deal to acquire 80% of The Hollywood Reporter's parent, MRC; Penske also owns Variety, Deadline, and other outlets — The Department of Justice is investigating antitrust concerns surrounding Penske Media's deal to buy The Hollywood Reporter, The Post has learned.

BuzzFeed has agreed to acquire Verizon Media's HuffPost in a stock deal, as part of a larger agreement to syndicate content on each others' platforms — New-media companies have been exploring mergers as they try to jumpstart growth — BuzzFeed Inc. has agreed to acquire Verizon Media's HuffPost …
Vox, @maxwelltani, CNN, @howardkurtz, Columbia Journalism Review, Axios, The Guardian, Adweek, Reuters, Media Nation, New York Times, Digiday, @digiphile, @brianstelter, Variety, The Week, @andybcampbell, Poynter, HuffPost, @akbarsahmed, @ryanjreilly, @justinbaragona, @emilybell, Talking Biz News, @mikkipedia, @jeremymbarr, @emilybell, @jimwaterson, @justinjm1, @doctoryasmin, @c_davies, @thekenyeung, Flashes & Flames, @jeffjarvis, @shereeny, @mikeelk, @joshsternberg, @jennygzhang, @ceciliakang, @theferocity, @mbaram, @adamamin, @laurenstrapa, @mjenkins, @levynews, @olifranklin, @mehdirhasan, @anja_popp, @essexcanning, @keithrhernandez, @bmorrissey, @kerrymflynn, @sivavaid, @kerrymflynn, @alexkotch, @pkafka, @donie, @benyt, @xpangler, @pbump, @mathewi, @megan, @willoremus, @ariannahuff, @maxberger, @froomkin, @maxwelltani, @bafeldman, @lauraolin, @barry, @mdudas, @jeremymbarr, @mathewi, @jimwaterson, @jem_collins, @laurenpelley, @johannabarr, @thekenyeung, @yashar, @craigsilverman, @jbenton, Yahoo, National Review, TechCrunch, Verizon, The Media Nut, Press Gazette, The Verge, Fast Company, Newser, MediaPost, Talking Points Memo, Mediaite, The Desk, Bloomberg, The Hill, The Wrap, Business Insider, CNBC, TheStreet, Hollywood Reporter, Boing Boing and Reuters
Peter Kafka / Vox: BuzzFeed's Jonah Peretti on why he bought HuffPost and why the New York Times can't be “the paper of record”
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: Email from BuzzFeed News EIC Mark Schoofs to staff about what the acquisition of HuffPost means for the two news orgs
Kerry Flynn / CNN: BuzzFeed chief Jonah Perreti brings HuffPost back under his fold in deal with Verizon Media
Howard Kurtz / @howardkurtz: Buzzfeed is buying the uber-liberal Huffpost, as first reported by the WSJ. Arianna's brainchild had some influence when it did original reporting, but has mostly become a partisan aggregator. Buzzfeed says they'll operate independently
Sara Fischer / Axios: BuzzFeed to buy HuffPost in all-stock deal
Lucinda Southern / Adweek: ‘Shrinkage Seems Inevitable’ in BuzzFeed and HuffPost Deal
Helen Coster / Reuters: BuzzFeed acquires news website HuffPost from Verizon Media
Dan Kennedy / Media Nation: HuffPost hasn't died, but it sure did fade away. Here are three reasons why.
Max Willens / Digiday: ‘They wanted to unload it bad’: Why HuffPost made sense for BuzzFeed - and Verizon Media Group
Alex Howard / @digiphile: November 2020: @BuzzFeed to acquire @HuffPost in a stock deal with @verizonmedia: At what valuation, @keachhagey @benmullin? (@AOL bought HuffPo for $315M in 2011.) What will this mean for newsroom staffing? Any comment from @tim_armstrong?
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Thursday's whoa: BuzzFeed has agreed to acquire HuffPost, “part of a larger deal between BuzzFeed and Verizon Media, a unit of Verizon...”
Todd Spangler / Variety: BuzzFeed Buys HuffPost From Verizon Media
Harold Maass / The Week: The daily business briefing: November 20, 2020
Andy Campbell / @andybcampbell: Every media company struggles with revenue, but neither BuzzFeed not HuffPost struggle with readership, and nowhere in this article is the latter argument made or proven. Where is that coming from?
Akbar Shahid Ahmed / @akbarsahmed: I'll concede that it has been just over 24 hours since I broke major news about the biggest weapons deal of Donald Trump's presidency, the direction of several wars & U.S. foreign policy but the good news is that I've got new scoops in a piece coming out ~12 hours from now :)
Ryan J. Reilly / @ryanjreilly: **clears throat*** you know what we did aggregate is the first comprehensive database of jail deaths in the united states ...
Justin Baragona / @justinbaragona: This is exactly backward, Howard. They are largely known now for original reporting and have broken a bunch of stories in recent years, after starting out as mostly a blogging/aggregation site. You would think a media analyst would know this.
Emily Bell / @emilybell: BuzzFeed and HuffPost for all their issues represented prototypes of good faith digital news operations. As they consolidate, and possibly shrink a little, consider the political money currently growing bottom-feeding wildly misleading networks of local and national news
Irina Slav / Talking Biz News: BuzzFeed buys HuffPost
Mikki Halpin / @mikkipedia: This is so wild, has anyone written a history of the Huffington Post? What a life it has had (I don't say that w admiration just a boggle)
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: Good scoop by @BenMullin And I've heard that Verizon Media/HuffPost editorial employees learned about the sale from this story...
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: HuffPost journalists will ultimately report in to BuzzFeed News' editor but remain a separate operation on a day-to-day basis...
Dr. Seema Yasmin / @doctoryasmin: BuzzFeed is acquiring Verizon Media's HuffPo, the companies said, uniting two large digital media players in a sector looking to jump-start growth. Or, in @joshsternberg's words: Verizon is basically paying BuzzFeed to take HuffPost off its hands
Chris Davies / @c_davies: @thekenyeung @kerrymflynn No no, you acquire the flu, Ken
Ken Yeung / @thekenyeung: @kerrymflynn I must be doing something wrong. I go to conferences and talk to people but never walk away acquired.
Sarah Risebrow / Flashes & Flames: BuzzFeed marries HuffPost
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Yow. That price better have been really low. Jonah has been talking about the need to consolidate in pure-plays. But I'm not sure it's not just a bigger Excedrin headache. BuzzFeed agrees to buy HuffPost for undisclosed amount ...
Shereen / @shereeny: remember when they laid all those people off. guess that freed up some funds for this
Josh Sternberg / @joshsternberg: BuzzFeed acquires Verizon-owned HuffPost but also gets investment from Verizon. Digital media in a nutshell.
Jgz / @jennygzhang: here's my analysis: huffpost's offices are better than buzzfeed's. it'll be a challenge to match the perks (catered daily lunch, barista) and vibes without some give and take. but that's business, baby!
Saeed Jones / @theferocity: LOL, media is a flat circle.
Marcus Baram / @mbaram: Wow. To think back to the days when Peretti lived across the street from me in Park Slope and used to talk about his experiments with his little BuzzFeed, and HuffPost was just 25 of us in a loft at 560 Broadway w/ Kenny Lerer and I brainstorming splash headlines at midnight.
Adam Amin / @adamamin: What used to be harmless “Which _______ Are You?!” quizzes will now be so advanced as to determine our criminal futures, “Minority Report”-style. WAKE UP, SHEEPLE
Lauren Strapagiel / @laurenstrapa: Started my career at @HuffPostCanada so this is a neat little circle
Mandy Jenkins / @mjenkins: Honestly, this was probably the best case scenario for HuffPost
Ari Levy / @levynews: BuffPeed finally
Oli Franklin-Wallis / @olifranklin: This is a big media story, obviously, but also I genuinely can't remember the last time I read a Buzzfeed or Huffington Post story. Maybe an election story? Back when Highline was doing so well?
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: I'm a fan of both organizations so good luck to both of them.
Anja Popp / @anja_popp: I'm sure this will sit really well with all those BuzzFeed journalists who lost their job in the U.K. 😶
Stephen Canning / @essexcanning: HuzzPeed? BuffPost?
Keith Hernandez / @keithrhernandez: Of all the consolidations, this one actually makes sense
Brian Morrissey / @bmorrissey: This has to result in a ton of “synergies” (cuts) in sales, tech, product and all kinds of other infrastructure.
Siva Vaidhyanathan / @sivavaid: Not so long ago I read many articles proclaiming @BuzzFeed and @HuffPost to be the future of journalism because they had both “cracked the code” of building devoted digital audiences. But that was back when Google meant more than Facebook.
Kerry Flynn / @kerrymflynn: It's always a conference
Alex Kotch / @alexkotch: Not really sure how to view this. On the one hand, it's good that Verizon isn't gonna own HuffPost anymore. On the other, Buzzfeed is gonna own it, and Buzzfeed is partially owned by NBC Universal.
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: The rollup everyone has been waiting for, but different: BuzzFeed (initially bankrolled by Kenny Lerer), is taking over HuffPost (cofounded by Kenny Lerer)
Donie O'Sullivan / @donie: Is there a more redundant word that the “strategic” all companies add before they say “partnership”?
Ben Smith / @benyt: If the goal is, as @janinegibson once suggested to me, building a new Conde Nast-style collection of brands, here we go ...
Todd Spangler / @xpangler: BuzzFeed News and HuffPost will operate as separate, distinct news organizations, according to BuzzFeed
Philip Bump / @pbump: @mathewi hufflebuzz
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: Also, it should clearly be HuffBuzz, not Buzzpost. I will not be taking questions at this time
Megan McCarthy / @megan: Fondly remembers when the news broke about the first Huffington Post sale:
Will Oremus / @willoremus: “looking to jumpstart growth” feels like a pretty optimistic spin on what seems more like retrenchment via consolidation in a struggling industry
Arianna Huffington / @ariannahuff: So happy to see HuffPost and Buzzfeed coming together 15 years after Jonah Peretti started HuffPost with Kenny Lerer and me. Such exciting news and looking forward to all that's to come!
Max Berger / @maxberger: We going with BuzzPo or HuffFeed?
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: My instant reaction is that this is probably very good news for HuffPost's excellent if diminished DC-based reporting team and for a handful of brilliant headline writers in NYC. Not sure about the others....
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: BuzzFeed News says it will remain a separate news organization from HuffPost. The HuffPost EIC will report to Schoofs, who will “weigh in on major strategy decisions,” but “will not be involved in or focused on daily editorial decisions at HuffPost.”
Brian Feldman / @bafeldman: damn... buzzfeed told me they were deciding between huffpost and bnet and that i'd hear from them tomorrow. sucks to find out this way
Laura Olin / @lauraolin: HuFFeD
Barry Petchesky / @barry: Uhhh, great time to support worker-owned media, I guess
Mike Dudas / @mdudas: Wow, finally a big digital media tie up after a ton of talk as @BuzzFeed acquires @HuffPost and takes investment from @verizonmedia
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: Word has now gone out to HuffPost folks, I'm told.
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: Quick question: Does anyone actually go to HuffPost any more? I mean, on purpose?
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: Well fucking hell.
Ken Yeung / @thekenyeung: BuzzFeed is buying HuffPo in an all-stock deal, but Verizon Media is going to make an undisclosed cash investment in BuzzFeed. @peretti will run the combined company.
@yashar: BuzzFeed to Acquire HuffPost in Stock Deal With Verizon Media New-media companies have been exploring mergers as they try to jumpstart growth
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: holy balls
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: The 2020 Consolidation Games
Daniel Tenreiro / National Review: Pandemic Post-Mortem — Welcome to the Capital Note, a newsletter about business, finance and economics.
Anthony Ha / TechCrunch: Daily Crunch: Verizon sells HuffPost to BuzzFeed
Verizon: Verizon Media and BuzzFeed announce new strategic partnership across content and advertising
Josh Sternberg / The Media Nut: Some loose thoughts on BuzzFeed/HuffPost
William Turvill / Press Gazette: Buzzfeed to buy Huffpost as part of new ‘strategic partnership’ with Verizon Media
Bijan Stephen / The Verge: Verizon goes 180 on HuffPost, sells it to BuzzFeed
John Johnson / Newser: One Digital Media Giant Acquires Another
Sara Guaglione / MediaPost: ‘BuzzFeed’ Acquires ‘HuffPost,’ Peretti To Run Combined Company
David Taintor / Talking Points Memo: BuzzFeed Buying HuffPost In Surprising Media Move
Leia Idliby / Mediaite: Buzzfeed Buying HuffPost From Verizon Media: Report
Matthew Keys / The Desk: BuzzFeed acquiring HuffPost from Verizon Media
John Bowden / The Hill: BuzzFeed set to acquire HuffPost
J. Clara Chan / The Wrap: BuzzFeed Acquires HuffPost in Deal With Verizon Media
Alex Sherman / CNBC: BuzzFeed acquires HuffPost from Verizon, reuniting CEO Jonah Peretti with website he co-founded
Vidhi Choudhary / TheStreet: BuzzFeed to Acquire Verizon Media's HuffPost
Alex Weprin / Hollywood Reporter: BuzzFeed Acquiring HuffPost In Verizon Deal
Rob Beschizza / Boing Boing: BuzzFeed buys HuffPost
Ayanti Bera / Reuters: Verizon to sell news website HuffPost to BuzzFeed

Sources: Disney weighs plans to release three films on Disney+ instead of as theatrical releases, following news that Wonder Woman 1984 will stream on HBO Max — EXCLUSIVE: No final decision has been made, but Deadline hears that the uncertainty of the future theatrical marketplace …
Los Angeles Magazine, Cord Cutters News, The Playlist, @getfandom, The Streamable, @ericjackson, /Film,, What's On Disney Plus, New York Post, @filmupdates, @jasonkilar, @mousterpiece, @kyletague, TheStreet, ScreenRant, GameSpot, The A.V. Club, @frankpallotta, @trengriffin, Hollywood Reporter, @ser_jon_arryn, @rfaughnder, @rfaughnder, @lamarrwilson, @mikeryan, @harrymccracken, @mcbiggitty, @lucas_shaw and @loudmouthjulia
Gwynedd Stuart / Los Angeles Magazine: Disney Is Reportedly Considering Sending Some of Its Biggest Upcoming Movies Straight to Streaming
Tmera Hepburn / Cord Cutters News: Disney Might Be Sending Upcoming ‘Cruella,’ ‘Pinocchio,’ ‘Peter Pan and Wendy’ Straight to Streaming
Charles Barfield / The Playlist: Disney Considering Streaming Release For ‘Cruella’ & Others But Not For ‘Black Widow’
Fandom / @getfandom: ‘Black Widow’ is currently not being considered for Disney+ (via @DEADLINE |
Stephanie Sengwe / The Streamable: Report: ‘Pinocchio’, ‘Peter Pan’, and ‘Cruella’ Might Skip Theatrical Bows and Premiere on Disney Plus Instead
Eric Jackson / @ericjackson: Liking where this seems like it's going for 12/10 Investor Day... $DIS
Hoai-Tran Bui / /Film: Disney Might Be Pushing Premieres of Live-Action Remakes ‘Pinocchio,’ ‘Peter Pan,’ ‘Cruella’ to Disney+
Maggie Dela Paz / Disney Considering Disney+ Debut for Live-Action Films Like Cruella
Roger Palmer / What's On Disney Plus: “Peter Pan And Wendy”, “Pinocchio” & “Cruella” May Move Directly To Disney+
Alexandra Steigrad / New York Post: Disney may release ‘Pinocchio,’ ‘Peter Pan,’ ‘Cruella’ straight to Disney+
@filmupdates: Disney has ruled out a Disney Plus release for #BlackWidow starring Scarlett Johansson and Florence Pugh. The film will be released only in theaters on May 7, 2021. (via
Jason Kilar / @jasonkilar: Some big news for all the Wonder Woman fans out there (I too am a proud and loyal soldier in that awesome army!). In addition to the news, we wanted to share some context to this very big decision. “Now I know that only love can truly save the world” Diana ...
Josh Spiegel / @mousterpiece: This would be a smart move, so Disney can save face from inevitable box-office misses.
Kyle Tague / @kyletague: @ScottGustin Speaking as someone in the industry, my take here is D+ is going to consider throwing any film they aren't confident will make $600mil+ to the service... even post pandemic
Hannah Shaw-Williams / ScreenRant: Everything HBO Max Needs to Fix Before Releasing Wonder Woman 1984
Sam Barsanti / The A.V. Club: A lot more Disney movies might be skipping theatrical runs in favor of streaming
Frank Pallotta / @frankpallotta: Important note: Wonder Woman 1984 will be available on HBO Max for a month, then the film will leave the service and continue to play in theaters. After that, the film will become available for purchase via video on demand, etc.
Tren Griffin / @trengriffin: How does this impact HBO Max's unit economics? How much are customer acquisition cost (CAC) and cost of goods sold (COGS) impacted? The former is about acquiring new customers. “Wonder Woman 1984 won't cost anything beyond the monthly subscription fee.”
Richard Newby / Hollywood Reporter: HBO Max and the Future of DC's Extended Universe
@ser_jon_arryn: This move just made Disney look so...second rate by charging to see Mulan lol wow. Congratulations #HBOMax and @WonderWomanFilm
Ryan Faughnder / @rfaughnder: Post by WarnerMedia's Jason Kilar explaining Wonder Woman 1984 news is long and fascinating. Sample line:
Ryan Faughnder / @rfaughnder: “We believe in theaters... And for as long as fans seek out the theatrical experience, we will be there to serve them with great movies in partnership with exhibitors.” Translation, we “believe” in the market and consumers voting with their $$$
Lamarr Wilson / @lamarrwilson: This is bigger than you realize. Someone had to take this leap: Disney with Black Widow or Warner with Wonder Woman. There's no going back from this now. 🤗🤗🤗
Mike Ryan / @mikeryan: The tone of this Wonder Woman 1984 announcement is night and day compared to the “media, it's in your best interest to support our theaters only Tenet decision no matter how foolhardy it might be,” press release.
Harry McCracken / @harrymccracken: Guess I'll resubscribe to HBO Max for at least a month. (But selfishly, I was hoping they'd push the release to sometime next year when I'm more likely to be comfy going to movie theaters.)
Marty Sliva / @mcbiggitty: Wow, this is huge. So on December 25th, Wonder Woman 1984 will hit HBO Max, and Pixar's Soul will hit Disney+.

Memo by Fox Corp.'s Lachlan Murdoch: office reopenings are pushed back to no earlier than April 2021; Fox to pay employee health insurance premiums through 2021 — Employees at Fox Corporation had been told to get ready for a return to their offices as soon as January. Now they will wait until at least April.
Jeremy Barr / Washington Post: Despite precautions, CBS headquarters reports 15 coronavirus cases amid nationwide surge
Dade Hayes / Deadline: Fox Corp. Offices Won't Reopen Until At Least April 2021, CEO Lachlan Murdoch Tells Employees

Sources: Amazon agrees to pull HBO from Fire TV's Amazon Channels next year; WarnerMedia wanted HBO out to maintain a direct relationship with users via its app — - Amazon has agreed to pull HBO from Amazon Channels in the Amazon Fire TV interface when that agreement lapses next year, sources say.
The Streamable, @sherman4949, @matthewkeyslive, The Verge, @richlightshed and @ballmatthew
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: HBO will disappear from Amazon Channels when that deal — separate from the HBO Max agreement — expires next year. Keeping HBO content out of Amazon's ecosystem (HBO Max won't be a channel either) was WarnerMedia's key sticking point.
Matthew Keys / @matthewkeyslive: This is not a surprise. Apple did the same thing in order to bring HBO Max to Apple TV users on launch day (HBO was sold natively through Apple TV's app, only to disappear when HBO Max rolled out). Expect the same thing to happen on Roku.
Jay Peters / The Verge: You won't be able to watch HBO on Amazon's channels platform starting next year
Rich Greenfield / @richlightshed: As we expected @hbomax refused to cave on channel store issue - big win for @jasonkilar and team $T @WarnerMedia
Matthew Ball / @ballmatthew: Wow. Big and very important win for WarnerMedia over Amazon. Definitely had a short-term cost to HBO Max adoption, awareness, satisfaction that everyone liked to critique - but there's a reason Peacock, Disney+, Hulu, Netflix all skip Channels. Hard but right choice

Source: Jeff Zucker is expected to leave CNN in the first quarter of 2021, though “a final decision has not been made” — The CNN boss is expected to depart early next year, after his former Apprentice star—we think—leaves the White House. There's been friction …
TVNewser, Mediaite, The Wrap, @cherijacobus, @vanityfair, @deggans, @joepompeo, @parkermolloy, @joepompeo, @mattnegrin, @andrewbeatty and @alexsalvinews
Rudy Takala / Mediaite: Jeff Zucker Expected to Leave CNN in Early 2021: Report
Cheri Jacobus / @cherijacobus: The spin re: “This is totes Zucker's choice” is bordering on comical.
@vanityfair: Jeff Zucker's departure as network president would close an exhilarating eight-year run that not only revived CNN but turned it into one of the central characters in the Trump saga.
Eric Deggans At Npr / @deggans: Vanity Fair: CNN president Jeff Zucker may leave in early 2021, after inauguration. Zucker is architect of CNN's current news formula; a hands-on executive. If he leaves, could be ultimate example of AT&T's style pushing out talent from acquired platform.
Joe Pompeo / @joepompeo: Usual caveats: nothing's a done deal and “a final decision has not been made.” Also, Zucker has more than a year left on his current contract, I'm told:
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: Zucker should be remembered as one of history's villains. The Trump presidency would not have been possible without him. From The Apprentice to CNN, Zucker has helped Trump every step of the way.
Joe Pompeo / @joepompeo: CNN staffer: “Jason Kilar has no idea what's about to walk out the door.”
@mattnegrin: Zucker's last disgusting play was to be the only TV news executive who took Trump's Nov. 5 attack on democracy live and in full when every other news channel cut the feed

Universal signs deal with Canada's Cineplex shortening theatrical window to 17 days; films with North American opening weekend box office of $50M get 31 days — Cineplex, Canada's largest film exhibitor, and Universal Filmed Entertainment Group today announced a multi-year agreement …
Hollywood Reporter, @great_katzby, @patrickvons, @nbc24wnwo, Variety and Media Play News
Brandon Katz / @great_katzby: Been saying it for years. @UniversalPics continues to be the most forward-thinking major Hollywood studio. Today, they struck another precedent-shattering deal, this time with @CineplexMovies.
@patrickvons: Canada's Cineplex has joined AMC Theatres and Cinemark in signing deal with Universal Pictures for shortened theatrical release window. Means that Cineworld Cinemas Ltd-owned Regal is the only major N. American chain not to have si... ...

National digital networks are entering local media markets, including Open Campus, which helps fund higher ed reporters and has seven partners in six states — Axios, ProPublica, The Athletic and Chalkbeat Take Different Approaches to Going Local — National digital news organizations …
@localnewsini, @terabithia4, @timafranklin, @dicktofel, @localnewsini and American Press Institute
@localnewsini: National digital news networks like @propublica, @axios, @TheAthletic & @Chalkbeat are transforming the local news landscape. In many cases they're aiming to be collaborators, not competitors, with local legacy outlets. https://localnewsinitiative.northwester ...
Amy L. Kovac-Ashley / @terabithia4: Nice mention of @opencampusmedia (and @shebel @ssmallwd) in this piece on national digital networks and local news. https://localnewsinitiative.northwester ... So proud to be on their advisory board. They survived their first year as a nonprofit and are thriving!
Tim Franklin / @timafranklin: This is an important and growing trend: National digital news orgs creating local operations to cover specific topics. The @LocalNewsIni @MedillSchool explores the implications for legacy local news outlets and news consumers. https://localnewsinitiative.northwester ...
Richard Tofel / @dicktofel: Love the image here of @propublica's local efforts as a “force multiplier” https://localnewsinitiative.northwester ...
@localnewsini: In this Medill article about national digital news networks expanding into local markets, ProPublica's @charlesornstein says: “Oftentimes the only people who aren't super-happy about us coming to a region are the region's politicians.” https://localnewsinitiative.northwester ...

Daily news podcasts make up 10% of podcast downloads in the US and 9% in France and Australia; across 6 countries, 37 of 102 such podcasts were launched in 2019 — Daily news podcasts in the wider ecosystem | The growth of daily news podcasting in six countries | The impact of coronavirus on consumption and production |
Nieman Lab, @marklittlenews, @nicnewman, @risj_oxford, @risj_oxford, @rasmus_kleis and @janebsinger
Mark Little / @marklittlenews: “Daily news podcasts punch above their weight ... they represent 1% of the podcasts produced, but up to 10% of the top podcast episodes in some countries”
@nicnewman: Daily news podcasts are booming in shadow of coronavirus says my new report co-authored with @Gallo_. We track over 100 of these shows now across six countries and find they are great for loyalty and attracting younger audiences for publishers. Links and key points in thread
@risj_oxford: 6. Publishers see daily news podcasts as a way to attract younger audiences and to engage them more deeply with their brands. 💰 News organisations pursuing subscription business models say daily news podcasts help increase loyalty and reduce churn .uk/ ...
@risj_oxford: Publishers see daily news podcasts as a way to attract younger audiences and to engage them more deeply with their brands. News organisations with subscriptions say daily news podcasts help increase loyalty and reduce churn Read our new report .uk/ ...
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: Publishers are using daily news podcasts to attract younger audiences and to engage people more deeply with their brands - new @risj_oxford report by @nicnewman & @Gallo__ suggests both news podcast production and listening are on the rise 📱 Read here .uk/ ...
Jane Singer / @janebsinger: Daily news podcasts are increasingly popular and indeed have been a pandemic lifeline for many. In new @risj_oxford report, @nicnewman and @Gallo__ find deep dive of around 25 minutes has been particularly successful and is the most widely adopted format. .uk/ ...

French journalists and advocates are condemning a rule in a proposed security law that would ban filming police, with a fine up to $53,300 and a prison sentence — PARIS — French President Emmanuel Macron has championed his country as a leading defender of free expression …
Al Jazeera, @penamerica, @wppressfreedom, @dovalfon, @rasmus_kleis, @matinastevis, @rolandlescure and @jameskmcauley
PEN America / @penamerica: President Macron has championed his country as a leading defender of free expression, but French journalists and advocates condemn what they see as a government crackdown on press freedoms. ...
@wppressfreedom: French journalists accuse government of curtailing press freedoms in France via @washingtonpost @jameskmcauley ...
Dov Alfon / @dovalfon: I talked with @jameskmcauley from @washingtonpost about our coverage of the recent and deeply worrying law proposals aiming to curb press freedom in France #LoiSecuriteGlobale #Liberation ...
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: “French President Emmanuel Macron has championed his country as a leading defender of free expression, but French journalists and advocates condemn what they see as a government crackdown on press freedoms here” ...
Matina Stevis-Gridneff / @matinastevis: “If the law passes, you could not make a video showing the killing of George Floyd in France.”
Roland Lescure / @rolandlescure: And I hope @jameskmcauley that you are following the debates around this draft legislation closely. It is in no way intended to impede press freedom. And we are amending it today to make sure it is cristal clear. Regards
James McAuley / @jameskmcauley: Macron styles himself a defender of free expression around the world. But French journalists decry what they see as a troubling crackdown on press freedom in 🇫🇷 itself. 🇺🇸 readers would truly be surprised. With thanks to @dovalfon @lemondefr @edwyplenel: ...