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Sources: after the election, Zuckerberg agreed to temporarily tweak Facebook's algorithm to make authoritative news like CNN and NYT appear more prominently — Employees and executives are battling over how to reduce misinformation and hate speech without hurting the company's bottom line.
@kevinroose, Vanity Fair, @emilybell, @kevinroose, @binarybits, @taraemcg, @jayrosen_nyu, @mrsroadshow, @mrsroadshow, @jrhennessy, @brooklynmarie, Breitbart, @econ_marshall, @notcapnamerica, @ekp, Business Insider, @benshapiro, @jeffhauser, @jesselehrich, The Week, @adamspechtacles, @jesselehrich, @ekp, @lam_barrett, The Verge, @hawleymo, @brianstelter, @peterhimler, @natesilver538, @zephyrteachout, @cat_zakrzewski, @megansquire0, @shiraovide, @nytimes, @mattzeitlin, @juliacarriew, @kevinroose, @adamserwer, @melissajpeltier, @politicussarah, @justinhendrix, @alexhern, The Wrap, @marklittlenews, @yaeleisenstat, @nxthompson, @sheeraf, Daring Fireball and, more at Techmeme »
Kevin Roose / @kevinroose: A few days after the election, amid a flood of misinformation, Facebook dialed up a publisher quality score known as NEQ to make authoritative news more prominent. Now, employees wonder if the “nicer news feed” can stay.
Caleb Ecarma / Vanity Fair: Facebook's Post-Election Tweaks Show Zuckerberg Can Curb Misinformation if He Wants
Emily Bell / @emilybell: Critical phrase ‘a few days AFTER the election.....’ extraordinary
Kevin Roose / @kevinroose: New by me, @MikeIsaac and @sheeraf: a post-election look inside Facebook, where internal battles are raging about how to balance the sometimes-incompatible goals of growth and goodness.
Timothy B. Lee / @binarybits: According to the NYT, Facebook knows perfectly well how to slow the spread of misinformation on its platform. It has mostly chosen not to do so because the company is run by a sociopath.
Tara McGowan / @taraemcg: 🚨 @Facebook has the ability to up-rank factual news over disinfo + HADN'T ACTIVATED IT 🤬🚨 “Days after the election, Zuckerberg agreed to increase the weight that FB's algorithm gave to NEQ scores to make sure authoritative news appeared more prominently" ...
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Facebook engineers proposed a feature to notify users when they had shared false news items. “But that was vetoed by policy executives who feared it would disproportionately show notifications to people who shared false news from right-wing websites.”
Jan Richards / @mrsroadshow: @kevinroose @NiemanLab “Guy Rosen, a Facebook executive who oversees the integrity division that is in charge of cleaning up the platform, said on a call with reporters last week that the changes were always meant to be temporary. ‘There has never been a plan to make these permanent,’ he said.”
Jan Richards / @mrsroadshow: @kevinroose @NiemanLab Astounding that it is even a debate, whether to be less divisive, more truthful. Article has many valuable details, including...
Henno / @jrhennessy: “i feel bad for our country, but this is tremendous content” as platform policy
Brooke Binkowski / @brooklynmarie: Hahaha, this explains a few things
Allum Bokhari / Breitbart: Facebook Suppressed Breitbart, Promoted CNN, Following Election
Marshall Steinbaum / @econ_marshall: Every tech platform has set out to show why we regulated the industries they each “disrupted” with regulatory arbitrage in the first place.
Abigail Spanberger Stan / @notcapnamerica: Facebook is hurting Democracy and they need to be regulated.
Ellen K. Pao / @ekp: Advertisers should refuse to buy Facebook ads shown next to “bad for the world” content, especially since Facebook has a whole metric that measures it
Isobel Asher Hamilton / Business Insider: Mark Zuckerberg reportedly signed off on a Facebook algorithm change that favored established news sites and made feeds ‘nicer’ after the election
Ben Shapiro / @benshapiro: This is the game. And if social media — the place Americans turned if they were dissatisfied with the monolithic Left-wing legacy media — wish to act as bullhorns for the legacy media and to suppress legacy media competitors, social media deserve what they get.
Jeff Hauser / @jeffhauser: I wonder what role Facebook's Regulatory Policy Director played in this?
Jesse Lehrich / @jesselehrich: .@Facebook built tools to ‘correct the record’ on misinfo & limit ‘hate bait’ — but leadership nixed both to avoid angering the right.
Brendan Morrow / The Week: Facebook employees reportedly argue for making post-election ‘calmer, less divisive’ news feed permanent
Adam / @adamspechtacles: Facebook will always be fundamentally broken as long as it refuses to even acknowledge that disinformation is a politically asymmetric problem. You can't fix a damn thing without first recognizing the unique and tremendous reach of right-wing disinfo.
Jesse Lehrich / @jesselehrich: it's not that building a less toxic platform is impossible — it's just that it's not quite as profitable. so democracy suffers, genocide is incited in Myanmar, etc.
Ellen K. Pao / @ekp: We always knew it was possible to combat hate and misinformation—nowhere near as hard as Facebook made it seem. Now we know that Facebook actually has built a whole set of tolls for dealing with hate and misinformation but chooses not to use it
Lindsey Barrett / @lam_barrett: and there ya go
Nick Statt / The Verge: Facebook tweaked the News Feed to highlight more mainstream news sources for the election
Josh Hawley / @hawleymo: .@Facebook throttling conservative outlets to decrease their readership ... #BigTech wants to control all news in America and soon will if we don't stop them
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: the “nicer news feed”
Peter Himler / @peterhimler: “But that was vetoed by policy executives who feared it would disproportionately show notifications to people who shared false news from right-wing websites, according to two people familiar with the conversations.” $FB #misinformation
Nate Silver / @natesilver538: One thing that's striking here is the extent to which Facebook is maximizing for short-term, measurable gains as opposed to long-term brand equity. A better news feed could result in more trust from readers, more partnerships with news organizations, higher internal morale, etc.
Zephyr Teachout / @zephyrteachout: Our communications infrastructure should not be controlled by a profit making company whose business model is promoting addictive, conflict maximizing , heartbeat raising content. There's no solution that doesn't go to the heart of the biz model.
Cat Zakrzewski / @cat_zakrzewski: This article raises the key question: Why isn't Facebook penalizing repeat purveyors of misinformation? The company did not comment when @sheeraf asked.
Megan Squire / @megansquire0: 3 new admissions from FB here: (a) FB admits they have a problem, names it “hate bait” (b) They know how to identify toxic comments AND the pages & posts that are boosted by them but choose not to act (c) Toxic pages & posts are primarily right-leaning
Shira Ovide / @shiraovide: This is QUITE a story about Facebook experimenting with de-emphasizing posts that users had considered “bad for the world” or “hate bait” and the internal divisions that followed. A zinger by @kevinroose, @MikeIsaac & @sheeraf
@nytimes: When Facebook asked its users to assess the value of the content they were seeing on its platform, many of them said the most visible posts were more likely to be “bad for the world” — a finding that some employees said alarmed them.
Matthew Zeitlin / @mattzeitlin: Facebook essentially uses disparate impact analysis for adjustments to the news feed with conservatives as a protected class
Julia Carrie Wong / @juliacarriew: It's almost like Facebook is ... bad ... for the world ...
Kevin Roose / @kevinroose: Facebook employees also developed a slate of tools to combat misinformation and “hate bait.” But they ran into opposition from policy executives who feared they would disproportionately impact conservatives.
Adam Serwer / @adamserwer: Perfectly happy to throttle traffic to liberal outlets for being liberal though. So it's not that they are trying to be neutral.
Melissa Jo Peltier / @melissajpeltier: There's a reason those are the organizations & personalities it would most effect.
Sarah Reese Jones / @politicussarah: Facebook policy execs thought combatting hate bait would disproportionately target conservatives. Because it would. And what does that say.
Justin Hendrix / @justinhendrix: Facebook developed but did not implement tools for reducing disinformation and “hate bait” content because it determined the measures mostly impacted right wing users and publishers, reducing engagement, report @kevinroose, @MikeIsaac and @sheeraf:
Alex Hern / @alexhern: Something I think is under-discussed is how America's toxic politics harms the rest of the world through nonsense like this.
Sean Burch / The Wrap: Zuckerberg Changed Facebook Algorithm to Highlight CNN, The New York Times Post-Election
Mark Little / @marklittlenews: In which we glimpse “a vision of what a calmer, less divisive Facebook might look like”
Yael Eisenstat / @yaeleisenstat: “The company's aspirations of improving the world are often at odds with its desire for dominance.” As I've repeatedly said since leaving Facebook: as long as there are no laws compelling them to protect democracy, FB Execs will choose growth & power. 1/2
@nxthompson: Outside observers since 2015: Facebook needs to build better algorithmic tools to fight hate and boost quality. If not, democracy is in trouble! Facebook, Nov 2020: OK we have them. But we're not sure we want to use them. 🤷♂️
Sheera Frenkel / @sheeraf: NEW- Remember after the election when Facebook's newsfeed suddenly seemed... nicer? That was no accident. It was Facebook cranking the levers and showing us what NewsFeed could look like if they tweaked their algorithms. Story with @kevinroose @MikeIsaac
John Gruber / Daring Fireball: Facebook Still Ruled by Sociopaths, News at 11

YouTube says it barred OANN from posting videos for a week and demonetized its content following a video promoting a phony cure for COVID-19 — YouTube has barred One America News Network from posting new videos for a week and stripped it of its ability to make money off existing content …
TechCrunch, Business Insider, Fast Company, Mediaite, The Wrap, Variety, New York Times, @wjeffreybrown, CNBC, Hollywood Reporter, Ad Age, The Hill, @evelyndouek, @naveedajamali, @moonalice, @emtgray, @nandoodles, @adl, @joshsternberg, @janelytv, @nandoodles, @michaelehayden, @rickhasen, @mmasnick, @ketanj0, @jamisonfoser, @emilybell, Bloomberg, The Week, The Verge and New York Post, more at Techmeme »
Anthony Ha / TechCrunch: Daily Crunch: Twitter will bring back verification
Katie Canales / Business Insider: YouTube just suspended OANN after it said the conservative media outlet promoted a fake cure for COVID-19
Leia Idliby / Mediaite: YouTube Temporarily Bans, Demonetizes OAN For Pushing Coronavirus Misinformation
Todd Spangler / Variety: YouTube Suspends Far-Right News Network OANN Account for One Week, Citing COVID Misinformation
Daisuke Wakabayashi / New York Times: YouTube, under pressure over election falsehoods, suspends OAN for Covid-19 misinformation.
W. Jeffrey Brown / @wjeffreybrown: OANN is not a legitimate news org. They could have been, but chose not to be. YouTube temporarily suspends, demonetizes OANN
Jennifer Elias / CNBC: Senate Democrats ask YouTube CEO to remove election misinformation ahead of Georgia runoff
Chris Mills Rodrigo / The Hill: YouTube temporarily suspends OANN account after spreading coronavirus misinformation
Evelyn Douek / @evelyndouek: YouTube's policy on COVID misinfo is extremely clear (announced belatedly, but clear). This is why clear policies matter.
Naveed Jamali / @naveedajamali: There is very much a danger when disinformation is dressed up as legit news, all while making money over playing to inherent bias and racism. Demand better.
Roger McNamee / @moonalice: YT seldom does the right thing. On the rare occasions when it does so, the action is always too little, too late. h/t: @JaneLytv
Mark Gray / @emtgray: @evelyndouek Demonetizing OANN seems likely to result in a successful “Get Susan Wojcicki to the Hill” challenge, given how we got multiple Senate hearings after temporary restrictions on the NY Post Hunter Biden article. It is good seeing clear policies enacted and enforced, though.
Nandini Jammi / @nandoodles: Monetization should be a privilege, not the default.
@adl: While it is commendable that YouTube took action here, it's unclear why this is the channel's first strike. OANN has been involved in spreading electoral misinformation since at least early Nov. & this limited ban on posting new content is insufficient.
Josh Sternberg / @joshsternberg: YouTube puts OANN in the penalty box for a week. This is just theater.
Jane Lytvynenko / @janelytv: 20 days after the election, impeccable timing.
Nandini Jammi / @nandoodles: The brand safety bar is on the floor.
Michael Edison Hayden / @michaelehayden: YouTube demonetizing OANN is a start but the network can still spread lies on cable. OANN employs at least one far-right extremist in Jack Posobiec and a number of crackpots who are objectively not reporters.
Rick Hasen / @rickhasen: But YouTube is fine to allow the posting of false and dangerous content about fraud in the 2020 U.S. presidential election. Let's not forget. Shame on @google.
Mike Masnick / @mmasnick: The bad Section 230 takes are following fast on the news of this...
Ketan Joshi / @ketanj0: Why is it that companies like Youtube, Facebook etc have massive blindspots (not even spots, really) for most misinformation except for medical stuff? Is it because it's (or it used to be) the less politicised science?
Jamison Foser / @jamisonfoser: Lol 1 week that'll teach them
Brendan Morrow / The Week: YouTube temporarily suspends pro-Trump One America News over COVID-19 misinformation
Adi Robertson / The Verge: YouTube suspends One America News for one week after it promoted a fake COVID-19 cure
Bruce Golding / New York Post: YouTube reportedly suspends OANN over COVID-19 ‘cure’ video

OANN host Christina Bobb has been helping Trump's legal team in its effort to overturn the election results, and she has not disclosed this work on her show — Cable-news host Christina Bobb, a lawyer by trade, is actively working with Trump's counsel as it seeks to overturn the 2020 election.
TechCrunch, @mattsheffield, CNBC, @swin24, @rolandsmartin, The Guardian, CNN, Fox News and Boing Boing
Brian Heater / TechCrunch: YouTube suspends and demonetizes One America News Network over COVID-19 video
Matthew Sheffield / @mattsheffield: Yet another example of how right wing media is literally working for Republicans: An OAN “reporter” has been giving Trump legal advice on his sore loser lawsuits ...
Jessica Bursztynsky / CNBC: YouTube suspends OANN for a week after it posted fake Covid-19 cure
Asawin Suebsaeng / @swin24: the OAN host “'Christina is an attorney and has helped with some legal work in her personal capacity and not on behalf of OAN,' Jenna Ellis, a senior legal adviser to Trump and his 2020 campaign, told The Daily Beast on Monday afternoon.”
@rolandsmartin: This means she is prepping her resume for a job at @FoxNews. Who also did this? @IngrahamAngle @SeanHannity @LouDobbs @PeteHegseth @JudgeJeanine @TuckerCarlson Did I miss anyone?
Martin Pengelly / The Guardian: Fox News' Laura Ingraham and Tucker Carlson distance themselves from Trump
Brian Stelter / CNN: Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham start to adjust to the reality of a Biden presidency

Q&A with Newsmax's CEO on conservative media's role in Trump's opinions and in sowing doubt about the election: “At the end of the day, it's great for news” — Even as Fox News acknowledges that Joe Biden is the President-elect, Newsmax Media—a conservative multimedia company …
Rudy Takala / Mediaite: Newsmax: Friend or Looming Foe to Conservatives?
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: Tonight, Chris Ruddy, Newsmax CEO and close friend of the president, who has been dubbed the ‘Trump whisperer’, joins me on the @MehdiHasanShow to discuss why his network continues to air conspiracy theories about the election. You don't want to miss it. 7pm ET on @peacockTV
Alex Shephard / New Republic: How Newsmax Became Trump TV
Claire Atkinson / Business Insider: Media executives and financial firms are making a land grab for Fox News viewers and Trump supporters, and a new player just entered the race
Aaron Blake / @aaronblake: Yeesh. At end of this @IChotiner interview, Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy basically admits that credulously broadcasting speculative voter fraud claims is great for business.
Jonathan Martin / @jmartnyt: Pairs nicely w Trump coming out to talk about the Dow
Alex Kotch / @alexkotch: This interview with the head of Newsmax is pretty incredible all they way through (tons of lies, etc.) but this is actually right on: to convince the right to abolish the Electoral College, argue that TX & FL will eventually go blue.
Craig Pittman / @craigtimes: #Florida man who runs @newsmax says he runs @realDonaldTrump's wild claims of voter fraud for 1 reason: “It's great for news. The news cycle is red-hot, and Newsmax is getting one million people per minute.” via @IChotiner
@intelligencer: “First you rile up your supporters with a series of specious accusations. When the accusations are debunked, you point to the fact your supporters are riled up as proof that something has gone wrong.” @jonathanchait writes
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: The @IChotiner reality check: .... Why Newsmax Supports Trump's False Voter-Fraud Claims via @NewYorker
Lachlan Markay / @lachlan: This from Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy is hilarious. Newsmax—not a corporate PAC, not its execs, the company itself—gave $50k to a pro-Susan Collins super PAC last year as she got frequent and fawning coverage from the outlet. The donation was never disclosed ...
Kyle Orland / @kyleorl: In some ways I actually respect this more than Fox's pretending to be “fair and balanced”
Isaac Chotiner / @ichotiner: New Interview: I talked to Newsmax CEO Christopher Ruddy about how his company has dealt with election fraud claims, why he doesn't want to become Trump TV, and whether he feels responsibility for misleading his audience.
Adam Weinstein / @adamweinstein: Since I was a kid I've constantly heard the right complain that the MSM is an amoral machine that loves ratings-goosing controversy. And now here's Newsmax's founder, identifying his media concern as an amoral machine that loves ratings-goosing controversy
Jemima McEvoy / Forbes: Newsmax CEO Suggests Airing Unconfirmed Voter Fraud Claims Is Good For Business
Isaac Chotiner / @ichotiner: New Interview: I talked to Newsmax CEO Christopher Ruddy about how his network has handled election fraud claims, the possibility of Trump TV, and whether Ruddy feels responsibility for misinforming his viewers.
Marcus Baram / @mbaram: Notice here how Ruddy answers this key question for conservative media, finding a thin wedge between his personal feelings and how his network might cover such a situation.
Aaron Blake / @aaronblake: @IChotiner I mean, this is basically: Q: Shouldn't you actually investigate stuff first? A: Sure, but we can also just throw it out there. And of by the way, look at how great that is for the bottom line!
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: This is not something a news organization does:
Chris Megerian / @chrismegerian: Chris Ruddy on the election — “Assuming that Joe Biden is inaugurated President, which every probability study says will be the case . . .” Probability study?

Sources: WaPo is nearing 3M digital subscribers, up 50% YoY; NYT has tripled digital-only subscribers since 2016 to 6.1M — The New York Times and The Washington Post have very different strategies for building the subscription news company of the future. — The big picture …
Business Insider, @kerrymflynn, @sarafischer, @joshsternberg, @mathewi, @dubois, @ylichterman, @mikebrestdc, @annemariebridy, @elanazak, @sub8u and @nathanwurtzel, more at Techmeme »
Lucia Moses / Business Insider: Change in media company leadership is in the air
@kerrymflynn: Per @sarafischer, The Washington Post is nearing 3 million digital subscribers: Unlike publicly traded NYT, WaPo doesn't report numbers every quarter. In Feb, @jbenton asked for the latest since a leaked Dec 2018 memo said 1.5M:
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: 🗞Trump bump: NYT, WaPo digital subscriptions tripled since 2016 - Sources say Post nearing 3 million digital subscribers - The Times now has 6 million+ - Post investing heavily in tech, software - Times investing in big-name talent, brand building
Josh Sternberg / @joshsternberg: People always forget WaPo is not a national newspaper. NYT has a decades-long advantage in national branding (& nat'l advertisers). WaPo, however, thru Arc and Zeus, has a tech pipeline connecting regional outlets. 2 very diff stories.
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: Interesting look at the difference between the NYT's star approach and the Post's ecosystem strategy — interesting to think what the latter could do with single sign-on and bundled subscriptions to places that use its Zeus and Arc ad and content platforms
Lou / @dubois: It is terrific to see paid digital subs rising at this rate for NYT and WaPo. Sadly, third place is far behind. Local journalism needs support now more than ever. #goodjournalismisnotfree
Joseph Lichterman / @ylichterman: this is so important for local news orgs: “research shows shiny objects (original content, hot talent, discounts, etc.) tend to get people to sign-up, and that functionality and lots of content options keeps them from leaving.”
Mike Brest / @mikebrestdc: The @nytimes and the @washingtonpost have tripled their digital subscriptions since 2016. It's be fascinating to see what the Biden administration will do for clicks/subscriptions/ad revenue throughout the media landscape. via @sarafischer of @axios
Annemarie Bridy / @annemariebridy: This milestone makes it worth repeating that the crisis in journalism is not evenly distributed and that we should be focusing on how to find a more sustainable business model for local journalism than classified advertising was.
Elana Zak / @elanazak: Phenomenal subscription growth by WaPo and NYT. But this is what's key 👉👉👉"Much of the Post's growth is attributed to back-end technology investments supported by The Post's owner Jeff Bezos."
Subrahmanyam Kvj / @sub8u: And here I was thinking that acquiring customers is maybe, just a wee bit, more work than upgrading back-end tech....¯\_(ツ)_/ ¯

Twitter says it will relaunch account verifications in early 2021 for news; journalists will need to provide at least three recent bylines in qualifying outlets — Twitter announced today it's planning to relaunch its verification system in 2021, and will now begin the process …
@twittersupport, The Verge, Bloomberg, ScreenRant, @aedwardslevy, The Wrap, @thetorontosix, @jamiesont, @mantia, @caseynewton, @metaltxt, @wongmjane, @kayvz, @dianelyssa, @mczub, @jonworth, @karynspencer, Adweek,, @yashar, @aelkus, @ericajoy, @kerrymflynn, @olivebrinker, 9to5Mac, @ekp, @blackamazon, @jbillinson, NPR, @carnage4life, @iancoldwater and @hypervisible, more at Techmeme »
@twittersupport: We're planning to relaunch verification in 2021, but first we want to hear from you. Help us shape our approach to verification on Twitter by letting us know what you think. Take a look at our draft policy and submit your #VerificationFeedback here:
Makena Kelly / The Verge: Twitter verification will return early next year
Ariel Edwards-Levy / @aedwardslevy: 4 tier system verification somewhatification notveryfication notatallfication
Tom Jamieson / @jamiesont: Can I be verified please as I desperately need that momentary endorphin hit to stave off the feelings of emptiness & despair at the core of my being. Cheers!
@mantia: Verification should be removed from accounts that continue sendint tweets after the death of that person. If a deceased person's foundation or rights-holder wants to tweet, it should be from a separate account. #VerificationFeedback
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: My feelings about verification are still: - It should have different flavors ("politician," “journalist,” “doctor") - It should be available to all - It is not nearly as complicated as Twitter thinks. Tinder launched verification months ago. Tinder!
Jane Manchun Wong / @wongmjane: Twitter confirmed they're gonna revamp the verification system, at last, 5.5 months after the finding
Kayvon Beykpour / @kayvz: We're planning to relaunch Twitter's verification policy and application process in early 2021. Our goal is to bring clarity to what verification on Twitter means, the criteria we'll use for assessing verification, and how to apply.
@dianelyssa: i hope y'all stop verifying candidates for office, until they win. there are so many people who run long-shot campaigns and then use this app and their blue check to sow chaos and build their profile. the “candidate for” label is good enough.
Czub / @mczub: “verification” solely implies that an account is who they claim to be, it shouldn't be artificially restricted especially if it gatekeeps more powerful moderation tools use a different badge for “notable” accounts, make verification easily available to basically everyone
Jon Worth / @jonworth: This is interesting, but it still does not really answer: what is verification *for*? I applied years ago - as a blogger, so falling into “Activists, organizers, and other influential individuals” but I'd not be top .1% follower numbers in 🇩🇪 #VerificationFeedback
Karyn Spencer / @karynspencer: ✨ for everyone STILL DMing me asking me to help verify them like i didn't leave twitter in 2017 ⬇️ About verified accounts — Important: Please note that our verified account program is currently on hold.
Yashar Ali / @yashar: As Twitter relaunches its verification process it also says that it'll be removing verification badges from accounts which repeatedly violate the rules.
@ericajoy: look at twitter, asking for feedback about a policy before implementing it! 👏🏾👏🏾 👏🏾
@kerrymflynn: Remember THREE YEARS AGO when Twitter paused its verification program? Well, they're really working on it now and want all of our help on how to make verification better. I'll start: All dogs should be verified
Olive Rae Brinker / @olivebrinker: is 2021 the year olive becomes a Checkmark
Chance Miller / 9to5Mac: Twitter relaunching verification system in early 2021, here is the draft criteria
Ellen K. Pao / @ekp: I like the fact that Twitter is taking the time to get feedback and going back to fix mistakes. It shows openness to change and improvement
@blackamazon: Sooooo rather than create a closed pipeline , at the end of a long , non accessible visual post ? You put forth a hashtag so it can be gamed, rather than a closed form and a preliminary finding with a small focused group
Josh Billinson / @jbillinson: I think I should get two blue checks
Dare Obasanjo / @carnage4life: Twitter relaunches verification but hasn't fixed the issue which caused them to pause it in the 1st place. It conflates 1. Notability 2. Authentication Is giving a known racist a blue check an endorsement or proving it's their real account? Not answered.
Ian Coldwater / @iancoldwater: It's interesting that tech isn't a category of accounts considered notable at all 🤔 And with a Wikipedia article as a criteria for “other” notability? That's one way to avoid verifying female engineers I guess

As more writers join Substack, subscription fatigue and the pressure to deliver continuous value to paying readers may push many back to traditional pubs — Plus: The threat of blogs, the balkanization of social media, and a new record for America's mayor. — HAS there ever been a worse year than 2020?
@ahoving, Margins, @jaredbkeller, @gettingsome, Simon Owens's Tech …, @sandraupson, @lanceulanoff and @ggreenwald
Allan Hoving / @ahoving: @mediagazer @StevenLevy it's a nice way to give popular writers a severance bonus after they exit their pubs. but it is not a sustainable model.
Can Duruk / Margins: Substack's value to writers is clear but is a bit muddier for readers, with problems like poor discovery and reliance on email
Jared Keller / @jaredbkeller: Even more reason why we need a New York Review of Substacks
@gettingsome: “One thing is certain—to keep readers coming back, these newsletter writers must keep delivering tangible value. Otherwise they might wonder why they are paying more than half the standard subscription price of the New York Times for the musings of a single writer.”
Simon Owens / Simon Owens's Tech and Media Newsletter: Why the “subscription fatigue” argument is overrated
Sandra Upson / @sandraupson: I look forward to the inevitable day when Substack confronts its scaling problem and offers subscriptions to a bundle of newsletters. It'd be kind of like a publication, but harder to read and a lot more random.
Lance Ulanoff / @lanceulanoff: .@StevenLevy is spot on regarding the SubStack trend. I would add that I won't pay $100 a year for one writer when I can get hundreds of authors for half the price
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: Relatedly: there's suddenly a huge spate of articles about The Substack Craze in media outlets & I'm seeing an oft-repeated myth: that while a journalist can make more money there, your audience size shrinks. That assumption is false....

WarnerMedia releasing Wonder Woman 1984 on HBO Max alongside theaters signals the importance of streaming to studios and represents an emerging industry norm — The announcement that “Wonder Woman 1984” will be released in theaters and on HBO Max on Christmas Day is the clearest sign …
Kenneth Turan / @kennethturan: Still trying to wrap my head around big news: Warners will open “Wonder Woman 1984” on Christmas Day in both theaters and HBO Max. This may be a Rubicon that can't be uncrossed. @nicsperling explains.
Ted Hope / @tedhope: I've been saying: “The FilmBiz changed in 2020. The Studio's theatrical release single title revenue-driven model has been replaced by the Global Streamers' platform-first portfolio-based attention-driven audience acquisition model.” Now confirmed:
@soundnvision: Originally scheduled for a June 2020 release, Wonder Woman 1984 will now appear simultaneously in theaters and on the HBO Max streaming service. Are such hybrid deals the future norm for big-budget Hollywood films? ...
Mynette Louie / @mynette: In 2020, I've had one day-n-date release (@swallowmovie), one streaming release (Black Box) & one theatrical release (@icywm, which has been stuck in “coming soon” purgatory). It has been quite the roller coaster to experience this article firsthand.
@nytimes: The new norm of catching new movie releases from your couch may last beyond the pandemic.

A breakdown of why streaming can't fill the void left by struggling movie theaters, which are on the brink as major film releases have been pushed back to 2021
@thetarotlady: Good movies are still coming out, but without movie theaters, no one seems to notice. via @slate
Samit Sarkar / @samitsarkar: “The world without movie theaters isn't a world without gatekeepers. It's just a world where the gatekeepers aren't human, and instead of urging you to watch what they love, they serve up whatever seems most like the last thing you liked.”

Snap's Spotlight daily payout breaks from TikTok's model, focusing on paying a large number of creators rather than nurturing primarily big-follower accounts — Today, let's talk about the deceptively bold way in which Snapchat has reimagined TikTok as part of its new feature, Spotlight.
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: What's interesting about Snapchat's Spotlight is that it puts the incentive for making videos at the level of the content, rather than the creator. It feels like a big idea. ...
Janira Planes / Truffle Season de Janira Planes: Ejemplos a no seguir — Este post, para todas las personas que estéis viendo la …
Zoe Scaman / @zoescaman: What Snap is asking with Spotlight: 1/ Can you build an engine for culture that benefits many thousands of people, rather than a few hundred? 2/ Will people post anonymously, seeking profit over fame? 3/ Is a daily lottery of $1m incentive enough? ...
Codyb / @codybrown: It took a very long time to get here but Snapchat joins YouTube in deciding to pay its creators for their vids. Game on
Ahmed Al Omran / @ahmed: Instagram mostly knows how to promote influencers; TikTok, on the other hand, spreads dances, sounds, and jokes ...
Joshua J. Cohen / @joshuajcohen: The $1 million per day gets divided among the ‘top’ creators based on viewership. It's unclear how that all will actually break down, except to say that we're told top creators every day will see significant 💰.
Abby Reutzel / @abbyreutzelwork: “The real opportunity for Snap here isn't that it incubates the next Charli D'Amelio in Spotlight — it's that thousands of creators make real money on the platform, either once or a large handful of times, & we never learn their names at all.” @platformer ...
Monojoy Bhattacharjee / What's New in Publishing: Snapchat will now pay creators “more than $1 million” a day, for viral posts
Anthony Ha / TechCrunch: Daily Crunch: Snapchat adds Spotlight

Snap announces Spotlight, a vertically scrollable TikTok-like feed inside Snapchat, and will pay $1M every day to users who create the top Snaps through 2020
Axios, Vox, @mtzler, Snap Inc., @alexeheath, @lucas_shaw, Ad Age, @mattnavarra, CNN, @carnage4life, @ourielohayon, @juliet_shen, @markghuneim, @kwong47, @marklittlenews, Variety, @mattnavarra, @lanceulanoff, @garettsloane,, @danprimack, @kerrymflynn, @scottbelsky, @sarafischer, The Week, Garbage Day, BBC, The Wrap, Adweek, Business Insider, Bloomberg and Fast Company, more at Techmeme »
Sara Fischer / Axios: Social media companies all starting to look the same
Rebecca Jennings / Vox: This week in TikTok: Why is everyone so mad at Charli D'Amelio?
Mike Metzler / @mtzler: Snapchat is going to start paying creators similar to the TikTok Creator Program. 1 million dollars a day!!!
Alex Heath / @alexeheath: Snapchat's TikTok rival “Spotlight” is here. The two are broadly similar but Snap is doing things differently in a few key areas: - No public likes or comments - All submitted videos undergo human review - $1m per day paid to people who post top videos ...
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: Why Snap's TikTok clone is actually an original idea. Good thoughts (as always) from @CaseyNewton ...
Garett Sloane / Ad Age: Snapchat sets sights on TikTok with Spotlight, and retailers prep for bleak Friday: Tuesday Wake-Up Call
Matt Navarra / @mattnavarra: Social media companies are all just clones of one another in 2020
Kaya Yurieff / CNN: Now Snapchat has a TikTok copycat, too
Dare Obasanjo / @carnage4life: In the past few months we've seen the homogenization of social apps. LinkedIn & Twitter adding stories. Now Snapchat joins Instagram in adding TikTok style videos. Problem is how we'll now see the same content in all of these apps given sameness of format
Ouriel Ohayon / @ourielohayon: Spotlight. great name “Hello, Snapchat, this is Apple legal department”
Juliet Shen / @juliet_shen: - No public comments - Attribution is opt-in - Every snap is moderated
Mark Ghuneim / @markghuneim: The amount of curation left on the floor of all social services - making easy reading for the non user or the proverbial “logged out view” is one of the largest lost opportunity costs on social media. This is super smart!
Kyle Wong / @kwong47: Interesting new initiative by @Snapchat! The competition to attract and support creators 👀👀👀 “Submit your best video Snaps to Spotlight for the opportunity to earn a share of more than $1 million that we're distributing to creators every day!”
Mark Little / @marklittlenews: “We designed Spotlight to entertain our community while living up to Snapchat values, with our community's well being as a top priority. Spotlight content is moderated and doesn't allow for public comments.”
Todd Spangler / Variety: Snapchat Takes on TikTok: Snap Launches Spotlight, Will Pay Creators Over $1M Daily for Top Videos
Matt Navarra / @mattnavarra: Snapchat officially launches its TikTok competitor called Spotlight Differences vs. TikTok - No comments section on videos - User profiles kept private by default - Snapchat to split $1m between top Snap creators in Spotlight every day (until end of 2020)
Lance Ulanoff / @lanceulanoff: Is there any platform that does not feel threatened by TikTok?
Garett Sloane / @garettsloane: Snapchat finds itself in unfamiliar position: Playing catch up with a younger rival. Typically, Snap is the one innovating, and the rest of the field trying to catch up. Now, it has a TikTok-like section called Spotlight
Ashkan Karbasfrooshan / Is Snap a Foundational Stock?
Dan Primack / @danprimack: Snap copying TikTok is pretty rich, given how bent out of shape @evanspiegel got when Facebook/Insta copied Snapchat.
@kerrymflynn: “As an incentive for content creators — and average users — to submit their Snaps for consideration, Snapchat will distribute $1 million each day to those who make the most entertaining Spotlight Snaps. ” - @kyurieff
Scott Belsky / @scottbelsky: new social platforms differentiate themselves w/ novel formats (origin story of Pinterest, Snap, TikTok..), and users flock to new forms of creative expression. but innovation today seems more about how dominant platforms can retrofit trending formats.🤔
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: Snapchat will moderate all videos within their first 100 views. That initial review process includes both humans and software. All videos must adhere to Snapchat's existing community guidelines and content rules.
Brendan Morrow / The Week: Snapchat to give out $1 million a day to creators of popular videos on its TikTok competitor
Sean Burch / The Wrap: Are Your Snaps Worth $1 Million? Snapchat Will Pay Best User Posts in ‘Spotlight’ Tab
David Cohen / Adweek: Snapchat Looks to Shine the Spotlight on Some of the 4 Billion Snaps It Sees Daily
Shona Ghosh / Business Insider: Snapchat is launching a TikTok-like tab called Spotlight and offering users $1 million to submit entertaining posts
Michael Grothaus / Fast Company: Snapchat is launching its answer to TikTok

Survey: 30% of Americans turned mostly to cable TV after polls closed on Election Day, 24% to news websites and apps, 22% to network TV, and 9% to social media — Democrats were more satisfied by how their news sources explained the results — As election returns rolled in …
@spj_tweets: “Americans who followed the election closely were much more likely to say their news sources did very well at helping them understand election results.”
@pewresearch: Democrats followed the presidential election night returns somewhat more closely than Republicans. 42% of Democrats followed them almost constantly versus 31% of Republicans.

HBO will release the final five episodes of Industry all at once on HBO Max, a first, while linear showings will continue on a weekly basis — HBO is stepping into uncharted programming waters. — The premium cabler has made the decision to drop the final five episodes of its drama “Industry” all at once on HBO Max.
Elena Neira / @elena_neira: ... The times they are a-changing... Los últimos cinco episodios de #Industry se estrenarán de golpe en #HBOMax el 27 de noviembre, para impulsar los visionados el fin de semana de #AccióndeGracias. En TV se mantendrá la emisión semanal vía @Variety

New UK report finds Michael Gove's office has slowed or obstructed Freedom of Information requests; official accuses office of “blacklisting” journalists — Exclusive: Secretive Cabinet Office ‘Clearing House’ for Freedom of Information requests also accused of “blacklisting” …
@dn_campbell, @editorsuk, @smaurizi, @smaurizi, @smaurizi, @jolyonmaugham, @albertonardelli, @liamodelluk, @carolinelucas, Press Gazette and The Guardian
Donald Campbell / @dn_campbell: “the ICO's capacity to investigate complaints and enforce the Act is diminishing. The regulator has seen its budget cut by 41 per cent over the last decade, while its complaint caseload has increased by 46 per cent in the same period.” ...
@editorsuk: FOIs are becoming more and more difficult to get an answer to, @LorrainHerbison says. “You won't be getting an answer to FOIs”, especially regarding care home death stats. Comes as report into Cabinet Office FOI ‘blacklist’ revealed today @openDemocracy ...
Stefania Maurizi / @smaurizi: problems I've been experiencing for my #FOIA on Julian #Assange and #WikiLeaks: litigating in FOUR jurisdictions(UK,US,Sweden,Australia)+ getting SEVEN lawyers+ fighting for the last FIVE years+ destruction of emails + unprecedented attempts to deny me permission to appeal
Stefania Maurizi / @smaurizi: the only good thing is that while structures might be ‘Orwellian’, they are still dumb, stupid bureaucratic animals, so in the last 5 years of my #FOIA litigation in 4 jurisdictions, I've gathered some solid evidence on how they lie
Stefania Maurizi / @smaurizi: dozens of people emailed me/sent me this article by @PeterKGeoghegan @JennaCorderoy #LucasAmin ... They did so because I have been fighting a #FOIA litigation in UK on Julian #Assange and #WikiLeaks since 2015 and have experienced unprecedented problems
Jo Maugham / @jolyonmaugham: I think they hate transparency even more than they hate the rule of law. ...
Alberto Nardelli / @albertonardelli: This is an important read on freedom of information ... - increasingly, the government is rejecting even the most vanilla FOI requests, taking forever to reply, if at all at times, and appeal process is frustratingly slow.
Liam O'Dell / @liamodelluk: I think many people still don't realise that the Freedom of Information Act isn't exclusive to journalists, and that anyone can request info from the Government under the law. Therefore, we should all be alarmed by the actions detailed in this report. ...
Caroline Lucas / @carolinelucas: Not content with delaying or trying to water down critical reports, this Government is now deliberately blocking freedom of information requests & drawing up a blacklist of the journalists who submit them Sinister, undemocratic & Orwellian ...

HuffPost India and HuffPost Brasil shut down today; in internal message, Jonah Peretti says they weren't allowed to take them on for differing legal reasons — HuffPost is becoming part of BuzzFeed, but HuffPost India and HuffPost Brasil will not be making the transition — both sites are shutting down today.
@amannama, @maxwelltani, @adrijabose, @glenngabe, @felixsalmon, @jessbrammar, @indranibasu88, @mnshap, @nicdawes, @r_gov11, @lpolgreen, @nicdawes, HuffPost, @nirali_ss, @craigsilverman, @nicdawes, @ranaayyub, @gopalsathe and @masalabai
Aman Sethi / @amannama: HuffPost India has shut down and all of its content seems to have been deleted
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: As part of the HuffPost acquisition, the site's Brazil and India editions have shuttered. Responding to a message in Slack, @peretti addressed the closures.
Adrija Bose / @adrijabose: Five years ago, I got to work with the most fantastic team I didn't even dream of & possibly can never dream of. While this is heartbreaking, shout out to my colleagues/friends/family @RohiniChatterji @piyasreedg @betwasharma @aktalkies who did some stellar journalism.
Glenn Gabe / @glenngabe: 75,800 pages indexed, ranking for 269K different queries in India, but POOF, gone (403 response codes - forbidden) -> HuffPost India has shut down and all of its content seems to have been deleted
Felix Salmon / @felixsalmon: The cuts begin
Jess Brammar / @jessbrammar: The work of my Indian colleagues was one of the things I felt proudest of in our HuffPost global family, particularly as they covered Modi's India - which sorely needs more journos like them. An insanely talented, tenacious bunch, led by a peerless editor in Aman. A sad day.
Indrani Basu / @indranibasu88: Six years ago, almost to the day, I joined what would be the founding team of @HuffPostIndia in New Delhi. We had two weeks to build an entire site. It was a mad ride, with memories for a lifetime. I am grieving this loss with Aman and his team of stellar journalists.
Manisha Pande / @mnshap: Quite a sudden exit. What happens to all the stories on the website? I hope they find space on the People should be able to read them.
Nicholas Dawes / @nicdawes: Right now, all that work has just vanished, an archive replaced by a redirect. Stunningly irresponsible by Huffpost's owners, who have until now protected its role as a home for accountability journalism in India. They need to restore access to the record as soon as possible.
Radhika Govindrajan / @r_gov11: Such a tremendous loss. It's sad to see the shrinking of deep, reliable reporting on India.
Lydia Polgreen / @lpolgreen: We live in an age of hyperbole, but I agree: @Amannama built something extraordinary in @HuffPostIndia and I am so jealous of whoever gets to hire him and his team next.
Nicholas Dawes / @nicdawes: I really want to believe that they are going to get this stuff back up, but it is an awful act of contempt to handle the closure of the site this way. And frankly I can't imagine them doing it in the US.
Hayley Miller / HuffPost: HuffPost Brasil, HuffPost India Shut Down Amid BuzzFeed Deal
Nirali Shah / @nirali_ss: I don't think BuzzFeed India would have been anything if we weren't constantly looking over to see what huffpost India was up to. Such good work by so many good people, this is incredibly sad.
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: A tremendously sad outcome of BuzzFeed's acquisiton of HuffPost is the closure of HuffPost India and Brazil.
Nicholas Dawes / @nicdawes: This is such a loss. HuffPost has been home to some superb reporting at a time when independent journalism in India has been under huge pressure.
Rana Ayyub / @ranaayyub: Thoughts with the journalists at @HuffPostIndia . They have been some of the most talented and courageous journalists in the country. Thank you for being a ray of hope in these testing times and wishing you a great future ahead.
Gopal Sathe / @gopalsathe: Since a lot of people are asking me about this — I've been told that the content has not been wiped; it's being migrated and will be available again soon.
Rituparna Chatterjee / @masalabai: We were the founding batch of editors. Exactly six years ago a bunch of us started working here with big dreams. It feels like a personal loss. All of my bylines, stories I did, wiped out as well. Like I never worked here. Don't know if there's a way to restore those.