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In the corrective episode of Caliphate, The Daily's Michael Barbaro failed to reveal that two of The Daily's producers also worked on Caliphate — Toggle more options — Late last week, The New York Times issued one of its biggest mea culpas in years. The nation's leading newspaper returned …
@noelking, Fox News, @jayrosen_nyu, @lourdesgnavarro, @laurawags, @davidfolkenflik, @atrios, @nkulw, @ilyamarritz, @rauchway, @alex_zee, @froomkin, @moorehn, @rafiazakaria, @bungdan, @s_m_i, @treygraham, @nicktheandersen, @askusmer, @arawnsley, @zackkopplin, @nkulw, @alan_yu039, @sarahw, @dancow, @ashleyfeinberg, @nycsouthpaw, @nicktheandersen, @moorehn, @andrewglazer, @raju, @_richardhall and @aliamalek

Source: digital payments company Square has held talks to acquire music streaming service Tidal, which Jay-Z acquired for $56M in early 2015 — - Streaming music platform has struggled to keep up with Spotify — Dorsey has met with Jay-Z multiple times during the pandemic

Russian lawmakers pass a bill allowing authorities to block or restrict websites like YouTube if they “discriminate” against Russian media, like RT — MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia's lower house of parliament voted on Wednesday to pass legislation allowing authorities to block …
@fatimatlis, Interfax-Ukraine and @jason_kint

A study using 96,000 searches found that Google News put far more national news outlets than local outlets at the top of search results, even for local queries — Our audit reveals that Google News sends readers — and advertising dollars — away from local news outlets.
@gillesbruno, @pilhofer, @pilhofer, @gillesbruno, @annenbergpenn, @ylelkes, @donlday, @nickcharles61, @pilhofer and @mariekshan

A critique of complaints that “cancel culture” is a growing problem in the US — Our fights over free speech have gotten more heated precisely because speech has never been freer. — SHARE All sharing options — 2020 was an especially rancorous year, and among the many things …
@glukianoff, @glukianoff, @glukianoff, @glukianoff, @glukianoff, @glukianoff, @glukianoff, @jeffreyasachs, @seanilling, @seanilling, @cathyyoung63, @seanilling, @glukianoff, @seanilling and @seanilling

In unsealed court docs, Facebook managers appeared to admit to major flaws in ad targeting capabilities in 2016 and wondered if they were misleading advertisers — Facebook is currently waging a PR campaign purporting to show that Apple is seriously injuring American small businesses through its iOS privacy features.
@ddayen, @tidalmotion, @samfbiddle, @samfbiddle, The Mix Tape, CNBC and BuzzFeed News, more at Techmeme »

Survey of news consumption by women in 11 countries, including US and UK, finds more interest in health and education news and higher use of TV news than men — In March 2020, as COVID-19 spread around the world and political leaders began to realise that an immediate response to the pandemic …
@alexaborchardt, @annisch, @juliabehre and @simgandi

Filing: ByteDance says TikTok UK had sales of $20M in 2019, with a loss of $119.5M, driven by advertising and marketing expenses of $109M — - Chinese owner ByteDance has not disclosed global figures — Video-sharing app has been rapidly expanding in U.K.

Warner Bros. announces theatrical release dates for three movies in 2023, suggesting next year's hybridized release strategy is indeed a “unique one-year” model — Warner Bros. has announced release dates for three of its upcoming films: George Miller's “Mad Max: Fury Road” …

Trump signs Fallen Journalists Memorial Act into law, authorizing planning and fundraising for a Washington memorial to honor those who died reporting the news — President Donald Trump signed into law Wednesday a bipartisan bill authorizing a national monument to honor slain journalists …
@lisamccray, @chrisvanhollen, @billrehkopf, @elizabethgchang and @ron_cassie

2020 has been the beginning of major streaming exclusivity plays, forcing users to pay for four or five services as big studios prioritize their own platforms — End-of-year turnover is always rough, and it's going to get worse — Two of the biggest movies people want to talk about this week …
Context is King, @starfire2258, @stevie_mat, @reckless, @sachgau, @themeganpurdy, @emmahouxbois, @backlon, @charlie_l_hall, @samitsarkar, @hshaban, @crs_one, @jlbarrow, @loudmouthjulia and Polygon

Experts say UK Channel 4's deepfake video of the Queen, meant as a “warning” about fake news, makes it seem like deepfakes are more widespread than they are — Broadcaster says video, showing digitally-altered monarch reflecting on Prince Harry, intended as warning about fake news
Engadget and @mollyblackall