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Three NYT journalists recount the harrowing scenes at the Capitol when it was breached by a mob — Three New York Times journalists were at the Capitol when it was breached. Here's how they experienced it. — WASHINGTON — Something was not right inside the Senate chamber.
@dgisserious, @markberman, Mediaite, CNN, @escochrane, @cliffordlevy, Business Insider, Politico, @bymikebaker, @thomaskaplan, @heathdwilliams, Associated Press, @kharyp, The Daily Beast, @escochrane, @ennisnyt, @heatherscope, @vmrvictoria, @maggienyt, @escochrane, @richterscale, @brizzyc, @rrrameshrrr, @cgrisales, @kaminskimk, @dellcam, @sbg1, @colvinj, @_almaqah, @palafo, @mharrisonair, @olivia_beavers, @anoushasakoui, @judywoodruff, @jacobrubashkin, @cbudoffbrown, @purplechrain, @lissandravilla, @ingvildleirfall, @timalberta, @steffdaz, @juliehdavis, @ericalg, @escochrane, @cbudoffbrown, @purplechrain and @emtitus
Danny Gold / @dgisserious: This video of AP photographer @johnminchillo at the protest yesterday is insane. He was dragged out and nearly lynched. This should be seen by everyone. @pressfreedom
Mark Berman / @markberman: On the left is a NYT photographer recounting how police pointed their guns at her after she identified herself as a journalist On the right is a member of the mob saying a police officer tried to help them find Schumer's office
Joe DePaolo / Mediaite: NY Times Photographer Shares Stunning Account of the Capitol Riots: ‘I Thought I Could Be Killed and No One Would Stop Them’
Allison Gordon / CNN: Here's what reporting on the Capitol rioting was like for journalists who were there
Emily Cochrane / @escochrane: the fact that @erinschaff experienced THIS and still filed photos and wrote about makes me want to cry all over again because she is such a pro and was just doing her damn job in THE NATION'S CAPITOL.
Cliff Levy / @cliffordlevy: “They saw that my ID said NYT and became really angry. They threw me to the floor, trying to take my cameras...I thought I could be killed.” — @erinschaff In awe of the courageous journalists who covered the assault on the Capitol.
Ashley Collman / Business Insider: A New York Times photographer said she was attacked by Capitol rioters, then held at gunpoint by police who didn't believe she was a journalist because the mob took her ID
Mike Baker / @bymikebaker: The mob attacked NYT photographer @erinschaff inside the Capitol. The images she still managed to capture from the day are incredible, historic. Some of them are in the story here:
Thomas Kaplan / @thomaskaplan: Grateful for the courage and poise of @erinschaff @ESCochrane @npfandos and the rest of the congressional press corps in bringing us the first draft of history on Wednesday
@heathdwilliams: moments earlier, the president said to this mob: “Our media is not free. It's not fair. It suppresses thought. It suppresses speech, and it's become the enemy of the people. It's become the enemy of the people. It's the biggest problem we have in this country.”
Khary Penebaker / @kharyp: Here's the longer video of @johnminchillo being thrown around by Trump's domestic terrorists. Here's the IG link: this could've been way worse. They hate antifa, but these are the same people who wrote “'murder the media” on one of the Capitol doors.
Jamie Ross / The Daily Beast: ‘Get the Fuck Out of Here!’: Video Shows Terrifying Moment Capitol MAGA Mob Attacks AP Photographer
Emily Cochrane / @escochrane: I just want to hug a lot of people
Connor Ennis / @ennisnyt: “They saw that my ID said The New York Times and became really angry. They threw me to the floor, trying to take my cameras. I started screaming for help as loudly as I could. No one came. People just watched. At this point, I thought I could be killed”
Heather Caygle / @heatherscope: If you haven't read this first hand account of yesterday from the best team of reporters in the business, please do. I'm shaking now, just finishing it. @burgessev @marianne_levine @sarahnferris @MZanona @Olivia_Beavers
Victoria Reid / @vmrvictoria: Every first person journalist account of the day makes me cry. The Politico one is incredibly detailed as well.
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: Cops gave rioters directions to Schumer's office but aimed a gun at a photographer and didn't believe she was a journalist. Astonishing this is the level of security in the halls of a co-equal branch of government in the post-9/11 era.
Emily Cochrane / @escochrane: the Capitol Hill press corps is something else, but particularly grateful for @npfandos @erinschaff @lukebroadwater and @AnnaMoneymaker today
Charles Louis Richter / @richterscale: Read these accounts and see that it's impossible to call what happened at the Capitol anything less than a terrorist attack:
Carrie Brown / @brizzyc: This oral history from the entire Politico team of what happened yesterday is...yeah. Insane.
Ramesh Ramachandran / @rrrameshrrr: A must read. 'I told them I was a photojournalist and that my pass had been stolen but they didn't believe me. They drew their guns, pointed them and yelled at me. As I lay on the ground, two other photojournalists shouted 'She's a journalist!' #Capitol
Claudia Grisales / @cgrisales: My God. This happens to be a week I didn't go to the Hill. Yesterday, I was torn between wanting to be there, & perhaps glad I wasn't. This is an incredible account for the journalists who were, and a testament to their dedication, resiliency & talent. So grateful they are okay.
Matthew Kaminski / @kaminskimk: We had five reporters yesterday in the Capitol. Here's what they saw moment by moment ... ‘Is this really happening?’: The Siege of Congress, Seen From the Inside via @politico
Dell Cameron / @dellcam: Apparently you can just yell “he's antifa!” at any random target and make aggro mobs spawn to try and beat their face in
Susan Glasser / @sbg1: What a harrowing day, well captured here. Thanks to all the brave journalists who were there to document the insurrection at the Capitol.
Jill Colvin / @colvinj: “As I plotted my escape, I heard shouts of “Get down!” Everyone dropped to the floor,” writes @ESCochrane “Face down behind an auditorium chair, I could see a few officers with guns drawn at the barricaded chamber doors.”
Almaqah / @_almaqah: Have these people been arrested yet?
Patrick LaForge / @palafo: “You could hear banging outside, so I crouched behind a desk... I peeked over the desk and could see Representative Ruben Gallego, Democrat of Arizona and a veteran, jacketless, standing on a chair and yelling instructions on how to use the masks.”
Marshall Harris / @mharrisonair: While this is both terrifying and profusely sad, I implore you to read this firsthand account from a journalist trapped in the Capitol yesterday.
Olivia Beavers / @olivia_beavers: Love the headline “Is this really happening,” because that thought went through my head A LOT yesterday. It's crazy how you can be in the middle of a dire situation and you still question your reality.
Anousha Dash-Bracket / @anoushasakoui: “the police found me. I told them that I was a photojournalist and that my pass had been stolen, but they didn't believe me. They drew their guns, pointed them and yelled at me to get down on my hands and knees.”
Judy Woodruff / @judywoodruff: to understand the courage of photojournalists, read this👇
Jacob Rubashkin / @jacobrubashkin: Absolutely enraging stuff here. A photojournalist gets attacked by rioters for being with the Times and then gets guns pointed at her by Capitol Hill cops? Politico and Roll Call reporting members had to intervene to get Capitol police to evacuate members?
Carrie Budoff Brown / @cbudoffbrown: ... to describe what happened in those frenzied hours when the threat to American democracy came from inside the building. This is their account. @burgessev @MZanona @sarahnferris @marianne_levine @Olivia_Beavers @tina_nguyen @StephenVoss @dlippman
Alexander / @purplechrain: This is the logical outcome of Trump's “the fake news is the enemy of the people” shtick that the right has indulged for five years. Contained and channeled at his rallies, they just jeered and screamed. Unleashed, they'll physically assault people for being a NYT photographer.
Lissandra Villa / @lissandravilla: Yesterday @erinschaff 069; was thrown down by a group of men at the Capitol. “I thought I could be killed and no one would stop them.” At some point she lost her press ID. When she encountered police later, they drew guns at her.
Ingvild Eide Leirfall / @ingvildleirfall: @Olivia_Beavers There was a moment when a reporter asked me: “Do you think we should take off our press badges?”
Tim Alberta / @timalberta: Wow. This is really a stunning piece of work from my Politico colleagues, an oral history of 1/6/21 from inside the Capitol building. Featuring @burgessev, @marianne_levine, @sarahnferris, @MZanona, @Olivia_Beavers and all-world photographer @StephenVoss
Stefanie Dazio / @steffdaz: Watch this video. All of it. So grateful that @AP photographers @JulioCortez_AP, who took the video with a GoPro on his helmet, and @johnminchillo, who is being dragged in the clip, are safe. @AP_Images
Julie Davis / @juliehdavis: Proud of and grateful for the bravery and professionalism of the journalists who were at Capitol yesterday documenting the horrific scene for history. Read this harrowing account from @npfandos @erinschaff & @ESCochrane
Erica L. Green / @ericalg: So proud of my friends and colleagues. So angry for them, too. “Grabbing my press pass, they saw that my ID said The New York Times and became really angry. They threw me to the floor...I started screaming for help as loudly as I could. No one came.”
Emily Cochrane / @escochrane: also a surreal aspect of this is before writing this piece I didn't fully understand what @npfandos and @erinschaff experienced because we were all in our own bubbles, floating through the same chaos. being scattered thru Cap Hill meant connected but separate experiences
Carrie Budoff Brown / @cbudoffbrown: New: Five of the journalists in the building were congressional reporters for @politico, whose normal beats cover the far more bureaucratic daily business of Congress. We asked them, as well as a photographer and two more reporters outside...1/2
Alexander / @purplechrain: The mob assaulted a journalist because they saw on her press pass that she was a New York Times photographer. After the group threw her to the ground, they took her press pass and one of her cameras.

The Washington Times removed a post falsely saying facial recognition software ID'ed 2 Capitol protesters as antifa after the software maker sought a retraction — Matt Gaetz had cited the story in Congress as supposed evidence that antifa was involved in the Capitol assault.
@craigsilverman, @craigsilverman, Washington Times, @bostonjoan, Tampa Bay Times, @katestarbird, Washington Post, Boing Boing, Reason, CNN, @pbump, @julia_omalley, The Week, @parkermolloy, @dangillmor, @oneunderscore__, @jennycohn1, @brendankeefe, @craigsilverman, @rrtfb, @justinbaragona, @ak_ok, @craigsilverman, @pbump, @nadezhda04, @tnyellowdog, @ralphamsden, @nolanolegal, @juliedicaro, @quick13, @jaketapper, @davidmackau, Politico, @bidenwarroom, Gizmodo Australia, @mattbinder, @politifact, The Hill, MIT Technology Review, Factual Dispatch, Law & Crime, The Daily Beast, Media Matters for America, The Dispatch Fact Check, The Wrap, Mashable and The Illustrated Primer
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: BREAKING: The facial reognition company the Washington Times claims IDd Antifa members among Capitol insurrectionists says the paper's story is completely false. “I don't know where the Wash. Times got that information.” Story was cited by Rep. Mat Gaetz. ...
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: UPDATE: The Washington Times has removed its false story claiming that a facial recognition company identified Antifa members among the Capitol insurrectionists. My report: ... Archive of the original Wash Times piece:
Rowan Scarborough / Washington Times: CORRECTED: Facial recognition identifies extremists storming the Capitol
Joan Donovan, PhD / @bostonjoan: This article is disinformation and, unsurprisingly, is rewarded with hidden virality on Facebook. No, a facial recognition firm did not uncover antifa inside the capitol. But, if you were wondering, yes, MANY people do believe this!
Steve Contorno / Tampa Bay Times: How Matt Gaetz spread a falsehood about antifa infiltrating the mob that attacked Congress
Kate Starbird / @katestarbird: Notice that one of the tweets pushing this Antifa conspiracy theory is Paul Sperry. Back in the Spring, he helped bring the hydroxychloroquine claims into the right wing discourse. Same accounts, over and over, helping disinfo go viral. Even across contexts.
Robby Soave / Reason: No, Antifa Wasn't Behind the Capitol Riot
Philip Bump / @pbump: Weirdly enough, the massive mob blanketed with pro-Trump paraphernalia which stormed the Capitol was not a function of two antifa guys. ...
Peter Weber / The Week: Washington Times corrects widely cited story claiming ‘antifa’ infiltrated Capitol siege, says ‘neo-Nazis’ ID'd
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: Damage is already done. This was on Fox News all last night. Spoken about by Matt Gaetz on the floor of the House last night. It was all transparent lies. And they'll just keeping doing it.
Jennifer Cohn / @jennycohn1: Washington Times produces false report about the identity of the rioters. Matt Gaetz cites false report.
Brendan Keefe / @brendankeefe: Like I said, #NotAntifa. The Washington Times has taken down its story, but Rep. Gaetz repeated this disinformation on the House floor with the world watching. Lies like this already have a literal body count.
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: The correction doesn't explain how the paper got it so completely wrong. And the end of the new story points to a thinly-sourced NY Post article to try and suggest the antifa claim still has legs. Their story: ...
Robert Randolph / @rrtfb: Even @IngrahamAngle debunked this story
Justin Baragona / @justinbaragona: Besides being cited by Matt Gaetz to justify his baseless “antifa did it” claims, Laura Ingraham also pointed to this story last night as proof.
@ak_ok: I've seen several Republicans in Alaska spreading this on social media, including Rep. @davideastmanjr, and it's worth addressing. #akleg
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: UPDATE: The Washington Times has published a new version of its false “antifa at the Capitol” story that acknowledges its mistake. New story says it was actually “neo-Nazis and other extremists” who were identified in the pics. Details: ...
Philip Bump / @pbump: As noted by @ZTPetrizzo, the Washington Times has now pulled the story that was the basis of some of these “antifa” claims. ...
Nadezhda / @nadezhda04: From Thursday AM: Just a reminder that false rumor travels orders of magnitude faster than the truth, especially if the lie is turbocharged by someone in a position of authority who should know better. This company, DOJ, and the FBI will be knocking this down for years to come
Yellowdog / @tnyellowdog: Washington Times should be one of the many conspiracy promoting outlets that need to be held accountable.
Ralph Amsden / @ralphamsden: Washington Times writes story citing Facial Recognition company spokesperson Congressman cites story Company says spokesperson doesn't exist Washington Times retracts story Congressman says nothing
Bodegaless Caiti / @nolanolegal: Unless @mattgaetz is willing to publicly own the error he repeated in a globally televised Congressional hearing, it's pointless, as the damage is done. In the Information Age, the retraction never echoes as loudly as the first tweet...or public statement.
F. Quick / @quick13: And yet @kstp and @JayKollsKSTP have yet to issue a retraction, he jas yet to be fired...
Jake Tapper / @jaketapper: Gaetz posts story so false the Washington Times removes it. He keeps up his false tweet tho
David Mack / @davidmackau: That Washington Times story Matt Gaetz cited in Congress last night about a facial recognition company identifying Antifa members in the mob? Completely false, according to the facial recognition company. ... via @CraigSilverman
Politico: ‘Hashtags come to life’: How online extremists fueled Wednesday's Capitol Hill insurrection
@bidenwarroom: It is UNACCEPTABLE for media outlets to publish blatant right-wing propaganda like this. Shame on the Washington Times. Most importantly, SHAME on Matt Gaetz for spreading baseless conspiracy and watering down right-wing terrorism. He must be expelled.
Cam Wilson / Gizmodo Australia: Australian Politicians Keep Sharing Conspiracy Theories and Scott Morrison Won't Do Anything About It
Matt Binder / @mattbinder: lmao XRVision is disputing the claims that the Washington Times sourced to XRVision. they're demanding a retraction and apology ...
Daniel Funke / @politifact: There's no proof antifa stormed the Capitol. The rumor spread quickly anyway
Jordan Williams / The Hill: Washington Times removes article claiming facial recognition company identified some Capitol rioters as antifa
Bobbie Johnson / MIT Technology Review: How an internet lie about the Capitol invasion turned into an instant conspiracy theory
Tarik Najeddine / Factual Dispatch: Afternoon Tea 1.7.21 - Transfer of Power
Jerry Lambe / Law & Crime: GOP Lawmaker Falsely Claims to Have Evidence That ‘ANTIFA Orchestrated’ Trump Supporters' Capitol Attack
Courtney Hagle / Media Matters for America: Right-wing media spread a false Wash. Times report that “antifa” was identified at pro-Trump insurrection
Alec Dent / The Dispatch Fact Check: Did a Facial Recognition Software Company Identify Antifa Members at the Capitol?
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Washington Times Apologizes for Story Falsely Claiming Antifa Involved in Capitol Siege

Pro-Trump media, led by Fox News and its leaders Rupert Murdoch, Lachlan Murdoch, and Suzanne Scott, fueled the mob that stormed and desecrated the Capitol — “Fair and balanced” was the original Fox News lie, one of the rotten planks that built the foundation for Wednesday's democratic disaster.
@donie, @bgrueskin, @mattgertz, Columbia Journalism Review, @sulliview, CNN, @normornstein, @markmobility, @sammy_roth, @sammy_roth, @tomashbrook, @timobrien, @juddapatow, @medialawprof, @ballerinax, @ozloop, @erikwemple, @benyt, @brfreed, @bgrueskin, @aaronbruski, @mscott, @akurjata, @joshsternberg, @elaheizadi, @richarddeitsch, @howardfineman, @marklevinshow, @oliverdarcy, @johnjharwood, @chantalkreviaz and Free Press
Donie O'Sullivan / @donie: Executives at social media companies have enabled conspiracy theories and hate for years — making billions of dollars — only taking piecemeal and sometimes bullshit steps to confront any of it. They should probably take a look in the mirror this morning.
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: You own this, GOP. WSJ edit page. Fox News. Rupert and Lachlan. This is the logical conclusion of everything you have tolerated, encouraged and enabled for 5 years.
Matthew Gertz / @mattgertz: Fox contributor Trey Gowdy right now: “Most of the voices in the conservative movement have never held political office before... Fox has much more influence over Republican primary voters than anyone who's elected.” Fox has power without accountability, it's how we got here.
Mathew Ingram / Columbia Journalism Review: The media and social networks struggle to frame events as Trump supporters storm the Capitol
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: Since this is an especially good day for calling out the names of those to blame, here are a few more, from the leadership of Fox News: Rupert Murdoch. Lachlan Murdoch. Suzanne Scott ... My column, on the pro-Trump media that brought us to this hellscape ...
CNN: Democracy prevailed — Joe Biden's victory was certified by the Congress at 3:40 in the morning …
Norman Ornstein / @normornstein: We are all indebted to @Sulliview She pulls no punches in telling the raw truth. ...
Mark Elliott / @markmobility: .@Sulliview: “Birtherism. The caravan invasion. Covid denialism. Rampant election fraud. All of these found a comfortable home at Fox.” ...
Sammy Roth / @sammy_roth: And here's @Sulliview pointing the finger at a company that deserves it even more, Fox: ...
Sammy Roth / @sammy_roth: “What happened at the U.S. Capitol, with rioters disrupting the normally peaceful transfer of power, can in many ways be traced back to the lack of urgency over such situations from social media companies,” @Erika_D_Smith writes:
Tom Ashbrook / @tomashbrook: Fair. Now what? And what about social media's arsonist algorithm billionaires?
Tim O'Brien / @timobrien: “The pro-Trump media — led by Fox News — has earned its disgraceful place near the top of the list of infamy. They own this.” - @Sulliview ...
Judd Apatow / @juddapatow: Maybe someone who works for Fox or Murdoch's companies should say something. Even now none of the Fox stars or show runners or sports reporters out there saying anything. Athletes? Reporters for their papers? Anyone?
Dr. Chip Stewart / @medialawprof: I think I've found week one reading for my intro to journalism class
Ballerina X / @ballerinax: We have a right to know who among our local elected officials are radicalized by same.
Steve Davies / @ozloop: Read this and think about the Australian media and the @ScottMorrisonMP Government. Morrison is of the same ilk - he has a medal to prove it. Then look at the behaviour of his government. They gave to go. #auspol
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: Strong piece here by @sulliview placing Fox News at the center of the Jan. 6 riot. ...
Ben Smith / @benyt: Fox, after some initial hesitation after the election, clearly decided to go as far as it had to keep its hold on the far right. ...
Benjamin Freed / @brfreed: “They own this.” — @Sulliview on how the lies and hysteria Fox News fomented for years resulted in death and destruction at the U.S. Capitol. ...
Bill Grueskin / @bgrueskin: “Even serious places like the WSJ editorial page have helped the cause... in editorials that failed to call out Trump's falsehoods... “But nobody has done it as destructively as Fox” Via @Sulliview ...
Aaron Bruski / @aaronbruski: Not only do they need to own it, but as of last night they were still spewing extremely dangerous misinformation. People at the top of that need to face big-time consequences for that, to the fullest extent the law (or future law) can permit.
Mark Scott / @mscott: “Where on earth, I wonder — on what popular cable network — could so many people have gotten the idea, day after day, that the election was stolen and their values were being systematically denied? ” - The Washington Post ...
@akurjata: “To put it bluntly: The mob that stormed and desecrated the Capitol on Wednesday could not have existed in a country that hadn't been radicalized by the likes of Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham, and swayed by biased news coverage.” ...
Josh Sternberg / @joshsternberg: Agree with @Sulliview: Fox News and conservative media “own this” ...
Elahe Izadi / @elaheizadi: Margaret naming names and pulling zero punches. No punches pulled!
Richard Deitsch / @richarddeitsch: “They own this.” @Sulliview on Fox News and pro-Trump media. ...
@howardfineman: Fox News and other right-wing media gathered the tinder. Trump just lit it on fire - CNN
Mark R. Levin / @marklevinshow: 2. Meanwhile, it and their ilk claim they support unity and peace. They provoke and fuel frustration, anger, and hate. And it's clear this morning that the media will continue to do so no matter what. ...
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: The disturbing scenes that played out on Wednesday were unquestionably incited by Trump. But his propagandists in right-wing media fostered the environment that allowed it to happen. They laid down gasoline-soaked wood for weeks and Trump lit the match.

Journalists covering the mob at the Capitol and Trump protests elsewhere were surrounded and threatened; protesters smashed equipment and punched a photographer
@zoeannmurphy, @williamturton, @williamturton, Columbia Journalism Review, CNN, @maxwelltani, @shomaristone, The Guardian, National Geographic, The Verge, @politifact, @hshaban, The Fix, @stevesilberman, Reuters, @apstylebook, @steffdaz, @lourdesgnavarro, Washington Post, @drericding, @billpascrell, Committee to Protect …, The Guardian, @johnmyers, @byaliceli, @kerrymflynn, @soledadobrien, @theresa_chapple, @tvietor08, Reason, @sulomeanderson, @scout_finch, @amolrajan, New Republic, @mediaite, @dylanburns1776, @brianbeutler, @digiphile, @talkopan, @soniandtv, @karenattiah and @bigblackjacobin
Zoeann Murphy / @zoeannmurphy: With @wleaming, still rolling the camera while we were being arrested for filming protests outside the Capitol.
William Turton / @williamturton: Pretty chill vibe here in this hotel lobby, as Trump supporters decompress from today's events. All are violating local mask rules, despite multiple massive signs about the mask rule.
Savannah Jacobson / Columbia Journalism Review: Democracy under siege—and the press, too
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: CBS News standards told staff “protestors, violent protestors, a violent mob, pro-Trump protestors” were all fine to use. NBC News said the crowd could be referred to as a mob or rioters, but cautioned staff against referring to the act as a coup or attempted coup.
Shomari Stone / @shomaristone: BREAKING. Mob of Trump supporters swarm the media near the US Capitol. They yell what Trump frequently says, “the media is the enemy of the people.” They destroy equipment and chased out reporters. I've never seen anything like this in my 20 year career: @nbcwashington @MSNBC
Jason Wilson / The Guardian: Denial and conspiracy theories: how rightwing media reacted to Trump's mob
Susan Goldberg / National Geographic: Inside the Capitol: ‘It was the ugliest moment I have ever seen in America’
Russell Brandom / The Verge: Online researchers scramble to identify Capitol raid participants
Samantha Putterman / @politifact: Ask PolitiFact: Did Capitol Police let mob of Trump supporters in?
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: Police arresting journalists while rioters who attacked police, broke into the Capitol, vandalized offices, stole things and menaced public servants were allowed to just...go home
Anton Protsiuk / The Fix: Weekly Digest: Attacks and Acquisitions
Steve Silberman / @stevesilberman: What happens when the President of the United States declares working journalists the “enemy of the people” because he wants no scrutiny of his crimes.
@apstylebook: Considering that armed protesters broke into the building, overwhelmed Capitol police, interrupted the process of certifying Electoral College votes and forced the evacuation of the vice president of the United States and members of Congress, “protest” may be too mild a word. /4
Stefanie Dazio / @steffdaz: This is @APStylebook's guidance on the words to use to describe yesterday's events. Note: @AP reporters + photographers + videographers on the ground and writing these stories do not set these parameters. These decisions are made by higher-up editors. ...
Lulu / @lourdesgnavarro: NPR guidance: we won't be calling the people who stormed the Capitol ‘protestors’ - they are ‘pro-Trump extremists’ and what they are doing is ‘insurrection’.
Jeremy Barr / Washington Post: Some of Fox News's Trump supporters now declare his political career is ‘done’
Eric Feigl-Ding / @drericding: “Murder the Media” is not okay. Destroying @AP equipment is akin to modern book burning. It is right out of fascist playbook. ...aka Donald Trump's America. #CapitolRiots
Bill Pascrell, Jr / @billpascrell: “Overly dramatic”? The rioters who rampaged through the US Capitol yesterday are domestic terrorists trying to overthrow democracy. We need to drop the euphemisms and describe what we're dealing with and stop pretending it can only happen elsewhere. It's happening here.
Katherine Jacobsen / Committee to Protect Journalists: ‘Three people threatened to shoot me.’ Journalists describe covering mob violence at the US Capitol
Julia Carrie Wong / The Guardian: 'We're the news now': Pro-Trump mob targeted journalists at US Capitol
John Myers / @johnmyers: Just got off a call of top Los Angeles Times editors, agreeing that we should not call those who stormed the U.S. Capitol “protesters.”
Alice Li / @byaliceli: A crowd mobbed and swarmed this media area where reporters were doing live hits, pushing down the barricade and vandalizing their equipment. @jribas and I were here just this afternoon. The vitriol towards us and other reporters is unlike anything I've experienced before.
@kerrymflynn: “Bobic snapped a picture that showed a photojournalist calmly taking a photo of the chaos from the gallery — documenting the moment of history.” - @brianstelter Impt look at journalists doing their jobs, which also meant risking their lives:
Soledad O'Brien / @soledadobrien: Hey journalists! Don't take a position on Democracy, okay?
Dr. Theresa Chapple / @theresa_chapple: The way news outlets shielded us from viewing the horrific murder of a white woman committing a criminal act at the Capitol Building yesterday, is the dignity that I desire from the media when unarmed Black people are murdered by the police. Instead we get trauma porn.
Tommy Vietor / @tvietor08: Sinclair Broadcast Group propagandist James Rosen begins his report with: “Pro-Trump protesters, their ranks likely augmented by far-left infiltrators...” ZERO evidence to back up that claim. What an embarrassing hack.
Christian Britschgi / Reason: Capitol Police Failed To Contain a Riot, Then Killed a Woman in the Chaos
Sulome / @sulomeanderson: They arrested not the extremists and domestic terrorists but the journalists documenting them. Never forget that.
Jennifer Hayden / @scout_finch: They painted ‘murder the media’ on the door to the Capitol building.
Amol Rajan / @amolrajan: Appalling physical assault on the Media in Washington. Appalling - but not surprising, after the sustained verbal assault from @realDonaldTrump throughout his presidency.
Melody Schreiber / New Republic: The Actual Death Toll From the Pro-Trump Riot Won't Be Known for Weeks
@mediaite: Fox News Reporter Describes Being Intimidated By Trump Mob on Streets of Washington, D.C.: They Demanded ‘Oath of Allegiance to the President’
@dylanburns1776: Was there when this happened. Saw some dude call them fag*ots, and fake news, before a crowd formed. The mob pelted the press with objects. They then tore down the divider, and chased them off before destroying the media equipment. Attacking the press is basic authoritarianism
Brian Beutler / @brianbeutler: Peaceful Brett Kavanaugh protests: hundreds arrested. Violent coup attempt: Nabbed 13 proud boys and a couple reporters!
Alex Howard / @digiphile: America in 2021: Arresting press while letting domestic terrorists go. I'm praying @JoeBiden & @KamalaHarris are thinking about how to rebuild trust in media, institutions, science, & excise fascism & authoritarianism from the federal government. Restoration won't be good enough.
Tal Kopan / @talkopan: Please remember that every amazing photo and video of these upsetting events unfolding is brought to you by a journalist putting themselves in harm's way so you may witness history.
Sonia Singh / @soniandtv: What an elected leader says matters . You can't keep inciting mob frenzy against media & what you describe as fake news and then not take responsibility for these consequences. Anywhere in the world
Karen Attiah / @karenattiah: Two of my WaPo colleagues were arrested at the Capitol.
Edward Ongweso Jr / @bigblackjacobin: Can't arrest your colleagues!
Washington Post:
How news coverage of the violent storming of the US Capitol unfolded throughout the day, as congressional correspondents became war correspondents
How news coverage of the violent storming of the US Capitol unfolded throughout the day, as congressional correspondents became war correspondents
@maxwelltani, CNN, @damemagazine, @thomboyd, @apbenven, @byersalex, @kzhill, @bjmendelson, @daveweigel and @brianstelter
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: CBS News internal guidance also advises staff to avoid the coup or insurrection label: “We don't need to go out of our way to give this an overly dramatic label, This story doesn't need that. We should not be calling this an attempted coup or a terrorist attack.”
Brian Stelter / CNN: Congressional reporters became the country's eyes and ears as rioters stormed Capitol Hill
Dame / @damemagazine: Not labeling this shit with “overly dramatic labels” is what got us here in the first place. Media's role is to tell the truth, not smooth the edges. This isn't PR. It was an attempted coup, it was a terrorist attack, it was insurrection.
@thomboyd: Mitch fucking McConnell called it a “failed insurrection” from the well of the Senate last night. You can look it up in the congressional record. If Mitch can call them insurrectionists, surely so can CBS and NBCNews.
Alexis Benveniste / @apbenven: Scenes weren't shown live on TV because cameras in the House & Senate chambers are controlled by the legislative bodies. So journalists filled the void on social media, alerting the public to the rapidly deteriorating situation. Read @brianstelter's story.
Alex Byers / @byersalex: @MEPFuller and @igorbobic may suck at poker but we still owe them (and many others) deep thanks for their journalism today
@kzhill: Why were the cameras off in the house and senate chambers? Supposedly controlled by the congressional leadership.
B.J. Mendelson / @bjmendelson: This is another good reminder that, while Fox News needs to be shut down, large corporations should not be the main group of owners behind our major media outlets. Viacom, Comcast, AT&T, Gannett should all be broken up ans divest from their news organizations.
Dave Weigel / @daveweigel: Nobody's put me in charge of a TV network, for good reasons, but an interesting test here is: What would we call if it events unfolded the same way, but everyone involved was a foreign national?
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: When pro-Trump rioters breached the Capitol, the TV cameras in the House and Senate chambers were shut off. Thankfully there were quick-thinking reporters and photographers inside the Capitol who showed the world what happened next. I wrote about them

Simon & Schuster says it will not publish a planned book by Sen. Josh Hawley, The Tyranny of Big Tech, after Hawley was accused of inciting the Capitol mob — The publisher faced calls to drop the Missouri Republican's upcoming book, “The Tyranny of Big Tech,” following criticism …
@hawleymo, Mediaite, Missouri Independent, The Nation, National Review, @jaketapper, Hollywood Reporter, Bloomberg, NPR, Publishers Weekly, @adamserwer, @johnjharwood, @mikemiss25, @mariskreizman, @khemta_h_jose, @neal_katyal, @aoc, @noahpinion, @alexanderchee, @datadrivenmd, @ciaspygirl, @nickbilton, @repswalwell, @repleezeldin, @maureenshaw, @steveschmidtses, @kylegriffin1, @profsunnysingh, @lesliemac, The Geyser, @morgan_m, @rebeccabuck, @gerardaraud, @kasparov63, @amy_siskind, @joshmankiewicz, TheBlaze, Business Insider, The A.V. Club, The Wrap and New York Post
Colby Hall / Mediaite: Joe Scarborough Points and Laughs At Josh Hawley: ‘Just May Be the Dumbest Man in America’
Rudi Keller / Missouri Independent: Major Josh Hawley donor calls for him to be censured by the U.S. Senate
Mairead McArdle / National Review: Simon & Schuster Scraps Plans for Hawley's Book
Jake Tapper / @jaketapper: A private publisher dropping a book bc it disapproves of an author's actions has nothing to do with the First Amendment. Either Hawley — who went to Yale Law and clerked for Justice Roberts — doesn't know that. OR he has such disdain for you he's lying with abandon.
Lexy Perez / Hollywood Reporter: Simon & Schuster Cancels Publication Plans for Senator Josh Hawley's Book
Scott Neuman / NPR: Publisher Cancels Book By Sen. Hawley, Citing His Role In Inciting Capitol Attack
@adamserwer: Josh Hawley is standing up for the important populist principle that federal legislators have a right to lucrative book deals with prominent publishing houses
John Harwood / @johnjharwood: when the “woke mob” includes your conservative Republican Senate colleagues and your gentle home-state patron John Danforth, you might have done something so monstrous that your burning ambition has incinerated your career
Mike Missanelli / @mikemiss25: Ah. Good move. Free speech from a traitor isn't free speech. It's sedition. You should ashamed of yourself Hawley.
Maris Kreizman / @mariskreizman: This is not censorship. This is a publisher deciding not to give a liar/traitor/conspiracy theorist a platform and a book advance and a marketing budget.
Khemta Hannah Jose / @khemta_h_jose: @GerardAraud Its... their book. They believe publishing it will harm their business interests. They are free to publish crap, and they are free to not publish crap.
Neal Katyal / @neal_katyal: You know the first amendment like you know election law.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez / @aoc: You fist-pumped insurrectionists and baselessly attacked our elections. Your actions fueled a riot and you fundraised in the chaos. Five people are dead. Even your GOP colleagues have distanced from your acts. Yet here you are crying over a book deal. You should be expelled.
@noahpinion: Good. Drum Hawley out of polite society. Make him a lifelong pariah. No forgiveness for encouraging coups.
Alexander Chee / @alexanderchee: Grateful to @simonschuster for taking this seriously.
Jorge A. Caballero / @datadrivenmd: 😂 Oh, sh—naps! Neal Katyal bringing down the hammer on Josh Hawley. 💯
Emily Brandwin / @ciaspygirl: And I was so looking forward to reading: “Irregardless, the Fleeting 15 Minutes of a Traitor ”
Nick Bilton / @nickbilton: “We take seriously our larger public responsibility as citizens” cc: @Twitter
Rep. Eric Swalwell / @repswalwell: You led an effort to overthrow a peaceful transfer of power. The Capitol was overtaken by your terrorist friends. People died. You should resign and never serve in office again.
Lee Zeldin / @repleezeldin: Simon & Schuster is promoting democracy by silencing a Republican's book highlighting how big tech is silencing Republicans? It is so dishonest for anyone to try to define Hawley's purpose yesterday as being about “insurrection”, “treason” or “sedition”.
Steve Schmidt / @steveschmidtses: They cancelled your contract because of your Sedition. You are the definition of a “ Domestic Enemy” Your sociopathy and cynicism got people killed yesterday. You have carved your name into the unerasable hard granite of permanent ignominy.
Kyle Griffin / @kylegriffin1: Simon & Schuster: “We take seriously our larger public responsibility as citizens, and cannot support Senator Hawley after his role in what became a dangerous threat.”
Sunny Singh / @profsunnysingh: They signed him. Then waited this long? #ItTakesACoup 😏
Leslie Mac / @lesliemac: Now do his Senate seat.
Kent Anderson / The Geyser: History, Democracy, Truth, and the Press
Morgan Matson / @morgan_m: Thank you S&S
Rebecca Buck / @rebeccabuck: Frankly, Hawley will be able to use this to his advantage. He'll raise $ and get Fox hits off of “being silenced,” & another publisher will pick up his book. (One, Regnery, expresses interest in the kicker.) Meanwhile, S&S avoids losing other writers in protest. Everyone wins 🙄
Grard Araud / @gerardaraud: Maybe it's because I am a foreigner but I feel a malaise when seeing these private companies censoring elected officials. They disagree with his opinion and they punish him through a book they had accepted. What is their legitimacy? But again, I am a foreigner.
Garry Kasparov / @kasparov63: The German original is still available, however.
@amy_siskind: Every Trump enabler should be ostracized. And for heaven's sake DO NOT BUY KELLYANNE CONWAY's book. Make her publisher eat the advance!
Josh Mankiewicz / @joshmankiewicz: At least the book would have had a spine
Breck Dumas / TheBlaze: Simon & Schuster cancels Josh Hawley's upcoming book citing ‘his role’ in what became ‘deadly insurrection’
Azmi Haroun / Business Insider: Simon & Schuster cancels Josh Hawley's book deal due to his continued support for overturning election results, even after a mob stormed the Capitol
Shannon Miller / The A.V. Club: Simon & Schuster no longer bound to former book deal with Senator Josh Hawley

Neil Sheehan, a Pulitzer Prize winning reporter who covered the Vietnam War and obtained the Pentagon Papers in 1971, has died at 84 — His exhaustive coverage of the Vietnam War also led to the book “A Bright Shining Lie,” which won a National Book Award and a Pulitzer Prize.
New York Times, Washington Post, @asteadwesley, @spiegelpeter, @eamonjavers, Poynter, @jeffjarvis, Newser, @will_bunch, @adamgoldmannyt, @lpolgreen, @politicsreid, @asadabukhalil, @chrisvannini, @camanpour, @glenmazzara, @ronfilipkowski, @byleahjohnson, @jbwolfsthal, @cliffordlevy, @lyman_brian, @dbarkin, The Tony Castro Column, @coldwarscience, @nyp_brooksie, @philgrogers, @christopherjm, @hubbardjeff, @nixonron, @jordannovet, @davidcorndc, @glennkesslerwp, @paulszoldra, @sommervilletv, @kashhill, @mollyjongfast, @frankconniff, @hopeseck, @peterbakernyt, @sulliview, @joshtpm, @juliettekayyem, @dfriedman33, @erinoverbey, @hereandnowrobin, @dvnjr, @dabeard, @speechboy71, @timothys, @danfagin, @cliffordlevy, @maxboot, The Wrap, Associated Press and The Hill
Harrison Smith / Washington Post: Neil Sheehan, N.Y. Times reporter who obtained Pentagon Papers and chronicled ‘Bright Shining Lie’ of Vietnam, dies at 84
Steadman / @asteadwesley: 1) man is a legend 2) the reporter who held out on telling the paper because he was trying to hold out for his book! an all time L
Peter Spiegel / @spiegelpeter: For journalism junkies: the great Neil Sheehan, who just passed away, agreed 5 yrs ago to tell the tale of how he got the Pentagon Papers — on the condition it not be published until his death. @nytimes has now published the tale. And what a tale it is!
Eamon Javers / @eamonjavers: This is an epic tale of journalism, double dealing, and literally taking secrets to the grave. It captures so many of the tensions of the source-reporter dynamic and raises important ethical questions. We've lost a giant.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Well, here's a story for J-school ethics classes: how Sheehan lied to and broke agreements with his source, Daniel Ellsberg. (This story needs comment from Ellsberg.) Now It Can Be Told: How Neil Sheehan Got the Pentagon Papers
Rob Quinn / Newser: Reporter Who Broke Pentagon Papers Story Dies
Adam Goldman / @adamgoldmannyt: At a reporter's request, he agreed to tell his story on the condition that it not be published while he was alive. He recounted a tale as suspenseful and cinematic as anyone in Hollywood might concoct.
Lydia Polgreen / @lpolgreen: Absolute giant of journalism. What a life.
Reid Wilson / @politicsreid: Great story of Neil Sheehan, Daniel Ellsberg and how the Pentagon Papers got published, the golden age of journalism here -
@asadabukhalil: There is never an exact body count for the natives: “war itself, which eventually claimed the lives of more than 58,000 Americans and at least several hundred thousand Vietnamese.” ...
Chris Vannini / @chrisvannini: This is wild. The Washington Post's catch-up to the NYT became “The Post” movie, but this is more incredible.
Christiane Amanpour / @camanpour: A most brilliant and distinguished journalist, who blazed the trail and taught us all just how to expose even the biggest government lies. ...
Glen Mazzara / @glenmazzara: A Bright Shining Lie is one of the best books I've ever read. Amazing work.
Ron Filipkowski / @ronfilipkowski: One of my heroes just died. “A Bright Shining Lie” was one of the best books I ever read and had a huge impact on me when I read it as a 19 year old Marine. If anyone is interested in the Vietnam War and only has time for one book, read Neil's.
@byleahjohnson: “Those papers are the property of the people of the United States. They paid for them with their national treasure and the blood of their sons, and they have a right to it.'” This is so good, and a reminder that journalism should always be in service of the truth and the people.
@jbwolfsthal: Bright Shining Lie still one of the best non-fiction books I have ever read.
Cliff Levy / @cliffordlevy: R.I.P. Neil Sheehan, who obtained the Pentagon Papers for @nytimes. He died at 84. As a young journalist, I remember how his book “A Bright Shining Lie,” which was a brilliant expose about Vietnam, showed me the power of great narrative nonfiction.
Brian Lyman / @lyman_brian: I don't know if there's a better account of what war does to a person's soul than “A Bright Shining Lie.”
Dan Barkin / @dbarkin: Anyone who wants to run national security or cover the military should read the Pentagon Papers. It is a textbook on how governments slide into quagmires an inch at a time and how bad decisions are made.
Tony Castro / The Tony Castro Column: Of Neil Sheehan and Merle Wolin
Audra J. Wolfe, PhD / @coldwarscience: Journalist Neil Sheehan has died. His obit (rightly) focuses on his role in the Pentagon Papers, but Sheehan also reported one of the key articles on the CIA's funding arrangements with private partners in Feb. 1967. Obit:
Larry Brooks / @nyp_brooksie: A hero. RIP.
Phil Rogers / @philgrogers: RIP, sir. You wrote one of the best books I've ever read. Terrific boots-on-the-ground reporting.
Christopher Miller / @christopherjm: I somehow found time to read this today and it was so worth it.
Doc Hubbard / @hubbardjeff: My favorite of the many excellent Vietnam reporters - RIP
@nixonron: Wow and wow: the story behind how Neil Sheehan Got the Pentagon Papers. Sheehan's book 'A Bright Shining Lie" was amazing. Confession: @michaelwhudson loaned me his copy in 1998 and I never gave it back. Sorry Mike!
Jordan Novet / @jordannovet: 'Mr. Sheehan repeatedly ran out of money. His subjects, humanity and war, proved more complicated than even he had known. ‘Disciplined and nocturnal, he worked regularly until 4 a.m.’
David Corn / @davidcorndc: “A Bright Shining Lie” is one of the best American nonfiction books. Period. Buy it. Read it. Thank you, Neil, for showing us how to cover and understand power and people and how to pursue the truth.
Glenn Kessler / @glennkesslerwp: RIP —> “A Bright Shining Lie” is truly one of the most remarkable books of the last half century. Neil Sheehan, Reporter Who Obtained the Pentagon Papers, Dies at 84
Paul Szoldra / @paulszoldra: A legendary journalist and shining example for all to follow. Rest In Peace, Neil.
Quentin Sommerville / @sommervilletv: “Over the next two months, he strung Mr. Ellsberg along. He told him that his editors were deliberating about how best to present the material, and he professed to have been sidetracked by other assignments”
Kashmir Hill / @kashhill: When you win a Pulitzer but embargo how you did it until after your death
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: This is an amazing story
Frank Conniff / @frankconniff: A giant. Rest In Peace.
Hope Hodge Seck / @hopeseck: Oh my word. A few years ago I was in an advance screening of Ken Burns' Vietnam documentary and Neil Sheehan was there. I talked myself out of going up to him afterward to shake his hand. I'll always regret it. RIP. ...
Peter Baker / @peterbakernyt: RIP Neil Sheehan, the journalistic legend and Pulitzer winner whose big scoops and remarkable chronicle of the American war in Vietnam inspired a generation of us to follow in his footsteps.
Margaret Sullivan / @sulliview: I met Neil Sheehan, a few years ago, and it was such an honor. RIP to one of the greats.
Josh Marshall / @joshtpm: remarkable. Sheehan said he basically had to deceive Ellsberg to get the Pentagon Papers and eventually publish them. Ellsberg got cold feet, was afraid (rightly) of prison.
Juliette Kayyem / @juliettekayyem: “'If I were you, I'd get control of that situation,' his wife (the writer Susan Sheehan) told him. Play along with Mr. Ellsberg, do your best to protect him, but get the material to The Times. ‘Xerox it,’ he remembered Ms. Sheehan saying.” This is truly amazing. #pentagonpapers
Dan Friedman / @dfriedman33: Best Vietnam book maybe. RIP.
Erin Overbey / @erinoverbey: Neil Sheehan, the reporter who obtained the Pentagon Papers for the @nytimes, has died. There's a lot going on right now, but everyone should read his epic four-part report in @NewYorker on the consequences of the Vietnam War, published in 1988.
Robin Young / @hereandnowrobin: Juliette I can't wait to read. Ellsberg had a room in the house I now live in. He held his press conference on the porch. Well known neighbors secretly took some of the papers to their offices to copy. #Cambridge
Don Van Natta Jr / @dvnjr: “A Bright Shining Lie” is a masterpiece. RIP, Neil.
David Beard / @dabeard: Neil Sheehan had the scoop of a lifetime. A source had a Pentagon report showing how the US misled America about Vietnam. The source let him read—but not copy—it. Sheehan's wife said the situation was ridiculous. “Xerox it,” she told Sheehan. He did. #RIP
Michael Cohen / @speechboy71: His book “A Bright Shining Lie” is one of the greatest non-fiction books I've ever read
@timothys: A terrible loss to journalism. Neil Sheehan was one of the greats. I devoured his book on Vietnam. I have a note on my desk from an interview I saw with him recently, talking about the Americans who masterminded the war: “A team of deluded sleep walkers.” We need more like him.
Dan Fagin / @danfagin: So terribly sorry to hear this. A Bright Shining Lie was a profound influence on me as a young journalist, and still. It's a staggering work of narrative non-fiction that deserves to be read for as long as delusion infects public life (hint, hint). In other words, forever.
Cliff Levy / @cliffordlevy: AMAZING: How Neil Sheehan got the Pentagon Papers for The New York Times. It was a story he had chosen not to tell — until 2015, when he sat for a four-hour interview, promised that this account would not be published while he was alive.
Max Boot / @maxboot: Sad news. Great writer. “A Bright Shining Lie” was a magnificent book.

Roku has acquired global rights for Quibi content for, sources say, less than $100M, and will make it available free to stream in 2021 on the Roku Channel — Maker of the biggest U.S. streaming video-player plans to put the content in its ad-supported channel
TechCrunch, @jbflint, Business Insider, The Verge, @pkafka and @benmullin, more at Techmeme »
Anthony Ha / TechCrunch: Roku acquires Quibi's content
Joe Flint / @jbflint: Roku agreed to acquire the rights to content from Quibi. Deal comes with complications and restrictions including in how the content is presented. Details coming in full story. W/@BenMullin
Avery Hartmans / Business Insider: Roku has acquired the rights to original content from Quibi, the mobile-video app that shut down last year after only 6 months
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: You didn't watch it when it was on Quibi. Maybe you'll watch it somewhere else. Related: The “spectrum originals” you didn't watch are now on Netflix.

Roku Acquires Global Rights to 75-Plus Quibi Shows, Will Stream Them for Free … Financial terms of the pact were not disclosed. Rob Holmes, Roku's VP of programming, said in an interview, “We do think this deal represents a great value.” — “Fundamentally, we think that Quibi has created great …
Adweek, The Streamable, Los Angeles Times, The Wrap, Reuters, CNBC, TVLine, FierceVideo, @ampressman, @quibi, Deadline, Cord Cutters News, @simonowens, @richlightshed, Advanced Television and WORLD SCREEN
Stephanie Sengwe / The Streamable: It's Official: Roku is Buying Quibi's Library of Content for The Roku Channel
Eva Mathews / Reuters: Roku buys video-streaming app Quibi's content library
Jessica Bursztynsky / CNBC: Roku is buying Quibi's TV shows and documentaries
Matt Webb Mitovich / TVLine: Roku Buys Quibi Library, Including Never-Released Shows, to Stream Free
Aaron Pressman / @ampressman: “Following an internal restructuring by Quibi, Roku acquired Quibi Holdings, LLC, the company that holds all of Quibi's content distribution rights. Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed.”
Jess Barnes / Cord Cutters News: Roku Acquires Quibi Content to Stream Exclusively on The Roku Channel
Simon Owens / @simonowens: This is a great deal for Roku. It gets the Quibi content on the cheap, and it can push out to a much wider audience than Quibi ever had.
Rich Greenfield / @richlightshed: With $ROKU officially buying @Quibi's content, @Roku is now a true content owner — scaling up the media foodchain 👇
Kristin Brzoznowski / WORLD SCREEN: Roku Acquires Quibi Library

Toledo Blade staff are on byline strike after management said to avoid calling rioters Trump supporters and changed wording to signal other groups were involved — As Toledo Blade staffers, like journalists everywhere, scrambled Wednesday to document the attack on the Capitol …
@bladeguild: We've heard from Blade readers concerned about the editorial decisions and online comments made by newspaper management and ownership regarding the riots at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday. We're taking a stand. Toledo deserves better.
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Toledo Blade Reporters Say Pro-Trump Owners ‘Manipulate’ Riot Coverage
Joshua Franklin / Reuters:
Source: Bustle Digital Group is exploring a merger with a SPAC to go public, aiming for a valuation of at least $600M — (Reuters) -Bustle Digital Group (BDG), the U.S. media platform whose publications include fashion magazine W and Bustle, is exploring a potential merger …

UK's competition watchdog says it is investigating Google's proposals to remove third-party cookies from Chrome over concerns it could curb rival advertising — (Reuters) - UK's competition watchdog said on Friday it has launched an investigation into Google's proposals to remove third-party cookies …
GOV.UK, TechCrunch, @cmagovuk, Press Gazette, Business Insider, CNBC, @benedictevans, @geradinlaw, @greg_asquith, Daily Herald, AppleInsider, Bloomberg and @simonjharris, more at Techmeme »
@cmagovuk: We're investigating complaints of anti-competitive behaviour regarding Google's ‘Privacy Sandbox’ browser changes. This is just the initial stage of our investigation and we have yet to reach any conclusions. Read more:
Charlotte Tobitt / Press Gazette: Competition watchdog to investigate Google's plans to build cookie-less web after publisher revolt
Tanishaa Nadkar / Business Insider: The UK's competition regulator has launched an investigation into Google's plans to remove tracking cookies from Chrome
Damien Geradin / @geradinlaw: See our latest blog post on the CMA's decision to investigate Google's Privacy Sandbox. ...
Greg Asquith / @greg_asquith: As usual, everyone in digital marketing pursuing their own agenda at the expense of the user and their privacy. @Google/@Apple are using privacy as a cover for gaining control over the ecosystem, while tech like 3P cookies definitely need to die /cont
William Gallagher / AppleInsider: UK investigating Google Chrome privacy plan

Interview with FCC chairman Ajit Pai, who will leave the agency on Jan. 20, as he backs away from his stated plans to clarify the meaning of Section 230 — For the bulk of his tenure, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai has avoided wading into the relentless controversies that defined President Trump's presidency.
Emily Birnbaum / @birnbaum_e: Ajit Pai told me he will not move forward with a Section 230 rulemaking, ignoring the president's request in the final days of his presidency.
Elizabeth Nolan Brown / Reason: FCC Won't Fulfill Trump Order for ‘Regulations to Clarify’ Section 230
John Nichols / The Nation: It Is Never Too Late to Impeach a Despot
Gregg Jarrett / Fox News: Pelosi and Schumer wrong to claim Trump can be removed with 25th Amendment
Alyse Stanley / Gizmodo: FCC Chairman Quietly Abandoned Attempt to ‘Clarify’ Section 230
Parker Higgins / @xor: This has been just a banner week for the absolute worst people not quite doing the absolute worst thing
Emily Birnbaum / @birnbaum_e: This was also an unexpected moment: Pai said he agrees with Twitter and Facebook's decision to suspend Trump from posting.
Maggie Jordan / @maggiejordanacn: Pai said he does not intend to move forward with a rule-making on Section 230 He said he won't “second-guess” the decisions made by FB and Twitter to bar Trump from posting He said trump bears some responsibility for the riots that engulfed Capitol Hill
Hari Kunzru / @harikunzru: Another brave man of principle prepared to stand for, oh, days against overwhelming etc etc
Gautham Nagesh / @gnagesh: The rats are jumping ship, and few are filthier after Trump's tenure than his tech hatchet man @AjitPaiFCC. Don't worry I will personally make sure everyone remembers you licking Trump's boots.
Laura Belmonte / The Full Belmonte: The Full Belmonte, 1/8/2021 — Lack of time may be the only thing that saves President Trump …
Eric Goldman / @ericgoldman: FFS. On Oct 15, @AjitPaiFCC knew that he couldn't move the #Section230 rulemaking forward (he didn't have the votes). Despite his post hoc protestations now, that tweet was a pure PR stunt to support Trump's reelection. Never forget or forgive
Philip Klein / @philipaklein: In effect, it seems the 25th Amendment may have been informally invoked.

Comscore signs deal with Charter, Qurate Retail, home of QVC and HSN, and a PE firm to extinguish its debt; Charter will also provide more access to its data — Charter, Qurate and Cerberus each will make a cash investment in exchange for shares of convertible preferred stock
Arrowz / @tanarrowz: Charter, Qurate and Cerberus each will make a cash investment in exchange for shares of convertible preferred stock. Comscore will use the cash to extinguish its debt and improve its liquidity position, it said. via @WSJ