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How Marty Baron and Jeff Bezos remade The Washington Post from a paper “for Washingtonians” into a global publication with almost 3M digital subscribers — The celebrated editor is ending his tenure at the helm of a very different newspaper than the one he originally signed on to run.
@emilyrauhala, Washington Post, @itsjhyphenm, @anthony, @wplyndarobinson, @froomkin, @wesleylowery, @pkcapitol, @robertfife, @raju, @davelevinthal, @ldobsonhughes, @kaylaepstein, @davidaxelrod, @nramind, @ktumulty, @kaylaepstein, @taraparkerpope, @mrdanzak, @_cingraham, @washpostlife, @ekp, @mathewliz, @carloslozadawp, @michaelkruse, @s_m_i, @kaylaepstein, @jeremybowers, @margarita, @genepark, @froomkin, @seungminkim, @kainazamaria, @digbijaymishra1, @rahultripathi, @palewire, @iyervaidy, @sangernyt, @aashishkhetan, @mkvenu1, @waglenikhil, Sree's Sunday Note, @maxboot, @brithume, @marcatracy, @sushantsin, @marclacey, @tuthanhha, @mffisher, @froomkin, Media Nation and Quartz
Emily Rauhala / @emilyrauhala: So grateful for Great Men 🤢
Sarah Ellison / Washington Post: Marty Baron, Jeff Bezos, Donald Trump and the eight years that reshaped The Washington Post — and journalism
@itsjhyphenm: Tempted to make this my header image on my profile, just to gaslight myself
Anthony DeRosa / @anthony: “plenty was innovative, such as an online section devoted to breaking news continuously, a team focused on how best to deliver Post journalism and a section covering video games & e-sports. ("A lot of it got replicated by @nytimes," Mr. Baron said archly.)
Lynda Robinson / @wplyndarobinson: When Bezos bought The Post, Baron was contemplating having to cut at least 50 newsroom jobs in the coming year, he recalled. Via @sarahellison ...
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: Sadly lacking any real acknowledgement by either the author or the subject of how much much more WaPo could have been and done with a bolder leader or even just a better listener. ...
Wesley / @wesleylowery: Anyway, it's understandable that when a major, and important, journalistic figure retires the coverage in totality is positive. But the coverage of this retirement — from the post and everyone else — has been pure propaganda. He hasn't been asked a single meaningful question
Paul Kane / @pkcapitol: My fav @PostBaron story. His very 1st WaPo day was almost total failure: Jan. 2, 2013, every IT system crashed - no email, no publishing, no phone lines. In Capitol @loriamontgomery & me couldn't reach editors. Disaster. Until Marty took charge ... ...
Robert Fife / @robertfife: Well worth the read this morning: Marty Baron, Jeff Bezos, Donald Trump and the eight years that reshaped The Washington Post — and journalism ...
Raju Narisetti / @raju: The @IndianExpress also has its own Marty Baron interview: 'Getting at the truth requires hard work... but there is such a thing as the truth. It's not just a matter of opinion, not about who has the biggest megaphone'
Dave Levinthal / @davelevinthal: Stunning paragraph from deep within the @washingtonpost's farewell 1A to @PostBaron.
Lauren Dobson-Hughes / @ldobsonhughes: The article literally describes the work of two women
Kayla Epstein / @kaylaepstein: The online headline wasn't framed the same way as the print version but still only gives passing credit to these journalists. This isn't to dismiss Baron and Bezos, who made enormous contributions. But just to say share the credit around a little bit
David Axelrod / @davidaxelrod: One of the great editors of his generation retires today. Marty Baron of the @washingtonpost has led 3 major news orgs & transformed the Post into a digital power without compromising the mission, values & ethics he championed in every newsroom he's run.
N. Ram / @nramind: A good, instructive but no-frills read: “Marty Baron, Jeff Bezos, Donald Trump and the eight years that reshaped The Washington Post — and journalism”: ...
Karen Tumulty / @ktumulty: Worth noting that the publisher who recruited and hired @PostBaron was Katharine Weymouth. @weymouthk
Kayla Epstein / @kaylaepstein: It's also not fair to only get Big Mad at NYT for this. Most of the stories this week have made the same mistake. Including the Post's own story, where the only (brief) mention of social media at the Post is framed as an opposition force to Baron ...
Tara Parker-Pope / @taraparkerpope: The women of the Washington Post would like to have a word.
Dan Zak / @mrdanzak: The New York Times “can be the U.S. Army, and we can be the Special Forces,” he said. “And you know, the Special Forces can win the war.” ...
Christopher Ingraham / @_cingraham: This x 1,000
@washpostlife: “We're not at war. We're at work.” Executive Editor @PostBaron retires today after eights years at The @WashingtonPost. @SarahEllison writes what shaped his tenure: ....
Ellen K. Pao / @ekp: the NY Times isn't content with gaslighting its own employees and has expanded to The Washington Post
Liz Mathew / @mathewliz: There will always be people at both sides..It's always at the margins that you're not going to convince everybody, you are not going to get 100%.The question is can you get another 10%,15 or20%? Marty Baron in an interview with @anantgoenka @IndianExpress
Carlos Lozada / @carloslozadawp: On his last day at the @washingtonpost, outgoing executive editor @PostBaron makes A1: ...
Michael Kruse / @michaelkruse: “Would we have generated the subscriptions we did without Donald Trump? Probably not, to be honest,” says @PostBaron. “But I think it's largely now a result of people recognizing that there needs to be a vigorous press in this country ...” ...
Stacy-Marie Ishmael / @s_m_i: Love to constantly be reminded of how often being a woman in media is an exercise in watching men in media erase your work in real time (Image shows a screenshot of a story from the New York Times written by Marc Tracy. The headline is “The Men Who Remade The Washington Post")
Kayla Epstein / @kaylaepstein: WaPo's renaissance was due in large - uncredited - part to the audience, graphics, data, newsletter, video, etc teams, which are dominated by talented women, POC, and LGBTQ staff. Yet their brilliance is rarely cited in these glowing success stories about the Post.
Jeremy Bowers / @jeremybowers: This does not represent my understanding of how The Post was remade. I cannot imagine the current Post without @katdowns and @WapoEngineering's Vidya Viswanathan, among several others.
Margarita Noriega / @margarita: sadly, this print headline is real and as such is a very real tell.
Gene Park / @genepark: pretty cool to see the only 2 teams I've been on at WaPo both get mentioned in the NYT piece of our innovation overhaul
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: I spent 1997-2003, 3 of those years as editor of the website, telling them to “accept the gift”, and 2004-2009, as White House Watch columnist, showing them how. So forgive me if I resent the revisionism that no one had thought of this until @JeffBezos ...
Seung Min Kim / @seungminkim: “As communicators, we were remarkably terrible at communicating our role in this democracy. And it was unfathomable to me.” ...
Kainaz Amaria / @kainazamaria: When reporters only consider bottom lines, subscription and awards as indicators of success they dismiss structural inequities that have been allowed to THRIVE under one “leader” after another. ...
Digbijay Mishra / @digbijaymishra1: Several interesting takeaways from this @PostBaron interview, especially on billionaires owing media platforms like The Post and why it may or may not work in the rest of the world.
Rahul Tripathi / @rahultripathi: There is something called objective fact and objective reality. Our job is to get at that, to publish that as best as we can, and not to be deterred, not to be pressured, not to be distracted: @washingtonpost editor @PostBaron .
Ben Welsh / @palewire: It's worth noting the numbers. @washingtonpost is headed upward despite its print numbers totally tanking.
P Vaidyanathan Iyer / @iyervaidy: The very first principle on the wall when you walk into @washingtonpost newsroom: “To tell the truth as nearly as the truth may be ascertained.” Much to imbibe in this interview with @PostBaron @IndianExpress @anantgoenka
David Sanger / @sangernyt: A fascinating piece on an editor's journey remaking a great newspaper for the digital age. I feel lucky to have worked with Marty when he was at the Times and I've been an admirer of his judgment and news instincts since. Eager to see his next act.
Ashish Khetan / @aashishkhetan: .@PostBaron makes a very important point: “It's important that journalists who are participating in social media exercise restraint in the same way that they would if they were publishing it in our publication online or in print.”
M K Venu / @mkvenu1: Many parallels with Indian situation here! READ: Marty Baron interview: ‘There is such a thing as the truth’ Shared by The IndianExpress iOS App. Click here to download ...
Nikhil Wagle / @waglenikhil: Marty Baron interview: 'Getting at the truth requires hard work... but there is such a thing as the truth. It's not just a matter of opinion, not about who has the biggest megaphone' | The Indian Express
Sree Sreenivasan / Sree's Sunday Note: SUNDAY NOTE: In praise of the journalism holding Big Tech accountable
Max Boot / @maxboot: Kudos to the @nytimes for running a great tribute to a tough competitor—@washingtonpost under @PostBaron and @JeffBezos.
Brit Hume / @brithume: Interesting account of how the Washington Post went from being principally a local print paper to a digital national paper. Left out of this story is anything about how the Post, already liberal, went left.
Marc Tracy / @marcatracy: Marty Baron signed up to edit one Washington Post. He ended up editing a very different one. My story in advance of his final day as executive editor (tomorrow)
Sushant Singh / @sushantsin: The internet demolished media's traditional business models, Mr. Bezos explained in the interview, “but it does bring one huge gift, and you have to maximize your usage of that new gift, which is that it provides almost free global distribution.”
Marc Lacey / @marclacey: “At one point, I was mourning the passing of journalism as it had once been,” he said, “but I got over that and decided that we just have to figure out how to make the best of it.”
@tuthanhha: A bit of inside-baseball for obit writers and aficionados: This NYT profile of Marty Baron not only interviews former Washington Post publisher Donald E. Graham but also the journalist who wrote Graham's pre-written obit.
Marc Fisher / @mffisher: Marty Baron: “At one point, I was mourning the passing of journalism as it had once been, but I got over that and decided that we just have to figure out how to make the best of it.”
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: This story is much more about how a vast infusion of cash and a huge expansion of the staff remade the Post than anything @postbaron did. 1/3
David Yanofsky / Quartz: How Jeff Bezos changed the economy, in charts

Instagram launches Live Rooms for live broadcasts with up to four creators, up from two, and says it will roll out new audio features in coming months — Instagram today announced it's adding a much-requested feature to its app with the launch of “Live Rooms,” which allow up to four people to broadcast live together at the same time.
Instagram, @mosseri, @instagram, Adweek, @aaronbearden93, @ourielohayon, @yungcontent, About Facebook, 9to5Mac, @caseynewton, @maxwinebach, @kcallop, @morningbrew, @social_allie, @jasonrbradwell, @turnernovak, @kylebrussell, @itsthereal, @kantrowitz, @samsheffer, @erickschonfeld and The Verge, more at Techmeme »
Angelica Nwandu / Instagram: Doubling Up on Instagram Live with Live Rooms
@mosseri: It's a party 🎉 Today we're rolling out a way for up to four people to go Live together. Get more details: ...
@instagram: Live Rooms has entered that chat 👀 Today we're rolling out a way for you + three other people to go Live together and do your thing 🗣🤩 💥 ...
David Cohen / Adweek: Instagram Opens the Door to Live Rooms
Aaron Bearden / @aaronbearden93: It's becoming so exhausting keeping up with the 8,000 different engagement platforms on like 6 social media apps
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: It's funny to me how social platforms that leaned hard into sophisticated video features now have to go build the low-tech audio chat stuff that people actually want
Cameron Pollack / @kcallop: They'll really do anything but make Instagram better for normal people
@morningbrew: You can only count on a few things in this world: Death, taxes, and Instagram copying features from other social media companies
Allie Wassum / @social_allie: Tell me you're out of touch with user needs without telling me you're out of touch with user needs....
Jason Bradwell / @jasonrbradwell: Because the one thing I needed was another way of sitting on a video call.
Turner Novak / @turnernovak: Instagram launches “live rooms”. Up to 4 accounts can broadcast video at once. IG continues into “video, beauty, visual” when TikTok (irony, imperfection), Clubhouse (audio only), Snap (close friends), etc go in different directions. signals to me IG's hyper-focused on shopping
Kyle Russell / @kylebrussell: This isn't group facetime This is video clubhouse
Alex Kantrowitz / @kantrowitz: Four person live video rooms on Instagram. Do they shut the video off and make it clubhouse next?
Sam Sheffer / @samsheffer: facetime has entered the chat 📱 today we're rolling out a way for you + your grandmother, math teacher, and childhood best friend to group facetime and sing kumbaya ⬆️ 🎉⭐️
Erick Schonfeld / @erickschonfeld: Chatroulette 2.0

At the Golden Globes, celebs including host Tina Fey point out that none of the ~90 journalists comprising the Hollywood Foreign Press Association are Black — It's not uncommon for awards winners to get political in their speeches, but this year a lot of presenters and winners took swipes …
@ava, ScreenRant, Deadline, Variety, /Film, MediaPost, Chicago Tribune, Mediaite, The A.V. Club, Los Angeles Times, Vanity Fair, Yahoo Entertainment, Vulture and
Ava DuVernay / @ava: Old news. New energy. #TimesUpGlobes
Roxie Pell / ScreenRant: Golden Globes: Fey & Poehler Call Out HFPA's Lack Of Diversity In Monologue
Deadline: HFPA Scorched By SAG-AFTRA, DGA, GLAAD Over Lack Of Black Members As Outrage Grows; Group Promises To Address On Golden Globes Tonight - Update
Owen Gleiberman / Variety: Golden Globes: In This Most Idiosyncratic of Movie Years, Even the Wild Cards Were Tasteful (Column)
Ethan Anderton / /Film: The Morning Watch: 2021 Golden Globes Highlights Bring Laughs, Tears & Technical Gaffes
Karlene Lukovitz / MediaPost: Golden Globes: Netflix Dominates; Streamers Take Most TV Wins
Angelique Jackson / Chicago Tribune: Hollywood Foreign Press Association addresses absence of Black members during Golden Globes broadcast
Josh Feldman / Mediaite: WATCH: Tina Fey, Amy Poehler Call Out HFPA for Having No Black Members in Golden Globes Opener
Tatiana Tenreyro / The A.V. Club: Tina Fey and Amy Poehler's open the Golden Globes with some jabs at its inclusion problem
Meredith Blake / Los Angeles Times: Tina Fey, Amy Poehler lampoon HFPA, life in lockdown in Golden Globes monologue
Yohana Desta / Vanity Fair: Tina Fey, Amy Poehler Roast Golden Globes 2021's Love of “Flashy Garbage”
Ethan Alter / Yahoo Entertainment: Golden Globes 2021: Tina Fey and Amy Poehler call out the HFPA's lack of Black members in divisive opening
Halle Kiefer / Vulture: Tina Fey and Amy Poehler Open Golden Globes by Zinging HFPA's Lack of Black Members
R. Thomas Umstead / HFPA Addresses Diversity Controversy During Golden Globes Ceremony

Streaming services dominated the Golden Globes; Netflix was the biggest winner with four awards and Apple TV+ picked up its first Golden Globe for Ted Lasso
Rebecca Sun / Hollywood Reporter: Golden Globes Winners Mark Diversity Milestones While HFPA's Response to Inclusion Criticism Remains Milquetoast
Nico Franks / C21Media: Streamers dominate Golden Globes

Profile of Discovery+, which has hit 12M paid subscriptions globally and offers a reality TV-focused catalog with 55K episodes, rivaling Netflix in sheer volume — Discovery's new app has taken off largely because viewers love watching people fix houses, tour diners and bicker about their relationships.
@alexweprin, @loudmouthjulia, The Verge, @benyt, @nytimes, @dangillmor, @richlightshed, @felixsalmon and @magalidmathias, more at Techmeme »
Alex Weprin / @alexweprin: Fun fact: Ted Turner tried to merge CNN and Discovery back in 1988. “They just belong together” Turner told Discovery founder John Hendricks, per Hendricks' autobiography.
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: NEW: I wrote about Discovery+ being the only streaming service that plays in my apartment from 8am til about 6pm, because it's waiting room television. It's ambient TV. It is the definition of “no thoughts, head empty” background noise and it's become a perfect work companion.
Julia Alexander / The Verge: Discovery Plus is the perfect background noise streaming service
Ben Smith / @benyt: Forget ‘Succession.’ You Can Watch ‘90 Day Fiancé’ for 100 Hours Straight.
@nytimes: Is Discovery+ the most successful new entrant in the “streaming wars?” Our media columnist @benyt writes about the app, which boasts 55,000 episodes and 12 million paid subscriptions.
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: Wow, what a revealing column by @benyt on how one of the winners in the “streaming wars” should actually (this is my take, not his) be called “Voyeur+” (If watching this garbage is how Americans are spending their time, no wonder we're in trouble.)
Rich Greenfield / @richlightshed: Nailed it @benyt “Whether Discovery+ is another move to make the company more attractive for a giant to swallow before the bottom really falls out of the U.S. cable biz or whether the company's current high stock price will acquire other biz”
Felix Salmon / @felixsalmon: In case you were worried how Harry and Meghan were going to make ends meet now that they're not being paid by HM the Q, @benyt pegs the value of their TV deal at “nine figures”

Donald McNeil writes a four-part rebuttal to the allegations against him, says what happened to him is “a series of misunderstandings and blunders” — On February 5 this year, one week after an article about me appeared in the Daily Beast, The New York Times announced that I would be leaving.
The Wrap, Medium, @genepark, @nancyromm, The Daily Beast, @froomkin, New York Post, Medium, @joshsternberg, @zararahim, @jamesrbuk, @andykroll, Medium, @benyt, @kimzetter, @ggreenwald, @adamserwer and @erikwemple
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Ousted NY Times Reporter Donald McNeil Jr. Speaks Out: 'I've Been a Jackal Circled by Jackals'
Donald G. McNeil Jr / Medium: NYTimes Peru N-Word, Part Two: What Happened January 28?
Gene Park / @genepark: This is a lot of words to say “I don't think I'm racist even though dozens of colleagues and even the guy who sat behind me now says I say racist stuff all the time”
Nancy Rommelmann / @nancyromm: “I used to love working here. Now I'm so discouraged. Such a mean, spiteful, vengeful place where everyone is looking over his/her shoulder.” From Part 3 of Donald McNeil Jr.'s essay about his being frog-marched out of the @nyt. Start with Part 1 ...
The Daily Beast: Ex-NY Times Reporter Finally Speaks Out, Disputes Student Claims, Calls Himself ‘Jackal Circled by Jackals’
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: Here is Donald McNeil's take. There's no excuse for his use of the N word, and I find some of his views offensive. But it definitely reinforces my feeling that we should worry more about assholes in glass offices than about assholes in the newsroom. ...
Lia Eustachewich / New York Post: Donald McNeil says he's not racist amid New York Times dismissal
Donald G. McNeil Jr / Medium: NYTimes Peru N-Word, Part Three: What Happened in the 2019 Investigation?
Josh Sternberg / @joshsternberg: Don McNeil takes to Medium: “I chose this route so I can control at least one part of the narrative: my own.” ...
Zara Rahim / @zararahim: white men will quite literally write a four part self published internet refutation about how them saying a racist slur doesn't mean they're racist instead of simply...shutting up.
James Ball / @jamesrbuk: Part one: 12 minute read Part two: 18 minute read Part three: *28 minute read* Everyone needs an editor.
Andy Kroll / @andykroll: Don McNeil, the former veteran NYT health reporter, tells his side of the story (at length). I've read it. I don't think he should've been forced out. And after glimpsing the well-documented internal workings of @nytimes here, I fear for a paper I love. ...
Donald G. McNeil Jr / Medium: NYTimes Peru N-Word, Part Four: What Happened in Peru?
Ben Smith / @benyt: Donald McNeil, who had declined to talk in detail to me and other reporters til he was out of the Times, offers his account of “misunderstandings and blunders”
Kim Zetter / @kimzetter: NYTimes reporter Don McNeil, who left the paper last month after info about his behavior on a Times trip to Peru went public, tells his side of the story: ...
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: Anyone who formed opinions about the Donald McNeil episode - his 45-year career was ended by rich teenagers' complaints - should read his 4-part explanation. Among other things, it shows how misleading it is when stories are told with only one side heard: ...
Adam Serwer / @adamserwer: Reading this, not only do I think McNeil should not have been forced out, but the reasons he was seem to have been misapprehended by many people publicly arguing about it ...
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: “I'm not just quitting like this.” Donald McNeil, the 45-year veteran of the New York Times who resigned last month following a controversy over the n-word on a Peru trip, has written a four-part rebuttal to all the allegations against him. Part One: ...

A look at the coming succession battle at News Corp as Rupert Murdoch turns 90 and sources say James hopes to coordinate with his sisters to reset Fox News — By his own reckoning, Rupert Murdoch was supposed to die a fortnight ago, on a Tuesday afternoon.
@jyarow, @bydavidcrow, @annaknicolaou, @deepbagchee, @eriqgardner, @jeffjarvis and @financialtimes
Jay Yarow / @jyarow: You don't need a long list of buyers. You only need one buyer. That said, there is a long list out there. Owning Fox News is like owning the Knicks. It's a 1 of 1 asset.
David Crow / @bydavidcrow: Terrific, pacy deep dive on what comes next for the Murdochs now that the Disney/21CF deal restrictions have lifted. Required reading for empire watchers by @alexebarker, @annaknicolaou and @JFK_America
Anna Nicolaou / @annaknicolaou: new: this month, a 2-year restriction on asset sales lifts for Fox. the Murdoch inner circle is talking about another bold corporate gambit — such as selling parts of the empire or reuniting others w/ the team @alexebarker & @JFK_America
Deep Bagchee / @deepbagchee: The @FT piece on Rupert Murdoch starts with a cracking opening para and doesn't slow down. Great piece on the intrigue and succession battle for Fox and News Corp by @alexebarker @JFK_America and @annaknicolaou
Eriq Gardner / @eriqgardner: “A battle over the family trust, which holds the shares in News Corp and Fox, looms once Rupert Murdoch relinquishes his grip.”
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Funny, the list of his accomplishments skips over the RUIN OF DEMOCRACY IN THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING WORLD. And it uses “gift” as a damned verb. Twice. Rupert Murdoch at 90: Fox, succession and ‘one more big play’ via @financialtimes
@financialtimes: The alternative is to re-engineer Murdoch's corporate interests, from non-core asset sales to recombining parts of Fox with News Corp. Such an option would be seriously considered if his son Lachlan decided he didn't want to run the business any more

Investigative news nonprofit FairWarning, which published articles in outlets like Mother Jones, has dissolved after tweets about the founder sparked a crisis — FairWarning, a small investigative news nonprofit based in California, dissolved Saturday after a Twitter thread …
Ryan Chittum / @ryanchittum: Why I Left Journalism, in one story. I'm only half-joking, maybe a quarter
Skye Witley / @skye_witley: In the middle of my reporting on FairWarning's internal crisis sparked by a Twitter thread, the newsroom's board suddenly announced they were dissolving the entire organization. Read more below to find out why.
Alice Dreger, Ph.D. / @alicedreger: Myron brought vital journalism via FairWarning, and he was a great colleague in our nonprofit journalism work. He deserved more of his board and his colleagues than this. Thank you to @currentpubmedia for bringing the story. via @currentpubmedia

Looking to break through in podcasting, people are hiring podcasting consulting services, booking sessions at podcast studios, and hiring freelance editors — The pandemic has been a boon for services aimed at fledgling shows — Annette Perel knows that anyone with a laptop and a microphone can produce their own podcast at home.
Michelle Manafy / @michellemanafy: Last year, the number of podcasts available online through services such as Apple Podcasts and Spotify more than doubled, to 1.7 million. And that, in turn, has spurred huge demand for services aimed at helping ordinary people become the next Joe Rogan.
Joe Connolly / @joeconnollybiz: Some businesses and hosts do find podcasts worth the time and effort of producing them. Good article on what to know. via @WSJ #podcast #sales
@wsj: Only 25% of new podcasts make it past the 10-episode mark, but some aspiring Joe Rogans are paying for professional help to propel them out of their basements
Katie Honan / @katie_honan: “The reading and researching I love, but listening to my voice for eight hours and taking out the ‘ums’—that is the agonizing part.” @AnneKadet on the business of upstart podcasts in New York City:
Katie Jensen / @katiejensen: A bit rich saying $400/episode is a lot to spend in a piece by a media company that outsources podcast production to @Gimletmedia for $XXXXXX. Smh at this piece from @WSJ from by @AnneKadet. All it does is devalue creative labour.
Matt Collette / @matt_pc: truly can you imagine

NYT columnist David Brooks wrote a 900-word ode to Facebook Groups on Facebook's corporate website and appeared in a company video; NYT says it was not aware — On Tuesday, New York Times columnist David Brooks published a 900-word ode to Facebook Groups and how they foster online communities around the world.
@craigsilverman, @bostonjoan, @eriksherman, @jason_kint, @rebekahktromble, @awinston, @cagoldberglaw, Insider, @craigsilverman, @rmac18, @emilybell, @penenberg, @brandyzadrozny, @edroso, @tomlevenson, @digiphile, @keitholbermann, @jesselehrich, @pkafka, @chick_in_kiev, @jaredbkeller, @kari_paul, @juliacarriew, @glennf, @heerjeet, @devindra, @juddlegum, @david_ingram, @scottlucas, @dataeditor, @katzish, @slpng_giants, Mediaite, The Media Nut, Wall Street Journal and The Hill
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: On Tues, NYT columnist David Brooks wrote a 900-word ode to Facebook Groups. Don't look for it in the Times — it was published on FB's corporate website. Brooks also appeared in a company video, and didn't tell his editors what he was doing. w/@rmac18: ...
Joan Donovan, PhD / @bostonjoan: A few weeks ago, I pointed out Facebook's shady dealings with corporate researchers, academics, & journalists. Several folks were critical of me for pointing it out, suggesting I was lying or paranoid. Here, a NYT journalist, a nonprofit, and a NYU research team are implicated.
Erik Sherman / @eriksherman: Many freelance journalists also do some marketing work; the former pays badly (and the latter keeps trying to). But Brooks working for Facebook? I did a quick Google search for his name and FB on the NYT's site: 3,970 hits. What, he doesn't make enough? ...
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Super good and important thread on Facebook's proximity to critical research and perspectives. I recall when Facebook suggested to us they should have been able to screen the design and results of research we did. 👋🏽 nope, not the way it works.
Dr. Rebekah Tromble / @rebekahktromble: So many thoughts about this that I don't have time or energy to flesh out today. But I think it's crucial to note how Facebook's control over the money, data—including access to research subjects—AND comms/PR intertwined to make this a particularly problematic case.
Ali Winston / @awinston: So there's a whole ethics code in the NYT employee handbook and an editor whose entire job is to watchdog potential violations. Put this in the same basket as Callimachi/Caliphate, the business reporter who was besties with Epstein, etc
Carrie A. Goldberg / @cagoldberglaw: So let's see, big tech owns academia, the media, civil libertarian nonprofits, big law, law schools, bunches of lawmakers done of SCOTUS, basically anybody who'd dare be critical
Lauren Johnson / Insider: Walmart is looking for a new ad agency
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: Brooks' post for Facebook was timed to a new report from NYU about Facebook Groups. FB funded and helped facilitate the report. Brooks was not paid for his FB blogging. But he leads an Aspen Institute project about community engagement that has taken funding from FB.
Ryan Mac / @rmac18: Facebook funded NYT columnist David Brooks' Aspen Institute project. Then Facebook funded an NYU study on Groups. And then David Brooks wrote a blog post about the study and the positive impact of FB Groups. All while Brooks didn't tell the NYT. ...
Emily Bell / @emilybell: Entanglements between Google/FB and journalism are so loose and numerous, and poorly documented . Just the latest of many issues 👇
Adam L. Penenberg / @penenberg: I teach media ethics to graduate journalism students, and if you want my opinion this is highly unethical (and really stupid).
Brandy Zadrozny / @brandyzadrozny: Hoo boy. “It's not social media that's the problem, it's the ideas and behavior of the people who use it,” he said.
Roy Edroso / @edroso: This is the David Brooks version of a middle-aged guy in a noir going on a crime spree to buy his hot girlfriend some jewelry
Thomas Levenson / @tomlevenson: One way of thinking about this is to ask if a less prominent NYTimes reporter or writer could do something like this with impunity. I don't know (obv). But my prior is “no.” @nytimes has a star system, and it has done enormous damage to the paper and its readers inthe past.
Alex Howard / @digiphile: “It's not social media that's the problem, it's the ideas & behavior of the people who use it”- @nytdavidbrooks, writing about Facebook on @Facebook. But @NYTimes journalism has shown the people who build & run social media can be the problem, as can features - including Groups.
Keith Olbermann / @keitholbermann: This is a layup, @nytimes. You've been looking for a reason to retire @nytdavidbrooks. He just handed two of them to you.
Jesse Lehrich / @jesselehrich: this story is a case study in how @Facebook coopts academia & thought leaders to do their PR. they paid NYU $300,000 to produce a glowing ‘study’ on how FB groups build community, then got @nytdavidbrooks - whose initiative they also fund - to write it up on the corporate blog.
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: Whenever I have a practical media ethics conversation with peers - “is it ok to do X or Y?” - I try to fast-forward by asking “How would you feel if the New York Times wrote about you doing X or Y?” I look forward to the NYT's coverage of this one.
Talia Lavin / @chick_in_kiev: in any sane world this would be a fireable offense 🤷🏻♀ ️
Jared Keller / @jaredbkeller: *Why* exactly does David Brooks need to do this? ...
Kari Paul / @kari_paul: As many experts I have spoken to have noted, Facebook groups have been behind some of the largest and most destructive anti-democratic movements in recent years, from anti-vaxx to stop the steal to home-grown militias ...
Julia Carrie Wong / @juliacarriew: Facebook Groups have helped foster and grow: - QAnon - the anti-vaxx movement - Proud Boys - militias - Boogaloo bois - Stop the Steal If Brooks wants to do PR for this product in exchange for funding his pet project, that's fine, but he should resign from his journalism job.
Glenn Fleishman / @glennf: I invite the reader as a mental exercise to picture any of the Times' Opinion writers who are not white men engaging in this behavior, and the explosion of outrage across Twitter (probably from left and right).
Jeet Heer / @heerjeet: Imagine having one of the cushiest sinecures imaginable and still doing a completely self-discrediting side hustle.
Devindra Hardawar / @devindra: This seems... not great!
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: @CraigSilverman Is Brooks compensated for his work with the Aspen Institute?
David Ingram / @david_ingram: “Brooks' ties to Facebook raise questions of conflicts of interest at the world's most influential newspaper, and highlight how the social network is working to rehabilitate its brand after years of criticism and scrutiny...” ...
Scott Lucas / @scottlucas: “David's editors were not aware of the blog post or panel discussion, and they are discussing with him now what additional steps he might take to make sure that his work [...] doesn't create any appearance of conflicts with his Times journalism.” ...
Steven Rich / @dataeditor: i told the @washingtonpost when i started my own woodworking business because i wanted to be sure in case any conflict of interest arose even though i didn't think there would be one ...
Amanda Katz / @katzish: It's the character guy! David Brooks's post “did not mention recent reporting...that revealed Facebook has known for years that Groups are an engine of polarization and misinformation, and that the company failed to move quickly to enact changes that could protect users.”
@slpng_giants: This is a massive conflict of interest and the @nytimes needs to address this, especially when @facebook is spending advertising dollars on their podcasts. In a moment when journalism is suffering huge financial losses because of Facebook, this is a terrible look.
Marisa Sarnoff / Mediaite: David Brooks, NY Times Columnist and Founder of Facebook-Funded Nonprofit, Pens Blog for Facebook Praising Online Communities
Josh Sternberg / The Media Nut: Twitter gives a boost to the “creator economy”
Erich Schwartzel / Wall Street Journal: What Happens When Facebook Slows the News Flow

Chicago's Ebony magazine relaunches as an ad-supported digital publication, after being bought out of bankruptcy for $14M by Bridgeman Sports and Media — Ebony, the Chicago-born magazine that served as the voice of Black America for more than 75 years, is set for a digital rebirth Monday under new owners.

The person behind “Your Fave Is Problematic” Tumblr blog, which listed regrettable actions by celebrities, says she looks back on her blog with shame and regret — What was I trying to accomplish with my anonymous Tumblr? — If you were on Tumblr in the early 2010s …
guess i'll die, @kathrynfiona, @bartlebooth45, @kwontent, @saycheeselouise, @starkillerqueen, @scottnover, @phoebewbridg, @michkeenah, @ameliabeing, @coolmomfriend, @timeforjaya, @brianstelter, @thelindsayellis, @bafeldman, @karnythia, @kattenbarge, @nytimes, essays and context, Jen the Libertarian, Here are some links, Garbage Day and BNet
Ellen Scott / guess i'll die: Do you like me? — Sure, self-esteem that comes from within is probably ‘healthy’ and 'better …
Kate Lindsay / @kathrynfiona: a true, genuine gasp at the unmasking of Your Fave Is Problematic, a Tumblr that I personally believe is where all this *gestures vaguely* started
@bartlebooth45: I feel like YFIP furthered and crystallised an already existing mentality. It didn't start it but became a beacon for both supporters and opponents. I am entirely unsurprised to learn it was run by a teenager having a hard time and trying to figure out themselves and the world.
Wife Guy Wonu / @kwontent: it's so insane how u can trace the roots of today's internet back to this blog and i think people in internet communities have a lot of healing processing and self reflection to do! 💖💖💖
Louise Hutt / @saycheeselouise: I really never thought I'd learn about who was running Your Fave is Problematic
@starkillerqueen: I don't fully blame her for this, but that whole “your fave is problematic” thing taking root, especially on Tumblr, is why a post that was 2/3rds lies was able to poison K-pop fandom against Super Junior for the last like...decade.
Scott Nover / @scottnover: “My brain wasn't ready for nuance. I was angered by hypocrisy and cruelty; what I did about it was apply a level of scrutiny that left no room for error.”
@phoebewbridg: This is present day twitter, labelling people as problematic for everything ranging from ignorant stuff to sexual abuse really flattens the awfulness of really terrible crimes.
Michelle / @michkeenah: this blog was a key player in the radicalisation of my 16 year old self
Amelia / @ameliabeing: dissociating thinking about how this tumblr blog i remember from my adolescence changed the course of of the last 5 years of culture and discourse dramatically
Iman / @coolmomfriend: this blog was emblematic of how online discourses were shaped and informed what they look today, critical reflection and denouncing its practices? tumblr diaspora pay your respects!
Jaya Sundaresh / @timeforjaya: This moved me. All of us raised by Tumblr went through this, this period of hyper vigilance about other peoples' perceived flaws and “refusal” to conform to a standard of woke behavior that we were just beginning to articulate the boundaries of. Many of us regret it now.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: “Something you posted 10 years ago is just as alive on the internet as something you post today...” ...
Lindsay Ellis / @thelindsayellis: Funny thing is compared to the current tumblr problematosohere YFIP is downright quaint
Brian Feldman / @bafeldman: it really can't be overstated how everything happening on twitter now is just tumblr from 8 years ago — except it's more embarrassing because now it's adults doing it, and it's algorithmically juiced
Openly Black Mikki Kendall / @karnythia: If I read this will I find a strange erasure of every pre Tumblr platform? I feel like I will.
Kat Tenbarge / @kattenbarge: The Tumblr user who popularized the word “problematic” (and who basically invented modern celebrity cancel culture) was a grieving, irrational high school senior at the time they ran their blog. Which basically sums up the entire state of internet culture.
@nytimes: Your Fave is Problematic, a popular blog dedicated to “canceling” celebrities, counts Lena Dunham, Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga among its targets. Liat Kaplan, the blog's creator, reflects on her quest to punish the untouchable — and why she regrets it.
Emma P / essays and context: what's the trend? — Somehow I always pick the most impractical clothing for whatever I'm doing.
Jen Monroe / Jen the Libertarian: Sunday Morning Reads 2/28/21
Katherine Miller / Here are some links: Links for February 27th
Ryan Broderick / Garbage Day: The internet, after all, never forgets
Brian Feldman / BNet: the job capital of america

A look at the role of Black media in local communities, its slow shift to digital, and the impact of the racial reckoning, which has led to increased funding — On Canyon Crest Drive in Riverside, California, sits Jammin' Bakery and Café, a sandwich shop that recently closed.
@spj_tweets: “It is our civic duty to make sure the Black press survives. You are going to make it work. It's not about the money for so many of us. You find ways to make it work because it's an important institution in each community,” @mygoldenstate says. ...
@groundtruth: With increased attention on racial inequality in the US and calls for more news by and for African Americans, funders are beginning to focus their attention—and dollars—on the Black press, writes @Report4America's @BethelMcKenzie: ... #BlackHistoryMonth
@kerrymflynn: “Following increased attention on racial inequality in the United States. and a call in Black communities for more news by and for African Americans, funders are beginning to focus their attention — and dollars — on helping support the Black press.” ...
Raju Narisetti / @raju: “It is our civic duty to make sure the Black press survives.” On The (Seeming) Renaissance of the Black Press in America ... (Not sure fundamental business model issues have been solved for this “public good,” but there is awareness/intent & some good action)

US State Dept. announces “Khashoggi Ban”, limiting visas for state-sponsored foreign actors who threaten or harm journalists, activists; 76 Saudis on first list — The Biden administration Friday sanctioned Saudi officials, but not the kingdom's crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman …
New York Times, The Guardian, Reuters, CBC News, The Daily Beast, Voice of America, The Hill, Al Jazeera, The Hindu and
Ana Lucia Murillo / The Daily Beast: U.S. Imposes Visa Restrictions on 76 Saudi Citizens Under New ‘Khashoggi Ban’
Cindy Saine / Voice of America: US Bans 76 Saudis Over Khashoggi Murder
Laura Kelly / The Hill: State restricts visas for 76 Saudis in ‘Khashoggi Ban’

Newly released CIA-led intelligence report concludes Mohammed bin Salman approved the 2018 slaying of journalist Jamal Khashoggi
Washington Post, Columbia Journalism Review, Tangle, New York Times, @alexneve24, @awhawth, @johnmdonnelly, @froomkin, Washington Post, @jaketapper, @andykimnj, @ryanstruyk, @kenroth, New York Times, @senduckworth, @jameeljaffer, @julianbarnes, @martina, @nickkristof, @karaswisher, @nickkristof, @skinnerpm, @wesleylowery, @colmorrisdavis, @digiphile, @digiphile, @senblumenthal, @senwarren, @jrubinblogger, @dcwoodruff, @bryangreenberg, @rulajebreal, @froomkin, @froomkin, @mazdaki, @mjfree, @just_security, @dataeditor, @sorayamcdonald, @aymanm, @kaitlancollins, @yay_yee, @repswalwell, @nytimes, @just_security, @freedomofpress, @ammaralijan, @hmousavian, @saimamohsin, @tedlieu, @ronwyden, @kenroth, Mediaite, @brooksbarnesnyt, The Wrap, Politico and Bloomberg
Jennifer Rubin / Washington Post: Justice for Jamal Khashoggi is up to all of us
Jon Allsop / Columbia Journalism Review: Press freedom comes second to self-interest—again— as Biden lets MBS off the hook
Isaac Saul / Tangle: The murder of Jamal Khashoggi.
Alex Neve / @alexneve24: When the world decries but shrugs its shoulders & does nothing... Too powerful, too sensitive, too many other interests at stake... That is what impunity looks like. And it does not take us down the road to human rights. #justiceforjamal
Amy W. Hawthorne / @awhawth: Intrigued by SAO remark re policy debate on punishing MBS: “The unanimous conclusion is that there's another more effective means to dealing with these issues going forward.” Means, decision was unaminous? No dissent? What's the “more effective means”? ...
John M. Donnelly / @johnmdonnelly: Thanks, @AJEnglish, for having me on as a @PressClubDC rep to talk about the murder of our colleague, Jamal Khashoggi.
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: As a WaPo alum, it kinda kills me how much better the NYT's #khashoggi coverage has been. See, e.g.:
Karen DeYoung / Washington Post: Saudi crown prince approved operation that led to death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, U.S. intelligence report concludes
Jake Tapper / @jaketapper: Yes, hi, I see all you folks willing to look away from the brutal slaughter of a US resident and Washington Post columnist because you like this president and thus it doesn't bother you that Biden isn't punishing the Saudi Royal Prince responsible. You're wrong.
Andy Kim / @andykimnj: I just finished reading the declassified memo on killing of #Khashoggi. I've read thousands of intel reports in my career in national security, but this one stands out. Here's why we need to take this seriously and why we need to do more to hold Crown Prince accountable. THREAD
Ryan Struyk / @ryanstruyk: SCHIFF: “The Crown Prince basically has blood on his hands for ordering this capture-or-kill operation. It's very hard to hold accountable the people who did the deed and let the person who ordered the deed be done off the hook. I've been urging the administration to go further.”
Kenneth Roth / @kenroth: The US government does impose sanctions on sitting world leaders: Bashar al-Assad of Syria, Kim Jong-un of North Korea, Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela; and (previously) Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe. Why should allies like the Saudi crown prince be exempt?
Julian E. Barnes / New York Times: Saudi Prince Approved Khashoggi's Death, U.S. Report Says
Tammy Duckworth / @senduckworth: This report confirms what we already knew: MBS directed the brutal murder of @WashingtonPost journalist Jamal Khashoggi. By publishing this report, @POTUS has done what Trump would not, which is to shed light on this tragedy and refuse to play along with a criminal coverup.
Jameel Jaffer / @jameeljaffer: “How Biden, Congress, and US Business and Civic Leaders Can Deliver Justice for Jamal Khashoggi” — new from @pressfreedom and me: ...
Julian E. Barnes / @julianbarnes: No surprise, plenty of drama: “We assess that Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman approved an operation in Istanbul, Turkey to capture or kill Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.”
Martina Navratilova / @martina: Well at least trump told Bob Woodward the truth about MBS but he lied to us as MBS lied to the world... #criminalMBS
Nicholas Kristof / @nickkristof: My column argues that it's not a done deal that MBS becomes king. Saudi Arabia has had six crown princes in the last decade. If Biden had made clear to King Salman the cost to Saudi Arabia of sticking with a Mad Prince, we might have had a seventh.
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: Hey Silicon Valley, still enjoying all that MBS investment $? Saudi Prince Approved Khashoggi's Death, U.S. Report Says - The New York Times
Nicholas Kristof / @nickkristof: The U.S. government publicly identifies MBS as murderer of my friend Jamal Khashoggi — and then Pres. Biden chokes and lets the murderer walk. This is a huge missed opportunity, I'm afraid:
Patrick Skinner / @skinnerpm: The best thing the US can do for justice for a murdered journalist and to move us closer to less reliance on oil as our planet burns is to decisively step economically/militarily/politically away from Saudi Arabia. It's been a loooooong time coming. ...
Wesley / @wesleylowery: This is very disappointing. Jamal deserves justice. Those involved in his assassination must be held accountable
Moe Davis / @colmorrisdavis: So much for the whole “no one is above the law” canard.
Alex Howard / @digiphile: The Biden administration should disclose the @CIA report & tell Americans if US agencies knew the Saudi regime was planning to abduct & kill @JKhashoggi. Did @WhiteHouse45 make any effort to warn him of the threat, as US law would have required them to do? ...
Alex Howard / @digiphile: “The Biden administration deserves credit for releasing the DNI's report, but #pressfreedom will be an empty slogan unless the Saudi regime & the Crown Prince are made to pay a price for their lawless conduct.”- @JameelJaffer & @JoelCPJ ...
Richard Blumenthal / @senblumenthal: We can no longer look away: MBS & others must be called out & held accountable. No more business as usual with the Saudi's.
Elizabeth Warren / @senwarren: I'm glad the Biden administration released this assessment so the whole world can see Mohammed bin Salman for who he is. ...
Jennifer ‘pro-reality’ Rubin / @jrubinblogger: Furious, appalled but not surprised the Trump/Pompeo thugs kept it quiet ...
Chase Woodruff / @dcwoodruff: In case you were wondering, Denver-based Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck has continued to lobby for the Saudi regime in Washington, receiving at least $4.1 million from its government in the three years since it ordered Khashoggi's brutal murder, according to FARA disclosures.
Bryan Greenberg / @bryangreenberg: I don't understand this.
Rula Jebreal / @rulajebreal: MBS' nickname is Abu Rasasa, or “father of the bullet” because he sent bullets to terrorize judges & critics. Now he sends death squads w bone saws & bankrolls despots, warlords, lobbyists & politicians to sanitize his crimes. As he kills, MBS brags: the system is in his pocket.
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: Another must-read on Khashoggi and MBS: 5 things that need to happen, or “press freedom will be an empty slogan.” By @JameelJaffer and @Joelcpj via @just_security ...
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: WaPo editorial board: MBS “ought to be banned from travel to the US and subjected to an asset freeze.” Instead, Biden is not “holding to account its reckless ruler, who consequently is unlikely to be deterred from further criminal behavior.” ...
Mohammad Taqi / @mazdaki: “Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken also announced a “Khashoggi Ban,” allowing his department to impose visa restrictions on people suppressing or harming journalists, activists and dissidents”, @nytimes
Morgan J. Freeman / @mjfree: Donald J. Trump knew MBS ordered Khashoggi dead, and gave the Crown Prince a full pass because Khashoggi was a journalist reporting THE TRUTH.
@just_security: DOCUMENT Assessing the Saudi Government's Role in the Killing of Jamal Khashoggi, Office of Director of National Intelligence Coming soon: analysis by @JameelJaffer (@knightcolumbia) and @Joelcpj (@pressfreedom) at Just Security ...
Steven Rich / @dataeditor: so is the message here that it's ok to kill a u.s. resident and journalist if you're country is ostensibly an ally?
@sorayamcdonald: “Actually, it doesn't matter who's in charge! Either way, you can murder a journalist and dismember him with bone saws and it's fine.” —America
Ayman Mohyeldin / @aymanm: Biden has decided that the price of directly penalizing Saudi Arabia's crown prince [#MBS] is too high, according to senior administration officials, despite a detailed American intelligence finding that he directly approved the killing of Jamal Khashoggi
Kaitlan Collins / @kaitlancollins: “While officials said there's no question Prince Mohammed ordered the killing & imprisonment of dissidents & opponents, a ban would make it impossible to deal w Saudis in the future. He was, they concluded, too important to American interests to punish.”
Josh Gross / @yay_yee: Sad state of affairs, @POTUS. Impunity is not the way.
Rep. Eric Swalwell / @repswalwell: Not surprising but not to be forgotten: President Trump and @mikepompeo covered up the murder of a US resident and journalist.
@nytimes: The release of the report on Friday signaled that President Biden, unlike his predecessor, would not set aside the killing of Khashoggi, and that the Biden administration intends to try to isolate the crown prince.
@just_security: The #Khashoggi report should force a reckoning. A reckoning in which the Biden administration, Congress, and American business and civic leaders all have a role to play. From @knightcolumbia's @JameelJaffer & @pressfreedom's @Joelcpj: ...
@freedomofpress: “The administration, Congress, and American business and civic leaders all have a role to play in holding the regime accountable,” for the murder of Jamal Kashoggi, argue @JameelJaffer and @Joelcpj ...
Ammar Ali Jan / @ammaralijan: Khashoggi was murdered on the orders of Saudi Arabia's crown prince, Mohammed Bin Salman. We live in a world governed by cruel and violent rulers.
Mousavian / @hmousavian: US says Saudi crown prince MBS approved Jamal Khashoggi killing. The US Office of the Director of National Intelligence cited bin Salman's control of decision-making in Saudi Arabia since 2017
Saima Mohsin / @saimamohsin: Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman himself “approved killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi” “viewed Khashoggi as a threat to the Kingdom and broadly supported using violent measures if necessary to silence him” U.S intelligence #JournalismIsNotACrime
Ted Lieu / @tedlieu: Your reminder that former Secretary of State @mikepompeo enabled the #Saudi cover up of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi ordered by the Crown Prince of #SaudiArabia.
Ron Wyden / @ronwyden: Jamal Khashoggi never backed down from holding the powerful to account. His courageous journalism cost him his life. Yet for years, the last administration shielded the Saudi regime from any kind of responsibility for his brutal murder.
Kenneth Roth / @kenroth: The most obvious secret is now officially public: US intelligence agencies concluded that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman approved the plan for Saudi operatives to assassinate journalist Jamal Khashoggi and bears responsibility for the brutal murder
Reed Richardson / Mediaite: Washington Post Editorial Board Calls Out Biden for Giving MBS a ‘Pass’ on Khashoggi's Murder
Brooks Barnes / @brooksbarnesnyt: Attention everyone in liberal Hollywood doing business with Saudi Arabia: