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UK's Society of Editors issues a clarification after 200+ journalists of color criticize its denial of Prince Harry's claim that UK media is “bigoted” — The Society of Editors has moved to respond to criticisms from journalists over its defence of the national tabloid press following …
Dominic Ponsford / Press Gazette: Bigoted UK press? Guardian and FT editors call for reflection in industry
@pressgazette: Evening Standard editor Emily Sheffield joins Guardian, FT, i and Huffpost editors to speak out: “We were not consulted about The Society of Editors' statement and it did not reflect our views on these vital issues” ...
Archie Bland / @archiebland: Latest on @CharleneWhite stepping down as presenter of Press Awards after Society of Editors suggested racism in media not a thing. A new statement today from board backing off that view did not persuade her that the original remarks could be overlooked: ...
Paulawiltshire / paulwiltshireblog: Defending the vast majority of journalists and journalism means acknowledging that some of what our trade does is unacceptable
Marcus Ryder / HuffPost UK: Of Course There's Bigotry In The Media. We Need Allies, Not Silence, To End It
Megha Mohan / @meghamohan: Great to see @EditorsUK board refuting idiotic statement made by executive director that there was no bigotry in the British media. More than 160 journalists of colour have called his statement proof of “an institution & an industry in denial”. ...
Vivian Schiller / @vivian: Too little too late
Jeremy Scott-Joynt / RemoteAccessBar: 2021iii10, Wednesday: Will the press ever change?
Archie Bland / @archiebland: Latest on Society of Editors stepping back from claim racism in the media isn't a thing. Some on board still feel it hasn't gone far enough, and considered resigning last night. Others say this is as far as you can go with board consensus required. ...
Maya Wolfe-Robinson / @mwolferobinson: There are now 236 journalists of colour who have signed this letter in response to the original statement from the Society of Editors ...
@davidallengreen: Many stupid things in law and media are described as ‘robust’
Monisha Rajesh / @monisha_rajesh: I signed. No more gaslighting.
Jakub Krupa / @jakubkrupa: “The Society of Editors has said a statement it issued saying there was no racism in the British media failed to reflect reality, and stepped back from its defence of the coverage of the Duchess of Sussex after members of the board threatened to resign.” ...
Miqdaad Versi / @miqdaad: More than 160 journalists of colour from across the British media have described a claim by the Society of Editors that racism was never a factor in coverage of the Duchess of Sussex as “laughable” proof of “an institution and an industry in denial”. ...
David Conn / @david_conn: Society of Editors has now revised its statement that racism played no part in the Meghan coverage, after protests from many journalists of colour, some editors, and senior people on its board. Report by @archiebland. ...
Archie Bland / @archiebland: 167 journalists of colour sign letter saying the Society of Editors' statement that there's no racism in the British media is ‘laughable’, Guardian and FT eds @KathViner and @khalafroula also disagree, and board member says ‘tone deaf’: ...
Elizabeth Pears / @bizpears: Completely support this. The Society of Editors does not speak for me.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Classic reflexive racist defensiveness. Step 1: “Us, racist? Why, no, let us tell you how not racist we are.” Step 2, below: “Uh, yes, but we do have a lot of work to do.” Step 3, coming: “Watch us fix this because we have the power to fix everything. We will start a committee.”

ITV news anchor Charlene White quits as host of National Press Awards following the Society of Editors' widely ridiculed claim that the UK media is “not racist” — Exclusive: Loose Women panellist calls out media organisation for its assertion that the UK press is “not racist”.
Charlene White / @charlenewhite: Yep, that's right... ...
J. Clara Chan / The Wrap: Will UK Tabloids Face a Reckoning Over Meghan Markle Coverage?
David Lammy / @davidlammy: Stand for something or you will fall for anything. Thank you @CharleneWhite 👏🏿👏🏿 👏🏿 ...
Stan Collymore / @stancollymore: Another fine broadcaster and journalist taking a stand as she always does. Bravo @CharleneWhite 🙌🏽
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: Charlene White Quits As Host Of Press Awards Over Society Of Editors' Racism Statement | HuffPost Life >> meanwhile back in the UK... ...
Afua Hirsch / @afuahirsch: What solidarity looks like ... @CharleneWhite 🔥
Maya Wolfe-Robinson / @mwolferobinson: “Here's the thing. I only work with organisations who practise what they preach. My time is precious, so I'd rather not waste it.”
Henry Mance / @henrymance: “I only work with organisations who practise what they preach.”
Georgie Bingham / @georgiebingham: Well done you. Nothing gets done about the ‘nothing to see here’ attitude until people take physical steps to highlight it.
Stephen Bush / @stephenkb: Excellent and brave statement by @CharleneWhite: ...
Andrea Byrne / @andreabyrnetv: There is a lot of talk on here this morning about freedom of speech, but not much about due impartiality and the Ofcom code. For those that don't know, news programmes in the UK are regulated by this code.
Jess Brammar / @jessbrammar: “I'm not yr personal Google. I am a Black woman who has consistently stood up for what she believes in, irrespective of impact it wd have on my career.” @CharleneWhite quits as host of Society of Editors' Press Awards with an explosive statement ...
@pressgazette: New: ITV's Charlene White has quit as host of @EditorsUK Press Awards being held virtually on 31 March. She says it needs a host “whose views align with yours: that the UK press is the one institution in the entire country who has a perfect record on race” ...

Creators are monetizing through hyper-specific revenue streams like NewNew, which lets fans pay to vote to control a creator's day-to-day decisions — Digital stars are coming up with new ways to make money. Yet fans still hold the power. — A rash of new start-ups are making it easier …
@brandyzadrozny, @pardesoteric, @kendallostrow, @slooterman, @jessefelder, @brooke, @joshelman, @jasonkilar, @pfpicardi, @zackhonarvar, @heyrosenberg, @annienavar, @itskyleharris, @taylorlorenz, @taylorlorenz, @taylorlorenz, @taylorlorenz, @taylorlorenz, @mathewi, @whysharksmatter, @broderick and @taylorlorenz, more at Techmeme »
Brandy Zadrozny / @brandyzadrozny: Why does @TaylorLorenz's new story fill me with dread?
Arielle Pardes / @pardesoteric: This latest @TaylorLorenz story, about the lengths creators will go to sell themselves online, is amazing. It reminds me of an older story, about a man who used the internet to sell control of his life, much like the 15-year-old quoted here.
Kendall Ostrow / @kendallostrow: If you want to know where Celebrity culture is headed, track the creator economy. What digital creators are doing today, Hollywood stars will be doing in a few months (or years). These aren't fads or trends. This is the future of the talent business.
Sara Luterman / @slooterman: Calling this “late capitalism” is optimistic, because the operative assumption is that something better comes after.
Jesse Felder / @jessefelder: 'NewNew, a start-up in Los Angeles, describes its product as creating a “human stock market.” On the app, fans pay to vote in polls to control some of a creator's day-to-day decisions.'
Brooke Hammerling / @brooke: I don't know. If someone wants to pay me to decide how I dress I feel like this would help me a lot because I'm so lazy I just wear leggings and sweatshirts so if someone pays me and then tells me what to wear I'm in. 😎
Josh Elman / @joshelman: The great shift to see here is how fans are paying for entertainment directly to the celebrities and influencers they like
Jason Kilar / @jasonkilar: Interesting dive into the creator economy. Thank you @TaylorLorenz. The creator economy is changing so fast and in ways that I think are ultimately productive.
@pfpicardi: Endlessly fascinated by Taylor's pieces but DAMN this one is a doozy. It's like we are all Sims???
Zack Honarvar / @zackhonarvar: Creators aren't just creative with their content — they're also innovative in their approach to building revenue streams. This does a great job highlighting these new business models and showcasing the limitations that exist in order for creators to go completely direct to fan.
Adam Rosenberg / @heyrosenberg: One of the best articles on how creators monetize. Taylor is also a good follow for all this stuff.
Dr. Annemarie Navar-Gill / @annienavar: This is dystopian, distressing, and I have so many questions about the types of and uses for the data generated in such an absolute hellscape
Kyle Harris / @itskyleharris: This is exactly why I'm cutting out all social media. This company NewNew is allowing people to basically become real life Sims. It's disgusting and terrifying. Stay of social media, kids..
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: What's interesting to me is that creators I spoke to found monetizing daily aspects of their lives LESS stressful than doing ad deals. It's way easier to charge $ for stuff ur already doing (hanging w/ friends, eating lunch) than having to produce sponcon
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: “We're building an economy of attention where you purchase moments in other people's lives, and we take it a step further by allowing and enabling people to control those moments.”
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: “It doesn't matter how boring you think you are, there's someone out there who would find your life interesting to the point that they're willing to pay.”
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: “Sure, it's fun to control a famous influencer or celebrity, but it's honestly just as entertaining to control someone you go to school with, or your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend.”
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: I think we're only scratching the surface of how the attention economy is impacting the lives of kids
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: Next up: People being paid by their “fans” to lose weight, gain weight, etc.
Dr. David Shiffman / @whysharksmatter: I do not count as an influencer other than in a super narrow niche, but if someone wants to pay me money in exchange for them figuring out for me what I'm eating for lunch today, I can think of worse problems. @TaylorLorenz
Ryan Broderick / @broderick: This is just the plot of the movie Gamer

BuzzFeed announces layoffs at HuffPost, affecting 47 US employees, three weeks after acquiring the site from Verizon Media; HuffPost Canada will close — BuzzFeed acquired HuffPost from Verizon Media in February. — BuzzFeed announced layoffs for the HuffPost newsroom on Tuesday …
@huffpostunion, @samantha_kb, Defector, @ohheyjenna, American Press Institute, @perlberg, @emmaladyrose, The Guardian, New York Times, @sebastianmurdoc, @boyreporter, CBC News, @schwarz, @huffpostunion,, Insider, Fingers, @mckinneykelsey, Talking Biz News, Axios, Poynter, @samantha_kb, @jbendery, @_tarynitup, @kerileighmerrit, @jacobsoboroff, @sarahmillerdc, @jbarro, @donie, @sulliview, @joyurcaba, @cmclymer, @kimbhasin, @jwints, @mahamabedi, @sara_bee, @claireefallon, @hshaban, CNN, @mccarthyryanj, @mekosoff, @aedwardslevy, @flyingwithsara, @itsalexberg, @jessicaschulb, @jscros, @annaesilman, @annaesilman, @annaesilman, @annaesilman, @discourse_blog, @kimbhasin, @lukewsavage, @kazweida, @annetdonahue, @erinstrout, @pennyriordan1, @losowsky, @janellenanos, @tpcarney, @emilydreyfuss, @emilydreyfuss, @sebastianmurdoc, @rebekahentralgo, @chrisgeidner, @edzitron, @jesseraub,, @themaxburns, @scaachi, @egavactip, @ruthbenghiat, @adamserwer, @chrislhayes, @anthony, @velocciraptor, @rottenindenmark, @rottenindenmark, @ericmgarcia, @biettetimmons, @psychichealerc, @andrewhhill, @ericmgarcia, @jessicaschulb, @huffpostcaunion, @huffpostcaunion, @huffpostcaunion, @mlcalderone, @caseynewton, @leahmcelrath, @latguild, @nhannahjones, @alexckaufman, @jamieson, @marinafang, @jennydeluxe, @andreagonram, @mannyfidel, @sarahkaplan48, @joshsternberg, @alexkotch, @jmrivera02, @ericgeller, @hshaban, @theepicdept, @andybcampbell, @kerrymflynn, @unprovoked_, @mckinneykelsey, @jillkrajewski, @onesarahjones, @bigblackjacobin, @crecenteb, @samthielman, @w7voa, @dmccabe, @juliareinstein, @addysbaird, @thewayoftheid, @harringtonbecca, @joeberkowitz, @pkafka, @laurawags, @scaachi, @managewski, @frittaker, @kerrymflynn, @huffpostunion, @maxwelltani, @samstein, @maggienyt, @dlberes, @emmaroller, @craigsilverman, @shrlychn, @jeremymbarr, @perlberg, Insider, New York Post, MediaPost, Discourse Blog, Mediaite, The Wrap and The Hill
@huffpostunion: Today, we learned that 33 of our unit members — nearly 30% of our unit — are being laid off. Our union's statement: “We are devastated and infuriated, particularly after an exhausting year of covering a pandemic and working from home.” (1/x)
Samantha Beattie / @samantha_kb: Without telling us they've shut down our site.
Jenna Amatulli / @ohheyjenna: A thread of incomparable reporters laid off from HuffPost today who you, an esteemed media organization, should scoop up immediately: 1/
American Press Institute: Need to Know: March 10, 2021 — OFF THE TOP — You might have heard: The truth is paywalled …
Steven Perlberg / @perlberg: Layoffs hitting HuffPost today, weeks after it was acquired by BuzzFeed: - 47 staffers in the US - exec editor Hillary Frey and international exec editor Louise Roug have decided to leave - closing HuffPost Canada - consultations on slimming down UK/ Aus ...
Emma Gray / @emmaladyrose: Today I got laid off at HuffPost, after a decade of work I am so incredibly proud of. I am one of 47 of my deeply, beautifully, funny and talented and wonderful and kind colleagues who lost their jobs today. I'm the most sad that we can't all hug each other. (Also... hire me?)
Adam Gabbatt / The Guardian: BuzzFeed lays off 47 HuffPost workers less than a month after acquisition
Katie Robertson / New York Times: BuzzFeed lays off 47 HuffPost workers weeks after acquisition.
Sebastian Murdock / @sebastianmurdoc: there's simply no way our new corporate overlords could ever be THAT evil I said two hours ago like a dipshit
Ron Nurwisah / @boyreporter: A hard tweet to write. I'm one of the journalists affected by the HuffPost layoffs. Want to give a 👏 to everyone who helped build @HuffPostCanada especially @yumke who hired me. And a 🙌 to @gabigailgilliam @MikeElliotBarry and the rest of my team for being so amazing in 2020
Jon Schwarz / @schwarz: The layoffs at HuffPost are terrible. But this was baked in when the company was founded with money from venture capitalists and private equity. That's why it got sold to AOL, and then Verizon. Journalism was never profitable in the past, it isn't now, and it never will be.
@huffpostunion: (2/x) “This is also happening less than a month after HuffPost was acquired by BuzzFeed. We never got a fair shot to prove our worth.”
Steven Perlberg / Insider: BuzzFeed is making layoffs at HuffPost weeks after it acquired the company
David Infante / Fingers: Media industry still butt; bar-tab Venmo still deficient
Kelsey Mckinney / @mckinneykelsey: every single media layoff story is as disgusting and predictably inhumane as you expect it to be and yet every single time i am shocked
Mariam Ahmed / Talking Biz News: BuzzFeed announces layoffs for HuffPost staffers
Tom Jones / Poynter: Piers Morgan walks off then walks away
Samantha Beattie / @samantha_kb: I will be publishing my story I was writing this week about climate change... somehow. Maybe on a blog?
Jennifer Bendery / @jbendery: Still processing how painful today was for HuffPost. Some exceptional reporters and editors, not to mention exceptional people, are now on the market. Hire them.
Taryn Finley / @_tarynitup: Extremely frustrated, saddened and disappointed to see so many of my talented HuffPost colleagues laid off today. They have taught me so much and it has been such a joy to work alongside them. Hire them. And unionize your newsrooms. I can't stress that enough.
Keri Leigh Merritt, Ph.D. / @kerileighmerrit: Just psychologically, downright cruel.
Jacob Soboroff / @jacobsoboroff: Seconding this, and pulling for my former colleagues and friends at @HuffPost after this absolutely crappy news.
Sarah Miller / @sarahmillerdc: Mergers and layoffs go hand-in-hand, and not just in media. Under previous antitrust regimes, layoffs were just another “efficiency.” With a merger boom just over the horizon, the connection between M&A and layoffs needs to be part of the conversation.
Josh Barro / @jbarro: 47 layoffs might save about $4 million, before restructuring costs and lost revenue from reduced editorial product. Peretti said he wants to break even this year instead of losing $20 million. That math does not seem to pencil, unless there's a big strategy to grow revenue.
Donie O'Sullivan / @donie: This is high on the fucked-up scale.
@sulliview: Tons of talent among those being laid off at HuffPost. I hope every hiring news org is taking a hard look. And I'm so sorry to hear this gutting news, especially after so much good work in the past year.
Jo Yurcaba / @joyurcaba: Solidarity to all the incredible HuffPost reporters/editors laid off today (as someone who was laid off a month into the pandemic). If you have any LGBTQ+ pitches, I'd be happy to consider them - email is in my bio.
@cmclymer: I cannot recommend enough that news outlets hire @emmaladyrose. The influence of her reporting on a variety of topics over the past decade has been simply extraordinary. She's a fair and incredibly talented journalist. Any outlet would be lucky to have her.
Kim Bhasin / @kimbhasin: BuzzFeed laid off many of the longest-tenured staff at HuffPost. They stayed through all the regimes and created something great despite the endless BS. People like @emmaladyrose, @EmilyRPeck, @rklein90, @quasimado, @ClaireEFallon & @RealGirlProject - They built that newsroom.
Jesse Winter / @jwints: Shuttering newsrooms on the heels of a union push that sought basic respect and support for journalists should be illegal. Instead it's all too familiar
Maham Abedi / @mahamabedi: HuffPost Canada was home to some of the brightest, kindest and most passionate journalists in our country and they simply deserve better. I have no doubt they'll find it. Forever grateful to them and for the newsroom that took a chance on me seven years ago. It's a sad day.
Sara B. / @sara_bee: Although HuffPost has struggled financially for several years, some staffers criticized the lack of resources expended to promote the site and its content under Verizon Media. “We never got a fair shot to prove our worth,” the union said.
Claire Fallon / @claireefallon: well! just found out that after ten years at huffpost, i'm being laid off.
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: “there is one CEO who for years has utterly failed to both run a profitable company and treat his employees with even a modicum of human dignity when he is forced to throw their lives in the trash on a yearly basis. That man is Jonah Peretti”
Kerry Flynn / CNN: BuzzFeed lays off 70 HuffPost staffers in massive ‘restructure’ less than a month after acquisition
Ryan McCarthy / @mccarthyryanj: Newsrooms lost ~17k jobs last year. This, after 10+ years of working through cuts and consolidation, 2 recessions and a pandemic. That this many talented journalists could be out of work is a market failure. The industry has to do better for its workers. Hire them:
Maya Kosoff / @mekosoff: sometimes i miss working in journalism full time but then a media company seems to deliberately choose the cruelest, most stress-inducing way to lay off several dozen people and my nostalgia evaporates
Ariel Edwards-Levy / @aedwardslevy: After nine years at HuffPost, I am unfortunately saying goodbye to my incredible colleagues. I'm so proud of the work we've done. If you're looking to hire someone who loves writing about public opinion, good data and awful puns, please get in touch.
Sara Nelson / @flyingwithsara: Devastating. And we stand with you, @HuffPostUnion. But no doubt the union made even the worst conditions better for the people doing to the work at @HuffPost. And the union fights on. #1u
Alex Berg / @itsalexberg: This is devastating. HuffPosters have done such amazing work over the years and deserve so much better after a year of working through a pandemic.
Jessica Schulberg / @jessicaschulb: i'm absolutely shaking with rage - this is a bloodbath and we've been at buzzfeed for less than a month. we don't even have an EIC yet. there was no effort to work with the union to avoid/mitigate job loss during a pandemic
Jack Crosbie / @jscros: here's a blog about the people in charge, and specifically one guy who keeps finding new ways to fuck up
Anna Silman / @annaesilman: @peretti you'll pay for our mandatory government hotel quarantine back in canada right?
Anna Silman / @annaesilman: now instead of taking his first vacation in a year because, lol, spr!ngisH3re!, he'll be on the phone to immigration lawyers seeing if he can stay in the country that has been our home for almost a decade.
Anna Silman / @annaesilman: after a hellish year spent reporting on the front lines of a pandemic, my partner and i were looking forward to things finally getting a little brighter over the next few months. plus, after giving 7 years of his life to huffpo, they were finally going to get him his green card!
Anna Silman / @annaesilman: in addition to every other entirely fucked up thing, huffpo laid off several international employees who depend on the company for their visa — during a pandemic, with no warning. this is tantamount to destroying not just someone's livelihood but their whole life. i am livid.
Kim Bhasin / @kimbhasin: BuzzFeed made its layoffs a live reality show reveal. Staff were told 47 of them would be laid off, but they'd have to wait to find out if they were included. If they didn't receive an email by 1 pm then their jobs were safe.
Kaz Weida / @kazweida: This is unconscionable. There's no need to inflict this kind of suffering.
Anne T. Donahue / @annetdonahue: This is so fucking disrespectful and disgusting. I'm appalled and absolutely not shocked.
Erin Strout / @erinstrout: Cruel.
Penny Riordan / @pennyriordan1: @boyreporter @HuffPostCanada @yumke @gabigailgilliam @MikeElliotBarry I've been there twice, after both Patch/AOL and GateHouse/Gannett. You'll find somewhere amazing to land, no doubt. But first, take a break, get some rest, and take some time!
Andrew Losowsky / @losowsky: If you want an expert on social, email, audience - Ron is your man. This is a rare opportunity to pick up one of the best.
Tim Carney / @tpcarney: I have been reading “The Price of Peace” by @zachdcarter. It's been an education, yes, but it's been a joy. Zach is an excellent writer who grips you with his storytelling prose. HuffPo let him go today, so buy his book. ...
Emily Dreyfuss / @emilydreyfuss: Anyway, I want to say “hire all the talented journalists who got laid off today!” But our industry is so imperiled, as are so many others, that what we really need is a much broader restructuring of our priorities as a society
Emily Dreyfuss / @emilydreyfuss: People working to help others, with a sense of purpose and mission, so often are the least valued by our capitalist system. Doctors might appear to be the exception, but...
Sebastian Murdock / @sebastianmurdoc: as an aside, in the future maybe don't have the password to your massive layoff blindside meeting be a variation of “spring is here”
Rebekah Entralgo Fernndez / @rebekahentralgo: Deeply evil. Solidarity with @HuffPostUnion
Chris Geidner / @chrisgeidner: For more on this really awful news, BuzzFeed cut roughly a third of the HuffPost newsroom, per this:
Ed Zitron / @edzitron: if this is about buzzfeed not having the profits to sustain huffpo, then perhaps they shouldn't have acquired them in the first place
Jesse Raub / @jesseraub: @edzitron i'm pretty sure the losses are related to HuffPost only and he's saying that the meager profits at BuzzFeed can't cover those HuffPost losses, technically. still extremely monstrous and horrible.
Max Burns / @themaxburns: My heart goes out to the 47 fantastic reporters and producers laid off from Huffington Post today. It's a brutal time for a brutal industry, so please consider hiring some of these great voices.
Mark Pitcavage / @egavactip: There are some good reporters there. :(
Ruth Ben-Ghiat / @ruthbenghiat: Solidarity with all of these wonderful journalists.
Adam Serwer / @adamserwer: A shame to see so many great reporters laid off. There's a tremendous amount of talent on this list.
Anthony DeRosa / @anthony: 47 people laid off today from @HuffPost Take a look at some of the names in the thread, a lot of talent that could help improve your newsrooms....
Carli Velocci / @velocciraptor: Wait, Carli, why is there a journalism to PR pipeline? Why are so many people leaving journalism? 🤔
Michael Hobbes / @rottenindenmark: I don't want anyone to feel obligated to support the podcasts because of this. I'm lucky to have side projects to fall back on but a lot of people who just lost their jobs don't have that safety net. I'll add more links later but for now buy them a beer!
Michael Hobbes / @rottenindenmark: I'm Michael Hobbes, I'm no longer a reporter for HuffPost...
Eric Michael Garcia / @ericmgarcia: I am just going to say, when I was a nobody college student who was visiting D.C. for my spring break, @jeffyoung invited me to the HuffPost D.C. office and treated me as an equal. This is absolute bullshit.
Nora Biette-Timmons / @biettetimmons: I'm collecting money for those who want to buy laid off HuffPost journalists a beer or seven. Get me on Venmo @ Nora-Biette-Timmons
@psychichealerc: @biettetimmons I think they should open their own online news thing. All of them together.
Andrew Hill / @andrewhhill: @PsychicHealerC @biettetimmons A la defector
Eric Michael Garcia / @ericmgarcia: I am but a humble country reporter who doesn't understand business. But it seems to me that vulture corporations hollowing out publications of their best reporters is an incredibly short-sighted move. Good journalism begets eyeballs that beget money.
Jessica Schulberg / @jessicaschulb: i'm not unit chair (we don't have one) but yes this is legit!
@huffpostcaunion: We have been told this decision was made before our organizing effort and is not linked to our unionizing. Still, it is even more devastating in the wake of the hope and optimism we had following a strong union drive.
@huffpostcaunion: Today is a sad day. This morning, we found out that BuzzFeed will be shutting down operations of HuffPost Canada and Quebec next week. All of our staff are now out of a job.
@huffpostcaunion: HuffPost Canada consistently punched above our weight and did vital, important journalism in Canada. We stand in solidarity with our colleagues in the U.S. and the U.K. who are experiencing layoffs of their own. It is a sad day for journalism.
Michael Calderone / @mlcalderone: Incredible amount of talent heading out the door.
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: Really bummed to hear about the BuzzFeed / HuffPo layoffs. If you've been affected and want to chat about building a career in journalism on your own terms, my DMs are open 💪
@latguild: This is awful news. Solidarity with our colleagues at @HuffPost, who deserve better.
Ida Bae Wells / @nhannahjones: Breaking my Twitter fast in solidarity with my colleagues at @HuffPostUnion unceremoniously laid off today. If you know of open news positions, please post below. If there is a way @IBWellsSociety can help, please reach out to me directly.
Alexander Kaufman / @alexckaufman: Nauseating. Some of the best people in the business — some of the closest and most impressive friends I've made as an adult — just lost their jobs and a secure paycheck in a time of economic upheaval. HuffPost will be weaker without them. I envy the newsrooms that hire them.
Dave Jamieson / @jamieson: This bargaining unit used to have over 250 members.
Jenna Wortham / @jennydeluxe: the continued gutting of the media is so devastating and hunger gamesian; solidarity to huffpo journos and their efforts to unionize to prevent this *exact* thing from happening
Andrea Gonzlez-Ramrez / @andreagonram: will media companies ever learn how NOT to lay people off in the cruelest way possible
Manny / @mannyfidel: huffington post employees had to type “spring is here” to get into a meeting where they were told that they were fired
Sarah Kaplan / @sarahkaplan48: Buzzfeed acquired HuffPo just a couple of months ago. It's enraging to see vital news organizations bought up and gutted before they even have a chance to prove their value. And we can't even blame Alden for this one.
Josh Sternberg / @joshsternberg: The decision to lay off people should be the last resort, a brutal decision that should weigh on those who have to tell people they've lost their livelihood and not turned into a game. Why would anyone want to work at a place that treats people like this?
Alex Kotch / @alexkotch: How is Buzzfeed any better than a private equity vulture firm?
Joshua Rivera / @jmrivera02: there's a baseline way to do this humanely, and it's a choice to be this fucking disgusting when firing people for reasons that are almost always bullshit
Eric Geller / @ericgeller: Every depraved psychopath responsible for this should be permanently excommunicated from this industry. Don't know if this was an executive-level thing or an HR department thing, but whoever it is, they lack even a shred of humanity.
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: A HuffPost staffer and union member tells Defector: “...the fucked-up way that they announced this notwithstanding, this is a just bloodbath for an award-winning international newsroom full of absolutely stellar journalists who didn't deserve this.”
Female Body Respector / @theepicdept: Capitalism rocks. Just the most efficient system where news media all combines into one amorphous blob while people just keep losing their jobs
Andy Campbell / @andybcampbell: It's another godawful day for journalism. 47 HuffPost workers in the U.S. will lose their jobs today.
@kerrymflynn: I interned at HuffPost in 2015 and I'm seeing on my TL so many of the incredibly talented people I worked with, the people who really helped build the site what it is today — focused on deeply reported, impactful, accountability journalism — have been let go. So awful
Michael / @unprovoked_: @thewayoftheid I wonder if this management style is something Peretti learned from Andrew Breitbart when they all were co-founding the Huffington Post.
Kelsey Mckinney / @mckinneykelsey: we have lost hundreds of talented good journalists because of greed and a lack of imagination. we have a whole generation who have spent their whole working life worried and knowing that one day it will be their turn. What a fucking mess
Jill Krajewski / @jillkrajewski: huffpost canada workers unionized last month. this is so sad.
Sarah Jones / @onesarahjones: just thinking about the amount of time it took Jonah Peretti to recognize his staff union. no reason
Edward Ongweso Jr / @bigblackjacobin: the version of my thoughts that doesn't break TOS is that this is disgusting bullshit and it never seems to fucking end in this industry
Brian Crecente / @crecenteb: How is it that companies remain so tone deaf about absolutely derailing people's lives?
@samthielman: oh that's right. that's why I haven't been applying for staff jobs
Steve Herman / @w7voa: Nearly 50 @HuffPost US staffers, including eight managers, losing their jobs and various international offices of the online news site “winding down.”
David McCabe / @dmccabe: The HuffPost newsroom is full of aggressive reporters and editors who are simultaneously some of the kindest people in the business. Outlets would be well-served by hiring the folks who are losing their jobs today.
Julia Reinstein / @juliareinstein: The HuffPost team is so great and talented and they'd been so excited to keep doing outstanding journalism and prove their worth to BuzzFeed. I am so deeply sad that so many of them will never be given the chance.
Addy Baird / @addysbaird: Just awful, awful news for everyone. The cherry on top, though: HuffPost Canada unionzed just last month. They were the only branch of HuffPost entirely shut down.
Openly Black Studs Twerkel / @thewayoftheid: Didn't HuffPo Canada just unionize? Huh. Interesting.
@harringtonbecca: Gutted to hear about the HuffPost layoffs. Talented writers + editors, get in touch! rharrington at insider dot com. We have lots of cool open positions - also happy to connect you with the hiring manager(s) if it's not on my team:
Joe Berkowitz / @joeberkowitz: Working in digital media always feels a hair's breadth away from a blood bath. This blows.
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: In November, BuzzFeed CEO Jonah @peretti promised that he wouldn't cut BuzzFeed staff after buying HuffPost. Wouldn't make same promise re HuffPost.
Laura Wagner / @laurawags: According to a recording of the all-hands call obtained by Defector, Peretti told staffers that if they “don't receive an email” by 1:00 p.m. EDT then their jobs are safe. The password to join the call was “spr!ngisH3r3.”
@scaachi: Cuts this deep are brutal in any context but I would love if my company stopped wedging cutesy nonsense like this into an already unbearable process.
Samantha Tomaszewski / @managewski: i am so heartbroken and devastated and angry for my huffpost colleagues
Francis Whittaker / @frittaker: I see Jonah is still chasing that “fast-track to profitability” four years after he used the exact same doublespeak to justify cutting the jobs of me and dozens of my colleagues
@kerrymflynn: BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti also announced the company is closing HuffPost Canada. All staff there are being let go, affecting 23 employees
@huffpostunion: (3/x) “These layoffs reiterate the importance of forming a union and advocating for our colleagues. We are glad that we are protected by a collective bargaining agreement and that our colleagues will receive severance.”
Sam Stein / @samstein: Huffpost, where I grew up professionally and to which i will forever have a deep emotional connection, is laying off 47 journalists today. I'm devastated for thse folks.
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: This is awful
@dlberes: Feeling sick hearing about the staggering amount of talent being let go from HuffPost today. One of the best working experiences of my life. Amazing, gifted people. Please feel free to reach out to me via DM or — we might be able to work together.
Emma Roller / @emmaroller: Jonah Peretti can S my D
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: The loss of @HuffPostCanada and @HuffPostQuebec is a huge blow to an already beaten down news industry in Canada. I'm devastated by this decision.
Shirley Chan / @shrlychn: having been involved in 2 layoffs and witnessing a total of 4 in this industry by the time I was 25, my heart goes out to my @HuffPost colleagues
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: Here is the story about Jeff Zucker joining the board of “Group Nine Acquisition Corp., the blank-check company looking to roll up other digital businesses with Group Nine Media”: And here's the story about today's layoffs:
Steven Perlberg / @perlberg: HuffPost's losses exceeded $20 million last year and would be similar this year without action, BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti said in a meeting announcing the layoffs ...
Lucia Moses / Insider: Layoffs hit HuffPost
Keith J. Kelly / New York Post: BuzzFeed takes buzzsaw to newly acquired HuffPost
Jack Crosbie / Discourse Blog: Please, Fuck Off: BuzzFeed Sociopath Jonah Peretti
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: BuzzFeed Cuts 47 HuffPost Jobs After Acquisition
Mychael Schnell / The Hill: HuffPost laying off 47 after acquisition by Buzzfeed

Jennifer Lyons, NewsNation VP of news, has resigned effective immediately, the third top editor to quit as some staff complain of the network's rightward shift — The highest ranking editor at NewsNation, a newcomer to cable news that markets itself has delivering “straight-ahead, unbiased news reporting,” has resigned.
TVSpy, Robert Feder, Robert Feder, @rebeccaaguilar, @katie_robertson, @jeremyadamross, @kirkjim12, @robertfeder, @mattlindner, Chicago Tribune, The Hill and Daily Herald
A.J. Katz / TVSpy: Nexstar Media's NewsNation Sees 3 Top Editorial Execs Resign, Including VP of News
Rebecca Aguilar / @rebeccaaguilar: Another news exec walks out on @NewsNation. @nytimes investigation revealed top execs wanted to turn it into a conservative news station by hiring former @FoxNews exec. This is BAD PR for @NexstarNetwork #journalism ...
Katie Robertson / @katie_robertson: NEW: A third top editor has left NewsNation and the company's CEO defended the program in a meeting today after our report on the staff tumult. Of Bill Shine, he said: “Why would we not avail ourselves of his expertise?”
Jeremy Ross / @jeremyadamross: This is bad. Jen is fantastic. News VP Jennifer Lyons quits NewsNation - Robert Feder ...
Jim Kirk / @kirkjim12: Will be hard to recover from this. @WGNJen is A top-flight TV news executive. News VP Jennifer Lyons quits NewsNation - Robert Feder ...
Robert Feder / @robertfeder: This just in: Resignation of News VP Jennifer Lyons @WGNJen culminates exodus of top news management from @NewsNationNow: ...
Matt Lindner / @mattlindner: This New York Times story about NewsNation isn't a surprise to anyone who has regularly been reading @RobertFeder. Still, yikes.
Robert Channick / Chicago Tribune: Jennifer Lyons, VP of news at NewsNation, quits struggling Chicago-based cable news network
Thomas Moore / The Hill: Cable news startup NewsNation loses third top journalist

YouTube says more than 120M Americans streamed YouTube and YouTube TV on their TVs in December 2020, up from 100M in March 2020 — YouTube is again touting the living-room TV as the fastest-growing screen in its device matrix, angling to get more advertisers to spend money on the platform.
Laurie Sullivan / MediaPost: YouTube's Mohan Touts Trends Redefining Video Ads, Surges On CTV At IAB's ILM
Mollie Cahillane / Adweek: YouTube, Already a Connected TV Titan, Looks to Grow Even Further
Brian Albert / The Keyword: As CTV viewership surges, YouTube is people's Main Stream

Longtime CBS News political correspondent Roger Mudd dies at 93 — Roger Mudd, a longtime CBS News political correspondent who reported on the Pentagon's profligate spending, whose interview with Edward M. Kennedy ended the senator's White House prospects and who briefly shared the anchor job …
New York Times, CBS News, Hollywood Reporter, Associated Press, @rasmussen_poll, @ebjunkies, @joetrippi, @mikebarnicle, @tomsietsema, @zigmanfreud, @murphmedia_, @lenoreriegel, @billjcameron, @varadmehta, @bmcclung, @bretisrael, @joshmankiewicz, @wa_cwc, @markszaidesq, @ddumemma, @thorn_john, @stevenportnoy, @summer_delaney, @dpotternews, New York Post, The Hill, Variety, TVNewser and The Wrap
Robert D. McFadden / New York Times: Roger Mudd, Anchorman Who Stumped a Kennedy, Is Dead at 93
@rasmussen_poll: R.I.P. Roger Mudd, rightful heir & successor to chair at The Evening News with Walter Cronkite. It was not to be. A good backgrounder in here from executive well known to us who reluctantly made the decision to appoint someone else.
King / @ebjunkies: Really sorry to see this. Some of the Mudds are dear family friends. Mr. Mudd would always have family & friends over for their annual Mudd Bowl Thanksgiving flag football game. I often talk about how I can't read a defense in these games when I play QB. Legend. RIP sir. 🙏
Joe Trippi / @joetrippi: I was a volunteer driver in Sen. Kennedy's motorcade the day the Mudd interview aired. Driving for CBS Reporter Susan Spencer and crew. Roger Mudd was more than a great anchor. He was a great reporter. That day changed my life.
Mike Barnicle / @mikebarnicle: A very good man.
Tom Sietsema / @tomsietsema: Years ago, I got a restaurant question via email from a Roger Mudd and I had to ask, “Are you THE Roger Mudd?” He replied, “Well, I *used* to be THE Roger Mudd. Now, I'm just hungry.”
John Ziegler / @zigmanfreud: Interestingly, Roger Mudd was also a distant relative of Dr. Samuel Mudd, who was famously implicated in the Lincoln Assassination (later pardoned) and who is the source for the phrase “your name is Mudd.” #RIP
Brian Murphy / @murphmedia_: We've lost another journalism titan. A pro's pro who held the powerful accountable and wasn't afraid to call out the corporate bullshit of television news. ...
Lenore Riegel / @lenoreriegel: We sadly bid farewell to Roger Mudd, probing journalist & news anchor and descendant of the infamous Dr. Mudd. The Riegels knew him personally as one of the most intelligent students whom my kids' grandfather, Prof. O.W. Riegel, mentored at W&L University. ...
Bill Cameron / @billjcameron: I always remember how particularly proud Washington reporter #RogerMudd was that nobody could tell whether he was a Democrat or a Republican. How times change.
Varad Mehta / @varadmehta: He put one of many stakes in Ted Kennedy's presidential ambitions in the 1980 election. I only remember him from his NBC days, though. RIP.
Brian McClung / @bmcclung: Sad to hear of Roger Mudd's passing. I was lucky to take a class from him in college (it was the only class I never skipped). As a @CBSNews alum he was thrilled when I got my 1st job, in the newsroom @WCCO. A great journalist & a class act. #RIPRogerMudd ...
Bret Israel / @bretisrael: Fine newsman with sense of humor drier than a martini
Josh Mankiewicz / @joshmankiewicz: Reporter, writer, interviewer. One of the greats. RIP ...
@wa_cwc: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Roger Mudd, legendary journalist and grandfather of our union sibling @ddumemma. 🌺 Our elders are precious and to lose one is a tremendous loss to our community.
Mark S. Zaid / @markszaidesq: RIP #RogerMudd He died just one day after the 152nd anniversary of the release from prison of his distant relative Dr. #SamuelMudd, who was tied to the conspiracy to assassinate President Lincoln. Roger's career was obviously far more notable! ...
@ddumemma: We had a special bond. I loved calling Rog w/ the inside scoop on the campaign trail. He mailed my every newspaper article that mentioned my candidates. When you're a campaign worker & Roger Mudd is your grandad, you make sure all your candidates have a worthy reason of running.
John Thorn / @thorn_john: Fine obituary by @MattSchudel of the great Roger Mudd, with whom I did a baseball program in 1984 or so, at NBC. ...
Steven Portnoy / @stevenportnoy: A distinguished practitioner of Washington journalism, who covered the most important events of the second half of the 20th century for @CBSNews and @NBCNews.
Summer Delaney / @summer_delaney: Had the honor of not only admiring Roger Mudd as a journalist, but knowing him as a loving grandfather and father to my dearest family friends. We lost an incredible legend today.
Deborah Potter / @dpotternews: Sad to hear this. Among other things, Roger Mudd will be remembered for the simple question he asked that Ted Kennedy couldn't answer.
Antonio Ferme / Variety: Roger Mudd, Veteran CBS and NBC News Correspondent, Dies at 93

Piers Morgan to leave ITV's Good Morning Britain after blowback on his comments about Meghan Markle; Ofcom launches probe of the comments after 41K+ complained — Ofcom launches investigation into Monday's episode after receiving more than 40,000 complaints
@piersmorgan, CNN, The Guardian, The Hill, @jaketapper, @emilybell, ITV, Forbes, @chrisshipitv, @samuelaadams, Variety, Deadline, Insider, HuffPost UK, Ad Age, @kentremendous, @andrewturmer, @annolivarius, The Week, @karnythia, @jamessurowiecki, @jaketapper, @danprimack, @lpizzle, @wraggem, @brianstelter, @kerrymflynn, @stancollymore, @wraggem, @camillard, @maxfostercnn, @lperrins, @maxfostercnn, @cmclymer, @tom_read, @andrewturmer, Columbia Journalism Review, @shanewarne, @jeffjarvis, Page Six, @briancathcart, @petertimmins3, Breitbart, Hollywood Reporter, NBC News, Al Jazeera and Variety
Piers Morgan / @piersmorgan: On Monday, I said I didn't believe Meghan Markle in her Oprah interview. I've had time to reflect on this opinion, and I still don't. If you did, OK. Freedom of speech is a hill I'm happy to die on. Thanks for all the love, and hate. I'm off to spend more time with my opinions.
Max Foster / CNN: Meghan complained to ITV about Piers Morgan's comments
Mychael Schnell / The Hill: Meghan Markle personally complained to ITV about Piers Morgan remarks: report
Jake Tapper / @jaketapper: This is what happens when you live in a country where there is no First amendment. Insanity: Variety: 'U.K. media regulator Ofcom launched an investigation after more than 41,000 people complained about Piers Morgan's comments on Meghan Markle.'
Emily Bell / @emilybell: Context for US media columnists for the storm-off of Piers Morgan from a popular morning show in the UK. Britain follows the US in many things - including two new right wing news channels: GB News and News UK (Murdoch-owned Fox lite) .. timing seems more than coincidental
Robert Hart / Forbes: 'The Woke Crowd Will Think That They've Canceled Me': Piers Morgan Defends Critical Meghan Markle Coverage
Chris Ship / @chrisshipitv: So ... the Duchess of Sussex formally filed a complaint to @ITV on Monday. It's thought to have been sent to the broadcaster's CEO. Meghan raised concerns about how @piersmorgan's words affect the issue of mental health and what it might do to others contemplating suicide
Sam Adams / @samuelaadams: “I'm off to spend more time with my opinions” is a truly legendary self-own
Manori Ravindran / Variety: Piers Morgan Quits ‘Good Morning Britain’ Following Meghan Markle Comments
Jake Kanter / Deadline: Piers Morgan Quits ‘Good Morning Britain’ After Meghan Markle Suicide Comments — Update
Zac Ntim / Insider: Meghan Markle lodged formal complaint with broadcaster over Piers Morgan's mental-health comments, reports say
Ash Percival / HuffPost UK: Meghan Markle Reportedly Complained To ITV About Piers Morgan Prior To GMB Exit
Alexandra Jardine / Ad Age: Unilever drops ‘normal’ and Lego reports record sales: Wednesday Wake-Up Call
Ken Tremendous / @kentremendous: Behind every vitriolic asshole is a woman who didn't show him what he deemed to be the proper amount of sexual interest.
Andrew Turmer / @andrewturmer: @LucasAlmond2 @JamesSurowiecki @tom_read @jaketapper Remarkable to see so many people fail to understand what an independent regulator is. Regulators aren't the government. Why can't those outside of the UK understand this? It's not that hard.
Dr. Ann Olivarius / @annolivarius: If you work with a man like Piers Morgan, you don't have to wait until he throws a tantrum and leaves in a huff. Talk to an employment lawyer. We know exactly how to deal with that type of behaviour. ...
Brendan Morrow / The Week: Meghan Markle reportedly filed complaint with ITV over Piers Morgan comments
Openly Black Mikki Kendall / @karnythia: The First Amendment doesn't protect people from employer consequences for misconduct. You should know that.
James Surowiecki / @jamessurowiecki: @AndrewTurmer @LucasAlmond2 @tom_read @jaketapper If a regulator is established by the government, and has its powers and its remit defined by the government, it's a government agency.
Jake Tapper / @jaketapper: And the notion that OFCAM is in no way part of the UK government? Cmon. Empowered by government, board members named by government,...
Dan Primack / @danprimack: Didn't he literally walk off set? That's quitting, not being canceled.
Lamont Price / @lpizzle: Piers Morgan telling people dealing with years of racism to “suck it up” and then quitting his show after 10 minutes of fair criticism is hilarious
Alex Wragge-Morley / @wraggem: @jaketapper As for OFCOM - you're right that its relationship to the government is ambiguous. The acronym used to describe such organizations in the UK is QUANGO - Quasi non-Governmental Organization. Their independence varies from organization to organization.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: From @MaxFosterCNN: “The Duchess of Sussex made a formal complaint to British broadcaster ITV relating to Piers Morgan's comments about her, following the Sussexs' interview with Oprah.”
@kerrymflynn: “Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, made a formal complaint to British broadcaster ITV relating to Piers Morgan's comments about her mental health.” - @MaxFosterCNN
Stan Collymore / @stancollymore: PS, here's your first amendment right in action and your abject and utter national failure to have standards of discourse on television news and radio.
Alex Wragge-Morley / @wraggem: @jaketapper Not sure this is really a freedom of speech issue though. Piers Morgan can say whatever he wants. The question is about whether he can say whatever he wants on broadcast TV.
Camilla Blackett / @camillard: So in less than a fortnight Meghan's forced the Daily Mail to do a front page apology, pay damages, exposed the Royal Family to a global stage and P45'd Piers Morgan. Rah. Say what you want about American work ethic.
Max Foster / @maxfostercnn: CNN understands the complaint is about the impact Morgan's comments could have on others and how it could degrade the seriousness of mental health issues. The Duchess' complaint did not relate to the personal nature of Morgan's attacks.
Laura Perrins / @lperrins: Piers Morgan says freedom of speech is a hill he is happy to die on. Give me a break. He blocks anyone who disagrees with him, he talks over anyone who disagrees with him, his idea of speech is to bully, shout and generally humiliate guests.
Max Foster / @maxfostercnn: The Duchess of Sussex made a formal complaint to British broadcaster ITV relating to Piers Morgan's comments about her, following the Sussexs' interview with Oprah, CNN has learned.
@cmclymer: @jaketapper Yes, much better to have a media apparatus subject to the control of corporate owners that decide who is and isn't worthy of having a voice based on the owner's politics and interests, even if that means silencing victims of real harm that's been done. C'mon, Jake.
Tom Read / @tom_read: @jaketapper No Jake, unlike in your country, we have actual standards for broadcasters, and consequences for those that fail to meet them.
Andrew Turmer / @andrewturmer: @JamesSurowiecki @LucasAlmond2 @tom_read @jaketapper It's an independent regulator. Why not just accept that people in the UK who have experience of how OFCOM works know more about it than you? You have gone on a crusade to embarrass yourself tonight and refuse to acknowledge that you might be wrong. It's weird.
Jon Allsop / Columbia Journalism Review: Racism, the culture wars, and the self-cancellation of Piers Morgan
Shane Warne / @shanewarne: You're a bloody legend @piersmorgan & yes I know a friend too. But you create debate & discussion-which is a good thing. I don't always agree with u on some topics, but you're a straight talker & to many people are scared to talk straight. Keep holding people accountable 👍
Yaron Steinbuch / Page Six: Meghan Markle lodged formal complaint after Piers Morgan accused her of lying
Brian Cathcart / @briancathcart: The departure of Piers Morgan from ITV, welcome and overdue though it is, is no remedy for the racism and thuggery of the UK corporate press, for which the papers and the Society of Editors are not sorry.
Pete Timmins / @petertimmins3: Ofcom investigating GMB over Piers Morgans comments about Sussexes Good. About time the bully got his comeuppance. ...
Kurt Zindulka / Breitbart: Piers Morgan Quits Breakfast TV Show Good Morning Britain Amid Woke Royals Row
Alex Ritman / Hollywood Reporter: Piers Morgan Being Investigated by U.K. Regulator Ofcom Over Meghan Markle Comments

Networks prize advertiser deals that let them move money to streaming or digital inventory, despite cable TV ad CPMs of ~$10-12 vs. streaming CPMs of ~ $20-$30 — The traditional TV advertising business isn't what it used to be. With the erosion of the pay-TV subscriber base and the rise …
Steve Olson / @steveolson: Here's where I think TV-first advertisers' brains are broken. Why wouldn't that :15 pre-roll ad be just as good as a :15 late night on Saturday? Show me that research.

Source: Teen Vogue removed an article sponsored by the Saudi Tourism Authority after it was posted to the site on Tuesday in “error” — Teen Vogue removed an article sponsored by the Saudi Tourism Authority after it was posted to the site on Tuesday in “error,” an individual with knowledge of the matter told TheWrap.

Teen Vogue staffers air concerns over new EIC hire Alexi McCammond in a letter to Condé Nast management about her past anti-Asian and homophobic tweets
Zaid Jilani / @zaidjilani: How exactly can the New York Times inform its readers about what's happening here without even printing the tweets in question? Readers fill in the blanks I guess?
Josh Barro / @jbarro: There is no requirement that the. NYT share a story about an adult's teenage tweets from the main social account. What is the news value here?
Fashionista: ‘Teen Vogue’ Staff Members Issue Statement Condemning Newly Named Editor-in-Chief's History of Racism [Updated]
Aaron Royce / Daily Front Row: Alexi McCammond Issues Apology As Teen Vogue Staffers Express Concern Over Her Racist Tweets
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: Shared part of this above, but here's the full note @alexi sent to staff ...
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: Are people seriously suggesting that a young black woman should be fired because of (undeniably racist) tweets she posted a decade ago, as a teenager, that she has already apologized for, a while back? I mean, isn't changing, growing, evolving, regretting, part of being human?
@uhshanti: you're allowed to sincerely apologize for something you said when you were functionally a child if you are genuinely contrite and committed to improve. you can't compare her to Adam Rapoport, a grown man who mismanaged an entire staff and editorial team
Cenk Uygur / @cenkuygur: Did anyone meet with her or did they judge and condemn her sight unseen for what she wrote when she was 17? This isn't about Alexi McCammond, this is about mercilessly judging people before even giving them a chance. Conservatives overhype it but this actually is #CancelCulture.
Seth / @sethisnotmyname: i'm biased because she's my former editor, but if it was wrong to cancel james gunn for tweets he apologized for & deleted years ago, it's wrong to cancel lexi for the same
Katie Robertson / New York Times: Teen Vogue Staff Members Condemn Editor's Decade-Old, Racist Tweets
Chantal Fernandez / The Business of Fashion: Teen Vogue Staff Publishes Letter Condemning New Editor in Chief's Past Tweets
Jenn Gidman / Newser: Old Controversy Reemerges for New Teen Vogue Editor
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: New Teen Vogue editor apologizes for offensive tweets

Bipartisan group of US lawmakers re-introduce a bill that will let news organizations negotiate collectively with Google, Facebook, and others — - News media could band together under bill to bargain with tech — Australia law marked a major victory for news publishers
Laurie Sullivan / MediaPost: U.S. To Introduce Bill Making Google, Facebook Pay For Publishers' Content

Interview with GB News CEO Angelos Frangopoulos, who says UK's impartiality rules will not prevent it from becoming the country's first anti-"woke" channel — - Britain's newest TV news channel is causing a major stir in the UK, where broadcast news is required to be strictly impartial.
Adam Bienkov / @adambienkov: Piers Morgan quits GMB. In other news, GB News' chief exec tells us they will soon announce some “surprising” hires... ...

WaPo publisher emails staff about the paper's plans to “initiate the gradual return” to offices starting July 6 with voluntary return of ~10% of its workforce — WaPo publisher Fred Ryan emails staff about the paper's plan to “initiate the gradual return” to offices starting July 6. “This will inevitably be a complicated process...”