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Sources: the Athletic is in merger talks with Axios, with a long-term plan of adding other digital subscription-based publishers — Deal would be part of plan to create larger company with a portfolio of digital-media publishers — Sports-media outlet the Athletic is in merger talks …
@benmullin, @marc_normandin, The Information, @sonnybunch, @matthiasellis, @jonathanvswan, @bencjacobs, @tom_fowdy, @kerrymflynn, @stellinitweets, @jaseidler, @hkesvani, @daringantt, @jamessurowiecki, @wblau, @jessicalessin, @mathewi, @jeffjarvis, @sherman4949, @markdistef, @jimwaterson, @kerrymflynn, @rafat, @neontaster, @jakesherman, @martinsfp, @bobbybaird, @jarroddicker, @ckrewson, CNBC, TechCrunch, Awful Announcing, American Press Institute, The Hill, Insider and Reuters
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: Scoop: Axios is in talks to merge with The Athletic, part of a larger plan that could include going public via SPAC. The plan is to build a portfolio company that consolidates high-quality publishers
Marc Normandin / @marc_normandin: My first thought for any merger these days is “how many jobs will this cost”
Sonny Bunch / @sonnybunch: Merging the Athletic's paying subscriber base who are enthusiastic about sports with Axios's ability to attract corporate megadonors for sponsorships/ads/conferences? It's almost like an old-timey newspaper! (I mean this without sarcasm and in the best way possible.)
Matt / @matthiasellis: remember that like 8 year period between 2006 and 2014 when there were tons of really interesting, experimental blogs, some of which, sure, were playing with house money, but all churning out legitimately exciting work? just thinking about that for no reason lol
Jonathan Swan / @jonathanvswan: I hear it's a competitive beat, but I'm ready for the challenge.
Ben Jacobs / @bencjacobs: Excited already for @jonathanvswan's transition to becoming America's premier cricket reporter
Tom Fowdy / @tom_fowdy: Get ready for Bethany Allen sports scoops on how Asian American Athletes are really CCP spies.
@kerrymflynn: So does Axios go from free to paid? Or does The Athletic go from paid to free? Or does nothing change?
Nick Stellini / @stellinitweets: I wish I could read reports like this without immediately worrying about how many of my friends would be laid off in the name of “streamlining” and “restructuring”
Jarrett Seidler / @jaseidler: The Athletic's long-term business model turning out to be a garden variety new media vulture capital scheme is neither surprising nor particularly interesting, though it's going to be terrible for the sportswriting community down the road
@hkesvani: turning content into another financial instrument seems like a good idea. sure
Darin Gantt / @daringantt: Always thought there was a market for a product which combined a collection of in-depth reporting about topics of local interest such as government, education, health, sports, food, and the arts. Maybe they'd deliver it to my house every morning and I could take it to the can.
James Surowiecki / @jamessurowiecki: Don't go public! Investors in public companies don't just want steady profits. They want steady profit *growth*, which if you're a serious journalistic enterprise is basically impossible to deliver with any consistency.
Wolfgang Blau / @wblau: I find this a much more promising configuration than the Buzzfeed-HuffPo one. In a post-scale advertising world, what matters are high-quality global niche plays that can share their middle- and back-office cost with each other more than their audiences.
Jessica Lessin / @jessicalessin: Fun times in the media business. Some businesses going to shift focus to scale. The most important thing is just to focus on growth.
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: Only two ways to make money — one is unbundling and the other is bundling
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Scale is a goal but not a solution. Sometimes, it just multiplies problems. Smart folk here working with innovative new models, so I'll root for them. Eager to hear more about the rationale.
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: I should caveat — unless the Group Nine SPAC IS the eventual SPAC that does the rollup here!
Mark Di Stefano / @markdistef: We're putting the newspaper back together!
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: Three bullet points on US Senate filibusters followed by a 10,000 word longread on a long-forgotten Southend United footballer sounds like a media company with a future.
@kerrymflynn: @digitalshields Yah it's so interesting to me that they're completely different Biz models!! Like nearly in all-in on one. Doesn't mean Athletic couldn't introduce ads and Axios couldn't start charging for more offerings. Just curious if it could ever mean Axios newsletters going paid 👀
@rafat: Interesting. Advertising + Subscription strength in each of those, under one roof. One is profitable, one isn't.
Noam Blum / @neontaster: Magic 8 ball says a bunch of people bout to be laid off.
Jake Sherman / @jakesherman: Wow. Fascinating and great idea.
Martin Sfp Bryant / @martinsfp: Merits or otherwise of a SPAC aside, Axios and the Athletic is a good combo.
Robert P. Baird / @bobbybaird: Oddly unmentioned in this story: Axios and The Athletic both count the Emerson Collective (i.e., Laurene Powell Jobs) as a minority owner.
Alex Sherman / CNBC: The Athletic and Axios might merge — here's what The Athletic co-founder said about Axios last summer
Alex Wilhelm / TechCrunch: WeWork lines up for a second run at the public markets
Ian Casselberry / Awful Announcing: The Athletic reportedly in talks with Axios regarding a merger
American Press Institute: Need to Know: March 26, 2021 — OFF THE TOP — You might have heard: Headlines lacking context …
Thomas Moore / The Hill: Axios and the Athletic talking merger
Kate Duffy / Insider: Media startup Axios is reportedly in merger talks with sports-media outlet The Athletic, and the combined company could go public
Eva Mathews / Reuters: Media firms Athletic and Axios in merger talks - WSJ

Hemal Jhaveri, a columnist and inclusion editor, says USA Today fired her after she tweeted in error on Boulder shooting that it is “always an angry white man” — I am no longer employed at USA TODAY, a company that was my work home for almost eight years.
@mattnegrin, @hemjhaveri, @laurahazardowen, @japersrink, @nkalamb, @katefresephoto, @genepark, @juliedicaro, @zacharyfaria, @karenkho, @sarahspain, @danjfriedman, @ijjacobs2, @christianjbdev, @alanisnking, @cdcarter13, @vermontgmg, @alanisnking, @c_stroop, @palafo, @wattylerrising, @nkalamb, @kainazamaria, @laurenthehough, @karenkho, @mhodler, @kottke, @jeremylittau, @thehat2, @nkalamb, @alibreland, @daveweigel, @juliacarriew, @sopandeb, The Federalist, Washington Examiner, The Hill, Jezebel, America's Conservative Voice, The Wrap and New York Post
@mattnegrin: Newsrooms refuse to call Republicans' voter suppression bills “voter suppression” for roughly the same reason @USATODAY fired @hemjhaveri — they don't view identifying the vast-reaching tentacles of white supremacy as an objective pursuit; they see it as a threat
Hemal Jhaveri / @hemjhaveri: Hi friends. Some news. I am no longer working at For The Win and USA TODAY. Here's what happened. ...
Laura Hazard Owen / @laurahazardowen: 4/20/20: “Gannett newsrooms, whiter than the communities they serve, pledge broad change by 2025” 3/26/21: “By the end of the day, USA TODAY had relieved me of my position as a Race and Inclusion editor.” ...
@japersrink: Just seeing this, and I'm despondent about it. Fortunately Hemal is so talented that this will only be a temporary setback, but this is pretty shocking (or at least should be).
Nathan Kalman-Lamb / @nkalamb: Dan Dakich was allowed to use sexist language. Greg McDermott was allowed to say that players belong on “the plantation.” Meyers Leonard was allowed to use an anti-Semitic slur. But Hemal Jhaveri—not a white man—was just relieved of her job for critiquing white supremacy.
Kate Frese / @katefresephoto: I know most of my followers are sports fans. I encourage you to read this. Just because inclusivity columns, committees, etc exist, does not mean that they uphold the values they project. Keep learning. Keep questioning. Keep working on your own biases.
Gene Park / @genepark: USA Today fired Hemal for a wrong tweet, but defended @susanpage after this
@juliedicaro: Outlets want ‘diverse voices,’ then get upset when those voices draw the ire of the very well-organized right wing outrage machine.
Zachary Faria / @zacharyfaria: It doesn't make sense for USA Today to fire Hemal Jhaveri considering she's just pushing the same politics that they want in their sports coverage My latest: ...
Karen K. Ho / @karenkho: I worry about the situation between Hemal Jhaveri and USA Today happening to myself or my other non-white female journalist-friends all the time
Sarah Spain / @sarahspain: THIS IS INFURIATING!!!! How is this real, @hemjhaveri? We will never, ever make progress if we have to both-sides even the issues that are very clearly wrong v. right. True DEI requires getting uncomfortable, challenging the status quo & actually doing the work, which you were.
Daniel Friedman / @danjfriedman: Hemal made a mistake and tweeted out something she shouldn't have, which she owned up to. Cancel culture is becoming a major, major problem no matter what side of the political aisle you're on. She should not have been fired. I stand with her.
I.J. Jacobs / @ijjacobs2: @daveweigel I may be in the rare group that thinks Alexis McCammond's treatment regarding her tweets was unfair, but Hemal Jhaveri's is. If you have a job title devoted to diversity and inclusion you shouldn't be making assumptions and sweeping claims about people of a certain race.
@christianjbdev: I don't normally think people should lose their jobs over a tweet, but jeez, if you're a ‘race and inclusion editor’, and you fire off a tweet claiming 'it's always angry white men' before all the facts are known, then maybe you're not great at your job. ...
Alanis King / @alanisnking: This a particularly awful concern for those who come from underrepresented backgrounds and speak out against oppressive power structures, as Hemal writes: ...
C.D. Carter / @cdcarter13: love to see major publications pathetically cave to feigned far-right outage
Garrett M. Graff / @vermontgmg: USA TODAY should be ashamed of its treatment of @hemjhaveri. It's astounding that media orgs are *STILL* getting played by bad-faith alt-right trolls. How hard is it to stand by talented staff in the face of obvious racist or sexist attacks? ...
Alanis King / @alanisnking: The fear of a large, mobilized group of bad-faith Twitter users successfully pressuring a newsroom to fire a writer for a small mistake or act that angers them is common. The people firing often don't acknowledge that those groups hop from person to person with insincere outrage.
Chrissy Stroop / @c_stroop: “There is always the threat that tweets which challenge white supremacy will be weaponized by bad faith actors.” Shame on @USATODAY for caving to the demands of white supremacists! @hemjhaveri deserves better ...
Patrick LaForge / @palafo: An editor is out over a tweet at @USATODAY newsroom. “This is not about bias, or keeping personal opinions off of Twitter. It's about challenging whiteness and being punished for it.” ...
Jane Ball / @wattylerrising: I really want someone to @ Chait about this until he's forced to reconsider where the most dangerous illiberalism is. He's said nothing about this, nothing about Collin College, nothing about the anti-trans healthcare laws.
Nathan Kalman-Lamb / @nkalamb: Every single member of management at @Gannett/@USATODAY should feel nothing but shame for their complicity in bowing to a completely bad faith alt-right mob by firing the most important critical voice at @usatodaysports and one of the only redeeming people in this toxic industry.
@kainazamaria: “So many newsrooms claim to value diverse voices, yet when it comes to backing them up, or looking deeper into how white supremacy permeates their own newsrooms, they quickly retreat.” - @hemjhaveri ...
Lauren Hough / @laurenthehough: Good job @USATODAY. You helped some Nazis take down a woman of color. Just, excellent work, bros.
Karen K. Ho / @karenkho: I single out non-white women because the odds are already low for their hiring, promotion, and retention in the media industry; along with their greater awareness of how race and gender intersect on their beats and in their careers.
Matt Hodler / @mhodler: The firing of Hemal Jhaveri is a huge blow to sport media. @USATODAY really dropped the ball in failing to back her up. Her work is invaluable and I look forward to reading and assigning her work in the future.
@kottke: “Like many places, USA TODAY values ‘equality and inclusion,’ but only as long as it knows its rightful place, which is subservient to white authority.” ...
Jeremy Littau / @jeremylittau: Read this: “This is not about bias, or keeping personal opinions off of Twitter. It's about challenging whiteness and being punished for it. As a columnist and Race and Inclusion editor ... it was my job to push for anti-racism and inclusion in our stories and with our staff.”
@thehat2: When someone they hate is being fired, it's accountability, and “cancel culture is fake.” When someone they like is being fired, it's Gamergate-style tactics that need to be called out because it wasn't talked about enough by the entire mainstream press for the last 6.5 years.
Nathan Kalman-Lamb / @nkalamb: I pledge that I will never work with @USATODAY unless they return Hemal Jhaveri to her previous position. Further, I hope that everyone in this industry understands that if they step into that evidently morally bankrupt post, they are complicit in this injustice.
Ali Breland / @alibreland: we're now 6 years out from gamergate and management at some media organizations are still falling for gamergate-esque harassment campaigns
Dave Weigel / @daveweigel: The pile-on here and the pile-on that got Lauren Wolfe laid off were basically the same: Lots of call-the-manager tweets at somebody's employer, urging them to fire somebody for a bad tweet. But DON'T call it cancel culture
Julia Carrie Wong / @juliacarriew: This is utterly disgraceful behavior by @USATODAY. Journalists make mistakes. Publications must stand up to the bad faith rightwing machine that weaponizes those mistakes to target journalists with harassment campaigns. All solidarity to @hemjhaveri ...
Sopan Deb / @sopandeb: USA Today fell for a targeted alt-right harassment campaign and fired a reporter of color. Shameful.
Emily Jashinsky / The Federalist: Fired USA Today Editor Deflects From Wrongdoing, Alleges ‘White Supremacy’
Zachary Faria / Washington Examiner: Why did USA Today fire a race-obsessed editor when that's exactly what it asked for?
Thomas Moore / The Hill: USA Today editor fired for post-Colorado shooting tweet
Molly Osberg / Jezebel: USA Today Takes the Bait
Mike Nichols / America's Conservative Voice: ‘Woke’ writer suggests Oral Roberts University be banned for “anti-LGBTQ+” beliefs

Dominion Voting Systems files a $1.6B defamation suit against Fox News for alleging it rigged the 2020 election — WASHINGTON (AP) — Dominion Voting Systems on Friday filed a $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News, arguing the cable news giant falsely claimed in an effort …
Media Matters for America, Washington Post, Vanity Fair, Insider, Wired, The Week, Axios, New York Times, The Full Belmonte, @normeisen, @nytimesbusiness, @yvindman, @jessecharleslee, @brendannyhan, @justinbaragona, @mattgertz, CNN, @axios, @mrjoncryer, @elaheizadi, @lisabloom, @thedailybeast, @erikwemple, @davidfolkenflik, @vickerysec, @johnleguizamo, The Hill, @joycewhitevance, @tribelaw, @karaswisher, @keitholbermann, @mattgertz, @jamesbazan, @nytimes, @shiraovide, @davidjollyfl, @mmfa, @svdate, @dcherring, The Verge, Forbes, Deregulator, Insider, Newser, NPR, TVNewser,, Bloomberg, Mediaite, The Colorado Sun, WGN-TV, The Wrap, The Daily Beast and Boing Boing
Washington Post: Fox News sued by Dominion in $1.6 billion defamation case that could set new guardrails for broadcasters
Insider: Dominion files $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News over election conspiracy theories
Lily Hay Newman / Wired: Security News This Week: Prolific Hackers Hosed by Google Were a Counterterrorism Operation
Tim O'Donnell / The Week: 10 things you need to know today: March 27, 2021
Oriana Gonzalez / Axios: Dominion files $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News
Laura Belmonte / The Full Belmonte: The Full Belmonte, 3/27/21 — “Voting rights groups vowed Friday to fight against a new election law …
@nytimesbusiness: A lawyer for Dominion Voting Systems said the Fox lawsuit was unlikely to be its last legal action.
Yevgeny / @yvindman: This could be the most consequential free speech/ defamation case in decades. A needed rebalancing for the infotainment industry is in the offing. Malign media including those that defamed my twin, @AVindman understand the language of $ and cents.
Jesse Lee / @jessecharleslee: I would be absolutely shocked if there is not an ample paper trail of memos and emails directing and advising Fox employees to slander Dominion.
Brendan Nyhan / @brendannyhan: Discovery is going to be lit if this gets that far.
Justin Baragona / @justinbaragona: Through 10 AM, Fox News mentioned Biden snubbing Peter Doocy 24 times on 11 different programs. There were 19 other reporters in that room that didn't get called, including from NPR and NYT. For some reason, those outlets aren't nearly as aggrieved. ...
Matthew Gertz / @mattgertz: If you tuned into Fox during the 2 PM, 3 PM, 4 PM, 5 PM, 6 PM, 7 PM,, 9 PM,, or 10 PM, hours on Thursday, or the 5 AM, 6 AM, 8 AM, or 9 AM, hours on Friday, you heard complaints about the network not getting called on during Biden's press conference ...
Oliver Darcy / CNN: Dominion Voting Systems files $1.6 billion lawsuit against Fox News for ‘orchestrated defamatory campaign’
@axios: “Fox, one of the most powerful media companies in the United States, gave life to a manufactured storyline about election fraud that cast a then-little-known voting machine company called Dominion as the villain.” Read the full lawsuit here.
Jon Cryer / @mrjoncryer: Flash forward to Fox News' reply brief: “No reasonable person could believe Fox News actually presents facts...”
Elahe Izadi / @elaheizadi: Latest on the $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit Dominion filed against Fox News. A Dominion lawyers said “What Fox did here was not reporting. It was not a political debate... 1st Amendment guarantees a free press, not a consequence free press.” ...
Lisa Bloom / @lisabloom: Fox News has been sued a zillion times by women in sexual harassment cases, including our current active case for @BrittMcHenry. How a company treats women is a bellwether for its character. Truth and integrity starts inside the office.
@thedailybeast: “They are already back on top,” noted a Fox News insider. “They'll settle for like $200 million—about two months profit. They know they can now weather this too. The evil empire.” ...
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: Dominion Voting is suing Fox News for $1.6 billion over its promotion of the “Big Lie,” a strand of programming that often included references to Dominion. ... Key graf:
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: Fox News reply to $1.6B Dominion lawsuit over false election claims: “FOX News Media is proud of our 2020 election coverage, which stands in the highest tradition of American journalism, and will vigorously defend against this baseless lawsuit in court.”
Chris Vickery / @vickerysec: While it's great to spank Fox News for their over-the-line and unsupported claims, it's likely that *all* elections machine makers will later try to twist this into a weapon against actual, good-faith, legitimate concerns about the unacceptable risks inherent in their products.
John Leguizamo / @johnleguizamo: Lies have consequences y'all!
Joyce Alene / @joycewhitevance: Dominion will have to prove Fox defamed then with “actual malice,” that Fox knew that the reporting was false or acted with reckless disregard to its truth. Should be interesting since Sidney Powell says everyone should have known her stories weren' true.
Laurence Tribe / @tribelaw: Fox News will no doubt claim the 1st Amendment gives it an impenetrable shield against liability for defaming Dominion with claims it had to know were fake. But that shield isn't as absolute as Fox might wish. This will be an important case to watch. . .
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: And scene. Here is my Sway podcast with the Dominion Voting CEO talking about his plans to do just this:
Keith Olbermann / @keitholbermann: BREAKING: Between this suit and the similar one from Smartmatic, the anti-democracy lying of Fox News could cost Rupert Murdoch and his minions $4,300,000,000. It's a start #BuryFoxNews ...
Matthew Gertz / @mattgertz: This would be a fun time for one of Fox's recently laid off employees to leak whatever “Brain Room” documents were created around Dominion, Powell, and the attempted election theft.
Jim Bazn / @jamesbazan: Fox had already established it had the right to lie to viewers. Can Fox also defame for profit? “'This was a conscious, knowing business decision to endorse and repeat and broadcast these lies in order to keep its viewership,' said attorney Justin Nelson, of Susman Godfrey.”
@nytimes: Google Podcasts is distinct among major platforms in its tolerance of white supremacists, pro-Nazi groups and conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones. The company says it does not want to limit what users can find.
Shira Ovide / @shiraovide: sending this straight to @evelyndouek for content moderation watch.
David Jolly / @davidjollyfl: An incredibly consequential legal case for modern media.
@mmfa: We've compiled instances of Fox News figures echoing Sidney Powell's false claims about Dominion and the 2020 election here: ...
S.V. Dte / @svdate: What is the cost/benefit analysis on this? Did Fox make at least $1.6 billion more in ad revenue by spreading Trump's election lies?
Dennis Herring / @dcherring: How quickly will FOX settle?
Adi Robertson / The Verge: Second voting machine company sues Fox News over disinformation
Alison Durkee / Forbes: After Lawsuit Against Fox News, Here's Who Dominion Has Sued So Far—And Who Could Be Next
Rick Henderson / Deregulator: Anti-woke story weak
Grace Panetta / Insider: Dominion projects $600 million loss over next 8 years due to ‘severity, pervasiveness, and permanence of the viral disinformation campaign’ about 2020 election
Arden Dier / Newser: ‘Lies Have Consequences’: Dominion Sues Fox News
Merrit Kennedy / NPR: Dominion Voting Systems Files $1.6 Billion Defamation Lawsuit Against Fox News
Erik Larson / Bloomberg: Dominion Files $1.6 Billion Defamation Lawsuit Against Fox News Over U.S. Election Claims
Aidan McLaughlin / Mediaite: Dominion Sues Fox News For $1.6 Billion Over 2020 Election ‘Lies’
Colleen Long / The Colorado Sun: Denver-based Dominion Voting sues Fox News for $1.6B over 2020 election claims
Thom Geier / The Wrap: Fox News Slapped With $1.6 Billion Defamation Suit by Dominion Voting Systems
Jamie Ross / The Daily Beast: Dominion Voting Systems Sues Fox News for $1.6 Billion for Pushing Trump's Big Lie
Mark Frauenfelder / Boing Boing: Dominion sues Fox News for $1.6 billion for phony election fraud accusations

Sources: Michael Tomasky, The New Republic's new editor, told staffers he wants to shift the magazine's focus to politician interviews and process reporting — In a meeting with staffers yesterday, the newly announced editor of The New Republic, current Daily Beast columnist Michael Tomasky, laid out his vision for the magazine.
@tnrunion, @lori_kearns, @davidklion, @hshaban, @markkrotov, @climatebrad, @ecosexuality, @hshaban, @mehdirhasan, @brendanowicz, @jonbernhardt, @annamerlan, @kyleacooke, @chasemadar, @gavjacobson, @heerjeet, @jeremymbarr, @alexkotch, @ryanlcooper, @thetomzone, @lori_kearns, @heerjeet, @hshaban, @edburmila, @markkrotov, @shallowbrigade, @armandondk, @zachwritesstuff, @ggreenwald, @bayroff, @allison_dejong, @zephyrteachout, @onesarahjones, @rebleber, @jeffjarvis, @notjessewalker, @froomkin and @yascha_mounk
Lori Kearns / @lori_kearns: what if you're a congressional aide who likes TNR the way it is now?
David Klion / @davidklion: As a frequent TNR contributor, and as a friend to, and admirer of, the incredibly talented staff Chris Lehmann has put together over the past few years, I find this news deeply unsettling. The team deserves better; so do TNR readers.
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: As if this week in journalism could not get any worse.... @laurawags reports that the incoming editor of TNR held a meeting with staff where he outlined a vision for the magazine that a staffer described as “depressing.” This paragraph is brutal:
Mark Krotov / @markkrotov: Making a great magazine is really fucking hard, and keeping it great is even harder. Everyone at TNR should be celebrated for their work instead of being made to feel anxious and threatened and uncertain about their future.
Brad Johnson / @climatebrad: jeez I just subscribed. @mtomasky please don't ruin this
Stefanie Iris Weiss / @ecosexuality: Wow this is upsetting. @newrepublic has been doing incredibly good, important work in the last few years. What a shitty week for journalism and the left
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: .@laurawags on what has made the New Republic so good these past 4 years and how their writers distinguished themselves in the Trump era. She also explains why doing an insidery, DC-centric, Democrat-brain news magazine doesn't make sense in 2021
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: '"I think implicitly, the idea is we're gonna bring back TNR the way it used to be, minus the racism," one staffer said' What a quote (!)
Negative Space Cowboy / @brendanowicz: lol jesus christ this has been a brutal couple of weeks for what's left of the media
Nathan Bernhardt / @jonbernhardt: it's very obvious and depressing where this all is going, and the knowledge that when the talented writers being targeted resurface at another outlet, they'll be on borrowed time before they get whack-a-moled again
Anna Merlan / @annamerlan: Whenever you've been actively reading and enjoying a website, an alarm goes off somewhere and a sentient Geocities property in a dandruff crusted suit mutters “I'll fix that, you son of a bitch”
Kyle Cooke / @kyleacooke: The New Republic has published consistently outstanding reportage and analysis the past few years and I really hope this change doesn't put an end to that.
Chase Madar / @chasemadar: Does anyone aside from the magazine's owner expect this to actually work, and for the Tomasky-Beltway TNR to become influential, widely read, in a word, successful? Because I don't see it
Gavin Jacobson / @gavjacobson: “Tomasky proposed what amounts to a restoration of a previous iteration of the 107-year-old magazine, when, during the Clinton years, it was known as the inflight magazine of Air Force 1.”
Jeet Heer / @heerjeet: @ArmandoNDK Manchin's chief influence is trimming stuff around the edges. Sanders is actually shaping policy. Read the news without ideological blinkers.
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: As a media reporter, I can't stress enough that companies need to stop prioritizing coverage and make sure that they give their people the news internally first
Ryan Cooper / @ryanlcooper: this is nuts. sounds like they're just flushing like 4 years of built up brand equity and reader loyalty down the toilet
@thetomzone: The most insane part of this is like... This doesn't make you influential, this makes you a press release chop shop! Influence is not getting statements!
Lori Kearns / @lori_kearns: what if you're a congressional aide who likes TNR the way it is now?
Jeet Heer / @heerjeet: Bernie Sanders is one of the top 3 or 4 most influential Democratic Senators on domestic policy right now, so a magazine seeking to be part of that conversation should pay attention to his staff.
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: Defector reports on troubling signs at TNR, suggesting a familiar pattern in journalism: — Media bosses show a lack of knowledge about their own publication — Impose a vision without learning WHY audiences like their site — Treat staff as disposable
@edburmila: Oh my god “What we want is a magazine for people who think Axios is a little too spicy”
Mark Krotov / @markkrotov: Reading this I can't help but feel that TNR's editors and writers are being punished for their success—if only the political writing hadn't been so effective, if only the criticism hadn't been so ambitious, if only the reporting hadn't been so bold.
Kim O'Connor / @shallowbrigade: Whatever his intentions, and even if no one were to ultimately lose their job, this is a way to instantly kill TNR's workplace culture and drive off its best talent. Why would anyone want to start off this way
Armando / @armandondk: Where's that Joe Manchin magazine? He's the most influential Democratic Senator. What a dumb tweet.
Zachary Siegel / @zachwritesstuff: I love the new TNR. In past versions of the magazine, I highly doubt writing like mine (and that of many others) would be in it.
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: Michael Tomasky is easily one of the most dogmatic and blind partisan loyalists to the Democratic Party in all of mainstream journalism — barely distinguishable from a DNC spokesman — so the worries of these TNR staffers are valid.
Logan Bayroff / @bayroff: This is a travesty. TNR is better now that it's ever been. What an absolutely ridiculous industry.
Alli DeJong / @allison_dejong: TNR has been so, so good and this is both boneheaded and cruel to what is one of the best teams of writers in the biz
Zephyr Teachout / @zephyrteachout: Something seems off about this vision... “For example, Tomasky offered as an idea that instead of having law professor Zephyr Teachout write about monopolies and anti-trust enforcement, a TNR staffer could interview Democratic representatives about it.”
Sarah Jones / @onesarahjones: This is rotten: “...two things are clear: Tomasky has a new (old) vision for TNR and that vision does not include all current TNR writers.”
Rebecca Leber / @rebleber: this quote in this... I worked at TNR in the “decade of incessant turmoil” and the staff did great work whatever the bad decisions by top management and the owner, so wish that wasn't erased
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: The New Republic names a new top editor and will return to Washington: @mtomasky. Congratulations to all.
Jesse Walker / @notjessewalker: At this point there's been more new New Republics than new French Republics.
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: NYT 4 weeks ago: “if TNR of the 90s was ‘the in-flight magazine of Air Force One’ during the Clinton years... Democracy could play a similar role in the Biden era.” NYT today: @mtomasky, editor of latter, becomes editor of former

At Biden's first press conference, no reporters asked about the pandemic; he was asked at least 10 times about the surge of migrants at the US-Mexico border — President Biden began his first White House news conference by practically inviting reporters to ask him about the major story of the past year.
New Yorker, Insight, Columbia Journalism Review, @zeynep, @jayrosen_nyu, @sbg1, @salon, @rahulbot, @froomkin, @janemayernyer, @glcarlstrom, @froomkin, @zeynep, @gregggonsalves, @jamesfallows, @newyorker, @froomkin, @jayrosen_nyu, @raysuareznews, @abraarkaran, @brian_goldstone, @jayrosen_nyu, @glennkesslerwp, @jonfavs, @froomkin, @froomkin, Press Watch, @mlcalderone, Newser, @sulliview, @sammy_roth, @drvolts, @jetjocko, @laurie_garrett, @benlabolt, @biannagolodryga, @drericding, @sullivanamy, @danahoule, @froomkin, @brfreed, @d_holli, @connieschultz, @dassakaye, @arrianna_planey, @elongreen, @froomkin, @jamesfallows, @jayrosen_nyu and CNN
Susan B. Glasser / New Yorker: The Presidential Press Conference in the Biden Era Is as Awful as Ever
Zeynep Tufekci / @zeynep: I couldn't believe it at first, but yep, it's true. The White House Press corps did not ask a *single* question about the pandemic for Biden's first press conference. Here's ten questions they could have, should have asked. ...
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: @froomkin I have been influenced by your call to replace political reporters at press conferences with journalists who have subject matter expertise. But it may have to go further. The politics beat breeds analysts of the game. It's unavoidable— and increasingly unaffordable.
Susan Glasser / @sbg1: The failure to ask a single question about COVID is remarkable. By any standards, a fail.
@salon: “After four years of the media desperately needing to fact-check the president (and often failed), now we've reached the point when the president has to fact-check the media,” @froomkin writes.
Rahul B / @rahulbot: That first Biden press conference seems to have been a spectacular failure of the entire White House press corps... in so many ways but this one is the most egregious to me.
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: @jayrosen_nyu The problem is that in the current newsroom culture, the political reporters are the stars, the ones on TV, who everyone wants to be. And their prior behavior is what got them there and keeps them there so change is seen as threatening to their careers. Much would have to change.
Jane Mayer / @janemayernyer: Now that we don't have to worry about whether the president will declare war on Michigan because it's governor isn't fawning enough, @SBG1 calls it quits on The Presidential Press Conference via @NewYorker
Gregg Carlstrom / @glcarlstrom: This is funny. The White House press corps whined for weeks that Biden must hold a news conference so they could hold him accountable on his policies. When he finally did, they asked zero questions about the most important policy issue in America today. ...
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: “We had no choice but to pay attention” to Trump's press conferences, writes @sbg1, who found herself “tuning out” on Thursday. And she's the serious one.
Zeynep Tufekci / @zeynep: Note that these are NOT softball questions. Nor are they minor topics better addressed by others. These are thorny topics and tough challenges. The ask isn't for the press to go easy on Biden. The opposite. Ask tough questions! Just relevant ones, please. ...
Gregg Gonsalves / @gregggonsalves: Many of @zeynep's questions are mine too and relate to who is getting vaccinated and who is not and why. #COVID19 #vaccinequity ...
James Fallows / @jamesfallows: In the New Yorker, @sbg1 also notices .... WHCA dinner may well have entered dustbin of history. WH press conferences next? The press needs more robust defense than ever, especially local. But its most “prominent” face is its least defensible.
@newyorker: .@sbg1 writes about the first Presidential press conference of the Biden Administration and asks whether the longtime ritual may be past its prime.
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: @jayrosen_nyu Thanks! Did you know that even at the WH Covid task force briefings, it's the political reporters asking the questions? That's nuts. But tell me more. You mean get rid of the political reporters entirely because they subtract real value?
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: @froomkin Not entirely, no, but a vast reduction in that category in order to re-distribute talent to the public problems with which politics must deal. These become the new “politics” reporters, with a skeleton crew to handle the game, and the both sides sensibilty that is native to it.
Ray Suarez / @raysuareznews: @jayrosen_nyu @froomkin Yesterday was a thorough endorsement of your suggestion, Jay. If one reporter there covered public health we would have gotten more COVID recovery and less nonsense about 2024.
Abraar Karan / @abraarkaran: These questions by @zeynep were right on point.
Brian Goldstone / @brian_goldstone: Roughly 10 million renters, a third of them Black, are at immediate risk of being forced out of their homes when the federal eviction moratorium expires in *five days.* Perhaps someone could have asked Biden about that as well. ...
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Why no COVID questions? * That's what Biden wants to talk about; we're not his comms team. * Americans care about it, sure, but we need to advertise our independence. * Current lines of conflict with GOP are border and filibuster, not this. * It's kind of old news, isn't it?
Glenn Kessler / @glennkesslerwp: Terrific questions. I would love some answers.
Jon Favreau / @jonfavs: Many political reporters dismiss media criticism as partisan ("If both sides are attacking us, we're doing something right!") These are good, tough questions for Biden about the public's #1 concern. No one came close to asking them. Pathetic. ...
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: Please read these questions and then ask yourself one: Why did the WH press corps not give a shit about any of this? The answer is because they are clueless, petty, vain, out-of-touch political zombies who have are failing the American public.
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: Yes! See the video: and transcript: Excellent observations by @michelleinbklyn and @mehdirhasan
Dan Froomkin / Press Watch: At Biden's first news conference, it wasn't the president who was out of touch
Michael Calderone / @mlcalderone: Good @Jon_Allsop advice for White House reporters after yesterday's mess: “Next time, let's focus less on the existence of the presser, and more on sharpening our questions.”
John Johnson / Newser: The Biden Presser Was Awful, and It's the Reporters' Fault
@sulliview: Hundreds of Americans died of Covid today — but not a single reporter at Biden's first presidential conference asked about the pandemic. Good look by @farhip and @ElaheIzadi ...
Sammy Roth / @sammy_roth: The fact that not a single member of the White House press corps asked about climate change — while two of them asked about the 2024 election — really says it all.
David Roberts / @drvolts: The WH press corps whined & begged for a press conference, got one, and perfectly demonstrated why they've become useless.
Adam Rogers / @jetjocko: Can't believe this sentiment now extends over two presidencies, but: Please send science reporters to the briefings.
Laurie Garrett / @laurie_garrett: I agree @sbg1 ! The @WhiteHouse press corps behavior & questions were lunacy. Hey Guys — there's a #COVID19 #pandemic going on! And you're asking about #MitchMcConnell & 2024 elections. Shame!
Ben LaBolt / @benlabolt: This is the news coming out of the press conference
Bianna Golodryga / @biannagolodryga: Especially striking given that Biden's initial response to other policy questions made clear that his top priority now is COVID.
Eric Feigl-Ding / @drericding: Zero questions about the pandemic in the middle of a pandemic is quite mind-bending. Many agree this is ridiculous. #COVID19 is still surging worldwide and countries are clamoring for vaccines loans from America. We cannot ignore the global crisis even if our deaths dropping.
Amy Sullivan / @sullivanamy: Resolved: the WH press corps is a concept that needs to be either completely reimagined or discarded.
Dana Houle / @danahoule: Why I had zero patience for all the journalists complaining Biden hadn't had a press conference. Theoretically press conferences are valuable. But in reality reporters almost always engage in (often nitwitted) frivolity. Biggest issue facing HUMANITY doesn't interest them
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: Biden essentially fact-checked @yamiche, @kwelkernbc and @nancycordes. It's supposed to be the other way around.
Benjamin Freed / @brfreed: The bar for today's press conference was set so low. And the White House reporters still missed it anyway.
Darryl Holliday / @d_holli: National media is tired of itself ...
Connie Schultz / @connieschultz: So many Americans noticed this. I've been hearing from them non-stop since this news conference ended. After a year of fear, suffering and loss, they feel invisible.
Dalia Dassa Kaye / @dassakaye: This is truly embarrassing.
Arrianna Marie Planey, PhD / @arrianna_planey: Pandemic's not over, y'all
Elon Green / @elongreen: Just remember these clowns the next time they complain about a lack of press conferences
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: “Other critiques of the questions was more overwrought,” writes @AaronBlake (no copyeditors at WaPo anymore?) potentially referring to mine. I disagree! ... You tell me:
James Fallows / @jamesfallows: Very good column by @froomkin, about very disspiriting train of questions from WH press. (Remember last week when the countdown clock was days until Biden “dared” to face the press. Jeesh.)
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: “After four years of the media desperately needing to reality-check the president (and often failing), now the president was the one talking about things that mattered and marveling at not one but two reporters asking about the 2024 election.”

An LA Times reporter and a Spectrum News reporter were briefly detained while covering unrest in LA; police said reporters were subject to dispersal orders — Los Angeles Times reporter James Queally was briefly detained by the Los Angeles Police Department as he was covering a protest in Echo Park on Thursday evening.
Lexis-Olivier Ray / @shoton35mm: L.A. Times crime reporter @JamesQueallyLAT being taken into custody earlier. We all got boxed in. James and I were trying to stick together. @LATACO
U.S. Press Freedom Tracker: L.A. Times reporter among multiple journalists detained while covering Echo Park protest
@freedomofpress: At least 13 journalists, and likely more, were arrested or detained in Los Angeles last night, while documenting demonstrations near Echo Park Lake, as reported to the @USPressTracker, on social media and in other news outlets. ...
@rcfp: Journalists should not be detained or arrested for doing their jobs. Their coverage is essential to informing the public about what's happening in their communities, and the right of the press to freely record + report on these events must be protected. ...
Lexis-Olivier Ray / @shoton35mm: “Queally said he was standing with Lexis-Olivier Ray, a reporter with @LATACO whom Queally had written a story about earlier this month. The story covered how Ray had been charged with failing to disperse during a gathering he was covering...”
@freedomofpress: Now reports are up to at least a DOZEN journalists arrested last night by the LAPD. Follow @USPressTracker for more.
Stefanie Dazio / @steffdaz: .@JamesQueallyLAT got lucky. @ShotOn35mm witnessed/recorded/alerted @latimes. The paper has lawyers/editors to demand his release. Half the Twitterverse worked to get info out. What if he had been a freelancer working alone + no one saw it or knew him?
Frank Stoltze / @stoltzefrankly: Wow. LAPD arrests Queally. Another journalist. Highly respected. Very accomplished. @SPJLA @pressfreedom @LAPressClub @radleybalko @TheCrimeReport @LAist @KPCC It makes you wonder about @LAPDChiefMoore's commitment to the First Amendment. @FACoalition
@victorjblue: Police around the country seem to be increasingly comfortable arresting reporters doing their job. They know who they are, and realize the tactical advantage of violating their rights, as well as the total lack of consequences for doing so. This has to stop.
Erick Galindo / @erickgeee: It's so wild for the police to arrest the crime and public safety reporters covering the police. There's nothing to hold police accountable if they can just arrest the people attempting to hold them standards they as law enforcement are suppose to uphold.
Yashar Ali / @yashar: Outrageous for @LAPDHQ to arrest a journalist while they're covering a story.
Matthew T. Hall / @sduncovered: “Grab a body.” How about grabbing a copy of the U.S. Constitution and recognizing that journalists are allowed by the law to do work without government interference? #Journalismisnotacrime.
Katie Townsend / @katie_rcfp: Journalists, including @JamesQueallyLAT, were arrested last night by the LAPD covering protests in Echo Park. Per @uspresstracker, just last year, 19 journalists were arrested or detained in the LA-area alone, most covering protests. This needs to stop. #JournalismIsNotACrime
@spj_tweets: “After inquiries by @latimes editors and its attorney, @JamesQueallyLAT was released. It was not immediately clear why he was detained, but police had issued a statement a short time earlier saying reporters were subject to dispersal orders in the area.”
Alene Tchekmedyian / @alenetchek: Eventually two officers detaining @JamesQueallyLAT called over a sergeant & he again said that he was a working reporter. “I said, ‘Are you sure you want to do this? We really doing this?’ And he said, ‘Yes, this is the policy tonight.’”
Seema / @latseema: This is infuriating. Neither @JamesQueallyLAT nor Kate Cagle should have been interrupted while doing their jobs, much less detained. And it makes you wonder what happens to folks without lawyers and status.
Molly Hennessy-Fiske / @mollyhf: This should not happen! #JournalismIsNotACrime
Kevin Rector / @kevrector: I just got off the phone interviewing my colleague @JamesQueallyLAT about his being detained by LAPD while covering tonight's protest. He has been released. I will be updating this story soon:
Kevin Rector / @kevrector: UPDATED story on @JamesQueallyLAT being detained covering a protest tonight: “I was pretty calm, and they weren't violent or anything, but I was like, ‘Check the credentials, L.A. Times.’ No answer. ‘Check the credentials, L.A. Times.’ No answer.”
Ross A. Lincoln / The Wrap: Multiple Journalists Arrested While Covering Protests in Echo Park

ViacomCBS shares closed down more than 50% for the week, after peaking at $100 per share on Monday, amid analysts' downgrades, while Discovery dropped about 45% — - Shares of ViacomCBS and Discovery continued to nosedive on Friday. — ViacomCBS and Discovery have been heavily shorted companies …
New York Times, Bloomberg, Deadline, @edmundlee, Reuters, Variety and Hollywood Reporter
Edmund Lee / New York Times: ViacomCBS stock tanks, losing more than half its value in less than a week.
Dade Hayes / Deadline: ViacomCBS, Discovery Shares Routed As Wall Street's Streaming Kudos Turns To Alarm At Overheated Stock Prices
Edmund Lee / @edmundlee: There's no other way to say it: ViacomCBS's stock tanked. Here's why: $viac
Todd Spangler / Variety: ViacomCBS, Discovery Stocks Plummet Back to Earth

CBS says Sharon Osbourne has decided to exit The Talk, after it found her behavior while defending Piers Morgan in the March 10 show not aligned with its values — After the longtime panelist offered a controversial defense of friend Piers Morgan, past colleagues came out with more accusations of racist language and behavior.
Deadline, TVNewser,, Rolling Stone, NME, @wnct9, @skylarjordan, The A.V. Club, @deadline, WGN-TV, @jawnmurray, Fox News, Los Angeles Times,, Insider, TVLine, Page Six, Mediaite, Us Weekly, E! Online, The Wrap, In Touch Weekly,, The Daily Beast, Variety, The Hill and HuffPost UK
Dominic Patten / Deadline: Sharon Osbourne Exits ‘The Talk’ After Allegations Of Misconduct & Racist Remarks; Show Returns April 12
A.J. Katz / TVNewser: Sharon Osbourne Leaves the Talk
Louise Griffin / Sharon Osbourne urged to take ‘self-imposed hiatus’ to save reputation after quitting The Talk amid racism allegations
Daniel Kreps / Rolling Stone: Sharon Osbourne Leaves ‘The Talk’ After Heated On-Air Discussion, Internal Investigation
Charlotte Krol / NME: Sharon Osbourne exits ‘The Talk’ following racism row
@wnct9: Sharon Osbourne is out at “The Talk” on the heels of her angry, on-air defense of friend Piers Morgan during which she demanded that fellow host Sheryl Underwood, who is Black, explain the allegations of racism against him.
Skylar Baker-Jordan / @skylarjordan: The fallout from that Meghan and Harry interview continues. There's a conversation to be had about a certain kind of British gadfly exemplified by Morgan and Osbourne, whose sense of privilege and entitlement made them feel invincible, and what it means that they no longer are
William Hughes / The A.V. Club: Sharon Osbourne quits The Talk over racism controversy
Deadline Hollywood / @deadline: CBS just put out a statement saying #SharonOsbourne has decided herself to depart the show. Unveiling that #TheTalk will be back on April 12 MORE from the network:
Jawn Murray / @jawnmurray: Conversation Over! #SharonOsbourne is OUT at “The Talk!” This follows weeks of controversy after her support of #PiersMorgan on Twitter caused her to implode during a live TV segment where she cursed at & disrespected co-host Sheryl Underwood. #TheTalk ...
Nate Day / Fox News: Sharon Osbourne exits ‘The Talk’
Christie D'Zurilla / Los Angeles Times: Sharon Osbourne to leave ‘The Talk’: CBS says behavior ‘did not align with our values’
Kim Renfro / Insider: Sharon Osbourne has left CBS show ‘The Talk’ following complaints of a ‘racially insensitive and hostile’ set
Kimberly Roots / TVLine: Sharon Osbourne Out at The Talk
Josh Feldman / Mediaite: Sharon Osbourne Leaving The Talk Amid Controversy Over Piers Morgan Segment
Johnni Macke / Us Weekly: CBS Announces Sharon Osbourne's Exit From ‘The Talk’ After Controversy: Her Behavior ‘Does Not Align With Our Values’
Cydney Contreras / E! Online: Sharon Osbourne Is Leaving The Talk After Controversy Surrounding Her Behavior
Reid Nakamura / The Wrap: Sharon Osbourne Exits ‘The Talk’ Following Racism Controversy
Samantha Benitz / In Touch Weekly: Sharon Osbourne's Drama on ‘The Talk’ Explained Amid Controversy
Blake Montgomery / The Daily Beast: Sharon Osbourne Won't Host ‘The Talk’ Any Longer
Celine Castronuovo / The Hill: Sharon Osbourne leaving ‘The Talk’ amid allegations of racism

Unions at The New Yorker, Pitchfork, and Ars Technica say members authorized a strike if talks with Condé Nast over collective bargaining deals keep devolving — Union workers at The New Yorker, Pitchfork and Ars Technica said Friday they had voted to authorize a strike as tensions …
Maxwell Tani / The Daily Beast: Staffers at Three Condé Nast Outlets Threaten to Strike Over Labor Dispute
Jon Schleuss / @gaufre: It's time to come to the table and treat these workers with respect and pay them a fair wage @CondeNast and David Remnick!
Hazel Cills / @hazelcills: “The New Yorker's union...has entered its third year of bargaining for its contract in which they say managers have taken months to answer proposals.” THIRD. YEAR. ...

AP memo instructs reporters not to use the term “crisis” to describe the current situation at the border, asking to “avoid hyperbole” in general — In an internal memo, The Associated Press told reporters to avoid referring to the situation at the southern border …
Julio Ricardo Varela / @julito77: In the interest of informing the public and being fully transparent as a way to inform other editors, this is the internal memo I received from the @AP (4 tweets to follow). Subject: From the Standards Center: A note about the current increase in border entrances Part 1
Julio Ricardo Varela / Washington Post: Stop using ‘surge’ and ‘wave’ to describe what's happening at the border
Latino Rebels: This Is the Internal Associated Press Memo About Immigration Coverage That Was Shared With Latino Rebels
Julio Ricardo Varela / @julito77: Those who falsely claim my latest @PostOpinions piece promotes “censorship” miss a basic fact: everything journalists and editors write are all word choices they make all the time. Real journalism is all about word choice and that is always changing. ...
Sonja Sharp / @sic_sonja: people who have not worked ongoing national/ regional stories don't realize, there's a strong incentive to standardize language for the subject, because it makes writing & reading faster and easier. ensuring that language is fair & accurate is critically important
Gabe Ortz / @tusk81: If you haven't already read @julito77's piece on the harmful dehumanization of people at the border, fix that now: ...
Tommy X-TrumpIsARacist-opher / @tommyxtopher: Great, and almost exactly what I wrote 2 weeks ago
Julio Ricardo Varela / @julito77: In that piece, I found out that the @AP was addressing some of the words used in certain stories. They went on the record with me and also shared an internal memo about their recent decisions regarding immigration stories.
@soniashah: New AP guidance on writing about migration: “Avoid emotive words like onslaught, tidal wave, flood, inundation, surge, invasion, army, march, sneak and stealth.”
Natalia Jaramillo / @latinaglasses: Reporters and media outlets have a huge responsibility on how a situation is perceived by the public. Thankful for @julito77 for always going above and beyond on the issues @latinorebels reports on and for calling in/out his colleagues
Stephanie Hegarty / @stephhegarty: Why language is so important in migration reporting 👇🏻
Cristian Farias / @cristianafarias: The one and only @julito77 called out the @AP for using dehumanizing, ‘American Dirt’-type language to refer to migrants ... and he got the wire service to own up to its errors. Then he wrote about it. ...
@washingtonpost: Opinion: Words like “surge” and “wave” dehumanize what's happening at the border ...
Julio Ricardo Varela / @julito77: In my latest opinion piece for @PostOpinions, I chronicle the last week of immigration coverage from major US news outlets and why I decided to not publish certain @AP stories at @latinorebels (part o @futuromedia). ...
Nicholas Dawes / @nicdawes: Style matters. It is often the unacknowledged legislator of the newsroom. This piece, and nuanced guidance from @ap around language choices in covering immigration offer some really useful examples.
Kim Yi Dionne / @dadakim: This. Stop calling it a surge.

YouTube has temporarily suspended monetization for three channels operated by David Dobrik following a rape allegation against a former Vlog Squad member — - YouTube is temporarily blocking David Dobrik and Durte Dom from making money off ads. — The company said it demonetized …
BuzzFeed News, @brianchoffman, @iamasarch, @lucas_shaw, @internetajay, @kattenbarge, @internetinsider, BBC, Insider, ScreenRant, Variety,, The Verge, Tubefilter and On the Media, more at Techmeme »
Tanya Chen / BuzzFeed News: I'm Not Convinced The David Dobrik Scandal Will Change Anything About YouTube Culture
Brian Hoffman / @brianchoffman: “Temporarily” meaning they'll be glad to continue earning ad revenue on all their content while they “investigate”. @YouTube should just remove ads completely or donate those earnings.
Steven Asarch / @iamasarch: When I was watching David's videos this week I was shocked at how monetized they were. That's another major income source hit.
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: Every time youtube punishes one channel, you wonder why it doesn't punish dozens of others. ...
Ajay / @internetajay: It doesn't affect David. He openly admitted he only gets like 2k a month from ads. He stopped uploading 8 months ago. He makes $ from merch and sponsors.
Kat Tenbarge / @kattenbarge: We finally have a response from YouTube about David Dobrik and Dom Zeglaitis. Monetization is temporarily suspended from both of their channels. ...
@internetinsider: YouTube said it had suspended monetization for three channels operated by Dobrik — David Dobrik, David Dobrik Too, and “Views,” a video podcast co-hosted by Dobrik and Jason Nash — as well as Durte Dom's personal channel. ...
Moises Mendez II / Insider: Who is the Vlog Squad? All of the current and former members of David Dobrik's YouTube group.
Todd Spangler / Variety: YouTube Suspends Ads From David Dobrik's Channels Over Sexual-Assault Claims
Andrew Amos / YouTube demonetizes all David Dobrik channels amid ongoing Vlog Squad controversy

How Canada-based sports gaming and media company theScore, valued at $1B, is trying to expand its US reach through its sports news and betting apps — - Canada-based gaming and media company theScore is worth $1 billion and wants to gain market share in U.S. online sports betting.