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Sources: Substack is raising $65M at a $650M valuation; a16z will lead the round — Substack is raising $65 million in new venture capital funding that would value the company at around $650 million, Axios has learned. Existing investor Andreessen Horowitz is leading the round.
@sarafischer, @rentjensen, @tolles, @rafat, @jayshams, @hunterwalk, @joshgerstein, @aaronhuertas, @shawnarchen, @alexthomp, @ggreenwald, @rafat, @katie_roof, @lucas_shaw, @mattyglesias, @jonathanvswan, @mdudas and @pkafka
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: 🚨Substack is raising $65 million in new venture capital funding that would value the company at around $650 million, per @imkialikethecar. Existing investor Andreessen Horowitz is leading the round.
Brent Jensen / @rentjensen: @danprimack Curious how a16z is handling this investment alongside their investment in Medium which just made an announcement that makes them more direct competitors with Substack
Chris Tolles / @tolles: @rafat There is a substantial amount of restraint in this tweet, Rafat. Perhaps, *too* much.
Jacob Shamsian / @jayshams: I don't really understand why Substack needs so much in VC money now. It seems like the type of company that shouldn't try to scale very fast.
@hunterwalk: “when will a16z launch that journalism effort they talked about?”
Josh Gerstein / @joshgerstein: Profiting off cancel culture
Aaron Huertas / @aaronhuertas: Medium had $35 million in revenue from 700,000 subscribers but was like nah, not enough for us, time to reboot again.
Shawna Chen / @shawnarchen: The newsletter boom is taking off, but some of Substack's practices have become controversial, including who it chooses to pay directly and its relatively loose content moderation policies. from @imkialikethecar and @danprimack
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: I guess you could say that the recent petulant little boycott wasn't a smashing success.
@rafat: Substack raising $65 million in venture capital amid newsletter boom
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: Alt hed: Andreessen continues to try to undercut legacy media orgs.
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: You're welcome.
Jonathan Swan / @jonathanvswan: that's a heckuva valuation

T-Mobile to shut down TVision's three bundles of live channels at the end of April, after launching in Nov., and is instead partnering with YouTube TV and Philo — TVision Live, Live Plus, and Live Zone will go offline on April 29th — Only five months after announcing its TVision streaming service …
T-Mobile, T-Mobile, The Streamable, Insider, Deadline, @taralach,, The Wrap, Gizmodo, Forbes, Awful Announcing, Light Reading, Variety, @nicfildes, @backlon, @richlightshed, @thestreamable, @matthewkeyslive, @claireatki, @reckless, @chriswelch, @matthewkeyslive, @jank0, @claireatki, @inafried and Cord Cutters News, more at Techmeme »
Mike Sievert / T-Mobile: Turns out, TV is better with friends.
T-Mobile: T‑Mobile and Google Deliver Best‑in‑Class Mobile and TV Experiences, and Showcase Range of Android Devices
Jason Gurwin / The Streamable: T-Mobile to Shut Down Their Live TV Streaming Service TVision, Partners with Philo and YouTube TV
Claire Atkinson / Insider: T-Mobile pulled the plug on its streaming video service, TVision, just 5 months after launch
Dade Hayes / Deadline: T-Mobile Shutting Down TVision, Installs Philo As Base Video Offering At $10 A Month, Sets YouTube TV As Premium Option
Tara Lachapelle / @taralach: Sign of the TV times: T-Mobile ditches plan for “TVision” and instead partners with YouTubeTV and Philo. Customers can get $10/mo off both services Add it to the list: Quibi, Vue, TVision...
Daniel Frankel / T-Mobile Set to Shutter TVision Just Six Months After Launch
Tim Baysinger / The Wrap: T-Mobile Shuts Down Streaming Service After 5 Months
Brianna Provenzano / Gizmodo: T-Mobile Is Already Pulling the Plug on Its Live TV Services
Dwight Silverman / Forbes: T-Mobile Ditches Its Live TV Service In Favor Of YouTube TV, Philo
Andrew Bucholtz / Awful Announcing: T-Mobile is shutting down their TVision streaming package and replacing it with discounts on Philo and YouTube TV
Jeff Baumgartner / Light Reading: T-Mobile to shut down own ‘TVision’ services, team with YouTube TV and Philo
Todd Spangler / Variety: T-Mobile Is Shutting Down Its Pay-TV Services Next Month, Will Offer YouTube TV and Philo Instead
Nic Fildes / @nicfildes: T-Mobile shutting down TVision streaming (as suspected). Another swing and miss on telecoms-media convergence
Dieter Bohn / @backlon: Perhaps the wildest part of this is how quickly T-Mo bailed on its own streaming TV product:
Rich Greenfield / @richlightshed: BIG win for @Philo — the sports-less vMVPD that actually “makes” money on every subscriber — $10 off for a year for T-Mobile customers Congrats @wirehog & team
Matthew Keys / @matthewkeyslive: Despite the fine print, this is obviously a tremendous win for @Philo and @YouTubeTV, marks that each has the right formula (even if they're different) to compete and win in the streaming pay TV space.
Claire Atkinson / @claireatki: Here's where you read it first....T-Mobile shutters its video package. Replacement is more $$$ for most people. Story to come....
Nilay Patel / @reckless: This is very funny, since the main thing T-Mobile learned is that TV networks like being paid the correct rates for their programming
Chris Welch / @chriswelch: Just five months after getting into streaming live TV, T-Mobile is already getting OUT. At least with its own service. TVision Live shuts down in April. The carrier has announced that YouTube TV is now its solution for premium, live TV.
Matthew Keys / @matthewkeyslive: T-Mobile is shutting down T-Vision by the end of April, pushing customers to YouTube TV and Philo
Janko Roettgers / @jank0: I mean I don't want to rub it in, but...
Claire Atkinson / @claireatki: T-Mobile boss has an interesting take on shutting down its streaming service..."Turns out, TV is better with friends." via @TMobile

Felicia Sonmez says she has been told by her editors that the Washington Post is rescinding its years-long ban on her from writing about sexual misconduct — Hi all. I've been told by my editors that the Post is rescinding its ban. This is good news, but it's unfortunate that it had to come at such a high emotional toll, and after my distress was dismissed for years. I'm taking time to rest and process. Thank you for your support.
Washington Post, @farhip, @wesleylowery, @louisathelast, @scottnover, @emilymiller, @johnrussell99, @farhip, @dangillmor, @moorehn, @wesleylowery, The Wrap, @dataeditor, @vikkie, @jackmirkinson, @nycsouthpaw, @moiradonegan, Insider, The Hill, @joshchafetz, @briannawu, @emilyrauhala, @jayrosen_nyu, @hshaban, @hanaatameez and @cagoldberglaw
Paul Farhi / Washington Post: Washington Post reverses prohibition on reporter from writing about sexual assault
Paul Farhi / @farhip: .@washingtonpost reverses prohibition on reporter @feliciasonmez from writing about sexual assault. She has been outspoken on the topic, based on her own experiences. Latest by me: ...
Wesley / @wesleylowery: how hard would it be to say “this has clearly been messily handled and we're sorry that on something so sensitive we've made things harder on you. You're a valued member of our newsroom.”? This isn't rocket science or even close to difficult management ...
Louisa / @louisathelast: This is excellent news, but WaPo's leadership really, really fucked this up and defended it for way too long
Scott Nover / @scottnover: @farhip @washingtonpost @feliciasonmez This is spot on
Emily Miller / @emilymiller: @farhip @feliciasonmez @washingtonpost That's great news. They need to publicly apologize for punishing and humiliating her. All sexual assault victims are following closely. #MeToo
John Russell / @johnrussell99: @farhip @feliciasonmez @washingtonpost Bizarre that your own editors won't comment and you have to quote a Post PR person.
Paul Farhi / @farhip: @JohnRussell99 @feliciasonmez Yes. Isn't it?
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: The Post made a hasty and deeply misguided call in the way it treated this journalist. Glad to see that it's doing the right thing now. I hope @ErikWemple does a full explainer of the entire affair.
Wesley / @wesleylowery: less than one month after the retirement of the greatest editor in all of journalism who can do no wrong because he's amazing, his newspaper has to undo one of his disastrous decisions after massive public embarrassment and ongoing harm to a staff member
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Washington Post Reporter Says Paper Has Rescinded Ban on Her Covering Sexual Assault
Steven Rich / @dataeditor: this is unequivocally good news but there are still so many questions to be answered on this
Victoria M. Walker / @vikkie: Bullying works — but they shouldn't have to have been bullied to do this.
Jack Mirkinson / @jackmirkinson: the washington post's handling of this has been absolutely unforgivable
Southpaw / @nycsouthpaw: Felicia is a hero. She's changing the world for the better.
Moira Donegan / @moiradonegan: I'm glad the Post made the right decision and reversed this backward and misogynist professional punishment—though I wish they hadn't had to be publicly shamed to get there.
Yelena Dzhanova / Insider: The Washington Post reversed a decision to bar a reporter from covering sexual assault after she spoke about the ban on Twitter
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: Washington Post lifts ban on reporter from covering sexual assault
Josh Chafetz / @joshchafetz: Sonmez is both a phenomenal reporter and a real inspiration for the stand she has taken. The Post treated her abysmally, and I'm glad it has reversed course. I hope it won't repeat the mistake in the future.
Brianna Wu / @briannawu: I'm really glad to hear @washingtonpost finally did the right thing. Zero reason to say sexual violence victims can't cover sexual violence fairly. All their mistake is going to do is put a huge target on @feliciasonmez's back when she does report on this.
Emily Rauhala / @emilyrauhala: This reversal is testament to @feliciasonmez's courage and resolve. But it should not have taken so long — or cost her so much. Journalism needs to do so much better.
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: News if you have been following this story. (Catch-up here: ) My sense from the outside was that the tide of professional opinion was running against the Post editors. If you have experience with sexual assault you can't cover it was a weak idea.
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: Politico reported yesterday that when a Post staffer brought this episode up at a town hall they were told that it wasn't the appropriate venue to discuss the matter. Now, Jezebel reports the Post says editors began reevaluating their decision following “a newsroom discussion”
@hanaatameez: Let's make sure we're giving credit where it's due: to Felicia for speaking up and speaking out about this, and her colleagues inside and out of The Post who stood in solidarity with her. Not the institution.

Felicia Sonmez criticized WaPo editors during a staff town hall, revealing that she is barred from writing anything about sexual misconduct or #MeToo
@feliciasonmez, Jezebel, My New Band Is, Columbia Journalism Review, @anamariecox, @feliciasonmez, Poynter, @zachdcarter, @bellwak, @owillis, @tinywriterlaura, @espiers, @mcastimovies, @martinfowler, Mediaite, @adamdavidson, All in Her Head, @kerrymflynn, The Hill, @amybwang, @moiradonegan, @feliciasonmez, @blackamazon, @econ_marshall, @briannawu, @jamesgleick, @chenderson, @evaholland, @max_fisher, @aaschapiro, @hunterw, @emilymiller, @sarahkaplan48, @ericmgarcia, @wesleylowery, @amlwhere, @feliciasonmez, @cmclymer, @jenzerb, @feliciasonmez, @feliciasonmez, @feliciasonmez, @feliciasonmez, @feliciasonmez, @feliciasonmez, @feliciasonmez, @lemieuxlgm, @budrykzack, @jbendery, @allisongeroi, @jayrosen_nyu, @lisagartner, @khandozo, @soledadobrien, @gmillertsn, @coleenchristie, @juliedicaro, @atrios, @pwcdanica, @adamdavidson, @ourobororoboruo, @mattyglesias, @espiers, @bfishbfish, @grace_segers, @bloosemore, @benjamingoggin, @kemc, @shefalil, @mikkipedia, @spj_tweets, Free Political Newsletter, @miriamelder and @chick_in_kiev
Felicia Sonmez / @feliciasonmez: Hours before the 3/16 Washington Post town hall that @politico reported on, I had a session with a therapist I hadn't seen for more than a year (I had changed insurance). I caught him up on the events of the past year, including all the threats, my doxxing and suspension. 1/x
Marie Solis / Jezebel: Washington Post Writer Reportedly Barred from Covering Sexual Misconduct Because She Is a Survivor of Assault [Updated]
Elizabeth Spiers / My New Band Is: My New Band Is: Someone You Know — [I'm afraid this newsletter is not at all funny …
@anamariecox: Felicia Sonmez can't cover #metoo bc she's a survivor? Sooooo... Anyone who pays taxes should be taken off economics stories? Parents can't report on family issues? If you wear clothes, you can't write about fashion? What absurd, self-defeating bigotry.
Felicia Sonmez / @feliciasonmez: I'm not planning on going anywhere. The Washington Post needs to do better. I just want to do my job, @stevenjay @cameronbarr @loriamontgomery @peterwallsten.
Tom Jones / Poynter: Unpacking the controversy at The Washington Post
Zachary D. Carter / @zachdcarter: It is hard to describe what @washingtonpost is doing to @feliciasonmez as anything other than discrimination against a sexual assault survivor. Breathtakingly bad judgement from top editors.
Kim Bellware / @bellwak: .@feliciasonmez is a true pro who is tough, fair and sensitive all at once. This is exactly the kind of reporter you *need* when covering stories about sexual assault. We can't give our readers the absolute best coverage they deserve if she's sidelined like this.
Oliver Willis / @owillis: The fact the Washington Post believes being an advocate for assault victims means you can't report on the topic says a lot about modern mainstream journalism and the inability to include empathy
Laura Elliott / @tinywriterlaura: if you banned every woman journalist who was a survivor of sexual assault from covering sexual misconduct cases they would have to be almost exclusively covered by men, and that seems like an evidently bad idea
Elizabeth Spiers / @espiers: I wrote about about @feliciasonmez's and the WaPo and how, for many of us, sexual assault is not an extraordinary experience, and newsrooms run by men, who are less likely to experience it, need to understand that. (TW: I talk about my own assault here.) ...
Monica Castillo / @mcastimovies: I can't imagine being taken off a story because surviving sexual assault is seen as a conflict of interest. What WaPo doing to @feliciasonmez is unconscionable. It's re-traumatizing and professionally holding her back. It sets a terrible precedence to punish survivors.
Martin Fowler / @martinfowler: Cases of online bullying like this silence valuable voices. Media organizations (and tech platforms) need to make the necessary investments to protect and support those under attack
Leia Idliby / Mediaite: Washington Post's Felicia Sonmez Blasts Management for Barring Her From Covering Sexual Assault: ‘This Harms All of Us’ (UPDATED)
Adam Davidson / @adamdavidson: Fully endorse. Also: many men who have been sexually assaulted don't share that fact. (I'm one of them).
Jessica Valenti / All in Her Head: The ‘Objective’ Truth — After the shooting in Georgia—an attack that left eight people dead …
@kerrymflynn: Must read thread from Felicia on what she's experiencing from WaPo management. It's absurd that covering sexual assault would be seen as a conflict of interest. Felicia should be supported for speaking up, not punished. Her experience helps provide nuanced coverage, not biased
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: Reporter criticizes Washington Post for keeping her off sexual assault stories
Amy B Wang / @amybwang: One of the many reasons I admire @feliciasonmez is her courage to speak out about all types of injustices when it would be far easier to remain silent. This punishment was and continues to be appalling —>
Moira Donegan / @moiradonegan: I'm shocked and frankly kind of disgusted by the wildly sexist way that the Washington Post has treated @feliciasonmez—a reporter who has been banned from covering stories with a sexual abuse component after disclosing her own experience of sexual assault.
Felicia Sonmez / @feliciasonmez: At one point, he asked me whether I feel supported by the Post's current management, now that the editor who oversaw my suspension had retired. And I just burst into tears. 2/x
@blackamazon: so we've found that : - Black reporters can't cover police violence because they're biased - Asian reporters can't cover The Lost 8 because they're biased - women can't cover #metoo for being survivors But white men can cover anything I would like to fight
Marshall Steinbaum / @econ_marshall: Reminds me of the time I was banned by a “progressive” think tank for writing about the history of libertarianism as it relates to white supremacy because my scholarship on that question was too successful and therefore discomfiting.
Brianna Wu / @briannawu: We all support you Felicia. @washingtonpost is lucky to have you.
James Gleick / @jamesgleick: What is the “bias” these WaPo editors are afraid the reporter might have? A bias that sexual assault is bad? A bias in favor of the victims of sexual assault?
Christina Henderson / @chenderson: Strange that WaPo editors or HR can't see how banning a reporter who has been public about their sexual assault from covering any stories related to sexual assault could have a chilling effect.
Eva Holland / @evaholland: In which three male editors agree that a female reporter should be banned from any reporting related to sexual assault or MeToo - because she's been assaulted herself. So the ideal here is, what, reporters who are *open-minded* about rape? 🙃 ...
Max Fisher / @max_fisher: In addition to being morally wrong and a disservice to readers, the Washington Post deciding to formally discriminate against sexually assault survivors is a warning to all other survivors that they better shut up and stay quiet if they want to advance
Avi Asher-Schapiro / @aaschapiro: Politico reports that WaPo reporter @feliciasonmez has been *banned* from covering sexual assault/harassment stories for 2.5 years. According to emails from Somnez, it's because she herself was a victim, & she has “implored” her bosses to reverse it. ...
Hunter Walker / @hunterw: What is happening to @feliciasonmez is not right. This situation is a stark reminder of how many companies love to espouse rhetoric about taking care of employees well being without really walking the walk.
Emily Miller / @emilymiller: I'm really upset. The @washingtonpost editors are soulless and cruel to punish @feliciasonmez for speaking publicly about being sexually assaulted at work. I've known Felicia professionally for years. She's a fantastic reporter and a sweet person. She needs a lawyer. Now.
Sarah Kaplan / @sarahkaplan48: Having survived sexual assault, or racism, or other forms of discrimination is no more a “bias” than being white, male & privileged. Speaking out about these experiences is courageous and honest — two things news orgs should value. Felicia deserves better. All workers do.
Eric Michael Garcia / @ericmgarcia: I don't think the leadership realize how much blackballing @feliciasonmez makes them look terrible. There is no evidence whatsoever that being a survivor of sexual assault impedes her abilities as a journalist (she always has been one).
Wesley / @wesleylowery: Funny that none of this was included or surfaced in the 100+ articles written in the past month about how the departing editor of this publication “saved journalism”
Ann Marie Lipinski / @amlwhere: How does a newsroom enforce a policy prohibiting a victim of sexual abuse from covering sexual abuse? I assure you there are many silent victims already assigned to these stories. Will you now require reporters to share any history of abuse?
Felicia Sonmez / @feliciasonmez: My symptoms worsened — a whole lot of vacant staring, which I've been doing a fair amount of this weekend. Things got a bit better by Monday, and I went back to work. But then I had to take myself off the Greitens story that night. My trauma response kicked into overdrive. 7/x
@cmclymer: I fully support @feliciasonmez. If every woman in journalism who was raped, sexually assaulted, and sexually harassed were barred from covering these topics due to concerns over “bias”, no woman would ever cover these topics. It's incredibly insulting, @washingtonpost.
Jennifer Barnett / @jenzerb: I wonder how many reporters would be left if they were all banned from reporting after being sexually assaulted. Must women hide abuse? Should reporters who have been threatened and harassed be banned from covering stories about harassment? Should all women stop working?
Felicia Sonmez / @feliciasonmez: I managed to work through Thursday, operating at maybe 30 percent. And then my sick leave began. I planned to stay off Twitter/email and focus on recovering. The Vanity Fair piece was published that day, and a colleague sent around a link. I read it that night. 8/x
Felicia Sonmez / @feliciasonmez: I was stunned to see that the same editor who has silenced me from defending myself online, said nothing when I had to leave my home amid threats and continues to bar me from fully doing my job was being quoted as an authority on protecting female journalists. 9/x
Felicia Sonmez / @feliciasonmez: ... online after the publication of a story about the man who assaulted me. The ban has been in place ever since, for more than a year now. I've pleaded with the editors to lift it, to no avail. So I've just kept trying to do my job. But that question from my therapist ... 5/x
Felicia Sonmez / @feliciasonmez: It was the directness of his question that I think really caught me off guard. I've tried to keep my head down and just do my job the best I can, despite having to take myself off sexual assault-related stories at least once every week or two, sometimes even more often. 3/x
Felicia Sonmez / @feliciasonmez: I faced no ban my first three months on the job. I wrote #MeToo-related stories with no problem. It was only once the Kavanaugh story broke in Sept. 2018 that the editors enacted one. It was lifted several months later, then reinstated in late 2019 when I was being attacked.. 4/x
Felicia Sonmez / @feliciasonmez: ... forced me to acknowledge to myself that I do not feel supported by my employer. Then, the town hall happened. My editor asked me that evening to write on the Violence Against Women Act the next day. I had to tell her I couldn't. 6/x
Felicia Sonmez / @feliciasonmez: Want to clarify that I fully support the decisions of other colleagues who ultimately left for elsewhere because the Post was not doing right by them. No one should be forced to choose between their job and their own well-being/fair treatment. No one.
Scott Lemieux / @lemieuxlgm: The idea that Sonmez shouldn't be permitted to work on stories involving sexual misconduct is literally Trumpian logic. There's not an iota of difference between this policy and saying that Mexcian-American judges shouldn't hear immigration cases.
Zack Budryk / @budrykzack: The only way it makes sense to bar someone from reporting on subjects they've been personally affected by is if you confuse empathy with a conflict of interest
Jennifer Bendery / @jbendery: How is this anything other than victim shaming? WaPo won't let its stellar reporter @feliciasonmez, who also happens to be an incredibly nice person, cover anything about sexual assault bc she's a victim of sexual assault (+ not afraid to talk about it).
Allison / @allisongeroi: Barring @feliciasonmez from reporting on any story that involves sexual misconduct is heinous. Are all reporters assigned based on whether they have been assaulted, or is the Post just taking job responsibilities away from women who speak publicly about their lives?
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: If you have experience with it, you cannot report on it. That reasoning does not have a lot of intuitive appeal.
Lisa Gartner / @lisagartner: If you banned every female journalist who had been sexually assaulted from covering assault, you pretty much wouldn't have a workforce, fwiw
Kristen Hanley Cardozo / @khandozo: It's always a tell what people in power view as bias and what they see as neutral.
Soledad O'Brien / @soledadobrien: Listen, as long as your pov is that of white and male, you should be just fine.
Coleen Christie / @coleenchristie: It's a complex issue because Twitter is a source of so much information for journalists. We can't just drop it. My company has said there is no need to engage but for some, too often women and racialized women, that doesn't solve the problem.
@juliedicaro: Far, far too many outlets leave their reporters twisting in the wind in the face of horrific harassment. Do better. @washingtonpost.
@atrios: nothing stops comfortable white reporters from doing stories on the most important issue of our time (well, 2 years ago maybe): the SALT deduction
Del. Danica Roem / @pwcdanica: “One said Sonmez has become something of an advocate for sexual assault victims, making management uncomfortable with her writing on this topic.” That is astonishingly asinine. They're telling survivors who speak up they couldn't possibly be professional enough to do their jobs.
Adam Davidson / @adamdavidson: Stunningly poor management at the Washington Post. I support Felicia Sonmez. As do so many others.
@ourobororoboruo: I am awed by @feliciasonmez's courage and resolve to be so candid and vocal about these fucked yo things happening at @washingtonpost. Please read this.
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: This really seems like @feliciasonmez is getting a raw deal
Elizabeth Spiers / @espiers: It would be nice if there were more women in management here, then maybe they'd understand why criticizing Felicia for being “something of an advocate for sexual assault victims” (and considering it a conflict) sounds appalling.
Rebecca Fishbein / @bfishbfish: Man, Marty Baron couldn't be gone faster.
Grace Segers / @grace_segers: It seems to me that barring a survivor of sexual assault from writing about that topic not only harms the reporter, but the paper. Empathy makes for better reporting. And it's extremely telling to see who is allowed to tell certain stories, and what is considered to be “bias.”
Bailey Loosemore / @bloosemore: “It is humiliating to again and again have to tell my colleagues and editors that I am not allowed to do my job fully because I was assaulted.” If this rule was place on all female reporters, how many would be left to cover sexual assault?
Benjamin Goggin / @benjamingoggin: The only way these important stories get told is through impassioned reporters who care about their beat. A blanket ban on stories pertaining to sexual assault seems stifling.
Kathleen McLaughlin / @kemc: Felicia is banned from writing about sexual assault and harassment because she spoke out on her own assault. Think about the chilling message that sends to survivors about going public.
Shefali Luthra / @shefalil: barring Felicia from covering sexual assault is such a poor choice, both from a management perspective and an editorial one
Mikki Halpin / @mikkipedia: I'm horrified to learn that after suspending her for talking about her assault, the Washington Post continues to punish Felicia Sonmez for being a survivor by prohibiting her from covering any stories that involve sexual assault. Wtf.
@spj_tweets: “But what female journalists described to me goes beyond legitimate scrutiny of a headline or story framing and into their sex lives, their families, and other topics unrelated to their work...”
Justin Robert Young / Free Political Newsletter: COVID lab leak is an unproven rumor we should all be actively spreading

Mason Slaine, who owns a 3.4% stake in Tribune, says he would commit $100M toward Bainum's Tribune bid, aiming to acquire the Orlando Sentinel and Sun Sentinel — Mason Slaine, a minority Tribune investor, is looking to acquire the Orlando Sentinel and the Sun Sentinel
Caroline Glenn / Orlando Sentinel: Two Florida businessmen interested in buying Orlando Sentinel to prevent sale to Alden hedge fund
Ann Marie Lipinski / @amlwhere: This is getting interesting. “I am a Florida resident and I believe heartily in strong investigative journalism as a necessary part of creating a safe and honest society”—Florida investor Mason Slaine eyes Tribune's @SunSentinel and @orlandosentinel
Lukas I. Alpert / @lalpert1: The Tribune plot thickens as Florida investor offers $100 million towards effort to stop Alden takeover
Michael Hawthorne / @scribeguy: More potentially good news for the Chicago Tribune, Orlando Sentinel, Sun-Sentinel, other @tribpub newspapers. “I am a Florida resident and I believe heartily in strong investigative journalism as a necessary part of creating a safe and honest society.”
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: The breakup of the Tribune newspaper chain is looking more and more feasible
Scott Nover / @scottnover: There seems to be a real possibility that some of the top papers in the country return to local ownership. That's super exciting.
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: Scoop from @lalpert1: Florida businessman commits $100 million toward bid for Tribune Publishing
Phil Davis / @pdavis_llc: Momentum for civic-minded ownership of Tribune Publishing's newspapers is growing. Don't give into Heath and the Gang, Tribune.
@kerrymflynn: ^ Latest development in a bunch of wealthy individuals taking on Alden to secure Tribune's future - Stewart Bainum w Baltimore Sun Media Group - Hansjörg Wyss w Chicago Tribune - Mason Slaine w Orlando Sentinel + Sun Sentinel TBD on local ownership for the other papers 👀
@kerrymflynn: “I am a Florida resident and I believe heartily in strong investigative journalism as a necessary part of creating a safe and honest society.” - Mason Slaine, who is looking to acquire Tribune Publishing's Orlando Sentinel and the Sun Sentinel - @lalpert1
Margot Roosevelt / @margotroosevelt: Another businessman with a conscience stepping up to block Alden Global Capital, vulture destroyer of newspapers. Florida investor Mason Slaine to put $100 M to help acquire Tribune Publishing & its 2 Florida papers. By @lalpert1 via @WSJ
@pwoodreporter: We're up to THREE rich guys willing to put up $100M each to rescue Tribune Publishing newspapers from the clutches of hedge fund Alden Global Capital. Alden has offered $635M. Ringleader of the rich guys has offered $680M, if he can get enough investors/financing. @saveoursun
Jason Rosenbaum / @jrosenbaum: So the future of newspapers either relies on venture capital firms or extremely rich people? Count me as someone who isn't optimistic about the long term viability of this medium:
Kyle Arnold / @kylelarnold: Journalism needs more long-term investors that see the value in quality reporting and the good for the community. Best of luck to my former colleagues @orlandosentinel
Christopher Cadelago / @ccadelago: Mason Slaine, a tech investor and minority shareholder in Tribune, tells WSJ he wants to put the Orlando Sentinel and the Sun Sentinel in Fort Lauderdale under local ownership.

Federal judge dismisses Planet Aid's four year, multimillion-dollar libel lawsuit against Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting — After more than four years of fighting a multimillion-dollar libel lawsuit brought by international aid group Planet Aid, Reveal from The Center …
@reveal, @christacir, @vdbaranetsky, @inn, @jkealing, @reveal, @emilyroseman1 and @achabel
@reveal: 1/ After more than four years of fighting a multimillion-dollar libel lawsuit brought by international aid group Planet Aid, @reveal won! A federal district judge dismissed the entire case with prejudice.
Christa Scharfenberg / @christacir: It's nearly impossible to quantify the passion and generosity of the legal team who got us to this win — and the bravery of the sources who helped us tell this @reveal story.
Victoria Baranetsky / @vdbaranetsky: It is amazing to say: @reveal won its libel lawsuit!!!! in federal district court after 4 years. A definite victory. Many thanks to Davis Wright Tremaine and Covington & Burling - without which this would not have been possible.
@inn: “The potential impact of these lawsuits on nonprofit investigative newsrooms like ours and on smaller outlets throughout the country could be a serious blow for democracy.” Congratulations to @reveal on this important legal victory!
Jonathan Kealing / @jkealing: This is great news. Kudos to Reveal for sticking it out, and for their lawyers, insurers, funders and the whole team who stood behind them through the process.
@reveal: 2/ Our 2016 investigation into Planet Aid tied the charity to an alleged cult and raised significant questions about whether the funds from the U.S. and other governments actually were reaching the people they were intended to help.
Emily Roseman / @emilyroseman1: An important victory for @reveal and the many mighty, nonprofit newsrooms like it! So impressed by and grateful for @vdbaranetsky, the pro bono support of @DWTLaw Covington & Burling, and Reveal leadership + staff for fighting and WINNING this meritless suit

Boston Globe's health and life sciences pub Stat is thriving during the pandemic, with monthly unique visitors of 23M+, up from an average of 1.5M in 2019 — “Our Chartbeat dial went past the maximum. It went all the way around again.” — 2020 was one of the grimmest years for the media business on record.
Chris Roush / Talking Biz News: How STAT News readership exploded in 2020
Rick Berke / @rickberke: “It's a media triumph.” @luke_winkie tells the story of “How @statnews survived, and thrived, during the craziest year in health reporting history.” via @NiemanLab
@niemanreports: In the midst of the carnage to the media business in 2020, @statnews is thriving. The health and life sciences publication, launched by The Boston Globe in 2015, obliterated all of its traffic records during the pandemic. via @niemanlab

McClatchy is outsourcing page design and typesetting to Express KCS, cutting more than 26 jobs by August 15 — The company has had more than 200 layoffs in different departments since the pandemic began — On Monday, McClatchy announced a change to its page design and typesetting via an email that Poynter obtained.
@charlesapple, @tmorris504, @brentajones, @eclectichutch, @sarcasmorator and @jason_wilson
Charles Apple / @charlesapple: Well, crap.
Tim Morris / @tmorris504: The work will go to Express KCS, which will “handle design and typesetting for 21 McClatchy papers beginning in early May, with the remaining large markets served by the Publishing Center scheduled to follow this summer.”
Brent Jones / @brentajones: Assuming that page design is part of the production process and not part of the journalism is the mistake.
@eclectichutch: Just learned that these cuts are going to impact people I'd worked with for years who, even as they may not be working on Washington papers anymore, gave tirelessly to serve communities across the country. Yet another sad day for local journalism

Comcast starts rolling out Disney+ and ESPN+ on its X1 cable TV and Flex broadband-streaming platforms — Comcast is plugging the Walt Disney Co.'s Disney Plus and ESPN Plus into its X1 cable TV and Flex broadband-streaming platforms — part of the operator's ongoing strategy to become the one-stop hub for all video entertainment.
Adweek, WebWire, Media Play News, Gizmodo, The Desk, The Streamable, Light Reading and Cord Cutters News
Mollie Cahillane / Adweek: Disney+ and ESPN+ Land on Comcast's Xfinity Platforms
Stephanie Prange / Media Play News: Disney+ and ESPN+ Launching on Comcast Xfinity
Matthew Keys / The Desk: Comcast X1, Flex boxes get Disney Plus, ESPN Plus
Jeff Baumgartner / Light Reading: Comcast starts to stream Disney+, ESPN+ to X1 and Flex subs
Tmera Hepburn / Cord Cutters News: Disney+ and ESPN+ Launch on Comcast Xfinity

Ad tech company TripleLift sells a majority stake to Vista Equity Partners, sources say for $1.4B — Ad tech sees another M&A jolt
Insider, @davidbeisel, @robgo, @digitalshields, @adweek, @ezberry, @dangoldin, @nextviewvc, @aripap, Ad Age, PE Hub and PR Newswire, more at Techmeme »
Lauren Johnson / Insider: Private equity is taking aim at advertising
@davidbeisel: Today @TripleLiftHQ announced a majority investment buyout by Vista Equity partners valuing the company at a $1.4B. It's a remarkable outcome for an unsung hero of New York City tech.
Rob Go / @robgo: Congratulations to the team @TripleLiftHQ on building an amazingly durable and capital efficient market leader. And another $1B+ company in NYC!
Mike Shields / @digitalshields: A few years ago, you might have said, when is one of those native ad companies gonna have an exit...not TripleLift has this huge outcome, only well after it's broadened way beyond just native
@adweek: TripleLift is the latest company in the ad-tech space to announce a liquidity moment with a “majority investment” from Vista Equity Partners understood to be $1.4 billion. @ronan_shields has the scoop:
Eric Berry / @ezberry: I'm incredibly excited to announce our partnership with Vista Equity Partners. I couldn't be more grateful to the TripleLift team for making this happen. Thank you to everyone!
Dan Goldin / @dangoldin: Incredibly proud of the work over the past 8 years. But it's not over and excited for the work ahead.
NextView / @nextviewvc: Congratulations to our portfolio company @TripleLiftHQ on their $1.4B acquisition from Vista Equity. A masterclass in capital efficiency, achieving market leadership and nine-figure revenue on less than $20M of venture capital.
Ari Paparo / @aripap: TripleLift with massive exit (likely values the company higher than AppNexus, hah, hah, hah!):
Iris Dorbian / PE Hub: Vista to invest in adtech company TripleLift

Good Housekeeping says GH+, its $20 per year membership program, is on track to have 10,000 paying members at the program's one year anniversary in June — Good Housekeeping is testing what a membership model looks like in conjunction with a subscription product and is finding that the ceiling …

BBC had £880M of annual recurring savings since 2016/17, beating its target a year ahead of schedule; to cut costs, BBC Four will be focused on archived content — Overhaul means channel will no longer commission original content but will broadcast performances
Eddie Robson / @eddierobson: It's been going this way for a while. The budget for new drama and comedy was abolished years ago, and what's left of the documentaries would fit on BBC Two quite easily - and hopefully they do find a home there.
Naman Ramachandran / Variety: BBC Annual Plan Reveals Savings of More Than $1 Billion, Details Threat of Global Streamers
Gary Kelly / @maxcouch: One of the few watchable channels that isn't mindless tabloid tv and caters for us slightly more mature folks and they're slowly phasing it out. @BBCFOUR
Mark O'Neill / @marxculture: Grim news. The best channel left on the BBC apart from CBBC and CBeebies. Not unexpected alas after a string of utterly useless BBC DGs but still a shocking retreat from Reithian values. ...
Paul Blanchard / @paulwrblanchard: Absolute insanity. Best channel on the telly. They bring back ‘yoof’ BBC3 and kill off BBC4. Twats.
Dr Janina Ramirez / @drjaninaramirez: I'm absolutely gutted about this. I wouldn't have my career if #BBCFour hadn't existed. Whee will new talent grow? It was the envy of the world. It's a huge loss. BBC Four to become archive channel as cost-cutting drive continues | BBC Four | The Guardian ...
Simon Hattenstone / @shattenstone: Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. Turning BBC4 into an archive channel is a terrible decision. BBC4 is easily the best BBC station for people interested in culture, documentariess and history. And that's lots of us. ...
Lucy Rebecca Mooring / @lucymooring: this is so sad- bbc four does some of the best stuff on british tv. watching bbc four documentaries makes up like 80% of my personality.. what do i do now! ...
Panonymous Rick / @amphitryoniades: It doesn't get mentioned enough, but the last high profile political satire on British television was commissioned 16 years ago, during the most recent Labour government. I don't believe that's just because nobody's had any ideas.
Teddy Jamieson / @teddyjamieson: Nothing wrong with the idea of a well curated archive channel, but this still miserable .
Simon Blackwell / @simonblackwell: A great big shame - no Thick Of It without BBC Four, so no In The Loop or Veep either. ...
I Am Incorrigible FCA / @imincorrigible: Tory placemen slowly, but surely, destroying the BBCs core reputation for the highest quality educational, informative & entertaining news, drama, & documentary programming It's not an accident it's destruction by design to leave a husk to be privatised without public resistance
@chinnyhill10: Great news if done properly. Bad news if it just ends up being what UK Gold became after Thames sold up and it became Only Fools TV.
@lecrin: Shame. Best BBC channel out there. But saw something of its kind coming.
@donaldclarke63: Remember that brief (as it transpired) moment when BBC Four could make a claim to be among the best TV stations in the world? ...
John Crace / @johnjcrace: Terrible decision. No understanding of the value of BBC4 ...
@pressgazette: BBC says News at Six regularly reached 5m+ in 2020, its biggest regular audience in almost 20 years. BBC News website reaching 19m+ adults a week on average. More audience stats in BBC annual report:
Sean Biggerstaff / @seanchuckle: The fifth column in charge of the @BBC continues to strip it for parts. Stop paying your license fee, kids. It's already dead.
Helen Czerski / @helenczerski: It was probably only a matter of time - the archive % was so high already - but it's still a significant milestone: BBC Four will officially become archive-only. It's been the home of some great tv that really was distinctive. Tough niche to replace. ...

Tribeca Festival announces in-person, outdoor events from June 9-20 across NYC — The Tribeca Festival will return as an in-person event, a hopeful sign that coronavirus may be loosening its grip on cultural life in America. The announcement comes as vaccination levels are rising …
Hoai-Tran Bui / /Film: Tribeca Film Festival Will Be First Big North American Festival to Bring Back In-Person Screenings
Charles Barfield / The Playlist: Tribeca Film Festival Announces Plans For In-Person Event In June