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NYT says it is retiring the term “Op-Ed”; editorials will still be called editorials, but articles written by outside writers will be called “Guest Essays” — The first Op-Ed page in The New York Times greeted the world on Sept. 21, 1970.
Nieman Lab, @katiekings, New York Post, The Hill, The Wrap, @mathewi, @nytopinion, @elisewho, @brianstelter, @aedwardslevy, @harrysiegel, @jodyavirgan, @mattgertz, @cliffordlevy, @hankstuever, @clarajeffery, @dabeard, @davelevinthal, @harrysiegel, @erikwemple, @petersterne, @markberman, @tonyfratto, @mattfrieds, @carlquintanilla, @froomkin, @adriana_lacy, @sistertoldjah, @katiekings, @katiekings, @katiekings, @maxboot, @tim_stevens, @elanazak, @_alastair, @maxasteele, @hautepop, @joshsternberg, @travelinganna, @jillfilipovic, @rubinafillion, @pennyriordan1, @mattyglesias, @abeaujon, @sarafischer, @sarafischer and @lpolgreen
Kathleen Kingsbury / @katiekings: The first Op-Ed page in The New York Times greeted the world on Sept. 21, 1970. Today, more than 50 years later, we at @nytopinion are retiring the name “Op-Ed.” As the Opinion editor, I'd like to tell you why.
Jackson O'Bryan / New York Post: The New York Times is retiring the word ‘op-ed’
Joseph Choi / The Hill: New York Times dropping ‘op-eds’ for ‘guest essays’
J. Clara Chan / The Wrap: NY Times Rebrands ‘Op-Eds’ as ‘Guest Essays’: ‘We Are Striving to Be Far More Inclusive’
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: Having done informal surveys over the years, I'm willing to bet a large majority of people still think the “Op” in “Op-Ed” stands for “Opinion” rather than “Opposite,” so probably a good idea to lose it anyway
@nytopinion: Today, after more than 50 years, we're retiring the term “Op-Ed.” “Terms like ‘Op-Ed’ are, by their nature, clubby newspaper jargon,” explains our Opinion editor, @katiekings. We're striving to be more inclusive in how we explain our work.
Elise Hu / @elisewho: Really glad to see this. NYT is retiring the outdated term “op-ed” bc straight news pieces don't live in a fixed spot for editorials to be “opposite” of anymore. Gonna call “op-eds” what they are — guest essays — instead
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: No more Op-Eds at the NYT: “Editorials will still be called editorials, but the articles written by outside writers will be known going forward as ‘Guest Essays,’ a title that will appear prominently above the headline.” I think this is a big improvement.
Ariel Edwards-Levy / @aedwardslevy: op-eds, you've been chop-ed
Harry Siegel / @harrysiegel: I've been explaining for YEARS to my students, who aren't mostly print natives, that Op-Ed stands for “opposite the editorials”—and then explaining what an editorial is and why. Op-Ed is a term that's outlived its use—and I suspect that editorials are next.
Jody Avirgan / @jodyavirgan: Fascinating. I really do think that product changes that are realistic about the way media is consumed today, rather than beholden to tradition or convention, can go a long way.
Matthew Gertz / @mattgertz: Can't believe they left “Guessays” just sitting there on the table tbqh
Cliff Levy / @cliffordlevy: BIG NYT CHANGE: The first Op-Ed page in The New York Times greeted the world on Sept. 21, 1970. Now, The Times is retiring the designation “Op-Ed.” Our opinion editor @katiekings explains why.
Hank Stuever / @hankstuever: An article, an editorial, an op-ed, a column, a review, a story, and my personal favorite from readers, “your little write-up in the paper.” Nobody knows the terms anymore, but we used to. Now? Content. It's all just content.
Clara Jeffery / @clarajeffery: Simple change, which brings a lot of clarity to most readers. Not that there still won't be controversies about selection but...
David Beard / @dabeard: Op-Ed, the term that in newspaper-only days meant “opposite the editorial page,” has died a natural death, @nytopinion announced. It was 50. It is survived by the straight-up, different-font, platform-agnostic “Opinion.” @katiekings @rubinafillion
Dave Levinthal / @davelevinthal: Oh, there will be op-eds about this.
Harry Siegel / @harrysiegel: As a former editorial writer and op-ed editor and now the opinion editor for the Daily Beast and a columnist (another print term) for the Daily News, I'd argue that “editorial” is also jargon—a term and a type of writing that no longer makes sense it its own right if it ever did
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: NYT opinions folks are tossing the term “Op-Eds,” which makes sense. They are replacing it with “Guest Essays,” which sounds like something that comes from the hotel industry:
@petersterne: NYT is renaming “op-eds” to “guest essays,” which seems like a smart change. Calling it a “guest essay” makes the relationship between the op-ed writer and the publication much more clear.
Mark Berman / @markberman: the NYT is abandoning the term “op-ed,” which is, hilariously, a phrase that originates from things appearing opposite the editorial page in print
Tony Fratto / @tonyfratto: I doubt very much that this will spare @nytimes from criticism when it offers its platform to amplify rangy views.
Matt Friedman / @mattfrieds: The term “op-ed” came from the two-page opinion spread that existed in most newspapers 20+ years ago. Submitted pieces ran opposite the editorial page. Readers understood that staffers wrote the left-hand pieces & guests wrote the right-hand pieces. That has gotten totally lost.
Carl Quintanilla / @carlquintanilla: “.. in the words of John B. Oakes, a long-ago predecessor of mine who drove the creation of Op-Ed, ‘Diversity of opinion is the lifeblood of democracy. ... The minute we begin to insist that everyone think the same way we think, our democratic way of life is in danger.’”
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: The obvious next step: Briefly explaining why this guest was given a megaphone for this essay. See:
Adriana Lacy / @adriana_lacy: NYT is retiring the word Op-Ed. All publishers should do the same. It's confusing, it's antiquated and most importantly, in the digital world, no one is reading these essays opposite of the editorial page!
Sister Toldjah Le Pew / @sistertoldjah: Will the “straight news” pieces at the NYT now be referred to as “op/eds”? Because I think that would be a big improvement.
Kathleen Kingsbury / @katiekings: The Op-Ed page and the term itself are increasingly a throwback from an older age and a print newspaper design. We don't like jargon in our articles; we don't want it above them, either. We are striving to be more inclusive in explaining how and why we do our work.
Kathleen Kingsbury / @katiekings: That's why we'll be introducing a new term to our pages. Editorials will still be called editorials, but outside contributors' pieces in @nytopinion will be known going forward as “Guest Essays,” a title that will appear above the headline.
Kathleen Kingsbury / @katiekings: Impulses that made Op-Ed successful 50 years ago are still in play. It's a space where voices can be heard + respected, where ideas can linger, to be given serious consideration In that spirit, I'm pleased to share our new roster of contributing writers
Max Boot / @maxboot: I agree that “op-ed” makes no literal sense in the digital world (there is nothing to be “opposite” of) but, as a former op-ed editor, I lament the loss of this hallowed term. I suppose if anyone has the right to retire it, however, it's the newspaper that invented it.
Elana Zak / @elanazak: After 50 years, @nytopinion is retiring the phrase Op-Ed in favor of the term Guest Essays. “We don't like jargon in our articles; we don't want it above them, either,” explains @katiekings.
Alastair Coote / @_alastair: “Hence the new Guest Essay label. Readers immediately grasped this term during research sessions and intuitively understood what it said about the relationship between the writer and The Times.” User research: not just for testing out your new UI!
Jay Owens / @hautepop: The New York Times is retiring the old print media term “op-ed” (which never actually stood for “opinion editorial” btw, much as it seems to) - in favour of “Guest Essays”
Annemarie Dooling / @travelinganna: “In the digital world, in which millions of Times subscribers absorb the paper's journalism online, there is no geographical “Op-Ed,” just as there is no geographical “Ed” for Op-Ed to be opposite to”
Jill Filipovic / @jillfilipovic: There are people on here who are going to be mad / annoyed about this, and I can already predict who they are, but what I don't yet know is how they're going to justify being mad about this:
Rubina Madan Fillion / @rubinafillion: Most @nytopinion readers don't realize that Op-Ed stands for “opposite the editorial page.” Today we're retiring the term. We're also launching a new design to further highlight the differences between Opinion and news.
Penny Riordan / @pennyriordan1: “Terms like Op-Ed are, by their nature, clubby newspaper jargon...” and readers “immediately grasped” the new label of Guest Essay. 👏👏Bravo NYT for finally making this change! 👏👏And I hope other newspapers do as well:
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: In which @katiekings wisely kills the “op-ed.”
Andrew Beaujon / @abeaujon: NYT retires the term “Op Ed,” will call them “Guest Essays” instead
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: FWIW, sources tell me a change like this has been contemplated since the James Bennet fiasco last summer.
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: 🚨 NEW from @nytimes Opinion Editor @katiekings —NYT retiring the term *Op-Ed* —Term no longer relevant in digital world —Editorials will still be called editorials, but the articles written by outside writers will be known going forward as “Guest Essays”
Lydia Polgreen / @lpolgreen: Students of NYT history will remember Times Select, the first foray into digital subscriptions in 2005, which put the op ed columnists and a few other things behind a paywall. It lasted two years. In 2011 the full paywall launched & changed media history. ...
Early Nielsen numbers show 2021 Oscars drew 9.85M viewers, a drop of 58.3% from last year — The 93rd Academy Awards ceremony, broadcast live from both Union Station and the Dolby Theatre in L.A. on ABC, hit a record low. — Per Nielsen Live+Same Day preliminary national numbers …
Ad Age, Mediaite, CNN, Vox, Observer, @yashar, @jeremymbarr, @danprimack, @benfritz, The Week, @oliverdarcy, The Hill, @benmullin, @emzanotti, The Playlist, Hollywood Reporter, @dylanbyers, @morningbrew, @anthony, @claireatki, @alexeheath, @cuntybrent, @dylanbyers, @alexweprin, @mpasset, New York Post, New York Times, OutKick and Los Angeles Times
Ethan Jakob Craft / Ad Age: Oscars wakes up to its worst TV ratings in history
Marisa Sarnoff / Mediaite: JUST IN: Oscars Ratings Drop Nearly 60%, With Less Than 10 Million Viewers Tuning In
Frank Pallotta / CNN: Oscars notches its lowest ratings in the show's history
Brandon Katz / Observer: As Expected, the Oscars Were the Lowest Rated in History
@yashar: This is apples to oranges but I always like to reflect on what the ratings were when broadcast networks were king... In 1998 the Academy Awards had 55 million viewers. A much different time.
Jeremy Barr / @jeremymbarr: trying to figure out a way to talk to my young children about the low Oscars numbers...
Dan Primack / @danprimack: Feels to me like the Oscars ratings are great news for AMC and other theater owners. People don't get as invested in features via streaming as they do when they see them on the big screen.
Ben Fritz / @benfritz: Despite its low ratings, the Oscars were a unique opportunity for Hollywood to promote movie theaters and address the threat that we'll all stream everything except Marvel and Fast & Furious movies. But only Frances McDormand took it.
Brendan Morrow / The Week: Oscars viewership plunges to an all-time low
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: The Oscars drew an average audience of only 9.8 million viewers. “Hollywood's biggest night was also its smallest night ever,” @frankpallotta writes.
Judy Kurtz / The Hill: Oscar ratings plunge to record low: report
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: Oscars Ratings Fall 58% as Event Draws Lowest-Ever TV Viewership. By @Lilliannnn:
Emily Zanotti / @emzanotti: I liked the part where they begged people to go back to movie theaters. Turns out, the pandemic taught us we didn't need an overpriced sub-par experience when I can watch true crime docs and drink boxed wine in my living room
Charles Barfield / The Playlist: The 2021 Oscars Viewership Dropped 58% From Last Year To A New Record Low
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: Next year, when the number is up a little bit to 15 or 16 million, please avoid the temptation to write “Oscars are back!” The ship is sunk.
@morningbrew: Oscars viewership through the years 2014: 43.7 million 2015: 37.3 million 2016: 34.4 million 2017: 32.9 million 2018: 26.5 million 2019: 29.6 million 2020: 23.6 million 2021: 9.8 million
@anthony: Oscars ratings plummet 58% from last year to a record low. Per Nielsen Live+Same Day preliminary national numbers, an average of 9.85 million viewers tuned in on Sunday evening - @Variety
Claire Atkinson / @claireatki: My recipe to fix the Oscars... 1/ Don't presume we know every movie. Tell us about it. 2/ Showmanship. Remember hosts? Billy Crystal. Kevin Hart? Cher? Anyone. 3/How about a reel of the past winners in a category?
Alex Heath / @alexeheath: Everyone who doesn't work in the entertainment biz stopped watching
Brent / @cuntybrent: Ratings are becoming obsolete because of cord-cutters. It's hard to get exact ratings when things like Hulu Live, YouTube TV, and Sling TV exist.
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: Death-rattle.
Alex Weprin / @alexweprin: Oscars pulling in numbers similar to an average episode of “NCIS”
Matt Passet / @mpasset: Had it in a train station, told us which production designer used to be an intern for another production designer, ended abruptly with nobody to accept an award. Not sure what else they could've done to get people watching.
Vanessa Friedman / New York Times: On the Oscars Red Carpet: A Lot of Style, Little Substance
Bobby Burack / OutKick: Oscars Ratings Tank Massively
This year's Oscars, a TV broadcast about films mostly distributed on the internet, was a celebration of diversity as nine of 20 acting nominations went to POC — Chloé Zhao's film about the damaged American dream won best picture, best director and best actress.
The Guardian, The Wrap, Fast Company, New York Times, /Film, TechCrunch, Hollywood Reporter, @dylanbyers, Deadline, The Week, Smash Cut, @charmainesmchan, MediaPost, Variety, @brianstelter and Ad Age
Catherine Shoard / The Guardian: Anthony Hopkins is oldest-ever acting Oscar winner after taking best actor for The Father
Beatrice Verhoeven / The Wrap: Oscars 2021: Chloé Zhao Becomes 2nd Woman to Win Best Director
Michael Grothaus / Fast Company: Streaming services gave traditional Hollywood studios a run for their money at the Oscars
Anthony Ha / TechCrunch: Netflix won seven Oscars last night
Daniel Fienberg / Hollywood Reporter: Critic's Notebook: Oscar Producers' Big Gambles Yield Wildly Mixed Results
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: New via @d_arkin: “The producers of the 93rd Academy Awards wanted the ceremony to feel like a movie. But it appears the project was a bomb” ...
Kate Samuelson / The Week: Oscars 2021: the big winners of the 93rd Academy Awards
Karl Delossantos / Smash Cut: The Oscars woke up and chose violence
Charmaine Chan / @charmainesmchan: I know this is very much on the nose, but damn do you know what it feels like to be another Asian woman in this industry and seeing these two win?!? Congratulations Chloe and Yuh-Jung, you two are giving the rest of us so much pride and hope 🥺🤗
Karlene Lukovitz / MediaPost: Netflix: Most Oscars, But Still No Best-Picture Win
Brent Lang / Variety: Frances McDormand Quotes ‘Macbeth’ During Oscars Acceptance Speech for Best Actress
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: “a stage show broadcast on television about films mostly distributed on the internet.”
Alexandra Jardine / Ad Age: Oscars boost diversity, Unilever designs inclusive deodorant: Monday Wake-Up Call
Chinese state media reporters say they received orders from the propaganda ministry not to report on Chloe Zhao's Oscar win, due to “previous public opinion” — Ms. Zhao is first Chinese woman to win best director, yet search engines erased the news
Tim O'Donnell / The Week: Chinese state media reportedly ordered not to report on Chloé Zhao's Oscar wins
Rudy Takala / Mediaite: Chinese Social Media Blows Up With Celebratory Posts of Chloe Zhao's Oscar Win. Hours Later They're Almost All Erased
Liza Lin / @lizalinwsj: Accolades for Zhao had filled social media platforms Weibo, Zhihu in the morning, only to be deleted by early afternoon as the censors swiftly moved in. State media reporters were told not to cover the topic. Xinhua, People's Daily and CCTV were silent.
Kevin Dubouis / @kevindubouis: Chloe Zhao's Oscar win unleashed a flurry of congratulatory messages on Chinese social-media sites when it was announced Monday morning Beijing time. By midafternoon, nearly all of the posts had been erased. via @WSJ
Zack Sharf / IndieWire: China Reacts to Chloé Zhao's Historic Oscars with Near Silence: ‘We Hope She Becomes More Mature’
Kim Insley / @kiminsley: Funny thing about history. You can try to erase it, but it's still there.
Alex Griswold / @hashtaggriswold: The news that the first Chinese woman has won Best Director is evidently being censored in real-time in China
@indiewire: One of the only publications in China to report on Chloé Zhao's historic #Oscars wrote, “We hope she can become more and more mature.” Zhao and #Nomadland have been silenced in China due to nationalist backlash against the filmmaker. Full details here:
Tunku Varadarajan / @tunkuv: Chloe Zhao's Oscar win unleashed a flurry of congratulatory messages on Chinese social-media sites when it was announced Monday morning Beijing time. By midafternoon, nearly all of the posts had been erased. via @WSJ
Carla Marinucci / @cmarinucci: Chloe Zhao's Oscar win unleashed a flurry of accolades on Chinese social-media sites when it was announced—and within hours, nearly all the posts had been erased via @WSJ
@tony_zy: Not exactly sure why Weibo is deleting the news about Nomadland's Oscar wins
Patrick Brzeski / Hollywood Reporter: Chloé Zhao's Oscars Glory Met With Media Silence in China
Marcus Baram / @mbaram: “Two state media reporters told the Journal they had received orders from China's propaganda ministry not to report on her victory, despite what they described as her status as a Chinese national, because of ‘previous public opinion.’”
Colette, co-produced by EA and Oculus Studios, and released by The Guardian, wins an Oscar for best documentary short
Andrew Pulver / The Guardian: Guardian film Colette wins Oscar for best documentary short
John Jurgensen / Wall Street Journal: Oscars 2021: Winners, Speeches and Top Moments So Far
Matthew Ruddle / @ruddlematthew: So the winner of the Best Documentary Short, Colette, was produced by Respawn Entertainment and Oculus (!) It's part of the VR game Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond (!!) Did... did a video game just technical win an Oscar. #Oscars
Katharine Viner / @kathviner: I'm absolutely thrilled that the Guardian has won an Oscar! For the brilliant, deeply moving documentary Colette, about an indomitable former French resistance fighter who, aged 90, visits the concentration camp where her brother died ...
@risj_oxford: The @guardian won an Oscar for its short documentary Colette, about a former French resistance fighter. @KathViner called it “a testament to our talented video team who have worked hard to build and grow our distinctive Guardian Documentaries strand” ...
Jon Solomon / @jonsolomon: @MattHelgeson “The documentary was included in the gallery mode of the first-person shooter virtual reality game “Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond” from Respawn Entertainment & Oculus Studios, co-producers of the film. This makes “Colette” the first Oscar nomination for a video game company.”
Lenore Taylor / @lenoretaylor: ooh look, we won an Oscar!!! Guardian film Colette wins Oscar for best documentary short ...
Gerald Lynch / TechRadar: The video game industry just won its first Oscar
Roku says anti-competitive demands from Google, including requests for preferential treatment of apps like YouTube TV, may force YouTube TV off Roku's platform — Roku on Monday notified its users via email that YouTube TV may be forced off its platform entirely, alleging anti-competitive demands …
Variety, Ad Age, @sarafischer, The Streamable, The Verge, MediaPost, @sarafischer, @film_girl, FierceVideo, Protocol, TechCrunch, IGN India, Adweek, New York Post, @xpangler, Light Reading, TechRadar, @thestreamable, The Desk, @xpangler, @sarafischer, Bloomberg, @eric_schmitt, 9to5Google, @sarafischer, @richlightshed, @jason_a_w, @sarafischer, @alex, The Wrap and Cord Cutters News, more at Techmeme »
Todd Spangler / Variety: Roku Says YouTube TV May Get Dropped, Accusing Google of Anticompetitive Behavior
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: The Roku/Google fight is the latest in a long list of spats between streaming networks and distributors over carriage agreements. — For consumers, it means that the programming blackouts common on cable/ satellite are migrating over to the streaming world.
Jason Gurwin / The Streamable: This is What YouTube Says About Dispute with Roku
Makena Kelly / The Verge: Roku could lose YouTube TV in standoff with Google
Karlene Lukovitz / MediaPost: Roku May Lose YouTube TV, Accuses Google Of Anticompetitive Behavior
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: Breaking: @Roku says anti-competitive demands from Google may force removal of YouTube TV app
Christina Warren / @film_girl: Carriage Wars: The OTT edition continue to look just like Carriage Wars: Cablers vs Cable Cos, just with different players.
Janko Roettgers / Protocol: What Roku and Google are fighting about: Video codecs, voice search and millions of eyeballs
Sarah Perez / TechCrunch: Roku alleges Google is using its monopoly power in YouTube TV carriage negotiations
Julia Alexander / IGN India: Roku May Stop Carrying YouTube TV After Company Alleges Anticompetitive Behavior by Google
Mollie Cahillane / Adweek: YouTube TV May Go Dark on Roku as Platform Accuses Google of Anticompetitive Behavior
Alexandra Steigrad / New York Post: Roku accuses Google of making ‘anti-competitive’ demands over YouTube TV
Todd Spangler / @xpangler: .@Google statement on @Roku allegations: “We're disappointed that they chose to make baseless claims while we continue our ongoing negotiations... We have made no requests to access user data or interfere with search results”
Jeff Baumgartner / Light Reading: Battle brews between Roku and YouTube TV
Henry St Leger / TechRadar: Your Roku smart TV may lose the YouTube app - here's why
@thestreamable: YouTube says that Roku's public claims are inaccurate and are “disappointed that they chose to make baseless claims while we continue our ongoing negotiations” $GOOG $ROKU $AMZN $DIS $NFLX $APPL $FUBO cc @mediagazer @Techmeme
Matthew Keys / The Desk: Roku warns users may lose access to YouTube TV
Todd Spangler / @xpangler: .@Roku warns customers @YouTubeTV may go dark on its platform amid a dispute with Google — which Roku alleges is asking for anticompetitive deal terms via @Variety
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: And here's the email from @roku to customers about the spat:
Eric Schmitt / @eric_schmitt: One of the many reasons I'm suing Google for its anti-competitive behavior. The #BigTech threat to innovation and many other things we value is real.
Ben Schoon / 9to5Google: Roku may lose YouTube TV as negotiations with Google break down [Update: Google statement]
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: 🚨 Roku says Google has asked Roku to do things that it does not see replicated on other streaming competitors' platforms, like creating a dedicated search results row for YouTube within the Roku smart TV interface and giving YouTube search results more prominent placement.
Rich Greenfield / @richlightshed: tvOS wars heating up!!! 🔥🔥🔥
Jason Wilson / @jason_a_w: That whole “streaming content” thing was nice while it lasted
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: 🚨 A key issue for Roku—other than Google is asking it to manipulate search results that favor Google's products—is that it believes Google is trying to tie renewal of YouTube TV distribution contract to force additional anticompetitive benefits for Google's separate YouTube app
Facebook says it has a policy letting any person initiate a takedown of a post containing an image of their residence, regardless of the post's newsworthiness — The New York Post has complained that Facebook is blocking and downplaying its stories. But the platform doesn't pay any special deference to journalists.
Tim O'Donnell / The Week: New York Times columnist discovers people can get stories featuring their houses removed from Facebook
Sean Burch / The Wrap: Facebook Explains Why NY Post Story on BLM Activist's Real Estate Was Blocked
Evelyn Douek / @evelyndouek: “What Facebook's clash with The Post really revealed—and what surprised me—is that the platform does not defer, at all, to news organizations on questions of news judgment. ” Facebook regularly trumps the editorial judgments of news orgs with their own
Wesley / @wesleylowery: tbh, not much more depressing than having to chose between the news judgement of Mr. Bezos and Mr. Sulzberger and Mr. Pulitzer and Mr. Hearst and Mr. Scripps and Mr. Chandler and Mr. Turner. news judgement has always been at the whims of rich white guys
Shira Ovide / @shiraovide: “they do act as publishers — just very bad ones.” Pretty accurate! To be fair, people WANT Facebook to exercise judgment, except when they DON'T want Facebook to exercise judgment. Doing nothing is also judgment.
Rick Paulas / @rickpaulas: This is pretty much what I was talking about when I said that it's probably time to update/adjust that whole Manufacturing Consent thing. It's about who controls self-publishing platforms now, less about who controls the publications.
Glenn Greenwald: ACLU Again Cowardly Abstains From an Online Censorship Controversy: This Time Over BLM
Matt Stoller / @matthewstoller: Good piece by @benyt. Glad @NewsCEO points out just how arbitrary Facebook is.
@azi: Of all the things they don't track ... “@Facebook doesnt keep a central register of news articles it expunges on these grounds ... And it does not keep track of how many news articles it has blocked...” via @benyt:
Angie Drobnic Holan / @angieholan: Not the main point of this @benyt column, but #factcheckers who work with Facebook are not ‘junior journalists’ (a common anti-factcheck talking point, plus ageist) and there's no 1-week deadline. Most checks are 1 to 2 days or faster.
@jessienyc: Good morning to everyone except these two, and anyone who has a problem with a Black woman buying a nice house.
Amy Alexander / @amyalex63: This situation is Bonkers: “What Facebook's clash with The [NY] Post really revealed — and what surprised me — is that the platform does not defer, at all, to news organizations on questions of news judgment.” — @benyt
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Fascinating and concerning power flex by Facebook policy in light of my thread tonight demonstrating once again why we can't trust the company. Also ironic considering Facebook doesn't want to be responsible for a phone # breach including its own CEO ;)
Kim-Mai Cutler / @kimmaicutler: I think ... not enabling mass viral distribution of someone's private primary home address is ... a good idea?
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: Two ways to fix this: 1) Create the conditions for more competition online, including much stronger antitrust enforcement. 2) Regulate speech — that is, have government regulate speech. I pick the first one.
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: Good column, that would further benefit from the disclosure that something like 5% of his employer's net profit comes from a payoff from Facebook. See: ...
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Well, there's another way to position this: Facebook is making judgments about Murdoch's unjournalism while journalism refuses to clean its own house of him.
Tony Biasotti / @tonybiasotti: “What Facebook's clash with The Post really revealed — and what surprised me — is that the platform does not defer, at all, to news organizations on questions of news judgment.”
A group of Germany's largest media, tech, and advertising companies file antitrust complaint against Apple as it makes privacy changes on iPhones — Axel Springer among companies claiming controls will damage targeted advertising on iPhones — A group of Germany's largest media …
Brian X. Chen / New York Times: To Be Tracked or Not? Apple Is Now Giving Us the Choice.
Michael Liedtke / Daily Herald: Apple's iPhone privacy clampdown arrives after 7-month delay
David Pierce / Protocol: iOS 14.5 is here, and so are the privacy wars
Privacy Matters / @privacymatters: In other words, businesses built on opaque data harvesting practices and dark patterns complain that bringing privacy out of the shadows where #Datavampires lurk will harm business.
@pressgazette: German publisher Axel Springer among media, tech and ad companies accusing Apple of antitrust abuse with iOS update they claim could lead to a “60% fall in advertising revenues for app developers” - FT
Bill Fitzgerald / @funnymonkey: Companies are also concerned that they will actually need business models now, rather than screw customers over via data overcollection.
Steve Randy Waldman / @interfluidity: is this the most patronizing argument ever, re Apple requiring opt-in for ad tracking in apps? You'd have to believe (1) ad targeting is really valuable to consumers; and (2) they don't know it, so they'd harm themselves by oping out from ^@jmhamiltonblog
Javier Espinoza / @javierespft: FT: Apple faces fresh complaint in Germany over privacy setting changes which come into force later today
Thomas Baekdal / @baekdal: *sigh* ... there is not a single reader in the world who agrees with this. — German media groups file Apple antitrust complaint as it makes privacy changes
Sam Shead / CNBC: Apple hit with German antitrust complaint as it prepares to roll out new iPhone software
Robert Bateman / @robertjbateman: Facebook and friends have lodged a German antitrust complaint against Apple's iOS changes. The FT compares the German complaint to one made by France Digitale in March. But that complaint was fundamentally different. ( ...) /1
Apple rolls out iOS and iPadOS 14.5 with App Tracking Transparency, which requires apps to get permission to track user activity on other apps for ad purposes
ScreenRant, Insider, TechCrunch, ZDNet, @anthony, TechRadar, @wadhwa, @puiwingtam, @tomwarren and @jacknicas, more at Techmeme »
Joseph Maring / ScreenRant: All The New iPhone Features In iOS 14.5 | Screen Rant
Katie Canales / Insider: Apple will finally let you unlock your iPhone with Face ID while wearing a mask, but only if you have an Apple Watch
Anthony Ha / TechCrunch: Apple's App Tracking Transparency feature has arrived — here's what you need to know
Jason Cipriani / ZDNet: Apple rolls out iOS 14.5 with controversial privacy feature
@anthony: I never knew what IDFA is, which is how you're tracked across apps on your phone. I learned that and so much more in @JoannaStern's exclusive interview with Apple's SVP of software engineering Craig Federighi on the company's new app-tracking controls:
James Rogerson / TechRadar: iOS 14.5 update release date, news and the new features it brings to your iPhone
Vivek Wadhwa / @wadhwa: This one feature makes me want to switch back to an iPhone. Strongly support Apple's efforts to protect us from Zuck Vader
Pui-Wing Tam / @puiwingtam: Here's all the ins/outs/ups/downs of Apple's new ad tracking privacy feature, which we may see start popping up on iPhones today. @bxchen
Tom Warren / @tomwarren: iOS 14.5 is out now and includes new Face ID mask features and Apple's App Tracking Transparency
Jack Nicas / @jacknicas: @MikeIsaac Apple and Facebook's fight intensifies with the release of a new iPhone feature today that requires apps to get permission to track people on other apps. Most people are expected to block that tracking — and Facebook isn't happy. @bxchen explains here:
SiriusXM acquires 99% Invisible, producer of the highly successful podcast by the same name with 500M+ downloads, to become a “foundational” part of Stitcher — The deal, for one of the industry's earliest success stories, is the latest salvo in an era of rapid consolidation.
PR Newswire, @stitcher, @romanmars, The Verge, RAIN News, @michaelmiraflor, @ylichterman, @nytimes, @radiotopia, @davidgura, @prx, @nwquah and @nicktheandersen
@stitcher: Welcome to the family @romanmars & @99piorg! 🎙️💕 All of 99pi's new and old episodes will still be available for free on Stitcher and wherever you get your pods!
Ashley Carman / The Verge: SiriusXM acquires Roman Mars' 99% Invisible and a bigger stake in the podcasting world
Brad Hill / RAIN News: SiriusXM acquires 99% Invisible Inc.
Michael J. Miraflor / @michaelmiraflor: “Roman Mars is selling his company 99% Invisible, Inc. to SiriusXM.” Oof, this one hurts. 99% Invisible is one of the all time great creative and design podcasts. SiriusXM is not a paywall that is in my top consideration set, given all of my other subs.
Joseph Lichterman / @ylichterman: this has nothing to do with the content of this story — which is also interesting and another interesting development in the podcast/public media world — but it's pretty neat that the lead photo is a scan of a film negative
@nytimes: SiriusXM has acquired the company behind the hit podcast “99% Invisible.” Roman Mars, the show's host and founder, said the sale was an attempt to free himself from administrative duties and to secure greater resources for his staff.
@radiotopia: We have some news. Our co-founder Roman Mars is selling his company 99% Invisible to SiriusXM. The 99% Invisible podcast was the founding inspiration for our network, and we'll continue to champion creative, independently owned podcasts.
David Gura / @davidgura: “What does it mean that Facebook is getting into audio? Or that Apple is changing the ‘subscribe’ button to a ‘follow’ button? I don't know and I don't want to figure it out.”
@prx: Our partner Roman Mars is selling his company 99% Invisible to SiriusXM. We're grateful to have been an essential partner for 99% Invisible through the years, and for Roman's commitment to numerous independent audio producers through @Radiotopia.
Turner Sports picked up NHL's second TV package as part of a deal worth up to $225M per year, after NBC pulled out of the bidding — Turner Sports picked up the remaining package of NHL media rights as part of a deal worth up to $225M per year. The agreement will push the NHL's rights-fee haul …
@ourand_sbj, The Streamable, @sbjsbd, Variety, Awful Announcing, Sports Business Journal, @keitholbermann, @ourand_sbj, New York Post, @ourand_sbj, @zachhalverson, @brentaxemedia, @danmarrazza, @jimmyvan74, @fsgonepuckwild, @andrewmarchand, OutKick, The Athletic, @tsnbobmckenzie and @joeyerdon
John Ourand / @ourand_sbj: NBC pulls out of the NHL bidding process. My SBJ story with @markjburns88. ...
Jason Gurwin / The Streamable: NBC Won't Air NHL Games Starting Next Season, with Games Moving to Turner
@sbjsbd: BREAKING: Next season will mark the first time since '05-06 that NBC will not carry #NHL games, with sources saying that the network has officially pulled out of the bidding for the league's second TV package (@Ourand_SBJ, @markjburns88). Free to read: ...
Brian Steinberg / Variety: WarnerMedia Poised to Pick Up NHL Package as NBC Exits Hockey Rights
Jay Rigdon / Awful Announcing: Turner reportedly “likely” to land remaining NHL rights as NBC withdraws from the bidding
Sports Business Journal: Sources: NBC has pulled out of the bidding for NHL's second TV package, making the next season the first time since 2005-2006 that NBC will not carry NHL games
Keith Olbermann / @keitholbermann: Not yet formally announced but 7-year Turner deal will net @NHL just south of $1.6B. At least 3 underbidders have been informed by league. Teams to get details within the hour. Atlanta and Greater Hartford are now the centers of the US Hockey Universe #Whalers #Thrashers #Flames
John Ourand / @ourand_sbj: Turner Sports will pay close to $225 million per year for its NHL package. ...
Mollie Walker / New York Post: NBC done with NHL as TNT joins ESPN as new TV partner
John Ourand / @ourand_sbj: Source: Turner Sports is likely to pick up the rest of the NHL's media rights package.
Zach Halverson / @zachhalverson: The NHL may be coming to TNT. Not sure if CBS would be part of this at all or not but woah. It was looking like NBC was a lock and in the unlikely scenario that didn't happen FOX seemed like the favorite but Turner comes outta nowhere. The NHL is gonna look very different.
Brent Axe / @brentaxemedia: What is the hockey version of “Inside the NBA?” Maybe they should put Barkley on that show too just for the hell of it.
Dan Marrazza / @danmarrazza: It goes without saying, but ESPN & now Turner Sports getting in on NHL broadcasts creates tremendous opportunities for broadcasters & on camera talent. With spots barely opening outside retirements or personal catastrophes, it's as if a brand new Monopoly board is opened (Cont.)
Jimmy Van / @jimmyvan74: I honestly did not think that this would happen unless there's a last-minute change to salvage a deal. I thought NBC had invested far too much into the NHL over the last decade to let it go.
Gone Puck Wild / @fsgonepuckwild: Kinda big news. NBA on TNT is very entertaining and they really know how to use personalities from the game on their broadcast teams and in-studio hits. A real innovation for TNT who has really only done Basketball for team sports
Andrew Marchand / @andrewmarchand: Turner is expected to get the new deal, including the Stanley Cup Finals, according to sources.
Sam Amico / OutKick: NBC Pulls Plug On Bid To Keep Carrying NHL Games
Fox News apologizes for airing a graphic that baselessly suggested President Biden wanted to force Americans to eat less meat as part of his climate plan — Fox News on Monday apologized for airing a graphic that baselessly suggested President Joe Biden wanted to force Americans to eat less meat …
CNN, @oliverdarcy, @ddale8, The Wrap, Media Matters for America, @kfile, @walshfreedom, @walshfreedom, @ddale8, @pamkeithfl, @kfile, @brianstelter and Vanity Fair
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: Fox gently acknowledges that its coverage about Biden supposedly trying to force Americans to eat less red meat wasn't accurate: “A graphic and a script incorrectly implied that it was part of Biden's plan for dealing with climate change. That is not the case.”
Daniel Dale / @ddale8: There is no Biden plan to force Americans to eat less red meat. The policy Fox discussed on at least five shows on Friday and Saturday, and that Republican governors and members of Congress have denounced, is completely imaginary. A fact check:
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Where's the Beef? GOP Lawmakers Fume Over Meat Limits Biden Never Actually Suggested
Eric Kleefeld / Media Matters for America: Fox's “news” side spreads fake story that Biden wants to ban hamburgers
Andrew Kaczynski / @kfile: The false meme pushed by several GOP politicians, media figures, and Fox News the Biden admin. wants to make Americans eat 90% less red meat is based on a paper published before Biden even won the Democratic nomination. It has nothing to w/Biden at all.
Joe Walsh / @walshfreedom: Attacking an imaginary foe. Today's Republican Party (and Fox News), in a nutshell:
Daniel Dale / @ddale8: Republican members of Congress, governors, Fox hosts and Don Jr. are denouncing a Biden red meat policy that does not actually exist. My look at how the nonsense machine turned an obscure academic paper into a fake Biden threat to your cookout freedom:
@pamkeithfl: This is why Fox News is battery acid poured on the very concept of a democracy. Its purpose is to keep people angry at half the population. More than that, it whips up that anger to incite reprisal & violence. It's insane to give platform to this divisive fact-free propaganda
Andrew Kaczynski / @kfile: This isn't part of any recommendation or requirement pitched by the Biden administration. It's just based off a false Daily Mail article.
Facebook rolls out a miniplayer that will allow Facebook users to stream music and podcasts from Spotify through the Facebook app on iOS or Android — Facebook announced last week an expanded partnership with streaming music service Spotify that would bring a new way to listen to music …
Spotify, The Verge, ScreenRant, @spotifynews, @chrisbrogan, @ashleyrcarman, The Verge, Variety, @lanceulanoff, RAIN News, @pkafka, @martinsfp and The Guardian, more at Techmeme »
Ashley Carman / The Verge: Facebook is building its own in-app podcast player
@spotifynews: Music and podcast sharing just got better. We're excited to introduce a new miniplayer experience that allows users to control their Spotify playback from the Facebook app. Read more: ...
Chris Brogan / @chrisbrogan: POSSIBLY meaning “original content on FB” isn't all that valuable any more - Facebook rolls out a miniplayer that will allow Facebook users to stream music and podcasts from Spotify through the Facebook app on iOS or Android (Sarah Perez/TechCrunch)
Ashley Carman / @ashleyrcarman: never leave the fb app, even to hear a podcast
Ashley Carman / The Verge: Spotify's miniplayer for Facebook launches today
Todd Spangler / Variety: You Can Now Play Spotify Directly in Facebook Mobile App
Lance Ulanoff / @lanceulanoff: Facebook: “How do we make Facebook more like Apple Music?” Spotify: “I have an idea”
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: Just like you could 10 years ago, you can now play Spotify while you're in Facebook. Reminder: This is the thing Mark Zuckerberg calls a “music” project - he has another, TBD, podcast project coming - and that Spotify calls a “Music and Podcasts” project. ...
Martin Sfp Bryant / @martinsfp: Here's ‘Project Boombox’
Mark Sweney / The Guardian: Spotify expected to report subscriber slowdown
How local TV stations plan to remain relevant as viewers shift to streaming, including Sinclair's plans to develop its own linear streaming service — - EW Scripps CEO Adam Symson tells CNBC his company is planning an “advocacy campaign” to teach Americans about the value of digital antennas.
@michellemanafy, @sherman4949, @sherman4949, @asymson, @ajitpai, @asymson, @billbert, @sherman4949, @mattrosoff, @davemorgannyc, @sherman4949, @jeffjarvis, @ewscrippsco, @tvtechnology, @sd_so and @sherman4949
Michelle Manafy / @michellemanafy: Broadcasters are plotting different paths, with Sinclair Broadcast Group developing its own linear streaming service. EW Scripps CEO Adam Symson says his company is planning an “advocacy campaign” to teach Americans about the value of digital antennas.
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: How do broadcast stations fit into the streaming world? May I introduce to you: the television antenna.
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: Do you know what NextGen TV is? I didn't really either. But it may be something almost every American uses if the cable bundle collapses.
Adam Symson / @asymson: ICYMI: @EWScrippsCo's strategy to lean into disruption. As consumers shift away from traditional pay TV and toward subscription streaming services, the digital antenna will emerge as a necessary component of people's viewing habits via @CNBC's @sherman4949
Ajit Pai / @ajitpai: An excellent overview of the U.S. media marketplace and the path(s) forward for local broadcasters. Streaming, greater diversity in devices, antennas, cord-cutting, and other trends offer challenges/opportunities for broadcasters. cc @EWScrippsCo @asymson
Adam Symson / @asymson: As consumers shift away from traditional pay TV and toward subscription streaming services, the digital antenna will emerge as a necessary component of people's viewing habits. @EWScrippsCo @ScrippsNetworks via @CNBC
@billbert: If CBS moves to Paramount+, NBC moves to Peacock, and ABC moves to Disney+, where does that leave local TV stations? How local TV stations plan to remain relevant as viewers shift to streaming from @sherman4949
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: The CEO of EW Scripps — the fourth largest US owner of local stations — says the future of local TV is ... The antenna.
Matt Rosoff / @mattrosoff: One answer: a resurgence in home digital TV antennas. Yeah, really.
Dave Morgan / @davemorgannyc: Great piece from @sherman4949 on the power and resiliency of local broadcast TV and the largely untold and growing role of the digital TV antenna
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: EW Scripps' CEO told me his company, which bought Ion Media for $2.6b earlier this year, has “a lot of people” working on an advocacy project to get the word out about the value of digital antennas as a subscription streaming service supplement.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: They're pushing antennae. Next they'll be investing in telegraph wires. How local TV stations plan to remain relevant as viewers shift to streaming
@ewscrippsco: The time has arrived for the next frontier of TV viewing: the antenna. Read more in @CNBC from @sherman4949, featuring Scripps President and CEO @asymson.
@tvtechnology: Local TV stations plot to remain relevant in shift to streaming