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Twitter introduces Tip Jar, allowing everyone using Twitter in English to send tips, and a limited group, including journalists and experts, to accept tips — We $ee you - sharing your PayPal link after your Tweet goes viral, adding your $Cashtag to your profile so people can support your work …
@twitter, @racheltobac, @twittersupport, @kayvz, The Verge, @taylorlorenz, Transistori, @lfc_rv, @luulubuu, @sacramentokings, 9to5Mac, @wbm312, @prsarahevans, @blackamazon, @elizableu, @racheltobac, @caseyjohnston, @racheltobac, @chrisdancy, @thisisnfts, @kozza, @slpng_giants, @jaylabrenae, @kurtisconner, CNBC, @chuckwendig, @mark_t_gray, Engadget, @nonlinearnotes, @jayjurden, @tahk0, @tomwarren, @susanlitv, @jack, @darrenrovell, @lollardfish, @racheltobac, @its_willyu, @michellehux and TechCrunch, more at Techmeme »
@twitter: show your love, leave a tip now testing Tip Jar, a new way to give and receive money on Twitter 💸 more coming soon...
Rachel Tobac / @racheltobac: Huge heads up on PayPal Twitter Tip Jar. If you send a person a tip using PayPal, when the receiver opens up the receipt from the tip you sent, they get your *address*. Just tested to confirm by tipping @yashar on Twitter w/ PayPal and he did in fact get my address I tipped him.
@twittersupport: Now you can do more to support the many amazing voices who add to the conversation on Twitter — send them tips. You can send someone a tip through several payment services by tapping the new Tip Jar icon on their profile, testing on Android and iOS.
Kayvon Beykpour / @kayvz: @RachelTobac @yashar this is a good catch, thank you. we can't control the revealing of the address on Paypal's side but we will add a warning for people giving tips via Paypal so that they are aware of this.
Chaim Gartenberg / The Verge: Twitter is testing a new Tip Jar feature for sending money to your favorite accounts
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: Twitter introduces a “tip jar” on user profiles which allows the following services" Bandcamp, Cash App, Patreon, PayPal, Venmo. Twitter takes no cut. On Android, tips can also be sent within Spaces.
Robert / Transistori: Googlen tiedonkeräysilmoitus, Twitter tippaaminen ja Tencentin pelisijoitukset
Roopa / @lfc_rv: I really don't understand why anyone would want to tip someone for their tweets 😂
Sacramento Kings / @sacramentokings: Remember when all you said we should get raises? Well....
Filipe Espósito / 9to5Mac: Twitter begins rolling out new ‘Tip Jar’ feature for paying other users directly
Whitney Merrill / @wbm312: On Tip Jar privacy and PayPal: Chatted with the lovely head of privacy at Twitter, and they're working on making this more clear in the UI, since it's just the way PayPal works and not something Twitter can control.
@blackamazon: This habit of only answering product questions from certain folks especially around safety is part of the damn problem
Eliza / @elizableu: Can you please remove 💯% of the child porn from Twitter?
Rachel Tobac / @racheltobac: This is EXACTLY what I was concerned to test when Twitter announced Tip Jar. PayPal needs to make it crystal clear which data is given to money receivers and stop sharing that data, & Twitter needs to educate users who don't realize what info tip receivers get when using PayPal.
Casey Johnston / @caseyjohnston: i take my lack of tip jar to mean i'm not adding to the conversation
Rachel Tobac / @racheltobac: Above you can see the receipt @yashar sent me when I did this test with him. Be careful using PayPal Twitter Tip Jar — this is a hallmark of PayPal rather than Twitter of course but it impacts Twitter users who may not know that their address is leaked by PayPal to tip receivers.
@chrisdancy: It took a decade but I was right. #tipjar
@kozza: Jack, Imma send you a dollar. After you get it, go on and hit me back with something. Then I do the same. Tip Jar Tennis
@slpng_giants: This right here is what incentivizes the very worst behavior on social platforms. Sure, some good people with good content will earn some cash, but mostly what it will do is inspire users to get more extreme and pump out more disinformation to get more engagement and more tips.
Mama Jay / @jaylabrenae: I love this because when I donate to GoFundMes I always add extra cash since I know they take a percentage!
Kurtis Conner / @kurtisconner: gonna end every tweet of mine with “will delete for $100” 🤑
Salvador Rodriguez / CNBC: Twitter introduces Tip Jar, allowing users to send money to their favorite tweeters
Mark Gray / @mark_t_gray: Worth noting that Apple says that devs “may” use in-app purchases for tipping, so Twitter may not be violating Apple's rules But with App Store, you never really know. ...
Karissa Bell / Engadget: Twitter makes in-app tipping official with ‘Tip Jar’
Jason / @nonlinearnotes: twitter is gonna look a lot more like onlyfans very soon
May Murden / @jayjurden: People are about to get even more insufferable on here
Tom Warren / @tomwarren: time to start paying for all my terrible tweets guys 💰
Darren Rovell / @darrenrovell: We want an edit button... We want premium tools... We want an easier way to upload longer video... Twitter ⬇️
David M. Perry / @lollardfish: I see a lot of skepticism, but as a freelancer putting together an income through a lot of small revenue streams, I am wildly in favor of this and want to be added to the program ASAP.
Rachel Tobac / @racheltobac: Thank you @Twitter @kayvz for paying attention, welcoming security researcher's feedback, and taking responsibility to take steps to warn and protect your users within an hour of me releasing these findings (even though you don't control PayPal's address leaking flow).
@its_willyu: For those that want to use the Twitter Tip Jar, be careful what service you sign up with! It seems like Venmo (which PayPal owns) doesn't share this info in a transaction, but if there are any issues like this for it, please call it out and I will RT ASAP.
Lauren Chanel / @michellehux: tip jar through paypal takes 33%? and... gives your home address to the person you tip?
Brian Heater / TechCrunch: Twitter Tip Jar lets you pay people for good tweetin'

While Alden pledged $375M in cash for Tribune, one clause would let Alden finance the cash with debt or equity financing, possibly raising Tribune's debt burden — Experts say Alden Global Capital's offer to invest in the Chicago Tribune, Baltimore Sun and other newspapers isn't what it seems
@lenfestinst, @sarahellison, @jenwsheehan, @amyargetsinger, @mattlaslo, @saragregory, @hopnotes, @johnannese, @mcallguild, @ppvsrb, @whet, @cerconejeff, @elaheizadi, @os_guild and @baekdal
Lenfest Institute / @lenfestinst: This is why local newspapers need responsible local ownership that values community-focused journalism ...
Sarah Ellison / @sarahellison: What's in the fine print in Alden's offer to takeover Tribune? The great @jocwapo and I found some risk hiding in plain sight ...
Jennifer W. Sheehan / @jenwsheehan: “They haven't got the money they're claiming to have.” Alden is lying again. #savelocalnews ...
Amy Argetsinger / @amyargetsinger: For those who care about local newspapers, a stunning and sobering story about Tribune from @sarahellison and @jocwapo ...
Matt Laslo / @mattlaslo: Maybe hedge funds are really bad at owning newspapers?
Sara Gregory / @saragregory: VOTE NO. It's the only reasonable vote if you care about local journalism and democracy.
Josh Noel / @hopnotes: “The board of directors should have known to investigate and confirm the financial resources of a prospective buyer that would be paying all equity cash. The fact that they didn't is frankly stunning.” Alden Global Capital has no business buying the Chicago Tribune or @tribpub.
John Annese / @johnannese: Sure looks like Alden Global Capital — whose co-founder Randall Smith bought 16 (!) Palm Beach mansions — wants to saddle Tribune with $375 million in debt and strip its newspapers like the Daily News for parts. Fancy mansions don't come cheap, I guess. ...
@mcallguild: Alden has mislead everyone, including shareholders, about how they will ACTUALLY do this sale. They will shovel debt on top of us so they can bleed out the profits. This after they claimed to have all cash to do the deal. #savelocalnews
Stephen Brown / @ppvsrb: “Alden is still on the hook for the $375 million commitment, which means Tribune's shareholders (and board members) will be taken care of, even if its employees and readers are not.” ...
Whet Moser / @whet: “The board of directors should have known to investigate and confirm the financial resources of a prospective buyer that would be paying all equity cash. The fact that they didn't is frankly stunning.” ...
Jeff Cercone / @cerconejeff: The devil is at our door and, as one would expect of the devil, isn't being honest about his intentions. @tribpub shareholders, vote no on Alden's plan to destroy this company.
Elahe Izadi / @elaheizadi: “The real tragedy at the end of the day is that no one showed up to buy these things. ... There was no one in Chicago. All these stand-up, wealthy people in Chicago, and no one showed up,” he said. “Very disappointing.” ...
@os_guild: 🧐 Alden vowed to provide $375 million to acquire @tribpub, but experts told @washingtonpost that the hedge fund has “already signaled that it plans to saddle Tribune with debt that could further hollow out the company, and it may not have $375 million available to begin with.”

Tribune Publishing Q1: net income of $6.1M on revenue of $173.6M; ad revenue fell 26.4% YoY, compensation expenses fell 35.8% YoY, and cash balance was $250.7M — Tribune Publishing posted a first-quarter profit but canceled its earnings call, citing the imminent completion of a deal to take the newspaper giant private.
Tribune Publishing Company, @jimfriedlich, @jimfriedlich, @saragregory, @jimfriedlich, @lalpert1 and @jimfriedlich
Jim Friedlich / @jimfriedlich: 2/ @davidaxelrod: “When I was covering City Hall (for @chicagotribune) I knew management had my back if the story was righteous. I'm afraid this crowd (Alden) won't do that. I stand with you,” he said addressing the journalists and communities of Chicago...
Jim Friedlich / @jimfriedlich: 3/ Fifty-six Chicago Tribune journalists have been sacked since January 2020 under Alden's influence, reports the @ChiNewsGuild. @davidaxelrod: “Tribune Tower where I worked is now condominiums. The Chicago @Suntimes building is now @Trump Tower...”
Sara Gregory / @saragregory: Your regular reminder that @tribpub was profitable before it/Alden started cutting — notably thru payroll (buyouts, attrition & furloughs) but also reneging on leases & shutting down newsrooms. It's been Alden's playbook from day 1 —precisely why we oppose their full ownership.
Jim Friedlich / @jimfriedlich: @lalpert1 From last night's Chicago community meeting about Alden and @tribpub
Lukas I. Alpert / @lalpert1: In Tribune Publishing's earnings today, the company says it cut operating expenses by over $100 million since the 1st quarter last year. Of that, $35 million came from payroll, a 36% reduction. Sort of feels like Alden has been running the place all along ...
Jim Friedlich / @jimfriedlich: 1/ “We know what Alden is. They are SCAVENGERS.” @davvidaxelrod told a gathering of @chicagotribune reporters & community activists tonight. The former @tribpub political reporter & @BarackObama official: “I can't imagine a great city like Chicago won't have a great newspaper...”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has barred local media from attending the signing of a voting restriction bill; the event is a “Fox News exclusive” — Gov. Ron DeSantis has signed Florida's elections reform bill into law. DeSantis signed SB90, which includes restrictions on voting …
@stevebousquet, Miami Herald, @jonathanchait, Politico, Washington Post, @maggienyt, @ariberman, @timothypmurphy, @servethe901, @kevinmkruse, @annaforflorida, CNN, @jamessurowiecki, @wptv, Vanity Fair, Slate, Mother Jones, ABC News, VICE, Insider and Mediaite
Steve Bousquet / @stevebousquet: NEW: News media is barred from entry at Gov. Ron DeSantis' signing of controversial elections bill, SB 90. DeSantis spokeswoman Taryn Fenske says bill signing is a “Fox exclusive”
Steve Contorno / Miami Herald: FOX News says it didn't know Florida governor would bar other press from bill signing
Jonathan Chait / @jonathanchait: A “news organization” that gets exclusive rights to cover official government business is the definition of state television
Gary Fineout / Politico: DeSantis gives Fox ‘exclusive’ of him signing election bill
Washington Post: Florida's DeSantis signs new voting restrictions into law, making the state the latest to add hurdles to the voting process
Maggie Haberman / @maggienyt: Can't say I've ever heard of an act like a bill signing being treated like a commodity to trade with Fox
Ari Berman / @ariberman: DeSantis is signing bill to roll back voting access after Dems used vote by mail more than Republicans for first time in state history & won't even let media other than Fox cover it. Democracy literally dying in the dark
Tim Murphy / @timothypmurphy: in the current republican ecosystem turning the curtailing of voting rights into a “Fox exclusive” is almost as important as the curtailing of voting rights itself
Allan Creasy / @servethe901: Looks like DeSantis wants to exclude reporters as much as voters.
Kevin M. Kruse / @kevinmkruse: Well, voter suppression sort of *is* their thing.
Rep. Anna V. Eskamani / @annaforflorida: Governor DeSantis is signing a voter suppression bill but it's a “Fox exclusive” so other media can't come in. This was never about policy, it was always about making it harder for ppl to vote while catering to a hyper-conservative base of voters. Floridians deserve better!
Kelly Mena / CNN: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs restrictive voting bill
James Surowiecki / @jamessurowiecki: How is it possibly constitutional to only allow one handpicked news outlet to cover an official govt event? This is not a DeSantis campaign event - he's on govt time and getting paid govt money.
@wptv: .@WPTV and other news media will not be allowed inside as Gov. #DeSantis is expected to sign the elections bill. The event is being called “a Fox News exclusive.” Read more:
Elliot Hannon / Slate: Florida Is the Latest GOP-Run State to Enact a New Law Making It Harder to Vote
Inae Oh / Mother Jones: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Signs a Voter Suppression Bill, and Fox News Has the Only Camera
Quinn Scanlan / ABC News: GOP Gov. DeSantis signs Florida election bill into law amid new controversy
Cameron Joseph / VICE: DeSantis Just Barred Reporters From Signing of Voter Suppression Bill—Except Fox News

Sources: the Athletic is no longer in merger talks with Axios, sees the NYT as the leading merger contender, and had ~$80M in revenue in 2020 with 600 staff — Publisher's talks with Axios are no longer active; New York Times Co. seen as leading contender for tie-up
@jessicalessin, @damospin, @nbashaw, @bmorrissey, @mathewi, @donlday, @seangriffey, @niubi, @mathewi, @rafat, @dcseifert, @subjectburst, @keitholbermann, @alexweprin, @jasonschwartz, Insider, OutKick, Awful Announcing and The Hill
Jessica Lessin / @jessicalessin: Good scoop. I know nothing about this deal, but bet it happens. But this a great phrase. Can you imagine? I'm sure a lot of companies view other companies as great candidates to buy them! Ha.
Damien Cox / @damospin: Fascinating news for sports media. Most believed this was always the ultimate play for The Athletic. Playing with the big boys now.
Nathan Baschez / @nbashaw: The Athletic + NYT makes a ton of sense. More sense than Axios, imo.
Brian Morrissey / @bmorrissey: This stretches even the most elastic definitions of “merger.”
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: This deal makes a lot of sense for both, but is the Times going to go for a price tag that's probably north of $500 million?
@donlday: The Athletic + NYT? Interesting. I joined The Atlhetic when they hired a reporter for a particular team I follow... and cancelled when they laid that person off.
Sean Griffey / @seangriffey: I don't have any inside details about The Athletic but this is starting to feel like their backers are looking for a life raft.
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: This would not be easy for the Times — The Athletic (or its financial backers) would probably want at least $600 million, which would be a big meal even for the Times. And The Athletic may have millions of subs, but it also has over 600 employees via @WSJ
@rafat: So all this bluster about Athletic taking out newspapers was actually about newspaper taking out Athletic after all? Got it.
Dan Seifert / @dcseifert: kinda wild to me that the athletic apparently has a million paying subs at $8/mo each and it still isn't enough to maintain itself as an independent business?
Nick / @subjectburst: This might be a good idea for the New York Times, especially if they get some great podcast talent. This certainly would be amazing for The Athletic, which is doomed to be exposed for years of false promises absent something like this.
Keith Olbermann / @keitholbermann: Yeah, this would be a sale to The Times, not a merger.
Alex Weprin / @alexweprin: @ScottNover I mean Axios and The Athletic would be (arguably) a merger of equals, but the Times is so much bigger that it would have to be a sale. Makes some sense with Times laser-focused on subscriptions.
Jason Schwartz / @jasonschwartz: “Why I joined the Athletic” pieces will now be labeled as *Guest Essays*, thank you
Lauren Johnson / Insider: What Peloton's future looks like after its recall on treadmills
Sam Amico / OutKick: The Athletic Fails To Get NY Times To Buy After Potential Axios Merger Falls Flat

The trauma of covering the pandemic has battered journalists, and the industry is losing a generation of reporters and editors to despair and moral injury — When I told my editors at The Daily Beast that I needed to quit my job as the newsroom's lead COVID reporter, I couldn't even say the word “quit.”
@oliviamesser, @walldo, @oliviamesser, @kerrymflynn, @maiamajumder, @bwdbwdbwd, @4lisaguerrero, @oliviamesser, @feliciasonmez, @jensabella, @steeletalk, @patriciamazzei, @oliviamesser, @oliviamesser, @tonyromm, @jyangstar, @charlesornstein, @kerrymflynn, @dbcalabrese, @evaholland, @kocochristine, @joshsternberg, @brandyzadrozny, @apoorva_nyc, @jeremyadamross, @studyhallxyz, @oliviamesser, @oliviamesser, @oliviamesser, @alanalevinson, @alexlaughs, @bgirledukate, @brosandprose, @adamweinstein, @deborahblum, @oliviamesser, @oliviamesser, @oliviamesser, @danielleiat, @mtracey, @elenaiswriting, @oliviamesser, @jmsummers, @oliviamesser, @annehelen, @scottnover, @oliviamesser, @paigepfleger, @avitalrachel, @danielleiat, @jerrydunleavy, @emilyakopp, @oliviamesser, @milesperhoward, @oliviamesser, @oliviamesser, @jacoker2, @moorehn, @oliviamesser and @j__velasquez
@oliviamesser: “Companies can do a lot more to help retain their journalists and keep them from burning out,” said the Seattle-based journalist. “They need hazard pay, more time off, and more employees hired in the newsroom. Keep squeezing people, and they'll keep leaving.”
Brandon Wall / @walldo: Ghoulish behavior to shoot down someone's PTO request to GET VACCINATED. You're the boss, figure it out how to make it work!!!!
@oliviamesser: Reporters said they also blamed themselves at times for the intensity of the pandemic. “The worst-case scenario was repeating... Why hadn't Texas and Arizona learned from New York and New Jersey? Was that partly the media's fault? Should we have written stories a different way?”
@kerrymflynn: “... here's my advice: Whether you're a newsroom leader or a reporter or an intern — even if you feel like you're admitting defeat — please ask for help when you need it.” Read this incredibly well done piece by @OliviaMesser in @studyhallxyz
Dr. Maimuna Majumder / @maiamajumder: Over the last 15 months, I've been lucky enough to be a source for @OliviaMesser & many other incredible #COVID19 reporters. Their work is, in my view, essential to pandemic response — and like other responders, their work has come at great personal cost:
Bradford William Davis / @bwdbwdbwd: not *quite* me — having a loving family and many friends outside of my industry has helped — but could have been me:
Lisa Guerrero / @4lisaguerrero: Thanks @OliviaMesser - I talk about this in my keynote: The very thing that makes someone a great reporter - EMPATHY - can also be exhausting and debilitating when covering a crisis like the pandemic. You become a sponge for pain. Please step back if u can & practice self care.
@oliviamesser: A local journalist—whose coverage area included one of the first cases of COVID-19 in the US—told me that after interviewing grieving families, she began to see individual deaths she covered as evidence of “falling short in my duties” to prevent them.
Felicia Sonmez / @feliciasonmez: Really important story by @OliviaMesser about the ways our industry is failing to support reporters covering the coronavirus pandemic:
Jen Sabella / @jensabella: This piece. SPOT ON. “At some point, I just turned into a sponge, taking on all this sadness and anger that I was surrounded by.”
Lynda Steele / @steeletalk: THIS. Is real. To all the journalists, broadcasters, producers, camera people out there covering this never-ending pandemic. I see you - I share your pain.
Patricia Mazzei / @patriciamazzei: Reporters “described feeling like they had, at some point, failed at an impossible task: reporting clear, accurate public health information at a time when even the experts knew very little, information was rapidly changing, and the CDC was fumbling the ball.”
Olivia Messer / @oliviamesser: NEW: Despite a mountain of headline-worthy media departures, I believe our industry has failed to properly examine the ways reporters covering the pandemic are struggling—and what can be done about it. This is my attempt to correct that.
@oliviamesser: If we can agree that the coronavirus is a mass casualty event rife with trauma at every level—and that the reporters seeing the piles of bodies and interviewing grieving families every day will be affected by it, then we must conclude that pandemic reporting is trauma reporting.
Tony Romm / @tonyromm: I didn't cover the pandemic in the same way others here did. But holy shit this one hit me hard and felt far too familiar. Olivia deserves so much credit for vocalizing this on behalf of the profession writ large. I hope people are listening.
Jennifer Yang / @jyangstar: Love to everyone who feels seen by this piece, with ++empathy for those with tiny kids. I came back from mat leave to cover COVID the 1st week of lockdown. I was unprepared for how to be a new mom & a reporter; I was *really* unprepared for how to be a new mom & a COVID reporter
Charles Ornstein / @charlesornstein: Covering covid has been a bruising experience for many journalists. We owe them our gratitude, and more than that, we need to be there for them as they struggle. Thank you @OliviaMesser for giving voice to the issue.
@kerrymflynn: I love this piece so much. Olivia not only bravely opens up about her own experience but interviewed many other journalists about theirs. And it's not only about what has happened, but she looks at how the media industry can improve. Read it!!
Darren Calabrese / @dbcalabrese: Such an important read for those working in journalism. Honest, truthful and heartbreakingly poignant. Thank you to @OliviaMesser The COVID Reporters Are Not Okay. Extremely Not Okay. - Study Hall
Eva Holland / @evaholland: Really important work from @OliviaMesser here. I hope folks in the industry, especially those with newsroom leadership roles or influence, will give it a close read.
Christine Stanwood / @kocochristine: “Some said they are still finding themselves sobbing after meetings, between meetings, on calls during work, or when the day ends.” Journalists: If this resonates with you, like it did with me, know you're not alone.
@joshsternberg: Between reporters traumatized from covering COVID and the tens of thousands of reporters laid off because of COVID, it's a wonder journalism even continues.
Brandy Zadrozny / @brandyzadrozny: Our industry is going to have to reckon with the toll that reporting and just living through Covid has taken on reporters. Such a strong story from @OliviaMesser.
Apoorva Mandavilli / @apoorva_nyc: Many prominent journalists have left their positions in the last few weeks, burned out and buckling under the pace, stress and trauma of their work. This fantastic article and 🧵 explains why
Jeremy Ross / @jeremyadamross: Hi everyone. This. Read this. “They do not feel supported by newsroom leaders; that they do not have the tools they need to handle the trauma they are absorbing; and that most of their bosses don't seem to care about how bad it has gotten.”
Study Hall / @studyhallxyz: When @OliviaMesser quit her reporter job, it was after after nearly a year of covering the COVID-19 pandemic. She isn't the only one. The COVID beat is breaking journalists.
@oliviamesser: For mass shootings and natural disasters, most people get that these are traumatic for the victims, first responders, witnesses, and survivors. It's less acknowledged inside and outside of the news industry that this is also true for the journalists who tell the stories.
@oliviamesser: With that in mind, here's my advice: Whether you're a newsroom leader or a reporter or an intern—even if you feel like you're admitting defeat—please ask for help on this issue. That's how I found solidarity and support, and it's how I was able to write this story.
@oliviamesser: The pandemic completely changed the weight of the job, said one reporter who currently works at a national outlet and has repeatedly broken exclusive stories this year. Many of us felt, as she explained, that “people could literally die if we did our jobs wrong.”
@alanalevinson: It's not just that we're covering traumatic topics like covid. We are also human beings — living through that same trauma — and being asked to work at an unhealthy pace in an industry that fires us constantly. This is a labor issue.
Alex Sujong Laughlin / @alexlaughs: i also started hitting an impenetrable wall in january, and my work doesn't remotely touch current events or covid. everyone i know who works in news and journalism is on the cusp of broken or there already. what. do. we. do!!!
Kate Morrissey / @bgirledukate: Relating pretty hard to this one as an immigration reporter & thankful for coping skills I've developed so far w/help of therapy. All of you reporters out there putting yourselves in physical and mental danger to do your work, I see you. I'm here for you
Ella Dawson / @brosandprose: “We have to name a problem in order to solve it. Covering COVID-19 is trauma reporting.” @OliviaMesser
Adam Weinstein / @adamweinstein: A massively important piece here by @OliviaMesser. I've found a lot of emotional similarities between my journalism colleagues and veterans of hard military deployments. And in both worlds, a stigma against their common injuries is still too common.
Deborah Blum / @deborahblum: Important story. And thread.
@oliviamesser: If you can agree that COVID reporting is trauma reporting—which ample research has shown can cause or worsen the mental health of the journalists doing the job—then trauma itself becomes a work hazard. And reimbursement for mental health services starts making a lot more sense.
@oliviamesser: Per Bruce Shapiro, of the @DartCenter, reporters who covered the front lines and the big-picture numbers spent the year “closer both to the loss, the grief, the suffering of COVID patients” and to “the full reality which most of us can keep at the fringes of our consciousness.”
@oliviamesser: Journalists at the most widely read news sites in the nation told me they're sobbing after meetings, on calls during work, when the day ends. “Work very hard and be miserable and not complain about it,” said one former reporter. “I just know I had to leave for my mental health.”
Danielle Tcholakian / @danielleiat: a really crucial story by @OliviaMesser
Michael Tracey / @mtracey: Journalists truly cannot stop talking about how traumatized, psychologically crippled, and generally incapacitated they are. It's so weird “By the election last year, I found myself randomly crying during the day, crying between calls”
Elena / @elenaiswriting: “The world is falling apart. How are we supposed to eat a salad at a time like this? More than 500,000 people are dead, including colleagues and friends and loved ones, and we were expected to keep eating lunch?” y'all @OliviaMesser HAS A WORD TODAY.
@oliviamesser: Many said their individual bosses made things more bearable, but an entire industry can't rely on the humanity of a few good editors; it must be accompanied by policies to safeguard workers and address the psychic burden of the work.
Juana Summers / @jmsummers: I have not covered the pandemic with the intensity that @OliviaMesser & others have, but much of this feels familiar. I struggle w. the fact that all of the boundaries I created between my job and my life no longer exist. It's impossible to turn my brain off. This is a must read.
@oliviamesser: Here's what I found: My drowning while COVID reporting wasn't unique. A dozen reporters and editors told me they don't feel supported by their newsroom leaders, don't have the tools they need to handle trauma they're absorbing, and don't think their bosses even really care.
Anne Helen Petersen / @annehelen: “I was finally numb enough to care more about curbing the onslaught of new physiological and mental fire alarms going off in my body than my fear of failure.”
@oliviamesser: And for any media company that would claim these measures might not be economically feasible, I'd ask you to consider the long-term financial benefit of retaining top talent while keeping them healthy and happy enough to produce excellent work.
Paige Southwick Pfleger / @paigepfleger: At my last job, I oscillated between covering COVID deaths, police shooting deaths or overdose deaths. I remember feeling grateful to work from home so I could cry during press conferences and no one would see. Thank you for writing this, @OliviaMesser
Avital Chizhik-Goldschmidt / @avitalrachel: “Journalism is a trauma-facing profession. A lot of what counts as news are the worst experiences that happen to people.” Every word, @OliviaMesser here:
Danielle Tcholakian / @danielleiat: “an entire industry can't rely on the humanity of a few good editors”
Jerry Dunleavy / @jerrydunleavy: Just because you're writing about something doesn't mean it is happening to you. Pretty basic thing about being a journalist is to not make yourself the story and to not let the story make you.
Emily Kopp / @emilyakopp: @OliviaMesser I'll have more to say when I have the freedom to, but until then I'll just say this is courageous
@oliviamesser: Take the time to speak to the journalists in your newsroom and you'll find that they're proposing many of the same ideas as experts do. Look at any newsroom union: many have been busy lobbying for more money for mental health services, fairer wages, more time off, more training.
Miles Howard / @milesperhoward: “ entire industry can't rely on the humanity of a few good editors; it must be accompanied by policies to safeguard workers, including more training to help both management and reporters understand and address the psychological burden of the work.”
@oliviamesser: “By the election last year, I found myself randomly crying during the day, crying between calls,” said another national reporter. “It wasn't until I unexpectedly started crying mid-conversation with a colleague that I thought, gosh, maybe this is not normal.”
@oliviamesser: “Some of the best journalists are the ones where you can hear, in their voice and their story, that they [understand the weight of the trauma they're writing about],” said UCLA's Dr. Vickie Mays. “You have to ask yourself, does this take a toll?”
Jac / @jacoker2: Please read the thread, too. I don't think we have a clue yet how deeply Covid has affected journalists and society as a whole.
Heidi N. Moore / @moorehn: Fantastic thread.

NY AG's office says fake comments, including 8.5M funded by largest US ISPs, accounted for ~18M of the 22M+ net neutrality comments received by the FCC in 2017 — The New York attorney general's office released a new report detailing the effort — The New York attorney general's office issued …
Protocol, NY State Attorney General, @newyorkstateag, Ars Technica, @froomkin, Wall Street Journal, Free Press, @mulegirl, @roby_bhatt, @seattlemkh, @johnproctordfs, @stevemk14ebr, @robpegoraro, @nycsouthpaw, @bo_gardiner, @jasoncwarner, @flyosity, @hadro, @issielapowsky, @nytimes, @shahidforchange, @muckrakery, @can, @bostonjoan, @evan_greer, @democraticags, @gregpinelo, @justinhendrix, @tonyromm, Light Reading, @clarkvalentine, @veenadubal, @hari, @nycsouthpaw, @doctorow, @issielapowsky, @issielapowsky, @digiphile, Al Jazeera, MediaPost, New York Times, The Hill, Reuters, New York Post, VICE, Techdirt, Engadget, PIX11 and Law & Crime, more at Techmeme »
NY State Attorney General: Attorney General James Issues Report Detailing Millions of Fake Comments, Revealing Secret Campaign to Influence FCC's 2017 Repeal of Net Neutrality Rules
Ny Ag / @newyorkstateag: After a multi-year investigation, we found the nation's largest broadband companies funded a secret campaign to influence the FCC's repeal of net neutrality rules — resulting in millions of fake public comments impersonating Americans. These illegal schemes are unacceptable.
Jon Brodkin / Ars Technica: Biggest ISPs paid for 8.5 million fake FCC comments opposing net neutrality
Dan Froomkin / @froomkin: “nearly every comment and message the broadband industry submitted to the FCC and Congress was fake, signed using the names and addresses of millions of individuals without their knowledge or consent.”
James V. Grimaldi / Wall Street Journal: FCC's Net-Neutrality Proposal Marred by Millions of Fake Comments
Amy Kroin / Free Press: New York Attorney General Finds the Broadband Industry Funded Illegal Scheme to Flood the Trump FCC …
Roby Bhattacharyya / @roby_bhatt: This whole thread is an infuriating update on the bizarre net neutrality comment period, for anyone else who paid attention to it amidst *everything else*.
MK Hamilton / @seattlemkh: This is perfectly believable. In a functioning system Ajit Pai would be getting some quality cell time right now.
John Proctor / @johnproctordfs: It's not a “secret campaign.” It's fraud. But they'll just pay a fine and move on as usual.
Steve Eckels / @stevemk14ebr: As someone who tried to comment on their website and protested publicly, this was so so so so so obvious.The entire comment section was spam and it was infuriating seeing no one care about such obviously exploitative action.Ajit Pai just lying constantly about consumer wants too
Rob Pegoraro / @robpegoraro: Astroturf as a service: Broadband for America wanted to flood the FCC with anti-net-neutrality comments, it paid a lobbying firm to make that happen—and then the lead-gen firms hired by the lobbyists filed 8.5+ million fake comments in real people's names.
Southpaw / @nycsouthpaw: “Budget documents show that, in all, the broadband industry players that funded the campaign spent $4.2 million generating and submitting more than 8.5 million fake comments to the FCC” supporting repeal of net neutrality.
@bo_gardiner: @nycsouthpaw Thought I was beyond shock. I extracted names from the report, which found these same firms have been doing this on many issues for years. The mastermind industry coalition Broadband for America used 4 rightwing advocacy nonprofits to hide its role:
Jason Warner / @jasoncwarner: Hang on....oooooone sec...Haven't used my ironically shocked face in a bit There, found it I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you! A law so obviously designed to unfairly advantage a set of people naturally threatened by innovation would collude together & then with a crony politician?
Mike Rundle / @flyosity: Sounds like each comment should be a separate felony offense under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
Josh Hadro / @hadro: Ha, I remember when @thisismmiller identified this days after the call for comments closed in 2017: “Only a little over 1 million comments were textually unique. Meaning written out by a real live thinking human being.”
Issie Lapowsky / @issielapowsky: It also finds that one single 19-year-old college student submitted more than 7 million pro-net neutrality comments under different fake identities. Wild.
@nytimes: Internet service providers spent $4.2 million on an effort that created roughly nine million fake comments in support of the FCC's repeal of net neutrality rules in 2017, the New York attorney general said on Thursday.
Shahid Buttar / @shahidforchange: Corporate influence infects our system in many different ways, making a mockery of our democracy.
Brandon Smith / @muckrakery: OMG The insane flood of anti-net-neutrality comments to FCC were frauds after all. And NY's AG has proved they were funded by telecoms. @AjitPai should be dragged in front of Congress for lying to the public. He lied about this, probably knowingly, over and over and over again
@bostonjoan: For years! I have been salty about the fake public comments on the net neutrality issue and we finally have our answers. Media manipulation on a huge scale here!
Evan Greer / @evan_greer: of course, NYAG wouldn't have ever investigated this if @fightfortheftr hadn't helped uncover the original flood of fake comments, and journalists like @dellcam and @kevincollier hadn't kept digging into it. history is important here if we want to keep this from happening again
Democratic AGs / @democraticags: 🚨 In a jaw-dropping new report, NY Dem AG @TishJames has found that more than 18 MILLION of the public comments received by the @FCC re: #NetNeutrality were FAKE... ... and MILLIONS of those were funded by the broadband industry itself. READ MORE ⤵️
Greg Pinelo / @gregpinelo: If you want to know how corporate America has used astroturf organizing to game the system in Washington, this investigation by NY AG Tish James is a must read. The press release: The full report:
Justin Hendrix / @justinhendrix: 'The OAG found that millions of fake comments were submitted through a secret campaign, funded by the country's largest broadband co's, to manufacture support for repeal of net neutrality rules... millions more were submitted by a 19yo college student using made-up identities...'
Tony Romm / @tonyromm: and finally, we have some official answers on the fake net neutrality comments that flooded the FCC via the NY AG's office
Mike Dano / Light Reading: Broadband providers bankrolled fake net neutrality opposition, investigation finds
Clark Valentine / @clarkvalentine: That sound you hear is a million tech people saying “We told you it was happening”
Veena Dubal / @veenadubal: “Fake public comments impersonating Americans.” Sounds like a familiar strategy. So glad this is being addressed by the @NewYorkStateAG! And I hope it deters other corporate interests from doing the same.
Hari Sreenivasan / @hari: digital feedback was corrupted at a fantastic scale. when the people making our rules don't understand the very mediums they regulate... & $ billions $ are at stake, this is inevitable.
Southpaw / @nycsouthpaw: Meanwhile.... “A 19-year old college student who opposed the repeal of net neutrality was able to file over 7.7 million pro-neutrality comments with the FCC.” $4.2 million vs one college kid
Cory Doctorow / @doctorow: Unsurprisingly - but importantly - the NY AG found that 18 million of the 22 million comments the FCC received were fake, that the fake comments favored the Net Neutrality repeal, AND THAT THE FRAUD WAS A PAID OPERATION ON BEHALF OF TELCOS. 8/
Issie Lapowsky / @issielapowsky: Holy Moly. NY AG report finds out of the 22 million net neutrality comments the FCC received in 2017, 18 million were fake. Report alleges a “secret campaign” by the broadband industry, which offered consumers rewards for male enhancement drugs ‼️
Issie Lapowsky / @issielapowsky: Every line of this is more flabbergasting than the last: One of the lead generators working with the broadband industry used info obtained from a data breach to submit comments in unwitting consumers' names.
Alex Howard / @digiphile: Despite promises of transparency, @AjitPai did not ensure the broadband industry's secret astroturfing campaign came to light, nor did @TheJusticeDept: @NewYorkStateAG did. (Federalism FTW.) Is a rulemaking based on fake & fraudulent comments legally binding, @JRosenworcelFCC?
David McCabe / New York Times: Internet providers funded effort behind fake net neutrality comments, New York State says.
Chris Mills Rodrigo / The Hill: Broadband companies funded ‘fake’ net neutrality comments, investigation finds
David Shepardson / Reuters: U.S. broadband industry accused in ‘fake’ net neutrality comments
Will Feuer / New York Post: Broadband industry behind millions of fake net neutrality comments, NY AG says
Karl Bode / Techdirt: NY AG Proves Broadband Industry Funded Phony Public Support For Attack On Net Neutrality
Igor Bonifacic / Engadget: NY AG report finds 18 million FCC net neutrality comments were fake

A record 44% of the NYT's 301K new digital subscribers in Q1 were to non-news products like cooking, games, and audio — The New York Times on Wednesday said it added 301,000 new digital-only subscribers last quarter, its slowest quarter for digital subscriber growth in over a year.
@alexthomp, @caitlinpacific, @jayrosen_nyu, American Press Institute, @rmantri, @kerrymflynn, @carlquintanilla, @nytmedia, @anthony, @kbandersen and @mattgrossmann
Alex Thompson / @alexthomp: NYT on the path to becoming a cooking app w/ a newspaper rather than the other way around. @sarafischer reports: “A record 44% of The Times' new digital subscribers came from non-core news products, like cooking, games and audio, last quarter”
Caitlin Flanagan / @caitlinpacific: “Times executives for years have emphasized that The New York Times isn't just a newspaper, but a lifestyle services company.” Lifestyle = radical left wing politics discussed over a nearly perfect cassolet and a 96 point bottle of Sancerre.
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: FYI. Latest reports say the New York Times has 100 million registered users, and among those are 7.8 million subscribers in one form or another: print subscribers, digital subs, or those who pay for the Cooking and Games apps.
American Press Institute: Need to Know: May 6, 2021 — OFF THE TOP — You might have heard: A Daily News reporter begs …
Rajeev Mantri / @rmantri: Igniting rage and selling outrage is profitable - with a record 7.8 million+ digital subscribers, that is the business NYT is in now. Best to treat it as a glorified BuzzFeed.
@kerrymflynn: $NYT “added 301,000 digital customers for the first three months of the year, the lowest increase since the third quarter of 2019.” Q3'19: +273,000 Q4'19: +342,000 Q1'20: +587,000 Q2'20: +669,000 Q3'20: +393,000 Q4'20: +627,000 Q1'21: +301,000
Carl Quintanilla / @carlquintanilla: MORGAN STANLEY: “We continue to forecast digital-only subscriptions reaching 12-13mm by YE25.” $NYT
@nytmedia: The Times is still on a path toward its goal of reaching 10 million subscribers by 2025, and it has improved its profit margins as its digital business — which costs less than print — continues to rise.
@anthony: New York Times digital-subscriber additions slowed sharply in the months since former President Donald Trump left office
Kurt Andersen / @kbandersen: Debbie Downer is writing the Times' headlines about the Times. “Growth Slows.” But subscriptions are up 4% in one quarter, earnings up 54%, profit margin at 14%.

NYT hires its first editorial director of Games, Everdeen Mason, responsible for growing the audience and ensuring puzzles reflect and cultivate diverse voices
@adrienneshih: I have literally referred to @EverdeenMason's job as “the coolest gig in media right now” to so many people

Q&A: Facebook Oversight Board director Thomas Hughes on upholding Trump's ban, why the Board isn't a PR stunt, Facebook refusing to answer its questions, more — Following months of speculation, Facebook's Oversight Board issued a quasi-decision Wednesday in the case of former President Donald Trump's account.
New York Times, @therecount, @issielapowsky, @ennisnyt, Daily Herald, @nicoleperlroth, New Yorker and NPR, more at Techmeme »
@therecount: Facebook Oversight Board Director Thomas Hughes on the group's decision to uphold: “The suspension of former President Trump was necessary to keep people safe.”
Issie Lapowsky / @issielapowsky: NEW: Talked w/ FB Oversight Board director @thomasmhughes about the Trump decision. This stands out: “If you can make independent self regulation work, and it is truly independent and it functions...that is the most effective form of content regulation.”
Connor Ennis / @ennisnyt: Really informative @satariano & @ceciliakang profile of Nick Clegg, the former British politician turned Facebook exec who has played “perhaps the biggest behind-the-scenes role in decisions around Mr. Trump's account”
Nicole Perlroth / @nicoleperlroth: What was the point of this whole exercise again?

Facebook Oversight Board upholds Trump's suspension, but asks Facebook to review the decision within six months to determine a penalty consistent with its rules
Wall Street Journal, Common Dreams, @oversightboard, Washington Post, What's the Big Idea?, Big Technology, 9to5Mac, @karaswisher, The Atlantic, Reuters, @issielapowsky, Insider, Digiday, Fight for the Future, @nick_clegg, Lawfare, Mediaite, The Banter, @cnbc, Financial Times, Fast Company, @hawleymo, Vox, @latimes, The Message Box, Quartz, New York Times, The Week, NPR, @thelastword, @mrctv, @johnlegere, @usatoday, @cnbc, @jaketapper, @karaswisher, @caseynewton, Today's Edition Newsletter, @repadamschiff, @can, @mikeisaac, @slpng_giants, @jayrosen_nyu, @base10, @arusbridger, @jeffbercovici, @digiphile, @jimsciutto, @garettsloane, @brandyzadrozny, @dylanbyers, @stevedeaceshow, @kurtwagner8, @jonathanvswan, @jonathanvswan, @goangelo, @kurtwagner8, @naacp, @tonyromm, @jeffjarvis, @jeffbercovici, Free Press, @kurtwagner8, @mtracey, @chrislu44, @samuelstolton, @owenthomas, @blakereid, @adamserwer, @jeffjarvis, @jeffjarvis, @dylanbyers, @chriswelch, @donie, @meridithmcgraw, @mikeisaac, @frankpallone, @oliverdarcy, @robertmooreitv, @jess, @jason_pontin and @mikeisaac, more at Techmeme »
Jake Johnson / Common Dreams: Facebook Panel Upholds Platform's Ban on Former President Donald Trump
Oversight Board / @oversightboard: The Board has upheld Facebook's decision on January 7 to suspend then-President Trump from Facebook and Instagram. Trump's posts during the Capitol riot severely violated Facebook's rules and encouraged and legitimized violence.
Washington Post: Facebook tried to outsource its decision about Trump. The Oversight Board said not so fast.
Michael Foley / What's the Big Idea?: I Know Heroes. Liz Cheney Is No Hero.
Alex Kantrowitz / Big Technology: The Facebook Oversight Board is Making the Most Of Its Limited Power
Michael Potuck / 9to5Mac: Facebook Oversight Board upholds Trump ban but ‘insists’ on a review and permanent decision
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: Also fantastic take: It's Not Over. The Oversight Board's Trump Decision is Just the Start. ...
Evelyn Douek / The Atlantic: Somebody Has to Do It — No one has set any clear standard about how badly a politician …
Elizabeth Culliford / Reuters: Twitter shuts down accounts for attempting to evade Trump ban
Issie Lapowsky / @issielapowsky: It's getting buried but seems to me the board actually is setting precedent here for Facebook about using the risk of real world harm as a justification for at least temporarily silencing a head of state. They've definitively said Facebook was right about that. Seems big to me?
Katie Canales / Insider: Facebook - not its ‘Supreme Court’ - needs to enforce its moderation policies, according to one of the board members who called the company ‘lazy’ for pushing the Trump decision to the group
Tim Peterson / Digiday: Media Briefing: How media leaders are trying to combat burnout beyond the newsroom
Fight for the Future: Focusing on the Trump ban is missing the point: Facebook's business model is incompatible with democracy and human rights
Nick Clegg / @nick_clegg: We thank the @OversightBoard for the care and attention they gave this case. We will now consider the board's guidance and develop a response that is clear and proportionate. In the meantime, Mr. Trump's accounts remain suspended.
Ben Cohen / The Banter: How Facebook Tricked Trumpers Into Supporting Bernie Style Corporate Regulations
@cnbc: .@carolecadwalla: Facebook's Oversight Board experiment has failed. “The whole thing has revealed itself to be a completely pointless charade.” She argues the board is a “PR device to offload difficult decisions Facebook should make.”
Mark Sullivan / Fast Company: Facebook Oversight Board's Trump ruling is about optics, not moderation
Josh Hawley / @hawleymo: Here's a real life example of the tyranny of #BigTech - a fake @Facebook court decides @Facebook can do whatever @Facebook wants, in this case, suspending Donald Trump w/o process or standards. That's what monopolies do. Break them up
Shirin Ghaffary / Vox: Here's just how much people have stopped talking about Trump on Facebook and Twitter
@latimes: “The worst aspect of this decision may be that it leaves the question of Trump's role and that of his posts on social media, open to be masticated endlessly — including on social media.” Columnist @hiltzikm explains:
Dan Pfeiffer / The Message Box: Banning Trump from Facebook Won't Solve the Problem
Nicolás Rivero / Quartz: Facebook's oversight board blew up in its face
David Leonhardt / New York Times: Facebook Ducks the Big Issue
Jeva Lange / The Week: Trump is a terrible blogger
Domenico Montanaro / NPR: Why Facebook's Decision On Trump Could Be ‘Make Or Break’ For His Political Future
@thelastword: Opinion | @tiffanycli: The reason we are all paying so much attention to Facebook and its Oversight Board is the simple fact that today a single tech company can choose to silence the voice of a sitting president. - @MSNBCDaily
@mrctv: Former White House Chief of Staff, @MarkMeadows, remarks on the Facebook Oversight Board's decision. “Listen, whether it's six months or six days, what we see in this decision is really about chilling free speech.”
John Legere / @johnlegere: I hope he finds a way to get banned from his own social media site....
@usatoday: White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on the Facebook Oversight Board's decision to uphold the suspension of former president Donald Trump: “We're not going to have any comment on the future of the former president's social media platform.”
@cnbc: “All this is a step in the right direction,” says Evercore ISI's Mark Mahaney on Facebook's decision to uphold its ban on former President Trump. “It's a win for investors.” @CNBCTechCheck
Jake Tapper / @jaketapper: Plenty of arguments to make about Facebook's decisions but this now-common response of “I don't like what this private company did so our public officials should use their government powers to punish them” is an interesting philosophical development
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: As I said never been happier to be wrong but what seems to have happened here is that the Facebook Oversight board punted back what had been punted to them by Facebook with Donald Trump as the irritating football of bile. This is far from over on my reading.
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: It turns out that everyone's Trump decision take is just “what I already thought about Facebook” + “what I already thought about the Oversight Board”
Robert B. Hubbell / Today's Edition Newsletter: Today's Edition (May 6, 2021) — The most consequential development on Wednesday …
Adam Schiff / @repadamschiff: There's no Constitutional protection for using social media to incite an insurrection. Trump is willing to do anything for himself no matter the danger to our country. His big lies have cost America dearly. And until he stops, Facebook must ban him. Which is to say, forever.
@can: if fb actually had an independent oversight board, it'd actually have the power to fire people, not just wave their hands on irrelevant cases
Rat King / @mikeisaac: Trump statement, over email (not his new blog) via @maggieNYT
@slpng_giants: While many are relieved about this decision, we should all question why this board is allowed to make these decisions in place of real, independent oversight of @facebook.
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Here's the Facebook Oversight Board announcing its decision on the suspension of the Trump account. My reaction is the same as many others: relieved that the ban was upheld and will continue for now. Unimpressed that the Board punted the ball back to Facebook.
Nathan L. Walls / @base10: The Onion knows what's up:
Alan Rusbridger / @arusbridger: This thread breaks down the @OversightBoard decision in the Trump case. The full judgment is 38 pages long....and worth a read
Jeff Bercovici / @jeffbercovici: Basically the oversight board did the “If I were Facebook I would simply have clear rules and enforce them consistently” tweet
Alex Howard / @digiphile: “If a head of state or [government] has repeatedly posted messages that pose a risk of harm under international human rights norms, @Facebook should suspend the account for a period sufficient to protect against imminent harm.”-@oversightboard Deletion appropriate in some cases
Jim Sciutto / @jimsciutto: Must read thread - it appears the board is trying to set hard standards for such bans going forward.
Garett Sloane / @garettsloane: Facebook consulted “The Rabat Plan,” an international framework for weighing speech and the potential for inflaming ethnic tensions in war zones, to judge Trump's use of social media.
Brandy Zadrozny / @brandyzadrozny: Say what you want about Facebook's Oversight Board, but it does a good job highlighting just how arbitrary the company is with policy and enforcement.
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: So many Facebook critics argued the Oversight Board was just a cover for Facebook and didn't have any real power. What you're seeing now is real power, and that power is denying Facebook its cover. Mark Zuckerberg chose to give OSB this power. Didn't have to. Keep that in mind.
Steve Deace / @stevedeaceshow: The truth is the odds he's never president again go up if they put him back on all these platforms. Because without a constant injection of his own social media persona that too often just sets up material for his detractors, his policies are far more popular.
Kurt Wagner / @kurtwagner8: In a weird twist, Facebook's Oversight Board basically told Facebook: Don't send us your difficult decision — make it yourself! “...Facebook seeks to avoid its responsibilities.”
Jonathan Swan / @jonathanvswan: The bottom line is Trump and his inner circle were hanging on this decision and view Facebook reinstatement as crucial to Trump's political comeback. Mostly because of its fundraising power. They submitted a lengthy written argument... 1/2
Jonathan Swan / @jonathanvswan: to the Oversight Board and were cautiously optimistic that Trump would be re-platformed. And yes: his inner circle increasingly believes he will run in 2024. Long long way to go but that's where he's at now. And Facebook is crucial to their strategy as it was in 16 and 20.
Angelo Carusone / @goangelo: Important for media reporting on FB/Trump to not make same mistake they did in Jan when they treated FB's temporary ban as a permanent one. That took a lot of heat off FB and ultimately FB appealed its own action. We're in same place now. Ban isn't permanent, remains temporary.
Kurt Wagner / @kurtwagner8: Of course, the whole point of the board was so FB wouldn't need to make these kind of tough decisions 🤷♂️
Tony Romm / @tonyromm: basically, the board kicked this back to a lower court to rethink damages
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: To be clear: Facebook was right to take Trump down and he should stay down permanently. His every uttering present imminent danger to democracy. The Board could have endorsed that responsible decision. It did not. It fumfered.
Jeff Bercovici / @jeffbercovici: Created to absolve Facebook of ultimate responsibility for its ad hoc enforcement decisions, the Oversight Board basically said “You've got to take some responsibility here, and it can't be ad hoc.”
Amy Kroin / Free Press: Facebook Ruling Renews Criticism of Oversight Board Amy Kroin Thu, 05/06/2021 - 17:15
Kurt Wagner / @kurtwagner8: Former President Donald Trump will NOT return to Facebook today. The Oversight Board upheld Facebook's suspension, but says FB has 6 months to come up with a new penalty for Trump's account because an “indefinite ban” is not appropriate given the company's rules
Michael Tracey / @mtracey: This weird quasi-judicial Facebook tribunal actually denounces FB's punishment of Trump. “It was not appropriate for Facebook to impose the indeterminate and standardless penalty of indefinite suspension,” the tribunal declares. Journalists who cheered the penalty must be furious
Chris Lu / @chrislu44: Interesting thread from Facebook's oversight board including: “The company should assess the risk of the user inciting significant harm before the suspension ends” “The ‘newsworthiness’ of a public figure's remarks should never take priority over urgent action to prevent harm”
Samuel Stolton / @samuelstolton: Facebook oversight board upholds decision to suspend Trump. Fmr President accused of breaching platform policies due to: 1. praise or support of people engaged in violence (Jan 6 ‘We love you’ video) 2. invoking serious risk of violence (in electoral fraud narrative) ...
Owen Thomas / @owenthomas: Facebook's Oversight Board scolds the company for dodging its responsibilities regarding Trump, then kicks the ban can down the road. Here's @issielapowsky on the decision:
Blake E. Reid / @blakereid: When you remember that the FBOB has no real independence from FB and isn't capable of enforcing binding judgments, this decision makes sense because it is exactly what would have happened if the FBOB didn't exist. Trump out; could be back in later if politically expedient for FB.
@adamserwer: Facebook can do whatever they want, it's their platform, there's no first amendment right to use someone else's platform, especially not because you're big and important. The fact that verdicts from the Supreme Court of Facebook are national news seems real bad.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: The Oversight Board essentially said: You should have taken Trump down. But you shouldn't have taken him down permanently and you should decide what to do about that. In short: The Board actually does nudge Trump back online but didn't have the guts to say so.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Oh, this is rich. Thorning-Schmidt accuses Facebook of “shirking its responsibilities.” That is *precisely* what the Oversight Board just did by shoving this back to Facebook.
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: On Oversight Board call, co-chair Michael McConnell says Facebook must either restore Trump's account, restrict him permanently or suspend him for a set amount of time. Key line: “Facebook must make its decision and be held accountable for what it decides.”
Chris Welch / @chriswelch: Aside from the Trump decision, this part is important: Oversight Board wants Facebook to do better explaining penalty system in plain language to everyone. And it wants WAY more transparency. Board calls for account restrictions to be included in Facebook's transparency reports.
Donie O'Sullivan / @donie: Facebook has six months to decide if Trump should be allowed back on Facebook. @nick_clegg says Trump will remain suspended until Facebook reaches a decision
Meridith McGraw / @meridithmcgraw: Not what a lot of tech experts and people in Trump's circles expected...
Rat King / @mikeisaac: more specifically: on a conference call right now and the OSB basically says Facebook cant just indefinitely ban anyone from the network and made a mistake when they left Trump in limbo.
Rep. Frank Pallone / @frankpallone: Every day, Facebook is amplifying and promoting disinformation and misinformation, and the structure and rules governing its oversight board generally seem to ignore this disturbing reality. It's clear that real accountability will only come with legislative action.
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: Facebook's response: “We will now consider the board's decision and determine an action that is clear and proportionate. In the meantime, Mr. Trump's accounts remain suspended.”
Robert Moore / @robertmooreitv: Decision on suspending Trump upheld but there's a sting in the tail for @Facebook. The Board appears to blame the company, in part, for Jan 6th - it should “conduct a review into its contribution to the narrative of electoral fraud and political tensions that led to the events.”
Jessica Verrilli / @jess: Fascinating to watch the first big case - Trump's suspension - reviewed by Facebook's Oversight Board.
Jason Pontin / @jason_pontin: “In applying a vague, standardless penalty and then referring this case to the Board to resolve, Facebook seeks to avoid its responsibilities. The Board declines Facebook's request and insists that Facebook apply and justify a defined penalty.”

The Oversight Board's decision on Trump's Facebook ban failed to send a clear message that a powerful public official can't use Facebook to endanger the public
Engadget, @jayrosen_nyu, Today in Tabs, @juliettekayyem, New York Times, @jason_kint, CNBC, Tangle, CNN, @motherjones, Columbia Journalism Review, @karaswisher, Poynter, @eff, @mikefancher, @glakier, @pramilajayapal, @senblumenthal, @jeffjarvis, @jeffjarvis, @karaswisher, @jeffjarvis, @jeffjarvis, @the_eco_thought, @mmasnick, @freedomhouse, @benshapiro, @scottwalker, @johnbiggs, New York Times and @sulliview
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Such a good question for Mark Zuckerberg from @karaswisher... “Why build a platform that requires an arbiter of truth if you don't want to be one?” Good column too on the Oversight Board.
Rusty Foster / Today in Tabs: Facebook Trump Ban Dot Html
Juliette Kayyem / @juliettekayyem: A round up of our takes on Facebook Board. 24 hours later, mine much the same: A permanent expulsion that could one day be rescinded would have been better baseline than decision that suggests Trump's conduct can be made “proportionate.” @FortuneMagazine
Kara Swisher / New York Times: Good Riddance, Donald Trump?
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: OK, adding @karaswisher here as another must-read. @WillOremus @Sulliview @karaswisher - my list so far. btw, on this point here about coddling an outlier, I think it's important to note this treatment created space for other authoritarians to operate.
Lauren Feiner / CNBC: Oversight board members defend punting decision on Trump's ban back to Facebook
Isaac Saul / Tangle: Trump banned from Facebook (again)
@motherjones: Facebook is acting “like a magician,” @Moonalice, an early Facebook investor, tells Mother Jones. “And they know how to draw your attention to the left hand, so you don't see what the right hand is doing. And they've done that here.” ...
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: Great piece from @Sulliview: Facebook's oversight board whiffed. Trump deserves a permanent exile. ...
Tom Jones / Poynter: Reaction to the whole Facebook-Donald Trump saga
@eff: .@KaraSwisher is right: complaints about the Facebook Oversight Board should focus on the underlying problem: lack of competition. Policymakers should find ways to ensure we don't have to care so much what one company decides—because we have alternatives.
Mike Fancher / @mikefancher: “What was called for here was a clear, unambiguous message: That a hugely influential public official—arguably the most powerful person in the world—can't use Facebook to endanger the public welfare. And once he does just that, hundreds of times, he can't come back.”
Genevieve Lakier / @glakier: A thread on why I think the decision the FOB handed down today in the Trump deplatforming case is a good decision, not what Margaret Sullivan described as a “fig leaf meant to avoid real accountability.” ...
Pramila Jayapal / @pramilajayapal: This is the right decision. He used Facebook and other social media platforms to incite a deadly insurrection. Why should he ever be allowed back?
Richard Blumenthal / @senblumenthal: Donald Trump is no voiceless victim. He earned his suspension from Facebook by spreading dangerous, violence-inciting lies. Our nation is still living with the consequences of the deadly insurrection Trump incited, & there is a clear & present danger that he will do it again.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: So *neither* Facebook nor the Oversight Board made a strong statement about the unacceptability of not only inciting insurrection but also promulgating the Big Lie against democratic elections. Both failed to keep their eyes on the highest priorities.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: And while Facebook and the Oversight Board play their dangerous game of nuanced hot (Mister) Potato, @jack made a decisive decision exercising the responsibility of his power—and the world has been better off for it. The issue is less who has too much power but who uses it well.
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: Keep mind as we wait that while the Facebook Oversight board is independent, it's paid for by Facebook with members handpicked by Facebook in a system essentially created by Facebook. It is a corporate advisory board with more power & fancier names, but with few if any critics.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Legal Twitter is enjoying the nuances of the Oversight Board decision while information, political, and tech Twitter are viewing it through other sides of the prism, looking more at the impact, I think.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Many are enjoying the bind the Oversight Board put Facebook in. Meanwhile, that bind will be exploited by Trump et al over the next six months, doing more damage to the net as self-appointed net watchdogs from both right and left imagine new torture for #230, etc.
Timothy Morton / @the_eco_thought: “Why build a platform that requires an arbiter of truth if you don't want to be one? Could you not have foreseen the inevitable end point of that position?” Good Riddance, Donald Trump?
Mike Masnick / @mmasnick: In which @CathyGellis is happy that the Oversight Board more or less did what we asked them to do, while simultaneously uninspired by the result because the whole thing is sort of a waste of time anyway.
Freedom House / @freedomhouse: The oversight board has made, in our view, a reasonable decision: to uphold the suspension of Former President Trump's account while Facebook formulates a proportionate response to the inciting content for which he was originally suspended. 2/5
Ben Shapiro / @benshapiro: Facebook's Oversight Board says they were right to suspend Trump because he violated their rule “prohibiting praise or support of people engaged in violence.” Last year, nearly the entire media and Democratic Party praised people engaged in the most costly riots in US history.
Scott Walker / @scottwalker: Bail is used for someone who was arrested for breaking the law. Here's what @KamalaHarris tweeted last year during the protests that turned into violent riots. Big Tech elites are hypocrites.

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NY Post sources say Laura Italiano's resignation after an inaccurate story on Kamala Harris is a symptom of pressure for clicky content that stokes culture wars — Tabloid veteran Laura Italiano's very public exit has rattled the newsroom, where staffers speak of intense pressure to drive clicks and stoke the culture wars.
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