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Sources explain how The New Yorker union was organized, initially sidelining the mag's writers, who then felt wary of joining despite a need for better benefits — The 96-year-old magazine, known for its revered writers and sophisticated audience, is being consumed by a labor dispute.
@fordm, @benyt, @robinsreport, @om, @joshpcain, @lainnafader, @labororganizer, @econ_marshall, @lainnafader, @chick_in_kiev, @ambernoelle, @katienotopoulos, @glennf, @lainnafader, @aemccarthy, @heerjeet, @ahhensel, @lainnafader, @rithika_ram, @whet, @felixsalmon, @rmc031, @charli3mitchell, @michaelroston, @jscros, @sarahkaplan48, @jamieson, @grimkim, @melissagira, @jscros, @jeffjarvis, @awprokop, @grahamstarr, @lainnafader, @charli3mitchell, @alexnpress, @richiepope, @conordougherty, @chick_in_kiev, @chrisburkeshay, @mattdpearce, @chick_in_kiev, @hshaban and @rossbarkan
Matt Ford / @fordm: I tried to read this piece on The New Yorker's union, I really did, but the fourth graf just kept buzzing around in my head like tinnitus
Robin Kaiser-Schatzlein / @robinsreport: The focus on the stars and their apparent scolding stance towards the editorial staff is a really good demonstration of publishing's institutional stance in general: that workers don't matter & are venal & stupid. That stance is why ppl are unionizing!
@om: This piece by @benyt about @NewYorker in many ways is an allegory of the times we are living in. And nothing captures is as elegantly as this paragraph.
Josh Cain / @joshpcain: Managers love talking about collegiality, but only on their terms. You're a troublemaker for asking questions. I think treating people differently + lying about it is not friendly. Everything happening at the New Yorker is happening in your newsroom, too
@lainnafader: There is quite a lot wrong in this piece. And it's hilarious to suggest that the NewsGuild should have told every writer HEY WE'RE UNIONIZING right out of the gate and anything less is untoward. People who have no idea how to organize a union should prob keep their mouths shut
Yasemin Zahra / @labororganizer: Misleading, anti-union propaganda masquerading as “objective” journalism. Perhaps @benyt's ridiculously one-sided reporting has something to do with his anti-union past as a manager at BuzzFeed, where @nyguild successfully organized their staff union.
Marshall Steinbaum / @econ_marshall: Well this sure explains a lot—such as why the magazine has long appeared to be dwindling in relevance, leading me to unsubscribe in 2020 after I barely touched it over the final year.
@lainnafader: Lastly, I am sorry if people wish we were more polite. If politeness worked, we wouldn't be on the verge of a strike after three painful years. Polite doesn't get you shit. You only get what you demand and take through collective action
Talia Lavin / @chick_in_kiev: i will always remember david remnick laughing about the unionization during my exit interview and explaining that we simply didnt understand how generous condé nast was to the magazine
Amber Sparks / @ambernoelle: HOLD UP - people who are ON STAFF writing for the freaking NEW YORKER do not have health insurance? Are you serious?
Katie Notopoulos / @katienotopoulos: Can't help but wonder if the reporter here had some um recent personal experience with a union that might make him view it as an impossible tension that writers could like their editors AND want to improve working conditions for colleagues
Glenn Fleishman / @glennf: What a truly embarrassing thing to say about an often money-losing publication that's part of a multi-billion-dollar company. A magazine that has fired or discontinued relationships with contributors with no explanation.
Lainna Fader / @lainnafader: @mediagazer @benyt This is a bad and incorrect tweet. Writers were not sidelined, they were not w2s, so we could not legally organize them. Fix this
Amy McCarthy / @aemccarthy: I for one am shocked that the people who benefit most from the structural inequalities in journalism are the most resistant to changing them
Jeet Heer / @heerjeet: The most miserable Canadian freelancer has something that most staff writers at The New Yorker don't have: lifetime health care.
@ahhensel: Was so hard to read the rest of this story with an open mind with such a cringe opening anecdote like this
@lainnafader: We didn't ask the writers to show up at Anna Wintour's apt. Suggesting that they didn't show signifies discord between the union and writers, is, frankly, baseless poor reporting. Writers have supported us in all the ways we have asked them to, thankfully
Rithika Ramamurthy / @rithika_ram: This piece has got it all: third-partying the union, simping for the boss, and championing right to work— a masterclass in union-busting rhetoric. There is no cultural institution too special for worker democracy! Solidarity with @newyorkerunion ✊🏽
Whet Moser / @whet: the part about making less than $60k after 20 years on the job is the part of the piece on the new yorker union that really shocked me
Felix Salmon / @felixsalmon: Companies often wring concessions from creditors “in the shadow of bankruptcy.” The bankruptcy court can effectively force outcomes even when the company never files. Something similar seems to have happened at TNY
Rachel Cohen / @rmc031: important to remember that employers *can* provide healthcare to contractors. They're not legally obligated to, but employers do lots of things they're not legally obligated to when pressured
Charlie Mitchell / @charli3mitchell: This article is about a unionized workforce that is *READY TO STRIKE* and it still manages to make the reader feel like the workplace isn't even sure it wants a union at all.
Michael Roston / @michaelroston: I can't believe a New Yorker writer is saying that strong unions at other publications are breeding grounds for mediocrity. Like unionized publications — mine included — haven't laid off tons of journalists over the past decade-plus
Jack Crosbie / @jscros: if a union organizer has been speaking to you about what a union can do for you, and say, is present at a meeting with you and all of your peers without management there, then like, surprise, that is literally what organizing is. they didn't pull a fast one on you
Sarah Kaplan / @sarahkaplan48: I have a lot of qualms with the tone/framing of this piece but good lord, the New Yorker seems like a terrible workplace. 20-year veterans only make $60k? Staff writers don't even have health insurance? Writers refer to the editor as “dad”?!?!?!
Dave Jamieson / @jamieson: The New Yorker staffers are being confrontational and creative, but it's a mistake to portray it as glee. I'm sure most of them love their magazine and don't enjoy shaming it. It's just that they've been bargaining for 2.5 years and don't have a contract. That pushes people.
Melissa Gira Grant / @melissagira: Some writers already doing pretty well agree with their bosses: who needs a union?
Jack Crosbie / @jscros: i haven't seen the messages referenced (DMs open!) but this conflict reads much more like a miscommunication than deceit. “organizing” is what union reps like mohit do — it's a pretty general verb, it doesn't mean they're like press-ganging you into a unit
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: This oozes New Yorker privilege. Why The New Yorker's Stars Didn't Join Its Union
Andrew Prokop / @awprokop: In the pre-Obamacare days the New Yorker's health plan for staff writers was “hope you get health insurance from your spouse's company”
Graham Starr / @grahamstarr: good thread here worth a read
@lainnafader: Also if you interfered with your own workers' union, that seems like a major conflict of interest when writing about another union's contract fight
Charlie Mitchell / @charli3mitchell: Here's a rare kind of terrible: senior writers leveraging against their own colleagues' union to win benefits just for themselves. Also this article is framed harshly against workers, consistent with Smith's ridiculous Harpers piece earlier this year. Ew.
Alex Press / @alexnpress: minor comment but it's poor reporting to mention Remnick telling writers that he's eager for “the conflict” to be over without noting that management has prolonged bargaining so that it has now taken well over two years
Richie Pope / @richiepope: if this is how they treated their writer contractors, freelance illustration is held together by late payments while they go on vacations i finally have health care because of an animation union. solidarity with Not Doing A Damn Thing For The New Yorker right now
Conor Dougherty / @conordougherty: Chalk me up as one of those people who used to be scared to share salary information but now regularly discusses numbers with colleagues. It's actually really freeing.
Talia Lavin / @chick_in_kiev: “In one recent Zoom call, writers even complained to Mr. Remnick of their fears of being bullied on Twitter if they diverge from union talking points.” god i am so glad i left that place in the end - where you can get a pulitzer but not health insurance
Christopher Shay / @chrisburkeshay: A reminder that Ben Smith tried to bust the union at BuzzFeed. He's the wrong messenger for this piece.
Matt Pearce / @mattdpearce: The New Yorker's writers have been obviously misclassified for decades, depriving them of one of the biggest chances they could've had to fix obvious problems like not having healthcare. Same as Uber drivers. The perp isn't stardom, it's weak labor law.
Talia Lavin / @chick_in_kiev: things i also remember: sobbing in my boss's office after my divorce because i was trying to get reclassified as an employee not a subcontractor (while working 40+hr/wk) so i could have health insurance. the managing editor emailing my boss bc i tweeted about vibrators. etc

YouTube will stop accepting ads for its masthead ad unit from certain verticals, including election and political ads, alcohol, gambling, and prescription drugs — The masthead is often the platform's most expensive and sought-after ad unit.
CNN, Variety, Insider, @sarafischer, Tubefilter, The Verge, Engadget,, @skoczela, @laurenweinstein, @sarafischer, @alexweprin and Hollywood Reporter, more at Techmeme »
Katie Canales / Insider: YouTube is banning ads for politics, alcohol, gambling, and prescription drugs from its highly visible homepage banner
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: Scoop: YouTube to ban masthead ads for the following verticals: — Politics and elections — Gambling (including sports betting) — Alcohol (including branding ads for beverages) — Prescription drugs More on @axios:
James Hale / Tubefilter: YouTube Will No Longer Allow Masthead Ads That Endorse Political Candidates
Mitchell Clark / The Verge: YouTube is banning alcohol, gambling, and politics from its ‘most prominent’ ad slot
Jon Prosser / YouTube Is Banning Ads for Alcohol, Gambling, and Politics... Sort Of
Steve Koczela / @skoczela: When your politics is as harmful as drugs and gambling.
Lauren Weinstein / @laurenweinstein: The good stuff is really popping with @Google today: YouTube to ban some ad verticals from buying masthead ads [gambling ads, some alcohol ads, candidates for office ads, etc.] Great move by @YouTube ! -
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: YouTube's masthead is one of Google's most expensive and sought-after ad units. — Moving forward, politics and elections advertisers, gambling companies, and companies trying to sell alcoholic beverages or prescription drugs won't have access to it.
Alex Weprin / @alexweprin: The YouTube masthead is one of the most prime pieces of advertising real estate in the world. Big deal!

Dow Jones union: the company's new policy mandates staff get EIC's approval before talking to book publishers and a license to use their own reporting in books — For reporters, side gigs have long been a minefield. — I don't even mean the very real ethical issues that can come with $75,000 speeches …
IAPE 1096, @benyt, @iglovett, @felixsalmon, @johncarreyrou, @felixsalmon, @felixsalmon, @felixsalmon, The Hill, @bykowicz, @mattdpearce, @lalpert1, @retheauditors, @maxwelltani, @joeptone, @mattzollerseitz, @bradleyhope, @bradleyhope, @jbenton, @rolandsmartin, @trengriffin, @benyt, @elongreen, Columbia Journalism Review and @sarahscire
Ian Lovett / @iglovett: Under the new policy, reporters would be barred from even speaking to agents before getting permission. Not signing contracts or submitting proposals. Speaking.
Felix Salmon / @felixsalmon: Specifically, the WSJ wants: -Writers must get the eic's permission before talking to agents or publishers; -Journalists can't use their reporting in their book unless they've licensed it from Dow Jones, presumably for $$$
John Carreyrou / @johncarreyrou: This is a recipe to lose journalistic talent at an even higher clip (if that's even possible) via @NiemanLab
Felix Salmon / @felixsalmon: As @APeckOfPickles points out, this could give HarperCollins a huge and arguably unfair advantage in negotiations. But I have no idea what the law on this might be.
Felix Salmon / @felixsalmon: Yes. Suppose Knopf is willing to pay a “market rate” advance of $2m, split evenly between Carreyrou and Dow Jones. Then HarperCollins could offer $3m, keep $1m in-house, and not have to start paying out royalties until much later.
Felix Salmon / @felixsalmon: The irony is that the WSJ's sister company is Harper Collins, a huge book publisher with a fantastic business section. Or maybe this is sibling rivalry.
Celine Castronuovo / The Hill: Union condemns new Dow Jones policy on Wall Street Journal employees' outside work
Julie Bykowicz / @bykowicz: My WSJ colleagues have written some incredible books in recent years. Hate to see anything that hinders future authors.
Matt Pearce / @mattdpearce: .@latguild fought something similar at the L.A. Times and won.
Lukas I. Alpert / @lalpert1: Glad to see the @WSJ union come out forcefully against the outrageous changes to the company's book policy that it is trying to force on its staff. This unilateral usurpation of employee rights shall not stand!
Francine McKenna / @retheauditors: @benyt @WSJ Yeah, it's no wonder folks like @JohnCarreyrou @TomWrightAsia and @bradleyhope got out when they did.
Max Tani / @maxwelltani: Seems like a bizarre move to increase restrictions on staff at a time when some journalists (in particular the high-profile kind that can get book deals more easily) are seeing the benefits of starting independent newsletters/podcasts/etc.
Joe Tone / @joeptone: This is, um, not a great strategy for attracting ambitious and talented journalists!
MZS / @mattzollerseitz: Publications should not be trying to skim the book earnings of writers who sell books based on the beat they work. Rates for reporters have been pitiful for two decades now. Books are the only way to make the work pay what it's actually worth.
Bradley Hope / @bradleyhope: @felixsalmon @benyt And this licensing fee: is it a percent of the author's take? Imagine going on unpaid book leave (where you use most of the first chunk of advance to pay all your expenses & medical insurance because newspaper stops paying). You'd not only stop getting paid but you'd pay employer
Bradley Hope / @bradleyhope: @felixsalmon @benyt It's a missed opportunity. To retain and attract talent, media companies should be partnering with talent - offering opportunities to make something big out of their work and offering some proportional compensation to align incentives. Taxation of talent will backfire big time
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: New by me —> Bad blood? The @wsj apparently wants its reporters to pay to use their own reporting in books — and to get permission before even talking to a book agent.
@rolandsmartin: This is no shock to me. These are no longer newspapers, TV stations, radio stations and magazines. They are MEDIA companies. Their desire is to make money off of film rights, podcasts, books, you name it. This will be the norm. Just watch.
Tren Griffin / @trengriffin: Wholesale transfer pricing.
Ben Smith / @benyt: This all genuinely does make sense in theory, and in practice often turns what would be fairly small, simple deals into things too complicated to bother with.
Elon Green / @elongreen: Lol imposing restrictions on the one staff where every reporter could get a job elsewhere tomorrow at a competitor. This won't last.

Reality Winner's attorney says she has been granted an early supervised release from prison due to exemplary behavior, as her family seeks a pardon from Biden — NSA whistleblower housed in residential re-entry centre as she completes five-year sentence — Former intelligence specialist …
Ben Kesslen / NBC News: Former NSA contractor Reality Winner, jailed for leaking secrets about Russian hacking, released early from prison
Insider: Reality Winner, the ex-NSA contractor convicted of leaking a report about Russia's meddling in the 2016 election, has been released from prison
Peter Maass / The Intercept: Reality Winner, Whistleblower on Russian Hacking, Is Released From Prison
Adi Robertson / The Verge: Reality Winner has been released from prison
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: “Reality Winner, the former National Security Agency contractor who was jailed for leaking secrets about Russian hacking, has been released early from prison, her lawyer said Monday...”
Eric Michael Garcia / @ericmgarcia: Why wasn't she pardoned/did nobody expunge her record? She was a whistleblower.
Igor Bonifacic / Engadget: US releases NSA leaker Reality Winner into supervised custody

BBC inquiry finds there was no evidence journalist Martin Bashir was rehired by the BBC to cover up the circumstances around his Diana interview — There was no evidence journalist Martin Bashir was rehired by the BBC to cover up the circumstances around his Diana interview, a BBC inquiry has found.
Press Gazette, The Guardian, The Guardian, @pressgazette, @pressgazette and The Independent
Charlotte Tobitt / Press Gazette: Transparency concerns over BBC rehiring of Bashir but decision made ‘in good faith’, review finds
Jane Martinson / The Guardian: BBC's review of Martin Bashir rehiring is another gift to its enemies
@pressgazette: NUJ says review into BBC rehiring of Martin Bashir in 2016 “fails to fully assuage concerns over cappuccino culture, dodgy recruitment practices and judgement of senior managers” ...

British channel GB News launches and will attempt to emulate the format of heavily-opinionated US cable TV networks like Fox News and MSNBC — London (CNN Business)GB News wants to make one thing very clear: The upstart TV channel does not see itself as the British Fox News.
@gbnews, The Guardian, @shaun_vids, @jimwaterson, @thefarm_peter, The Guardian, @bdstanley, @guyopperman, @keitholbermann, @aljwhite, @donie, @jimwaterson, and @jimwaterson
Shaun / @shaun_vids: gb news merges the social attitudes of 50 years ago with the production values of 50 years ago
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: Andrew Neil's opening monologue on GB News was about how the channel wouldn't push false narratives. Anyway an hour later there's an uninterrupted, unchallenged to-camera monologue by host Dan Wootton on GB News about how lockdowns don't work. This is definitely new territory.
Ben Stanley / @bdstanley: I'm not a professional camera operator but isn't there a little ring you can twist to bring your subject into focus?
Guy Opperman / @guyopperman: I have missed @afneil - the BBC were mad to let him go. A great intro, genuinely worth 5 minutes if your time, whatever your views. And as an MP I can assure you that all MPs in @HouseofCommons know he is the best interviewer: 👇🏼👍
Keith Olbermann / @keitholbermann: So @gbnews is just going to be this guy with the combover shouting a series of unconnected platitudes in the dark?
Donie O'Sullivan / @donie: “GB News has secured £60 million ($84.6 million) from investors including Discovery — which has agreed to a merger with CNN parent WarnerMedia”
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: Based on talking to people at GB News next week, solidarity with whoever has to debrief Andrew Neil. ...

BuzzFeed launches Summer Writers' Challenge, offering for the first time to pay for user-contributed content, up to $10,000 per post depending on its page views — BuzzFeed wants to spark a summer wave of viral quizzes, listicles and more — created by its own fans — by offering …
Fast Company, The Hill, @jimlaporta, BuzzFeed, @annehelen, @jane_c_hu, @iamthewarax, @roseveleth and @lindaholmes
Olafimihan Oshin / The Hill: BuzzFeed to pay up to $10K for user-contributed content
James LaPorta / @jimlaporta: Buzzfeed loved one of my articles but said they couldn't pay me—no freelance budget. They told me to post it to contributed content. I did but later received a nasty email from a BF lawyer because the story was in a news format I.E. “subject told Buzzfeed”
Anna Kopsky / BuzzFeed: FYI, BuzzFeed's Summer Writers' Challenge Is Here, And You Can Earn $$$ For Making Viral Posts
Anne Helen Petersen / @annehelen: Traffic goals like this tend to lead to least-common-denominator content, but also hitting these 1 million/4 million hit marks is *so* dependent on how the social team pushes a piece:
Jane C. Hu / @jane_c_hu: proposition: i write a listicle called “10 reasons why paying for content based on pageviews is damaging to quality journalism.” we make sure it gets 4 million views and donate $10k to the Ida B Wells Society.
Matthew / @iamthewarax: didn't buzzfeed fire half its staff like two months ago
Rose Eveleth / @roseveleth: Buzzfeed winning a Pulitzer and also announcing this in the same seven day period feels like a pretty good allegory for journalism right now.
@lindaholmes: Exactly my reaction. The company will get to pick and choose what to promote and when and for how long. Virality is not a meritocracy, even if by “merit” you mean “capacity to go viral.” It's reliant on accelerators. Those accelerators are not in the writer's control.

Sources: UK government is planning far-reaching reforms to protect public service media by reducing Google, Amazon, and Samsung's bargaining power — Ministers want to ensure prominence of channels such as BBC and ITV on smart televisions — Google, Amazon and Samsung's bargaining power …
Stuart Thomson / Digital TV Europe: UK government to ‘ensure prominence of PSBs’ on smart TVs

BBC's Ukraine correspondent walks out of a news conference in Minsk where Belarusian authorities paraded the detained opposition blogger Roman Protasevich — Authorities in Belarus have paraded the detained opposition blogger Roman Protasevich at a news conference in Minsk …
Jonah Fisher / @jonahfisherbbc: We have just walked out. Not taking part when he is clearly there under duress.
Sarah Rainsford / @sarahrainsford: Wow. The Belarusian authorities have brought x- @nexta_tv blogger Roman Protasevich from his KGB prison cell to their press briefing about the forced diversion of his @Ryanair flight - that prompted international condemnation & sanctions. @JonahFisherBBC & @abdujalil are there

An oral history of the Pentagon Papers on the story's 50th anniversary, recounted by whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg and the NYT reporters who worked on the story — Interviews for this oral history were conducted in the spring of 2021 by Jennifer Harlan and Brian Gallagher.
The Guardian, @freedomofpress, @jacobin, @shahidforchange, @adamliptak, @newyorker, @michaelshermer, @hrheingold, @18airbornecorps, @ap_images, @timothynoah1, @wikileaks, @ggreenwald, @trumpluvsobama, @rasmussen_poll, @out5p0ken, @sjforman138, @milhistnow, @rjmaclean, @selinnasi, @cspanradio, @masspeaceaction, @sangernyt, @rcdewinter, @johnquiggin, @marycamacho, @sarahdwire, @spytalker, @shahidforchange, @schwarz, @susanpage, @theintercept, @histoftech, @wsj, @suilee, @peterbakernyt, @marina0swald, @jonbernhardt, @andykroll and @clancynewyork
David Smith / The Guardian: 'I've never regretted doing it': Daniel Ellsberg on 50 years since leaking the Pentagon Papers
@freedomofpress: “If you in fact publish the Pentagon Papers, you will all go to jail.” Incredible oral history of one of the most seminal moments in press freedom history—fifty years later:
@jacobin: On June 13, 1971, readers of the NY Times woke up to an explosive story. A top-secret US government study of the Vietnam War, dubbed the “Pentagon Papers,” decisively showed how the US executive branch lied about the war to both the US people and Congress.
Shahid Buttar / @shahidforchange: The Pentagon Papers revealed corruption at the highest ranks of Washington. Ellsberg's leaks made him “the most dangerous man in America,” according to Nixon—who was forced out of office after his retaliation against Ellsberg at Watergate was discovered.
Adam Liptak / @adamliptak: In today's paper, a special report on the 50th anniversary of the publication of the Pentagon Papers, with a fascinating oral history, smart reflections from @SangerNYT and @peterbakernyt and my look at the legacy of the Supreme Court decision
@newyorker: For Daniel Ellsberg, the Pentagon Papers, the first excerpts of which were published on this day in 1971, were a case study in the hazards of decision-making under conditions of uncertainty.
Michael Shermer / @michaelshermer: Today Ellsberg is a heroic whistleblower for revealing the extent to which the US Gov was lying about Vietnam. Will @Snowden be so treated in retrospect? I think he should be now. Don't wait decades. (I'm not sure about Julian Assange)
@hrheingold: Today's NYT had a 16 page supplement on the 50th anniversary of the Pentagon Papers with NO MENTION OF ANTHONY RUSSO It's sad that Tony Russo, Ellsberg's co-conspirator, an American hero, has been left out of history. This is the guy (with the collar pin): ...
XVIII Airborne Corps / @18airbornecorps: This man, Daniel Ellsberg, was a central character in the partial publication of the pentagon papers by The NY Times 50 years ago today. Concerned about the direction of the war, he secretly photocopied 7,000+ pages of the document and shared them with Times reporter Neil Sheehan
@ap_images: 50 years ago today, The New York Times began publishing excerpts of the Pentagon Papers, a secret study of America's involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1967 that had been leaked to the paper by military analyst Daniel Ellsberg. | Photo Charles Tasnadi
Timothy Noah / @timothynoah1: Today's special print NYT section on the Papers at 50 is worth reading in entirety, but this is the best part. Choicest detail: misplaced gallantry prompted NYT managers to deny credit to women who worked on the project, to protect them against indictment.
@wikileaks: 50 years ago today the NYT began publishing the Pentagon Papers: 'I've never regretted doing it': Daniel Ellsberg @DanielEllsberg ...
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: 50 years ago today, the NYT began publishing the Pentagon Papers, which my childhood hero and current friend, @DanielEllsberg, risked his liberty to provide because they showed a decade of lying by the US Govt to its own citizenry about the Vietnam War: ...
@trumpluvsobama: On this day 1971 NY Times publishes the “Pentagon Papers” Yet Reality Winner is still in jail! WHY? Daniel Ellsberg, a former Defense Department analyst who had become an antiwar activist, had stolen the documents.
@rasmussen_poll: And the DC uproar was enormous. Those who had lied us into perpetual war, like Robert McNamara, would later regret their deceits, only after being rewarded with a World Bank Presidency. 58,220 Americans dead, 300K+ more wounded. But 50 yrs ago believing Ellsberg was “treasonous.”
Outspoken / @out5p0ken: 50 years ago today, the Pentagon Papers were first published by the NYT leaked by Daniel Ellsberg and revealing that the US expanded its war with bombing of Cambodia, Laos, coastal raids on North Vietnam, and Marine Corps attacks, none of which was reported by the American media.
Stanley Forman / @sjforman138: The Pentagon Papers 50 years ago Daniel Ellsberg and his wife Patricia appeared at the Federal Court House in Post Office Square in Downtown Boston. From my files, #wcvb #boston
@milhistnow: On this day in 1971, The New York Times publishes the first excerpts of the “Pentagon Papers.” Leaked by analyst Daniel Ellsberg, the documents reveal a shocking pattern of lies by U.S. government officials to justify America's entry into the Vietnam War.
Robert J. MacLean / @rjmaclean: I had the distinct honor of meeting @DanielEllsberg. He's not only a hero to the U.S., but to the people of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. He likely saved hundreds of thousands of lives ending a war that was lost years before it was finally ended by his Pentagon Papers disclosure.
Selin Nasi / @selinnasi: 'I've never regretted doing it': Daniel Ellsberg on 50 years since leaking the Pentagon Papers ...
C-Span Radio / @cspanradio: At 6pm ET: The publication of the Pentagon Papers by the New York Times in June 1971, with the diary entries of Nixon Chief of Staff Haldeman and a talk by Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the documents to the Times. Download and listen with free apps:
@masspeaceaction: Amazing that the @nytimes printed this in their pages. Releasing the truth about the Vietnam War was an “assault on democracy.” Insult to the Times reporters who put themselves at risk to reveal lies, as well as to @DanielEllsberg.
David Sanger / @sangernyt: What a joy, on the 50th anniversary of the publication of the Pentagon Papers, to take some time out from covering Pres. Biden's first foreign trip to read this remarkable oral history. The key players — Abe Rosenthal, Max Frankel, Jimmy Greenfield...
RC deWinter / @rcdewinter: Even in the midst of chaos we must remember #history. I'll never forget being in the audience when Dick Cavett interviewed Daniel Ellsberg, July 13, 1971. #PentagonPapers ...
@johnquiggin: After claiming that “secrecy is essential to statecraft”, the author admits that in the voluminous Pentagon papers, all highly secret, there was not a single item for which national security justified secrecy.
Mary Camacho / @marycamacho: Reading the #NYT interactive on the Pentagon Papers and astounded at how women were treated. The world has changed very much since 1971. Huge appreciation for the women who contributed! #LindaAmster #BetsyWade #LindaCharlton
Sarah D. Wire / @sarahdwire: Saddened but not surprised. Women like Betsy Wade were legends who didn't get the appreciation they deserved. Hope @nytimes asks @PulitzerPrizes to add their names to the award.
Jeff Stein / @spytalker: This is a magnificent report in every way. 'We're Going to Publish': An Oral History of the Pentagon Papers
Shahid Buttar / @shahidforchange: Takeaways: 1️⃣Our government lies. A lot. 2️⃣the @nytimes once supported whistleblowers. Not so much anymore. 3️⃣Ellsberg has pointed out how contemporary issues (like the prosecution of publisher Julian Assange) continue the corruption he exposed then. 4️⃣we need a new Gravel. 🙋🏽♂ ️
Jon Schwarz / @schwarz: As Carl Sagan said, “keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out.” I don't think the NYT needs to publish the views of Gabriel Schoenfeld, who called for NYT reporters to go to jail for stories about the NSA's warrantless surveillance.
Susan Page / @susanpage: “None of the women who worked on it were given credit.”
@theintercept: Ellsberg's leak of the Pentagon Papers helped end the Vietnam War. Since then, he's devoted decades of activism to raising awareness of the danger of nuclear weapons.
Mar Hicks / @histoftech: Wow. There's always some reason to leave the women's names and contributions hidden, huh.
@wsj: Today's whistleblowers owe a 50-year-old debt to Daniel Ellsberg, whose 1971 leak of the Pentagon Papers exposed U.S. dishonesty about the Vietnam War, writes historian Amanda Foreman
@suilee: This detail in the oral history of the Pentagon Papers.
Peter Baker / @peterbakernyt: Fifty years ago, the @nytimes published a secret official history of the Vietnam War called the Pentagon Papers, defying government efforts to suppress a free press. This gripping oral history takes us inside the room a half century later.
Marina Oswald / @marina0swald: this guy literally wanted to lock up the whole NYT staff and they asked him to write a piece for them where he says exactly that lmao
Nathan Bernhardt / @jonbernhardt: this is really worth reading in the head-voice of Henry Kissinger, or some other deranged character from Strangelove
Andy Kroll / @andykroll: “No, Dan, I didn't steal it. And neither did you. Those papers are the property of the people of the United States. They paid for them with their national treasure and the blood of their sons, and they have a right to it. We didn't steal anything.”

The Globe and Mail now has ~270,000 subscribers and generates 70% of its revenues from subscriptions, helped by Sophi, its AI to predict subscriber conversions — After almost eight years in the oven, The Globe and Mail's homegrown artificial intelligence startup Sophi came out hot in 2020.

Interviews with Quartz CEO Zach Seward and Membership Editor Walter Frick on betting Quartz's future on paid memberships after becoming independent in 2020 — The business news site went independent in 2020 and is betting much of its future on paid memberships. — 22 hr ago — Welcome!
Simon Owens / @simonowens: Can Quartz become a scrappy media startup? My interview with @zseward and @wfrick ...
@newcommunicate: Fascinating statement in a terrifically reported article... “It's still much smaller than it was pre-pandemic, but these are early signs that Quartz's transition into a media startup is working.” ...
Jackie Bischof / @jaxbischof: Still at a scrappy startup, five years later! ...

@edyong209, @tb_times, @pulitzerprizes, @jelani9,, American Press Institute, CNN, @tb_times, Tampa Bay Times, The Supercreator, Robert Feder, Poynter,, @hels, @gbhnews, @timcarman, @jamiezega, @craasch, @projomike, @fifiharoon, @deborahblum, @sree, @marylauraph, @tball, @jennromolini, @cassandrajar, Making Sense, @kristenhare, @statnews, @stevenwaldman, @briannawu, @newmarkjschool, @nytimes, The Boston Globe, @worqas, The Daily Cartoonist, @leonardpittsjr1, @sfdirewolf, @cwarzel, @drewcostley, @stribguy, Media Nation, @erinbiba, @jayrosen_nyu, @kellyannscott, @worqas, @hannahbsampson, @lisatozzi, @denovo_fatima, @j_zimms, @brookejarvis, @dlind, @mutalenkonde, @drewqjoseph, @joewsj, @antonioregalado, @noahpinion, @m_older, @trishgreenhalgh, @contentcontext1, @sarahslo, @tomtomorrow, @tomtomorrow, @ericaperel, @ericaperel, @ericaperel, @unchussman, @jeffjarvis, @jayrosen_nyu, @eramshaw, @alondra, @amariscastillo, @karenkho, @josephmenn, @arsetechnica, @niemanfdn, @sduncovered, @gordonrussell1, @ddiamond, @binajv, @craigtimes, @apoorva_nyc, @theradr, @noraeckert, @merylkornfield, @forsythjenn, @kateharding, @phylogenomics, @kyleclark, @karavoght, @abgutman, @emarvelous, @kvanaren, @rachgutman, @drallirich, @sulliview, @craigsilverman, @mikeelgan, @alexeheath, @kimseverson, @jbenton, @poynter, @edyong209, @edyong209, @edyong209, @cliffordlevy, @agordonreed, @hshaban, @digiphile, @gaberivera, @pt, @ssavitsky, @sulliview, @dgelles, @digiphile, @vanessa_swales, @pamelacolloff, @tmprowell, @kristenhare, @ap, @jon_christian, @ap, @nkulw, @nycsouthpaw, @nkulw, @kenli729, @csymrl, @sejorg, @tomgara, @tomgara, @gabrielsnyder, @leung, @peterlattman, @poniewozik and @edyong209
Ed Yong / @edyong209: I'll be splitting the prize money between everyone who worked on my pieces last year—every editor, copy editor, fact checker, artist, and more. Even when individuals win Pulitzers, their work depends on a community. I want to honor mine.
Jelani Cobb / @jelani9: I cannot explain how important it is that the Pulitzer Prize Committee awarded its Special Citation to Darnella Frazier for the video she took of George Floyd's death at the hands of the murderer Derek Chauvin.
American Press Institute: Need to Know: June 14, 2021 — Fresh useful insights for people advancing quality, innovative and sustainable journalism
@tb_times: 🎉 @kmcgrory & @_neilbedi react to winning the Pulitzer Prize for Local Reporting with Executive Editor @markkatches, “Targeted” series editor @adamplayford and Times Chairman Paul Tash while @ZackSampson reports. 📷 : @cliftimestweet (photojournalist for “Targeted")
Mark Katches / Tampa Bay Times: Tampa Bay Times stands alone in Local Reporting category of the Pulitzers
Michael Jones / The Supercreator: Supercreator Daily: AOC isn't a fan of the Senate's infrastructure compromise
Helen Rosner / @hels: Ed is just the best. The best journalist. The best person.
@gbhnews: Darnella Frazier, the teen who filmed George Floyd's death on her cell phone, has been awarded an honorary Pulitzer. The Pulitzer board said Frazier's recording highlighted “the crucial role of citizens in journalists' quests for truth and justice.”
Tim Carman / @timcarman: The excellence of a story = length of time allowed for research and reporting + depth of knowledge of journalists and photojournalists involved + the thousands of ways editors and copy editors save your ass. Congrats, Ed!
Jamie Zega / @jamiezega: Pulitzers and beagles?? This is the only content I want on this site.
@craasch: Wow, great to see organizations other than the usual ones winning in a year of incredible news.
Mike Stanton / @projomike: Newspaper chains aren't holding up their end in the Pulitzers. Maybe vulture capitalists aren't that committed to journalism. Interesting thread.
Fifi Haroon / @fifiharoon: This is truly inspiring. Ed Yong wins 2021 Pulitzer Prize & chooses to share the prize money with the team 👏🏽 Yong was awarded for exceptional coverage of the US failure in responding to the pandemic “When America was finally tested by COVID-19, it failed,” he wrote in 2020.
Deborah Blum / @deborahblum: Congratulations! This is a deserved honor for remarkable science journalism.
@sree: Congrats, @kmcgrory, @_neilbedi and @TB_Times team on their Local Reporting @pulitzerprizes! Their story: A sheriff created a futuristic program to stop crime before it happens. It monitors and harasses families across the county. ... #pulitzer
@marylauraph: And the winner of the follow-up prize for most gracious and generous acceptance of a prize is...
Tim Ball / @tball: I know I RT this earlier but I can't stop thinking about it. Copy editors and fact checkers are so notoriously undervalued and overlooked — and yet the whole enterprise comes crashing down without them. This is the classiest possible move. Bravo, Ed. (And congratulations!)
Jennifer Romolini / @jennromolini: living your values is such a good look
Cassandra Jaramillo / @cassandrajar: This literally made my heart so warm. 😭💜
Gna Sudhakar / Making Sense: Pulitzer Prize 2021: டேர்ன ெல்லா வின் புலி ட …
Kristen Hare / @kristenhare: California Sunday Magazine closed last year. It just won a Pulitzer. #PulitzerPrize
Stat / @statnews: We're honored that @statnews, @HelenBranswell, @DrewQJoseph, and @sxbegle have been named @PulitzerPrizes finalists in breaking news reporting for their Covid-19 coverage.
Steven Waldman / @stevenwaldman: A peek into who is creating quality journalism these days: 74% of the @PulitzerPrizes winners were nonprofit orgs or family owned pubs, even though the vast majority of newsrooms are owned by chains. 1/5
Newmark J / @newmarkjschool: It's official. #NewmarkJ alum Lisa Hagen '11 is a Pulitzer Prize winner. Congrats to @TwitrHagen and colleagues Chris Haxel, Graham Smith, and Robert Little on their win for “No Compromise,” an @NPR podcast and investigative series. @PulitzerPrizes👇
@nytimes: The staff of The New York Times has won the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service for coverage of the pandemic. Here are the award-winning pieces.
Larry Edelman Globe / The Boston Globe: Globe wins Pulitzer Prize in investigative reporting for series on states' failure to keep dangerous drivers off the road
Waqas / @worqas: With all due respect to Pulitzer, btw, I went thru all Pulitzers in Journalism category since 1919 - and not a single Pulitzer has been awarded for coverage related to Palestine. This omission, for one of the greatest issues of our time, is a astounding.
Leonard Pitts, Jr / @leonardpittsjr1: This really makes my day. So happy to see the Pulitzers recognize this young woman's courage and presence of mind.
@sfdirewolf: One day disabled journalists will be recognized by @PulitzerPrizes in every category Not yet apparently despite all the ‘interest’ in diversity 👀 BTW, there was so much amazing work by disabled & chronically ill writers about the pandemic in 2020 🤷🏻♀ ️ #Pulitzer #PulitzerPrize
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: very much agree with this!!
John Reinan / @stribguy: We won a Pulitzer Prize, and then I wrote a news brief about dog poop in Caledonia.
Dan Kennedy / Media Nation: Pulitzer notes: A big win for the Globe; plus, ownership matters, and recognizing Darnella Frazier's courage
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Waqas is a student of mine at NYU and he has a point. Thread.
@kellyannscott: What an unbelievable day. Congrats to our @aldotcom journalists @ChallenStephens, @aremkus1, @JoeSonger22 and our partners at @indystar, @MarshallProj and @invinst for winning the #PulitzerPrize in national reporting. Y'all are the best. Period.
Waqas / @worqas: In fact the only time the word Palestine ever appears in Pulitzer prize winners list (including descriptions) was when an American journalist from the city called Palestine in Texas won an award in 2020.
Hannah Sampson / @hannahbsampson: Best Pulitzer tweet of the day. Congratulations to Susan the beagle and also her person @kmcgrory
Fatima Tokhmafshan / @denovo_fatima: Not only is he a brilliant #ScienceWriter, he is complete class act! If you're wondering what #allyship means, it's acts like this: when given a position of power and privilege, one uses that position to elevate and empower others, because no one ever works in vacuum #SciComm
Jess Zimmerman / @j_zimms: A mensch beyond the dreams of mensches
Brooke Jarvis / @brookejarvis: Not to mention recently winning a MOLLY Prize and George Polk Award for @katieengelhart's impressive reporting on nursing homes. Would so love to see @CalSunday back doing its work.
Mutale Nkonde / @mutalenkonde: So inspiring Nonprofit newsrooms team up with local media outlets to produce real-world impact...and win a #Pulitzer. Congratulations to @MarshallProj @aldotcom @indystar and @invinst for their remarkable investigation into police violence using dogs mauled
Andrew Joseph / @drewqjoseph: This is wonderful, and I'm so grateful. But to me the coolest part is being recognized along with the legend @HelenBranswell, as well as Sharon, whom we miss so much. It is such a privilege and joy that I've had the chance to work with them, and to learn from them
Joe Parkinson / @joewsj: 😃😃😃 to see two @WSJ Africa Bureau alumni recognised today by the Pulitzer committee. @drewhinshaw and @MatinaStevis, both finalists in International reporting. Very good journalists and very good people.
Antonio Regalado / @antonioregalado: Ed Yong wins Pulitzer for explanatory reporting on covid-19. I can't tell you how many times editors during pandemic asked me to write like Ed, think like Ed, b Ed. But there's only one Ed. His stories have just one byline. No one else went so big so often. He truly crushed it.
Noah Smith / @noahpinion: Ed Yong is the best. This is the attitude everyone should take toward winning prizes, including Nobels!
Doctora Malka Older / @m_older: look at this absolute class act.
@trishgreenhalgh: Again, he wins a prize - this time a Pulitzer. Again, he gives the money away and spreads the joy.
Michael Brenner / @contentcontext1: Congrats to the team at @ReutersGraphics @Reuters @sarahslo and @fcage who put together an amazing piece on qualified immunity! Well deserved!!! ❤️❤️ ❤️
Sarah Slobin / @sarahslo: thanks. making this very complex series human and making the data accessible was no small feat.
Non Fungible Tom Tomorrow / @tomtomorrow: to performatively give the prize to no one, rather than to one of the most brilliant people in this field, is a goddamn outrage.
Non Fungible Tom Tomorrow / @tomtomorrow: an overlooked fun fact from last year is that the cartoon jury's three choices were rejected by the board in order to award the prize to someone employed by a prominent member of the board
@ericaperel: Congratulations to @dailytarheel and @UNCHussman alum @davidzucchino, now a two-time Pulitzer winner.
@ericaperel: I would add: I was 30ish when I learned about the Wilmington massacre, despite growing up in NC, where TWO years of curriculum are devoted to NC study. We spent time learning about Blackbeard the pirate, the Swamp Fox, the Meck Dec, every possible theory for the Lost Colony.
@ericaperel: But we never learned about Wilmington. I remember how betrayed I felt. This is why the current efforts to censor the teaching of history are so concerning.
@unchussman: Congrats to #UNCHussman alumnus @davidzucchino '73 on the 2021 Pulitzer Prize in Nonfiction for “Wilmington's Lie.” #Pulitzer
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: The @newmarkjschool community is busting with pride and joy for one of our own:
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: Congratulations, Ed. I knew this was coming. And so did everyone else in journalism. You deserved to win the Pulitzer for explanatory reporting this year.
Alondra Nelson / @alondra: Congratulations to the great and righteous @edyong209 on his richly deserved 2021 Pulitzer Prize! His writing taught us that the lesson of the pandemic is how much our lives are deeply interdependent. With this beautiful gesture, he continues to remind us of the same today.
Amaris Castillo / @amariscastillo: Just spoke to newly minted Pulitzer Prize winner @MitchSJackson. “I am stunned,” he told me about his win. “It really feels surreal.”
Karen K. Ho / @karenkho: Pretty notable that two freelancers won @PulitzerPrizes this year for feature writing, but one of them was for a magazine that was shut down. Freelancing is often incredibly difficult to financially manage. I hope the award gives them the recognition and breathing room they need.
Joseph Menn / @josephmenn: My Reuters colleagues have been awarded a Pulitzer in Explanatory Reporting for their pathbreaking work showing how the “limited immunity” concept has been twisted to shield brutal U.S. police from accountability. It is hard to imagine more vital work in the year of George Floyd.
James Myers / @arsetechnica: Guess there wasn't anything worth satirizing last year
@niemanfdn: Congratulations to Nieman alum @HelenBranswell and her @statnews colleagues for being named #Pulitzer finalists in breaking news. Their tireless coverage of COVID-19 has been outstanding — and crucial for all wishing to better understand the pandemic and its global impact.
Matthew T. Hall / @sduncovered: Big shout out to @robrtgreene at our sister paper the @latimes for being awarded for editorial writing in the 2021 @PulitzerPrizes. Amazing accomplishment. His winning editorials on policing, bail reform, prisons and mental health:
Gordon Russell / @gordonrussell1: Shoutouts to all the Pulitzer winners today but especially to my old pals @bmccarthynews (of the Globe) and @1manueltorres (of Marshall Project) - both great journalists and all-around mensches.
Dan Diamond / @ddiamond: Congratulations to all the Pulitzer winners and finalists, with a special shout to @HelenBranswell — both a terrifying competitor on the beat and an ever-gracious human being.
Bina Venkataraman / @binajv: So proud to learn of the @PulitzerPrizes finalist recognition for a series penned by my @GlobeOpinion colleagues Alan Wirzbicki & Shelly Cohen, on the history of discriminatory housing laws + a local battle for housing that became a model for the nation/1
Craig Pittman / @craigtimes: HUGE congrats to @kmcgrory & @_neilbedi of the @TB_Times for a richly deserved #Pulitzer for their investigation of a #Florida sheriff's secret “Minority Report” style pre-crime list of children his deputies hassled.
Apoorva Mandavilli / @apoorva_nyc: I wonder if people realize what a phenomenal job these folks did to be a finalist in the category of breaking news, in competition while competing with HUGE newsrooms.
Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg / @theradr: MENSCH. This is how.
Nora Eckert / @noraeckert: Pulitzer Prize finalists. This is a tremendous honor. I'll never forget the dozens of calls @cdweaver and I made to families of Menlo Park residents who died. They courageously shared the stories of their lost loved ones through tears, frustration and disbelief.
Meryl Kornfield / @merylkornfield: it was a draw
Jennifer Forsyth / @forsythjenn: The @WSJ is honored to be a finalist in National Reporting for our work on fatal decisions made at nursing homes, especially veterans homes, across the U.S. Reporters: @cdweaver @annawmathews @NoraEckert @JoelEastwood @djfroschWSJ @jon_kamp @elizabethrkoh
Kate Harding / @kateharding: If you didn't already love Ed's work, now is the day to start.
Jonathan Eisen / @phylogenomics: I love Ed Yong.
Kyle Clark / @kyleclark: Well-deserved Pulitzer for a journalist who helped us make sense of the pandemic in real time. And a class move here...
Kathryn VanArendonk / @kvanaren: in which ed yong continues to be a legend
Rachel Gutman / @rachgutman: Ed is the whole damn package. The greatest reporter, the greatest colleague, the greatest friend, the greatest human.
Allissa V. Richardson, Ph.D. / @drallirich: Congratulations to Darnella Frazier for winning one of today's @PulitzerPrizes. This is a watershed moment in the evolution of Black mobile journalism.
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: Ed Yong remains undefeated as one of the best role models in journalism.
Mike Elgan / @mikeelgan: And Trump's blog won the Noble Prize
Alex Heath / @alexeheath: reminds me of last year when a reporter from my hometown paper in Kentucky won a pulitzer while he was laid off due to covid
Kim Severson / @kimseverson: Here's that feature that just won a Pulitizer. It's a master class. ...
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: We don't deserve Ed tbh
@poynter: Each industry has its way of celebrating practitioners and the remarkable work they produce. For the journalism world, it's the #Pulitzer Prizes. Here's an inside look into the most prestigious prize in journalism.
Ed Yong / @edyong209: Years ago, my wife & best friend told me this would happen and I told them, stridently and at length, that it was completely and laughably beyond the realms of possibility. So: @lizneeley and @beck_smith are always right, and also I will *never* live this down.
Ed Yong / @edyong209: I count around 300 sources who took time to share their expertise with me during a year when we all had little time to spare. I learned SO MUCH from you all and I'm grateful to you for helping our readers.
Ed Yong / @edyong209: Reporting on the pandemic was the most fulfilling &difficult challenge of my professional life. I did my best to give our readers a stable platform from which to make sense of a crisis that defied sense. I'm sad these stories were ever necessary but I hope they made a difference.
Cliff Levy / @cliffordlevy: Here's the great @Wesley_Morris, the moment that the announcement went out that he had won the Pulitzer Prize for criticism. 👏👏👏
Annette Gordon-Reed / @agordonreed: Congratulations to all. Particular shout out to Bob Weil and Liveright for the History and Biography prizes. The 2021 Pulitzer Prize Announcement - The Pulitzer Prizes
Hamza Shaban / @hshaban: Looking forward to next year's investigative reporting Pulitzer on this mystery
Alex Howard / @digiphile: One reason I like #PulitzerPrize day: it's a reminder to all Americans of what journalism & journalists are at their best, versus cable news punditry: investigative reporting, bearing witness, bringing facts & corruption to light, telling stories that enlighten, engage, & inspire
Gabe Rivera / @gaberivera: @pt every day is “journalist appreciation day” on twitter, and every day is “crap on journalists day” on twitter, depending on your follows!
Parker / @pt: I earnestly think there should be a journalist appreciation day. We can crap on them the other 364, but where would we be without these folks?
Shane Savitsky / @ssavitsky: Congrats on the well-deserved Pulitzers, @TB_Times (@kmcgrory and @_neilbedi) and @StarTribune! Local newspapers aren't going anywhere, and Axios Local is proud to amplify the essential work you do in Tampa Bay and the Twin Cities.
David Gelles / @dgelles: Too many individuals to name. Incredibly proud of all my colleagues at the @nytimes and in newsrooms around the country. Thank you for doing the work.
Alex Howard / @digiphile: One will be hard pressed to find a classier, more humble journalist who's just won a Pulitzer than Yong. His extraordinary explanatory science journalism is worth the cost of subscribing to @TheAtlantic all on its own: ... Congratulations, all!
Vanessa Swales / @vanessa_swales: **EXCITING NEWS** So incredibly proud to have been a small cog in the wheel in a huge effort to cover this pandemic. I learnt so much from all @NYTNational staff & other desks! This Pulitzer should go to all newsrooms that have fought to report on & survive during this this time.
Tatiana Prowell / @tmprowell: Just announced: The incredibly deserving @edyong209 of @TheAtlantic just won a #Pulitzer Prize!! I let out such a loud barbaric yawp of #joy that my dog ran down to check on me. Cheering for you with gusto from #Maryland, Ed! 👏👏👏👏 #COVID19 #pandemic #MedTwitter
Kristen Hare / @kristenhare: It was one of more than 75 newsrooms that shut down during the pandemic
@ap: A group of 10 @AP photographers won the breaking news Pulitzer for their work capturing the drama and raw emotion of protests that roiled U.S. cities after the May 2020 death of George Floyd.
Jon Christian / @jon_christian: When u ask someone to prom and they say “no” and then go alone
@ap: .@EmilioMorenatti, @AP's chief photographer in Spain, won the feature photography Pulitzer Prize. He patiently built trust with elderly people to document the toll of the pandemic.
Southpaw / @nycsouthpaw: savage
Noah Kulwin / @nkulw: Garrison robbed
Kenneth Li / @kenli729: The Times coverage of the Pulitzers ignores Reuters' wins and Reuters coverage overlooks the Times's wins. Media 2021!
Casey Morell / @csymrl: there is something beautiful and tragic about this industry where a feature written for a now shuttered publication wins a pulitzer prize
Tom Gara / @tomgara: (And yes, @meghara won a Pulitzer for her amazing work in 2020, but this piece from 2017 was so far ahead of the curve on the most important story in the world ...)
Tom Gara / @tomgara: So well deserved, and just imagine the competition for an international reporting Pulitzer in *2020*
Gabriel Snyder / @gabrielsnyder: Congrats to all the winners of this year's Pulitzers! ... and there sure are a lot of them. The most prestigious award in journalism seems to have shifted from honoring individuals to institutions — and sometimes collaborations of multiple institutions
Shirley Leung / @leung: So proud of my colleagues who just won the Pulitzer for investigative reporting. @EvanMAllen @lauracrimaldi @VernalColeman @bmccarthynews @mrochele
Peter Lattman / @peterlattman: The Atlantic has won its first Pulitzer! Congratulations to the entire staff for all of its brilliant work in 2020. And while @edyong209 gets the hardware, a special shout-out to his editors @slaskow and @andersen, and editor in chief @JeffreyGoldberg.
James Poniewozik / @poniewozik: Twice! And he deserves 20. Congrats, @Wesley_Morris
Ed Yong / @edyong209: !!!!!!!!

BuzzFeed News wins its first Pulitzer Prize for its series exposing China's mass detention of Muslims in the Xinjiang region
@meghara, @davidmackau, @joycebruns, @rushanabbas, @anubhavsinha, @feliciasonmez, @kellymcb, @vinodsharmaview, @daokedao1234, @rmac18, @benyt, @om, @dlind, @mckaycoppins, @laurenonline, @yaqiu, @meghara, @rosiegray, @deardara, @bethanyallenebr, @micahflee, @lauraharth, @hinduamericans, @andreapitzer, @edclowes, @oliviasolon, @shonaghosh, @joemfbrown, @rmac18, @katherinemiller, @rosiegray, @mat, @walldo, @zacharybasu, @yaelwrites, @tomnamako, @jessicalessin, @elamin88, @alisonkilling, @hayesbrown and Poynter
Megha Rajagopalan / @meghara: Understated Indian dad reaction
Joyce Bruns / @joycebruns: “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.” —Proverbs 31:8-9 Speak up against #UyghurGenocide by Communist China #CCP in Xinjiang, China. #HumanRightsAbuses
Rushan Abbas / @rushanabbas: My heartfelt congratulations to @BuzzFeedNews, @meghara, @alisonkilling & Christo Busheck for this honor. As someone w/a loved one taken by the #CCP, I am so thankful for your commitment to true journalism that has exposed these crimes for what they are. #StopUyghurGenocide
Anubhav Sinha / @anubhavsinha: Hahahahahahaha. Precious !!! He is expecting so much more from you.
@kellymcb: LOL and congrats. A tribute to the growing sophistication of the reporting, editing and leadership at BuzzFeed
Peter Hansen / @daokedao1234: Really is a well deserved way to mark just how much of an investigative reporting juggernaut Buzzfeed has become. Congratulations to @alisonkilling and @meghara, very well deserved.
Ryan Mac🙃 / @rmac18: i love the internet
Ben Smith / @benyt: One quick story about @meghara: After Chinese government refused to renew her visa, @MiriamElder & I met with gov't officials. They said we were welcome to send literally any other reporter — just not Megha. Who exposed Uighur camps from the outside in, & just won a Pulitzer.
@om: What an amazing achievement. 30 years ago there were handful of South Asian journalists in the US. And now there are amazing folks like Megha setting the standard high. Your parents (despite understated dad) reaction must be so proud. Congratulations Megha.
Dara Lind / @dlind: Just extraordinary.
McKay Coppins / @mckaycoppins: I keep thinking about BuzzFeed circa 2012, when I joined @benyt, @RosieGray, @KFILE & @ZekeJMiller to start reporting on politics for a (wonderful) website that wasn't known for journalism. So many great reporters/editors have spent time there since then. I'm in awe of their work
@yaqiu: Chinese govt kicked out @meghara and then she won a Pulitzer for China reporting from outside. This is encouraging in the sense that I hope journalists and researchers don't feel that if they get expelled they can no longer do exceptional work. ...
Megha Rajagopalan / @meghara: Am so grateful to our team, to @BuzzFeedNews, @alexcampbell & the organizations that supported us. Most of all I'm grateful to ex-detainees who told us what happened to them inside Xinjiang's camps. The public owes much to their courage. Still much more work to be done.
Dara Moskowitz Grumdahl / @deardara: Extremely true record of newsroom office-culture in the wake of the pandemic:
B. Allen-Ebrahimian / @bethanyallenebr: SO THRILLED that @meghara @alisonkilling just won the PULITZER PRIZE for their incredible investigative series on mass internment camps in Xinjiang. I love it so much when the right people get the recognition they deserve. Congratulations!! ...
Micah / @micahflee: This is amazing news and very well deserved! @alisonkilling @meghara and Christo Buschek just won the Pulitzer for exposing China's Xinjiang concentration camps where hundreds of thousands of Muslims are detained
Laura Harth / @lauraharth: Amazing to see @BuzzFeed win a @PulitzerPrizes over its investigation into China's mass repression in #Xinjiang ! A prize not just for BuzzFeed's reporters but also an award to the continuing courageous work of those shining a light on #UyghurGenocide !
Indian-Americans / @hinduamericans: Congrats! Well deserved prize that shows China's brutality.
Andrea Pitzer / @andreapitzer: Congratulations! I hope this will keep the world's attention on Chinese policies of detention, forced labor, and physical abuse against the Uyghur population in Xinjiang.
Ed Clowes / @edclowes: This account is now being repurposed as a permanent @meghara fan page sorry not sorry
Olivia Solon / @oliviasolon: Not only are they producing incredible reporting, but it also seems to be such a lovely bunch of people working in this team
Shona Ghosh / @shonaghosh: Reupping my view that writing columns should have an age limit.
Joe Brown / @joemfbrown: Throwin' it back to when we were all like, ‘wait, BEN from POLITICO is going to @BuzzFeed to start up a news operation?’ LMFAO. Congrats to @mat, your team, and everyone at @BuzzFeedNews. Save a beer for @benyt?
Katherine Miller / @katherinemiller: “In response, the (Chinese) gov't tried to silence Megha Rajagopalan, revoking her visa and ejecting her from the country...From London, Rajagopalan partnered with two contributors, Alison Killing, a licensed architect... and Christo Buschek, a programmer” ...
Rosie Gray / @rosiegray: I am verklempt ...
Mat Honan / @mat: Massive congratulations to @meghara @alisonkilling & Christo Buchek! ...
Brandon Wall / @walldo: 2012-2015 my dream was to work for BuzzFeed, 2015-2021 my dream was to see this happen 🥺 ...
Zach Basu / @zacharybasu: Much deserved. BuzzFeed wins its first Pulitzer for a series that used “satellite images, 3D architectural models, and daring in-person interviews to expose China's vast infrastructure for detaining hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Xinjiang.” ...
@yaelwrites: One of my biggest freelance mistakes was taking my Xinjiang reporting to The Intercept (to say it was a colossal nightmare to work with TI would be an understatement), rather than BuzzFeed News.
Tom Namako / @tomnamako: BuzzFeed News won its first Pulitzer Prize for its innovative series exposing China's mass detention of Muslims. Congrats to @meghara @alisonkilling and Christo Buschek ... First installment here: ...
Jessica Lessin / @jessicalessin: Congrats to all the @PulitzerPrizes winners and especially @BuzzFeedNews on its first. The journalistic rise of such a great digital news outlet has always been inspiring to me and remains so. ...
Hayes Brown / @hayesbrown: OH MY GOD CONGRATS!!!