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Sources: US subscriber growth at Disney+ has slowed sharply, with 38M total subs in North America as of early July, compared to 37M at the start of February — U.S. subscriber growth at Disney's Disney+ streaming service slowed sharply in the past few months, according to internal data reviewed …
Michael King / The Streamable: Report: Disney+ Added Just 1 Million New Subscribers in U.S. and Canada This Quarter
@hedgeyecomm: Inevitable after capturing 100M+ subs < 18 months post launch! Shouldn't be news to anyone. They even guided to fewer net adds last Q. $DIS ...
Tavish ZM / @tzm_tmt: “U.S and Canada accounted for close to 38 million subscribers. Compared with the start of February, when North America had about 37 million subscribers.” $DIS Wouldn't be surprising to see more Disney+ partnerships, like the recent one with Amazon Music. ...
Nick Wingfield / @nickwingfield: Disney...minus? @waynema and @jtoonkel with new details about the streaming service's subscriber numbers ...
Wayne Ma / @waynema: India is now the largest country in terms of subscribers for Disney+, but most users pay the equivalent of as little as 45 cents a month. Check out @jtoonkel and my latest scoop for @theinformation ...
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: That said: -people are returning to The Outdoors: good for Disney's Parks and (hopefully) Studios Still, for a company that added ~100M subs within first year, maintains the strongest brand power, and is pushing a bundle option in the US (Star elsewhere), not all doom and gloom
Jessica Lessin / @jessicalessin: @waynema @jtoonkel Seems like the current state of Disney+ is “ the first 100 million or so were easy/ish... now comes the hard part.” But good signs on churn, which I think is a big plus for the service over the long-term. Smart to not sacrifice that by discounting. ...
Amir Efrati / @amir: 🐭📺Exclusive: Disney+ subscriber growth in the place that matters most to its business, U.S. & Canada, has flatlined. India now the biggest individual country for Disney+. ... $DIS @waynema @jtoonkel
@umanoid: @mediagazer All they have is their library. Not enough new content. A new Starwars or marvel show every few Months is not enough.
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: A good report! First thoughts: -US sub growth has slowed w/other streamers (Netflix) -Disney Q2 guidance was slower sub growth but on track to hit 2024 goal -low churn rate despite price increase is good (US ARPU) -content production is ramping up again ...
Frank Curzio / @frankcurzio: $DIS won't see its earnings go back to pre-#COVID19 levels til 2023. Investors gave mgmt a pass as DIS+ subs were surging. That's clearly not the case anymore. Not sure why anyone would pay 50x F earnings for a company with weak subscriber and EPS growth. ...

How Isabel Fall published, and unpublished, a sci-fi story reclaiming a transphobic meme, receiving praise and then harsh Twitter censure that upended her life — Isabel Fall's sci-fi story “I Sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter” drew the ire of the internet. This is what happened next.
@mskellymhayes, @magdarine, @tauriqmoosa, The Border Crossing, @s_m_i, @lastpositivist, @zoeyorkwrites, HITC, @christapeterso, @sevensixfive, @taylorlorenz, Men Yell at Me, @nataliesurely, @mskellymhayes, @poniewozik, @erinmurphyslaw, @erinmurphyslaw, @quinnae_moon, @millbot, @dsilvermint, @jamessurowiecki, @erinmurphyslaw, @rinchupeco, @davidgross_man, @mechapoetic, @mechapoetic, @mechapoetic, @jakkugerblin, @leemandelo, @pandershirts, @maidensblade, @carmenmmachado, @saratantlinger, @alexanderchee, @cnlester, @kierongillen, @bananafitz, @thelindsayellis, @emilyvdw, to here, from here and One Man & His Blog
@mskellymhayes: Sad to see so little introspection from some of the cis women who played a role in this. I don't think they should be dragged (doing so misses part of the lesson here IMO), but I wish there was more sincere reflection evident in connection with this.
@magdarine: “A single critical tweet about the matter was not experienced by Isabel Fall as just one tweet. She experienced it as part of a tsunami that nearly took her life.”
Tauriq Moosa / @tauriqmoosa: Taking a deep breath, because it's time to read this. “[As] we've grown more adept at using the internet, we've also grown more adept at destroying people's lives, but from a distance, in an abstracted way.”
C J Thorpe-Tracey / The Border Crossing: 51: Three hours in the British Museum
Stacy-Marie Ishmael / @s_m_i: This is very well written
Liam Bright / @lastpositivist: ""Isabel was somebody I often wanted to be, but not someone I succeeded at being," she says. “I think the reaction to the story proves that I can't be her, or shouldn't be her, or at least won't ever be her. Everyone knew I was a fraud, right away."" 😢
Zoe York / @zoeyorkwrites: I'm slowly reading this piece, absorbing each bit of it. My heart aches for Isabel Fall, and this quote really lands sharply on what it means to write something about your own identity and have that critiqued for representation.
Ella Kipling / HITC: Who is Isabel Fall? Author of “I Sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter” is up for a 2021 Hugo Award
Bean / @christapeterso: This piece is wonderful in many ways, but I think would leave a normal reader with the impression that this was the kind of Twitter-specific pile on of thousands of people. I think the mobbing that lead to Fall's hospitalization actively involved... 30 people? Fewer?
Fred Scharmen / @sevensixfive: This is a wonderfully written article with a very sad story about a talented science fiction writer.
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: “What this story really symbolizes is the fact that as we've grown more adept at using the internet, we've also grown more adept at destroying people's lives.”
Natalie Shure / @nataliesurely: I never heard about this fracas until now, but this @emilyvdw essay is very good and insightful
James Poniewozik / @poniewozik: This @emilyvdw piece is easily the best cultural criticism I've read all year—a nuanced, empathetic read on social media and art that is worth a million “cancel culture” thinkpieces.
Erin Murphy / @erinmurphyslaw: She experienced it as part of a tsunami that nearly took her life. And that tsunami might have been abated if people had simply asked themselves, “What's the worst that could happen if I'm right? And what's the worst that could happen if I'm wrong?”
Erin Murphy / @erinmurphyslaw: often gets washed away: These things happened to someone. And the asymmetrical nature of the harm done to that person is hard to grasp until you've been that person. A single critical tweet about the matter was not experienced by Isabel Fall as just one tweet...
Katherine Cross / @quinnae_moon: In the halcyon pre-pandemic days of Jan. 2020, Twitter exploded into an orgy of Discourse about a sci-fi story and destroyed a woman's life. @emilyvdw's excellent story on the matter is worth reading. Searching, humane, nuanced, and thoughtful.
@millbot: “But in any internet maelstrom that gets held up as a microcosm of the Way We Live Today, one simple factor often gets washed away: These things happened to someone. And the asymmetrical nature of the harm done to that person is hard to grasp until you've been that person.”
Daniel Silvermint / @dsilvermint: A day later, I'm still thinking about this subtle, insightful, vital principle from the end of the article: “What's the worst that could happen if I'm right? And what's the worst that could happen if I'm wrong?”
James Surowiecki / @jamessurowiecki: Great piece on people's disastrous love of “paranoid readings” of fiction and the havoc it wreaked on one writer's life.
Erin Murphy / @erinmurphyslaw: This story is so heartbreaking, and the reporting on it so nuanced & complex. “Twitter is really good at making otherwise unimportant things seem like important news. ..But in any internet maelstrom that gets held up as a microcosm of the Way We Live Today, one simple factor
Rin Chupeco / @rinchupeco: What Isabel Fall went through turned me off so many authors I used to look up to. The problem is that so many people conflate “labels” with “identities”. That YOUR perception of what that label is, is all that matters. Thinking about this still enrages me.
David Grossman / @davidgross_man: finally finished this and it really was as incredible as everyone has said. this piece really shows the power of cultural journalism, and how culture intersects with our lives
@mechapoetic: the “feminists” who claimed that Isabel Fall's writing didn't “feel” like the writing of woman remind me of the very nice and smart progressives who told me that my writing was “too masculine” some years back. this sort of essentializing bullshit is bad for all women!
@mechapoetic: it's not just outright terves. a lot of people think they're “defending women” when all they're doing is protecting a specific historically defined definition of womanhood they think applies to all of us. the effects on our participation in art, sport, public life are obvious.
@mechapoetic: really hate this new wave of telling women what we're capable of and what we can be and what we are like but calling that “feminist”! wish it would stop!
@jakkugerblin: This part is heartbreaking tw for the isabel fall situation and the mental/emotional impact it had on the author herself
Lee Mandelo / @leemandelo: “...the takes that were amplified by bigger and bigger names in the sci-fi world were almost always the paranoid ones, because those were the most divisive and most clickable. And the people elevating those paranoid takes were almost all cis.”
Hellvetika / @pandershirts: Lindsay shared an article about how bad faith readings and nuance-lacking negative takes can easily escalate to extreme levels and people are in her replies making bad faith nuance-lacking takes, angrily criticizing her for something she DIDNT say that they felt she should.
@maidensblade: It's a great piece but I would really like for the specific transmisogyny to stop being deemphasized and erased in this situation. This isn't just a general problem about authors, about Twitter, or about “messy art,” it's also specially about trans women and transfeminine people.
Carmen Maria Machado / @carmenmmachado: Thank you, @emilyvdw, for writing this.
Sara Tantlinger / @saratantlinger: “But the structure of Twitter and the way it rewards a constant escalation of emotion makes it exceedingly difficult to just back down, to say, ‘I thought I was doing the right thing, but I hurt somebody very badly in the process.’” *as many are saying today, read this article.
Alexander Chee / @alexanderchee: The thoughtful, keen intelligence of Isabel Fall here makes me mourn her and what she could have been. And @emilyvdw handles this exploration of her story with methodical brilliance.
DR Cn / @cnlester: This is one of the best articles I've read for a long time. I don't have many ideas about how we can make our online cultures better despite the intrinsic outrage/divide/polarise pattern that Twitter runs on - I just know that we need to, for ourselves and each other.
Kieron Gillen / @kierongillen: I likely won't be the first to recommend this, but please do. There's a huge gravity to this piece, Isabel's words, and what it says about where we are. It's essential.
Anna Fitzpatrick / @bananafitz: This line: “ ‘as if the solution was simply to employ even more sensitivity readers, sensitivity readers who agreed with them and could change the story into something they wanted to read.’”
Lindsay Ellis / @thelindsayellis: .@emilyvdw's new piece about Isabel Fall and the way the Internet (or more specifically, Twitter) ruined her budding career is such important reading:
@emilyvdw: My piece on science-fiction writer Isabel Fall and her story “I Sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter” is live. What Fall went through is horrible, and I'm stunned by how much perspective she has on what happened and what folks did to her.
Luke Kim / to here, from here: We Are Not Ourselves … I wrote a few weeks back on my experience of queerness …
Adam Tinworth / One Man & His Blog: Five articles you need to read this morning

Gettr has ties to Chinese businessman Guo Wengui, who is involved with GTV Media Group and other disinformation networks in the US; sources: Gettr raised $30M — Political operative says his free-speech-focused platform has secured financial support from entity close to fugitive Chinese businessman
Fox News, Mother Jones, Bloomberg, @jmichaelwaller, VICE, @davepell, Gizmodo, The Independent, Axios, @keachhagey, Raw Story, The Daily Beast, Vox, Yahoo Finance, Politico, The Sun and Variety, more at Techmeme »
Brooke Singman / Fox News: Trump adviser Jason Miller to launch GETTR, a ‘cancel-free’ social media platform
Ali Breland / Mother Jones: The Trump Team's New Social Media Platform Is Already Flooded With Hentai
J Michael Waller / @jmichaelwaller: Jason Miller's backer pleaded the Fifth on April 22 when asked in federal court if he is still a Communist Chinese spy.
Dave Pell / @davepell: Just in case you weren't sure that these guys were working with foreign players to harm America...
Tom McKay / Gizmodo: New Social Media Site From Team Trump Upsets Qanon Faithful With Hentai and Men In Diapers
Louise Hall / The Independent: What is Gettr? Team Trump's new platform tied to a Chinese billionaire and Steve Bannon
Sara Fischer / Axios: Former Trump aide Jason Miller to launch new social app “Gettr”
@keachhagey: Ex-Trump adviser Jason Miller has raised $30 million from an international consortium of investors, including a foundation close to fugitive Chinese businessman Guo Wengui, to fund new social media platform Gettr. w/ @BrianSpegele via @WSJ
John Wright / Raw Story: REVEALED: Shady Chinese billionaire is bankrolling Trump ally's new social media site GETTR
Justin Baragona / The Daily Beast: Jason Miller Sadly Begs Trump to Join ‘GETTR’: 'We'd Love to Have Him'
Shirin Ghaffary / Vox: Trump is nowhere to be found on the Twitter clone his former spokesperson launched
Todd Spangler / Yahoo Finance: Gettr, Social Network Launched by Trump's Ex-Spokesman, Immediately Attracts Trump Imposters
Lauren Fruen / The Sun: Team Trump launches social media platform GETTR that's similar to Twitter to ‘fight cancel culture & defend free speech’
Antonio Ferme / Variety: Trump Organization and CFO Charged With Tax Crimes

Former Trump spokesman Jason Miller leads GETTR, a Twitter-like service that bills itself as a “non-bias social network”, in the newest pro-MAGA tech venture
@petridishes, Slate, @lorenzofb, Garbage Day, The Sun, @alexstamos, @fenrir_71, @daveweigel, @sarafischer, Fast Company, @brandyzadrozny, The Daily Beast, @karaswisher, @thismyshow, @dandrezner, @missanabeem, @jason_kint, @skoczela, Techdirt, Mediaite, Jezebel, Gizmodo, Hollywood Reporter, Insider, The Wrap and Boing Boing
Alexandra Petri / @petridishes: on the bright side if it doesn't succeed the headline GETTR: DONE is just waiting right there
Aaron Mak / Slate: What Happened When I Tried to Register as Donald Trump on the New MAGA Social Network
Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai / @lorenzofb: NEW: Team Trump launched a new social media platform that's full of privacy and security bugs. Also, within one min of opening it, scrolling on an unrelated account, we were served blatantly violent, racist posts advocating for murdering Black people.
Ryan Broderick / Garbage Day: A Republican social network filled up with hentai again
Alex Stamos / @alexstamos: Looks like they are big fans of Section 230! No indication yet of whether GETTR has purchased a theme park in Florida to fully protect their 1st Amendment rights.
@fenrir_71: Get this: if one imports their Twitter followers to this app those followers AUTOMATICALLY have an account started there. So watch who you're following y'all, or you might have your info compromised.
Dave Weigel / @daveweigel: GETTR? I don't even know her!
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: Seems like a good time to resurface this from @axios media tends Tuesday - Most attempts to create conservative social media networks have failed - The frenzy after Jan 6th has died down - Parler, Rumble, MeWe, CloutHub, etc., none are growing anymore.
Michael Grothaus / Fast Company: Gettr app: How Team Trump's Twitter alternative is performing so far
Brandy Zadrozny / @brandyzadrozny: “Trump Team launches new platform” seems ahead of its skis. Miller's “new” thing, GETTR, is part of the Guo Wengui G-ecosystem. Used to be “getonme,” according to Guo's older videos. Guo's goals for the Twitter clone are ... lofty.
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: Gettr? It feels like it supposed to mimic the word Twitter, but it sounds more like Get Her or, worse, Gutter: Team Trump quietly launches new social media platform - POLITICO
Daniel W. Drezner / @dandrezner: “Whether GETTR will succeed is dubious at best.”
Annalisa Merelli / @missanabeem: Very strong hookup app vibe, this Gettr, no?
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: 1) this sentence equates to dead on arrival 2) indictment in next hour...attempt to hack social media attention
Steve Koczela / @skoczela: “It's been downloaded over one thousand times on each, drawing positive reviews from users.” One ... thousand?
Mike Masnick / Techdirt: Former Trump Aide Launches Twitter Clone, That Seems To Yank A Ton Of Data Right Out Of Twitter; Already Has First Content Moderation Crisis
Caleb Howe / Mediaite: ‘LIKE TWITTER BUT SH*TTIER’ - New MAGA Social Media Gets Less Than Warm Reception, Even From Trump
Shannon Melero / Jezebel: Blatant Twitter Rip-off Gives Trump 700 Characters to Spew Hate
Whitney Kimball / Gizmodo: MAGA Crowd Gets Its Wish for a Free Speech Hellhole, Patiently Awaits Trump's Presence
Alex Weprin / Hollywood Reporter: Former Trump Aide Jason Miller Launching Social Media Platform Gettr
Grace Panetta / Insider: Trump's former top aide launches GETTR, a new conservative social media platform
Antoinette Siu / The Wrap: Former Trump Aide Jason Miller Launches Twitter Rival Called Gettr

Sen. Warren asks CFTC to probe Google's “Project Bernanke”, a secret program that allegedly gave Google's own ad-buying system an edge by leveraging past bids — Sen. Elizabeth Warren is calling on a federal watchdog to investigate Google for alleged abusive behavior in advertising …
Elizabeth Warren / @senwarren: The @CFTC should investigate Project Bernanke, Google's scheme to use rival ad buyers' ad exchange bidding data to give its own ad-buying system a competitive advantage. Google should not be able to unilaterally manipulate the online advertising market. ...

How The Georgia Star News, a site launched after the 2020 election as part of pro-Trump Star News Network, pushes election misinfo, aided by talk radio shows — If you don't follow politics in Georgia closely - or even if you do - you might be forgiven for not knowing much about The Georgia Star News.
Iowa Public Radio / @iowapublicradio: Star News Network is a network of pro-Trump sites seeking to influence local politics by mimicking the look and feel of local newspaper sites. The group operates eight state-focused news sites, including in key Electoral College states. ...
@carigervin: A good piece on the expanding idiocy that is the TN Star in other states. (Left out that the Baigarts have a PAC tho.)
Stephen Fowler / @stphnfwlr: Georgia's fledgling website gets a boost from publisher John Fredericks' talk radio show (with numerous figures from Trump's orbit, including Bannon and former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski) that regularly features Georgia GOP politicians.
Brad Raffensperger / National Review: When Election Lies Become Government Policy

The Village Voice has hired former CEO of Hampton's lifestyle publication Dan's Papers, Steven McKenna, as CRO, with plans to launch a print edition next year — The Village Voice, which has been hard to find on newsstands since 2017, has hired the former CEO of Dan's Papers with bold plans …

After a backlash, BBC removes an educational page from BBC Bitesize, its website for schoolchildren, that claimed there are “benefits” of climate change — Study website made claims including warmer temperatures ‘could lead to healthier outdoor lifestyles’

Defector, the employee-owned site launched nine months ago by former Deadspin staffers, now has 39K paying subscribers; ~95% of revenue comes from subscriptions — “Stick to sports”. An edict that caused a mass editorial exit from G/O Media-owned Deadspin toward the end of 2019.

Interviews with 60 Americans in spring 2020 found most distrusted media but watched TV news more than usual and trusted their abilities to corroborate reports — Imagine dozens of Americans of different political and socioeconomic backgrounds in a room, looking for common ground.

A look at link rot, and projects like Perma, which are trying to give authors of enduring documents like scholarly papers a way to preserve links permanently — Sixty years ago the futurist Arthur C. Clarke observed that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
@margarita, @margarita, @margarita, @petersuber, @samvilkins, Um sobre Zero, @paulg, @noethematt, @zittrain, @mmejen, @valaafshar, @heghoulian, @exploreheroic, Latest Newsletters, @thesiskar, @grimmelm, @film_girl, @drewsthatdude, @prof_gabriele, @againstgop, @adriennelaf, @nxthompson, @anjacks0n, @lljohnston, Memex 1.1 and Financial Times
Margarita Noriega / @margarita: I tried again in 2018 to hope, beyond all hope that I was wrong and that the Internet would be fine. But I'll be honest, seeing @zittrain's new compelling essay floods my mind with fears that we can't worry about this stuff alone. At least I can't anymore. I'm still worried.
Margarita Noriega / @margarita: This hits hard because this very issue has been on my mind for 5 years. @zittrain spells out what's really happening while we keep posting. Everyone should consider their role in shaping the future of global consumer technology ...
Margarita Noriega / @margarita: This line: “Society can't understand itself if it can't be honest with itself, and it can't be honest with itself if it can only live in the present moment.” — @zittrain
Peter Suber / @petersuber: A must-read from Jonathan @Zittrain for all of us devoted to the advance of online knowledge. ...
Sam Vilkins / @samvilkins: not much to say other than this is “very good” and I “strongly recommend reading it”, but also I've for various reasons been thinking/talking about mundane & technological time travel lately — which is woven a lot through this piece and utterly corrupting my sense of regular life
Paul Graham / @paulg: “50 percent of the links embedded in Court opinions since 1996, when the first hyperlink was used, no longer worked. And 75 percent of the links in the Harvard Law Review no longer worked.” ...
@noethematt: “Libraries in these scenarios are no longer custodians for the ages of anything, whether tangible or intangible, but rather poolers of funding to pay for fleeting access to knowledge elsewhere.” Well worth a read. ...
Jonathan Zittrain / @zittrain: Hard to say what's more worrisome for the preservation of humanity's knowledge today: the fact that online sources disappear without warning, or that they can be changed without anyone noticing? ...
Ava Petrucci / @mmejen: This coupled with our mass transition to digital and the fact media outlets retroactively edit their articles to avoid embarrassment is a recipe for the Ministry of Truth.
Vala Afshar / @valaafshar: “The older the article, the less likely it is that the links work. If you go back to 1998, 72 percent of the links are dead. Overall, more than half of all articles in The New York Times that contain deep links have at least one rotted link.”
@heghoulian: Brings to mind the Baudrillardian ‘collapse of the Real’. Since if the web is now our map of the so-called real world, it's a map that's ever-changing. Imagine an atlas where countries or even whole continents just suddenly disappear, or new ones appear.
Heroic Adventures / @exploreheroic: Overcome with dWeb stacks that persist in shifting sands of formless digital space: $HNS Top Level Domains & Identities $dVPN Network Security & Privacy $AKT Open Source Computational Cloud $FIL Decentralized Storage & File Sharing $SC Decentralized File & Content Distribution
David Crowther / Latest Newsletters: Marvel's Meteoric Rise
Kevin Siskar / @thesiskar: Have to think one of the biggest causes of this is the cost to maintain a website and pay for domains every year. Would love an open source decentralized way to host websites forever, for free.
James Grimmelmann / @grimmelm: I'm not optimistic about our ability to convince people a ten thousand years from now not to substantially disturb this place physically if we can't even tell people ten years from now not to delete this video.
Christina Warren / @film_girl: This article is incredible and it encapsulates something I've been speaking about for close to a decade. Truly, if I could have a “dream” job, I think working on how to archive/preserve the web would be right up there.
Fiato Steelhands / @drewsthatdude: Please buy a bunch of hard drives and Save every piece of media you love. Datpiff won't be here for much longer
Matt Gabriele / @prof_gabriele: hello! I'd like to introduce you to medieval/ pre-modern archives! this isn't a new problem, though of course the scope of written information is much larger. #twitterstorians 1/2
lndian Bronson / @againstgop: “People tend to overlook the decay of the modern web, when in fact these numbers are extraordinary—they represent a comprehensive breakdown in the chain of custody for facts.”
Adrienne LaFrance / @adriennelaf: I cannot recommend this @zittrain article highly enough. (1/7) ...
@nxthompson: The Internet is the world's greatest library. But it has no central index. The links that bind it often disappear. And old content can always be altered. Here's a wonderful @zittrain essay about why this happened and how it can be fixed. ...
Andy Jackson / @anjacks0n: Great to see a well-written article like this, hopefully getting the message out. My only complaint would be where it says we need policies and technologies, which I would consider necessary but not sufficient. UKWA has policies and the tech is within reach, but we need funding.
Leslie Johnston / @lljohnston: An important article on the history of the Web, research into link rot, and web archiving technologies and research.
John Naughton / Memex 1.1: Friday 2 July, 2021 — Quote of the Day … - Sydney Smith on Thomas Macaulay
Chris Nuttall / Financial Times: How the web became a broken link

UNC trustees voted to approve tenure for Nikole Hannah-Jones after controversy over her hire without tenure as Knight Chair in Race and Investigative Journalism — Listen to our daily briefing: — UNC-Chapel Hill trustees voted to approve tenure for distinguished journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones …
Washington Post, @nhannahjones, @nhannahjones, @iamdrnagthall, @unc_execbranch, @nhannahjones, @davidclinchnews, @jayrosen_nyu, NPR, @nc_governor, Columbia Journalism Review, @aaup, @aaup, @joekillianpw, @jeffjacksonnc, @maydhadevarajan, The 19th, @spj_tweets, @aaup, Undergraduate Executive Branch …, Arizona Mirror, @yamiche, Storyboard Posts, @jayrosen_nyu, @jdesmondharris, @erinbiba, @amandabecker, @jemelehill, @davidfolkenflik, Vanity Fair, @jbrownedianis, @connieschultz, @nhannahjones, @abebab, @antheabutler, @ruthesamuel, @kreissdaniel, @hussmanalumni, @dailytarheel, @kreissdaniel, @petertinti, @nytimespr, @joekillianpw, @jmjafrx, @hgargan, @thecharpost, @dribram, @centercoopmedia, @treymangum, @mrpeytonreed, @marissaaevans, @tamisawyer, @tedlieu, @elmunc, @karl_jacoby, @bob_grip, @conroylab, @gingerthomp1, @marlonawalker, @wral, @jacquiecharles, @ahatcher54, @ma_franks, Washington Post, Poynter, The Daily Tar Heel, New York Times, HuffPost, CNN, National Review, The Progressive Pulse, WUNC, The Wrap, Fox News, Associated Press and Chronicle of Higher Education
Karen Attiah / Washington Post: Nikole Hannah-Jones's tenure is a victory in a battle that shouldn't have to be fought
Ida Bae Wells / @nhannahjones:
Ida Bae Wells / @nhannahjones: I know many of your see my tenure vote as a victory, & I appreciate so much the support and advocacy. But I need you to listen to the student protestors to understand that this forced vote does nothing to address the larger and sustained issue that these students face on campus.
Dr. Natalie V. Nagthall / @iamdrnagthall: “If a famous, Pulitzer-winning Black journalist faces such an uphill battle, how much harder will it be for Black educators, journalists and writers who don't have the same prestige and national following?” 👆🏾👆🏾 👆🏾
UNC Executive Branch / @unc_execbranch: SBP @lamarrichards_ ON @nhannahjones BOT MTG: “this is about the freedom to be Black in America... I only hope that our administration's “internal compass” will centralize students, faculty, and staff that have struggled for an ounce, if that, of respect.” ...
Ida Bae Wells / @nhannahjones: “This should feel like a victory, right?” This, by @KarenAttiah, says what needs to be said. ...
@davidclinchnews: “One day, I hope America will reach a place where the pursuit of truth and moral clarity by journalists takes precedence over upholding an unjust, “objective” status quo. But I have to agree with Hannah-Jones: We just aren't there yet.” Well-said @KarenAttiah
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: When the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill finally did, under pressure, grant tenure to @nhannahjones, it was a victory, yes, but in “a battle that shouldn't have needed fighting,” writes @KarenAttiah. ... Hers is the right way to see it.
David Folkenflik / NPR: After Contentious Debate, UNC Grants Tenure To Nikole Hannah-Jones
Governor Roy Cooper / @nc_governor: Gov. Cooper's Statement on Nikole Hannah-Jones:
Savannah Jacobson / Columbia Journalism Review: Slow news, and the delocalization of New York's election
@aaup: As the @AAUP wrote on 5/27 (, 'Arbitrary governing board intervention in an individual faculty hiring decision is almost always a gross violation of principles of shared governance and academic freedom. . . .
@aaup: Performative vote notwithstanding, the @UNC board's actions over the course of these last weeks sent a message, loud and clear. Academic freedom appears to be on shaky ground at UNC. It appears that faculty governance is not respected at UNC.
@joekillianpw: Susan King, dean of the UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media, on today's UNC BOT vote. #UNC #NCPol #NikoleHannahJones
Sen. Jeff Jackson / @jeffjacksonnc: Good to see the UNC Board of Trustees do the right thing. Nikole Hannah-Jones is an award-winning journalist who won a MacArthur Genius Grant. She was clearly qualified for a tenured position and UNC students deserve the opportunity to learn from her.
Maydha Devarajan / @maydhadevarajan: As a reminder, McCullen and Preyer were the dissenting votes last summer when the BOT voted to lift the moratorium on renaming buildings on campus
@spj_tweets: SPJ is pleased @nhannahjones has been granted tenure by UNC. We had asked the Board of Trustees to reconsider its decision to deny her a tenured professorship. We are proud to have Hannah-Jones as a Fellow of the Society & wish her the best in her new role ...
@aaup: AAUP president @imulvey on the decision by trustees of @UNC at Chapel Hill to approve tenure for Nikole Hannah-Jones: “Of course it's good that @UNC trustees made the right decision. Finally. But it should never have come to this. . . .
Lamar Richards / Undergraduate Executive Branch …: Message from Student Body President Lamar Richards in Response to the June 30, 2021 Board of Trustees Meeting - July 1, 2021
Daniel C. Vock / Arizona Mirror: GOP furor over ‘critical race theory’ hits college campuses
Yamiche Alcindor / @yamiche: 🚨The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's board of trustees voted 9-4 on Wednesday to grant tenure to Nikole Hannah-Jones after initially delaying the customary job protection for the incoming journalism professor. via @19thnews
Jacqui Banaszynski / Storyboard Posts: Industry news that honors the craft and reflects the times
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: If you missed it. “Trustees for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill voted Wednesday afternoon at a closed session to give tenure to star New York Times writer Nikole Hannah-Jones several months after refusing to consider her proposed tenure.”
@jdesmondharris: I'm very happy for Nikole, who would have been brilliant and successful and perfectly fine regardless but I'm even more happy that idiot racists who don't like her work lost this round and are upset. I hope they're miserable 🥰🥰🥰🥰 🥰
Erin Biba / @erinbiba: I don't even know what to say to this. Fuck them for this rollercoaster.
Amanda Becker / @amandabecker: UNC's vote just now to tenure Nikole Hannah-Jones, after a delay, is but one chapter in a broader story playing out in public schools (K-12 & college) about what American students are allowed to learn about race, a contextual 🧵:
Jemele Hill / @jemelehill: You deserve it! And UNC needs to be deeply ashamed for what they put you through. They are not a hero in this for finally doing what was always the right thing. Fuck. Them. Congrats to YOU.
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: After Contentious Debate, UNC grants tenure to NYT's Nikole Hannah-Jones my story for NPR
Charlotte Klein / Vanity Fair: Nikole Hannah-Jones's Win at UNC Isn't the End of Right-Wing Panic Over Race
Judith Browne Dianis / @jbrownedianis: It shouldn't have been like this. Brilliant Nikole Hannah-Jones should be honored. The truth about white supremacy shall set us all free. This ordeal and efforts to shut down #CriticalRaceTheory are like making it unlawful for enslaved people to read.
Connie Schultz / @connieschultz: The good person wins. Congratulations, @nhannahjones. You stood tall and strong.
Ida Bae Wells / @nhannahjones: It should have been communicated how this meeting would go, that tenure proceedings are always held in closed session, and an attempt made to de-escalate. Instead Black students were shoved and punched because they were confused about the process. This is not right.
Abeba Birhane / @abebab: Hate to be a joy kill here but this is not “justice”. They only granted tenure to someone stellar as NHK after a huge backlash. If it took this much with NHK, imagine all the other similar stories of Black women that don't even make it to the news. The issue is bigger than NHJ
ProfB / @antheabutler: It should not have taken this long but they did the right thing
Ruth Etiesit Samuel / @ruthesamuel: And it took aaaaaaall of this *gestures vaguely at everything* for her to get it. This university is lucky as hell if she still decides to come.
Daniel Kreiss / @kreissdaniel: Seriously, THANK YOU @lamarrichards_ @unc_bsm @DeanSusanKing, my amazing colleagues around the WORLD and @unc, and my exceptional @UNCHussman colleagues who make every fight worth it.
UNC Hussman Alumni / @hussmanalumni: #NikoleHannahJones has been granted tenure!
@dailytarheel: Dave Boliek, Haywood Cochrane, Allie Ray McCullen and John Preyer were the dissenting votes. ...
Daniel Kreiss / @kreissdaniel: This is bigger then @unc - it is about America's racial history, present fay racial inequality, and how these things are taught, written about, and remembered. There are many more fights to come, and I'm honored to have @nhannahjones by our side @UNCHussman.
Peter Tinti / @petertinti: This framing by AP is misleading and obscures the motivations of the donors and right-wing ideologues behind this entire ordeal. I'm glad UNC got this right the 2nd time, but this was never about Nikole Hannah-Jones' “qualifications.”
@nytimespr: Today the University of North Carolina's board of trustees voted to grant tenure to Nikole Hannah-Jones.
@joekillianpw: Nikole Hannah-Jones's statement on today's UNC BOT vote. “These last weeks have been very challenging and difficult and I need to take some time to process all that has occurred and determine what is the best way forward.” #UNC #NCPol #NikoleHannahJones
Jessica Marie Johnson / @jmjafrx: Congratulations @nhannahjones 🙇🏾♀ ️⚡ After Contentious Debate, UNC Grants Tenure To Nikole Hannah-Jones
Henry Gargan / @hgargan: Richards, more than any chancellor of the last two decades, deserves to be considered as among the best examples of what about UNC remains worth being proud of and fighting for
@thecharpost: New York Times reporter and 1619 Project author Nikole Hannah-Jones' statement after UNC-Chapel Hill board of trustees voted 9-4 to offer tenure as Knight Foundation Chair at the School of Journalism:
Ibram X. Kendi / @dribram: Tenured! I'll take a drink for you tonight, too. 💪🏾
@centercoopmedia: UNC's mishandling of Nikole Hannah-Jones' tenure exposed the public to one of academia's biggest shortcomings - by Barbara Allen via
Peyton Reed / @mrpeytonreed: Congratulations, @nhannahjones, from a fellow alum. This is great news for @UNC. Cheers!
Tami Sawyer / @tamisawyer: Cheers. I hate like most Black women you had to experience such emotional and mental labor for your rightly deserved reward, but cheers. And thank you for being you for yourself and for us.
Ted Lieu / @tedlieu: Thank you to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's board of trustees for granting tenure to Nikole Hannah-Jones. The board stood up to the Radical Republican cancel culture.
Eric Muller / @elmunc: Congratulations to #nikolehannahjones on tenure! And thanks to the Board of Trustees for doing your duty and acting on the case. And congratulations to all in the community who pressed the Board to do just that.
Dr. Karl Jacoby / @karl_jacoby: Good news, but one should not have to win a MacArthur, a Pulitzer, threaten a lawsuit, and have hundreds of scholars sign a petition to get tenure. UNC board approves tenure for journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones after uproar over inaction on job protection ...
Bob Grip / @bob_grip: “...a dramatic turnabout in the saga that has come to symbolize public colleges' vulnerability to political forces in a polarized country.” UNC Awards Tenure to Nikole Hannah-Jones
David Conroy / @conroylab: My hat is off to @lamarrichards_ for leading the charge to get UNC Trustees to reconsider and vote to award well-deserved tenure to Nicole Hannah Jones. Tremendous leadership
Ginger Thompson / @gingerthomp1: Not sure the Board deserves her...I'm sure they don't...but what a win for the faculty and students. UNC board approves tenure for journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones after uproar over inaction on job protection. ...
Marlon A. Walker / @marlonawalker: They finally got this right. UNC board approves tenure for journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones after uproar over inaction on job protection ...
@wral: Here's a look at the 9-4 vote of the #UNC trustees to grant tenure to Nikole Hannah-Jones.
Jacqueline Charles / @jacquiecharles: Finally some good news: UNC board approves tenure for journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones after uproar over inaction on job protection ...
Anthony Hatcher / @ahatcher54: Hats off to all the reporters who covered the #UNC #NikoleHannahJones fiasco, especially @JoekillianPW of @NCPolicyWatch.
Dr. Mary Anne Franks / @ma_franks: UNC Board of Trustees approve tenure for Nikole Hannah-Jones (@nhannahjones) in vote “triggered by UNC-CH Student Body President Lamar Richards ... one of two Black trustees on the board that's making this decision. Ten of the 13 trustees are white men.” ...
Washington Post: UNC board approves tenure for journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones after uproar over inaction on job protection
Barbara Allen / Poynter: UNC's mishandling of Nikole Hannah-Jones' tenure exposed the public to one of academia's biggest shortcomings
The Daily Tar Heel: UNC Board of Trustees votes 9-4 to approve Nikole Hannah-Jones' tenure application
Katie Robertson / New York Times: Nikole Hannah-Jones Is Granted Tenure After Weekslong Dispute
Nina Golgowski / HuffPost: Nikole Hannah-Jones Awarded Tenure By UNC Board of Trustees
Nicquel Terry Ellis / CNN: UNC board grants tenure to Nikole Hannah-Jones amid outcry from Black faculty and students
Caroline Downey / National Review: UNC Grants Nikole Hannah-Jones Tenure after 1619 Project Backlash
Liz Schlemmer / WUNC: UNC-Chapel Hill's Board Of Trustees Votes In Favor Of Tenure For Nikole Hannah-Jones

Meghan McCain to depart The View at the end of the season after nearly four years — Meghan McCain is departing “The View,” after nearly four years on the ABC daytime show, Variety has confirmed. — As the panel's resident conservative talking head, McCain regularly sparred with her co-hosts …
The Daily Beast, Poynter,, ABC News, Page Six, Decider, @justinbaragona, @justinbaragona, @cmclymer, @ryangrim, @goldengateblond, The Daily Beast, @mariashriver, @politicalelle, @michaeldickson, @theview, @deggans, @billyeichner, Page Six, @fredtjoseph, @williamader, @cliffschecter, @briebriejoy, @lesliestreeter, Page Six, @aisleseat, @oliverdarcy, @chasemit, @filmfatale_nyc, @coreyptownsend, @angryblacklady, @discourse_blog, CNN, The Sun,, Jezebel, New York Times, UPI, The Hill, Decider, TVNewser, Daily Mail, The Wrap, TVLine, Insider, The A.V. Club, Page Six, Los Angeles Times, Fox News, Mediaite, New York Daily News, The Wrap, PARADE Magazine, Vanity Fair, TVLine, The Independent,, Decider, The Sun and Fox News
Janine Puhak / Meghan McCain's Most Memorable Moments on The View
Joanne Rosa / ABC News: Meghan McCain announces departure from ‘The View’
Julie Gordon / Page Six: Meghan McCain to announce she's leaving ‘The View’
Greta Bjornson / Decider: ‘Desus & Mero’ Have Some Suggestions for Meghan McCain's Post-'View' Career
Justin Baragona / @justinbaragona: While Fox News told the Daily Beast “Meghan McCain is a star and we are always interested in exceptional talent,” sources close to McCain said she's not going back to Fox because she's “been there, done that” and they're “just batshit crazy over there.” ...
Justin Baragona / @justinbaragona: It should be noted that while McCain's confidants are saying Meghan won't go to Fox because they're “batshit crazy,” Meghan's own husband Ben Domenech is a regular contributor and fill-in host at the network. ...
Ryan Grim / @ryangrim: “I want to live in DC” has to be the least convincing excuse anyone has ever given for why they're leaving a job ever
Shauna / @goldengateblond: and they heard her exclaim as she drove out of sight, YOU WERE AT MY WEDDING DENISE and to all a good night
Danika Fears / The Daily Beast: Meghan McCain Is Resigning From ‘The View’: Report
Maria Shriver / @mariashriver: Happy for @MeghanMcCain. Happy she made a decision that was right for her. Always good when women can make choices that are right for them. Individual freedom, individual choice. Wish you all the best!
Erielle Davidson / @politicalelle: Thank you, @MeghanMcCain, for all of your hard work on The View in confronting everything from progressive illogic to the rise of Jew hatred. You are a gem. No doubt, bright and awesome things ahead.
Michael Dickson / @michaeldickson: More than any other prominent personalities in public life, @MeghanMcCain brought rising antisemitism into sharp focus and was an ally to beleaguered Jews when many others chose to be bystanders. Thank you Meghan; wishing you every success for an undoubtedly bright future.
@theview: @MeghanMcCain .@MeghanMcCain to @TheView co-hosts: “It is a privilege to work alongside such strong, brilliant, intelligent, incredible broadcasters like the four of you. You are the most talented women on all of television hands down and it has been so incredible.”
Eric Deggans At Npr / @deggans: I have often said The View chases a bizarre alchemy; hosts who clash enough to make headlines, but not so much that it gets toxic. I'm just glad I won't have to see clips of McCain's ridiculousness on the show anymore.
Billy Eichner / @billyeichner: Oh good I can do the show again!
Carlos Greer / Page Six: Meghan McCain was ‘miserable’ at ‘vicious’ ‘The View’
Frederick Joseph / @fredtjoseph: Meghan McCain leaving The View so she can continue shaming people for not picking themselves up by the bootstraps that she didn't pick herself up from.
Just Bill / @williamader: Her supporters are saying she'll be reinstated in August.
Cliff Schecter / @cliffschecter: Any guesses as to what job she'll next be handed that she's fully unprepared for and unworthy of bc “you know my dad's John McCain.” ?
Briahna Joy Gray / @briebriejoy: They *could* maintain political diversity by replacing her with a heterodox thinker from the left, rather than the right. That's an option @TheView.
Leslie Streeter / @lesliestreeter: I'm glad. I'm just afraid of where she goes next.
Mike McGranaghan / @aisleseat: Not gonna lie. I caught a few episodes of THE VIEW over the past Covid year, and watching all the other hosts grow frustrated and let her have it was undeniably amusing.
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: Breaking: @MeghanMcCain announces she is leaving “The View.” “I'm just going to rip the bandaid off...This is going to be my last season here at ‘The View.’”
Chase Mitchell / @chasemit: She's leaving to spend more time sharing bad opinions with her family
Rebecca Theodore-Vachon / @filmfatale_nyc: Good riddance
Moderna Thee Stallion / @coreyptownsend: The #Megxit we all want and deserve.
Imani Gandy / @angryblacklady: No wait... come back Meghan McCain to announce her resignation from The View today via @MailOnline
@discourse_blog: Did Discourse Blog make this happen by publishing this blog two weeks ago? The answer is almost certainly...yes
Oliver Darcy / CNN: Meghan McCain announces that she is leaving ‘The View’
Israel Salas-Rodriguez / The Sun: When is Meghan McCain's last day on The View?
Brendan Morrow / Meghan McCain announces she's leaving The View after ABC reportedly ‘begged for her to stay’
Shannon Melero / Jezebel: How Will Meghan McCain Remind Us Who Her Dad Is Now That She's Leaving The View?
Tiffany Hsu / New York Times: Meghan McCain says she's leaving ‘The View.’
Annie Martin / UPI: Meghan McCain to depart ‘The View’ after Season 24
Judy Kurtz / The Hill: Meghan McCain leaving ‘The View’ after four seasons
Greta Bjornson / Decider: Meghan McCain Announces She's Leaving ‘The View’: “This Was Not An Easy Decision”
A.J. Katz / TVNewser: Meghan McCain is leaving The View after four seasons as a co-host on the ABC daytime panel talk show.
Emily Crane / Daily Mail: Sources: Meghan McCain will announce her resignation from The View after four years; co-hosts are not yet aware of her decision
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Outgoing ‘The View’ Co-Host Meghan McCain Blasts Media for ‘Deep Misogyny and Sexism’
Claudia Willen / Insider: Meghan McCain is leaving ‘The View’ this month after 4 years on the show: ‘This was not an easy decision’
Gabrielle Sanchez / The A.V. Club: UPDATED: Adios! Au revoir! Bye! Meghan McCain to leave The View after four long years
Julie Gordon / Page Six: Meghan McCain announces she is leaving ‘The View’
Stephen Battaglio / Los Angeles Times: Meghan McCain resigns as co-host of ABC's ‘The View’ after nearly four years
David Rutz / Fox News: Meghan McCain blasts media as she announces exit from ‘The View’: ‘We are covered with deep misogyny’
Colby Hall / Mediaite: BREAKING: Meghan McCain is Leaving The View
Kate Feldman / New York Daily News: Meghan McCain is leaving ‘The View’: report
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Meghan McCain Announces Exit From ‘The View’ After 4 Seasons: ‘This Was Not an Easy Decision’ (Video)
Rose Maura Lorre / PARADE Magazine: Meghan McCain Is Leaving The View. Find Out Why She Says It's Time to Say Goodbye.
Savannah Walsh / Vanity Fair: Meghan McCain Announces Exit From The View: “The Right Decision for Me”
Ryan Schwartz / TVLine: Meghan McCain Leaving The View
Chelsea Ritschel / The Independent: Meghan McCain to leave The View, according to reports
Greta Bjornson / Decider: Meghan McCain Quits ‘The View’: Reports
Mollie Mansfield / The Sun: Meghan McCain ‘to announce resignation from The View TODAY’ after clashes with co-stars
Brian Flood / Fox News: Meghan McCain to quit ‘The View’