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Nikole Hannah-Jones declines tenure at UNC and will teach at Howard University: “I cannot imagine working at... a school named for a man who lobbied against me” — Today, award-winning journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones announced that she has declined an offer of tenure from the University …
Poynter, Washington Post, @nhannahjones, Medium, NC Policy Watch,, @davidgura, Washington Post, @joekillianpw, Slate, @sifill_ldf, @naacp_ldf, Knight Foundation, @nhannahjones, @jemelehill, @joekillianpw, PRIMER, Raleigh News & Observer, PRESS RUN, WRAL-TV, Columbia Journalism Review, HuffPost, CNN, @yamiche, @cbsthismorning, @craigsilverman, @michele_norris, @likaluca, @jbeachferrara, @mariashriver, @johnniejae, @kristenmeinzer, @symonedsanders, @rasmansa, @rhodes_dawn, @saladinahmed, @dkiesow, @johnlegend, @jamesgleick, @razarumi, @sandylocks, @farrahrochon, @morganjerkins, @karenattiah, @brianclarey, @dabeard, @joekillianpw, @jayrosen_nyu, @venikunche, @xeni, @kbmiami, @mondairejones, @sifill_ldf, @professorcrunk, @mike_hixenbaugh, @nixonron, @johnrobinson, @jbouie, @lmchervinsky, @ericboehlert, @centercoopmedia, @joekillianpw, @msolurin, @travisakers, @karnythia, @joekillianpw, @joekillianpw, @jelani9, @davidfolkenflik, @pamkeithfl, @godisrivera, @sree, @wajahatali, @eugene_scott, @docdre, @dribram, @jayrosen_nyu, @fly_sistah, @juliancastro, @mspackyetti, @maryltrump, @feliciasonmez, @chrchristensen, @darrenwalker, Fox News, @irin, @jdesmondharris, @karenattiah, @phil_lewis_, @carnage4life, The Supercreator, @austinmccoy3, @tinu, @emarvelous, @jemelehill, @wesleylowery, @davidfolkenflik, @chanders, @jeffjarvis, @mickimaynard, @chrisjohnsonpa, New York Times,,, Vanity Fair, Adventures in Storytelling, ABC7, Variety, Jezebel, The Hill, The Sun, Insider, Media Nation, Mediaite, The Wrap,, Associated Press, The Daily Beast and New York Post
Rick Edmonds / Poynter: UNC donor says he has no regrets about his role in the journalism school losing Nikole Hannah-Jones
Ida Bae Wells / @nhannahjones: Here is my full statement about my decision to decline tenure at UNC Chapel Hill and instead accept the inaugural Knight Chair in Race and Reporting at @HowardU.
Hussman Faculty / Medium: Racism and Reactionary Politics Kept Nikole Hannah-Jones from Joining UNC.
Joe Killian / NC Policy Watch: Nikole Hannah-Jones declines UNC tenure offer, heads to Howard University Two Iconic American Writers Join Howard University to Create the Center for Journalism and Democracy
David Gura / @davidgura: The dean of the UNC Hussman School of Media and Journalism, on Nikole Hannah-Jones's decision not to join the institution's faculty:
Karen Attiah / Washington Post: Nikole Hannah-Jones just dunked on UNC. But for Black journalists and educators, the game is still rigged.
@joekillianpw: In our interview, Hannah-Jones made it clear: The silence and lack of transparency from school leadership - particularly Guskiewicz - made taking another offer inevitable. They could have prevented this, had they put in the work. The more you sweat, the less you bleed.
Elliot Hannon / Slate: Nikole Hannah-Jones Rejects UNC's Belated Tenure Offer, Will Instead Join Howard University
Sherrilyn Ifill / @sifill_ldf: If you read nothing else on this platform today, take a moment and read the entire statement from @nhannahjones on her decision not to take the Knight Chair at UNC, and to teach instead as a tenured professor at @HowardU.
@naacp_ldf: “I have never asked for special treatment. I did not seek it here. All I asked was to be judged by my credentials and treated fairly and equally.” @nhannahjones' official statement on declining the tenure offer from UNC Chapel Hill:
Alberto Ibargüen / Knight Foundation: A Knight Chair at Howard University
Ida Bae Wells / @nhannahjones: The story about the discrimination I faced in the UNC tenure debacle was broken by excellent local reporter @JoekillianPW. So I gave him the exclusive print interview. Local news matters. Please support @NCPolicyWatch and other local news.
Jemele Hill / @jemelehill: It was this part for me. The Ether beat was playing in my head as I read it.
@joekillianpw: In the end, she got what most faculty, staff and alumni agreed she deserved: a public, up or down vote on whether she should, like all her white Knight Chair predecessors, be offered tenure. That she won't be accepting the offer says more about UNC than it does her.
Eric Boehlert / PRESS RUN: The anti-Clinton donor who just wrecked UNC's reputation
Jon Allsop / Columbia Journalism Review: Independence Day, the Delta variant, and the relentless pandemic story
Philip Lewis / HuffPost: Nikole Hannah-Jones Rejects UNC Tenure Offer, Will Teach At Howard University Instead
Leah Asmelash / CNN: Nikole Hannah-Jones declines UNC tenured position and will join Howard University
Yamiche Alcindor / @yamiche: So many lessons from my friend @nhannahjones, this morning. Go where you are embraced, celebrated, valued and supported. Go where you don't have to fight for people to see your brilliance. And, avoid spaces if they barely tolerate you, even if they're familiar and beloved.
@cbsthismorning: JUST IN: Award-winning journalist @nhannahjones reveals on @CBSThisMorning she has declined the University of North Carolina's offer for tenure and will be the inaugural Knight Chair in Race and Reporting at @HowardU.
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: What a remarkable statement: persuasive, damning, uncompromising, and inspiring. Congrats to the students who get to work with Nikole Hannah-Jones.
Michele Norris / @michele_norris: Best possible outcome.
Jasmine Beach-Ferrara / @jbeachferrara: This is how a journalist and teacher at the height of her powers tells a story about what's at stake in NC right now.
Maria Shriver / @mariashriver: “It's not my job to heal the University of North Carolina.” Smart statement by @nhannahjones. Great for Howard. I'm sure this will also begin UNC's own reckoning - it's time.
@johnniejae: There are people who inspire greatness, inspire hope and the confidence to believe that we can do and be better, who see the big picture that as we rise, we raise up others. @nhannahjones is one of those people but thats not what makes her extraordinary
Kristen Meinzer / @kristenmeinzer: YES YES YES
Symone D. Sanders / @symonedsanders: Read the full statement. @nhannahjones didn't have to share her story, but because she did so many Black girls (myself included) stood a whole lot taller today. Thank you for holding us all accountable. Thank you for your commitment to the truth. Thank you for your courage.
Dr. Mansa Keita / @rasmansa: UNC gained nothing politically and caused a whole bunch of damage to their school. Their loss is Howard University's gain. ...
@rhodes_dawn: Every nonwhite journalist can tell you about being told we weren't qualified for a job even as people objectively less qualified than us do the same work. The gaslighting we experience in this industry is real, so much so that winning a Pulitzer doesn't insulate you from it.
Saladin Ahmed / @saladinahmed: this is a staggering blend of principle and flex
Damon Kiesow / @dkiesow: If the UNC BoT is indifferent to losing a brilliant journalist, perhaps the $20m in grants to Howard will catch their attention.
John Legend / @johnlegend: Inspiring statement by @nhannahjones. I'm so excited to see what they build at @HowardU
James Gleick / @jamesgleick: UNC—and every other educational institution that surrenders power to mega donors—needs to do some housecleaning.
Raza Ahmad Rumi / @razarumi: Bravo. Best of luck @nhannahjones and #TanehisiCoates
@sandylocks: Now this is a mic drop for the ages... Nikole Hannah-Jones to join Howard faculty after UNC tenure controversy By Lauren Lumpkin and Nick Anderson ...
Farrah Rochon / @farrahrochon: This move took my heart to a new level. It's a breathtaking “fuck you” and I love every crumb of it.
Karen Attiah / @karenattiah: This, by @JoekillianPW is worth the read. Includes an exclusive interview with @nhannahjones. NC Policy Watch broke the story of NHJ being denied tenure by the Board of Trustees. A reminder: Support local journos! ... via @ncpolicywatch
Brian Clarey / @brianclarey: @JoekillianPW I try not to talk about “objectivity” anymore. We talk about fairness, and that's what we strive for.
David Beard / @dabeard: “At one school the dean said to me, 'We'll offer you tenure and respect.'” - @nhannahjones ... @JoekillianPW
@joekillianpw: The Black, Latinx, Asian, Native and queer press? They've never had the luxury of thinking if they just aim themselves as strenuously at the middle of the road as they can manage and project absolute objectivity, their journalism would reach its best and highest purpose.
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: This interview with Walter Hussman Jr. says that after his gift to UNC he began talking to leading executives and journalism educators about his ideas. At one point he was going to challenge me to a debate about objectivity. First I am hearing of it.
Veni Kunche / @venikunche: “I won that battle. But it's not my job to heal the University of North Carolina,” Hannah-Jones said. “That's the job of the people in power who created this situation in the first place.” ...
@xeni: RIGHTEOUS. @nhannahjones is a moral guiding flame. Respect. Learn from her.
Karen Rundlet / @kbmiami: Beaming and proud that @knightfdn invested in the next generation of Black journalists and @HowardU And yes, Howard selected @nhannahjones to be its inaugural Knight chair.
Mondaire Jones / @mondairejones: “These times demand courage, and those who have held the most power in this situation have exhibited the least of it.” Incredibly moved by @nhannahjones' courage and self-respect in the face of unfair, racist treatment. I can't wait to see what she does at @HowardU.
Sherrilyn Ifill / @sifill_ldf: .@nhannahjones on the dubious value of “winning” in “someone else's game,” and knowing where the responsibility for healing and reckoning at UNC lies.
Brittney Cooper / @professorcrunk: Btw, Black institutions have to exist and thrive in order to be soft places to land for Black excellence. So support them. Support Howard. Support all HBCUs. I love my school, but Black colleges around the country specialize in producing Black excellence. Find one. Give money.
Mike Hixenbaugh / @mike_hixenbaugh: @nhannahjones @HowardU From every reporter who's had to scrape their way up from the bottom: Thank you for this sledge-hammer of a sentence.
@nixonron: Somewhere Ida B Wells is smiling. The words “game changer” get tossed around a lot. But the decision by @nhannahjones to take her talents and $20 million to @HowardUniv is a game-changer in every sense. And add to that Ta-Nehisi Coates is joining her.
John Robinson / @johnrobinson: I love this by @nhannahjones. It's so classy & respectful. “Hannah-Jones traveled to Chapel Hill over the weekend to meet with the Carolina Black Caucus and student protesters to tell them in person because she 'didn't want them to feel betrayed.'” ...
B-Boy Bouiebaisse / @jbouie: very, very cool
Dr. Lindsay M. Chervinsky / @lmchervinsky: A must-read thread for the insight about the journalism business. But really, just read for the final tweet. Once you've read the whole story, wow, that's quite an ending.
Eric Boehlert / @ericboehlert: kind of getting lost in the debate...a donor like Hussman should play ***zero role in any faculty hiring ***
@centercoopmedia: UNC donor says he has no regrets about his role in the journalism school losing Nikole Hannah-Jones - by Rick Edmonds via Poynter
@joekillianpw: Here's what I think: In order to have these breathless, pearl-clutching conversations about the failures of today's journalism and the downfall of objectivity you have to completely ignore *a lot* of journalism history.
Olayemi Olurin / @msolurin: This is truly a lesson in going where you're wanted, not tolerated 🙌🏾
Travis Akers / @travisakers: If they won't give you a seat at the table, build your own.
Mikki Kendall / @karnythia: They had it coming. They have only themselves to blame.
@joekillianpw: Have been asked four times today, in the wake of the #NikoleHannahJones announcement, my opinion on “objectivity in journalism.” Do I think there's a crisis? Is #UNC now at its center?
@joekillianpw: Are there conversations to be had about the failures of today's journalism? Of course. Don't get me started. But let's have *those* conversations. Let's not remake conversations we've been having since the advent of journalism, cast with younger and hotter actors.
Jelani Cobb / @jelani9: Win-Win @HowardU
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: Letter from UNC Hussman Journalism School faculty & staff now up to 41 signatories
@godisrivera: “...Powerful ppl have expected the ppl they have mistreated & marginalized to sacrifice themselves to make things whole. The burden of working for racial justice is laid on the ppl bearing the brunt of the injustice, & not the powerful ppl who maintain it. I say to you: I refuse.”
@sree: “The appalling treatment of one of our nation's most-decorated journalists by her own alma mater was humiliating, inappropriate, and unjust. We will be frank: It was racist.” Letter signed by @unchussman faculty, after @nhannahjones appointment disaster. ...
Eugene Scott / @eugene_scott: “I hope that the decision that Ta-Nehisi and I made to bring our talents to an HBCU will lead others to make a similar choice,” @nhannahjones ...
@docdre: Break me off with some of that Knight money and I'd consider it. I mean...CAU is right here #imnotsayinimjustsayin
Ibram X. Kendi / @dribram: This is huge! What a dream team. So great for Howard and the culture and the field of journalism and the democratic project.
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: At this point you have to ask how long the North Carolina J-school will be — can be — called Hussman. ...
@fly_sistah: @chris_notcapn And she helped Howard raise over $20 million to create the Center for Journalism and Democracy nearly matching the $25 million Walter Hussman gave to UNC to rename the journalism school & inject himself into hiring decisions. ...
@juliancastro: Happy to see to see this decision from @nhannahjones. @UNC leadership demonstrated cowardice in bowing to manufactured conservative outrage. She's an extraordinarily talented journalist who deserved much better from the university. Definitely @HowardU's gain.
Mary L Trump / @maryltrump: “I have decided that instead of fighting to prove I belong at an institution that until 1955 prohibited Black Americans from attending, I am instead going to work in the legacy of a university not built by the enslaved but for those who once were.” This is how it's done.🔥
Felicia Sonmez / @feliciasonmez: Every single word of this statement by @nhannahjones is powerful, but this line struck me the most: “These times demand courage, and those who have held the most power in this situation have exhibited the least of it.”
Christian Christensen / @chrchristensen: So, in the end, @UNC leaders got what they wanted. To not have to give an African-American woman tenure. What a disaster for UNC students, and win for @HowardU students.
Darren Walker / @darrenwalker: Journalism is a cornerstone of democracy & the press must reflect the diversity of our nation. Proud that @fordfoundation @macfound & @knightfdn are pledging $15M to support @nhannahjones & @TaNehisiCoats fostering the next generation of Black journalists. ...
Marisa Schultz / Fox News: Psaki says Howard U ‘quite lucky’ to have 1619 Project creator Nikole Hannah-Jones
Irin Carmon / @irin: If I'm reading this correctly, the implication is that @nhannahjones's conservative foes high up at UNC leaked her tenure denial, which is troubling to say the least
@jdesmondharris: “At some point when you have proven yourself and fought your way into institutions that were not built for you, when you've proven you can compete and excel at the highest level, you have to decide that you are done forcing yourself in.”
Karen Attiah / @karenattiah: .@nhannahjones's statement on declining tenure at UNC is a MUST-READ.
Philip Lewis / @phil_lewis_: Ta-Nehisi Coates, former correspondent for The Atlantic, will also join the faculty at Howard Coates will become the Sterling Brown Chair in the Department of English at the university's College of Arts and Sciences.
Dare Obasanjo / @carnage4life: A reminder to know your worth but also go where you are appreciated. Well done @nhannahjones 👏🏾👏🏾 👏🏾
Michael Jones / The Supercreator: Supercreator PM: Nikole Hannah-Jones shows us how to shake the table
Austin McCoy / @austinmccoy3: There was no way she could've taken that UNC job. Trustees poisoned that well too much
@tinu: Good Howard actually deserves her. Millions of dollars in publicity and UNC had the GALL not to joyfully offer her tenure outright.
@emarvelous: King notes the many offers Hannah-Jones received to teach in the wake of the UNC controversy. Hannah-Jones points out that she has spent a lifetime trying to prove herself in White spaces, says more Black professionals should bring their talents to their own institutions.
Jemele Hill / @jemelehill: For the double win
Wesley / @wesleylowery: And when you do these things, those you've left behind will snipe about how ungrateful you are for the opportunities you had to battle to get them to offer you. Those people never wanted you to win in the first place
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: My earlier interviews w Nikole Hannah-Jones and Walter Hussman over their irresolvable clash about the point of journalism UNC Tried To Give Nikole Hannah-Jones Tenure. A Top Donor Objected - NPR
@chanders: Much support to @nhannahjones in her decision, and solidarity with all the UNC Faculty who did the best to avoid this outcome. This must be a heartbreaking turn of events for them, and this is an incredibly responsible and politically mature statement.
Jeff Jarvis / @jeffjarvis: Truth be told, I'd have killed to have taught alongside @nhannahjones at my journalism school. I know that to be the case for every journalism faculty in the nation. But I am delighted for @HowardU that it has been able to attract such talent and with it resource and attention.
Micheline Maynard / @mickimaynard: Both appointments are supported by nearly $20 million in donations from an anonymous donor, as well as the Knight Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, and the Ford Foundation, officials said.
Jenny Gross / New York Times: Nikole Hannah-Jones will join Howard University instead of the University of North Carolina.
Rafi Schwartz / UNC Played Itself Nikole Hannah-Jones and Ta-Nehisi Coates join Howard University; a newly discovered Proust story
Charlotte Klein / Vanity Fair: “It's Just Not Something I Want Anymore”: Nikole Hannah-Jones Rejects UNC's Tenure Offer
Ethan Shanfeld / Variety: Nikole Hannah-Jones Declines UNC Tenure, Accepts Role at Howard University
Ashley Reese / Jezebel: Nikole Hannah-Jones Rejects UNC's New Tenure Offer, Will Teach at Howard University Instead
Mychael Schnell / The Hill: Ta-Nehisi Coates to join Howard University faculty
Insider: ‘1619 Project’ creator Nikole Hannah-Jones turns down tenure at UNC to join Howard University's faculty with Ta-Nehisi Coates
Dan Kennedy / Media Nation: Nikole Hannah-Jones says no to UNC, accepts tenured position at Howard instead
Aidan McLaughlin / Mediaite: Nikole Hannah-Jones Rejects Tenure Offer From UNC After ‘Embarrassing’ Controversy
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Nikole Hannah-Jones Rejects UNC for Tenure Job at Howard University
Tom Foreman Jr / Nikole Hannah-Jones chooses Howard over UNC-Chapel Hill after tenure fight
Patrick Reilly / New York Post: Staffers slam UNC for ‘racist’ treatment of Nikole Hannah-Jones

A look at the increased competition in weather reporting, with Fox poaching Weather Channel talent in the lead up to the launch of streaming channel Fox Weather — As viewers tune out cable news, Rupert Murdoch is preparing the debut of Fox Weather, a potentially powerful new player in a sphere long dominated by the Weather Channel.
The Guardian, @alexweprin, @davidfolkenflik, @yoda, @thedailyshow, @heathmayo, @evanlweber, @emorwee, @ishaantharoor, @b52malmet, @petergleick, @sammy_roth, @sheaserrano, @ericholthaus, @ericholthaus, @ericholthaus, @carmenmmachado, @petergleick, @mlcalderone, @cwarzel, @timothynoah1, @ericklinenberg, @crampell, @eyokley, @jswatz, Newser, Gizmodo, @jessepesta, @jackiantonovich, The Wrap,, Today in Tabs, Media Matters for America, Raw Story and TVNewser
Matthew Cantor / The Guardian: Cloudy with a chance of outrage: Fox prepares to launch a weather channel
Alex Weprin / @alexweprin: The question I have for the new weather ventures: TV news adapted to the internet by having their shows talk about the news with opinionated programming. Getting the weather forecast will aways be easier and faster in an app, so what will the TV talent talk about all day?
David Folkenflik / @davidfolkenflik: Ex Murdoch exec: “Over the past nine months I have tried, with increasing bluntness, to get Rupert to understand the real damage that Fox News is doing to America. I failed.” ...
Drew Olanoff / @yoda: it's for people who are in denial about climate change. every location every single day will be clear and 70 degrees.
Heath Mayo / @heathmayo: To combat the fake weather news: “Rain got you down? Come to Fox News Weather, where we'll tell you it's always sunny and that it only rains in blue states.”
Evan Weber / @evanlweber: Fox News is probably more responsible for the climate crisis than any other institution outside of the fossil fuel industry (and honestly that's a close call). The last thing we need is them starting “weather channel”
Emily Atkin / @emorwee: Anyway, really looking forward to Fox's new weather channel!
Ishaan Tharoor / @ishaantharoor: Some good jokes in the responses, the best one being it should be called Stormfront.
Barbara Malmet / @b52malmet: Rupert will weaponize the weather. Watch for it.
Peter Gleick / @petergleick: First Fox News endangers the health of their audience by misleading about vaccines. Now they're likely to produce weather forecasts that mislead about the risks of climate change. Fox News is bad for your health.
Sammy Roth / @sammy_roth: Fox is launching a 24/7 weather station. Stating the obvious, but this does not bode great for public understanding of the climate crisis.
Shea Serrano / @sheaserrano: “it's raining again today and our meteorologists are saying that it's because god is crying because mexicans have stolen more jobs from the american heartland”
Eric Holthaus / @ericholthaus: Hot take: I honestly couldn't care less about Fox Weather. The folks who are going to be interested in Fox Weather aren't the folks who are forward-thinking in a rapidly warming world. That's the reason we're making @currently —a weather service built for the climate emergency.
Eric Holthaus / @ericholthaus: To be relevant in 2021, coverage of weather and climate has to be grounded in truth. It has to be trustworthy. It has to be personal. It has to meet people where they are. The main truth of our time is the climate emergency & that we need systemic change to thrive this century.
Eric Holthaus / @ericholthaus: Any media service — especially a weather service — not grounded in that truth is not going to do well. Viewers are smart. We know when we're being lied to, we know when key facts are missing. That's why leading with climate is the only way weather coverage is going to work.
Carmen Maria Machado / @carmenmmachado: Fox Weather: Everything is Totally Normal! If You Boil to Death in a Heatwave or Drown in a Flood or Burn Up in a Fire It's Your Fault!
Peter Gleick / @petergleick: What do you want to bet that Fox's “weather” channel will intentionally fail to report the growing, clear connections between #climatechange and the extreme weather now occurring? Fox to launch new Weather TV channel.
Michael Calderone / @mlcalderone: Good q ahead of Fox Weather launch: “How do you address the fact that weather changes are caused to some degree by humans when you have a media property with a history of challenging that fact?”
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: without being alarmist, i find this pretty concerning. but it makes sense that reporting the weather during a climate emergency will become the next cable news war over reality. seems bad!
Timothy Noah / @timothynoah1: Dept. of Cognitive Dissonance: Rupert Murdoch is starting a weather channel to cover the climate change that his Fox News insists isn't happening.
Eric Klinenberg / @ericklinenberg: Weather is political and this is dangerous.
Catherine Rampell / @crampell: finally, a weather channel that tells you the forecast you want to hear
Eli Yokley / @eyokley: “The weather media ecosystem... is a lucrative, if often overlooked, corner of the industry... Advertisers weary of the choppy politics and brand boycotts of the Trump years see weather as a relatively uncontroversial port in the squall.”
John Schwartz / @jswatz: “How do you address the fact that weather changes are caused to some degree by humans when you have a media property with a history of challenging that fact?”
Bob Cronin / Newser: Fox Decides Weather Is the New Politics
Jesse Pesta / @jessepesta: “She called climate change “a topic that is too important to politicize, and if they do that ...'” That's an executive from the Weather Channel (and former Fox News employee) on Fox's plan to start its own weather service. By @grynbaum
Dr. Jacqueline Antonovich / @jackiantonovich: Fox Weather will debut later this year, doing to climate change what they did to American politics, I'm sure.
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Weather Channel's Weak Ratings Raise Questions as Fox Preps a Direct Challenger
Brendan Morrow / Fox is launching a weather streaming service, and it's already feuding with The Weather Channel
Rusty Foster / Today in Tabs: Brief Interviews With Hideous Tabs
John Whitehouse / Media Matters for America: After years of climate denial, there is no reason to trust Fox Weather

Six months after the Capitol riot, reporters who covered Congress on Jan. 6 talk about the day's lasting fallout; some reporters won't go back into the building — The reporters who survived the insurrection are still covering Congress. But things don't feel normal. — CJ
@leahmillis, Vanity Fair, @alex_panetta, @ggreenwald, @cam_joseph, @repmaloney, @marissa_jae, @haleytalbotnbc, @realjuliasong, @leahmillis, @repmgs, @dineshdsouza, @leahmillis, @allisonmpecorin, @tiffanyaldinger, @leahmillis, @shawna, @haleytalbotnbc, @gingergibson, @jonathantamari, @sarahposner, @zaleskiluke, @melissaryan, @rachelvscott, @cam_joseph, @jake_zuckerman, @frankthorp, @shanegoldmacher, @jordainc, @oriana0214, The Hill, @cam_joseph, @annamerlan, @jesserodriguez, @barbaracomstock, @joanmccarter, @davidpepper, @lhartzenbusch, @emma_dumain, @repcheri, @leahmillis, @repcheri, Mediaite, @politicsreid, @reuterszengerle, @emeraldrobinson, @deirdrekwalsh, @learmonth, @grace_segers, @grace_segers, @grace_segers, @brianstelter, @_cingraham, @cam_joseph, @mikedebonis, @garretthaake, @davidcorndc, @ryanjreilly, @replbr, @talkopan, @kasie and CNN
Leah Millis / @leahmillis: Six months ago, I took this photograph at 5:04pm.
Alexander Panetta / @alex_panetta: Thinking back to that day when I did an angry rant on live TV and this story brings back all those feelings.
Glenn Greenwald / @ggreenwald: Wonder what would happen to them if they had to report from war zones or stand down authoritarian governments trying to imprison them? Also wonder if they ever take a few seconds to compare their “trauma” to Julian Assange's?
Cameron Joseph / @cam_joseph: Anyway, read the story and judge for yourselves:
Carolyn B. Maloney / @repmaloney: Journalists are essential to our democracy. January 6 was also an attack on them and their experiences cannot be forgotten.
Marissa J. Lang / @marissa_jae: So much of that day has been politicized. But the fact of it is an insurrection happened. We were there. It has stayed with me and many of my colleagues every day since. And as @GingerGibson put it: “That day we weren't just observers; we were ... targets.”
Haley Talbot / @haleytalbotnbc: I started to think about what I would use defend our group if the mob were to smash through the third-floor glass and enter the gallery. The congresswoman next to me had a cane. That's what I'd use. I thought about how I'd position myself to block as many people as possible.
Julia Song / @realjuliasong: c o p e
Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon / @repmgs: Journalists managed to have the presence of mind while under attack on #January6th to continue reporting the day's events. I'm grateful we have their accounting of the insurrection, and that they show up every day to hold those of us in power accountable.
Dinesh D'Souza / @dineshdsouza: This is laugh-out-loud funny. ‘So, So Angry’: Reporters Who Survived the Capitol Riot Are Still Struggling
Leah Millis / @leahmillis: I was standing on the center inauguration scaffolding after having scaled it to get a better view of the center door. I had heard people chanting “heave-ho!” &thought they were breaking into the hallway. I had no idea the building had been breached because we had no cell service.
Allison Pecorin / @allisonmpecorin: Please remember, every reporter who was there believed sacrificing their safety was worth it for you to see what was happening to your country. Those of us that continue to come back to the site of our trauma are driven by that belief. via @vicenews
Tiffany Aldinger / @tiffanyaldinger: @ggreenwald Tell me you haven't read the article without telling me you haven't read the article.
Leah Millis / @leahmillis: When I reached that level I started receiving text messages. A friend sent me a photo of her TV screen and that's when I found out they had gotten in.
Shawna Thomas / @shawna: This was hard for me to read but I'm glad @cam_joseph wrote it and that some of the reporters, who I've watched and learned from, talked to him.
Haley Talbot / @haleytalbotnbc: Very small portion of my video from inside Chamber 2:43PM on Jan 6 but I think it's important people understand what it was actually like that day. - glass to chamber doors shatter from rioters - officers + lawmakers barricade doors - loud gun shot - lawmakers audibly praying
Ginger Gibson / @gingergibson: It's important for journalists to talk about what happened inside the Capitol on Jan 6. Unsurprisingly, because of this, today my mentions have been a stream of vitriol and insults. But that's why we must continue to talk about what happened.
Jonathan Tamari / @jonathantamari: awhile back there was a training for responding to emergencies - incl. how to use escape hoods. When you open them, there's a loud buzz everyone remembers from that day. Even in the calm of the training, months after 1/6, I remember a colleague leaping at the sound again
Sarah Posner / @sarahposner: “all of the reporters interviewed for this story are worried that the riots won't be a one-off attack. 'It definitely could happen again. It's something that's on my radar. We've become very complacent in thinking the U.S. is different.'” #jan6
Luke Zaleski / @zaleskiluke: What did trump call reporters again? For years? Before this attack on us??
Melissa Ryan / @melissaryan: The Hill also a toxic workplace for reporters. And as this piece from @cam_joseph points out, many of them are not OK.
Rachel Scott / @rachelvscott: So much of this- Jan. 6 was my first day covering the Hill as the incoming Congressional Correspondent Every day I enter the Capitol, I walk by the same location where I saw a woman— shot, bloodied on a gurney staring at the Capitol she broke into.
Cameron Joseph / @cam_joseph: I felt genuine empathy when Glenn wrote about the home invasion his family survived, in spite of my issues with some of his other reporting. It says something about him that he can't extend the same to the reporters in the Hill that day.
Jake Zuckerman / @jake_zuckerman: I really can't imagine dealing with the trauma of surviving Jan. 6 as a reporter, and then going back to work in a political system where congressmen repeat the lie that sparked the insurrection and reduce what happened to a “tourist visit”
Frank Thorp V / @frankthorp: As someone who has sought therapy to help process the trauma from Jan 6th, this is an important piece about the lingering effects that day has had on a Congressional press corps that continues to go to the site of their trauma to do their jobs:
Shane Goldmacher / @shanegoldmacher: “And the emotional scars are still there. Six months after their office was attacked, the Capitol Hill press corps is grappling with how to cover the insurrection's fallout, as well as its impact on them personally and professionally.”
Jordain Carney / @jordainc: A rough, but necessary, read that will put you back deep in your Jan. 6 feelings:
Oriana Pawlyk / @oriana0214: “Many yelled at her, asking who she was. Her response to defuse tension was to yell back ‘PBS—Sesame Street! Big Bird!’” via @vicenews
Morgan Chalfant / The Hill: Biden appeals for unity six months after Capitol riot
Cameron Joseph / @cam_joseph: Words can only convey so much. @haleytalbotnbc has the video.
Anna Merlan / @annamerlan: Two of the people quoted in the story have literally reported from war zones
Jesse Rodriguez / @jesserodriguez: Harrowing quotes from @GingerGibson in this piece about 1/6
Barbara Comstock / @barbaracomstock: Good and needed reporting on the continued fallout from Jan. 6 for so many who were there that day @cam_joseph
Joan McCarter / @joanmccarter: Fantasitic reporting in this story, but a bizarre disconnect. So much of the reporting from D.C. and the Capitol doesn't reflect any of this, any of what happened on January 6. It's back to normal in how they report on the GOP. That's got to change if there's to be a reckoning.
David Pepper / @davidpepper: I still think about the reporters I saw covering it live. @LisaDNews , in particular, was incredible. Only became more clear later how much danger she and others were in.
Lara Hartzenbusch / @lhartzenbusch: '"That was the thing that surprised me most of the entire day: They'd just gone through this, and they were still fucking objecting.I was shocked at that vote. I was shocked that they did that. I was shocked, after everything that just happened."
Emma Dumain / @emma_dumain: Thanks to Cameron for writing this story, and to my brave colleagues for sharing theirs.
Rep. Cheri Bustos / @repcheri: Six months ago today, the Capitol was attacked, offices were ransacked & “murder the media” was carved into doors. In the face of danger, journalists like @kasie stayed to document history. We owe them our thanks.
Leah Millis / @leahmillis: Immediately I texted my friend who was inside to see if she was ok. “Yeah, I got attacked.” Was all she said.
Rep. Cheri Bustos / @repcheri: As a former reporter, I introduced a resolution to recognize the contributions of the journalists who braved this threat to their lives to bring people the news. Let's honor their heroic work on that fateful day.
Rudy Takala / Mediaite: Reporters Traumatized After Jan 6. Speak Out: 'I'm Still Not Sleeping Like I Used To'
Reid Wilson / @politicsreid: Powerful @cam_joseph piece featuring a lot of reporters I respect struggling to deal with the aftermath of the Jan 6 insurrection -
Patricia Zengerle / @reuterszengerle: Normally we squirm if the story's about us, but this nice piece by @cam_joseph lays out a lot of things.
@emeraldrobinson: Dear @VICENews: I was at the Capitol that day in the Cannon building. It was no big deal. Put your big boy pants on.
Deirdre Walsh / @deirdrekwalsh: Seems like so much longer than 6 months ago - working remotely I worried about the press corps on 1/6 - a collegial and hardworking crew on the Hill. This story shows how the day still impacts Hill reporters - thanks to all for continuing to do the work and tell the stories
Michael Learmonth / @learmonth: Reporters covering Congress inside the Capitol on Jan. 6 experienced extensive workplace trauma. Some won't go back into the building, @cam_joseph reports.
Grace Segers / @grace_segers: I can only speak for myself, but I know that what happened on January 6 will haunt me for the rest of my life.
Grace Segers / @grace_segers: When I'm at the Capitol, memories of 1/6 overlap the present like tracing paper. I don't just see a stairwell, I see Officer Goodman redirecting rioters. I hear echoes of shouts, ghosts of broken glass. I don't just see the rotunda, I see screaming rioters violating that space.
Grace Segers / @grace_segers: Six months ago today, a violent mob of Trump supporters overran the Capitol in a deadly attack, spurred by a lie that continues to be repeated. They sought to overturn election results and harm lawmakers. The attack changed politics. It changed the country. It changed me.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: I wish I'd thought to write this story by @cam_joseph. Don't miss it:
Christopher Ingraham / @_cingraham: It would be nice if more coverage of Congress reflected this when reporters are confident that lawmakers are lying. Too often the wink and nod gets passed directly on to readers.
Cameron Joseph / @cam_joseph: Six months after the Capitol insurrection, reporters are grappling with the fallout. I talked to five of the best Hill reporters I know — @bresreports, @LisaDNews, @GingerGibson, @elwasson and @MattLaslo — about their experiences that day, and after.
Mike DeBonis / @mikedebonis: Tremendous work by Cam and bracing honesty from @bresreports @LisaDNews @elwasson @GingerGibson @MattLaslo
Garrett Haake / @garretthaake: Six months later. Don't tell me it was a normal tourist day on the Hill, or even a typical protest.
David Corn / @davidcorndc: With GOPers denying the gravity and significance of 1/6, it's no surprise that the reporters who covered it feel weird and gaslighted.
Ryan J. Reilly / @ryanjreilly: “We're so used to it, the wink and nod lie, you're talking to a member and they lie to you and we just move on. Now it's all changed... We cannot fail to call it what it was. It was an insurrection. They tried to destroy democracy.” - @bresreports
Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester / @replbr: It's so important to remember that those reporters who brought us real-time information about January 6th were, themselves, victims of that awful day. I was stuck in the balcony with so many of them that day. We need to hear their stories as well.
Tal Kopan / @talkopan: “But sometimes It feels like one of those horror movies, like the end of ‘Jaws.’ Everything feels copacetic on the beach. But you wonder if there's anything out there,” @elwasson said. There is still so much lingering trauma from Jan. 6, and it's so important to remember.

UK government says it wants Channel 4's legal requirements to provide a “high provision” of news and current affairs content to remain in the event of its sale — The Government has said it would want Channel 4's minimum news and current affairs programming requirements to remain in the event of its sale.

Facebook waiving Bulletin's fees at launch is a classic Silicon Valley tactic used to quash competitors, exemplifying a strategy critics think should be illegal — Facebook's latest product, a newsletter platform called Bulletin, exemplifies a strategy that some critics think should be illegal
@willoremus, @craigcalcaterra, @mrinaldesai, Michael's Side, @corycachola, @columbiajournma, @amzam, @davidberreby and @kylenabecker, more at Techmeme »
Will Oremus / @willoremus: Usually when you ask a startup about a tech giant copying their product & offering it for free, they'll give you some PR boilerplate about welcoming the competition, more choice is good for consumers, etc. Substack took a different route here: ...
Craig Calcaterra / @craigcalcaterra: The monopolist tactics here are pretty classic, but really, Facebook's legacy in media should be reason enough for journalists to stay away from its newsletter product. It'd be like going into business with a guy who burnt your house down. ...
Mrinal Desai / @mrinaldesai: Will this be labeled as “conspiracy theory” on FB?
Michael Tsai / Michael's Side: Throwing back to the times before Facebook
Corrales Cachola / @corycachola: Good read in WAPO on why we are right to be skeptical by the likes of Facebook and other massive platforms now trying to be “creator-first” companies that come bearing gifts to the #CreatorEconomy. CC: @ginab @ljin18 @KatColeATL ...
M.A. Columbia Journ / @columbiajournma: For @washingtonpost, @ColumbiaJournMA alum @WillOremus (MA Politics '11) writes that Facebook's latest product, a newsletter platform called Bulletin, exemplifies a strategy that some critics think should be illegal. ...
Amanda Zamora / @amzam: This only works so well for as long as people (ahem, publishers) keep accepting what Facebook keeps offering for “free” ...

Sources: Reese Witherspoon's Hello Sunshine explores a sale, potentially valuing it at $1B; source: multiple companies including Apple have shown interest — Company behind ‘Big Little Lies’ and ‘The Morning Show’ began pursuing a sale after receiving interest from suitors including Apple
@richlightshed, @alexgiess, @benmullin, @film_girl, AppleInsider, 9to5Mac, Variety, The Wrap, Reuters and Bloomberg
Rich Greenfield / @richlightshed: streamingwars content edition — excited for @ReeseW @sveedub @LaurenLevyNeu and the entire @hellosunshine team
Alexandre Giess / @alexgiess: Sources [translated] : Apple is not acquiring us for that crazy amount we made up so we will accept any offer
Ben Mullin / @benmullin: Scoop: Apple is among the suitors for Reese Witherspoon's media company, which people close to the deal expect to sell for as much as $1 billion. W/@CaraRLombardo
Christina Warren / @film_girl: Our girl is about to be mogul rich! Love this for her!
Mikey Campbell / AppleInsider: Apple expressed interest in buying Reese Witherspoon's Hello Sunshine media company
Filipe Espósito / 9to5Mac: WSJ: Apple mulling $1 billion acquisition of Reese Witherspoon's media company
Brent Lang / Variety: Reese Witherspoon's Hello Sunshine Exploring Possible Sale, Price Could Hit $1 Billion

How NYT is using Instagram slides and Twitter cards to highlight parts of a story, including tidbits that competitors don't have, and to debunk misinfo — Last summer, Vox's Terry Nguyễn wrote about the ways that our Instagram feeds had changed in the wake of the Black Lives Matters movement.

ESPN moves Rachel Nichols off sideline coverage of the NBA Finals after dissension over her comments about a colleague getting a prized job because she is Black — ESPN has benched Rachel Nichols for its coverage of the NBA Finals, following the uproar for her comments regarding Maria Taylor in 2020 …
Brian Steinberg / Variety: ESPN Moves Rachel Nichols Off NBA Finals Amid Controversy
Andrew Marchand / New York Post: ESPN pulls Rachel Nichols off NBA Finals sideline after bombshell video
Olafimihan Oshin / The Hill: ESPN replaces Rachel Nichols as sideline reporter for NBA Finals
Roberto Abramowitz / @robabramowitz: #MalikaAndrews replaces #Nichols on the sidelines. @malika_andrews is great, that's fine, but what a mess @ESPN has allowed to be created. #NBAFinals #NBA #NBAonABC
Abbey Mastracco / @abbeymastracco: I know you see all of the tweets with women supporting women in media, “tag a woman whose work you enjoy,” that's all well and good but too often women in media are tearing one another down behind the scenes. It's so unfortunate and unnecessary because there is room for all of us
Andrew Marchand / New York Post: ESPN, Rachel Nichols and Maria Taylor all look bad in this drama
Andrew Bucholtz / Awful Announcing: Amin Elhassan's criticisms of Adrian Wojnarowski are explosive, but light on details
Ryan Gaydos / Fox News: Rachel Nichols-Maria Taylor ESPN drama ‘disheartening,’ NBA's Adam Silver says
Vivek / @vdadhania: As long as she's hosting The Jump, this isn't really much of a punishment. Anyhow, Maliki Andrews deserved this role for a long while
Chad Finn / Rachel Nichols is usually very precise with her words, and that's what's troubling about this situation
Brandon Contes / Mediaite: Ex-NBA Star Stephen Jackson Defends ESPN's Rachel Nichols Over Diversity Comments
Michael King / The Streamable: 2021 NBA Finals: How to Watch Milwaukee Bucks vs. Phoenix Suns Series Live For Free Without Cable
Nick Alexander Fenley / theJasmineBRAND: ESPN's Rachel Nichols Replaced By Malika Andrews On NBA Finals Sideline After She Alleged Maria Taylor Got Promoted Because She's Black In Leaked Audio
Ben Pickman / Sports Illustrated: ESPN Takes Rachel Nichols Off NBA Finals Sideline Reporter Assignment
Kelly McLaughlin / Insider: ESPN pulls Rachel Nichols from NBA Finals coverage after leaked ‘diversity’ comment about Black colleague causes uproar
TVLine: Rachel Nichols to Sit Out NBA Finals on ABC, After Remarks About ESPN Colleague Maria Taylor Come to Light

Starting in 2022, Universal and DreamWorks films will stream exclusively on Peacock for the first and last 4 months of the 18-month “pay-one” licensing window — Peacock is going all-in on movies — Beginning next year, Universal theatrical releases will head to Peacock …
MediaPost, Observer, Variety, C21Media, CNN, Gizmodo, Decider, AppleInsider, Collider, Forbes, Los Angeles Times, The Wrap and Cord Cutters News, more at Techmeme »
Brent Lang / Variety: Universal Moves Film Licensing Deal From HBO to Peacock, Bolstering Streaming Service
Clive Whittingham / C21Media: Peacock to premiere Universal movies
Brianna Provenzano / Gizmodo: Fast & Furious Will Be Exclusive to Peacock
Fletcher Peters / Decider: Universal's Film Slate to Stream on Peacock Four Months After Theatrical Debut, Starting in 2022
Adam Chitwood / Collider: New Universal Movies to Stream on Peacock 4 Months After Release
Scott Mendelson / Forbes: Universal Movies To Debut On Peacock 4 Months After Opening In Theaters
Ryan Faughnder / Los Angeles Times: Universal movies will go to Peacock instead of HBO. But there's a big catch
Jeremy Fuster / The Wrap: Universal Shifts Film Licensing Deal From HBO to Peacock

CB Insights has ~1M newsletter subscribers, including 750K for its flagship newsletter, serving as a blueprint for companies using content to bolster business — CB Insights, a data software company that caters to buyers and sellers of technology, has nearly one million email newsletter subscribers …

Sources describe years of complaints from colleagues and freelancers about NYT's international picture editor David Furst, before his quiet departure in April — Years of complaints from colleagues and freelancers preceded the recent departure of a New York Times photo editor
@kristenchick, @kariwrites, @viajoshhunt, @annamphillips, @melissalyttle, @kcallop, @robpegoraro, @jammastergirish, @dceiver, @taylormooresays, @ajchavar, @abeaujon, @annaleighclark, @josiensor, @s_m_i, @pohsi, @jerometaylor, @kristenchick, @emilyrauhala, @s_m_i, @tball, @andreawoo, @mustardphoto, @denechen, @lourdesgnavarro, @hanloveyoon, @janehahnphoto, @leloveluck, @callakessler, @mitchprothero, @cjr, @jackidove, @ninaberman, @jaylclendenin, @davidfolkenflik, @jeremymbarr and @erikwemple
Kristen Chick / @kristenchick: Colleagues and freelancers complained for years of abusive behavior by @nytimes international picture editor David Furst. So his quiet exit brought relief—but also anger the paper took so long to take action. I spoke to 39 people for my latest in @CJR
Kari Cobham / @kariwrites: “I realize this is what it takes to be a freelancer, you just keep going and keep your mouth shut.” When you're a freelancer working with an awful editor, dependent on them for income/assignments, responsiveness + fair editing there's often zero recourse.
Joshua Hunt / @viajoshhunt: This @CJR story about an abusive photo editor at the Times is absolutely infuriating. Reading about how he treated freelancers filled me with such dread and anxiety that I had to step away from it for a bit.
Anna Phillips / @annamphillips: A really well-reported story on the abuse freelance photographers took for years from the NYT's international picture editor.
Melissa Lyttle / @melissalyttle: Another bully, gone. “That he lasted so long despite the complaints “really does speak to the culture of the newsroom, and what do they value, and whose voice was important.""
Cameron Pollack / @kcallop: Phenomenal reporting by @kristenchick as always. This reads like a masterclass in how not to be a photo editor. And if you are a photo editor, PLEASE fix the dynamics between you, your colleagues and your freelancers.
Rob Pegoraro / @robpegoraro: Newspapers have a bad habit of putting journalists in management roles who may be individually brilliant but have the people skills of a drawer full of rusty tools - but this guy seems to have taken control-freakery to a misanthropic level.
Girish Gupta / @jammastergirish: Great to see this being covered. This sort of attitude from many editors is why so many good people leave journalism. Let's not pretend it's rare, though.
Taylor Moore / @taylormooresays: Every paragraph of this investigation is brutal, but this part got me. When will we stop allowing “brilliant” men to be abusive in the workplace?
@ajchavar: Years ago, I reported out almost this exact same storyline — except it was with a different editor at a different landmark journalistic institution. And sadly, they're not the only ones. @kristenchick's reporting on Furst and NYT is vital, and must-read:
Andrew Beaujon / @abeaujon: Shocking stuff about an apparent petty tyrant who thrived in photojournalism
Anna Clark / @annaleighclark: This story showcases the particular vulnerability of freelancers, even at (especially at) prestige outlets. The carelessness, the willful effort to make it harder to do your work — I have my own tales, but it still astonishes me. @kristenchick for @CJR:
Josie Ensor / @josiensor: “One photographer who has worked for the @nytimes for a decade says David Furst asked her in 2015 whether she planned to have children. She still does not have children, and while Furst is not the only reason, he's a large part of it, she says”
Stacy-Marie Ishmael / @s_m_i: ""It basically felt like he liked the power. He stressed loyalty over everything else."" And they are everywhere.
Poh Si Teng / @pohsi: It is very difficult to speak out when doing so could destroy your journalism career and livelihood. Thank you for your courage, Andrea Bruce, Tasneem Alsultan, Bénédicte Kurzen and Jane Hahn. And to @kristenchick for this article.
Jerome Taylor / @jerometaylor: This @CJR piece paints a pretty grim portrait of how the NYT's prestigious international photo desk treated employees, especially freelancers. Reporting by @kristenchick who interviewed 39 people for this report.
Kristen Chick / @kristenchick: Multiple Times staffers have messaged me to say they want to share this story but are afraid of repercussions from management.
Emily Rauhala / @emilyrauhala: “He asked me specifically, ‘So what is your family situation? Do you plan to have kids? Because I really like to work with people who are fully committed to this job.’ ” via @cjr
Stacy-Marie Ishmael / @s_m_i: “Four experienced, successful photographers who worked regularly with Furst described feeling sick when they saw his name or number pop up on their phones' caller ID..."Because you never knew what you were going to get."" We know who these bosses are.
Tim Ball / @tball: Some truly eye-popping shit here, from someone who clearly has no business managing people and hopefully never will again.
@andreawoo: A deep dive into the departure of NYT photo editor David Furst, w/ a focus on the particular vulnerability of freelancers, by @kristenchick:
Amanda Mustard / @mustardphoto: Shoutout to the brave women who spoke out for this gut-wrenching piece by @kristenchick. It's absolutely heartbreaking to think of how many women's careers - staff and freelance alike - were impeded by this man, & how many around him just let it happen.
Dene-Hern Chen / @denechen: An important thing to remember when reading this is that it took a decade of his actions being “normal” and well-known before this was published. Newsroom leaders would do well to reflect on what headlines might look like for them — & their outlets — in the future. #journalism
Lulu / @lourdesgnavarro: I'm incredibly proud of my friend Andrea Bruce for going on the record about what so many have said privately. Photojournalism is an incredibly hard profession — which relies on the goodwill and support of editors, especially if you are a freelancer.
Hannah Yoon / @hanloveyoon: Where can freelancers go when they have concerns of abuse? It's always an unsettling place to be in. If folks speak out or if I share this article, will this make me less desirable to the Times editors? There's no guarantee of anything
Jane Hahn / @janehahnphoto: These are the men this industry has entrusted to shape the way we see the world. Their abuse and misogyny are widely known yet the powers that be don't question how their toxic behavior resonates in their work seen on the pages of the world's most prestigious publications.
Louisa Loveluck / @leloveluck: “Do you know how lucky you are to be working for me? And do you know how many people would kill for me to call them like I'm calling you right now?” important bu @kristenchick for @CJR.
Calla Kessler / @callakessler: always thankful for the reporting of @kristenchick who has consistently given space and dignity to the stories of women who have been subject to the abuse of men in power
Mitchell Prothero / @mitchprothero: great job on a painful story and shout out to andrea and benedict for having the courage to go on the record about being treated like crap as freelancers. the clout of NYT photo is exaggerated because there's so few outlets left to work for but it is indeed very real.
@cjr: New: “Do you know how lucky you are to be working for me?” @kristenchick spoke with nearly 40 people about David Furst, a former photo editor for the New York Times, about the years of complaints that preceded his recent departure.
Jackie Dove / @jackidove: @mediagazer @kristenchick So many workplaces are just like this, where one tyrannical bully in charge dominates, and no one feels empowered to challenge them. At the same time, management declines to control the situation. That's otherwise known as a hellhole.
@ninaberman: Another stellar reporting job by @kristenchick detailing the abusive practices of a powerful @nytimes photo editor
Jay L. Clendenin / @jaylclendenin: It's such a bummer to keep reading about women being sidelined, in particular by men.. who are married.. or have daughters... ?! do you even consider the women in YOUR life being treated this way?! #bethechange #photojournalism

Three Congressmen introduce a companion bill to Sen. Wyden's measure to prevent subpoena abuse and protect journalists from being compelled to reveal sources — WASHINGTON, D.C. — Representatives Jamie Raskin (MD-08), Ted Lieu (CA-33), and John Yarmuth (KY-03) introduced the Protect Reporters …
Dan Shelley / @murrownyc: We @RTDNA proudly support the #PRESSAct introduced today by @RepRaskin, @tedlieu and @RepJohnYarmuth. Along with a Senate bill from @RonWyden, it would prevent most US govt. efforts to force journalists to reveal IDs of confidential sources. #PressFreedom
@spj_tweets: SPJ signed a bill supporting the PRESS Act introduced by @RepRaskin, @RepTedLieu and @RepJohnYarmuth. SPJ National President @SDuncovered: “Without these protections, government officials can put the #FirstAmendment on ice.”