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The maker of a new documentary about Anthony Bourdain says he used AI to re-create Bourdain's voice and synthesized the audio of three quotes from the TV host — ‘We can have a documentary-ethics panel about it later’ — In a new documentary, Roadrunner, about the life and tragic death …
@daveweigel, New Yorker, @markberman, @seanmburns, Variety, @hels, @actnormalorelse, Immerse, @artimusfoul, New York Times, @dfriend, @hels, @mathewi, @daveweigel, @dashingcripple, @lollardfish, @taylorjoyanyas, @dadvansss, @doubleemmartin, @coldbrewedtool, @harrymccracken, @richardlnewby, @iwriteallday_, @greg_jenner, @xor, @dvdty, @austin_walker, @tinch, @jbenton, @blackamazon, @variety, @boringstein, @threepointone, @scottwamplerbmd, @craig_rangoon, @gregobr, @caseyjohnston, @variety, @dancow, @reckless, @john__sadler, @briankoppelman, @fansince09, @cd_hooks, @furioursus, @jasondashbailey, @bonniemcfarlane, @poniewozik, @jsidman, @ashleylynch, @jennyyangtv, @lucyeverleigh, @variety, @ldbahr, @craigsilverman, @guylodge, @apark2453, @risingaction, @variety, @mathewi, @sonnybunch, @mattdpearce, @ayeshaasiddiqi, @walshfreedom, @dmschulman, @imranzomg, @somebadideas, IGN, New York Post, Hollywood Reporter, Insider, Input and IndieWire, more at Techmeme »
Helen Rosner / New Yorker: A Haunting New Documentary About Anthony Bourdain
Sean Burns / @seanmburns: When I wrote my review I was not aware that the filmmakers had used an A.I. to deepfake Bourdain's voice for portions of the narration. I feel like this tells you all you need to know about the ethics of the people behind this project.
Helen Rosner / @hels: Bc of Bourdain's massive v/o archive, he's sort of “Roadrunner"'s ghostly narrator. But there was one line I was amazed they had audio for, and Neville *blew my mind* when he told me that for that line (and 2 others) they made an A.I. of Bourdain's voice
Lauren L Walker / @actnormalorelse: people obviously have very strong feelings about this because it's Bourdain but i think this is fine in the abstract. documentaries don't and shouldn't have to adhere to strict reality to tell the narrative the creator wants to express. cf. herzog, truth versus ecstatic truth
Ingrid / Immerse: Playing with Reality — Welcome to our newsletter now on Substack. We're glad to see you here.
@artimusfoul: This thread about the new Anthony Bourdain documentary hits about 3 different buttons for me. Using a deep-fake to manufacture quotes 1. Is a profoundly dishonest film making. 2. It's an astonishing abuse of AI. 3. It sets a *dangerous* Precedent.
Christina Morales / New York Times: New Documentary Seeks to Understand Anthony Bourdain and His Death
David Friend / @dfriend: The new Anthony Bourdain documentary didn't have audio of him reading emails, so they created a fake A.I. model of his voice...and didn't bother disclosing that in the film. We need a serious check on ethics in documentary filmmaking.
Helen Rosner / @hels: This IS very ethically...fascinating. The transcript of this part of our convo is a lot of me going “wait, WHAT? Really? Are you serious?” (FWIW, Neville told me they made the A.I. with full green-light from Bourdain's estate.)
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: This is fascinating — is it okay for a documentary film-maker to fabricate their own Anthony Bourdain audio for something he never said out loud?
Dave Weigel / @daveweigel: “This. Is. My. First. Time. In. The. Marvel. Universe.” - Anthony Bourdain
@dashingcripple: when i read this I'm fascinated that Neville believes that there is a moral debate here at all. not only that but a moral debate is a quaint thing we can get round to later if we have time. Bourdain didn't say these things, didn't intend to say these things. they aren't real
David M. Perry / @lollardfish: I can't watch this. Maybe in a few years. Bourdain's death is tied in my seeking mental health help, which is good and all, but it also places me right back in that dark space in April/May 2018. So ... read @hels
Melissa Martin / @doubleemmartin: Ooooooof, yikes. Yikes. Also, I hereby retract any praise I had for the trailer.
Mel Buer / @coldbrewedtool: “We can have a documentary ethics panel about it later.” Uhhhhh what the fuck
Harry McCracken / @harrymccracken: Recreating stuff in documentaries usually seems like a mistake—at least if it's not obviously a recreation—and AI doesn't help matters.
Richard Newby / @richardlnewby: Terrifying. I'm not joking. Deepfakes are a dangerous and morally bankrupt form of technology.
Clarkisha Kent / @iwriteallday_: Between this, the Whitney/Tupac hologram, & NFTs, even non-"famous" people are now gonna have to come up with elaborate & ironclad image & likeness clauses in their wills all because YT people don't know how to leave you tf alone—even when you're dead 🤨
Greg Jenner / @greg_jenner: There's a fascinating ethical dilemma about post-death performances, which celebrity culture has been at the forefront of for a while. @DeathandCulture is the expert on this
Parker Higgins / @xor: for what it's worth, the unease about this pretty directly echoes the contemporary unease about the invention of recorded sound “allowing the dead to speak”
David / @dvdty: the callousness of the filmmaker just saying “we can talk about a documentary ethics panel later”
Austin Walker / @austin_walker: This blows, even though it's using his own words. It's telling that they did this for something so small. The film wouldn't fall apart without these line reads! A year ago, they would've managed. (Also that final line is such an indictment of entertainment industry panel culture)
@tinch: I really think Neville messed up by not commenting on the use of an AI voice, whether through an intro card or a lower third. It would've been more accepted with transparency. Now it just feels untrustworthy and hurts the true intent of the documentary.
Joshua Benton / @jbenton: Excited to someday feed a bunch of someone's past statements into GPT-9 and have it generate authentic-sounding quotes on subjects that had never crossed their mind For example, what would Ronald Reagan have thought about Weezer Until now, the world has never known
@blackamazon: The way they responded to Black media autonomy was always a test balloon They took the continually sub par responses and made strategy ... It's gonna be a doozy
@variety: “We fed more than ten hours of Tony's voice into an AI model,” Neville told GQ. “We also had to figure out the best tone of Tony's voice: His speaking voice versus his ‘narrator’ voice, which itself changed dramatically over the years.”
@boringstein: This is just an abdication of basic responsibilities as a journalist to write about it in this way too
Scott Wampler / @scottwamplerbmd: Nuclear Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Greg O'Brien / @gregobr: Way, way, way out of bounds. Normalizing fakery in a documentary. Terrible idea.
Casey Johnston / @caseyjohnston: his estate approved it but like, estates sure do a lot of things!!
@variety: “I created an AI model of his voice,” Neville told the New Yorker. “If you watch the film, other than that line you mentioned, you probably don't know what the other lines are that were spoken by the AI, and you're not going to know.”
Dan Nguyen / @dancow: when you let facebook make documentaries: “You probably don't know what the other lines are that were spoken by the A.I., and you're not going to know...We can have a documentary-ethics panel about it later”
Nilay Patel / @reckless: You can hear a line of the AI Anthony Bourdain deepfake voice in the trailer for the documentary, here it is. All credit to @hels for having the instinct to ask where the filmmaker got this audio, I'm dying to learn more about it
John Sadler / @john__sadler: “we can have a documentary-ethics panel about it later” means he knows it's wrong and gross and did it anyway. This is unethical and gross and shouldn't be legal.
Brian Koppelman / @briankoppelman: Helen is the best writer. And she has a great subject here. Dive in.
Godzilla Shamgodzilla / @fansince09: This is just terrible holy shit
Christopher Hooks / @cd_hooks: Call me crazy, but I don't mind this at all. They should be upfront about doing it, though
Christopher Kennedy / @furioursus: If there's one thing that Bourdain would absolutely rail against, this is it. Imagine the ghoulish mentality it takes to coerce a dead man to speak the lines you want for your movie.
Bonnie McFarlane / @bonniemcfarlane: doc filmmakers faked Bourdain's voice for the VO. kind of a weird choice for such an authentic subject
James Poniewozik / @poniewozik: This is starting to sound like the CGI Livia Soprano of documentaries
Jessica Sidman / @jsidman: Yeah... not a fan of this
@ashleylynch: That Anthony Bourdain doc used AI to deepfake his voice and make Bourdain posthumously say things he didn't say. That's ethically fucked up on so many levels and is really gross.
Lucy Everleigh / @lucyeverleigh: Can never know for sure, but it certainly does *feel* like the kind of thing the subject of the documentary would have thought was deceptive or disingenuous
@variety: Filmmaker Morgan Neville responded to criticism of his use of Anthony Bourdain's AI voice, “It was a modern storytelling technique that I used in a few places where I thought it was important to make Tony's words come alive.”
Lindsey Bahr / @ldbahr: Bravo to @hels for noticing the strangeness of having a recording of Bourdain reading his own email and asking about it.
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: Uhhhhhh wtf this is not okay, especially if you don't disclose to viewers when the AI is talking
Guy Lodge / @guylodge: Fucking yikes
@apark2453: AI voice faking is both impressive and disconcerting. But also if you haven't heard Presidents Roosevelt, Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton, Obama doing a cover of Fuck The Police by NWA, you have not yet truly lived.
Patrick Johnston / @risingaction: Ew. No longer excited to see this.
@variety: “I checked...with his widow and his literary executor, just to make sure people were cool with that,” Neville said. “And they were like, Tony would have been cool with that. I wasn't putting words into his mouth. I was just trying to make them come alive.”
Mathew Ingram / @mathewi: But they should disclose this at some point, no? It's a tough question, how much liberty a doc should be permitted to take with the facts
Sonny Bunch / @sonnybunch: I guess I shouldn't be surprised when documentarians do strikingly unethical things, but sometimes I surprise even myself.
Matt Pearce / @mattdpearce: NO
Ayesha A. Siddiqi / @ayeshaasiddiqi: “we can have an ethics panel about it later” remains the prevailing attitude towards new technology
Joe Walsh / @walshfreedom: Uh...this doesn't seem right. It's certainly weird.
David M. Schulman / @dmschulman: @daveweigel to be fair, “we can have a documentary-ethics panel about it later” is pretty much the response from every person doing unethical, callous, and down right frightening stuff with AI at the moment.
Imran Khan / @imranzomg: Oh I hate this
Aaron Stewart-Ahn / @somebadideas: Don't like this at all and yes there should be an ethical discussion about it
Wesley LeBlanc / IGN: Anthony Bourdain's Voice Recreated Using Artificial Intelligence For New Documentary
Abbey White / Hollywood Reporter: Anthony Bourdain Documentary ‘Roadrunner’ Features A.I. Model of Late Chef's Voice
Ben Gilbert / Insider: The new Anthony Bourdain documentary used a deepfake of Bourdain's voice to read a despairing, personal email
Craig Wilson / Input: An ‘A.I. model’ of Anthony Bourdain's voice says lines he never uttered in new documentary

Barb: GB News had zero viewers during some broadcasts this week, after a boycott prompted by a presenter taking the knee in solidarity with England soccer team — Channel label Guto Harri's on-air gesture in solidarity against racist abuse suffered by the England team ‘unacceptable’
Conrad Duncan / The Independent: GB News ‘sees zero viewers’ on some shows after boycott over presenter who took knee
Otto English / @otto_english: At times, last week, GB News was attracting zero viewers. Andrew Neil was right - it really is a revolution in the way that TV news is being done. Nobody's watching. ...
Ella / @latentexistence: I had to reread that several times before I worked out they alienated their racist audience who it turns out do not like free speech after all
Dai Lama / @welshdalailama: I mean yes it looks bad that 100% of GB News audience demanded his cancellation, but you've got to remember that's only 7 people.
@stayeuropean: Wasn't GB News supposed to be the channel for people who oppose “cancel culture”? Seems like they only oppose it when other people do it.
Siobhan Benita / @siobhanbenita: GB News cancelling itself with anti anti-racism is everything 😂
John Cleese / @johncleese: Don't ever forget that Neil was trained by Murdoch
Jo Maugham / @jolyonmaugham: How many advertisers will associate their brands with an outlet that bans solidarity with anti-racism?
Robin McKenna / @rbnmckenna86: Whatever you think of the idea that left wing circles are obsessed with “purity”, this is a—genuinely quite hilarious—demonstration that the same goes for some right wing circles.
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: What's particularly crazy about this story is the sheer ferocity and fury from GB News viewers demanding presenter Guto Harri be cancelled. They kept it up for days until channel bosses decided they had to act. ...
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: GB News spokesperson unable to say if Guto Harri, the former Boris Johnson spokesperson who took the knee on air in solidarity with England football team, is still going to have a job following backlash from furious viewers who feel channel has gone woke.
@gbnews: On Tuesday a contributing presenter took the knee live on air and this was an unacceptable breach of our standards.
@gbnews: GB News stands four square against racism in all its forms. We do not have a company line on taking the knee. Some of our guests have been in favour, some against. All are anti-racist. We have editorial standards that all GB News journalists uphold.
Mic Wright / Conquest of the Useless: Kneedom of Speech: As GB News censors itself, Boris Johnson bounces a Buller! buddy onto the sleaze watchdog...
Sabrina Barr / Metro: GB News ratings crash further as channel's viewing figures remain behind BBC and Sky

Sources: Guto Harri, the GB News presenter who took a knee, has been indefinitely taken off air, and senior off-air staff have left due to ongoing turmoil — Sources say presenter has been ‘cancelled’ after his onscreen actions triggered viewer backlash — Guto Harri has been indefinitely …
Hugo Gye / @hugogye: GB News is a) interesting idea which deserved chance to succeed b) staffed with lots of v talented people. But... starting a channel to promote free speech and oppose cancel culture, then suspending a presenter for taking a knee, is incredibly bizarre.
@jonnelledge: surely there must be some kind of minimum time between relaunches? you can't just launch and then immediately relaunch. that's not a relaunch. that's your launch being shit
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: Latest on GB News... Guto Harri suspended for taking knee... senior staff leaving... rumours of more to follow... talk of relaunch with rejigged presenters... channel facing choice between mainstream-style news with a right-wing twist or going full culture war ...

US surgeon general issues his first advisory, reserved for urgent public health threats, seeking action from journalists and others against vaccine misinfo — As the rate of Covid-19 vaccination slows and cases rise again, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy called on tech platforms …
CNN, NPR, CNN, The Verge, The Atlantic,, @christineromans, @mediawise, @weese_scott, @donie, @bruceaheyman, @masclab, @peterhotez, The Indian Express, @datadrivenmd, @drjengunter, @kevinroose, @peterhotez, @scotttaylorva, @cnn, @ideagov, @peterhotez, Insider, Al Jazeera, New York Post, Surgeon General of the United States, Forbes, The Western Journal, Reuters, CNBC, New York Times and Mediaite, more at Techmeme »
CNN: Surgeon general issues warning over vaccine misinformation as White House turns up the heat on Facebook
Geoff Brumfiel / NPR: The U.S. Surgeon General Is Calling COVID-19 Misinformation An ‘Urgent Threat’
Nicole Wetsman / The Verge: The stakes for fighting misinformation are life and death
Peter Nicholas / The Atlantic: Biden's Spaghetti-at-the-Wall Vaccine Campaign
Christine Romans / @christineromans: Rare US surgeon general warning: “Health misinformation is a serious threat to public health.” Translation: The crazy stuff your friends and family are sharing online is killing people.
@mediawise: Big news in the fight against #misinfo today: In Dr. Vivek Murthy @Surgeon_General 's first advisory, he warned about the dangers of health misinformation and told @NPR it is putting people's ‘lives at risk’ - see more below (THREAD) 👇
J Scott Weese / @weese_scott: Better late than never (not really a to handle misinformation at the highest levels is admittedly a big challenge) Now that more people and groups are taking a stand against misinformation, it's time for others to join in. Hoping it will go away isn't a solution
Donie O'Sullivan / @donie: Interestingly, Facebook has shared some non-public data about the reach of some posts with the WH. But not enough, I'm told. For some insight into why “reach” data matters read this from @kevinroose.
Bruce A. Heyman / @bruceaheyman: We all must fight vaccine misinformation more aggressively.
@masclab: The need for critical media literacy and the fight against misinformation is more urgent than ever.
Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD / @peterhotez: 3/3 I've called on the White House to form an interagency task force that includes Depts Homeland Security, State, Commerce, Justice, and HHS, and recognize that the threat of the antiscience empire is as grave as global terrorism, cyberattacks, nuclear proliferation.
Jorge A. Caballero / @datadrivenmd: (1/6) I strongly concur w/ Dr. Hotez on every point in his thread (below). I'll add that, in addition to an interagency task force to address the issue long-term, the @WHCOVIDResponse needs to stand up a cyber anti-vax rapid response team (CARRT) immediately
Jennifer Gunter / @drjengunter: That is great. But it's been an urgent threat for decades.
Kevin Roose / @kevinroose: This stat was discovered by researchers using CrowdTangle, the FB-owned data tool I wrote about yesterday.
Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD / @peterhotez: 2/3 Currently, the advisory reflects a tone deafness or lack of situational awareness regarding the depth and breadth of an antiscience empire that was allowed to build and monetize the internet over the last decade from NGOs, news outlets, Russian Govt
Scott Taylor / @scotttaylorva: This may be true. But, this would never justify our government using inherently coercive power to censor our citizens through a private company.
@cnn: “I am urging all Americans to help slow the spread of health misinformation during the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond,” US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy has warned in a new advisory. “Health misinformation is a serious threat to public health.”
Alan W. Silberberg / @ideagov: Wow. Finally!!!!!! How can we help get the word out? @digijaks
Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD / @peterhotez: 1/3 USG health misinformation advisory. Good intentions, maybe some modest impact but inadequate. If they had done this 5-10 years ago maybe? But back then all I got from Dept HHS “Peter, we're not calling attention to this, it will just give it oxygen”
Allana Akhtar / Insider: The White House isn't letting Facebook off the hook for allowing misinformation to spread on its platforms
Steven Nelson / New York Post: White House ‘flagging’ posts for Facebook to censor over COVID ‘misinformation’
Jemima McEvoy / Forbes: Surgeon General Reveals He's Lost 10 Relatives To Covid As He Campaigns Against Vaccine Misinformation
Erin Coates / The Western Journal: White House Admits 'We're Flagging Problematic Posts for Facebook'
Susan Heavey / Reuters: U.S. surgeon general warns over COVID-19 misinformation
New York Times: The U.S. surgeon general accused social media companies of not doing enough to stop the spread of Covid misinformation.

Daily Beast EIC Noah Shachtman named EIC of Rolling Stone, starting in August; Daily Beast executive editor Tracy Connor will serve as interim EIC — Noah Shachtman, an experienced online journalist with a newsy sensibility, will lead the pop music bible founded in 1967.
@marcatracy, @noahshachtman, Poynter, @noahshachtman, @sollenbergerrc, @markmazzettinyt, @clarajeffery, @jamilsmith, @benyt, @hunterw, @kpfallon, @markszaidesq, @selectedwisdom, @mollyjongfast, @willsommer, The Hill, @marlownyc, @weinbergersa, @davidkenner, @thedewline, @danlamothe, @nxthompson, @tiffkhsu, @jimhansondc, @seamushughes, @erinbanco, @harrysiegel, @jose_pagliery, @ridt, @draperrobert, @choire, @johnavlon, @claireeshaffer, @jimlaporta, @oneunderscore__, @juliadavisnews, @jerryportwood, @brandyzadrozny, @taylorlorenz, @dgisserious, @shaneharris, @nathanwurtzel, @emmacarew, @benjysarlin, @samstein, @samstein, @djrothkopf, @mlcalderone, Mediaite and The Wrap
Marc Tracy / @marcatracy: The next editor of Rolling Stone is The Daily Beast's Noah Shachtman. I spoke with him and Gus Wenner about the gig.
Noah Shachtman / @noahshachtman: Rolling Stone changed my life. Its music journalism helped push me to play in bands for real. Its conflict reporting gave me a north star to aim for when I was a national security reporter. I can't fucking wait to help this incredible team write its next chapter.
Tom Jones / Poynter: Why we still pay attention to Donald Trump
Noah Shachtman / @noahshachtman: Y'all know how much I love The Beast. I've never had a job so fulfilling, so fun, and that delivered such an impact. I've never had colleagues more dedicated to their mission. Tracy Connor is the best journalist I know. She's going to do an amazing job with this crew.
@sollenbergerrc: Legendary move for Noah, a top-flight editor who is going to get Rolling Stone some killer news chops. Congrats, man, and we'll (obviously) miss you
Mark Mazzetti / @markmazzettinyt: Congrats to @NoahShachtman. That's one hell of a cool job
Clara Jeffery / @clarajeffery: Congrats to @NoahShachtman for mastering Roblox
Jamil Smith / @jamilsmith: I missed you at @RollingStone by a few months, @NoahShachtman, but will be rooting for you and my former colleagues from afar. Congrats to all involved.
Ben Smith / @benyt: Good qualification for an editor: “He was good at appreciating the groove and holding things together”
Hunter Walker / @hunterw: This is amazing news for both @RollingStone and @NoahShachtman. The magazine is getting one of the most aggressive news editors — and accomplished reggae bassists — in the business.
Kevin Fallon / @kpfallon: I've spent the day reeling over the unmooring news of something good happening to an actually good person. In this climate??? Anyway congrats to you @NoahShachtman, both on the new gig and this NYT glamour shot.
Mark S. Zaid / @markszaidesq: Congratulations to our long standing #FOIA client seasoned journalist @NoahShachtman on his new gig at @RollingStone!
Clint Watts / @selectedwisdom: Awesome - congrats @NoahShachtman ‘Faster, Harder, Louder’: Rolling Stone Hires Daily Beast Editor
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: Our loss is @RollingStone's gain! Congratulations @NoahShachtman
Will Sommer / @willsommer: It's been great working with @NoahShachtman, excited to see what he does at Rolling Stone!
Jordan Williams / The Hill: New York AG's office to question Cuomo Saturday in sexual harassment investigation
Marlow Stern / @marlownyc: Noah has been an incredible leader at The Daily Beast and has made all our reporting better. He will be missed and excited to see what he does at RS
Sharon Weinberger / @weinbergersa: He may be Rolling Stone's next editor-in-chief, but to me he'll always be the friend I first met at a laser weapons conference and understood the importance of puke-ray stories.
@davidkenner: I distinctly remember @NoahShachtman pitching a skeptical FP editorial team on an article about Arcade Fire's new album
Steve Trimble / @thedewline: I remember when Noah was just the esteemed editor of, and now look at him. And now I'm wondering how my career didn't lead directly to Rolling Stone's c-suite. It probably doesn't help that I didn't know who Olivia Rodrigo was until yesterday.
@nxthompson: “It's got to be faster, louder, harder.” @NoahShachtman is an awesome hire for @RollingStone. #dangerroom
Tiffany Hsu / @tiffkhsu: Noah Shachtman wants Rolling Stone to be “faster, louder, harder...out getting scoops, taking people backstage.” Reminds me of this Wenner quote from “Sticky Fingers” about his initial hopes for the magazine:
Jim Hanson / @jimhansondc: So @RollingStone is going full woke tabloid It's been leftist trash for a long time But this is a whole new depth of dishonest sleaze
Seamus Hughes / @seamushughes: . @NoahShachtman gave me my first start in journalism. Taking a chance on an academic who slide into his DMs with a crazy idea about covering interesting court records. Wouldn't be working for the NYTimes without his first leap of faith. He'll do great.
Erin Banco / @erinbanco: Echoing what so many others have said today. All of my biggest stories, investigations, etc happened because @NoahShachtman was there to push them through and because he created a newsroom that was truly collaborative. Congrats on the new gig!
Harry Siegel / @harrysiegel: Bummed as I may be, @NoahShachtman is really the perfect person to take the helm for Rolling Stone
@jose_pagliery: I'm losing my badass editor-in-chief to Rolling Stone. He's an incredible ship captain. Those lucky bastards.
Thomas Rid / @ridt: Oh wow congrats
Robert Draper / @draperrobert: If Rolling Stone's next chapter means no longer publishing celebrity actors' “experiential journalism” then Noah's off to a good start
Choire Sicha / @choire: I really appreciated @NoahShachtman's Daily Beast, it was hot and messy.
John Avlon / @johnavlon: Hey now - congrats to @NoahShachtman! He crushed it at the helm of the Beast over the past three years and was an invaluable friend and exec editor when I was EIC. He was born to bring @RollingStone back to its glory. Expect deep cut Reggae coverage and Bad Brains special issue.
Claire Shaffer / @claireeshaffer: biggest and best scoop in here is our new EIC @NoahShachtman played in a ska band with the War on Drugs' saxophonist
James LaPorta / @jimlaporta: WHOA. Big congratulations to my friend @NoahShachtman
Ben Collins / @oneunderscore__: Noah is the best newsroom leader around. Nobody has more of a fanatical devotion to figure out what's really going on than this guy. (I mean fanatical in both the sports way and the ISIS way.) Rolling Stone is about to break a lot of news, all the time.
Julia Davis / @juliadavisnews: ‘Faster, Harder, Louder’: Rolling Stone Hires Daily Beast Editor Noah Shachtman, an experienced online journalist with a newsy sensibility, will lead the pop music bible founded in 1967. I have no doubt that @NoahShachtman will do a fantastic job.
Jerry Portwood / @jerryportwood: Some great news for @RollingStone today. Welcome a fucking fantastic new era for journalism at our amazing pub with @NoahShachtman in 2021!
Brandy Zadrozny / @brandyzadrozny: Reporters dream of having a boss like Noah—demanding as hell, but *gets* the work and always, always, has your back. Rolling Stone is very lucky to get him.
Taylor Lorenz / @taylorlorenz: .@NoahShachtman is intense and fearless and I will always be indebted to him for giving me my first full time reporting job. Respect to him always and congrats on the new gig, everyone at Rolling Stone is very lucky 🔥 ...
Danny Gold / @dgisserious: First good news I've seen in print media in some time, congrats @NoahShachtman!
Shane Harris / @shaneharris: Rarely does a decision make all the sense in the world. This one does, and it's a biggie. Congrats to my friend @NoahShachtman, the next editor-in-chief of Rolling Stone. I've worked for him twice and have no doubt he will be brilliant.
Nathan Wurtzel / @nathanwurtzel: They hired a political journalist. Wake me up when they care about music again.
Emma Carew Grovum / @emmacarew: Great fit, excited to see what @NoahShachtman brings to Rolling Stone's next chapter! No one pushes a newsroom to go faster harder louder—I've seen him do it twice now.
Benjy Sarlin / @benjysarlin: Wow, good for Rolling Stone, @NoahShachtman is perfect for this
Sam Stein / @samstein: Nothing but profound love and congrats to my friend and mentor @NoahShachtman who is starting on a new journey as editor of Rolling Stone. I have no doubt that he will absolutely crush it
Sam Stein / @samstein: Also, the Beast has a killer in @TracyConnor now taking the reigns.
David Rothkopf / @djrothkopf: Congratulations to @NoahShachtman who is one of the best, smartest, menschiest, people and/or journalists anywhere and to Rolling Stone which will benefit greatly from this wise decision. ‘Faster, Harder, Louder’: Rolling Stone Hires Daily Beast Editor
Michael Calderone / @mlcalderone: Excited to see what @NoahShachtman does with Rolling Stone
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Daily Beast's Noah Shachtman Named Editor in Chief of Rolling Stone

Audioboom has launched AdRip, which automatically “rips out” ad-reads in old podcasts and replaces them with other ads — With some 50% of the shows listened-to on Audioboom accessed from podcast producers' back catalog, the company has now launched AdRip, a tool that automatically …

Reuters photojournalist Danish Siddiqui has been killed in Afghanistan; Afghan official says he was caught in the crossfire of a clash he was covering — Reuters journalist Danish Siddiqui was killed on Friday while covering a clash between Afghan security forces and Taliban fighters near …
Emma Graham-Harrison / The Guardian: Pulitzer prize-winning photojournalist killed by Taliban in Afghanistan
Sinéad Baker / Insider: A war correspondent was killed in Afghanistan days after live-tweeting Taliban RPGs hitting his Humvee
@reuterspictures: Danish Siddiqui covered war zones and crises from Iraq to Hong Kong to Nepal. He was killed on Friday covering Afghan-Taliban clashes near the Pakistan border. Here is some of the Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer's best work from the past decade:
Jerry Dunleavy / @jerrydunleavy: R.I.P. to a brave man
Chris O'Neill-Yates / @oneillyatescbc: Very sad news. Danish was a great reporter. Condolences to his family, colleagues and all those who loved him.
Mark S. Getzfred / @marknyt: A Reuters photographer since 2010, Danish Siddiqui's work spanned covering the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Rohingya refugees crisis, the Hong Kong protests and Nepal earthquakes.
Ed Clowes / @edclowes: Danish Siddiqui, Reuters' chief photographer, won the Pulitzer prize in 2018 for this photo of a Rohingya woman who had crossed the Bay of Bengal to flee genocide. Danish was killed by a Taliban ambush in Afghanistan today whilst embedded with troops.
Jane Barrett / @newsedjane: Absolutely devastating news. @dansiddiqui was one of the most compelling photographers. His recent coverage of India's second Covid wave was extraordinary and made the world pay attention like nobody else did. A day we all fall silent, heartbroken, particularly for his family 💔
Patricia Zengerle / @reuterszengerle: Danish was an outstanding journalist, a devoted husband and father, and a much-loved colleague. Our thoughts are with his family at this terrible time.
Mari Saito / @saitomri: Horrendous. So much of his work, including some of his most recent work documenting India's coronavirus crisis, were so haunting they will stay with me forever.
Rukmini Callimachi / @rcallimachi: Very sad news: In pictures: Danish Siddiqui photos that powerfully captured critical moments in the India story

Jury rejects a mental illness plea from the Capital Gazette shooter, who killed 5 employees; he will be sentenced to prison, not a psychiatric hospital — The gunman who admitted to a shooting attack on the newsroom of Maryland's Capital Gazette three years ago has been found criminally responsible for the massacre of five people.
Michael Levenson / New York Times: Gunman Is Found Criminally Responsible for Killing 5 at Capital Gazette Capital Gazette shooting trial verdict: Jury finds gunman criminally responsible in killing five people in newsroom
Washington Post: Capital Gazette gunman found criminally responsible for killing five in Md. newsroom shooting
@riss_willett: Let that man never see the light of day ever again. Glad the families of the victims can now start to heal.
Marc Carig / @marccarig: Thinking of the victims and their families today, especially my friend, John McNamara.
Shannon Watts / @shannonrwatts: After two hours of deliberation, a jury found the Capital Gazette gunman criminally responsible for the massacre of five people in 2018. They rejected his defense that he didn't understand his actions because of mental illness. He faces life in prison.
@48hours: A jury has found Jarrod Ramos criminally responsible in the 2018 Capital Gazette shooting that left five dead. The verdict was unanimous. ...
Julio Cortez / @juliocortez_ap: Montana Geimer, daughter of Wendi Winters, a community beat reporter who died in the Capital Gazette newsroom shooting, reacts during a press conference following a verdict in the trial of Jarrod W. Ramos, Thursday, July 15, 2021, in Annapolis, Md. #annapolis #newspapershooting
Peter Khoury / @pkhoury_nyt: Thinking of everyone in The Capital-Gazette family today:
Katherine Jacobsen / Features & Analysis: Capital Gazette shooter found criminally responsible, while questions of justice linger
Jerry Lambe / Law & Crime: Jury Rejects Insanity Defense, Finds Jarrod Ramos ‘Criminally Responsible’ for Capital Gazette Mass Shooting That Left Five Dead
Mollie Mansfield / The Sun: Capital Gazette shooting: Jarrod Ramos jury verdict rejects mental illness claims 3 years after he killed 5 at newspaper

ESPN has long fed content to other parts of Disney's empire, but as Disney made more rights deals and streaming's impact has grown, more sharing is on the way — An increasing amount of what ESPN does isn't going to be seen on good ol' ESPN. — “Sunday Night Baseball” …
@bhofheimer_espn, @tsoh_investing, @espnpr, @espnpr, @richarddeitsch, @richlightshed, Too Much TV Newsletter and Front Office Sports
Bill Hofheimer / @bhofheimer_espn: For the first time since 2005, ESPN has agreements w/ #MLB #NHL #NFL and #NBA at one time. Chairman Jimmy Pitaro says: “We are actively looking at our rights and evaluating what's coming up... We are not done.” Via @bristei:
@tsoh_investing: “We are actively looking at our rights and evaluating what's coming up, and what we can go after,” Pitaro says, adding: “We are not done.”
Espn Pr / @espnpr: What's the ESPN difference? Delivering audiences that leagues & organizations covet “Rather than holding tight to a model of linear TV exclusively, we need to be in the digital space in a meaningful way to fully serve our fans.” - @NHL EVP, David Proper
Espn Pr / @espnpr: “You can expect us to be aggressive in terms of our asks here in getting league approval and player approval. One of the ways you attract a younger demo is by providing access to the athletes and coaches.” - Jimmy Pitaro via @Variety | @bristei
Richard Deitsch / @richarddeitsch: Begun, the PR external strategy has.
Rich Greenfield / @richlightshed: “I honestly cannot tell you where I think the traditional side of our business will level off” — Jimmy Pitaro, @espn $DIS that does NOT sound good for industry MVPD/vMVPD sub trends #cordcutting
Owen Poindexter / Front Office Sports: Disney Expanding Sports Reach Beyond ESPN

Sources: Netflix fired three senior film marketing executives who worked for VP Jonathan Helfgot after they were found secretly grumbling about bosses on Slack — Three senior staffers were let go after the streamer discovered they were secretly griping about management, including chief marketing officer Bozoma Saint John.
Source Code / Protocol: Lina Khan rattles Big Tech
Britni Danielle / @britnidwrites: “Their culture is all about transparency and giving feedback. It would make sense that there should be no need for private conversation.” In what workplace is there NO need for private convos AT ALL?? ...
Mo Ryan / @moryan: Lots going on here — yikes — and I do not know if this was a work Slack, but just a reminder — what you say on work Slacks is probably not private. Some things belong on the group chat...
Sam Adams / @samuelaadams: shocked, shocked that a tech company would invade people's privacy, but ftr “there should be no need for private conversation” is not transparency, it is fucking psychotic ...
Yung Oldhead / @yung_oldhead: @mediagazer @kimmasters Shoutout to all the SMB Sysadmins who have no time to query Slack logs for bullshit like this and would outright refuse the request
@the_stefano_dlc: In other news: I'm an extremely talented Marketing & Advertising professional with nearly 10 years experience and I have and will never criticize bosses on slack, teams, google etc 😌
Mikey O'Connell / @mikeyoconnell: I don't know who needs to read this, but Fortune 500 corporations are not quilts. They have no fabric. Very interesting report from @kimmasters ...
@zoeschiffer: Slack has — and I cannot stress this enough — been the best thing to happen to my reporting career but the worst thing to happen to company management: ...
Sarah Todd / @sarahlizchar: Yikes! Of course it's risky to gripe about bosses on Slack/email, but it's also true (as one exec argued) that “employees vent as a matter of course.” ...
@kingthor: [taps the 'don't talk shit on the company slack' sign] ...
Eric Deggans At Npr / @deggans: One of the most interesting things about this piece to me, is that the immediate boss of the people who got let go somehow got it into the story that firing them was not his idea.
Josh Eidelson / @josheidelson: “Netflix has dismissed three senior film marketing executives — about half its staff at that level — after they were discovered grousing on Slack about management” ... @kimmasters
Dan Lavoie / @djlavoie: “An insider says an employee stumbled across several months' worth of these messages and reported it.” Do not do this to your colleagues.
Gregory Pratt / @royalpratt: Netflix bosses think there's “no need for private conversation” in their workplace and people shouldn't gripe about workplace issues to their peers and colleagues. Yikes! ...
Foster Kamer / @weareyourfek: No matter how high-level, if people in media got fired for talking shit on their bosses over Slack, there'd be nobody left to work ...

UK parliament's DCMS committee calls for 50/50 music streaming royalties split between labels and artists, instead of the 16% artists receive now — The music industry is weighted against artists, with even successful pop stars seeing “pitiful returns” from streaming, a committee of MPs has said.
@petekmusician, @dreamsuitesfm, @bbc3cr, @jbonamassa, @bbcnewsents, @sliceobri, @derrymick, @jetfury, Music Business Worldwide and AppleInsider
Pete Kosanovich / @petekmusician: It's about bloody time! This is exactly why I don't use and promote using @Spotify. Pay artists their fair share finally pkx
@dreamsuitesfm: I'm glad that streaming services are finally being called out by our politicians. Even chart-topping artists make an utter pittance from streaming - smaller artists, virtually nothing. Avoid Spotify where possible. Bandcamp is ALWAYS a fairer alternative!
BBC Three Counties Radio / @bbc3cr: The music industry is weighted against artists, with even successful pop stars seeing “pitiful returns” from streaming, a committee of MPs has said.
Joe Bonamassa / @jbonamassa: Let me know how that works out. 🤷♂️
@bbcnewsents: Artists make a “pitiful” amount of money when their music is streamed, MPs say, as they call for a major overhaul of the music industry.
C'Est La Bri / @sliceobri: Phew. Follow this acct for updates in the coming days on their analysis on the UK MP led study into the wildly obtuse question “is streaming fixable” or whatever — it is truly very interesting + hopefully impactful Link to more on it from the BBC:
Mikkel Derricksson / @derrymick: Why do these articles always use shit and rich singers to illustrate the disparity in payment to artists. Why not use Bogshed or Beat Happening? The BBC are cunts.

Citizen Lab says government hackers using spyware from an Israeli company created sites impersonating news outlets, with names including Euro News and CNN 24-7 — Researchers say web domains masquerading as activist, health and media groups are used by governments to hack targets
Washington Post, ZDNet, @seattletimes, @jsrailton, @jsrailton, @ericgarland, @skirchy, @amaramarasingam, Financial Times, CNBC and Bloomberg, more at Techmeme »
Joseph Marks / Washington Post: A private Israeli firm has helped governments hack journalists and human rights advocates
Charlie Osborne / ZDNet: Microsoft points the finger at Israeli spyware seller for DevilsTongue attacks
@seattletimes: Microsoft says it has patched major bugs that Candiru, an Israeli hacking for hire firm, has used to spy on more than 100 victims around the world including politicians, dissidents, human rights activists, embassy workers and journalists. ...
John Scott-Railton / @jsrailton: 🚨MAJOR REPORT in collaboration with @MsftSecIntel exposing spyware company Candiru. Websites serving their spyware include fake #BlackLivesMatter & fake human rights groups. Targets: journalists, human rights defenders, around world. THREAD Report:
John Scott-Railton / @jsrailton: 3. The @MsftSecIntel team found over 100 victims of Candiru (SOURGUM) malware, which they call *Devil's Tongue*. Targets include: - Academics - Human rights activists - Journalists - Politicians - Dissidents
Eric Garland / @ericgarland: WaPo reports on yet another Israeli spyware company that sells the intel services of various dictatorships the tools to track and harass journalists, dissidents, and political opponents. Meet Candiru. ...
Stephanie Kirchgaessner / @skirchy: Israeli spyware firm linked to fake Black Lives Matter and Amnesty - latest by @SamTLevin reminding us of the dangers of spyware ...
Amarnath Amarasingam / @amaramarasingam: “An Israeli company that sells spyware to governments is linked to fake Black Lives Matter and Amnesty International websites that are used to hack targets”, according to new @citizenlab report. ...
Kartikay Mehrotra / Bloomberg: Israeli Firm's Spyware Used Against Dissidents, Microsoft Says