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Leaked list shows 180+ journalists, working for FT, CNN, NYT, WSJ, and others, are among potential targets of surveillance by government clients of NSO Group — Data leak and forensics suggest NSO's surveillance tool used against journalists at some of world's top media companies
Washington Post, The Guardian, The Guardian, @jsrailton, Financial Times, Bloomberg, The Sun, The Verge, @pbhushan1, @dillidurast, @occrp, @omerbenj, File411's Newsletter, @abuhilalah, @jfgariepy, @wcathcart, @iamcouncil, @wcathcart, @cristingoodwin, @jsrailton, @shanehuntley, @immortaltech, @mshelton, @gargirawat, @crubiomartinezu, @jsrailton, @suka_hiroaki, @migueldeicaza, @evacide, @wcathcart, @zahrahankir, @moonofa, @snowden, @jsrailton, @marietjeschaake, @jsrailton, @lunasafwan, @baddcompani, Amnesty International, @wcathcart, News, @saketgokhale, @freedomofpress, @katrinanation, @amandionair, @mihirssharma, @khalafroula, @snowden, @agoodfireburns, @wcathcart, @billbrowder, @jsrailton, @wcathcart, @glcarlstrom and @nihamasih, more at Techmeme »
Dana Priest / Washington Post: Private Israeli spyware used to hack cellphones of journalists, activists worldwide
John Scott-Railton / @jsrailton: BREAKING: massive, global leak of the targets of NSO Group's Pegasus spyware. *huge deal.* Forensic investigation by @AmnestyTech in collaboration with @FbdnStories reporters. We @citizenlab conducted peer review. Here's an explainer THREAD. ...
Miles Kruppa / Financial Times: Probe claims spyware used to hack journalists, activists and executives
Imogen Braddick / The Sun: Israeli spyware used to hack phones belonging to 37 activists and journalists including two close to Jamal Khashoggi
Kim Lyons / The Verge: Pegasus spyware used to target phones of journalists and activists, investigation finds
Prashant Bhushan / @pbhushan1: “Revealed: leak uncovers global abuse of cyber-surveillance weapon. Spyware sold to authoritarian regimes used to target activists, politicians and journalists, data suggests.” Many activists, journalists, politicians& judges are targets in India. #Pegasus ...
Shivam Vij / @dillidurast: “Citizen Lab also has found evidence that all 10 (countries, including India) have been clients of NSO, according to Bill Marczak, a senior research fellow.” Would love to see this evidence. ...
@occrp: Loved ones and colleagues of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi had their phones compromised with NSO Group software both before and after Khashoggi's 2018 killing. Read the full story in @washingtonpost, one of 17 reporting partners in the #PegasusProject 👇
Omer Benjakob / @omerbenj: Snowden calls to hold NSO directly accountable for abuse of its spy tech software after @PhineasJFR's bombshell report for @FbdnStories comes out across the world as part of massive global investigation
File411's Newsletter: Pegasus you thought I was off the mark - I wasn't -absolutely stunning reporting by Washington Post
@jfgariepy: TLDR: Israel collaborating with shady people who have lists of important figures' phone numbers, which appear to be lists of VIPs targeted for malware attacks that illegally monitor their cell phone activities. Just one more tool in the toolkit for this extortionist state.
Will Cathcart / @wcathcart: In 2019, @WhatsApp discovered and defeated an attack from NSO. They rely on unknown vulnerabilities in mobile OSes, which is one of the reasons why we felt it was so important to raise awareness of what we'd found. ...
Indian American Muslim Council / @iamcouncil: Among the journalists hacked by Pegasus were Siddharth Varadarajan and Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, a co-founder and a reporter at the Indian news website the Wire. Thakurta was hacked in 2018 while he was working on an investigation into Hindu nationalists. ...
Will Cathcart / @wcathcart: Human rights defenders, tech companies and governments must work together to increase security and hold the abusers of spyware accountable. Microsoft was bold in their actions last week ...
Cristin Goodwin / @cristingoodwin: Private sector offensive actors will continue to sell spyware as a service as long as there is a buyer and no meaningful regulation. The current export control approach is not working. Reports like this and the work of @citizenlab highlight this is a mainstream problem.
John Scott-Railton / @jsrailton: 5. Now, to the findings: >50k numbers were leaked that are reportedly part of the infection & targeting workflow with Pegasus. To help validate the relationship between these numbers & infections @AmnestyTech got consent to forensically examine a subset of the devices.
Shane Huntley / @shanehuntley: Continuing evidence of the harm done by companies like NSO. What will it take for governments to stop these vendors operating with impunity?
Immortal Technique / @immortaltech: Here we go...
Martin / @mshelton: At a certain point, we can't call it “abuse” of NSO Group's malware tools any more. Systemic targeting of journalists isn't an accident. ...
Gargi Rawat / @gargirawat: FT editor among 180 journalists identified by clients of spyware firm | Surveillance | ‘Among the journalists confirmed by analysis to have been hacked by Pegasus were Siddharth Varadarajan and Paranjoy Guha Thakurta’ #Pegasus ...
Carlos Rubio / @crubiomartinezu: I was the victim of the spyware, and ended up running from Dominican Republic to USA, and even in the US, the Dominican Republic Government, leaked to narco traffickers my location in the USA. Had to move a few times.
John Scott-Railton / @jsrailton: 4. We @citizenlab independently peer reviewed @AmnestyTech's forensic methodology, including how they identify an infected phone. Our review, led by my colleague @billmarczak, judged their forensics & research methodology to be SOUND.
Andreas Proschofsky / @suka_hiroaki: Still wondering: what is “military-grade spyware” and how does it differ from regular spyware? 🤔
Miguel de Icaza / @migueldeicaza: Another explainer thread:
Eva / @evacide: This is a really important story and I suggest that everyone read it, but this headline is cringe. “Military-grade spyware” is not a thing.
Will Cathcart / @wcathcart: We need more companies, and, critically, governments, to take steps to hold NSO Group accountable. Once again, we urge a global moratorium on the use of unaccountable surveillance technology now. It's past time.
Zahra Hankir / @zahrahankir: Roula Khalaf, the Lebanese veteran journalist and first female editor of the FT, and Omar Radi, the Moroccan freelance journalist and human rights activist who is currently on trial (verdict due Monday), were also targeted
@moonofa: “Other prominent journalists whose phones were selected by NSO's clients include Gregg Carlstrom, a Middle East reporter at the Economist, whose Egyptian and Qatari phone numbers were selected as possible targets by an NSO client, believed to the UAE. ”
Edward Snowden / @snowden: The Israeli company behind this — the NSO group — should bear direct, criminal liability for the deaths and detentions of those targeted by the digital infection vectors it sells, which have no legitimate use.
John Scott-Railton / @jsrailton: 2. Background: the already-notorious NSO Group makes mercenary spyware to silently & remotely hack iPhones & Androids. Many of their government customers are authoritarians. Most cannot resist the temptation to target their critics, reporters, human rights groups etc.
Marietje Schaake / @marietjeschaake: Read this thread and research about the targets of NSO Group's spyware. Spoiler: it's ugly! I hope this straw breaks the camel's back of the complete reluctance to stop these toxic, private, high-tech intelligence services ↘️
John Scott-Railton / @jsrailton: 3. More about leaked numbers & targets in a sec, but first you need to know: @AmnestyTech just released a report with technical analysis of NSO's infrastructure... & analysis validating w/forensics that some phones were infected with Pegasus.
Luna Safwan / @lunasafwan: FT editor among 180 journalists identified by clients of spyware firm | A successful Pegasus infection gives NSO customers access to all data stored on the device. Dangerous. @guardian ...
Will Cathcart / @wcathcart: Thank you to @Microsoft, @Google, @Cisco, @VMWare, the @InternetAssn and others who have spoken up against the perils of giving spyware firms like NSO immunity.
Nathan Ord / News: Massive Global Pegasus Spyware Campaign Covertly Stalked Politicians, Activists, Journalists
Saket Gokhale / @saketgokhale: The Pegasus Project investigation just out on @washingtonpost ...
@freedomofpress: HUGE new investigation: “The editor of the @FT is one of more than 180 editors, investigative reporters and other journalists around the world who were selected as possible candidates for surveillance by gov't clients of the surveillance firm NSO Group” ...
Katrina vandenHeuvel / @katrinanation: Important investigative revelations about how private Israeli spyware used to hack cellphones of journalists & activists worldwide. ...
Fernand / @amandionair: Could this ever have possibly happened without the approval of Benjamin Netanyahu, while he was still Prime Minister?
Mihir Sharma / @mihirssharma: One of the most important news stories of the year. GoI has denied it has used this spyware. That denial simply doesn't hold up when faced with this leak.
Roula Khalaf / @khalafroula: Press freedoms are vital, and any unlawful state interference or surveillance of journalists is unacceptable. FT editor among 180 journalists identified by clients of spyware firm ...
Edward Snowden / @snowden: Stop what you're doing and read this. This leak is going to be the story of the year: (LINK: ...)
Will Cathcart / @wcathcart: This groundbreaking reporting from @Guardian, @WashingtonPost, and many others demonstrates what we and others have been saying for years: NSO's dangerous spyware is used to commit horrible human rights abuses all around the world and it must be stopped. ...
Bill Browder / @billbrowder: A number of journalists I have dealt with on Magnitsky case among the 180 journalists identified by clients of spyware firm. They include @bradleyhope @Khadija_Ismayil & many others. The firm supplying this spyware should face consequences ...
John Scott-Railton / @jsrailton: 10. HUNDREDS of journalists around the globe are on the #PegasusProject list. NSO Group's role in fueling the authoritarian assault on democratic values (like a free press) is coming into sharp focus ...
Will Cathcart / @wcathcart: At the time, we worked with @CitizenLab, who identified 100+ cases of abusive targeting of human rights defenders and journalists in 20+ countries. But today's reporting shows that the true scale of abuse is even larger, and with terrifying national security implications.
Gregg Carlstrom / @glcarlstrom: The charming folks at Israel's NSO Group were asked by a number of mostly authoritarian governments, among them Saudi Arabia and the UAE, to spy on the phones of more than 180 journalists around the world (myself included). ...

Experts say consent and disclosure are key to the ethical use of synthetic media, amid controversy surrounding Bourdain's deepfake voice in a new documentary — The new documentary “Roadrunner” uses A.I.-generated audio without disclosing it to viewers. How should we feel about that?
Quartz, Variety, The Starting Block, Critical Linking, @ottaviabourdain, @markberman, @anniegowen, @laurenweinstein, @hels, @samgregory, @hels, Kellie's Newsletter, @lainnafader, @hels, @markberman, @hels, @davidsunlee, @tomphilpott, @hels, @_karenhao, @jenniferbrandel, @williams_paige, @brianmfloyd, @velliniv, @lainnafader, @kainazamaria, @mtrc, @yashwinacanter, @jamesgleick, @tribelaw, @paisleyfred, @ritajking, @hels, @jonahblank and @martinaustwick, more at Techmeme »
Owen Gleiberman / Variety: Is the Anthony Bourdain AI Voice in ‘Roadrunner’ an Ethical Lapse? Maybe So, but Documentaries Have Been Sliding Away From Reality for Years (Column)
Tina Carmillia / The Starting Block: The 63rd Block: The Internet is different over there
Cary Littlejohn / Critical Linking: Love Wins — Last night, I went to a drag show. In Gillette, Wyoming, of all places.
Ottavia / @ottaviabourdain: I certainly was NOT the one who said Tony would have been cool with that.
Annie Gowen / @anniegowen: Why is nobody is talking about the true ethical lapse in @RoadrunnerMovie which blames Bourdain's suicide on girlfriend Asia Argento but they never asked to interview her bc it would be “too painful” and they “already knew” what she was going to say?
Lauren Weinstein / @laurenweinstein: Not even a close call. Doing this without disclosure in the production was deeply unethical. - Documentary uses deepfake Anthony Bourdain voice without disclosure -
Helen Rosner / @hels: “I'm not sure [the backlash] is even all that much about what the director did in this's triggering us to think how this will play out, in terms of our norms of what's acceptable, our expectations of media” @SamGregory
Sam Gregory / @samgregory: Glad @hels asked for my responses to backlash around AI-generated lines in new Bourdain documentary: we've been focused on these issues (and work-shopped draft norms) as part of our @witnessorg 'Prepare, Don't Panic' initiative on #deepfakes ( to learn +)
Helen Rosner / @hels: The journalist and A.I. expert @_KarenHao echoed that consent and disclosure are key: “If we introduce the public to [deepfakes] in jarring ways, it could prime the public to have a more negative perception of this technology than perhaps is deserved.”
Kellie Spano / Kellie's Newsletter: Find your greatest bliss...
Lainna Fader / @lainnafader: “Parasocial intimacy can be profound and precious. The synthetic line readings trigger our revulsion at the uncanny valley of artificial intelligence, which threatens to corrode the sanctity of our private relationships with Bourdain and his memory.”
Helen Rosner / @hels: How should we feel about that deepfake Anthony Bourdain voice in “Roadrunner”? I talked to Morgan Neville, Ottavia Busia, and some seriously smart A.I. ethicists about what happened, what didn't happen — and what might happen
Mark Berman / @markberman: *whispers loudly* this is also my stance for adding or replacing a word in someone's quote in a news story without being explicit about it (adding brackets)
@davidsunlee: To me, a person's voice feels like it's part of their likeness. And like your likeness, you should have control over how that it used, especially for commercial use
Tom Philpott / @tomphilpott: Agreed w @hels that the decision not to interview Argento is more troubling than the deepfake line readings. Together, they really sap my enthusiasm to see this film though.
Helen Rosner / @hels: Anyway I talked to some ethicists (and to Neville and to Bourdain's ex-wife Ottavia Busia) and reported it out
Karen Hao / @_karenhao: What are the ethics of using AI to fake Bourdain's voice in a documentary about his life? @SamGregory and I spoke with @hels about why it was such a jarring revelation for so many people.
Jennifer Brandel / @jenniferbrandel: YES! The most thoughtful, nuanced and fair exploration of the use of AI in the Bourdain film @RoadrunnerMovie Full disclosure: I'm married to one of the film's editors, and @hels reporting mirrors the grappling and conversations we've had about it as the film came together.
Paige Williams / @williams_paige: Pretty simple. If it didn't happen, don't pretend that it did. There's a name for that: fiction.
Brian Floyd / @brianmfloyd: Helen is great at everything but especially working through complicated and thorny things like this. Was honestly waiting to see what she would report and write about it all
VelliniVerso / @velliniv: @ZamirGotta This is what Ottavia Bourdain said when asked to expand upon the issue. She said, “I do believe Morgan thought he had everyone's blessing to go ahead, I took the decision to remove myself from the process early on because it was just too painful for me.”
Lainna Fader / @lainnafader: I'm not bothered by using A.I. to generate Bourdain's voice reading his own words, but it should be disclosed to the viewer. This piece has some interesting thoughts on how that could've been accomplished
Kainaz Amaria / @kainazamaria: Really good follow up by @hels on the AI used in the Bourdain doc. New technologies always raise ethical and moral questions. But A.I. in particular has an odious reputation which sets it apart and hence brings up all the feelings.
Mike Cook / @mtrc: I think Karen Hao is one of the great AI critics, but I do feel she's off the mark here. We don't need to give this guy any slack, in my opinion - Helen herself here tracks down ethics specialists to discuss this idea for the article. Why couldn't Neville have done the same?
Yash / @yashwinacanter: i find the whole thing equally fascinating and unsettling and haven't really made up my mind either way, but this piece feels like the best way of untangling the emotions around the AInthony Bourdain discourse. in @hels we trust.
James Gleick / @jamesgleick: For me this is not a close call. Viewers will think they are hearing the voice of Anthony Bourdain. They are not. So it's false and deceptive. The practice should be shunned.
Laurence Tribe / @tribelaw: Easy question: We should feel shitty about being deceived with an AI-aided, deepfake version of Bourdain's actual voice. Shitty. Period.
J. Paisley / @paisleyfred: Since Anthony Bourdain shared so much of himself willingly, in his own voice, why would you need to fake something so personal to present a portrait of the man? It seems greedy. And lazy. And gross. via @NewYorker
Rita J. King / @ritajking: “But doesn't a person relinquish that control anytime his writing goes out into the world?” No. Writing something doesn't legitimize deepfakes without consent. But deepfakes are here. The two most important words in this piece? “Creative signaling.”
Helen Rosner / @hels: Most importantly (to some of y'all), director Morgan Neville and Ottavia Busia both clarified to me that Neville *did* create the deepfake Bourdain voice with consent of his estate, though beyond the initial conversation Busia herself was not involved
Jonah Blank / @jonahblank: Debate over #RoadRunner creating a #DeepFake of the voice of #AnthonyBourdain really doesn't need to be this complex: 1. In a work of fiction, it's OK to bend the truth. 2. In a documentary, it isn't. Simple.
Martin Austwick / @martinaustwick: Really interesting follow up on the use of voice deepfake tech to create fresh Bourdain vo. When I talked to @Riana_Crypto last year for the @20korg episode about voice deepfakes, the faking of dead people's voices was one of the grey areas she mentioned.

Sources: NYT's Karen Crouse has been suspended and won't cover the Olympics for NYT, after she wrote a story about Michael Phelps, with whom she has a book deal — After her ethical conflict was revealed, Crouse was yanked off the paper's Olympic coverage team and taken off the swimming beat, multiple sources told The Daily Beast.
Wendy Parker / Sports Biblio Reader: A New Dawn for Japanese Sports
A.J. Perez / @byajperez: This is still so confounding. How does a NYT journo think this was OK? I've only begged off one story in my career for a conflict — and my editor said there wasn't really one. I still wasn't comfortable reporting it, so I passed it off. ...
Seth Emerson / @sethwemerson: Disclose book deals to your editors, one of the many basics of ethics in journalism, along with not paying for interviews.
Allison Carter / @allisonlcarter: Man, this shouldn't even be a question. That person should be gone. ...
Nicole Auerbach / @nicoleauerbach: Clear conflict of interest, and (somehow) not disclosed to bosses ahead of time. Unreal. ...
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: “The New York Times has suspended star sports journalist Karen Crouse, and her future at the paper is being heatedly debated among the paper's top editors,” three sources tell @LachCartwright and @TheLloydGrove. ...
Paul McLeod / @pdmcleod: This is such an odd case. Hard to imagine a more brazen conflict of interest, and one that would inevitably become public. How do you not disclose it? ...
@thedailybeast: “Our guidelines state that no staff member may serve as a ghost writer or co-author for individuals who figure or are likely to figure in coverage they provide, edit, package or supervise,” a spokesperson for The New York Times told The Daily Beast ...
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: NYT's Karen Crouse, who covers swimming, has been suspended from the paper following disclosure of her conflict of interest with Michael Phelps. She's not traveling to the Olympics. ...
Craig Silverman / @craigsilverman: Reminder: David Brooks faced no discipline, and just had to step back from his second fully-salary job, after we revealed his massive conflicts of interest. Yes the Opinion section is different from News. Still, these seem like very inconsistent outcomes. ...
@thedailybeast: EXCLUSIVE: Sports journalist Karen Crouse inked her deal to co-author the book earlier this year but failed to inform Times management. In fact, her editors only learned of the publishing deal after reading about it in Sports Illustrated and were “livid” ...
Erik Wemple / Washington Post: NYT sports reporter suspended over conflict of interest with Michael Phelps
Jordan Williams / The Hill: NYT sports reporter suspended for failing to disclose book deal with Michael Phelps: report
@blackamazon: Black reporters are pulled from police brutality stories but okay

Nielsen: the share of viewers' TV usage per day grew for cable and streaming services in June to 40% and 27% respectively, while it fell for broadcast to 23% — ‘Manifest,’ meanwhile, is the top streaming title in Nielsen's rankings for June 14-20 and ‘Loki’ rises to No. 1 among originals.
@mulvihill79, @aliciadfortner, @wendykrouse, @jeff_rake, @nielsen, @savemanifest and The Streamable
Michael Mulvihill / @mulvihill79: Latest edition of the most important report in media analytics is out. Gaining share in June: Cable sports, Netflix, Disney+ Losing share: Broadcast
@aliciadfortner: #1 across all streaming services come on @netflix get this before someone else does. And I bet NBC is kicking their own asses now. Should of listen to us fans. We know what we are talking about #SaveManifest #SaveThePassengers
Wendy Krouse / @wendykrouse: 2.5 billion minutes... That's not just a small group of enthusiastic fans watching. Manifesters are EVERYWHERE! @nbc @warnerbrostv @netflix — The numbers don't lie. This show needs to be resurrected. #SaveManifest #SaveThePassengers
Jeff Rake / @jeff_rake: #1 in streaming across all platforms. Go Manifest, go! #SaveManifest ...
@nielsen: For a full look at how audiences are spending their TV time, visit our fresh update of The Gauge:
Save Manifest / @savemanifest: “For the week of June 14-20, Manifest was the top performer. It had a huge week with nearly 2.5 billion minutes of viewing time for its first two seasons, among the highest tallies for an acquired title since Nielsen began tracking weekly viewing 10 months ago.” #SaveManifest

Interview with BuzzFeed News climate and science reporter Zahra Hirji, on lessons of pandemic reporting and how to share context on climate throughout newsrooms — Welcome to Galaxy Brain — a newsletter from Charlie Warzel about technology, media, and culture. You can read what this is all about here.
@mr_bellis, @tvietor08, @tomnamako, @mat, @martynschmoll, @nicnguyen, @cwarzel, Culture Study, @cwarzel and @cwarzel
Rich Bellis / @mr_bellis: Been thinking and reading a lot lately about how news media can amp up climate competencies across beats and help connect the dots for readers, and @cwarzel's chat w/ @Zhirji28 is a great resource: ... This chunk especially:
Tommy Vietor / @tvietor08: Interesting section from @cwarzel's newsletter about climate change reporting. This is how Buzzfeed is trying to get the right big-picture context into stories about climate change and gun violence. ...
Tom Namako / @tomnamako: “The pandemic hit and, initially, science and health reporters took the lead. But quickly, people realized, this is effecting every single beat. Climate change has a similar dynamic.” Always read @Zhirji28. ...
Mat Honan / @mat: This is such an excellent interview with @Zhirji28: ...
Martyn Schmoll / @martynschmoll: This is how Buzzfeed is trying to get the right big-picture context into stories about climate change and gun violence. Imagine providing a similar context paragraph to reporters covering car/pedestrian and car/cycling crashes. Smart idea. ...
Nicole Nguyen / @nicnguyen: “The real fear isn't climate denialism, it's the normalization of climate change. When people say, ‘what can I do?’ I'm like, ‘EVERYTHING!’ You can do anything and it can helps.” @Zhirji28 is very smart and points to helpful resources here: ...
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: One of the cool things @Zhirji28 and her desk are doing is helping build context that other reporters who are new to writing about climate issues can use in stories.
Anne Helen Petersen / Culture Study: What It Feels Like to Lose Your Favorite Season
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: Today's Galaxy Brain is a fantastic interview w/ the great @Zhirji28 about how we're all climate reporters now. We talk about how she covers this sprawling beat & how to find & frame stories. But the real gem is the EXTREMELY ACTIONABLE advice for writers ...

Filing: AMC settles a profit-sharing suit with ex-Walking Dead showrunner Frank Darabont, CAA; Darabont and CAA get $200M and part of future streaming revenue — AMC and Frank Darabont have reached a settlement that will end the long-running “Walking Dead” profits participation lawsuit between the two.
Cynthia Littleton / Variety: AMC Networks Reaches $200 Million Settlement in ‘The Walking Dead’ Profit Participation Lawsuit
Ashley Cullins / Hollywood Reporter: AMC to Pay Frank Darabont, CAA $200M in Settlement of ‘Walking Dead’ Profits Fight
Brian Lowry / @blowryontv: The Darabont Redemption.
Borys Kit / @borys_kit: Nine year legal battle over #TheWalkingDead profits ended today, with Frank Darabont and his agency to get a $200 million settlement. Could something like this happen in today's streaming age? ...
Aaron Pruner / @aaronflux: The last time I saw Frank was roughly 8 or 9 years ago. He had become a casual acquaintance since my roommate was close to him. He was exhausted from TWD and told me he was going to quit. It's been a long road since, and I am happy about this win for him. ...

Automattic, owner of Tumblr, buys podcast app Pocket Casts from a public radio collective that includes NPR, which reportedly lost $800K on it last year — A new home for the popular podcast app — Pocket Casts has a new owner. Automattic, which runs and recently purchased Tumblr …
The Blog, @ashleyrcarman, TechCrunch, @pocketcasts, @rustyshelf, @elibud, @davechensky,, @mattbirchler, @chris_mrtn, @ivanbrezakbrkan, @tferriss, @borthwick, @seyitaylor, @nisummers, @evoterra, @automattic, @dcseifert, @loudmouthjulia, Great Pods Newsletter and RAIN News
Ashley Carman / @ashleyrcarman: another day, more podcast news. the owner of tumblr and wordpress just bought the beloved pocket casts
@pocketcasts: We have some really exciting news to share with you all 🎉 We know you'll have questions about what this all means, but we'll answer one now: Yes this means Pocket Casts will continue to be worked on and keep improving and growing. We hope you're as excited as we are!
Russell Ivanovic / @rustyshelf: I have some very exciting news to share. Can't wait to get settled in and make @pocketcasts bigger and better 🎉
David Chen / @davechensky: So grateful that @pocketcasts has been bought by @automattic. It's my favorite podcast app by far (yes, I've tried the one you use) & Automattic seems to take good care of the companies they buy. Hoping this means the app will survive long into the future Public Radio Companies Sell Pocket Casts Podcast App To WordPress's Parent Company Automattic.
Matt Birchler / @mattbirchler: Automattic seems to be on a spending spree lately, they just bought Pocket Casts. I hope this means the team is able to do more with the app, as it has felt pretty stagnant IMO over the 3 years since their previous acquisition.
Chris Martin / @chris_mrtn: Exciting news! Great to hear @pocketcasts has found a new home. Congrats @rustyshelf + @geekygecko 🎉
IBB / @ivanbrezakbrkan: I expect @photomatt to acquire @ConvertKit next and thus build the ultimate independent creator ecosystem. Go on, do it!
Tim Ferriss / @tferriss: This is exciting news. I'm eager to see where it goes...
John Borthwick / @borthwick: Excited for Pocket Casts and Automattic teams — great app ~ congrats @photomatt
@seyitaylor: I like what Automattic is doing. Wonder if they're going to be able to turn it into a real thing. Might be useful to combine everything in a way that allows for indie creators to make money off the combo platforms
Nick Summers / @nisummers: I use Pocket Casts daily. It's a beautiful podcast player that *just works.* Happy to hear that it's backed up by a company like Automattic now.
Evo Terra / @evoterra: More movement in the podcast ownership space, with @pocketcasts joining the ranks of @automattic. I've updated the chart at (And I may add more functionality to the page today.)
@automattic: Big news! Pocket Casts will be joining Automattic, the parent company of, making it easier for podcast fans to discover new content and customize their listening experience. Learn more here:
@dcseifert: i love Pocket Casts and use it every day (often across multiple platforms in the same day!) but every time i open it i worry that it's going to be the last time because it won't survive. maybe i don't need to worry anymore?

Courts generally bar journalists from using recording devices in trials; ending the ban would let reporters add color to stories and sometimes improve accuracy — In his job as a staff writer for the Richmond County (N.C.) Daily Journal, Matthew Sasser is used to reading about the alleged misdeeds of other people, not about himself.
@craigmwhitlock, @coreywrites, @spj_tweets, @oliverdarcy, @joshgerstein, @postopinions, @erikwemple, @aviwoolf and American Press Institute
Craig Whitlock / @craigmwhitlock: Good piece on the absurdity of judges not wanting audio recordings of public proceedings in their courtrooms ...
Corey Friedman / @coreywrites: Judge Stephan Futrell's severe abuse of discretion — fining a reporter who brought a voice recorder to court & *jailing* an editor who wasn't even present — made the @washingtonpost. @RCDailyJournal @paulmnewby @NCCourts @NCStateBar @TheNCPress @rcfp ...
@spj_tweets: “Though penalties vary, the rule that journalists may not use recording devices during court proceedings is a common one in both federal and state courthouses, bedeviling reporters as they struggle to capture quotes by writing longhand in their notebooks.” ...
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: “What's the rationale for the no-audio-recording rule in the first place? What courtroom equities are ruptured by a silent technology?” ...
Josh Gerstein / @joshgerstein: Courts don't let reporters record hearings or trials without official permission. Those who defy the rule can even end up in jail. WaPo's Wemple asks: why? ...
@postopinions: The hassles associated with the no-audiotaping rules are far from theoretical, @ErikWemple writes ...
Erik Wemple / @erikwemple: When a North Carolina judge questioned two newspaper journalists in connection with audiotaping court proceedings, he was tying up two-thirds of the paper's editorial personnel. ...

The Athletic is raising annual subscription prices from $52 to $72, the first raise since its 2016 launch; monthly subscription rates will stay the same — Sports-journalism upstart The Athletic, which has reportedly been considering potential mergers, is raising the cost of an annual subscription …
@kerrymflynn: The Athletic's annual subscription price is changing for the first time — from $59.99 to $71.99. CEO Alex Mather told @bristei, “We want to continue to build” and the subscription increase “really just helps that mission.”

Reuters photojournalist Danish Siddiqui has been killed in Afghanistan; Afghan official says he was caught in the crossfire of a clash he was covering — Reuters journalist Danish Siddiqui was killed on Friday while covering a clash between Afghan security forces and Taliban fighters near …
Rana Ayyub's Newsletter, 10+1 Things, @edclowes, @reuters, @alexplitsas, @tglocer, @srajagopalan, Committee to Protect …, CNN,, @alexcrawfordsky, @anjalib_, @leahmillis, @billfoxla, @reuterspictures, Reuters, @laurenbohn, @jerrydunleavy, @oneillyatescbc, @marknyt, @newsedjane, @reuterszengerle, @saitomri, @rcallimachi, BBC, Newser, Why Journalism Matters, Mediaite, The Hill, New York Times, Politico, Axios, The Wrap and Insider
Rishikesh Sreehari / 10+1 Things: Build a City, Curator Economy, Hacking Tractors and Microneedles.
Ed Clowes / @edclowes: Danish Siddiqui, Reuters' chief photographer, won the Pulitzer prize in 2018 for this photo of a Rohingya woman who had crossed the Bay of Bengal to flee genocide. Danish was killed by a Taliban ambush in Afghanistan today whilst embedded with troops.
@reuters: Pulitzer Prize-winning @Reuters journalist Danish Siddiqui was killed in Afghanistan while reporting on fighting between the Taliban and Afghan government forces. Siddiqui had been embedded with Afghan special forces in Kandahar province
Alex Plitsas / @alexplitsas: Transparency sometimes means having to shine a light in some of the most dangerous places in the world. It takes a person of courage to do so. He was incredibly brave man and talented photojournalist.
Tom Glocer / @tglocer: I had many ups and some downs in my 19 years at @Reuters , none of the downs were worse than when I learned of the death of a journalist colleague. On my watch Harry Burton and Azizullah Haidari were killed in Afghanistan. I'm so sorry they now have the company of Danish.
Shruti Rajagopalan / @srajagopalan: I am heartbroken. I have seen India through Danish's eyes the last few years and this is such a big loss for India.
Charles Riley / CNN: Pulitzer Prize-winning Reuters photographer Danish Siddiqui killed in Afghanistan
Alex Crawford / @alexcrawfordsky: Terrible loss - to his family, friends, colleagues - and journalism. He set a v high bar - and had us all jumping to try to match him. Really need more details about exactly what happened #afghanistan @dansiddiqui #Reuters
Anjali Bhardwaj / @anjalib_: Unbelievably tragic! Incredible journalist, incredibly kind human being. Rest in power #DanishSiddiqui
Leah Millis / @leahmillis: Our pain is worsened by the hatred he is still receiving for showing the world the truth of the COVID crisis in India. Elevate his work. Drown out the hate. Journalism matters, he gave his life in pursuit of the truth.
Bill Melugin / @billfoxla: Siddiqui was an incredible reporter. Look at some of the last videos/photos posted to his feed in the middle of ambushes/gunfights while embedded with Afghan commandos. Very sad. RIP.
@reuterspictures: Danish Siddiqui covered war zones and crises from Iraq to Hong Kong to Nepal. He was killed on Friday covering Afghan-Taliban clashes near the Pakistan border. Here is some of the Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer's best work from the past decade:
Scott Neuman / Reuters: Pulitzer Prize-Winning Photojournalist Danish Siddiqui Is Killed In Afghanistan
Lauren Bohn / @laurenbohn: Heartbreaking news. Danish published this harrowing piece just three days ago:
Jerry Dunleavy / @jerrydunleavy: R.I.P. to a brave man
Chris O'Neill-Yates / @oneillyatescbc: Very sad news. Danish was a great reporter. Condolences to his family, colleagues and all those who loved him.
Mark S. Getzfred / @marknyt: A Reuters photographer since 2010, Danish Siddiqui's work spanned covering the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Rohingya refugees crisis, the Hong Kong protests and Nepal earthquakes.
Jane Barrett / @newsedjane: Absolutely devastating news. @dansiddiqui was one of the most compelling photographers. His recent coverage of India's second Covid wave was extraordinary and made the world pay attention like nobody else did. A day we all fall silent, heartbroken, particularly for his family 💔
Patricia Zengerle / @reuterszengerle: Danish was an outstanding journalist, a devoted husband and father, and a much-loved colleague. Our thoughts are with his family at this terrible time.
Mari Saito / @saitomri: Horrendous. So much of his work, including some of his most recent work documenting India's coronavirus crisis, were so haunting they will stay with me forever.
Rukmini Callimachi / @rcallimachi: Very sad news:
Bob Cronin / Newser: Pulitzer-Winning Journalist Killed in Afghanistan
Ted Sullivan / Why Journalism Matters: Why Journalism Matters —Spotlight
Jackson Richman / Mediaite: Pulitzer Prize-Winning Reuters Journalist Killed in Afghanistan
Jordan Williams / The Hill: Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer killed in Afghanistan
Quint Forgey / Politico: Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist killed amid clash between Afghan forces, Taliban
Oriana Gonzalez / Axios: Pulitzer-winning Reuters photojournalist killed in Afghanistan
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Pulitzer-Winning Photojournalist Danish Siddiqui Killed in Afghanistan

Lionsgate acquires a 20% stake in Spyglass Media and the vast majority of its ~200 feature film titles, another sign of content's increasing value — Lionsgate has acquired the vast majority of the Spyglass Media Group's feature film library of approximately 200 titles and formed …
Karlene Lukovitz / MediaPost: Lionsgate Nabs Weinstein Content Trove For Starz, 20% Stake In Spyglass

Sources: NBC News' Kasie Hunt is moving to CNN, which offered her a salary between $1M and $1.5M/year as it seeks to hire talent for its streaming programming — CNN has snatched Kasie Hunt, the Capitol Hill correspondent long viewed as a rising star at NBC News, as part of an aggressive bid …
@kasie, @ashleyrparker, @bristei, @dandrezner, @jentaub, @colbyitkowitz, @kenwheaton, @variety, Mediaite, New York Post, TVNewser, The Wrap and The Hill
Kasie Hunt / @kasie: Some personal news, as they say — thank you to all of the viewers, reporters, lawmakers and everyone else who's gotten up extra early to help make @WayTooEarly better. I loved doing this show. More soon! #WayTooEarly
Ashley Parker / @ashleyrparker: WOW. @kasie is a reporter's reporter, and a TV pro, and wherever she ends up next will be so lucky to have her. 💫
Brian Steinberg / @bristei: NBC News made waves by poaching Tom Llanas from rival ABC to gain anchor firepower for its new streaming outlet. Now CNN has done the same to NBC, snatching away Kasie Hunt....
Daniel W. Drezner / @dandrezner: Gonna be interesting to see if streaming and real-time news coverage will mix.
Jennifer Taub / @jentaub: Congratulations @kasie! Please know that Ponzu is ready to stream anytime
Colby Itkowitz / @colbyitkowitz: Huge get for CNN. @kasie is a class act and a tremendous journalist. Congrats to her!
Ken Wheaton / @kenwheaton: $1m to read the news. I bet the people who write it get paid a lot more! :D
@variety: Kasie Hunt is leaving NBC for CNN. According to one person familiar with the matter, she was offered an annual salary of $1-1.5 million, which NBC News felt it simply couldn't match
Aidan McLaughlin / Mediaite: JUST IN: Kasie Hunt Leaving NBC For CNN
Alexandra Steigrad / New York Post: Kasie Hunt announces she's leaving NBC, reportedly heading to CNN
A.J. Katz / TVNewser: Kasie Hunt Departing NBC News, MSNBC
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Kasie Hunt Exits MSNBC and NBC News for CNN
Lexi Lonas / The Hill: Kasie Hunt announces she is leaving NBC

Barb: GB News had zero viewers during some broadcasts this week, after a boycott prompted by a presenter taking the knee in solidarity with England soccer team — Channel label Guto Harri's on-air gesture in solidarity against racist abuse suffered by the England team ‘unacceptable’
@risj_oxford: British channel @GBNEWS attracted zero viewers during some of its broadcasts this week, according to TV audience figures after a viewer boycott prompted by presenter @Guto_Harri taking the knee in solidarity with England football team, @jimwaterson reports ...
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: New British TV channel, @GBNEWS, which was supposed to be a more conservative alternative, recorded ZERO viewers for parts of the day after a viewer boycott prompted by one of its presenters taking the knee in solidarity with the England football team. ...
@gbnews: GB News stands four square against racism in all its forms. We do not have a company line on taking the knee. Some of our guests have been in favour, some against. All are anti-racist. We have editorial standards that all GB News journalists uphold.
Otto English / @otto_english: At times, last week, GB News was attracting zero viewers. Andrew Neil was right - it really is a revolution in the way that TV news is being done. Nobody's watching. ...
Ella / @latentexistence: I had to reread that several times before I worked out they alienated their racist audience who it turns out do not like free speech after all
Dai Lama / @welshdalailama: I mean yes it looks bad that 100% of GB News audience demanded his cancellation, but you've got to remember that's only 7 people.
@stayeuropean: Wasn't GB News supposed to be the channel for people who oppose “cancel culture”? Seems like they only oppose it when other people do it.
Siobhan Benita / @siobhanbenita: GB News cancelling itself with anti anti-racism is everything 😂
John Cleese / @johncleese: Don't ever forget that Neil was trained by Murdoch
Jo Maugham / @jolyonmaugham: How many advertisers will associate their brands with an outlet that bans solidarity with anti-racism?
Robin McKenna / @rbnmckenna86: Whatever you think of the idea that left wing circles are obsessed with “purity”, this is a—genuinely quite hilarious—demonstration that the same goes for some right wing circles.
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: What's particularly crazy about this story is the sheer ferocity and fury from GB News viewers demanding presenter Guto Harri be cancelled. They kept it up for days until channel bosses decided they had to act. ...
Sarah Ludford / @sarahludford: “Andrew Neil told viewers that he was taking leave after just 2 weeks on air after what he described as a ‘rocky start’ but would return ‘before summer is out’..understood to have gone on holiday to his main residence in the south of France but there is no public return date”
@nearlythere19: @hopenothate perhaps a new message to remaining advertisers. Do they understand they may airing their ads to zero audience?
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: GB News spokesperson unable to say if Guto Harri, the former Boris Johnson spokesperson who took the knee on air in solidarity with England football team, is still going to have a job following backlash from furious viewers who feel channel has gone woke.
Celine Castronuovo / The Hill: Presenter on UK conservative news network pulled for taking a knee
@gbnews: On Tuesday a contributing presenter took the knee live on air and this was an unacceptable breach of our standards.
John Glenday / The Drum: GB News attracts ‘zero viewers’ after boycott

Sources: Guto Harri, the GB News presenter who took a knee, has been indefinitely taken off air, and the director of programming, John McAndrew, has quit
@earleyedition, The Guardian, @kevin_maguire, @willblackwriter, @davmicrot, @mehdirhasan, @adamboultonsky, @jessphillips, @jessphillips, Conquest of the Useless, @altnewsmedia, @nadine_writes, @psythor, @stopfundinghate, @jimwaterson, @aljwhite, @garyyounge, @lionelbarber, @tomgara, @allyfogg, @hugogye, @jonnelledge, @jimwaterson, @drfrancesryan, @aljwhite, Media Trends and Insights and Guido Fawkes
Dave Earley / @earleyedition: GB News attracted zero viewers during some of its broadcasts this week after a viewer boycott prompted by one of its presenters taking the knee in solidarity with the England football team. Now that presenter has been pulled off air ...
Kevin Maguire / @kevin_maguire: Cancel culture No free speech Snowflake TV GB boss in France Zero viewers Comedy gold ...
Will Black / @willblackwriter: #GBNews is facing the choice of being tedious Daily Mail level murky toxic right wing and being Breitbart style far-right extreme toxic excrement. Each direction will lose viewers (though it has been zero for hours already)
David Rothschild / @davmicrot: In all seriousness: Republican Cancel Culture is out of control (UK edition) 11/x
Mehdi Hasan / @mehdirhasan: A right-wing news channel in the UK, which was set up to battle ‘cancel culture’, just ‘canceled’ a host for taking the knee live on air. You cannot make this stuff up. You really can't. The modern right is hilariously un-self-aware & beyond parody. ...
Adam Boulton / @adamboultonsky: John McAndrew is a decent man, an excellent TV journalist and a valued former colleague.
Jess Phillips MP / @jessphillips: The people who hate cancel culture in shocking cancelling...colour me completely unsurprised.
Jess Phillips MP / @jessphillips: I bet @GavinWilliamson is absolutely appalled by this, he was tell us just this week about the chilling effect that stopping people expressing themselves has on society. I bet he's knocking up a new Bill right now to protect the cancelled knee takers in the world of media.
Mic Wright / Conquest of the Useless: The Clown Car Derby: GB News, Guido Fawkes, and Jacob Rees Mogg compete for the Craphound Cup
@altnewsmedia: GB News needs to take on the left and their culture war to succeed. As Boris needs to realise, trying to please everyone just doesn't work.
Nadine White / @nadine_writes: .@GBNEWS has been plunged into crisis as news of a senior executive's resignation emerged hours after presenter Guto Harri was taken off air for symbolically taking the knee on screen, @jimwaterson reports. Passa. Mix up. Nuff festivities. ...
James O'Malley / @psythor: The prophecy is coming true. ...
@stopfundinghate: A senior GB News executive has reportedly resigned rather than “dial up [the] culture war”. Every company that advertises on GB News from this point on will be making a very clear statement about their values. Are @Sainsburys really keen to align with this? #DontFundGBNews
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: Scoop: John McAndrew, GB News' director of programming, has quit... ex-Sky News executive who pushed for regional reporting... resigned rather dial up culture war... appears there's a battle for control GB News and the full culture warriors are winning. ...
Alan White / @aljwhite: Sources at the channel say others from the “non-culture war bit” are set to follow next week; lack of experience behind scenes and the inability to hire quickly enough to fill the void was a big enough problem as it was
Gary Younge / @garyyounge: Cancel culture - From the people who brought you free speech. ...
Lionel Barber / @lionelbarber: 👀 And what do GB News owner-backers like Discovery think about a full-on “culture war” ? Not their cup of tea, I suspect ...
Tom Gara / @tomgara: Amazing Andrew Neil line here: “the station was counting on his flagship 8pm show to bring in the viewers required to make it a success. However, after two weeks on air he has taken an extended holiday in the south of France” ...
Hugo Gye / @hugogye: GB News is a) interesting idea which deserved chance to succeed b) staffed with lots of v talented people. But... starting a channel to promote free speech and oppose cancel culture, then suspending a presenter for taking a knee, is incredibly bizarre.
@jonnelledge: surely there must be some kind of minimum time between relaunches? you can't just launch and then immediately relaunch. that's not a relaunch. that's your launch being shit
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: Latest on GB News... Guto Harri suspended for taking knee... senior staff leaving... rumours of more to follow... talk of relaunch with rejigged presenters... channel facing choice between mainstream-style news with a right-wing twist or going full culture war ...
Frances Ryan / @drfrancesryan: This is increasingly hilarious. I love the idea Neil is sitting in his French villa just not mentioning anything, as if everyone will forget his role in GB News if he's very, very quiet. ...
Alan White / @aljwhite: Sources close to Harri claiming he's potentially been defamed by the channel Just sensational drama 10/10 stuff
Adam Cherry / Guido Fawkes: Knee-Taking Guto Off Air, Not Officially Fired