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Leaked list shows 180+ journalists, working for FT, CNN, NYT, WSJ, and others, are among potential targets of surveillance by government clients of NSO Group — Data leak and forensics suggest NSO's surveillance tool used against journalists at some of world's top media companies
The Guardian, @jsrailton, Forbidden Stories, Amnesty International, Columbia Journalism Review, The Guardian, Washington Post, Fast Company, American Press Institute, Insider, Financial Times, @snowden, Committee to Protect …, @wcathcart, @glcarlstrom, The Daily Caller, New York Times, MediaNama, France 24, @snowden, The Verge, Charles Johnson's Thoughts …, Techdirt, Associated Press, @pbhushan1, @dillidurast, @thewire_in, @occrp, @omerbenj, @evacide, Metacurity, Press Gazette, @abuhilalah, @sallyhayd, @jfgariepy, @wcathcart, @iamcouncil, @wcathcart, @cristingoodwin, @jsrailton, @shanehuntley, @immortaltech, @evacide, @mshelton, @winter, @aliabunimah, @gargirawat, @crubiomartinezu, @jsrailton, @suka_hiroaki, @migueldeicaza, @evacide, @wcathcart, @zahrahankir, @moonofa, @snowden, @jsrailton, @marietjeschaake, @jsrailton, @lunasafwan, @baddcompani, @wcathcart, @saketgokhale, @freedomofpress, @katrinanation, @amandionair, @mihirssharma, @khalafroula, CNN, @agoodfireburns, @billbrowder, @jsrailton, @wcathcart, @arvindgunasekar, @narangvipin, @nihamasih, News and The Verge, more at Techmeme »
John Scott-Railton / @jsrailton: BREAKING: massive, global leak of the targets of NSO Group's Pegasus spyware. *huge deal.* Forensic investigation by @AmnestyTech in collaboration with @FbdnStories reporters. We @citizenlab conducted peer review. Here's an explainer THREAD. ...
Phineas Rueckert / Forbidden Stories: Pegasus: The new global weapon for silencing journalists
Jon Allsop / Columbia Journalism Review: The danger on our devices — In 2017, Laurent Richard, a French journalist …
Steven Melendez / Fast Company: What is NSO Group? Report finds its Pegasus spyware was used to track journalists, activists
American Press Institute: Need to Know: July 19, 2021 — Fresh useful insights for people advancing quality, innovative and sustainable journalism
Ben Gilbert / Insider: Apple's iPhone has a ‘major blinking red five-alarm-fire problem with iMessage security,’ according to a cybersecurity researcher
Edward Snowden / @snowden: Hungary gave the most incriminating response I've ever seen to a request for comment on the #Pegasus surveillance scandal. I mean, whenever I'm “not aware” of whether I did something or not, I demand to know if foreign spies tipped you off about it. LINK: ...
Committee to Protect Journalists: Moroccan journalist Omar Radi sentenced to 6 years in prison; Imad Stitou convicted of complicity
Will Cathcart / @wcathcart: This groundbreaking reporting from @Guardian, @WashingtonPost, and many others demonstrates what we and others have been saying for years: NSO's dangerous spyware is used to commit horrible human rights abuses all around the world and it must be stopped. ...
Gregg Carlstrom / @glcarlstrom: The charming folks at Israel's NSO Group were asked by a number of mostly authoritarian governments, among them Saudi Arabia and the UAE, to spy on the phones of more than 180 journalists around the world (myself included). ...
Ailan Evans / The Daily Caller: Leak Reportedly Exposes Global Abuse Of Cyber-Surveillance Weapon To Target Journalists, Activists And Politicians
Edward Snowden / @snowden: Stop what you're doing and read this. This leak is going to be the story of the year: (LINK: ...)
Adi Robertson / The Verge: Amazon Web Services bans accounts linked with Pegasus spyware
Charles Johnson / Charles Johnson's Thoughts …: “A Jeffrey Epstein In Every Pocket”
Tim Cushing / Techdirt: Leaked Data Shows NSO Group's Malware Was Used To Target Journalists, Activists, And World Leaders
Prashant Bhushan / @pbhushan1: “Revealed: leak uncovers global abuse of cyber-surveillance weapon. Spyware sold to authoritarian regimes used to target activists, politicians and journalists, data suggests.” Many activists, journalists, politicians& judges are targets in India. #Pegasus ...
Shivam Vij / @dillidurast: “Citizen Lab also has found evidence that all 10 (countries, including India) have been clients of NSO, according to Bill Marczak, a senior research fellow.” Would love to see this evidence. ...
@thewire_in: The phone numbers of over 40 Indian journalists appeared on the list, and forensic tests have confirmed that some of them were successfully snooped upon. These include @svaradarajan, @mkvenu1, @DevirupaM, @rohini_sgh, and Prem Shankar Jha from The Wire.
@occrp: Loved ones and colleagues of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi had their phones compromised with NSO Group software both before and after Khashoggi's 2018 killing. Read the full story in @washingtonpost, one of 17 reporting partners in the #PegasusProject 👇
Omer Benjakob / @omerbenj: Snowden calls to hold NSO directly accountable for abuse of its spy tech software after @PhineasJFR's bombshell report for @FbdnStories comes out across the world as part of massive global investigation
Eva / @evacide: This is why the government response to getting caught red-handed engaging in this kind of surveillance of political opponents is a kind of smug non-denial with undercurrents of “oppose us and you will be next.”
Cynthia Brumfield / Metacurity: Special Report: NSO's Group Pegasus Spyware Widely Used Against Journalists, Activists, and Others Around the Globe
Charlotte Tobitt / Press Gazette: Global targeting of journalists with state spyware revealed by international investigation
Sally Hayden / @sallyhayd: “journalists selected as possible candidates for surveillance... work for some of the world's most prestigious media organisations. They include the Wall Street Journal, CNN, the NYT, Al Jazeera, France 24, Radio Free Europe, Mediapart, El País, AP, AFP...” ...
@jfgariepy: TLDR: Israel collaborating with shady people who have lists of important figures' phone numbers, which appear to be lists of VIPs targeted for malware attacks that illegally monitor their cell phone activities. Just one more tool in the toolkit for this extortionist state.
Will Cathcart / @wcathcart: In 2019, @WhatsApp discovered and defeated an attack from NSO. They rely on unknown vulnerabilities in mobile OSes, which is one of the reasons why we felt it was so important to raise awareness of what we'd found. ...
Indian American Muslim Council / @iamcouncil: Among the journalists hacked by Pegasus were Siddharth Varadarajan and Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, a co-founder and a reporter at the Indian news website the Wire. Thakurta was hacked in 2018 while he was working on an investigation into Hindu nationalists. ...
Will Cathcart / @wcathcart: Human rights defenders, tech companies and governments must work together to increase security and hold the abusers of spyware accountable. Microsoft was bold in their actions last week ...
Cristin Goodwin / @cristingoodwin: Private sector offensive actors will continue to sell spyware as a service as long as there is a buyer and no meaningful regulation. The current export control approach is not working. Reports like this and the work of @citizenlab highlight this is a mainstream problem.
John Scott-Railton / @jsrailton: 5. Now, to the findings: >50k numbers were leaked that are reportedly part of the infection & targeting workflow with Pegasus. To help validate the relationship between these numbers & infections @AmnestyTech got consent to forensically examine a subset of the devices.
Shane Huntley / @shanehuntley: Continuing evidence of the harm done by companies like NSO. What will it take for governments to stop these vendors operating with impunity?
Immortal Technique / @immortaltech: Here we go...
Eva / @evacide: I cannot overemphasize the chilling effect on journalism that comes from seeing that if you criticize your government, they will spy on you through your phone using surveillance tools you cannot detect or avoid.
Martin / @mshelton: At a certain point, we can't call it “abuse” of NSO Group's malware tools any more. Systemic targeting of journalists isn't an accident. ...
Alex Winter / @winter: This is a massive story and great reporting all around.
Ali Abunimah / @aliabunimah: It's an Israeli spy firm, a fact that I believe the @guardian would have emphasized in headline, and NATO regimes would be imposing sanctions, had it been Chinese or Russian. But Israel is their little pit bull.
Gargi Rawat / @gargirawat: FT editor among 180 journalists identified by clients of spyware firm | Surveillance | ‘Among the journalists confirmed by analysis to have been hacked by Pegasus were Siddharth Varadarajan and Paranjoy Guha Thakurta’ #Pegasus ...
Carlos Rubio / @crubiomartinezu: I was the victim of the spyware, and ended up running from Dominican Republic to USA, and even in the US, the Dominican Republic Government, leaked to narco traffickers my location in the USA. Had to move a few times.
John Scott-Railton / @jsrailton: 4. We @citizenlab independently peer reviewed @AmnestyTech's forensic methodology, including how they identify an infected phone. Our review, led by my colleague @billmarczak, judged their forensics & research methodology to be SOUND.
Andreas Proschofsky / @suka_hiroaki: Still wondering: what is “military-grade spyware” and how does it differ from regular spyware? 🤔
Miguel de Icaza / @migueldeicaza: Another explainer thread:
Eva / @evacide: This is a really important story and I suggest that everyone read it, but this headline is cringe. “Military-grade spyware” is not a thing.
Will Cathcart / @wcathcart: We need more companies, and, critically, governments, to take steps to hold NSO Group accountable. Once again, we urge a global moratorium on the use of unaccountable surveillance technology now. It's past time.
Zahra Hankir / @zahrahankir: Roula Khalaf, the Lebanese veteran journalist and first female editor of the FT, and Omar Radi, the Moroccan freelance journalist and human rights activist who is currently on trial (verdict due Monday), were also targeted
@moonofa: “Other prominent journalists whose phones were selected by NSO's clients include Gregg Carlstrom, a Middle East reporter at the Economist, whose Egyptian and Qatari phone numbers were selected as possible targets by an NSO client, believed to the UAE. ”
Edward Snowden / @snowden: The Israeli company behind this — the NSO group — should bear direct, criminal liability for the deaths and detentions of those targeted by the digital infection vectors it sells, which have no legitimate use.
John Scott-Railton / @jsrailton: 2. Background: the already-notorious NSO Group makes mercenary spyware to silently & remotely hack iPhones & Androids. Many of their government customers are authoritarians. Most cannot resist the temptation to target their critics, reporters, human rights groups etc.
Marietje Schaake / @marietjeschaake: Read this thread and research about the targets of NSO Group's spyware. Spoiler: it's ugly! I hope this straw breaks the camel's back of the complete reluctance to stop these toxic, private, high-tech intelligence services ↘️
John Scott-Railton / @jsrailton: 3. More about leaked numbers & targets in a sec, but first you need to know: @AmnestyTech just released a report with technical analysis of NSO's infrastructure... & analysis validating w/forensics that some phones were infected with Pegasus.
Luna Safwan / @lunasafwan: FT editor among 180 journalists identified by clients of spyware firm | A successful Pegasus infection gives NSO customers access to all data stored on the device. Dangerous. @guardian ...
Will Cathcart / @wcathcart: Thank you to @Microsoft, @Google, @Cisco, @VMWare, the @InternetAssn and others who have spoken up against the perils of giving spyware firms like NSO immunity.
Saket Gokhale / @saketgokhale: The Pegasus Project investigation just out on @washingtonpost ...
@freedomofpress: HUGE new investigation: “The editor of the @FT is one of more than 180 editors, investigative reporters and other journalists around the world who were selected as possible candidates for surveillance by gov't clients of the surveillance firm NSO Group” ...
Katrina vandenHeuvel / @katrinanation: Important investigative revelations about how private Israeli spyware used to hack cellphones of journalists & activists worldwide. ...
Fernand / @amandionair: Could this ever have possibly happened without the approval of Benjamin Netanyahu, while he was still Prime Minister?
Mihir Sharma / @mihirssharma: One of the most important news stories of the year. GoI has denied it has used this spyware. That denial simply doesn't hold up when faced with this leak.
Roula Khalaf / @khalafroula: Press freedoms are vital, and any unlawful state interference or surveillance of journalists is unacceptable. FT editor among 180 journalists identified by clients of spyware firm ...
Brian Stelter / CNN: Pegasus Project: Why 17 news outlets are working together to cover spyware on a mass scale
Bill Browder / @billbrowder: A number of journalists I have dealt with on Magnitsky case among the 180 journalists identified by clients of spyware firm. They include @bradleyhope @Khadija_Ismayil & many others. The firm supplying this spyware should face consequences ...
John Scott-Railton / @jsrailton: 10. HUNDREDS of journalists around the globe are on the #PegasusProject list. NSO Group's role in fueling the authoritarian assault on democratic values (like a free press) is coming into sharp focus ...
Will Cathcart / @wcathcart: At the time, we worked with @CitizenLab, who identified 100+ cases of abusive targeting of human rights defenders and journalists in 20+ countries. But today's reporting shows that the true scale of abuse is even larger, and with terrifying national security implications.
Arvind Gunasekar / @arvindgunasekar: WhatsApp head 👇🏻
Vipin Narang / @narangvipin: Government surveillance of journalists and opposition leaders isn't new. What's new is the speed, stealth, and totality of ownage by the Pegasus tool, which requires no user interaction whatsoever. It's like the nuclear weapon of government surveillance.
Niha Masih / @nihamasih: BREAKING: Introducing the Pegasus Project: a collaborative investigation involving more than 80 journalists on 4 continents showing how powerful spyware licensed only to governments targeted journalists, activists and more. (1/n) ...
Nathan Ord / News: Massive Global Pegasus Spyware Campaign Covertly Stalked Politicians, Activists, Journalists

Over 80 journalists from 16 outlets, members of the Forbidden Stories consortium, collaborated on the Pegasus project, which investigated the NSO Group leak — The Pegasus project poses urgent questions about the privatisation of the surveillance industry and the lack of safeguards for citizens
Sally Buzbee / Washington Post: Letter from the editor — Today The Washington Post is joining news organizations across …
Forbidden Stories: About The Pegasus Project — An unprecedented leak of more than 50,000 phone numbers selected …
Amnesty International: Massive data leak reveals Israeli NSO Group's spyware used to target activists, journalists, and political leaders globally
Anushka Jain / MediaNama: IT Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw addresses Parliament on Pegasus Spyware; doesn't deny usage
Paul Lewis / @paullewis: Collaborative journalism is a beautiful thing. For months dozens of journalists at rival publications have put aside any differences to work in together. This week we'll be exposing wrongdoing on a truly global scale. ...
Evann Gastaldo / Newser: 'Stop What You're Doing and Read This,' Says Snowden
Paul Lewis / @paullewis: For a behind-the-scenes look (or listen)...we're running this this five-part podcast, hosted by @safimichael, who was with us from the very beginning - a trip to Paris, in the midst of the pandemic, to get access to leaked data. ...
Emily Bell / @emilybell: The #Pegasus story is mind-bending, in every dimension. Behind it is an extraordinary effort of journalists and civil society technology companies around the world - journalism is the last line of defence against these types of global attacks on democracy
Paul Lewis / @paullewis: Much thanks to our friends at the French nonprofit Forbidden Stories, who had access to the leak and shared it with Guardian, Washington Post, Die Zeit, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Le Monde and others. ...
Daniel Politi / Slate: Pegasus: Investigation Reveals Spyware Used to Hack Journalists, Activists Around the World
Jody Serrano / Gizmodo: NSO Group's Spyware Reportedly Used in Attempted and Successful Phone Hacks of Journalists and Activists Project Pegasus: Indian Express carries lead headline, Hindu buries it in inside pages

Of the seven phones known to be infected with NSO malware in India, out of 22 checked, five belonged to journalists — NEW DELHI — A powerful surveillance tool licensed only to governments was used to infiltrate mobile phones belonging to at least seven people in India and was active …
The Guardian, Mediaite, Al Jazeera, The Daily Dot, @anjalib_, Raw Story, @jslaternyc and Shobharam Post, more at Techmeme »
Michael Safi / The Guardian: Key Modi rival Rahul Gandhi among potential Indian targets of NSO client
Jackson Richman / Mediaite: Israeli Spyware Reportedly Used to Spy On Journalists From CNN, NY Times, Wall St. Journal and More
Archana ChaudharyBloomberg / Al Jazeera: Indian opposition says Modi used Israeli spyware on rival Gandhi
Siobhan Ball / The Daily Dot: Spyware used to monitor slain Washington Post journalist's friends and family
Anjali Bhardwaj / @anjalib_: So basically before the 2019 elections, the BJP govt potentially surveilled phones belonging to the main opposition leaders and their aides, journalists, civil society activists AND an election commissioner!!! If this isn't subversion of electoral democracy, what is?
Sarah K. Burris / Raw Story: How Israeli company's spyware was used to hack phones of activists, journalists and officials around the world: report
Joanna Slater / @jslaternyc: How extensively was Pegasus spyware used in the world's largest democracy? We found forensic evidence that it was active on Indian phones as recently as *last week*. Read more here and below... 1/ ...

CNN says its streaming service CNN+ will debut in Q1 2022, with original content, a library of past CNN programming, and 8-12 hours of live, daily programming — New York (CNN Business)CNN is hiring hundreds of people and developing dozens of programs for a subscription streaming service that will launch early next year.
CNN, @awallenstein, Vox, @brianstelter, @cranepurveyor, @billweircnn, TVNewser, The A.V. Club, Los Angeles Times, Fortune, The Hill, @mattbelloni, @sarahljorgensen, @brianstelter, @johnekdahl, Axios, @marceelias, @pkafka, @willoremus, FierceVideo, @awallenstein, @willoremus, @genepark, @donie, @pkafka, @stevenbeynon, @backlon, @keithboykin, @jasonkilar, @awallenstein, @emzanotti, @brianstelter, @tombevanrcp, @brianstelter, @dylanbyers, @awallenstein, @martinsfp, @pkafka, @carloslozadawp and @loudmouthjulia
Andrew Wallenstein / @awallenstein: Here's what CNN is saying so far about CNN+: 👉🏼Launching in Q1 2022 👉🏼8-12 hours of original live daily content each day 👉🏼Current CNN stars will have their own CNN+ shows 👉🏼Catalog of past CNN series/docs available 👉🏼Includes viewer interactivity Here's what else to expect...
Peter Kafka / Vox: What is CNN+ and why would you pay for it? — The newest streaming service doesn't make sense …
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: CNN is hiring hundreds of people and developing dozens of programs for a subscription streaming service. It's called CNN+ and it's launching in the first quarter of 2022. Here's my @CNNBusiness story with all the details
Gay Lumberjack / @cranepurveyor: This is like Blackberry launching a new Blackberry App Store.
A.J. Katz / TVNewser: CNN Announces the Launch of CNN+ in Q1 '22
Gabrielle Sanchez / The A.V. Club: CNN joins the streaming wars with its own service, CNN Plus
Stephen Battaglio / Los Angeles Times: CNN will launch direct-to-consumer streaming channel in early 2022
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: CNN to debut streaming service in 2022
Matthew Belloni / @mattbelloni: CNN is soooo lucky the other streamers haven't cared much about news, it shouldn't have taken this long for CNN+ to exist...
Sarah Jorgensen / @sarahljorgensen: .@brianstelter's thread summarizes really well why this is such a massive deal. this isn't a run of the mill streaming service...
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Jeff Zucker's statement in the press release signals the ambition of @CNNplus: “CNN invented cable news in 1980, defined online news in 1995 and now is taking an important step in expanding what news can be by launching a direct-to-consumer streaming subscription service in 2022”
Marc E. Elias / @marceelias: A perfect time for @CNN to create a show dedicated exclusively to voting rights and democracy. A TV version of @DemocracyDocket.
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: CNN+ is like CNN except it costs extra and doesn't have the stuff CNN has.
Will Oremus / @willoremus: Building a whole other, second CNN for people who don't have cable, and putting it all behind a paywall, feels like letting the business model dictate your editorial model.
Ben Munson / FierceVideo: CNN+ streaming service plans Q1 2022 debut
Andrew Wallenstein / @awallenstein: CNN+ will not be bundled with HBO Max at launch but sources say that's likely a matter of time. And Discovery+ could be part of that bundle as well post-merger.
Will Oremus / @willoremus: I hope I'm wrong! More journalism is a good thing, and we do need experiments bc the status quo isn't working. Maybe if they use it as a chance to radically rethink the cable-news format, they could have something worthwhile, idk.
Gene Park / @genepark: as @brianstelter writes, tens of millions access CNN via cable. nevermind netflix when a single streamer can boast the same audience size. it's about time news took this seriously and in a way that invests in it.
Donie O'Sullivan / @donie: “CNN is hiring about 450 people for CNN+, from producers to engineers to marketers.”
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: Another analog is Fox Nation. But again, don't know what CNN's version of Tucker Carlson superfans would be.
Steve Beynon / @stevenbeynon: @WillOremus I feel like this move is 3-4 years late. But there is a market for actual streaming news, no one really does it. If they can make segments longer, looking at podcasts as inspiration, and less TV looking, more “real” - there might be something there.
Dieter Bohn / @backlon: Anyway, it's no surprise CNN is giving a streaming subscription service. Whomst among us has not secretly desired to Go90?
Keith Boykin / @keithboykin: CNN is launching a new streaming service in 2022 with 8-12 hours of daily live programming, original series, new CNN+ content and an “interactive community” allowing subscribers to engage with talent. The network is hiring 450 people for the project.
Jason Kilar / @jasonkilar: So much conviction for this. Excited for all that @CNNplus portends for audiences, for @CNN and for the world class CNN team.
Andrew Wallenstein / @awallenstein: Asked if CNN Plus could try something like “The Daily Show,” or a game show, Morse replied, “There's a host of non-fiction storytelling that can be really entertaining...I think we're going to have to try things. We can't be afraid to take some chances on this platform.”
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: Here's why this moment feels like a TV news milestone. Tens of millions of people access CNN TV through a cable/satellite bundle. The brand generates more than a billion $'s in profit annually, largely from subscriber fees and ads. But every network needs a streaming strategy...
Tom Bevan / @tombevanrcp: So, in other words, following a couple of years behind Fox.
Brian Stelter / @brianstelter: “This is the most important launch for CNN since Ted Turner launched the network in June of 1980,” says CNN Worldwide chief digital officer @MorseA.
Dylan Byers / @dylanbyers: Everytime someone launches a “+” streaming service I wonder if they'll keep or drop the “+” once that service becomes the primary/only product and the original brand (sans “+") ceases to exist.
Andrew Wallenstein / @awallenstein: What I learned from my interview about CNN+ from CNN chief digital officer Andrew Morse: 👉🏼Price TBD, but no ad-supported version at launch 👉🏼Will launch U.S. only, but global expansion to come 👉🏼450 hires to come in the next 6-9 months
Martin Sfp Bryant / @martinsfp: I got sent the press release about this and the phrase that struck me was that it would serve “CNN superfans” - I mean, I'm sure they exist but it's weird when they put it like that.
Peter Kafka / @pkafka: Similar to ESPN/ESPN+, except that ESPN+ is stocked with niche sports that most people don't want but a small number of people will pay for. That has worked for ESPN+ but I don't know what the news version of small-time college sports is.
Carlos Lozada / @carloslozadawp: “CNN is effectively building a parallel track, right next to its existing TV track, to serve both existing cable subscribers who want additional programming and customers who don't have cable at all.”
Julia Alexander / @loudmouthjulia: “CNN+ will...provide a new, additive experience that complements the core CNN linear networks and digital platforms to serve CNN superfans, news junkies and fans of quality non-fiction programming.” Interested to see if online first news junkies (Twitter) will use an SVOD option.

Q&A with CNN's chief digital officer about CNN+; sources: CNN+ will probably be bundled with HBO Max and Discovery+ after WarnerMedia/Discovery merger is closed — CNN disclosed the first details of its long-awaited new subscription streaming service Monday, which will launch …
MediaPost, TechCrunch, Ad Age, The Streamable, The Verge, @awallenstein, @bristei, @kerrymflynn, The Hill, @variety and Variety
Wayne Friedman / MediaPost: Streamer CNN+ To Launch First-Quarter 2022
Ethan Jakob Craft / Ad Age: CNN to launch streaming service in early 2022
Michael King / The Streamable: CNN Unveils CNN+; New Streaming Service To Launch 1Q 2022 Without Live CNN Feed
Kim Lyons / The Verge: CNN plans to launch CNN Plus streaming service, but won't say how much it will cost
Andrew Wallenstein / @awallenstein: CNN just issued a statement confirming the upcoming launch of a new streaming service, CNN+. While there's little initial detail, my interview with CNN+ boss Andrew Morse gave lots of additional insight on what to expect 🧵
Brian Steinberg / @bristei: NEW: CNN exec @morsea talks to @awallenstein and offers a first look at the new CNN+ service....
@kerrymflynn: @CNNplus “Asked if CNN Plus could venture as far as something like a satirical program poking fun at the news... Morse replied, 'I think we're going to have to try things. We can't be afraid to take some chances on this platform.'” - @awallenstein
Dominick Mastrangelo / The Hill: Kasie Hunt headed to CNN after NBC departure: report

DOJ announces that it will no longer use compulsory legal processes to seize records from reporters acting “within the scope of their newsgathering activities” — The president has previously criticized the Trump administrations' secret seizure policies.
Associated Press, @ap, @ryanjreilly, The Reporters Committee …, Voice of America, The Wrap, CNN, New York Times, @janemayernyer, @tom_winter, @kaitlancollins, @matthewamiller, @danielschuman, @bradmossesq, @johnson_carrie, @maria_hinojosa, @dabeard, Axios, @davidfolkenflik, @sulliview and @alanmillernlp
@ap: BREAKING: Attorney General Merrick Garland bars federal prosecutors from seizing the records of journalists in leak investigations, reversing years of department policy.
Ryan J. Reilly / @ryanjreilly: NEW: Here's Attorney General Merrick Garland's memo curtailing the seizure of journalists' phone and email records:
Anna Gutierrez Bahn / The Reporters Committee …: Reporters Committee statement on historic Justice Department policy barring news media records seizures
Masood Farivar / Voice of America: New DOJ Policy Bars Prosecutors From Obtaining Journalists' Records
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Merrick Garland Bars Federal Prosecutors From Seizing Journalists' Records
Jane Mayer / @janemayernyer: Yes!!! Such great news for news media and for American democracy! Thank you @rcfp for going to the mat: DOJ Formally Adopts New Policy Restricting Use of Compulsory Process to Obtain Reporter Information | OPA |
Tom Winter / @tom_winter: NEW: The Department of Justice has formally announced a new policy restricting the use of subpoenas and other law enforcement tools against reporters in leak cases. With some caveats. DOJ announcement here:
Kaitlan Collins / @kaitlancollins: After Biden told me in May he wouldn't allow it, DOJ makes it official, formally prohibiting federal prosecutors from seizing journalists' records in leak investigations.
Matthew Miller / @matthewamiller: This really is as strong a prohibition as Garland could put in place. But, of course, a future AG could reverse anything he does, so permanent change would have to come from Congress.
Daniel Schuman / @danielschuman: What can be done by memo can be undone by memo. We need the rule of law, not of men, and that means Congress enacting legislation to protect journalists from government surveillance.
Bradley P. Moss / @bradmossesq: This is a good first step 👇
Carrie Johnson / @johnson_carrie: Bruce Brown of the @rcfp calls these policy changes “a necessary and momentous step to protect press freedom at a critical time.” Brown says it'll ensure reporters can do their jobs “without fear of federal government intrusion into their relationships with confidential sources.”
Maria Hinojosa / @maria_hinojosa: Garland formally prohibits seizure of reporters' records (from @AP)
David Beard / @dabeard: US ends years-old policy of seizing journalists' records, prohibiting the practice in all but extremely limited nat sec and criminal cases.
Kierra Frazier / Axios: DOJ limits federal prosecutors from seizing reporters' records

Center for Public Integrity announces Paul Cheung, the director of journalism and technology innovation at the Knight Foundation, as its new CEO — Paul Cheung, a veteran journalist and leading advocate for innovative change in media, has been named chief executive officer of the Center for Public Integrity.
Poynter, @craignewmark, @publicintegrity, @publicintegrity, @justinhendrix, @clarajeffery, @sewellchan, @juliachanb and @pilhofer
Kristen Hare / Poynter: Paul Cheung named new CEO of the Center for Public Integrity Cheung most recently worked at the Knight Foundation as director of journalism and technology …
Craig Newmark / @craignewmark: Paul Cheung (@pcheung630), a veteran journalist and leading advocate for innovative change in media, has been named CEO of the Center for Public Integrity. He will lead Public Integrity in its mission of investigative reporting about inequality. ...
@publicintegrity: @pcheung630 Cheung joins Public Integrity from @KnightFdn, where he was director of journalism and technology innovation. He has also led digital, data and interactive teams at @NBCNews, @AP, @WSJ and @MiamiHerald. ...
@publicintegrity: During his time as president of @AAJA and beyond, he pushed the news industry to advance principles of diversity, equity and inclusion. He is a leader in digital transformation and bridging generational divides in newsrooms and audiences. ...
Justin Hendrix / @justinhendrix: The great @pcheung630 has been named the new CEO of the Center for @publicintegrity. Congratulations Paul! ...
Clara Jeffery / @clarajeffery: Wow great news for CPI! @pcheung630 is the best!
Sewell Chan / @sewellchan: Congrats to @pcheung630, the new CEO at @publicintegrity! Paul has worked at the frontier of journalism innovation and been a champion for newsroom diversity. He leaves a big legacy at @knightfdn. ...
Julia B. Chan / @juliachanb: This is huge!! Congrats to Paul and CPI on coming together to take nonprofit investigative journalism to new heights—with inequity and impact as a clear focus. 👏👏👏
Aron Pilhofer / @pilhofer: Wow! As a @publicintegrity alum and fan, I'm thrilled beyond words to see this hire. @pcheung630 is one of the true innovators and leaders in this business, and I can't imagine anyone better to take the helm at CPI. Massive congrats all around! ...

Experts say consent and disclosure are key to the ethical use of synthetic media, amid controversy surrounding Bourdain's deepfake voice in a new documentary — The new documentary “Roadrunner” uses A.I.-generated audio without disclosing it to viewers. How should we feel about that?
Variety, Quartz, @samgregory, The Starting Block, Critical Linking, @jenniferbrandel, The Ringer, Mindful Moments, @variety_claudia, @maghielse, @jamesgleick, Quick Brown Fox, @tribelaw, @owengleiberman, @samgregory, @laurenweinstein, @jonahblank, @martinaustwick, @_karenhao, @hels, @hels, @hels, @hels, @anniegowen, @lainnafader, @hels, @markberman, @davidsunlee, @tomphilpott, @hels, @williams_paige, @brianmfloyd, @velliniv, @lainnafader, @kainazamaria, @mtrc, @yashwinacanter, @paisleyfred, @ritajking, New York Times, Kellie's Newsletter, Insider and @ottaviabourdain
Owen Gleiberman / Variety: Is the Anthony Bourdain AI Voice in ‘Roadrunner’ an Ethical Lapse? Maybe So, but Documentaries Have Been Sliding Away From Reality for Years (Column)
Sam Gregory / @samgregory: How Bourdain AI lines relate to rhetoric, fears, reality of emerging #deepfake era seems key reason such reaction (vs reality of documentary form). Agree with @OwenGleiberman, and we need convo re public expectations on synthetic media, not just in docos.
Tina Carmillia / The Starting Block: The 63rd Block: The Internet is different over there
Cary Littlejohn / Critical Linking: Love Wins — Last night, I went to a drag show. In Gillette, Wyoming, of all places.
Jennifer Brandel / @jenniferbrandel: YES! The most thoughtful, nuanced and fair exploration of the use of AI in the Bourdain film @RoadrunnerMovie Full disclosure: I'm married to one of the film's editors, and @hels reporting mirrors the grappling and conversations we've had about it as the film came together.
Israel Daramola / The Ringer: Anthony Bourdain, ‘Roadrunner,’ and the Persistent Burden of Fame
Steven Wakabayashi / Mindful Moments: In passing, an insight to embrace
Claudia Eller / @variety_claudia: Great piece by Owen! the Anthony Bourdain AI Voice in ‘Roadrunner’ an Ethical Lapse? Maybe So, but Documentaries Have Been Sliding Away From Reality for Years (Column) via @variety
Ross Maghielse / @maghielse: I don't think there's much room for debate on this as it relates to the Bourdain doc. You shouldn't use tech to make a real dead person say something they didn't say. He's not Obi Wan Kenobi.
James Gleick / @jamesgleick: For me this is not a close call. Viewers will think they are hearing the voice of Anthony Bourdain. They are not. So it's false and deceptive. The practice should be shunned.
Salman Ansari / Quick Brown Fox: Boredom & Creativity — I had to push this newsletter by a week, but I'm glad to be here with you now.
Laurence Tribe / @tribelaw: Easy question: We should feel shitty about being deceived with an AI-aided, deepfake version of Bourdain's actual voice. Shitty. Period.
Owen Gleiberman / @owengleiberman: Is the #AnthonyBourdain deepfake voice in #MorganNeville's #Roadrunner an ethical lapse? Maybe, but there's been a lot of pearl-clutching about it. As I note in @Variety, documentaries have been sliding away from reality for years.
Sam Gregory / @samgregory: Glad @hels asked for my responses to backlash around AI-generated lines in new Bourdain documentary: we've been focused on these issues (and work-shopped draft norms) as part of our @witnessorg 'Prepare, Don't Panic' initiative on #deepfakes ( to learn +)
Lauren Weinstein / @laurenweinstein: Not even a close call. Doing this without disclosure in the production was deeply unethical. - Documentary uses deepfake Anthony Bourdain voice without disclosure -
Jonah Blank / @jonahblank: Debate over #RoadRunner creating a #DeepFake of the voice of #AnthonyBourdain really doesn't need to be this complex: 1. In a work of fiction, it's OK to bend the truth. 2. In a documentary, it isn't. Simple.
Martin Austwick / @martinaustwick: Really interesting follow up on the use of voice deepfake tech to create fresh Bourdain vo. When I talked to @Riana_Crypto last year for the @20korg episode about voice deepfakes, the faking of dead people's voices was one of the grey areas she mentioned.
Karen Hao / @_karenhao: What are the ethics of using AI to fake Bourdain's voice in a documentary about his life? @SamGregory and I spoke with @hels about why it was such a jarring revelation for so many people.
Helen Rosner / @hels: The journalist and A.I. expert @_KarenHao echoed that consent and disclosure are key: “If we introduce the public to [deepfakes] in jarring ways, it could prime the public to have a more negative perception of this technology than perhaps is deserved.”
Helen Rosner / @hels: Most importantly (to some of y'all), director Morgan Neville and Ottavia Busia both clarified to me that Neville *did* create the deepfake Bourdain voice with consent of his estate, though beyond the initial conversation Busia herself was not involved
Helen Rosner / @hels: “I'm not sure [the backlash] is even all that much about what the director did in this's triggering us to think how this will play out, in terms of our norms of what's acceptable, our expectations of media” @SamGregory
Annie Gowen / @anniegowen: Why is nobody is talking about the true ethical lapse in @RoadrunnerMovie which blames Bourdain's suicide on girlfriend Asia Argento but they never asked to interview her bc it would be “too painful” and they “already knew” what she was going to say?
Lainna Fader / @lainnafader: “Parasocial intimacy can be profound and precious. The synthetic line readings trigger our revulsion at the uncanny valley of artificial intelligence, which threatens to corrode the sanctity of our private relationships with Bourdain and his memory.”
Helen Rosner / @hels: How should we feel about that deepfake Anthony Bourdain voice in “Roadrunner”? I talked to Morgan Neville, Ottavia Busia, and some seriously smart A.I. ethicists about what happened, what didn't happen — and what might happen
Mark Berman / @markberman: *whispers loudly* this is also my stance for adding or replacing a word in someone's quote in a news story without being explicit about it (adding brackets)
@davidsunlee: To me, a person's voice feels like it's part of their likeness. And like your likeness, you should have control over how that it used, especially for commercial use
Tom Philpott / @tomphilpott: Agreed w @hels that the decision not to interview Argento is more troubling than the deepfake line readings. Together, they really sap my enthusiasm to see this film though.
Helen Rosner / @hels: Anyway I talked to some ethicists (and to Neville and to Bourdain's ex-wife Ottavia Busia) and reported it out
Paige Williams / @williams_paige: Pretty simple. If it didn't happen, don't pretend that it did. There's a name for that: fiction.
Brian Floyd / @brianmfloyd: Helen is great at everything but especially working through complicated and thorny things like this. Was honestly waiting to see what she would report and write about it all
VelliniVerso / @velliniv: @ZamirGotta This is what Ottavia Bourdain said when asked to expand upon the issue. She said, “I do believe Morgan thought he had everyone's blessing to go ahead, I took the decision to remove myself from the process early on because it was just too painful for me.”
Lainna Fader / @lainnafader: I'm not bothered by using A.I. to generate Bourdain's voice reading his own words, but it should be disclosed to the viewer. This piece has some interesting thoughts on how that could've been accomplished
Kainaz Amaria / @kainazamaria: Really good follow up by @hels on the AI used in the Bourdain doc. New technologies always raise ethical and moral questions. But A.I. in particular has an odious reputation which sets it apart and hence brings up all the feelings.
Mike Cook / @mtrc: I think Karen Hao is one of the great AI critics, but I do feel she's off the mark here. We don't need to give this guy any slack, in my opinion - Helen herself here tracks down ethics specialists to discuss this idea for the article. Why couldn't Neville have done the same?
Yash / @yashwinacanter: i find the whole thing equally fascinating and unsettling and haven't really made up my mind either way, but this piece feels like the best way of untangling the emotions around the AInthony Bourdain discourse. in @hels we trust.
J. Paisley / @paisleyfred: Since Anthony Bourdain shared so much of himself willingly, in his own voice, why would you need to fake something so personal to present a portrait of the man? It seems greedy. And lazy. And gross. via @NewYorker
Rita J. King / @ritajking: “But doesn't a person relinquish that control anytime his writing goes out into the world?” No. Writing something doesn't legitimize deepfakes without consent. But deepfakes are here. The two most important words in this piece? “Creative signaling.”
Kellie Spano / Kellie's Newsletter: Find your greatest bliss...

The Daily Wire launches the Morning Wire, a daily morning news podcast being pitched as a conservative alternative to The Daily — The Daily Wire on Monday launched its newest podcast, “The Morning Wire,” a 14-minute morning news update that's being pitched as the conservative alternative to shows like …
Ben Shapiro / @benshapiro: Uh-oh, somebody tell NPR that a conservative daily news podcast exists so they can immediately start whining like small children
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: NEW: @realDailyWire creating an AM podcast to compete w mainstream morning news pods like NYT's “The Daily” & NPR's “Up First” — Will be 14 min. daily available at 5am — Hosted by John Bickley — Daily Wire has 2 of the fastest-growing conservative podcasts

Q&A with NC Policy Watch reporter Joe Killian on covering the Nikole Hannah-Jones story, his philosophy of reporting, the failures of journalism, and more — Check out the full NC Local newsletter from July 14, which includes related reporting on this UNC story, details …
Jay Rosen / @jayrosen_nyu: “Tell me where you think I made a factual error. I'm always glad to correct a factual error. If you're just upset because I let you know what was going on in my head when I was news gathering, then, I mean that's a problem for your psychiatrist or priest.”
@ncnewsworks: “We're all in this to get at the truth, and as much of it as we can get, and if we all do it together, we'll get all the meat off the bone.” -@JoekillianPW, in an interview with @Eric_Frederick, on the importance of collaborating with other news orgs:
Heather Bryant / @hbcompass: The future of journalism is collaborative

MIT Technology Review names BuzzFeed News' executive editor Mat Honan as its new editor in chief — Honan brings a track record of building and running award-winning digital reporting teams to storied, 122-year-old MIT Technology Review. — MIT Technology Review announced today …
Chris Roush / Talking Biz News: MIT Tech Review hires Honan as editor in chief
@kerrymflynn: Inbox: MIT Technology Review names Mat Honan (@mat) its new editor in chief. He starts August 17. “Mat brings a rare combination of vision, energy, and digital media know-how to this vital role.” - @bramsonboudreau, CEO and publisher of @techreview
Will Oremus / @willoremus: this is a coup for MIT tech review. @mat & his team built buzzfeed's tech section into a powerhouse on the level of NYT and the verge. also feels like the end of an era at buzzfeed.
William Fitzgerald / @william_fitz: when is a media reporter going to tell me what's happening to the buzzfeed tech reporter team?

National Association of Theatre Owners claims Black Widow's opening weekend may have been $92M+ instead of $80M if it had not simultaneously launched on Disney+ — Disney announced in March that “Black Widow,” among several of its 2021 films, would premiere simultaneously …
The Wrap, The Streamable, Gizmodo, /Film, MediaPost, @thedanbarrett, @zachbgilbert, @waltisfrozen, Collider and ScreenRant
Jeremy Fuster / The Wrap: How ‘Space Jam 2’ Pulled Off a Box Office Surprise
Derek Walborn / The Streamable: Theater Owners Blaming Disney+ for ‘Black Widow’ Box Office Drop in Second Week
Charles Pulliam-Moore / Gizmodo: Black Widow's Box Office Has Theater Owners Worried About Disney+ Cannibalization and Piracy
Jeremy Mathai / /Film: ‘Black Widow’ Suffers Worst Box Office Drop in MCU History, Theater Owners Blame Disney+
Wayne Friedman / MediaPost: Theaters Not Happy About ‘Black Widow’ Box Office Decline, Blame Disney+
Dan Barrett / @thedanbarrett: There's a lot of assumptions here, such as one pirated download or one Premier Access buy = an unsold ticket. But putting that aside, it seems like a silly fight to pick ahead of the near-future of IP-driven cinema being made exclusively for streaming.
Zach Gilbert / @zachbgilbert: #F9 and #BlackWidow basically had the same second weekend drop, with the former only being available in theaters. The latter's day-and-date release isn't the sole “problem” here - it's the fact that we're very much still in a pandemic, and the box office is nowhere near normal.
Greg / @waltisfrozen: We've lost maybe 1/3 or more of the movie theaters in LA and the ones that are left are operating at around 50%-60% capacity. The collapse already happened due to Covid.
Adam Chitwood / Collider: Black Widow Suffers Huge Box Office Drop, Theaters Blame Disney+
Rachel Ulatowski / ScreenRant: Theater Owners Blame Black Widow's Box Office Collapse On Disney+