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OnlyFans says it will prohibit users from posting any “sexually explicit conduct” starting in October, but will allow nude photos and videos — - Popularity of the website has exploded during the pandemic — Many sex workers use OnlyFans to charge customers online
Axios, BBC, Variety, Variety, Reason, A Media Operator, Webb Chatham Report, @alexanderchee, Input, CNBC, @ejdickson, @jaycodon, @frmatthewlc, @stokel, @snowden, The Daily Beast, @therocketcrypto, @kath_krueger, @thedailyshow, @morrisatlarge, @mikestabile, @film_girl, @dannerdcubed, @cwarzel, @naijaflyingdr, @cwarzel, @bmkibler, @rmac18, @nlrg_, @cityofthetown, @searls, The Verge, @nickgillespie, @axios, @alex, @danprimack, @baekdal, @caseynewton, @jank0, @film_girl, @katianakayy, @garius, @grimkim, @jimwaterson, @toomanyemmas, @bubblenoma, @casparsalmon, @userbfiy, @gayblackvet, @dave_schilling, @ianvisits, @parkermolloy, @rmac18, @lucas_shaw, Dazed, Tubefilter, Slate, Observer, Fast Company, Joe.My.God., The A.V. Club, Soldiers of the Future, TechCrunch, Jezebel, Gizmodo,, Billboard, BuzzFeed News, Financial Times, The Wrap, Insider, Boing Boing, Hollywood Reporter and Rolling Stone, more at Techmeme »
Dan Primack / Axios: OnlyFans has tons of users, but can't find investors
Noel Titheradge / BBC: OnlyFans: Platform to ban sex videos after BBC investigation
Todd Spangler / Variety: OnlyFans Creators React to Site's Porn Ban With Anger, Confusion
Todd Spangler / Variety: OnlyFans Will Ban Pornography Starting in October, Citing Need to Comply With Financial Partners
Elizabeth Nolan Brown / Reason: Why OnlyFans Is Double-Crossing Sex Workers
Jacob Cohen Donnelly / A Media Operator: OnlyFans Change Is Reminder To Own Platform
Alexander Chee / @alexanderchee: Payment processors being allowed to dictate content is not going to end well for any publisher.
Tom Maxwell / Input: OnlyFans is banning porn, the very thing that made it big
Ryan Browne / CNBC: Porn made OnlyFans a powerhouse. Now it's banning sexual content after pressure from banks
Ej Dickson / @ejdickson: This happens all the time: platforms get big off the backs of SWs' labor, then ban them whenever they get big. Sex workers have been predicting this would happen for years. Listen to them.
@jaycodon: This is the risk of building on a platform. You build on rented land and one day they change their tune. I feel really bad for all the people who have built thriving businesses here.
@frmatthewlc: It seems that one way to get rid of a decent portion of pornography is for investors to refuse to support them, for banks & credit cards companies not to serve them. There is good news on this strategy today with OnlyFans banning some pornography.
Chris Stokel-Walker / @stokel: 16,000 people earn more than $50,000 a year on OnlyFans, and 300 make more than a million
Edward Snowden / @snowden: Bitcoin fixes this.
@therocketcrypto: OnlyFans blocking NSFW content is a massive boost for @PAWGcoinbsc & @HoneyBabe_io Creators will flood to HoneyBabe where they can interact freely with their loyal followers while having zero intervention from a middle man or payment processor!
Katherine Krueger / @kath_krueger: as always, sex workers MADE the platform—both profitable and a household name—then are the first ones given the boot in a bid for “respectability"/aka more investor $$$ see also: instagram, youtube, now tiktok too
@thedailyshow: You misheard us. We said Big Tech should be held accountable for starting *insurrections*
Chris Morris / @morrisatlarge: There have been plenty of Tumblr comparisons with this news - and they're not inaccurate. If the fans vanish, so will any potential investors, not to mention the celeb creators. It'll be real interesting to see how Leo is greeted at next year's AVN, assuming that happens. (18/18)
Mike Stabile / @mikestabile: “OnlyFans is far from the only platform where adult content creators can sell videos and images. @Pornhub, @ManyVids , and @FanCentro are just some of the other internet platforms that offer similar services.”
Christina Warren / @film_girl: Sure, the brand is synonymous with explicit sex and that's now off the table, but it's a brand. The people will stay. They certainly won't scatter to the shadows of Telegram groups or cam sites or anything. Trust us, this is going to be huge.
Daniel Hardcastle / @dannerdcubed: I'm bad at business, but I'm not “long-term sustainability via banning the only thing our company is known for” bad.
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: i should've realized only fans was gonna pull something like this in march when they kept asking me, a writer, to use the platform to sell blogs. i was like, ‘you guys know what you do...right?’ turns
Dr Ola Brown / @naijaflyingdr: Only fans net revenue: 2020: $375 million 2021: $1.2 billion 2022: $2.5 billion Sex sells, based on the company financials, but it also scares off venture capitalists.
Charlie Warzel / @cwarzel: anyhow i'm sure the place will soon be a shell of its former self and full of d list celebs trying to sell behind the scenes content to hawk their cookbooks or whatever. bleak!
Brian Kibler / @bmkibler: How to tank a business in 30 days
Ryan Mac / @rmac18: And here we thought OnlyFans did this because of financial troubles...
Turbulent Princess / @nlrg_: OnlyFans' FY 2022 free cash flow is enough to buy Tumblr in 2013, or to buy Tumblr in 2019 four hundred times
Tom Dotan / @cityofthetown: @CaseyNewton @SpencerDailey It also is a massive profitable company already! It did the thing that all tech companies are supposed to do without slumming it with VCs.
Justin Searls / @searls: This perverse idea that the only way for a software company to be successful is to raise massive amounts of funding is so pervasive that a business making obscene amounts of money would nevertheless destroy its entire business to assuage skittish investors
Sean Hollister / The Verge: OnlyFans' inexplicable ban on porn might be explained by this BBC investigation
Nick Gillespie / @nickgillespie: This seems like a market failure.
@axios: Any other company with growth like OnlyFans would be able to raise big money in a matter of minutes. But the online creator platform known for its adult content is struggling to find outside investors, according to multiple sources.
@alex: what % of OF is porn? they brag here about $5B in payouts but ... what % of the biz will be left?
Dan Primack / @danprimack: My story on OnlyFans included internal projections for 2022 revenue, etc. But from a pitchdeck that began circulating a couple mos ago. No clue how today's announcement impacts that. Also, it's got over $1b in net revenue. So Bberg might wanna update its valuation data.
Thomas Baekdal / @baekdal: Ignoring the sexual elements, but things like this make me tell people never to trust platforms to handle monetization. Onlyfans wasn't just a place where people could share pictures with fans. It's a monetization platform for people to build subscribers.
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: Walking away from a market it all but invented. Insane
Janko Roettgers / @jank0: I imagine the number of creators who post too-racy-for-instagram content to Onlyfans that technically is not porn is a lot bigger than people think.
Christina Warren / @film_girl: And then OnlyFans died.
Katiana Kay / @katianakayy: I told ya 😂
John Bull / @garius: So this is one of those “we're hoping we can sell ourselves based on our current market value, before anyone notices we fucked over our USP and they're buying a lemon” moments then? Cool. Cool.
Kim Kelly / @grimkim: OnlyFans would be nothing without the sex workers whose labor built it up into a major platform. Now it's tossing them aside, and removing a vital source of income from a population of workers who are disproportionately marginalized and have no protections under U.S. labor law
Jim Waterson / @jimwaterson: Woah that OnlyFans story seems legit. Bloomberg says the site will “prohibit users from posting any sexually explicit conduct, starting in October” as it tries to go mainstream.
Emma Kelly / @toomanyemmas: Thus excluding the sex workers that built OnlyFans up to what it is now
Night Freak / @bubblenoma: This will be devastating for a lot of people's income but also...who wants this? Who is the audience for a PG platform like this?
Caspar Salmon / @casparsalmon: Ooh nice, the business model adopted by Tumblr, the company that is now bigger than ever
Dave Schilling / @dave_schilling: This is quite literally taking money from the working class to enrich the investor class.
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: Seems like this might absolutely wreck a whole lot of people who use that site for that specific purpose
Lucas Shaw / @lucas_shaw: I see people don't know the difference between having sex on camera and posting nude photos...
James Hale / Tubefilter: OnlyFans Is Banning Sexually Explicit Content
Alex Kirshner / Slate: The Indefensible Cruelty of OnlyFans' Porn Ban
Sam Barsanti / The A.V. Club: OnlyFans to ban sexually explicit content
Devin Coldewey / TechCrunch: OnlyFans bans explicit content
Molly Osberg / Jezebel: Website Built on Porn to Ban Porn
Whitney Kimball / Gizmodo: OnlyFans Is Banning ‘Sexually-Explicit Content.’ Yes, Really
J. Clara Chan / Billboard: OnlyFans to Ban Pornographic Videos
Paige Skinner / BuzzFeed News: OnlyFans Says It Will Ban Sexually Explicit Content
Patricia Nilsson / Financial Times: OnlyFans to ban sexually explicit content over regulatory concerns
The Wrap: OnlyFans Competitor Accuses Site of ‘Abandoning’ Sex Workers With New No-Sex Policy (Exclusive)
Rob Beschizza / Boing Boing: OnlyFans kicks out the sex workers who built it

Behind the work to get journalists, relatives, and others tied to NYT, WSJ, and WaPo out of Afghanistan, with aid from diplomatic contacts, military, and Qatar — The evacuation of those who worked for outlets like The New York Times and The Washington Post came after a global rescue effort stretching from the Pentagon to Qatar.
CNN, @davidenrich, @nicdawes, @laraseligman, Washington Post, @rmslim, The Intercept, @ericaeve, @kevinmdraper, @tomgara, @sarahkaplan48, @alanblinder, @benyt, @paulszoldra, @rasmus_kleis, @anniekarni, @alexplitsas, @danlamothe, @saeedshah, @sonofhas, @chriscasquejo, @dzalcman, @carolynryan, @craigmwhitlock, @jessesingal, @suilee, @grynbaum, @meghann_mt, @lisafleisher, @seanspicer, @flossobama, @dionnesearcey, @kyleworton, @giacomonyt and Wall Street Journal
Nadine Schmidt / CNN: German broadcaster says the Taliban are carrying out ‘organized searches’ for journalists
David Enrich / @davidenrich: Wow.
Nicholas Dawes / @nicdawes: Two very interesting details in this story: Qatar played a key role in getting Times staffers out of Kabul, and Al Jazeera is increasing its presence on the ground in Afghanistan to ensure ongoing coverage.
Lara Seligman / @laraseligman: “One Times correspondent, a former U.S. Marine, who had been evacuated earlier but returned on a military plane to assist his Afghan colleagues, stayed inside the airport to help coordinate the escape.” I would have expected no less from @Tmgneff
Washington Post: European forces cross Taliban lines for Kabul rescue, pressuring Biden to expand evacuation
Alice Speri / The Intercept: A look at the bureaucratic obstacles facing Afghans who worked with US media outlets, including changing US admissions eligibility requirements
@ericaeve: There are still so many Afghan journalists looking for help...wish this article was not headlined like it's over.
Kevin Draper / @kevinmdraper: I do not know Mujib or Thomas at all but they both sound like wonderful people, and I am very proud to write dumb sports blogs alongside them.
Tom Gara / @tomgara: During one of the various Arab spring crises someone asked a US official why Qatar was having such an outsized role, and he said “they always answer the phone”
Sarah Kaplan / @sarahkaplan48: We are so lucky to have @Tmgneff as a journalist, a colleague and a human on this planet. My heart is with the journalists still in Afghanistan, and with the Afghan citizens whose stories the world won't know because journalists have had to flee.
Alan Blinder / @alanblinder: .@Tmgneff “flew back to Kabul on a military plane and stayed in the American-occupied wing of the airport, where he advised his Afghan colleagues on how and when to make their approach.”
Ben Smith / @benyt: The Qatari government seems more able than the US government or almost anyone else to help in Afghanistan
Paul Szoldra / @paulszoldra: .@Tmgneff is an amazing reporter and... also a badass.
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen / @rasmus_kleis: “Reporting remotely may be better than no reporting at all, but press freedom groups are concerned [about] a Taliban crackdown ... “The local knowledge of Afghan journalists cannot be replaced"" @Joelcpj says
Annie Karni / @anniekarni: “One option emerged when Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state, offered a few seats for Afghan employees on a charter flight her team was trying to arrange to help Afghan women at risk.”
Alex Plitsas / @alexplitsas: Once a Marine, always a Marine You still have it, @Tmgneff
Dan Lamothe / @danlamothe: “One Times correspondent, a former U.S. Marine, who had been evacuated earlier but returned on a military plane to assist his Afghan colleagues, stayed inside the airport to help coordinate the escape.” Zero surprises on this front. But I'm a fan.
Saeed Shah / @saeedshah: News organizations are continuing to remove staff from Afghanistan, including the New York Times, which said 65 colleagues and their families have left via @WSJ
John Hasson / @sonofhas: Pretty selfless and heroic stuff from Neff here. Good on him
Chris Casquejo / @chriscasquejo: Anyone who shouts fake news doesn't have a fraction of the courage of the journalists on the ground in Afghanistan. How News Organizations Got Afghan Colleagues Out of Kabul
Daniella Zalcman / @dzalcman: I'm very glad that this happened + that everyone I know is up to their eyeballs in fundraising and AFG logistics and charter flights, but do we have to report on media outlets doing the BARE MORAL MINIMUM in this situation?
@carolynryan: “On Thursday, a Los Angeles Times photojournalist, Marcus Yam, and a photographer for another American news outlet were beaten by a Taliban fighter who insisted they erase from their cameras any images they had taken. ” @latimes
Craig Whitlock / @craigmwhitlock: Mad respect for @Tmgneff and @MujMash for refusing to leave NYT staffers and their families behind.
Jesse Singal / @jessesingal: genuinely heroic
@suilee: In awe of all my colleagues, especially @Tmgneff and @MujMash for making sure none of our Afghan staff — cooks, gardeners, translators, drivers, journalists — were left behind.
Michael M. Grynbaum / @grynbaum: NEW: How @nytimes & other news outlets got Afghan colleagues out of Kabul, a global rescue effort that stretched from the Pentagon to Qatar. via @katie_robertson @tiffkhsu & me:
Meghann Myers / @meghann_mt: TM is the real deal.
Lisa Fleisher / @lisafleisher: ~"More than 200 Afghans from all walks of life — cooks, gardeners, translators, drivers, journalists, children and suitcases and strollers in tow — gathered on the runway of the Kabul airport, seeking escape from a country whose government had collapsed.
Sean Spicer / @seanspicer: Interesting to see how corporate beltway media used their connections in Biden admin to get their people out ahead of the line in Afghanistan How News Organizations Got Afghan Colleagues Out of Kabul @nytimes
Floss Obama / @flossobama: An interesting piece of information in here: Hillary Clinton is evacuating people from Afghanistan on private planes.
Dionne Searcey / @dionnesearcey: Put on your list of Good People in this world reporter @Tmgneff who evacuated Kabul and flew back to help our Afghan colleagues get out safely. Lots of other good people in this story, too
Kyle Orton / @kyleworton: The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post banded together to help Afghans—cooks, gardeners, translators, drivers, journalists—who had been working with them, mobilising the emir of Qatar and the Pentagon, among others.
Carol Giacomo / @giacomonyt: You know what you know about Afghanistan because committed journalists from Afghanistan and many other countries take the risk to tell those stories — How News Organizations Got Afghan Colleagues Out of Kabul

Taliban have killed a family member of a DW journalist they were seeking and raided the homes of three other DW journalists — Journalists and their families are in grave danger in Afghanistan. The Taliban have no compunction about carrying out targeted killings as the case of a DW journalist shows.
Reuters, Insider, The Guardian, The Daily Beast, @marigathoithi, @nighatdad, @hillelneuer, @alfonslopeztena, @hamidmirpak, @c4ciaran, Financial Times, @ragipsoylu, @alesbon, @gabbbarsingh, @samfr, @annettedittert, @ggatehouse, @mattdizwhitlock, @dwnews, @roh_yakobi, @alanfryermedia, @niccijsmith, @frudbezhan, @sabaeitizaz, @javichudr, Voice of America, Proximities and The Hill
Sabine Siebold / Reuters: Taliban killed relative of Deutsche Welle reporter, German broadcaster says
Sinéad Baker / Insider: Taliban fighters killed a journalist's relative as they step up door-to-door hunts for people with links to the West
Philip Oltermann / The Guardian: Relative of Deutsche Welle journalist killed by Taliban
@marigathoithi: While the world is still waiting to see whether the Taliban will keep their pinky promise about respecting human rights...
Nighat Dad / @nighatdad: This says a lot about Pakistani policy enthusiasts calling press briefing of Taliban a progressive one just two days ago. Speechless!
Hillel Neuer / @hillelneuer: yes, but we need to wait and see if the taliban will respect our very strongly worded press statement requesting that they respect human rights and women's rights and geneva accords and humanitarian law, we expect them to and we will be watching closely
@alfonslopeztena: Taliban conducted a house-to-house search to try and find a @dwnews journalist, shot dead one member of his family and seriously injured another. Other relatives were able to escape at the last moment and are now on the run
Hamid Mir / @hamidmirpak: Attention @suhailshaheen1 and @Zabehulah_M33 you announced general amnesty after the fall of Kabul, why your fighters are hunting journalists in Afghanistan now?
Ciaran Jenkins / @c4ciaran: Boris Johnson said the future of Afghanistan was not yet written, but it's already looking frighteningly like the past.
Alessandra Bonomolo / @alesbon: The list of the Taliban revenge killings of journalists, activists, allies and their families is already long and heartbreaking.
Sam Freedman / @samfr: Hopefully all the “they'll be different this time the new Taliban are inclusive” pundits have decided to shut up now?
Annette Dittert / @annettedittert: So much for it's a new sort of #taliban.
Gabriel Gatehouse / @ggatehouse: Deutsche Welle say the Taliban killed a relative of one of their reporters while searching for him. Keep this in mind when we hear UK/US leaders suggesting the Taliban of 2021 may be a more friendly sort of organisation than the one they've been fighting for 20 yrs
Matt Whitlock / @mattdizwhitlock: Reminder that Biden told ABC this morning “No One's Being Killed Right Now.” Journalists are being hunted and their families killed, but Biden is telling the world he thinks everything is fine.
@dwnews: UPDATE: Taliban fighters hunting one of our journalists have shot dead a member of his family in #Afghanistan and seriously injured another. The militants were conducting a house-to-house search to try and find him, but he is now safe in Germany.
Nicola Smith / @niccijsmith: With Kabul airport almost impossible to access, the Taliban's pledges are already ringing hollow - their militants hunting down journalists and killing their families. Horrific.
@frudbezhan: Taliban are hunting down journalists in #Kabul. Taliban fighters looking for a @dwnews reporter shot dead one member of his family and seriously injured another. Just two days ago, Taliban told the world it will protect the free press.
Saba Eitizaz / @sabaeitizaz: It's starting again. Help get people out. Merely announcing that Canada is taking in 20 k refugees while the situation on ground is completely different. Expand the conversation to more than just “Canadian staff”. Journalists, activists,diplomats were allies too. #Afghanistan
Delgado Rivera / @javichudr: + Nematullah Hemat of Ghargasht TV is believed to have been kidnapped by the #Taliban. Toofan Omar, the head of the private radio station Paktia Ghag Radio, was also shot dead
Roshan Noorzai / Voice of America: ‘I am Losing Hope’ Says Afghan Journalist Trying to Flee to Safety
Barry Malone / Proximities: Afghanistan, Syria, Ethiopia.

Memo: 65 families of NYT colleagues, with 128 people, have made it out of Afghanistan, and NYT plans to find ways to cover the country under Taliban rule
@nytimespr: .@meslackman, assistant managing editor for International @nytimes, shares an update regarding our colleagues in Afghanistan.
William Turvill / Press Gazette: Death threats, social media scrubbing and chaos: How the CPJ is fighting to help Afghan journalists flee the Taliban
Jon Allsop / Columbia Journalism Review: The journalists leaving Afghanistan, and those who haven't made it out
Robert Hart / Forbes: Taliban Kill Journalist's Relative In Intensifying ‘Door-To-Door’ Hunt For Media And ‘Collaborators’ With Previous Afghan Government Or U.S., NATO Forces
Barton Gellman / @bartongellman: Bravo @nytimes for what must have been heroic efforts to save its Afghan employees and families.
Steve Herman / @w7voa: All @nytimes colleagues and their families have departed #Afghanistan, according to the newspaper.
Cliff Levy / @cliffordlevy: After several harrowing days, NYT employees and their families in Afghanistan have made it to safety. “We can all breathe a bit easier, knowing that 65 families — 128 men, women and children — are headed to freedom,” assistant managing editor @meslackman tells the newsroom.
@katiegnelson: @NYTimesPR @meslackman @nytimes Wonderful news. As always, thanks to @nytimes for keeping their reporters and field staff safe.
Edmund Lee / @edmundlee: 65 families safe
Paul Farhi / @farhip: Breaking: @nytimes says its Afghan employees and their families—128 people in all—have left Afghanistan. International editor Michael Slackman: “We are relieved and overjoyed to be able to tell you tonight that our brave colleagues in Afghanistan made it to safety.”
@elaheizadi: Update from NYT on evacuating their local Afghan staff: “Our brave colleagues in Afghanistan made it to safety.” Group of 128 includes staffers' families: men, women and children
Jennifer ‘pro-voting’ Rubin / @jrubinblogger: @katie_robertson @meslackman I'm not crying, you're crying!
Christian Vanderbrouk / @urbanachievr: Good news. Pray for many more stories like this one.
Ross A. Lincoln / The Wrap: New York Times Says Afghan Employees and Families Have Been Evacuated

Major outlets like WaPo have featured past architects of failed policies in Afghanistan criticizing Biden's withdrawal, leading to distorted coverage — After two decades of war, President Biden finally made the decision to fully withdraw U.S. forces from Afghanistan. It did not go as planned.
@juddlegum, Popular Information, Vox, @yousefmunayyer, @mattyglesias, @jaycaruso, @soledadobrien, @joshsternberg, @politicalelle, @dawsonsfield, @melissajpeltier, @jonbowzerbauman, @deveautrain, @juddlegum, @rschooley, @elongreen, @rod3000, @mattyglesias, @poet_economist, @cirincione, @jamblinman, @jamblinman, @jamblinman, @jamblinman, @jamblinman, @juddlegum, @alfranken, @bjaninemorison, @votevets, @juddlegum, @parkermolloy, @adamjohnsonnyc, @michaelcdeibert, Morning Consult, Discourse Blog, New York Magazine, The Guardian and Today's Edition Newsletter
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: I spoke to a veteran communications professional who has been trying to place prominent voices supportive of the Afghanistan withdrawal on television and in print. They told me it has been next to impossible.
Popular Information: Where are the anti-war voices? — Yesterday's newsletter detailed how the media …
Aaron Rupar / Vox: The dark irony of who TV news talks to about Afghanistan
Yousef Munayyer / @yousefmunayyer: Cable news is a more pro-war institution than the military itself
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: The strain of “cancel culture” around natsec issues has always been powerful and under-discussed
Jay Caruso / @jaycaruso: Oh, please. The last 10 years have been a nonstop exercise in discussing the support for the Afghanistan withdrawal. The issue now is not about the support or opposition to withdrawal, but the Biden administration's abysmal handling of the withdrawal.
Soledad O'Brien / @soledadobrien: This is such a smart thread on media coverage of Afghanistan. And also: subscribe to his newsletter.
Josh Sternberg / @joshsternberg: This @JuddLegum piece about the narrative from the media on Afghanistan is compelling. The press is holding their Agenda Setting card very tightly to their chests. It's odd for an institution that clings to ‘both sides’ we're actually not seeing it now
Erielle Davidson / @politicalelle: Key terminology is THIS withdrawal, which has been nothing short of a disaster. Plenty of people may or may not support ending US presence in Afghanistan.
@dawsonsfield: When both sides of the Swampy media are united, it is a very powerful thing. Imagine how the media would have portrayed the withdraw from Afghanistan if Trump were still in office! #SwampMedia
Melissa Jo Peltier / @melissajpeltier: Guys. HOW MANY TIMES do I have to remind you that ‘THE MEDIA’ IS ANYTHING BUT LIBERAL? Please, @TheDemocrats, figure this into your strategy to SAVE DEMOCRACY...if you have one.
@jonbowzerbauman: This thread is exactly right. Media sheep just grab the narrative & book “experts” who will foster it. Continually maddening!
Dr. Laura A. De Veau / @deveautrain: The reason I cut the cord was just this. Bookers are looking for ratings. They have an agenda. And that agenda is not to inform. As a result, the networks are persuading forcing an agenda. This is atrocious.
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: 2. As an example, I looked at this Washington Post piece. It cites seven people critical of Biden's decision to withdraw and zero who supported. Not mentioned: many of the critics played a central role in two decades of failed policies in Afghanistan.
Schooley / @rschooley: This feels familiar to those of us with long memories.
Elon Green / @elongreen: the eagerness with which politics reporters are being led around by the nose by people who either made the decision to invade Afghanistan w/ no exit strategy, or were happy to indefinitely continue the occupation, is truly gross. Just cover the horse race, you'll do less damage!
Rod McGuinness / @rod3000: Good article. Media outlets are relying on many of the people (blaming Biden) are responsible for two decades of failure in Afghanistan
Matthew Yglesias / @mattyglesias: Many excellent points in this @JuddLegum piece
Joseph Robertson / @poet_economist: Very important reading... let's read, observe & think more critically & do whatever we can now to save lives & prevent evil from taking root.
Joe Cirincione / @cirincione: Terrific piece by @JuddLegum on the distorted narrative mainstream media produces when they only cite supporters of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq - and never note how they've been not just wrong about these wars but misleading to the public.
Jeremy Dorn / @jamblinman: Here's the link to yesterday's newsletter, which analyzes which voices are being quoted in MSM about Afg. withdrawal (hint: it's almost exclusively pro-war people and/or those who were directly involved in creating the debacle we had to withdraw from):
Jeremy Dorn / @jamblinman: Idk, maybe it's just the coverage I'm personally reading/watching (although I try hard to be good with the range of media I ingest), but it really feels like even the most typically fair, accurate, balanced media networks are doing a poor job on this topic.
Jeremy Dorn / @jamblinman: I just rly don't get this dynamic where MSM blasts Dems for making a hard decision that causes an inevitable mess, but walks on eggshells with literally hundreds of GOP scandals during the last admin because they don't want to lose access the GOP doesn't give them to begin with
Jeremy Dorn / @jamblinman: Thanks to @JuddLegum for doing the actual legwork to verify my personal thoughts/feelings about media coverage around Afghanistan in this way-too-long Twitter thread from yesterday: Read Judd's Popular Information newsletter (and/or his TL) for more.
Jeremy Dorn / @jamblinman: Don't get me wrong, some of the negative coverage around Afghanistan is deserved. It hasn't been a smooth transition, to say the least. But the speed & ferocity of coverage is insane! I'm rarely seeing the context of the situation Biden inherited (not to mention 2001-15).
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: 1. I took at look at the media coverage of Afghanistan. Lots of experts criticizing Biden's decision to withdraw. But they are the SAME PEOPLE who responsible for two decades of failure in Afghanistan. Supporters of withdrawal almost entirely absent.
Al Franken / @alfranken: No doubt Biden has screwed up withdrawal from Afghanistan. But many of his critics are the same people who've been tragically wrong about Afghanistan for the past 20 yrs & the media is quoting them w/out context. READ THIS: Popular Information:
B. Janine Morison / @bjaninemorison: The last few days of reporting on TV has been abysmal. No objectivity, overly emotional, very leading questions to all guests. I've turned off my TV unless Biden is addressing the nation. These reporters and hosts think we care about their opinions when we are looking for facts.
@votevets: Whether it is intentional or not, voices in the news are much more likely to bash President Biden right now, than talk about how the administration is moving quickly to correct the situation.
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: 5. As recently as June of this year, Panetta was touting the “progress” that had been made in building up the Afghan security forces and government. Panetta, of course, was wrong about all of this.
Parker Molloy / @parkermolloy: Pretty alarming stuff in the latest edition of @JuddLegum's Popular Information newsletter about media's pro-war bias
Adam H. Johnson / @adamjohnsonnyc: The distinction between opposition to Biden and the DODs “execution” of the withdrawal and opposition to the withdraw as such is intentionally being conflated by those lobbying for the latter—and very few questioners attempt to make this distinction to their mostly pro-war guests
Michael Deibert / @michaelcdeibert: How about they put the voices of actual Afghans on television and in print instead?
Eli Yokley / Morning Consult: Voters Blame Biden and Those in Afghanistan for Country's Chaos More Than Trump and His Predecessors
Jack Mirkinson / Discourse Blog: The Media Is In a World of Its Own on Afghanistan
Robert B. Hubbell / Today's Edition Newsletter: Today's Edition: Biden places children's health over politics.

Vox Media hires BuzzFeed's former SVP of global brand licensing Eric Karp as its head of brand licensing, signaling its growing emphasis on commerce — Vox Media announced today that it has hired Eric Karp, formerly the svp of global brand licensing at BuzzFeed, as its new svp …

Interview with FuboTV CEO David Gandler, who says the company aims for 5M subscribers to its TV bundle by 2026 and it is considering original sports content — - FuboTV CEO David Gandler predicts about 50 million U.S. households will eventually subscribe to digitally delivered video networks.
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: FuboTV CEO David Gandler thinks 40-50 million Americans will eventually buy a bundle of linear networks from a digital provider. He defends his business in a new Q&A:
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: Media executives: We need to shift to subscription streaming services stat! FuboTV CEO: Actually....
Karlene Lukovitz / MediaPost: FuboTV CEO Forecasts 50M vMVPD Users by 2026
Alex Sherman / @sherman4949: Does the shift to streaming mean people won't pay for linear bundles anymore, or does it just mean they won't pay for cable/satellite TV? FuboTV is betting on the latter. An interesting interview with CEO David Gandler is this week's View from the Top:

News Corp has sold Knewz, its shuttered news aggregator, to Dylan Howard, former AMI executive and editor implicated in “catch and kill” stories linked to Trump — NewsCorp will offload the failed news aggregator onto the infamous tabloid editor who played a major role in covering …
Ryan Mac / @rmac18: wait so the guy that threatened to publish Bezos' nudes now owns Knewz? what an industry ...
Jordan Novet / @jordannovet: we hardly Knewz ye

Survey of 11,178 US adults: 48% say the government should restrict false info online, up from 39% in 2018; 59% think tech companies should, up from 56% in 2018 — Amid rising concerns over misinformation online - including surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, especially vaccines …
Kevin Bass / @kevinnbass: Just because power always carries risk of abuse does not mean it should never be exercised. If it did, then we would never have government, or medicine. “It could be abused” or “it could be harmful” justifies caution or care, not necessarily inaction.
Zach Weissmueller / @theabridgedzach: Getting into some very alarming territory here with those poll numbers. If you feel this way, please rethink it and recognize the magnitude of what you'd be giving up and to whom you'd be handing the right to designate truth.

Two female journalists at Radio Television Afghanistan say they've been barred from working and that there are no more female presenters or reporters at RTA — Afghan women journalists on Thursday asked the Taliban to respect their right to work. — Shabnam Khan Dawran, an anchor at RTA …
Frances Martel / Breitbart: Afghan Journalist: Taliban Banning Women from Going Outside

Amazon bought rights to most of France's Ligue 1 soccer games and is charging French customers €13 extra rather than bundling sports into Prime Video — The everything store gets a GOAT — Inc. surprised the sporting world last month when it took over French soccer broadcasting.
John Glenday / The Drum: Amazon plans network of boutique department stores selling own-brand products
Shoshana Wodinsky / Gizmodo: Amazon's Expansion Into Department Stores Is All About Surveillance

Fox News is mandating all staff share their vaccination status even as its personalities argue that asking about vaccine status is a major intrusion of privacy — New York (CNN Business)The right-wing channel Fox News, whose top personalities have for months assailed the concept …
Matt Gertz / Media Matters for America: Sean Hannity's vaccine coverage got much worse after journalists foolishly praised him
Molly Jong-Fast / @mollyjongfast: I wonder if Rupert Murdoch got his third Covid booster shot yet?
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: “In a six-week period from June 28 through August 8, Media Matters found that nearly 60% of [Fox News] vaccine segments included claims undermining or downplaying vaccinations.” ...
Nina Golgowski / HuffPost: Fox News Employees Ordered To Disclose Vaccine Status Amid COVID Concerns
Dan Gillmor / @dangillmor: A reminder that the Murdoch family's Fox “News” injects poison into our public discourse, for money and power. Also a reminder that if you subscribe to cable/satellite TV or a streaming equivalent, you are sending money to this evil company every month.
Lis Power / @lispower1: Fox News went on a disingenuous PR blitz last month to whitewash its terrible vaccine coverage. The network successfully tricked some into saying Fox had changed its tune — in reality, Fox's vaccine coverage has only worsened ...
Bess Levin / Vanity Fair: Surprise: Fox New Hosts Are Following Strict COVID Protocols While Telling Viewers Masks and Vaccines Are Liberal Plots
Oliver Darcy / @oliverdarcy: An update to Fox News' Covid procedures: Employees are now *mandated* to enter their vaccine status into the company's internal system, per memo from CEO Suzanne Scott.
Todd Spangler / Variety: Fox News Requires Employees to Report Vaccination Status, Wear Masks and Social-Distance If They're Not Vaxxed
Cristina Cabrera / Talking Points Memo: Hannity Can't Seem To Decide Whether Or Not The COVID Vaccine Works (It Does)
Jenn Gidman / Newser: Fox Orders Employees to Disclose Vax Status
Lindsey Ellefson / The Wrap: Fox News Mandates Staffers to Disclose Vaccine Status or Wear Masks

Ahead of September elections, Facebook's head of public policy in Canada says Canadians will see less political content in feeds than they saw in past elections — Part of a series of measures the social media giant is counting on to prevent misuse of its platform
CBC Toronto / @cbctoronto: Kevin Chan, the company's head of public policy for Canada, said even posts by political parties or candidates could be removed if they violate Facebook's rules. However, he said the company will also take into account the right to free speech.
Elizabeth Thompson / CBC News: Facebook draws fire over plan to reduce political content

Facebook, for the first time, shares a report on the most widely viewed domains, links, posts, and Pages on Facebook in the US during Q2 — A video of two cats walking, tails intertwined, looking like the best of friends. A resource site for Green Bay Packers alumni.
Washington Post, @caseynewton, Columbia Journalism Review, @juddlegum, Business of Apps, @catthekin, @randfish, @kevinroose, @angelsdiaz_, @alicetiara, @anthony, @shannimcg, @ariezrawaldman, @ceciliakang, @profcarroll, @reaganbattalion, @bostonjoan, @brandyzadrozny, @kevinroose, @brendannyhan, @alexweprin, Midday Macro, About Facebook, @jesselehrich, @willoremus, @jason_kint, @polotek, @kevinroose, @kevinroose, @kevinroose, @digiphile, @jason_kint, @ethanz, @emilybell, @glenngabe, @issielapowsky, @rmac18, @anthony, @minimaxir, @martinsfp, @spandi_s, @swodinsky, @shiraovide, @benedictevans, @andymstone, @sarafischer, @willoremus, @willoremus, @issielapowsky, @issielapowsky, @willoremus and Ad Age
Will Oremus / Washington Post: Facebook shared new data about what's popular on its platform. The answers are deeply weird.
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: There's *some* value in having a quarterly view of the most-viewed content on Facebook, but what we really need is a real-time view. ...
Mathew Ingram / Columbia Journalism Review: Apple's plan to scan images on users' phones sparks backlash
Judd Legum / @juddlegum: 1. So yesterday, Facebook released its first “Widely Viewed Content Report” which purports to reveal “What People See On Facebook” It's designed to counter the impression that Facebook is a megaphone for right-wing politics But this report is absurd Follow along if interested
Claire Atkin / @catthekin: If the publication is only 10% disinformation and then 80% cute animal videos, the whole thing goes on the blocklist. This manipulation tactic is tried and tried again by the Epoch Times:
Rand Fishkin / @randfish: The more I reflect on it, the more I'm convinced Facebook saw the “most engaged-with” content, decided they'd be skewered if they published it, and so instead showed the more innocuous list of URLs w/ the most “scrolled-past views.” FB is such a dumpster fire🙄
Kevin Roose / @kevinroose: I'm all for more data, but this new FB “widely viewed content” report (which I think represents the most labor-intensive effort ever made to dunk on me personally?) is just a tremendously weird document.
@angelsdiaz_: Voluntary transparency will always be limited and self-serving. It's why a baseline for regulation must include mandatory disclosures, a mediated process for public interest research, and safe-harbors/whistleblower protections. ...
Alice E. Marwick / @alicetiara: OK everyone, strap in, this thing is nutso. It claims that the /sixth most visited link on Facebook in Q2/ was........
Anthony DeRosa / @anthony: Pretty interesting that Twitter is the 5th most viewed domain on Facebook, with 116.1M content viewers in Q2 2021
Shannon McGregor, PhD / @shannimcg: A whole-ass team of probably very smart people at Facebook had to write this rather vague & meaningless report, all just part of the continued “ @kevinroose is wrong” campaign. What a truly fucking weird time to be alive.
Ari Ezra Waldman / @ariezrawaldman: This report is NOT Facebook being transparent. It's Facebook cynically *performing* transparency in a way that actually obscures the truth. This isn't an accident. The co is purposely skewing the narrative while making it look like it's just doing what we asked.
Cecilia Kang / @ceciliakang: great 🧵 reach v. engagement is an important distinction
David Carroll / @profcarroll: Until there are enforceable regulations there are only public relations.
Reagan Battalion / @reaganbattalion: This guy's issue is simple, too many people who are on Facebook are conservative, and too many conservatives have opinions and are willing to share them, so he is doing whatever he possibly can to get @Facebook to shut down conservatives.
Joan Donovan / @bostonjoan: Someone explain to me how “https://www.playeralumniresources dot com” is the most popular site in Facebook newsfeeds? It's a green bay packers web page and somehow manages to her tens of millions of views? Someone over there is a genius! THE ROOSTER BREAKS IT DOWN.
Brandy Zadrozny / @brandyzadrozny: This Facebook “transparency” report is clearly a stunt meant to clap back at a single reporter who made a list that mildly embarrassed some Facebook execs. It's incredible stuff. Whoever is in charge of this self-dunking effort, just phenomenal job.
Kevin Roose / @kevinroose: Nice @WillOremus analysis of the oddness of today's big FB content report, featuring a comms quote that I may never recover from. ...
Brendan Nyhan / @brendannyhan: My August 2020 tweet below on what's potentially misleading about focusing on highest-engagement public page posts on Crowdtangle. FB data shows... -all most-viewed content is .1% of all views (top pages/posts even less) -most views aren't of pages at all ...
Alex Weprin / @alexweprin: According to Facebook the second most popular link on the platform in Q2 2021 was to “” Yahoo was number 6.
Anna Stepanov / About Facebook: Introducing the Widely Viewed Content Report
Jesse Lehrich / @jesselehrich: “It's like ExxonMobil releasing their own study on climate change,” said a former Facebook employee, who spoke on the condition of anonymity due to a nondisparagement clause. “It's something to counter the independent research and media coverage that tells a different story.”
Will Oremus / @willoremus: You thought Facebook was all Ben Shapiro and Dan Bongino posts? Wrong, says a new Facebook report. We're actually full of.... whatever this stuff is! (Holds up giant bag of sundry link spam and CBD products) My story on the company's strange new data: ...
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: Not sure I've ever seen an anonymous quote from a former Facebook employee labeled with a clear explanation for why they can't speak on the record. Bravo for making this clear, @WillOremus.
Marco Rogers / @polotek: This is some fantastic PR bullshit right here “In the face of criticism, Facebook contends that posts with links represent a vanishingly small percentage of content and that reach, not engagement, is a better measure of how widespread content actually is”
Kevin Roose / @kevinroose: For example, as @jamisonfoser points out, knowing that is the most widely-viewed domain on FB doesn't tell you what people are actually watching. Could be cat videos, could be QAnon!
Kevin Roose / @kevinroose: Another issue: the report shows what posts, domains and links got the most reach in Q2, but it doesn't actually have apples-to-apples reach data for what @FacebooksTop10 actually measures, which is the engagement on *link posts*. There might be a reason for that!
Kevin Roose / @kevinroose: It's also helpful to understand why this report exists at all. As I wrote about last month, it's the product of a yearlong fight between executives over how to rebut the narrative that FB is a right-wing echo chamber.
Alex Howard / @digiphile: “The cynical side of me reads this report as transparency theatre - a chance for @Facebook to tell critics that they're moving in the direction of transparency without releasing any of the data a researcher would need to answer a question”- @ethanz
Jason Kint / @jason_kint: This is really good. “I am genuinely glad that Facebook is releasing more data about what's popular on their platform. I am also genuinely astonished that this is what Facebook produced for their first effort.”
Ethan Zuckerman / @ethanz: Stop fucking waiting for the platforms to give us data. They're not going to give us data. We need to get our own data.
Emily Bell / @emilybell: Excellent read on ‘transparency theater’ of Facebook's content report by @EthanZ - a document that raises more questions than answers
Glenn Gabe / @glenngabe: Popcorn eating time :) -> Facebook for the first time shares a report on the most widely viewed content on Facebook in the US, including Q2's most-viewed domains, links, posts, and pages
Issie Lapowsky / @issielapowsky: It's hard to see how Facebook argues views “more accurately” depict people's experience of using Facebook. I think most of us forget a lot of what we idly scroll past, but not the stuff we like or comment on.
Ryan Mac / @rmac18: very funny that facebook designs its product to be checked daily, if not hourly, but decides to put out a report with *quarterly* stats
@anthony: Facebook tries to make the argument that “widely viewed” matters more than “most engaged” but if people are interacting with posts, that's a strong sign that the post resonated more with the viewer: ...
Max Woolf / @minimaxir: According to Facebook, this GIF from Tumblr is one of the most viewed links on all of Facebook in the past quarter, with 49.1M content views. ...
Martin Sfp Bryant / @martinsfp: Oh interesting. Facebook releases “an overview of the most widely viewed content in News Feed” “The top-viewed news domains account for only 0.31% of all content views in News Feed. Of those outlets, mainstream media dominate by views.”
Spandi Singh / @spandi_s: NEW IN THE ALGO & CONTENT TRANSPARENCY SPACE: Today @Facebook launched the 1st edition of its Widely Viewed Content Report (WVCR), with info on the top 20 public domains, links, pages, & posts viewed by U.S. users in the News Feed in the last quarter. ... 1/11
Shoshana Wodinsky / @swodinsky: lmao “sorry about the crowdtangle stuff—but this is just as good, right”
Shira Ovide / @shiraovide: Welcome to the inaugural “@kevinroose made-Facebook-do-it” report:
Benedict Evans / @benedictevans: Interesting. People keep posting the crowdtangle charts showing ‘bad’ stuff ranked highly, and FB people kept saying 'yes, but that's not what people actually see', but never gave numbers to back that up.
Andy Stone / @andymstone: What do people actually see on Facebook? Find out here in our first Widely Viewed Content Report, which will be updated quarterly in our Transparency Center: ...
Sara Fischer / @sarafischer: 100%. Quarterly view masks when viral misinfo spikes in reach in real-time. It helps tell the story FB wants to show, which is broadly, this type of bad stuff is tiny compared to everything else, but it hides fact that bad stuff sometimes does have high reach & that's problematic
Will Oremus / @willoremus: @kevinroose @FacebooksTop10 One thing Facebook hammers on throughout its first report is that the “top 10” of almost anything still makes up only a tiny fraction of all the content on its vast platforms.
Will Oremus / @willoremus: @kevinroose @FacebooksTop10 Facebook has long complained that @FacebooksTop10, dominated by right-wing sources such as Dan Bongino & Daily Wire, represents a skewed picture of what's popular on its platform. I wrote about this debate in depth last year:
Issie Lapowsky / @issielapowsky: My girl @birnbaum_e more or less asked as much on their press call. In reply, Guy Rosen said: “There's a few gaps in the data that's been used to date, and the narrative that's emerged is quite simply wrong.”
Issie Lapowsky / @issielapowsky: NEW: Facebook is sharing a report for the first time on the most widely viewed content on the platform in the US last quarter. Seems like a fairly clear effort by Facebook to counter the narrative that Facebook is dominated by far-right personalities.
Will Oremus / @willoremus: Facebook is launching its own answer to @kevinroose's popular @FacebooksTop10 account.
Garett Sloane / Ad Age: Facebook reveals most widely viewed content in News Feed

Facebook's new report reinforces its narrative that most content on the News Feed is not news, but doesn't provide enough data to make meaningful conclusions
@brandyzadrozny, @brandyzadrozny, @pilhofer, @brandyzadrozny, Brian Boland, @elipariser, @anthony, @karaswisher, @newhousesu, @brandyzadrozny, @brandyzadrozny, @yaeleisenstat, @edbott, @caseynewton, @markseibel, Insider, @blackamazon, @kevinroose, @ethanz, @bostonjoan, Wired, Gizmodo, MediaPost, TechCrunch, Adweek and The Verge, more at Techmeme »
Brandy Zadrozny / @brandyzadrozny: The limited data actually shows how this content is weaponized to spread misinfo (and evade FB's enforcement). Among the top 10 links on Facebook is a subscription link to the Epoch Times — the wildly successful right-wing (cultish) misinformation outlet.
Brandy Zadrozny / @brandyzadrozny: How did the Epoch Times—an outlet barred from Facebook advertising for repeatedly violating its policies—get its subscription link to all those people? A search in CrowdTangle shows us that it's through viral posts about “cute toddlers,” dogs, and homeless people getting cash.
Aron Pilhofer / @pilhofer: This piece perfectly encapsulates the disconnect between what journalists believe about Facebook, and the (likely) reality of Facebook. Belief: FB is nothing but a cesspool of misinformation and right-wing conspiracies. Reality: FB is mostly just weird. ...
Brandy Zadrozny / @brandyzadrozny: One more thing about Facebook's Reach Report yesterday. It really drove home the point that the posts with the most reach aren't political or news but stupid memes, animal videos, recipes, etc.
Eli Pariser / @elipariser: Great post by @ethanz. Come for the insight, stay for the delightful Steve Urkel-related twist at the end:
Anthony DeRosa / @anthony: Former Facebook vice president of partnerships, product marketing, operations, partner engineers and analytics >>>
Kara Swisher / @karaswisher: Along with reading the fab @EthanZ write up on this circus act of content at Facebook, add the very smart @brianboland: Facebook's content report fails to deliver on the transparency it promises | by Brian Boland | Aug, 2021 | Medium
@newhousesu: Is Facebook a hotbed of misinformation and conservative ideology? The social media giant released internal data that says no. Prof. @jmgrygiel says, ""This is yet more PR." ...
Brandy Zadrozny / @brandyzadrozny: The top post with that link was liked, shared, and commented on 3.5 million times. It wasn't about far-right news or covid misinformation, but puppies being freed from some rubble. Crying emoji.
Brandy Zadrozny / @brandyzadrozny: I can't tell how many times the post was *seen* because Facebook doesn't share that data in CrowdTangle and only offers the top 20 posts in a grading-their-own-homework report. I asked for more data, but was told, “No.” From a Facebook spokesperson:
Yael Eisenstat / @yaeleisenstat: 🙏@WillOremus for adding this clarifier on why a former Facebook employee spoke anonymously. Hope more journalists will follow suit. It's part of what prompted me to write about the abusive use of non-disparagement agreements at FB, to help expose... 1/ ...
Ed Bott / @edbott: Facebook is making a big deal of releasing new data. The data is “generally worthless,” says @brianboland. Thread:
Casey Newton / @caseynewton: The No. 9 most common domain you'll find in Facebook's News Feed is ... a speaking agency of former Green Bay Packers players?? (via @EthanZ)
Mark Seibel / @markseibel: An obscure page involving the Green Bay Packers is most viewed link? Call me skeptical. ...
Ben Gilbert / Insider: Facebook made up a new popularity ranking so you will stop talking about what's actually popular on Facebook
@blackamazon: ...... we gotta start talking to more lay content creators and SEOs
Kevin Roose / @kevinroose: As @EthanZ points out, something very weird is happening with this FB “widely viewed content” report.
Ethan Zuckerman / @ethanz: Is a speakers bureau for former Green Bay Packers players really the most popular URL on Facebook in Q2 2021? Or is something really strange going on with FB's transparency efforts:
Joan Donovan / @bostonjoan: When EZ starts ranting, we all sit back and listen. (If someone could please make a browser extension that changes the word “data” into random nouns, I'd be very happy.)
Shoshana Wodinsky / Gizmodo: Facebook's ‘Widely Viewed Content’ Report Promises Ben Shapiro Isn't That Popular
Colin Kirkland / MediaPost: Facebook Reports Content Improvement, Concedes ‘There Is No Perfect Here’
Taylor Hatmaker / TechCrunch: Facebook releases a glimpse of its most popular posts, but we don't learn much
David Cohen / Adweek: Facebook Debuts New Quarterly Widely Viewed Content Report
Mitchell Clark / The Verge: Facebook releases a report on the most-viewed content in News Feed